#i love looking outside and seeing a Largish Animal just. There
oh! another Visitor!
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she was so pretty and Deeply anxious <3 as deer are wont to be
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valkyrieofsmut · 4 years
Boys reaction to their S/O sending them a text saying they are a parent now and not responding to text or calls for a bit till they arrive home with a bunch of cat/dog stuff and a cat/dog. Turns out a coworker bought the cat/dog but could no longer/did not want to take care of it anymore and pushed it onto mc. As mc tries to get rid of it they fall in love with it and can’t get rid of it.
"Sooooo... You're a parent, now..." That's what the message said; "you're a parent, now." Nothing else, no explanation, no nothing! What the heck! Who would do something like this?! Only one person the skeleton could think of; (Y/n)... The problem really is... THEY'RE NOT ANSWERING THEIR FUCKING PHONE TO EXPLAIN THIS BULLSHIT!!! What the hell is going on?!
Classic- He's kinda panicking internally. He doesn't know what to do...! He goes to Grillby's and... drinks... When he gets back, he's not tipsy or anything, it was just a couple of drinks to clear his skull, but he can't help feeling like he's going to pass out. He opens the door and sees (Y/n) laying on the couch. Their face appears above the couch and they quickly sit up with a sheepish grin. "H-hi, Sans... Say hello to your son..." An adorable, gangly puppy jumps off the couch and runs to him as (Y/n) starts babbling, "see, my coworker found out they were allergic to dogs, and..." Relief fills him. This will be funny later- key word being "later".
Creampuff- He's very confused. It can't actually be his child; they'd have to do things to make that happen on purpose... Did- did (Y/n) cheat on him?! Was he not fulfilling their needs? (Y/n) gets back from work to him crying. Worry fills them and they rush to him, kneeling down and asking what's wrong as they rub their hands over him to comfort him. Suddenly someone is licking his skull, and he looks up, surprised! And confused... "Uh, so, I'm sorry- just; my coworker's dog had puppies, and we managed to get the other two homes, but we couldn't find one for this little guy, and they couldn't keep him, and I didn't want him to end up at the pound, so..." He's so happy, listening to (Y/n) ramble about how they couldn't think of anything else to do, and he feels a bit silly for even thinking they'd cheat on him, they were obviously too kind and loving for that!
Red- What- what the hell?! Why was (Y/n) not answering any of his calls or texts?! He can't stand it- he has to find them! He shortcuts to their work- they left already. He shortcuts to where they usually stop and pick up a soda or whatever to destress on the way home- not there. He shortcuts back home, pacing the perimeter, until, he finally sees them! He's standing right in front of the car when they park, waiting for some damn answers! Neither says anything as (Y/n) exits the car and goes around to the other side, opening the back door and grabbing something, eyes never leaving his. A young looking dog jumps out of the car, its almost squareish head turning to look at him, ears perking. He glares at the dog suspiciously, and the dog looks up at (Y/n), sensing their nervousness, and checking for clues on if this new person is to be trusted. "Um... So, my coworker's apartment building has a ban on pit bulls, and, they really don't usually do well in shelters and stuff because of the stigma against them- really, you have a lot in common!" "yeah? what's that?" "Pit bulls are assumed to be violent, and aggressive, and ill tempered, but they're really just these big, protective cuddle bugs who are smart, and love their people. Also... I love both of you..." He gives in, though he does try to make it seem like he's putting up a fight.
