#i love them a completely normal amount
ducks-love-peas · 1 year
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-Any leads on Gabriel? -Oh, right. Well... he's definitely not in the shop. ... It's just Aziraphale and his grumpy friend, Mr. Crowley.
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thelordofgifs · 11 months
jusr thought you should know that i am currently going sihdhdhiidj over this bit from chapter 11 of tfs:
"Also it's his fault that Maglor was injured, he only jumped in front of Carcharoth because Maedhros had frozen up, and then Maedhros left him – he might as well have dealt the killing blow himself."
also this bit:
"To love Maedhros, he has long known, is to grieve him.
“I ask so much of you,” says Maedhros, “and you keep on giving it—”
Maglor begins the painstaking work of unravelling the messy braids he has scattered through Maedhros’ hair. “I will,” he says, “I always will;” and Maedhros shudders."
Just both are so relevant to the most recent events of tfs!!! your foreshadowing!! maedhros feeling so guilty for maglor caring about him!!
Aaahhh thank you! I have more Thoughts on this, but one of the most fun parts of the third arc was exploring Maedhros’ growing awareness that he relies on Maglor too much, and that this relationship is Codependent and Fucked Up: something which I don’t think he ever really acknowledges in canon. Part 22 was the first one I wrote after deciding what was going to happen at the end of part 30, and so it’s from then on that you can see the foreshadowing really starting to creep in! To love Maedhros is to grieve him – both to grieve for him, because Maedhros hurts Maglor terribly at the end of part 30, and to cause him grief, because Maedhros cannot bear Maglor’s unconditional forgiveness, and every time Maglor reaffirms how much he loves his brother Maedhros gets upset. They are SO!!
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obwjam · 11 months
Same anon that asked for fandoms here! (first time asking for anything here goes)
Prompt 15. “Shh, don’t wake them, god knows they need their sleep."
With Jamie and Roy from Ted Lasso? (Just incase I had to specify LOL) nws if you don't wanna do it tho! <3
"Shh, don’t wake them, god knows they need their sleep."
excellent first ask. like, truly impeccable choice. this one was PERFECT
from this post
"Shh, don’t wake them, god knows they need their sleep."
Roy looked incredulously at Jamie, who was sitting comfortably in Roy’s office with you in his hand. “Did you seriously just fucking say that to me?”
“‘Ey! Did you not ‘ear me? I said quiet.”
Roy grunted, but ultimately didn’t say anything, because that little prick was right. You did need your sleep.
See, your life was turned upside down a few months ago when you were discovered in the vast AFC Richmond complex. Even though the place was crawling with giants, it was so unbelievably huge that it was actually the perfect place for you to be. Everyone was so busy with their daily tasks that nobody had the time to scan the floors for tiny people.
And it would have stayed that way, too, until the club brought in an eccentric new player that noticed right away that something was off. Before you could even blink, you had been lifted into the air and put on display for a room full of bulky, imposing athletes. 
Jamie, who hated Zava with every fiber of his being and relished any opportunity to make him look like an ass, immediately came to your defense, silently vowing to protect you from him. Roy saw right through the whole thing and inserted himself into the relationship, because he sure as hell didn’t trust Jamie to take care of a four-inch-tall being.
So, you were stuck with them.
“I know why you’re doing this,” Roy grumbled. Jamie looked at him expectantly.
“Oh yeah? Why’s that, then?”
“Because you want them to like you more than Zava.”
Jamie made a face and fake laughed. “You’re joking, mate. As if they need my help hating Zava. Don’t you see how terrified they are of him? He fuckin’, plucked them up off the ground,” he bent down and pretended to pick something up, mockingly going through the motions, “and dangled them around like some sort of – some kind of – I don’t know exactly what, but it wasn’t good.”
“Hm.” Roy was mad that Jamie had a point. He too was pretty pissed when he saw Zava waving you around around that day. “So what’s the fucking catch, then?”
“What catch?”
“Why are you doing this,” Roy asked, more forcefully this time. “‘Cause I know it’s not out of the goodness of your little twat heart.”
“What, I can’t just do somethin’ nice for someone I barely know without there bein’ some kind of reason?”
Roy looked at him like he had five heads. “Yeah!”
You awoke to the sound of an argument – not uncommon from spending all your time with them. You sat up in a daze, waiting for Jamie to notice that he had indeed cut your nap short, but he was too in the zone. Fighting with Roy did that to him.
