#i love how this request came in just when i was crying over boom era hyuck <//3
bluejaem · 3 years
⌗ . . . haechan as your boyfriend !
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requested. can i request a haechan version of the boyfriend post you had posted for jeno?? it was adorable 🥺🥺 by anon.
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❥ he’d share spotify playlists with you. or send you links of songs that remind him of you— it’s his little way of showing his love for you <3
❥ the corners of his lips turned upwards in amusement when he felt your grip on his waist. “well, damn. you really do love your boyfriend, huh?” he smiled, turning the gas stove off as he transferred the food from the pan to two different bowls. “all i did was make food– and i got a hug, i should do this more often then,” haechan snickered, earning a muffled click of the tongue from you in response, “take it while you get it, loverboy.”
❥ the ‘i love you, but please shut up’ kisses. he loves it when you kiss him to shut him up. at times, he intentionally rambles a lot to annoy you just so you could shut him up by kissing him. and you are pretty much aware of it too, but there’s no way you could resist a lee haechan <3
❥ getting matching promise rings with hyuck— he’s on top of the world. that’s it. he just loves it. you would call him an idiot or something as a joke and then he’d point at the ring and go, “but you love me” and yeah, he is right lmao. he’s the type to randomly play music one day at a dinner date. and then when he asks you to dance with him, he would take your hand in his and give a kiss on the ring cuTe.
❥ he’d take any excuse to hold your hand, to be honest. loves the way your hand fits in his— just fucking right.
❥ now coming to the ‘almost’ kisses. this man l o v e s teasing the crap out of you. it’s those moments when your faces are merely centimetres away from each other, breath hitting the other’s skin, you both are slowly leaning in, and . . . three, two, one, kis— you thought. before you could feel his lips on yours, you heard a maniacal laughter, “can’t believe you fell for it,” proceeds to peck you on the cheek and run away from the scene while you try to accept your fate :')
❥ lee donghyuck on the other hand finds it absolutely amusing when you play this “almost” kiss card with him. he’d rather go after something than get it without earning it. it’s a game he’d never say no to playing. it’s the thrill of it all for him.
❥ when you guys are in public or with others, and he just whispers something into your ear and you both end up laughing so loud that the entire crowd gives you weird looks but you guys are lost in your own little world to even notice that.
❥ which leads us to our next point, leaning towards each other when you guys laugh :(( even the dumbest remark made by one of the dreamies would make the rest chuckle out loud. and without even realising it, it’s like one of you would randomly levitate towards the other while laughing.
❥ i don’t know man, he’s just overflowing with love for you. i remember there was this one radio episode where he said that if he had a girlfriend (s/o), then he’d tell them a lot of loving words, and just shower them with love in general. he absolutely does that. when you’re having a bad day and he’d notice it right away. it’s cuddles all day dude <//3
❥ his favorite nickname for you: my queen. i think i’ve mentioned before as well, he loves to get a reaction out of you. every time he calls you by the name ‘my queen,’ he always has the widest smile on his face as he waits for you to say something next, but you end up fumbling your words. he’s so soft for you, please.
❥ lazy mornings with haechan. the serene rays of sunlight enter the room and you can hear a sleepy haechan groan in response. he slightly lifted his head, looked at the time, and went back to his slumber. his hair was tousled, lips plump, and eyes slowly drifting back to sleep. he quietly shifted on the bed and turned to the other side, putting an arm over you, and pulling you closer to himself by your waist. “god damn, you’re so huggable,” he said, a subtle smile making its way up to his lips.
❥ you both are definitely the type of couple who’d have really silly and embarrassing pictures of each other. and it’d be at the most random times when either one of you would send it to the other.
% . . . you’ve got five new messages !
loverboy ♡ sent an image. click to open.
loverboy ♡: took this one just this morning <3
loverboy ♡: i can literally see you drooling HSFKDJFSK
loverboy ♡: you were probably dreaming about me, weren’t you? 👁️
loverboy ♡: leaving me on read means that you accept it- so YOU WERE 😩😩
lee donghyuck smiles to himself for the umpteenth time that day as he waits for your reply, taking another good look at that candid picture of yours before going back to typing his response to your text, with that lovesick smile never leaving his lips.
you both were two fools— utterly, completely and miserably in love with each other.
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© BLUEJAEM, 2021
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chironshorseass · 3 years
133 for percabeth please :)
Pre-TLO era. I can’t help myself :)) also this was inspired by @posallys post lol hiiii bestie this one’s for u ig <3
writing prompts 
"I hope you have a cold shower."
He turned to her, surprised—if only for a few seconds. Then a smile spread across his face, once he caught on to her expression. "A cold shower, huh? You know I can change the temperature, right?"
There was something enchanting about Percy Jackson, she had to admit. Even if she loathed him.