Edge- Why- why the hell would he get a message like that?! He is irritated (and nervous), waiting for (Y/n) to get back, arms crossed and foot tapping. When the door opens and (Y/n)'s sheepish head pops out from around the doorway, he gives a glare that leaves no room for interpretation of how he's feeling. "Don't be mad..." He lifts a browbone. "AND WHY SHOULD I NOT BE MAD?" "Ok, so my coworker's aunt has health issues, and can't take care of her cat anymore, and it hates my coworker- she said it won't even let her be in the same room with it-" "THAT'S REDICULOUS; AN ANIMAL AS SMALL AS A CAT IS NOT INHERENTLY INTIMIDATING, AND YOU CANNOT LET THE ANIMAL DICTATE YOUR HOUSE." "R-right... Anyway... She brought the cat to work and was trying to get a new home for-" Edge's glare hardens. "But the cat ran! And- and terrorized the whole place, and ran up to the ceiling in the files-!" He's still not saying anything, and (Y/n) gets nervous. "And I was the only one that could get close, and that didn't get hissed at-!" There's a pause as (Y/n) steels their nerves and steps fully into the room, showing a pile of fur in their arms. "And since I was the only one that could be around the cat without getting hurt, they all decided to send it home with me..." Edge eyes the fluffy, unpleasant looking beast in (Y/n)'s arms, glaring at the animal, who glared back, then sat down in his favorite wingback chair. The fluffy monstrosity leaped from (Y/n)'s arms, a little unwieldy, but landing perfectly naturally, and struts up to the chair Edge is sitting in, leaping lightly into his lap and plopping down before unceremoniously sticking a back leg in the air and beginning to clean itself. He is now sitting in a chair, looking intimidating, arms folded, glare set, a large, very fluffy cat sitting on his lap and licking its ass. He thinks that it must look quite comedic, and can tell that (Y/n) is trying their hardest not to laugh. "AT LEAST YOU BROUGHT HOME A CLEAN BEAST." (Y/n) smiles at him and goes to his side, nuzzling his jaw. "Can I bribe you with kisses?" Edge's shoulders straighten. "I SUPPOSE THAT COULD BE ACCEPTABLE."
Blue- He's so worried-! There's no answer when he calls, and he even texted! He's pacing trails into the floor, wearing paths into it... Then he hears (Y/n)'s car and hurries out to it. "WHAT HAPPENED?! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" A hyperactive puppy climbs over the seats into the front and dashes out through the door, heading straight for him! It's yellowish fur looks very soft as it dances around his legs, yipping and trying to entice play. "WHA- WHO'S THIS?" "Meet... your daughter...!" (Y/n) offers. "YOU- YOU MEAN- THIS LITTLE GIRL IS THE REASON FOR THAT MESSAGE?" "Yeah..." "WHERE DID YOU EVEN GET HER?" "Well... My coworker's dog had puppies, and we were able to get all the others homes, but..." Blue's grinning at them. He loves how sweet they are. "COME ON, (Y/N), LET'S GO PLAY WITH OUR CHILD, THEN!" He runs off and the puppy happily barks and follows.
Stretch- Uh- he's not comfortable with this- this is not cool with him! Where the hell did (Y/n) get a kid?! He's stuffing his face with honey and chocolate covered honeycomb at Muffet's. But... He eventually has to go back. He's sitting on the couch, looking miserable, when (Y/n) gets back. They timidly come into the room, holding a kitten, apologizing for the weird message and explaining that one of the people at work got the kitten for their kid, but found out the kid was allergic- He doesn't trust it... It's something new, and he doesn't like it! (Y/n) feels bad, because he obviously doesn't like the kitten, but they've fallen in love with it, and who else could give it a good home- no one would take it at work, and she didn't want it to end up in a shelter! Stretch tries his normal laying on the couch, and the kitten keeps jumping up in him and cuddling close. It doesn't seem to get the hint of him not liking it... He does find its antics amusing as it has kitten business that it attends to, seeming to consist of running around crazily and jumping on dust particles... He falls asleep on the couch and wakes up to the kitten sleeping on him, looking like there's a huge smile on its face... purring. It becomes the normal position for them, and Stretch won’t let (Y/n) move the kitten off of him. (Y/n) comes home to find that, and is glad that he's finally given the kitten a chance.
Black- He’s a bit paranoid. This is a very strange message- was it a covert message? Was it a warning, was it a code begging for help?! He uses all of his skills to figure out what’s happening, and finds (Y/n) before they can even get home, finding them in the parking lot of their work. “I- I’m sorry, I couldn’t get back on my phone to answer-” Black grabs them close to him, “DO YOU REALIZE THAT YOU HAD ME FEARING FOR YOUR LIFE?!” And there’s a growl from behind them. Black pulls back, ready to defend his love- only to see a largish brown and black dog attempting to do the same. He appraises the animal and waits for explanation. “My coworker’s building won’t let them have large dogs, or Dobermans, and everyone is afraid of them, even though it’s stupid- they’re just protective-” Black steps back from (Y/n) and walks closer to the dog, holding out his hand, handling the dog perfectly well, and is petting it after a moment. Ok, yeah, (Y/n) should have seen that coming... all the dogs in the Underground, after all... Black is happy to have this dog in their lives now; one more set of eyes and sharp teeth to protect his family- and the fact that it can intimidate people just by being there is a good thing, too.