You rubbed your eyes and took your time regaining consciousness after a very restful sleep. Somehow, your existence was still a secret to the owner of the club, so during matches, you watched on TV until Roy or Jamie came back to take you home with them. 
You would often stay up through the night. You found the act of sleeping post-Zava incident too difficult to do for more than an hour or so at a time. Every time you shut your eyes, your head rushed as if you were being lifted off the ground again with no warning. It was like the curious face of Zava was painted onto the backs of your eyelids, with hundreds of thousands of eyes behind him. You always woke up with a feeling of dread.
Which is why you decided to go on the team’s most recent road trip, finally taking Jamie up on his offer to tag along. You needed a distraction, but didn’t realize that it would be a frantic game of staying hidden from cameras, awkwardly being in hotel rooms and participating in sickening bus rides, so by the time you were back to the safety of Richmond, you were positively wiped – so much so that your usual night terrors weren’t present. 
That is, until you were rudely awakened.
“Stop being such a prick, you little prick.”
“You’re the one who started yellin’ at meh out of nowhere!”
“Not nowhere! You fucking told me not to wake them up, which I already fucking knew– oh my god,” Roy grumbled, looking down at your groggy form. “They’re fucking awake.”
“Right, mate, you woke ‘em up,” Jamie shot back.
“Me?! I didn’t fucking–”
“–Okay, okay!” you cut in, mustering all of your energy to raise your voice. That seemed to stop them for the moment. It never ceased to amaze you that the mere sound of your voice could get two giants to shut up. “What…” you signed as you pushed yourself up, “what are we arguing about this time?”
“Jamie’s being a little prick.”
“Am not!”
“You always think he’s being a little prick,” you pointed out with a small smile.
Roy shrugged. “What’s your point?”
“You should go back to sleep,” Jamie said, an unusual amount of concern in his voice. “You didn’t sleep at all on the bus.”
“Don’t fucking listen to him,” Roy replied. “You’re an intelligent, strong person who is fully capable of making their own fucking decisions.”
“Woah, woah, okay,” you said, holding your hands up. You gestured toward Roy’s desk, and Jamie gently deposited you down on the surface. Like they did every time, the two giants hunched down so they wouldn’t loom so large. “What’s actually going on?”
Jamie and Roy turned to each other, silently acknowledging that they couldn’t bullshit you.
“We were, uh, just–”
“We were talking about you,” Roy admitted. That certainly caught you off guard.
“Me? Why?”
“Old shithead here wanted to know why I, uh, saved you from Zava.”
“Shut it, you little twat, you didn’t save them.”
“Did too! I…” Jamie trailed off when he caught your expression, eyebrows raised and arms crossed. “Sorry.”
You always chuckled at the way his sorries were more like sorrehs. “Roy, I know you’re always mad, but… why are you mad about this, specifically?”
Roy leaned forward ever so slightly, which used to scare the living daylights out of you, but now you found it endearing. “Because he wants you to like him more than Zava.” Roy paused. “Because he fucking hates Zava.”
Just the mere mention of Zava was enough to send your mind into a mini spiral. The two footballers noticed your expression change from tired to anxious, suddenly eyeing them as if they had morphed into completely different people. You blinked hard to get yourself back to reality. “Well, I fucking hate Zava too, you know. Asshole kind of ruined my entire life.”
“See? I told you,” Jamie bragged.
“But that’s what you were arguing about? How much I like Zava?”
“No!” Roy said a little too loudly. His expression softened when you flinched. “Sorry. No, Jamie just got upset when I–.”
“He thinks there’s a catch,” Jamie stated. “Like I have some sort of alterior motive.”
“Ulterior,” Roy grumbled. “It’s ulterior motive.”
“Guys!” you shouted, once again shutting them up. “So… it sounds like you woke me up for absolutely no reason, then.”
“Well, not no reason–”
“–he questioned me character, I had no choice but to defend myself–”
“–if this little prick was doing anything that could hurt you, I wouldn’t let that fucking happen–”
“–I’m a changed man, you know–”
“–oh, don’t start with that fucking bull… shit.” Roy looked like a kid caught stealing from a candy shop when he saw your disapproving expression. Jamie, too. 
“Sorry,” they said in unison.
“Look, I just…” you let out a big yawn. “This weekend was hard. I didn’t much like all the traveling, and I was glad to be back home. You guys have done so much for me, I… I don’t like it when you argue.”
Roy and Jamie exchanged upset glances. They hadn’t stopped to think that their constant bickering could take a toll on you.
