#i love me some weird science wolf monstrosities
fisherrprince · 4 years
kip i want u 2 know that unethical science makes me go Insane (tm) and it being science werewolves that fuse into an Eldritch Monstrosity makes me Feral (also tm) and i am going Nuts please tell me more
what is a writer but a mass of half-baked ideas... and what am I but a complete sucker for ventus-vanitas the very CONCEPT of them
I have more LORE would you like to see the LOR E regardless here we go, so it helps if you start thinking of science as “light magic” and magic as “dark magic” -- light magic makes sense, it has rules, etc etc. Dark magic is the little ways those rules break, patterns and coincidences that make no sense and cause weird stuff to happen. Reflections, incorrect mirrors of light magic (like how the moon reflects the sun). Lycanthropy is basically a strain of dark magic that has in itself mutated to become like a virus. Relatively harmless, aside from your sudden ability to become dog. (Aqua studies this but honestly research is few and far between because dark magic is technically hidden slash forbidden slash a secret Whatever.)
or it would be relatively harmless if some guy wasn’t like, hey, this is all acceptable rule-breaking, how far can we push this dark magic stuff and can we reach a level of UNacceptable rule-breaking? Can we meld the two, light and dark? What happens then? Can we discover the source or root cause of the darkness’ existence? Lycanthropes are like, the perfect way to study this, because of their inherent light<->dark existence! Unfortunately, no one is going to agree to submit themselves to terrifying dark magic experiments. You’re going to have to make your own werewolves.
It turns out, fusion is what happens when you accidentally get two of them in a room while you’re messing around at once because the transformation doesn’t know when to stop -- and actually, you get REALLY FAR into unacceptable rule-breaking when this happens. Things start to break down, when you push them like this, their forms, the time, your ability to perceive them. Some of them die, some of them are dying, you abandon them, it’s fine, you can get others. You do it more. The individual pieces start to break down, swap memories, eye colors -- you realize that having two of the exact same person might stabilize the experiment without hindering your quest to break rules. You break rules more, and create a copy, and it works, and you are very, very close.
and then you get caught, and it turns out, a little later down the line, that the ones you abandoned or kept and lost when you were caught are friends now, and they’ve been living in a little podunk college town and getting better and learning how to love and getting you in very, very deep trouble with the whole regular human justice system and unlearning what you did, in your quest for knowledge. And going to each others’ apartments, for game night.
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