Mutt- He is not amused in the least. He uses all of his skills to track down (Y/n), finding them at work, looking frustrated and put upon. He’s probably quite menacing as he strides toward (Y/n), but a fluffy head lifts from the floor next to them before he gets there. The very fluffy and adorable looking dog stands, showing its height and curled tail, staring at him. (Y/n) quickly gestures to the door outside with a nod, and he clenches his jaw in irritation, but shortcuts, waiting for them to meet him. They soon walk out of the building, the dog following without even being on a leash, stopping as they do, and sitting at attention, seeming to be glaring him down. Mutt steps forward, and the dog leaps to all fours, growling at him. (Y/n) tries to calm the dog, Mutt tries to get them away from the danger, the dog tries to get the perceived danger away from (Y/n)... “Mutt! Stop! Pin! Down!” The dog sits again at (Y/n)’s side, still glaring at him and softly growling. “what’s goin’ on,” it’s a demand- something that (Y/n) is not used to hearing from him. “My friend, Mary, she has to move, and Akitas are on the not allowed list, because they can be aggressive, and are very protective of their people- and, since I go over there a bunch, and Pin knows me- well, I’m the only other person that he’ll accept being around, pretty much...” (Y/n) gets down and hugs the dog, petting it, then stands and hugs Mutt, who feels a certain amount of satisfaction when the dog’s fluffy ears focus forward and mouth snaps shut as though asking, “what the hell is this?!” He wraps himself around (Y/n), smirking when the dog just looks irritated, but doesn’t make any moves. After some research into the breed, Mutt thinks this is a great development, appreciating that Pin will protect (Y/n), and perhaps later his brother, at all costs, having read stories of the breed defending their family to the death. He even thinks of maybe breeding him... but gives up on that when he finds out that the dog is fixed. He’s very interested in the breed now, though.
Axe- He is very troubled, trying to remember if they were trying to have a kid... He didn't think so... But he's been wrong about stuff before... ... ... He got lost in his mind... Thoughts of everything are going through his mind... (Y/n) gets home to see him sitting in his chair, lost in space, disassociated, his hand holding on to his eye socket. "Axe, love," they call, wanting to get his attention so to not startle him. He snaps back to and his eyelight settles on them, blank for a moment as everything comes back. They've got a tiny, furry thing held against their chest. "that what your... message was about?" "Um... Yeah... My friend at work volunteers at an animal shelter, and... They didn't think this little one would be adopted... and, of course, no one at work would take it..." They look like they're on the edge of crying, and Axe wants to go give people a good talking to... (Y/n) gets closer, holding the kitten out. One eye is closed while the other is wide open, its tail looks almost half as long as it should be, and one foreleg is missing up to the elbow. He lifted a glare to them, wondering why they brought some broken thing home- wasn't he broken enough- didn't he cause enough problems- wasn't he enough to pity?! (Y/n) sat on his lap, cuddling against him with the kitten held close between them. It looked around, intimidated by all the large, new things, but not acting like it was any different than any other skittish kitten. "Little babe was attacked by a dog, lost half it's tail and a paw- they had to amputate to a better place to avoid more problems and injuries. It already had an infection that took its eye... This little one has already dealt with more than enough in its short life. Of course, no one wants an animal that isn't perfect, so they end up just staying there, until- ... And I couldn't let that happen... Not while I could do something about it..." Axe's glare softened, and he let out a sigh, looking down at the two in is lap. Of course it wasn't pity that had made his sweet (Y/n) bring the kitten home... It was the drive of knowing that it would be able to live a happy life, knowing that it wouldn't be possible in its current situation, and knowing that they could do something about it. What he liked to call their drive of "if you won't fix this bullshit, I will!" He nuzzled against them, a low, raspy purr coming from his chest. "love ya, (y/n)." The answer of "I love you, ya goof" made his smile grow wider. Life was good.