“Truthfully… these last three months have been the most anxiety-inducing, wild and scary months of my entire life. I mean, you guys will never understand how it feels to be looked down upon or loomed over by dozens of giants all at once, being talked about like I’m not even there… picked up like I’m not even a person…”
“Is that why you don’t sleep?” Jamie abruptly asked. He recoiled when you gave him a look that was almost… scared. “I–I’ve noticed for a while. When I get up at four in the morning for training… you’re usually awake, too.”
After a moment, you nodded meekly, as if you were in trouble.
“Do you think about Zava? Every night?”
You laughed in pity to yourself. “Not just every night. I think about it every fucking moment of my life.”
Roy was practically overflowing with anger, which was an impressive feat, given the way he normally is. “I swear to fucking god, when I see that fucking asshole in the locker room tomorrow, I’m going to tie his dick up to a string and drag him down the fucking motorway until it fucking falls off.”
Your smirk turned into an all-out laugh when Jamie gave him a look of borderline disgust. “I’d do all that myself if I could, I think.”
It was all making sense to Roy now – why Jamie had asked him to be quiet around you in the first place. Truthfully, he didn’t have an eye for these things. He didn’t tend to notice your reactions, your tendencies or your routines when his full attention wasn’t on you. He was abrasive, loud and imposing, and he never really stopped to think that you could be so terrified of that from him specifically. 
Jamie, though, noticed these things more than Roy would ever suspect. This new, team-oriented, down-to-earth Jamie Tartt was much more kind and caring than Roy gave him credit for. He was good with you. He knew what you needed, what might set you off. He was softer and quieter around you. And he sure as hell noticed the little things you did when you didn’t know he was looking at you.
“Do you think about it… even when you’re with us? Even when you’re in me hand?”
You mulled on that for a moment. “No, not always. Sometimes, though…” you looked up, eyes meeting Jamie’s, and under the harsh fluorescent lights, you swear he looked like he was about to cry. You cleared your throat. “You– you have to understand, I had never even been seen by a human before that. This is all so new to me, I...”
Jamie looked ashamed, realizing quickly that you picked up on his guilt. “All the arguin’ gets to you sometimes, don’t it?”
You gave him another embarrassed nod. “Feels a lot like when you first… when you were all talking over each other, and Ted came out to see what was going on, and he – and he saw me… and he just, he started asking me all these questions, like it was my fault I was found, and I didn’t know what to do or say or where to look. I thought… I thought I was going to die. Like Zava would drop me and nobody would save me, or you would all pass me around until I got squished to death.”
“Jesus,” Roy mumbled. “That’s a bit morbid, innit?”
You shrugged. “Pretty standard borrower fare, I’d say.”
“So…” Jamie began, resting his elbows on his knees and cupping his chin with his palms. “What you’re saying… is that you’d be better off not even knowin’ us.”
You tilted your head ever so slightly. He sounded genuinely upset by that.
“Yeah, I mean, I wish I had never been seen at all. But at this point, if I just… disappeared, you would all worry about me. Wonder where I went, maybe even go look for me. But… but who knows who I’d be found by next. Plus,” you said with a small smirk, “getting to eat every single day is something I don’t think I want to give up now.”
“What, you didn’t eat every day before this?” Roy asked cautiously.
You hung your head. “There’s a lot of stuff I haven’t told you.”
“...Maybe you should start,” Jamie said sheepishly. “Tellin’ us stuff, I mean.” He threw his arms out when Roy gave him a questioning look. ‘Ow else are we supposed to know what they’re feeling?”
“Hmph.” Roy stole a glance at you. He hoped it wasn’t obvious, but every time he looked at you, he was in awe that something like you even existed. He didn’t let himself think about it too much, since it scared the shit out of him, but he sometimes wondered if he could ever survive the way you did. Probably not.
“You really give a shit about the way they feel?” Roy asked. Jamie just nodded, like it was the most obvious answer in the world. “Yeah, alright then.”
“How about, for every day we don’t argue, you tell us somethin’ you haven’t told us before,” Jamie said, an air of mischief to his voice. “That’s fair, right?”
“Hmm.” You plopped down, stretching your legs out and letting out another big yawn. Roy and Jamie gave each other the alright, that was fucking adorable look they often shared.
