#i love that i feel the need to tag this as spoilers solely for Catra’s hair
love-nikki-or-else · 4 years
except I can’t draw so I made approximations of them in Love Nikki (ignore the fact that they’re all in the woods, it’s just the background I like the best)
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Previously went to Horde Academy but now at Brightmoon Prep
Star of the softball team
Everyone thinks school comes easily to her but she actually works really hard and constantly worries that she’s not doing good enough
Joins too many clubs and overextends herself because her college resume has to be perfect
Has a really stupid sense of humor, especially when she’s overtired and hysterical
Now that Catra has transferred to BP too, she’s a lot more relaxed, because she has her girlfriend to remind her that her mental health matters and she deserves to be happy
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Rebellious, likes to see just how far she can push admin before they completely lose it
Went to Horde Academy with Adora, they had a messy falling out, but after a year apart she transferred too, and it’s better also they’re dating now
Has a critically low self-image, but she’s working on it now that she has a system of support
Adopted a stray cat (or did it adopt her?). It’s name is Melog.
Has a bad habit of taking off her shoes and walking around the classroom barefoot and sometimes forgets to put them back on before class change
She’s really good at math, she just struggles with applying herself because she doesn’t see the point. She’s trying to catch up now, though, so she can go to the same college as Adora.
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(Love Nikki has a critical lack of body type diversity as well as most diversity so my apologies for that. Also, this was the closest I could get to her hair but I imagine it short and dyed.)
Student body president
Goes head to head with admin on the daily trying to push for reform and being the voice of the students
This is frustrating because her mother is the principal and is often in conflict with her daughter about this
Is usually working on student council stuff instead of paying attention in class
Goes overboard in group projects
Has maybe gotten into a physical fight once or twice. You can’t prove anything.
If she doesn’t write down absolutely EVERYTHING in her planner, she will forget it all
Trying to get Adora to join student council, but she just has way too many scheduling conflicts
Throws the absolute BEST parties
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(Love Nikki also only has female models and this is the closest I could get to Bow’s hair. But I like his hair in the show.)
Carries extra protein bars in his bag for people who forgot to eat breakfast (it’s usually Glimmer but sometimes Adora)
Will always lend you a pencil
Never gets dress coded which drives him a bit nuts seeing as Glimmer gets a warning at least once a week for the length of her shorts. He SEES the double standard and he’s pissed on her behalf
His dads really want him to become a history professor like them but he secretly wants to work for a nonprofit in Civil Rights or LGBTQ+ advocacy or something
He also really wants to play basketball but his dads think that would take away from his study time
He’s one of those people that literally everyone likes. If someone doesn’t like him, they’re automatically considered weird.
Like/reblog if you want to see more! I’m just having fun haha
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