#i love it bc i remember joining the april fools day event for ac ages ago and i was really proud
Headcanons for April Fool's Day
Don't you just love April Fool's Day? I joined my very first event on April 1st, I think, so I wanted to do something this year as well
Kayano once pretended to know how to to play the piano for a role in a movie and actually had to play a song during a scene. She did not know how to play the piano
Legit just speedran learning how to play that one specific song in like 3 days
Memorized all the hand positions since she can't read sheet music and can still kinda play it now
Had to sing for a movie audition once but couldn't remember any songs so she sang happy birthday. She still got the part
Gakuho played video games once or twice after being kicked out of principal-ing and Kanzaki beat him in the game quite brutally
He never even stood a chance
Sugaya paints all over his room. His ceiling is galaxy. He painted a forest on his favorite wall. There is no escape from the smell of paint
His second favorite wall has a big chalkboard on it and he and the rest of the Art Trio doodle on it all the time
If Sugino and Maehara ever meet each other on their way to school they try and race each other into the classroom. Kimura almost always manages to come in from behind and win, because he was racing with Okano behind them
Itona and Hazama are lowkey cat magnets. Tgang leaves them alone at the park for 5 seconds and they already have 2 new cat friends
They are also crow magnets but that's just cause they always feed a murder of them once a week and now the crows love them
Kayano and Itona have good senses of smell so sometimes they walk into a room with food and try to guess what it is
Once it was something neither of them actually knew, but still guessed "whatever it is, the sauce is red"
(They were right)
Isogai and Maehara became friends so long ago that neither of them really know when they became friends, so they can't truly celebrate the anniversary of their friendship
Maehara's solution is to simply celebrate it on random days throughout the year
Yoshida and Hara on the other hand
Also don't know when their friendship's anniversary either
However he is mentioned in Hara's old diary, so they picked the page mentioning Yoshida that was dated the earliest, and decided to celebrate that for their anniversary
They both have it marked on their calenders
As per (am i using that phrase right?) this post, the class celebrate Nakamura and Karma's birthdays on April Fools as a joke
Fuwa and Takebayashi have a running joke of greeting each other with a line from a manga/anime and seeing if the other recognizes it
And then the other responds with another line from the same series
Fuwa: Go, go, let's go, let's go, Dateko!!
Takebayashi: rolling thunder!!
Sugino has doodles of the entire class scattered about in his notebook
While Nagisa's is fairly detailed, Karma's consists of 3 shapes: a circle with 2 devil horns on it
Once Kimura pranked the class and then framed Karma and Nakamura
Hara's little brothers legit love playing with Yoshisa when he comes over. Like he can drive a motorcycle and in their eyes that's just the Epitome of Coolness
Yoshida's older sister and Hara bond over teasing and jokingly complaining over the dumb stuff Yoshida does
Hara and Yoshida have gotten so much blackmail on each other over the years
Itona is annoyingly good at keeping a poker face during blackjack
Kayano is the most likely to cheat at card games in group 4. Everyone suspects Karma too much for him to cheat and the rest are mostly pretty fair in card games
Nakamura constantly tries to marry people during monopoly to have more money
I have only just now realized that Ritsu probably knows Every Meme in Existence and i just feel like that's a nice fact by itself
93% of Maehara's conversations with his sisters are just teasing each other mercilessly. The other 7% is gossiping about their classmates
Chiba is always dragged into pillow fights by his siblings, joke's on them though cause he can accurately throw pillows at them from across the room
Under no circumstances may Sugino's little brother be left alone with Karma. The two of them really hit it off after the kid picked up when he tried to prank call Karma from Sugino's phone, and then they both tried to prank call each other instead
Karma, Kayano, and Sugino give each other very stupid dares all the time. Kanzaki pretends to be against this but secretly dares them to do something more chaotic. Okuda can sometimes be convinced to let them do it if given the right reasoning ("for science!") and also some safety precautions. Nagisa lowkey regrets making friends that don't have any common sense
Nakamura once had a dream when she was 10 that her mom threw her into a ball pit and she couldn't get out. Then a guy gave her candy, and told she was in North Korean and couldn't get out. It's been in her top 5 scariest dreams ever since
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