#i love jigen so much pls
pinkjacketorangetie · 11 months
i don’t know if you do requests right now. You have masterlist, but how do you think Lupin and Jigen would deal with falling for the same female reader who’s personality compliments them both and has not backstabbed them? Reader is chill and wouldn’t want to see them fight, but she is also hilariously oblivious there might be romantic rivalry going on.
STOP I LOVE THIS!!!! i am always happy to do requests :)) imagine is below the cut, hope you like it!!!! I may have took it in a slightly different direction than you intended so let me know what else I can do to be more true to your vision, whether that be a part two or anything else.
(sorry it took me so long to write! trauma is hard to come back from pls forgive me)
You didn't know how you got here, but all you knew now was that two dangerous men fell for you.
The jests and jeers turned into insults overtime. Lupin and Jigen stopped playfully commenting on their "rizz" (you came to regret teaching them that term) and hat, respectively, and they began to not speak to each other for days. They would avoid each other and spend their new free time trying to entice you to their corner. As you live out your days believing you were acting as a mediator, you were unwittingly the stake that drove them apart.
And now you blew it. You held your head in your hands as frustrated tears ran down your cheeks. Your unintentional ignorance caused a blow out and now no one was friends with anyone. This type of mess is inevitable when partners mixed work with pleasure, the tension boiling over at a fancy party that was supposed to be the site of a heist. The plan was ruined all because you accepted an invitation to slow dance with Lupin.
"How did I end up here?" You whispered into the dark, your feet dangling over the edge of a balcony. Your heels barely hung on to your toes, the wind picking up your dress and blowing it over your legs. How could you have been so blind?
It was all so painfully clear to see now. You felt like a ditz, and not in the cute Chrissy from "Three's Company" way, but in the way that guaranteed that the men who meant the most to you would never trust you again.
Watching you from across the room turned Jigen on and horrified him at the same time. You were so pretty when you cried, so vulnerable and gentle, just the kind of treasure he wanted to protect. He also felt like a sick bastard, because it was his reaction that made you cry. He knew he could see the top parts of your legs as your skirt flew around you, he could see the gentle curve of your ankle flow into your calf.
He blacked out with rage when he saw Lupin spin you around in his gangly arms. When he saw you giggle, smiling up at him with your doe eyes. The same doe eyes that were now filled with tears, thinking that it was all her fault. He didn't remember what he said, but he knew he hurt you. Whatever damage he did between him and Lupin would be solved within a week's time, but he knew the stakes were much higher with you.
Lupin had retreated. He left you on your own in the aftermath like the squirrelly little shit he was. If Jigen apologized to you, that had to mean something, right? He wished this decision was on his own accord and not another ploy in the contest to win you, but he didn't feel hardly as gratified as he wished.
Jigen let out a heavy, smoke-laced sigh as he took tentative steps towards you. You heard his movement stop when he reached your side, and you didn't look up at him. Instead, you kept your eyes trained on the lights from beach houses reflection off of the waves below you. You watched the pattern of the tides crashing into the sand, and in a second, you knew Jigen was, too.
That was the one good thing about this night. You had the brief comfort of knowing your intellectual connection with Jigen was still intact, albeit probably at a cost.
"You mind if I joined you?" Jigen asked, his voice hardly above a whisper but matching the rhythm of the waves.
"You still want to sit by me?" You shakily returned. You didn't dare look up at him for fear of seeing the malediction you placed in his eyes once again.
"Oh... of course I do." Jigen knelt by your side, assuming a squatting position. "None of this is your fault, you did nothing wrong."
You leaned your head on a railing, his soft voice coaxing you to turn to look at him. "I had no idea any of this was going on."
"I know. You should have known." Jigen tipped his hat up to show you his eyes, the brown in them now calming. "You deserved to know."
"Thank you," you whispered back, looking down at your hands, "I still can't help but feel like that isn't true."
Jigen hesitantly laid his hand over yours, not making any move to hold or squeeze or caress them. His hand just covered your shaky fingers. "I'm sorry for what I said to you. You're a brilliant woman, nothing about you is weak. Especially not your mind."
You let a small breath past your lips, but didn't respond.
Jigen took this as his cue to continue a true confessional. "I'm not sorry for telling you that you were my everything. You still are. Whether or not you want to be with me is up to you but I would choose you every time."
"Even now?" You squeaked out, turning one of your hands over so your palm was against his.
"Especially now." Jigen blushed as he wrapped his fingers around your hand. "That's the only thing I remember saying. That's how I know it was important."