Crooks/Bun- He knows that there has to be some explanation of this, there has to be- because otherwise, (Y/n) would be crazy... and... they’re not... right? No... So when they get home with an old hound dog, he takes a breath, glad that he’d been right. Turns out that someone at work had the old boy in and was trying to get him a home. (Y/n) had fallen in love with him because the dog reminded them of him! Big, liked taking walks and checking things out, pretty blind... Bun likes the dog a lot! He’s a good companion for his walks, and Bun has a lot of empathy when he runs into things. “It Happens To Us All.” He’s also very useful to have around as a hound breed! When Sans wanders off, if he gets lost or not, the dog can track him down with little problem. Also, when Bun feels like he’s been moving too much, and he’s starting to feel pain, the fact that the dog will lay down with him and doesn’t need a lot of running around puts him at ease, like keeping him company is doing something, and not just sitting around doing nothing.
Dusty- He doesn’t know what to think. He goes to (Y/n)’s work and follows them around in the shadows, watching... He’s there a couple of hours before he sees that there’s a cage under (Y/n)’s desk. He can’t quite tell what’s in it, but he knows that he has to be prepared. He goes home and waits, ready for whatever is going to happen. When (Y/n) arrives home, carrying the cage, greeting him with a smile. “Hey, so, look what I got from a coworker...!” He steps closer, wary, seeing a rabbit in some wood shavings. “They had it for their grandkids, but they never really took care of it, so...” Dusty keeps staring at it. “I renamed it Papyrus!” Dust’s eyelights shoot up to them at that. “papyrus?” “Yeah! This is bunny Papyrus... you can litter train rabbits and let them run around, and they are pretty smart and get into some pretty funny hijinks...” (Y/n) named the rabbit Papyrus to hopefully keep him from killing it... Interestingly enough, he stalks the rabbit as something to do. He follows it around from the shadows, and studies how it acts when left to its own devices. Then he starts hiding little treats for it and watches it try to find them. Ghost Paps refers to it as “BUNNY ME.”  (This is actually how I got a guinea pig years ago lol)
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New Beginnings
Part Three: I Don’t Belong Here
Part 2, Part 4
Aizawa had followed Chiyo to her “home.” It was deep in the forest that surrounded the city. She led him to the woods, everything feeling devoid of life. No squirrels or singing birds, no animals or people, just trees. And, that’s how she preferred it.
They finally came across a weathered down shack, barely standing. Moss wrapped around the structure it didn’t deserve to be called a building. At least it didn’t smell that bad. The door creaked in its hinges when Chiyo pushed it open. Chiyo had tried to keep her home clean; there was a largish carpet on the floor so she could keep her feet clean and warm during the winters, a mattress laid in the middle of the floor with a few springs poking out of its sides with a very thick comforter, and a few sets of clothes folded and pushed into the far corner. What Aizawa didn’t see was a fridge, a heater, washing facilities, a bathroom, nothing of necessity.
‘Fucking horrible,’ that’s what Aizawa thought but, Chiyo felt differently. Sure, it wasn’t much to be proud of to most but, to her it was everything. It was a safe haven. It was a place where she could exist with no fear of being hurt. Her nirvana.
“How do you even keep yourself clean?”
“There’s a waterfall a little bit from here. It’s pretty clean and it’s secluded. Every now and then, hikers come so I always make sure to clean myself very early in the morning.” Aizawa really didn’t like this. It burned his blood that there was a possibility for anyone to take advantage of you. There’s no way he could go back without you. You’d have to stay with him in his room till they cleared some space for you in the dorms.
“Come with me,” he watched you plop down on the mattress. “I don’t want you here. “
“It doesn’t matter what you want. I can’t just leave with you,” Chiyo messed with some of the loose thread that sprang from the mattress. She knew that she would eventually want to live with her alpha but, wasn’t this too soon?
“Chiyo, omega, it’s been months since we met. How much more time do you need?” He replied snarkily. He knew that she was stalling for time, that she was waiting for an excuse to disappear from his life. Even if they had bonds, they were flimsy at best, prone to the smallest winds of change. “Are you afraid?”
She nodded her head. Aizawa plopped down beside her and slug his arm over her shoulders. He couldn’t really understand her fear but, he knew something had happened in her past to make he this cautious of others.
‘She’d get along well with Hitoshi,’ Aizawa made it a mental note. Once she got settled into the pack, he’d “slowly” start to suggest to the two that they should bond. ‘That’s gonna be a while from now though. It’ll be worth the wait.’