She loathed him, but then again, she could appreciate the little things.
Like how he'd raised himself from the lake waters and into the pier as easily as flicking a wrist, brown skin flashing in the blinking light, muscles contracting. How he'd left a puddle by his feet like a following shadow, and how, despite getting wet in the first place, he was still able to take out the goddamned water from his ears while she was left struggling, tilting her head over and over like a cartoon glitch.
So again. She loathed him. Despised him, even.
"Yes, yes—yippee, you're a son of Poseidon," she said, with little to no enthusiasm. "Now stop staring at me or I will make you regret it."
"You just kinda look like you're having a hard time, is all."
"Wow"—She cocked her head again, this time with more force, and still the water won't fucking go away—"You noticed?"
"Hey, hey. Stop"
He placed his hands on her cheeks, freezing her mid head-tilt. Her entire body froze, more like, if she wanted to sound cliché. They’d been okay for the past week, she supposed, but there was still that question in the air, that doubt about whether he felt the same way about her as she did about him or if it was just her own bias. Her false hope.
“I can take the water out, you know,” he said softly, green eyes earnest and so so beautiful. 
Annabeth wanted to cry. Yes, it was a simple request. Yes, it was only because Percy possessed the unfair ability of hidrokinesis. Of course it was only because of that. It was her fault that she had a tendency to read between the lines. Emotional. Stupid. She would feel his thumb dancing across her cheek, accompanied with that smile on his face, and suddenly her mind would mark him as a boy filled with love and life. With power coursing through his veins, ready to use it for her and only her. But one day, she thought. One day the life and love in him will leave.
She tried not to think of the prophecy. But it always came in the worst of times. 
Quickly, though, she blinked those tears away. Swallowed back her pride. When she nodded, she made it seem as if she was reluctant, as if she were annoyed.
She wasn't.
“Fine,” she sighed. “Take it out. But only because I could have brain-eating amebas in there or something like that.”
“Or if you don’t properly take out the water stuck inside, you could just have a plain-old ear infection.”
“Yes. Or that. Not only I would have to experience a a war, but my ear would hurt for the rest of the summer.”
“Would definitely suck.”
“Although, I still think the brain-eating ameba is worse.”
He shook his head. “What the fuck, Annabeth. I thought we where over this—”
“And I’m still traumatized from what Grover said. Ninety nine percent of the people infected die—”
“Psh. Only if you get infected in the first place. I’m pretty sure you have to swallow or breathe in the water for the ameba to get you, anyway.”
“Oh, goodie,” she said dryly. “I did that plenty as well. All because of you.” 
“Aw, come on, it was funny—”
She pushed him away, and he laughed; it was a booming sound—or maybe it was like a fire, igniting first on his belly only to shoot out from his throat, contagious and free.  
“So,” he said, coming to her again. “You gonna let me help you or what?”
His smile grew. “Say please?”
Gods, he would be the end of her.
Then he added, “And also take back the cold shower threat. That was super rude.”
“Oh, totally. So rude of me, I am so sorry.”
“That’s better.”
And her hearing cleared away—something she hadn’t realized was wrong in the first place—once he that stray water trickled down her ear, warm and obeying to Percy’s will. Maybe being a son of Poseidon had its unfair advantages, but at the very least, those advantages extended to her.
Too bad for the others, though.
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can-u-imagine-that · 5 years
Title: Battle Scars, part 2;
Fandom: X-Men (crossover with The Avengers, both movie-verse);
Character: Peter Maximoff;
Note: Y/N: Your Name;
Warning: Cursing;
Request: Okay I have a long request, please bear with me (probably could be split into parts). I have been craving for a little crossover imagine between the Avengers and the X-men. Soooo I was thinking that the main OC or the “you” has a relationship with Peter and they are all happy and stuff (idk probably before Dark Phoenix, after Apocalypse) and their mutation is healing… they can easily heal wounds but it hurts them when they do and the Avengers want them to help in the fight with Thanos (1) They feel the pain of the wound and depending of how many wounds they heal it may actually hurt them. They are an old friend of Natasha and Clint. They end up having a fight with Peter because he doesn’t want them to go (I like to think the x-men did their part during the war too, so maybe you could come up with something) but they end up going anyway, without solving things between them and Peter. And of course they disappear in Thanos Snap and Peter grieves and all fast foward (2) the remaining x-men are helping the Avengers fight Thanos in End Game when the Blip happens and boom they are back and reunite with Peter and he matured a lot and was never able to let go of his s/o and fluff happens… sorry for the long request omg, I just got really excited and I really hope you like it and can do it… thank you so so much Author’s Note: Okay, first H O L Y S H I T I’m so excited while I’m writing this. Literally I loved the request and I hope this meets your expectations! I had to change a few things in your request though, to fit better with what I decided to write. And just a few warnings to anyone who is going to venture themselves reading this:
It’s quite obvious but I need to clarify that I’m changing a lot of stuff from both Avengers and X-Men movies to fit this request. So this is only part one so it’ll manly focus on Peter and the reader BUT I decided to consider him and Pietro as two different characters since they are from different movie universes theorically and since, well, Pietro barely even existed in the Avenger’s universe unfortunaly.
