#i love the bunny suit in ff14
hirameca · 1 year
8/2 bunny's day!
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stardancereivor · 5 years
RULES: Repost, do not reblog. Tag 10 blogs!
Not tagged by anyone! Just saw some people doing this and thought why not!
Tagging @miqojak​ @miqo-vynnie​ @miqo-masha​ @mai-takeda​ @vylette-elakha​ @teknicat​ @faeriesandberries​ @gildedandgolden​ @sagolii-snowflake​
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FULL  NAME :  Eivør Viras
NICKNAME : The Star Dancer
AGE :  Ninety years
BIRTHDAY :   The 8th Sun of the Sixth Astral Moon
ETHNIC GROUP : Viera (Rava)
LANGUAGE / S : Vieran, very loose Doman and Hingan (enough to ask for directions), and Eorzean Common
SEXUAL ORIENTATION : She prefers not to label herself, but if nothing else bisexual is acceptable.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS :  It’s complicated?
HOME TOWN / AREA :  The village Viras in Golmore Jungle
CURRENT HOME :  An apartment in the Lavender Beds of the Black Shroud
PROFESSION : Dancer, Astrologian, Huntress, Tracker, member of the Meridian Arrow Adventuring Company
HAIR : Black, with loose curls, just past hip length.
EYES : A black right eye and a white left eye.
FACE : Bright and cheerful, dappled with freckles across her nose and cheeks.
LIPS : Soft and plush.
COMPLEXION : A warm brown.
BLEMISHES : Do freckles count as blemishes? If so. Freckles on her face, over her shoulders, down the back of her neck, and down her back in varying sizes. Some of her freckles look more like small splotchy spots than freckles.
SCARS : None.
TATTOOS :  None, but she’s open-minded to one.
HEIGHT :  6′7″.
WEIGHT : Average.
BUILD : Lithe, long, curved.
FEATURES :  Long limbs, warm skin, sparkling eyes. Sharp fangs, sharp claws. Long ears, long hair. Lots of movement, glittering jewelry, bells in her hair.
USUAL HAIR  STYLE :  Normally it’s left long and free in its natural black mane, but on occasion it will be braided and pulled back out of her face and out of the way if she has something she needs to focus on.
USUAL FACE  LOOK :  Colorful eye makeup and lips. Bright, cheerful, and happy to see you.
USUAL CLOTHING :   Bright colors, form fitting but also free and loose to offer room for movement and flare when she dances.
FEAR / S : Failure, insignificance, being forgotten, being a disappointment.
ASPIRATION / S :  To have a family, preferably by having at least one child of her own. To become known for her dancing and her worship of the stars and moon. Just enough fame to be known, but not enough to becomes a hindrance on her life. And to just be happy overall, honestly.
POSITIVE TRAITS : Friendly, cheerful, warm. Confident. Open-minded. Optimistic, yet with a healthy amount of realistic. Caring, motherly.
NEGATIVE TRAITS : Stubborn, recovering narcissist, somewhat uncultured and ignorant at times, overly confident.
MBTI : ENFP-A (Campaigner)
ZODIAC : Nophica (Sorpio)
TEMPERAMENT :  Affectionate
ANIMALS :  Rabbits/bunnies, cats
VICE HABIT / S :   Social drinker. Sex. Mild hedonism. Can eat so many sweets and baked goods.
FAITH : Not necessarily religious but certainly spiritual. Her ‘faith’ is her worship of the stars and moon.
GHOSTS ? : Believe in them? Yes. Have them? .. No?
AFTERLIFE ? : Why not?
ALIENS ? :  What?
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT : Eivør doesn’t pretend to understand or care about politics. What little she does know doesn���t impress her.
EDUCATION LEVEL :  Educated by the Viera and by Sharlayan and Ishgardian Astrologians.
FATHER : Name unknown to her, but she has seen him in passing.
MOTHER :  Her mother, Salma.
SIBLINGS : One elder brother fifty years her senior, by the name of Erolvur.
EXTENDED FAMILY : Not really. A few nieces and nephews, technically, that her brother has sired.