The more you pondered over what he said, the more your heart swelled. The guys often forgot that you had observed them for years before they discovered you, so you knew more about them than they knew about themselves. But hearing Jamie express just how much he cared about you out loud gave it validity and realness, so it wasn’t just a passive thought in your mind. Jamie wanted you to like him so badly that it pissed off Roy... who was fiercely protective over you. That was adorable.
“Alright, Tartt, you got yourself a deal,” you said with a grin. 
“Go on, then,” Roy goaded. “A deal isn’t a deal unless you shake on it.”
Jamie rolled his eyes but obliged, sticking his index finger a few inches in front of your face. You reluctantly grabbed the tip of his finger with both of your hands, face flushing red at how much amusement Roy was getting from this. After a few hearty jostles, you were practically dizzy.
“Not funny,” you grumbled playfully, pushing Jamie’s finger away with all your might. You laughed as he pretended to fall over backwards from your sheer strength. “I’m exhausted, remember?”
It was Jamie’s turn to stretch. “Right, and I’ve got training in… three hours.”
Roy grumbled in that unintelligible, ambiguous way that only Roy could. You gave him a quizzical look, but Jamie already had a shit-eating grin on his face.
“You… don’t… need to… do training tomorrow,” Roy said, like the words had been tortured out of him.
Jamie’s grin stayed present. “Are you sure, coach? ‘Cause I played like shit this weekend.”
“Yeah, you fucking did, you little prick.”
“Really, I don’t mind–”
“Go home, Tartt!” Roy yelled, jumping up from his chair. “Get some fucking sleep, damn it! And take them with you too!” He pointed stiffly at you, which caused you to burst out into laughter.
Jamie shrugged playfully. “Whatever you say, coach.” You happily hopped into his open palm when he placed it next to you, smiling hard at the way Roy snapped from muted delight to anger like a rubber band.
“Try to keep your little twat mouth shut tomorrow,” he warned Jamie. “I want to hear what they have to say.”
“Sure, coach.”
“Well.” Roy stood in the doorframe awkwardly, stiff as a board, not knowing what to do or say or who to look at before finally settling on you. “Goodnight.”
You smiled and gave him a small wave. “Night, Roy.” 
“Goodnight, Roy!” Jamie called out as Roy walked away.
“Fuck you!”
Jamie grinned. “Never gets old.” He lifted you up a bit. “Ready to go home, love?”
Home. Home was AFC Richmond, home was Jamie’s nightstand, home was… well, it was wherever the two of them wanted to bring you. And you quite liked that.
“Yep,” you said, leaning back against the curve of his fingers. You let out a content sigh. “Let’s go home.”
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shynmighty · 1 year
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“You taste of adrenaline. It suits you.”
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roseguided · 1 year
@sourfilm ASKED, ❛ 𝒊 𝒌𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒃𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆. ❜ 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒍𝒂𝒖𝒓𝒂 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒎𝒂𝒙
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𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐒 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐙𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 holds most of her immediate supplies for the campers if one of them needed a nurse. back is turned toward the door & when max enters laura doesn’t hear him initially—fingers adjusting bottles of rubbing alcohol, setting bandaids in their containers along with gauze or disinfectant. ( to be honest her mind has been wondering today. wondering toward the future . . to school , to what her life might be with max once both of them separate to go the college. being apart at the camp was fun , it was rewarding in that she got to help others. but , she won’t spend every summer ever here. unfortunately. ) ; head turns , braid shifting to lay over her shoulder , when the other enters. mind immediately worries something might be wrong & so , laura takes survey of her boyfriend & sees nothing wrong on the surface ! ❛ max , hey ! ❜ greets young woman , ❛ is-is everything alright ? you seem kinda . . outta breath like you’ve been running here. is a camper hurt ?! ❜ always one to take her job seriously , always the one with the brain going ninety miles an hour. laura often worried that she was too much for max , but he wouldn’t be with her if that was the case. they compliment each other—always have. it’s one of the things she loves about him.