“I can’t keep sneaking to see you,” the omega’s eyes watered. “I can’t keep neglecting my responsibilities as a hero, even if you do act as my sidekick. I’d never want to push you into the hero world; I know how much you hate the attention. My pack also doesn’t like that I’m staying out longer and getting less sleep, fucking bugs.
I want you to live with us at U.A. I want to protect you and give you the family you never had. I want you with OUR pack,” Aizawa m’s hair lifted a bit. He was prepared to knock her out and drag her home if needed.
Chiyo just smiled. Looks like she was going home with the hero.
The silence between Aizawa and Chiyo spoke volumes. Normally, she’d crack a joke or make fun of the older alpha but, she could tell this wasn’t the best time to antagonize him. She stared down at her shoes, refusing to meet the alpha’s eyes. Class had ended for lunch moments ago and the students had walked out past her (most of them not bothering to hide their disdain for her).
‘Everyone’s got their panties in a bunch. It was only a joke,’ again, this was one of these moments where Chiyo didn’t understand her world. Being disconnected for so long had led to the ignorance on her behalf. She didn’t have the same developmental teaching as many of the people in the world did; while they had been learning of their instincts, she was learning how to survive on her own. For everyone else, it seemed like an outside case and attacked one of their own which definitely warranted an ass kicking as far as they were concerned. For Chiyo, it was a relatively harmless act of teasing. Neither side was wrong. Neither side was right.
“I told you not to use your quick,” her shoulders hunched in their own accord. She hated upsetting the alpha. “ I’m disappointed in your lack of discipline. You can’t make those types of jokes in the early stages. How do you expect to fit into my pack if you can barely control yourself without my guidance?”
She didn’t expect to assimilate into his pack. Hell, she didn’t even want to be there. The only reason she had agreed to any of this was because Aizawa had gave her that ultimatum. She didn’t have any hope of having a family. All she wanted was Aizawa.
“What do you have to say?” he tilted her face for their eyes to meet.
“You expect me to change. You want me to be something I’m not. It’s like you want to fix me and you know I’m already broken,” Chiyo pulled her face from his grasp. “Being nice isn’t my style.”
“You’re nice to me, kitten. You just want to be mean to everyone else to see if they’ll leave you but, we both know you’re just a kitty that needs cuddles,” her cheeks burned. “Now, lets move your stuff into YOUR OWN room. I don’t wanna see any more of your bras lying around.”
“Don’t talk about my bras, you shitty old man,” Chiyo turned and walked towards the entrance of the school. Aizawa smiled as he followed behind her.
“Aww, kitty, you don’t want anyone to hear about your purple bras?” He ruffled her hair.
“Don’t call me that when we aren’t alone, old man. Do you want to end up with a broken neck?”
“I’d like to see you try. You’re too cute to do anything like that.”
“Shitty old man,” they both had walked into the dorms. The class had been gathered in the common room, clearly having a discussion that abruptly ended when they walked in. “Old man, they’re gossiping about us...should I, you know?”
Aizawa facepalmed as the omega wiggled her eyebrows. What was he going to do with her?
“Chiyo, we just talked about this. Go get all your things so you can finally move into your own room,” she skipped towards the elevator. Finally, her own space!!!
“She’s staying here!? No, wait, she’s been staying here? You’re not even gonna reconsider this after what happened to Hitoshi today!?,” they could have at least waited till she got on the elevator.
‘And they say I’m the one that’s fucked up,’ Chiyo thought as she rode the elevator all the way to the top to Aizawa’s suite. Part of her began to argue over whether she should stay or leave. They didn’t even want here there. Was she really foolish enough to believe that Aizawa would pick her over them? Someone he barely knows over his family? She didn’t think so.
‘Am I really just gonna stay here and wait for him to throw me away?’ you were so consumed with her thoughts that she didn’t notice Aizawa come from behind and wrap his arms around her waist.
“You’re thinking hard, kitty. Stop that. They’ll warm up to you. I’m sure an apology would help speed that process along,” he gave you a pointed look. You sighed, knowing you were defeated.
“I’ll do it at dinner,” she purred as Aizawa rubbed her scalp. He helped her move her things into her room, noting that she was in a room tucked away from the other girls but, still close enough to keep her connected. She stared at her blank with a bit of astonishment. “Thank you, Alpha.”
“Don’t thank me, kitty. This is what you do for people you love; you take care of them.”
