irldogbot · 2 years ago
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puppet history au is so fun thank u rtccord
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angryasiandyk3 · 10 months ago
okay but have we considered a chainshipping princess bride au where Lawrence is Westley (I love Cary in this movie sm) and Adam is Buttercup ?
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chez-cinnamon · 7 days ago
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Some more AU design ideas, this time with Zooble and Queenie!!
Honestly loving them both even if they're first drafts-
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And some bonus doodles!! Leaderboard for life.....
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eggdrawsthings · 3 months ago
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another quick doodle 🐱
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starry-bi-sky · 11 days ago
wolfpack. aka: if not friend, then why friend-shaped?
"Hey-- uh, Danny?" There's an almost imperceptible tremor in Tucker's voice.
Danny doesn't look up from what he's doing, his pencil scritching across his notebook as he tries to do another quadratic formula question. "Hm."
"What's -- uh -- what's with the dogs?"
He looks up now, and finally sees where Tucker is -- standing in the doorway of his room with an ashy look on his face and a skewed, nervous smile. He's got a white knuckle grip on the doorknob. Sam is wide-eyed behind him, and using him as a partial meat-shield.
Danny looks down to the two giant ghost wolves sprawled next to him lazily. One large green one with his head in Danny's lap, letting him use him as a prop-up for his notebook. Another equally large black one splayed against his hip, sleeping on her side with her head tilted inward to his calf.
Automatically, a grin tilts across Danny's face, and he lifts his notebook up to scratch behind the green one's ears. He opens a lazy eye, one that is bloody red with a ring of yellow around the pupil, before slipping it shut and leaning his head into Danny's touch. "This is Sirius and Procyon," he says, and reaches down to scratch Sirius' belly. "And they're not dogs, they're wolves."
"Great," Tucker says, his voice suddenly much smaller and faint, "Love that distinction."
Sirius makes a great big groan, and Danny's grin widens, his heart swelling with fondness. His hand slips away from her belly, and before he can put his notebook back down, Procyon pushes his head up his lap until his ear is against his stomach, demanding pets now too.
Sam peeks her head up from over Tucker's shoulder, "I think what Tucker's asking here is what are they doing here, Danny."
He shrugs, scratching under Procyon's chin. "They kinda just showed up. I tried sending them back to the Zone, but they keep returning." And they were weirdly intent on just following him around, which is the only reason he gave up on returning them. They weren't causing trouble, and they knew how to hide around the living. Plus, he just loves dogs. "So now I have two wolves living with me."
This, oddly enough, did not do anything to calm Sam and Tucker down. Tucker's mouth purses into a thin line, and he presses the sides of his palms to his lips in prayer. "How have your parents not found out about this?"
Danny wordlessly raises his hand, and his sleeve slides down to reveal a thin chain bracelet hooked around his wrist. He whistles sharply, and both Procyon and Sirius jerk their heads up to look at him, ears pricked up and eyes alert.
Silently, he points to his wrist and rattles it twice, and in unison both wolves stand up and pounce. Instantly, they turn into a respective, opaque black and green mist that swirls around the bracelet and forms into two, flat wolf charms.
Both wolves are posing in the stereotypical wolf howl, with little stars indented on the sides. Procyon's charm has the Canis Minor constellation engraved on it, while Sirius has the Canis Major.
Danny faces Sam and Tucker, and points at his wrist. "Like this."
#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dpxdc#danny phantom#danny fenton#dp prompt#dpxdc prompt#dpxdc crossover#danny phantom au#dpxdc au#i am SO tempted to make this a danyal al ghul au for no other reason than I love Danyal Al Ghul <33 he is the most blorbo ever#wolfpack au#tagged dpxdc bc i think yall could have fun with this idea.#plus this was inspired by a clone^2 commission that i just got the finished piece for today. which i'll prolly share if anyone's interested#just no thoughts head empty danny with a mini wolfpack :] Sirius and Procyon are very protective of him. they wuuuuuv him.#my idea (kinda) is that they're actually straight up *danny's* wolves. like. they were made when he was. they're not random ghost wolves#that decided to imprint on this random ghost child. they're danny's. they're like. familiars. the fact that wolves symbolize power. loyalty#guardianship and the fact that they're described as 'extremely intuitive with a near supernatural instinct that can detect danger'#(all of which can apply to danny) was coincidental. but yeah. they formed in the ghost zone and when they didn't find their boy they went#searching for him. which is why he didn't have them right away. but also if anyone wants to take this they can interpret however they like#also like. the fact that danny canonically is friends with a wolf person (Wulf) and befriended Cujo instantly -- who is shown to be hostile#to anyone NOT danny -- makes me think that dogs just REALLY really like him. he's like. an animal whisperer. which i think is really funny#bc i think it'd drive sam -- resident animal activist -- up a wall. just a little bit. like yes its great that these animals love danny sm!#but also!!! she!! look her way pls. she loves you animals sm. she's vegetarian!! she's just a little envious. just a tad.#just mmm the mental image of Sirius and Procyon stalking out of Danny's shadow with deep rumbling growls. their hackles raised and their#muzzles scrunched up to reveal dangerously sharp gleaming teeth. they're protecting their boy.