"You called Lupin a man whore." You let out a weak, sad little giggle. It broke Jigen's heart.
"Meh... I meant it."
You looked up at Jigen and bit your bottom lip the way he thought was oh so adorable. "I never wanted you two to fight. Definitely not over me."
"We shouldn't have pulled you into this," he swept his fingers through a piece of your hair that fell behind your shoulder, "Whatever him and I have to settle is between us. You didn't make us fight, you hear? Him and I will make up in a week, that's just how we work. But you and I? That's something I would never put at risk."
"So you're not pissed?"
Jigen chuckled softly and held his arm above you, "may I?" When you gave him permission, he placed his arm around you. "Am I pissed? No, sweet girl. Never at you."
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ALSO!!!! goemon and jigen!
for goemon:
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for jigen:
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vaguely-concerned · 3 years
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have you ever seen a better representation of 'I have lost control of my life' than this
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grumpydoctorhello · 4 years
We all love fanarts and fanfictions with Jigen lighting Lupin's cigarette, but what about Lupin lighting Jigen's? I just saw the 5th episode of green jacket and that part at the end when Lupin gives a cigarette to Jigen and lights it and then they laugh and run in the sunset? That shit was good, like, very good.
So, uhm, I don't have a point just consider the reciprocity of lighting cigarettes, like, I don't smoke but the love this two put in lighting each other cigarettes,,,, insane,,,, I want a s/o that lights me a cigarette like this or maybe I don't want them because I'll became a chainsmoker and I don't want that? But I crave this love's intensity? Ok, I'm done, sorry y'all!
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shy-marker-pliers · 2 years
I’ll take any scrap of Lupin iii content you can give me, would love a Goemon x reader fluff/comedy story, maybe the reader has UNGODLY cold hands all the time and the shenanigans that come with it? Lemme know if that’s not enough of a prompt !! Please and thank :)
no problem anon! and if you think of any other lupgang prompts don’t hesitate to ask for a lil sumthin bc i love the gang with all my heart
goemon/Lupgang! reader that has freezing cold hands
at first goemon would have no idea how cold you hands are because. yknow, he doesn’t really d physical contact (bows as a greeting instead of shaking hands, is always holding onto zantetsuken anyway, etc). he’d learn about it from other members of the gang
for example maybe lupin takes your hand and kisses the back of it (little bastard frenchman that he is) and pulls back like “boy, your hands are cold! not to worry, i’ll hold them for you so they can warm up ;3c”
you secretly being some sort of ice wizard becomes a running joke (“watch out! if you eat y/n’s leftovers they might freeze you!” “man, it’s hot out today. mind cooling it down a little, y/n?”)
i know this is goemon centric but i hc that jigen and lupin are absolute walking heaters, so if you’re ever somewhere hot and you let them lean on you to cool off they’ll love you even more.
side note: jigen’s hair is DARK and there’s a LOT of it, so if it’s hot out and you run your hands through his hair/touch his forehead while brushing his bangs out of his eyes he’ll just be like
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heart eyes motherfucker
ANYWAYS goegoe dearest :]
honestly goe’s first time feeling just how freezing your hands are would probably be if you grabbed his hand to pull him away from danger or caught him by the wrist as he’s about to fall or smth
goemon sweetie i love you but we both know your experience with physical contact is limited to day the least
he’d probably be like “damn lupin wasn’t exaggerating for once, their hands are absolutely f r i g i d”
it’s canon that temperatures don’t really bother goemon all that much so he’d be cool about it :>
if he was ever drunk or sick with a fever GOOD LUCK keeping him away from u
mans don’t get sick often but when he does it’s the slightly out of it, unable to move kind of thing so expect a lot of him following you and your cold ass hands everywhere
and he’s a snuggle bug when he’s drunk (which is one of the reasons he doesn’t drink nearly as much as the rest of the gang) so good luck escaping his vice grip
until he’s back to normal youre his prisoner/personal ice pack
pls,,,,put your hands on hims cheeks,,,he’ll love it so much
loves you and your weird ass popsicle hands
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Imagine if Jigen and Goemon are pretending to be a married couple while undercover for Heist Purposes but they get so involved in it that Lupin starts making fun of them for acting like ACTUAL LOVEBIRDS
And then they drag him because he does the exact same thing with Fujiko
awwww I'm assuming they are still not together right? XD