They eventually had dinner, everyone sitting stiffly as Chiyo felt awkward. Apparently, the loud one Aizawa had described to be Bakugou Katsuki was a pretty good cook well a phenomenal cook but she’d never admit that to the asshole.
“You cook good,” she kept her eyes on her food. “I cook better.”
“Shut the fuck up, shitty girl. Your food probably tastes like ass,” Bakugou yelled. If you were anyone else, you’d probably be a bit afraid but, she is sadly insane.
“You’re an ass,” she giggled as Aizawa chuckled. A few people sputtered out the Soba then blonde prepared. “Hitoshi, I may have gotten a bit carried away earlier. “
Silence. Sweet silence.
“My name, to you, is Shinsou,” the alpha said. Chiyo understood she wasn’t going to be forgiven any time soon. “Just, stay away from me. “
“No, Aizawa, it’s fine,” and it was left at that. You all finished eating, leaving Aizawa and yourself to clean up. Everyone else had gone to watch movies. They laughed loudly, the sound echoing in the young girl’s mind. Aizawa nudged her with his elbows as he tried to beckon her to join the others but, it was no use. She knew if she walked in, the room would grow tense and their fun would be ruined. She felt envious of the pack dynamics. She may have had Aizawa but, this was a different want. She wanted to feel what they felt; to feel normal.
‘I really don’t belong here.’
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nofomoartworld · 8 years
We Dare You to Look at These Decomposing Nightmare Drawings
Emerging from layers of graphite, smudged all to hell into an almost luminous haze, the characters in artist Nathan Reidt's recent drawings peer out at the viewer in a trance. And if they are non-human entities, they simply exist on the page like creatures from a David Cronenberg film captured in still life. Reidt's drawings, usually not much larger than printer paper, feature incredibly fine and imaginative details, and revel in the tropes of science fiction, supernatural horror, fantasy, and Surrealism.
Some of Reidt's fictional organisms resemble the tardigrade, a micro-animal while others conjure the fantastical imagination of Guillermo del Toro or English artist Austin Osman Spare. Reidt, who grew up in California and Washington but is now based in Detroit, has been actively drawing on a regular basis since he was five years old. Originally, Reidt wanted to be a comic book artist, but ended up turning toward computer graphics, eventually landing a job in his early 20s as a CG artist at a game company. Since 2003, he has been doing CG in the film industry.
All images courtesy the artist
Reidt's preferred creative instrument is a mechanical graphite pencil, though about five years ago he forced himself to learn oil painting and color mixing. He thinks that mechanical pencils forced him into drawing "tiny" images and obsessing over small details. For the elaborate drawings, he has been starting with heavy watercolor paper that can take a lot of abuse, then drawing in a soft manner, exploring and slowly building up values.
"I use mechanical pencils and lay down graphite, and then smudge the shit out of everything, and then basically draw back out the highlights with erasers, and then just keep doing that over and over," Reidt explains. "I slowly pick out areas to solidify and nail down, keeping other areas vague until they are ready. The paper is really important for working that way—if you have the right paper you can still erase back to white even after all that abuse."
"It's always hard to see your own style or aesthetic as an outsider," Reidt says. "I think it mostly comes down to how I like to work and what really interests my brain. I like rendering and shading and nibbly little detail work mostly."
For his oil paintings, Reidt has settled into a two-part process. He prefers to paint in one go, wet on wet. "What I usually do is get everything blocked in and mostly finished, mixing the color for each brush stroke as I go, usually using one largish brush for everything," he says. "I let it sit and dry. After that I go in with a tiny brush and kind of stipple in little flecks of color and details until it's finished."
Reidt believes that the imaginative work he has been doing is the result of exploring his interests and motivations. This involves him going all the way back to the things he liked as a kid— Star Wars, sci-fi and horror movies, comic books, punk rock, heavy metal, and late 80s and early 90s skate art. He is also rediscovering his love of "the creature end of things," as he puts it.
Click here to see more of Nathan Reidt's work, and here to purchase his work.
We Just Want to Give These Adorably Dark Drawings a Hug
Photorealistic Drawings Explore the Trippy Dreamscape of Cultural Identity
Mind-Boggling Anatomical Illustrations of Steampunk Crab Machines
from creators http://ift.tt/2nFnBah via IFTTT
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