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cayennecrush · 5 months
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evangeline makes an offer... 👀 [next >>]
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izel-scribbles · 1 month
just finished malevolent relisten. needless to say the obsession has been rekindled tenfold its previous magnitude
#im so fucking isnane about this podcast#ok notable reactions:#john.. Oh my god. It’s so insane to go back and hear how much he’s changed in the way he talks and reasons and treats arthur#i love you john doe malevolent#fav trans allegory ever!!!!!#definitely relate to him a normal amount (liar voice)#and then. S2. I really need to make that animatic with lonesome dreams#godddd i forgot how painful the ep18 divorce was#and then!!!! the canna mentions helping noel escape!!! completely forgot about that part#s3. oh my god. absolute fav season. soooo many crazy moments.#like coda??? “You want him back.” “I want him safe.” You want him baaack.” “I want him back”#KAYNE I FUCKING HATE THAT RAT BASTARD.NEED TO BASH HIS HEAD IN WITH A ROCK BUT HES A FREAK AND HED ENJOY IT SO I CANT#piece od shit#and then 23/24??????? arthur’s happy cry-laugh???? dead#part 25. “I killed myself. For a voice in my head. Do you know how mad that sounds?” what if IIII killed myself#26. god. Then 27. And 28. Literally my fav season ever#followed closely by s4#ohhhh my god i forgot how hot the butcher is like genuinely#i completely forgot prelude somehow???? giggling kicking my feet twirling my hair the whole time#i need to be this homicidal gay irishman hes so hot oh my god#the 29 divorce. with the movie lmaoo#i need to draw them going on a night out and seeing a movie and getting dinner and drinks and dancing and (gets shot)#gooddddd i remember listening to 31 for the first time and being so fucking confused#PART 33. HIT ME RIGHT IN THE EMOTIONS. OH MY GOD. BELLA SALTZMAN I COULD’VE TREATED YOU SO MUCH BETTER#34….. i can’t speak about 34 without barking and howling like a rabid dog#dog. Is that a butcher refere(gets shot for the third time)#NOELLLLLL MY DARLING WIFE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH#this has just inspired me to keep writing hofth with ella tbh#lowkey don’t even get the obsession with oscar tho i can’t be talking#to each their own or whatever
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electric-plants · 5 months
cyno: i would give anything to know how alhaitham’s brain works
kaveh: haha be careful cyno, alhaitham would take that as a marriage proposal
cyno: ah so you think that one could work then? i’ll add it to the list
kaveh: ….please tell me you are not adding that to a list of actual real proposal ideas right now
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lunicaell · 1 year
"I trust lyney" and lyney gets the dokis quickly followed by 'holy shit i hope he never in his life finds out I am part of the Fatui' followed by exactly that being revealed to the public and Aether looking betrayed and heartbroken at Lyney, which is his absolute nightmare.
YOU ABSOLUTELY GET IT, I can't even imagine the pit in Lyney's stomach during that whole ordeal like omfg 'Here's someone that treated me with kindness and trust with no ulterior motive and now I'M the one hiding things and being untrustworthy', Lyney seemed so guilty and apologetic he really didn't want his identity to mess up a good thing but alas...
I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABT HOW MUCH LYNEY CRAVES FOR GENUINE BONDS !!! and the fact he acts like everyone's older brother too I just 😭 he's such a good lad I wanna kiss his cheek
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raygunny · 6 months
You take the man out of the city
Not the city out the man
You take the man out of the-
But when I'm back in Baldur's Gate
I feel it
Another version of me
I was in it
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thejadecount · 3 months
Alright fellow maxley shippers, consider the following: Bradley & Max roller-skating to ‘Let’s Groove’ by Earth, Wind, & Fire on a date
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neonscandal · 8 months
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Two birds on a wire. One tries to fly away. And the other watches him close from that wire. He says he wants to as well. But he is a liar.
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I'll believe it all. There's nothing I won't understand.
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Two birds on a wire. One says, "C'mon" and the other says, "I'm tired". The sky is overcast and I'm sorry. One more or one less. Nobody's worried.
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I'll believe it all. There's nothing I won't understand. I'll believe it all. I won't let go of your hand.
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Two birds of a feather. Say that they're always gonna stay together. But one's never going to let go of that wire. He says that he will. But he's just a liar..
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octylish · 2 years
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barrowsteeth · 1 year
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How is it possible to still find new details on every re-watch of this series? I was scrubbing through 1.06 to make a quick gif of another scene and just happened to land here.
Of course I had to stop and watch the scene because they're so damn sweet when they exchange notes. At which time I realized that Varian and Thomas are holding hands under the table, right before the Bretons’ daughter finds the listening device.
No thoughts. Only them.
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stratfordsandthestars · 10 months
let me play my favourite bbygirl musical theatre men pls and thank you i do not have the right level of self-esteem, confidence, or a single shred of experience, skill or talent to do so but i absolutely HAVE to play emmett forrest and peter spankoffski.
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How I haven't posted about the paternoster gang till now I will never know- the invasion of planetoid 50 was my breaking point apparently 🤷‍♀️
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