Initially they are quite hesistant and almost have ‘no homo pls’ attitudes (because Jigen CANNOT have my feelings revealed and Goemon is just I cannot allow myself to act so shamelessly in love) so they get told off by Lupin multiple times to just get over with it and act more in love (afterall they are recently married couple). After they've been told off for three times, Jigen finally snaps, saying 'you want lovey dovey couple? Fine! We’ll give you lovey dovey couple!' and he goes all romantic and sensual that Goemon can't help but blush so hard and starts stammering like an idiot child. This makes Jigen thinks 'hmm this is not that bad actually, he's really cute when he blushes like that' and he becomes unstoppable. Lupin eventually teases him 'hey, I might have told you guys to act like a married couple but I didn't say as actual lovebirds ;)' but at this point Jigen doesn't care so he just replies with 'aw are we making you blush now? I'd say we are pretty much even considering how you are always acting like Fujiko's lovesick puppy. You could say we had a good example to follow ;)'. (Fujiko is not happy with how they are stealing everyone's attention in the party)
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roboraindrop · 4 years
Heya rain, ik how hard it is to see your f/os with someone else, but there is no way jigen would NOT be hopelessly in love with you!!! You're incredibly sweet and kind and adorable and all of your boys love you SO much!! Even if you dont think you're cool, I promise you they think you're the coolest just by being you!!! Pls don't force yourself to watch something that will upset you. I promise Jigen loves you so much!!! 💖💖
Ryan,,, 🥺🥺
Thank you so much... I dont even know what I can say other than just... thank you for being so kind to me 💕💕 Usually this stuff doesn't get to me as much with Ji, I dont know what it is about my brain right now that just,,, wont shut up fkdjskb
Hopefully I'll be able to finish the episode soon and get through it! Thank you, again, for reaching out and being so sweet! It really means so much to me!
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Romantic headcanons for Inspector Zenigata and Daisuke Jigen
Yes! I love these two. I hope you like it ~.💕
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🚔 Zenigata’s a sweet man and he’ll try to protect you about all Lupin’s scam, they’re criminals after all. But, Koichi will be happy if you help him to catch Lupin with the plans and pinpointing him. You’re a great team.
🚔 He doesn’t have much time, Zenigata must to travel around the world and he brings you a gift from every place he has been. You insist in accompany him, he refuses at first, but you’re intelligent and you know defend yourself. To be calmer, Zenigata teaches you use a gun, you’re very good shooter.
🚔 When he returns to chase Lupin, and he hasn’t caught him, pls hug him and tell him he’s incredible and a great inspector. Lupin is dangerous and very smart, and Zenigata has been about catch him a lot of times. The next time, he will succeed.
🚔 When all is calm, Zenigata likes to be in home, making a puzzle with you, watching TV in the couch while you cuddle with him. He likes go out to dinner. Take him to a Japanese restaurant, you’ll make him very happy.
🚔 If you help him of catch Lupin the opportunities will increase. Lupin’s proud of you, once time he tells you that you’re a great team with Zenigata, and he’s happy because Zenigata finally has found someone so stubborn like him. In this time, you were about to arrest him, but, finally Lupin escaped.
🚔 For Zenigata’s birthday, take him to hot spring. And pls, make sure nobody from Lupin’s gang is there. Zenigata deserve a break after work.
🚔 Koichi isn’t a man who puts mote, but sometimes he calls you “honey”, “sweetheart”, these pet names only calls you in privacy. BUT, one day he calls you “honn” in front of Yata, the kid looks with surprise at Zenigata, and the inspector not even realizes that until your face burn in red. Yata is a sweet man and he never mention it.
🚔 Zenigata’s a busy man and busy police, and he would forget his lunch. Although, he doesn’t have to worry, because you don’t forget it, and you bring him his meal. And this lunch is specially doing by you. It’s pretty tasty.
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🥃 He takes you a lot of dates. Walk in the park. Shoot in the shooting gallery. Dinner in the best restaurant. Jigen give all of him for you. Although he says that he hate women, indeed, he’s a romantic, only he doesn’t want his heart broken again.
🥃 Pls, you don’t betray him. Jigen is a good man and he has a golden heart.
🥃 When he has a little long hair, you can caress it. Jigen likes it pretty much. Also, you can caress his beard and his face. (He melts when you do it). Even, you think that you listened him to hum when you caress his hair.
🥃 If you’re a criminal too, he’ll stay a bit calm about that, because that means you know defend yourself. But, the bad side is you would have more probabilities to die. Anyway, if you don’t know how to use a gun, Jigen will teach you.