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ninjasmudge · 2 months ago
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some stuff for the maid au, lamb gets into bar fights and visits their dad
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darby-rowe · 2 months ago
dbf!logan being the only person available to drive you to your gynecologist appointment while your car is out of commission. the car ride is excruciatingly painful as the older man tries to strike up conversation with you that’s clearly one-sided. there’s even a point where he asks you what the appointment is for, and you almost don’t answer him, but you also don’t wanna be rude so the words gingerly leave your lips.
“pap smear,”
you watch him nod out of the corner of your eye, one hand on the steering wheel, arms nearly bulging out of his white tank top. the familiar stench of alcohol is ever present with this man. the tension between the two of you grows tighter.
“sorry i asked,” he says, almost comedically to ease the obvious weirdness in the air. “i don’t have any kids of my own. i never had to, uh—“ he clears his throat. “deal with any of this, so…”
“mhm,” you say.
once you two arrive at the ob/gyn office, you swear you’ve never felt more relieved to be at a doctor’s office.
“do you need me to go in—?”
“no,” you answer, unintentionally cutting him off as you hook your bag onto your shoulder and crawl out of logan’s car.
“should only be half an hour or so,” you tell him. “so, i mean… you can hang out here, or… i dunno. don’t want you to be just sitting here, haha,”
“you can just call me when you’re done and i’ll be back here to pick you up, ‘kay?”
you press your lips together, rocking back and forth on your heels as your hand rests on top of the car door. “yeah, i’ll text you,”
logan shakes his head. “call me instead,”
you stand there for a moment more. “okay. thanks again,”
“see you in a bit, bubba,”
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bananafire11 · 3 months ago
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ohitslen · 4 months ago
Living together.
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The snail video if you are interested :)
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clownsuu · 1 year ago
What does a clown do when someone steals his identity?
…The ‘clownsuu’s.
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LMAOO HEHEH this gave a big ol giggle, thank u my guy, take some random ass doodles I was able to scrub up—
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Not a new character (a old one in fact- some of y’all may actually remember xem) but I had a undying (pun not intended) urge to draw my lil vampire goober as a muppet (and xem xemselves-)
for newer gamers, this is Xi! Xey go by xe/xem/xeir (xey don’t mind they/them, but prefers xe/xem)
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 3 days ago
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a small fanart of super cool Crossover AU by @dna2023 <3
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emry-stars-art · 11 months ago
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@anon-lemon and the stray cat Neil au…. the latest installment got me good lol so behold; insta stream results of mullet Andrew and his this weirdo stray cat Junkie (I don’t know if these would make sense in context of the au but I was dreaming and found too many good references to resist)
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crow-n-tell · 1 year ago
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Why is it that scratches, cracks and divots are so much fun? They are so simple to do but whenever I add them to a background i immediately feel like I’ve peaked as an artist
Anyway, some moodlighting and perspective practice with future tiding over stuff
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martuzzio · 9 months ago
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Yes, Ren genuinely thinks cramming his wolf ears under that hat will distract people from his sharp canines, his tendency to tell Zedaph what to do, and his bad habit of barking at moving objects.
Yes, Doc genuinely thinks hanging an old rag over his face and wearing those ancient spectacles with no lenses will help distract people from... well, everything.
Yes, they're both delusional.
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milkamel · 12 days ago
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I had a sudden urge to draw them like this again, they're so precious <3 And these ears and tails are just so silly but so cute just- ughh let me hug them pretty please!!
Killer belongs to rahafwabas Cross belongs to jakei
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northstarscowboyhat · 26 days ago
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Clover is stupid. heart emoji
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