NAME MEANING / S : Salma means ‘peace’ in Arabic, but ‘sweetheart’ in Persian. I always saw her mother as someone very warm and welcoming. Erolvur is a Faroese name which doesn’t have a specific meaning on its own, but if you continue to follow it to its routes it’s a combination of two Old Norse names that essentially translate to Warrior Wolf, or Wolf Warrior.
BOOK :  Romance, fairy tales, star charts.
DEITY : None.
HOLIDAY :  Hatching-tide.
MONTH : Fourth Astral Moon
SEASON :  Summer
PLACE : A quiet clearing with an unobstructed view of the sky.
WEATHER : Comfortably cool evenings.
SOUND / S: Crickets, quiet humming.
SCENT / S :  Sugar, fresh laundry, fruit.
TASTE / S :  Sweets, berries.
FEEL / S :  Warm fur, sharp teeth and claws harmlessly biting and scratching.
ANIMAL / S :  Cats.
COLORS : Blue, silver, white, gold.
TALENTS : Dancing, hunting, tracking, calling you on your shit.
BAD  AT :  Failing, losing a fight, always remembering to think of others, Eorzean grammar.
TURN ONS : Sweet voices, melodious voices, soft hands, sharp claws, sharp teeth. Beautiful eyes. A nice figure. Someone who clearly takes care of themselves. The right touches to her ears.
TURN OFFS : Rudeness, not taking care of oneself, ignoring consent, bodily odors and fluids.
HOBBIES : Reading a good book, dancing, stargazing, meditating, going for walks in the rain, going for walks through the forest.
TROPES : Dance Battler, Hair Decorations, Classical Hunter, Like a Duck Takes to Water, Nature Lover. There’s more, I’m sure, but tropes aren’t something I’m good at.
QUOTES : “Hello, beautiful.” “Just keep an open mind!” Literally any time she mentions stars..
Q1 : If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called, what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?          
A1 :  I’m... not good at this kind of question. Uhhh, I don’t have an answer for that, because I have no idea.
Q2 : What would their soundtrack/score sound like?          
A2 : Bouncy fun Celtic/folk music. Something you can dance to, something that brings a smile to your face. The kind of music that implies a sense of wonder. I also really like the word whimsical with Eivør.
Q3 :  Why did you start writing this character?          
A3 :  I have spent the last five or so years writing very dark and political characters. Some of which were very evil and cruel. I wanted someone friendly and sociable, someone people wouldn’t hate.
Q4 :  What first attracted you to this character?          
A4 : I’ve wanted Viera to be a playable race in FF14 for the longest time. 12 is the only Final Fantasy game I actually have, and Fran was my favorite character in that game, and I adored the Viera. So being able to make one was obviously the first thing I loved. Secondly, I kind of just put her together in the benchmark and found I liked her design. It was pretty, but simplistic. Something I could work off of.
Q5 : Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
A5 : I think it’s less Eivør in specific and more I wish there was more concrete 14-lore for the Viera. I’ve gleaned things in-game, but what little I have is based off the 12 lore and interactions through NPCs and quests in Shadowbringers on the First.
Q6 :  What do you have in common with your muse?          
A6 :  I also love the stars and moon, and I love hanging out in the woods at night (though it’s been a very long time since I could). I also am apparently pretty friendly or something.
Q7 :  How does your muse feel about  you?          
A7 :   I’m not sure. She’d be okay, I guess? Other than a recent plotline she’s had it pretty good.
Q8 :  What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?        
A8 :  At the moment her most interesting interactions are with her FWB/Partner/Best Friend/Boyfriend?????? Dragomir which is hilarious in and out of character. They have really great conversations, and it gives me a character that I can build Eivør’s backstory with because they’re still in the ‘getting to know you’ phase of their friendship.
Q9 :  What gives you inspiration to write your muse?        
A9 : Dance gifs/videos, certain music that suits her aesthetic, forest vibes, it doesn’t take a lot to put me in the mood to write for her.
Q10 : How long did this take you to complete?          
A10 : Oh shit I didn’t know this was going to be a question I didn’t keep track. Not accounting for when my internet died for like over two hours and I couldn’t really do any kind of research to get some of the answers, maybe.. a little over an hour? I even took the time to take the Myers-Briggs test for her. The tropes thing took me the longest, to be honest. I know nothing about tropes.
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