🥃 Jigen is patient to teach you, he does it in occasion when he has a break of the Lupin’s scams. When you’re learn it, he’s very proud of you. Jigen likes to gets close to you when you’re shooting. He puts his hands in your waist and he tells you how shoot.
🥃 When you insist to accompany him in the robberies, at first Jigen rejects because is dangerous and he can’t lose the person he love most. But, you make clear him you can defend yourself and you’ll do whatever you want. (He’s very proud of you: “She’s my girl”). When you stay in the group the probabilities to rob a great a work of art increases. You’re pretty good at the business.
🥃 When you end a robbery and arrive at safe house, the first thing you do is shower with Jigen (Lupin mocks of you, then, you kick him). You heal his wounds with careful, in exchange, Jigen kisses your cheeks and your lips.
🥃 Jigen never put nicknames, but with you he does an exception. Jigen calls you in privacy: “my sweet calamity”. But, he calls you for your name in public. Pls, calls him “Daisuke” in public and his face burn in red and he tries to hide behind his hat. And Jigen will want to disappear when you call him for his name and touch his beard softly, joining your nose with his nose.
🥃 Jigen like a lot of drop on the couch, but more if you lie with him. When you put your head in his chest while you hugging him and he caress your hair.
Ari 🌿
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Can I ask for angsty headcanons for Goemon and Jigen? Maybe like fighting with or losing their s/o? Or just whatever. Lol I just love angst.
Yeah! I love drama too. Make suffer characters is my speciality (my friends say that I’m a cruel writer and is true). Welp, I hope you enjoy and like these headcanons (and I hope you suffer a bit *evil laugh*😈). 
Enjoy!  💕
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🎐 The reason why Goemon can start a fight could be some things: No shushi or Japanese food. You take his sword without his permission. Betray him. Cheat on him. Or force him to do something that he really doesn’t want to do: leave his samurai way, leave his work or request him to don’t be unwise with his wounds.
🎐 In a fight Goemon don’t talk in loud voice, indeed, he decreases the volume of his voice bit a bit, until you can’t listen him.
🎐 Goemon is a man of few words, and rarely, he says his feelings in loud voice. When he’s pretty angry he’ll burst on sea of opinions and arguments, he tries to be rational all he can.
🎐 He’s more of unsaid words and glances or glares to movements. He’ll say all with his eyes. Goemon’ll try to be rational and calm, but there’re things like betray or cheat on, what he can’t stand.
🎐 If it’s something that affects his friends, he’ll clam revenge. But it’s something that affects himself maybe he only leave to go at mountains. For to calm, meditate and suffer in silence. He doesn’t want what nobody help him or comfort him, he must to think about you and calm.
🎐 Later, he return with an apologize. You too. If is for a foolish thing, he understand you completely. But if you’re betray him, you better have a good, very good, excuse, reason for do that. Then, he considered you need to betray him (especially if is for save his life) he’ll forgive you.
🎐 But if there isn’t a reason for betray him. He’ll hate you. Because the friendship, his love for you and his confidence in you, isn’t a toy you can broke and play with that. He’s a person (a great person, you know). And Goemon can’t allow that somebody how loved so much broke his heart.
🎐 Pls, if you fight with him for a foolish thing, then, you hug and kiss him. He’ll need it.
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🥃 Why all women he loves, end up dying? He cries a lot and hug your cold body. Pls, give him a minute. He thinks that he should be used to this. But, lose the person you love most is a wound never heals.
🥃 Poor man. He thinks that he should have done something bad to somebody or something, that this is what he deserved after leading life full of crime, blood and gunpower. The all bad things he does, return to him in loving and dead woman.
🥃 He prefers that you betray him thousand times to before see you dead. He can’t stand it. Jigen really thinks he deserves it. All his pain. All his sadness.
🥃 Jigen’ll need a long time to be the same. Lupin and Goemon keep an eye on him and all scotch that Jigen drink. There’re his friends, after all. They knows this dead have affect him most than others.
🥃 Damn it! For once he was really happy. Jigen smiled a lot of. And now he can’t do it. Jigen spend his time lie in the couch with a scotch or vodka in his hand, watching the days go by.
🥃 Lupin and Goemon plan a goodbye gift from you to Jigen, they know as much he loved you. It’s a pocket watch with a photo of you and Jigen. For what he can remember you always. It seems that this raise him spirits a little, enough like make him stand of the couch.
🥃 “Thanks guys”, he says with a broken smile.
Ari  🌿
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