Hope you all enjoy it!
Click to read part 1
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Peter was training in the Danger Room with the other X-Men when the Snap happened.
He remembered and dreaded that day for all the years to come. 
The despair in the faces of all those mutants. All those kids, turning into dust without even knowing why. He remembered how Kurt’s legs disapeared first, so he fell right at Peter’s feet. Just when the silver haired boy was about to touch him, he completely vanished.
Stay together. Stay strong. Fight this era that is coming. Nev-
Professor Xavier.
He vanished too.
After the Snap only Peter, Jubilee, Raven, Warren and a few other students were left at the school.
The corridors were now empty, the rooms full of dust. They stopped taking care of the gardens. They grieved for their friends. The brothers, sisters, lovers and even those they didn’t get along well.
Peter was shattered once he found out you had vanished as well.
Natasha was the one who came personally to talk to him.
During your stay in Wakanda, while they tried to free Vision, before the invasion, you and her talked a lot. You told her about your fight and as if you were already guessing, you made her promise that if something happened to you, she’d tell him and be there if he needed anything. It was like you knew and Natasha complied, even if she was always brushing it off and saying that it wouldn’t be needed.
When the now blonde haired spy showed herself a month after the Snap in front of the Mansion without you by her side Peter knew.
Natasha walked into the hal, looking at Peter with simpathy but also grieving. Her eyes filled with tears before she could open her mouth and the remaining X-Men knew they had lost yet another friend.
Jubilee broke down sobbing into Raven’s shoulder while Warren left the room angrily.
And Peter...
Peter just stared at Natasha.
That’s all he felt.
For the first time, Peter felt like there was no ground to his feet. His head was hammering with memories of you two. Your smile, your voice, your touch. Even though he didn’t had news of you right away there was a hope... a small hope in the back of his mind that you would come through that door, run into his arms and then you’d be together to fight against all of this.
He had to apologize for not having faith in your strenght.
He had to say he loved you.
He had to make things right.
Natasha swallowed the lump in her throat and approached Peter’s frozen frame. She hated physical contact with people she didn’t know outside missions, it was true, but to keep her promise to you she circled him with her arms, hugging him. It took him a moment to finally break down.
When he did his legs buckled and he and Natasha slumped in the ground. Peter was breathing heavly but no tears fell out of his eyes. He whispered things Natasha couldn’t grasp really fast and it took her a moment to understand that he was actually having a panic attack. He was shaking and trying to calm himself, but everytime he thought that he’d never see your face again the despair hit him harder.
During the beginning of the first year it was common for it to happen to him. 
He’d wake up on the few nights he was able to actually fall asleep with nightmares of you vanishing from his hands. To calm himself down he’d hold to the ring he carried around in a little neck chain, the ring he gave you in that beautiful day barely a few weeks before you disappeared.
Natasha kept a close look on him and the remaining mutants until she decided it would be better if they just moved in to the Facility. She had a lot of work to do commanding everyone who was outside the planet.
It was empty anyway...
So Peter, Jubilee, Raven and Warren moved there. The other kids went to look for their families but they knew where to find the remaining X-Men if needed.
Natasha and Peter got closer as time went by, always talking about you or how everything was before. She helped him cope with your loss and he help her cope with the disappearence of Clint Barton. He was alive, she knew, but he never came looking for the remaining team. So Peter helped her in the search for him.
Peter changed. A lot.
Everyone did.
He matured a lot in those years.
His hair was shorter and he didn’t really use his flashy jackets and sneakers anymore. Still with the rock band t-shirts at least, but his wardrobe had really sobered up. The only thing that didn’t change in five years was the neck chain with the ring. It became almost like a charm and comfort for him.
When he found out they had a chance to bring everyone back a little bit of the old Peter came back. He tried his best to help all the geniuses during the preparations for the Time Heist - as Scott Lang described - getting more and more hopeful that it would work.
He, Stark, Warren and Rocket became the sarcasm squad and Captain America had to keep them on the line because sometimes the jokes went a little overboard of the respect zone. They’d just shrug and highfive each other earning a smack in the head from Raven and sometimes even Nat.
Raven and Jubilee became as close as Nat and Peter. They became each other’s support and even though they got along especially well with Banner and Steve, they prefered to be in each other’s company, together with Peter and Warren. It hurt everytime they reminisced the past, but somehow they felt that in that way, the memories of their friends would never fade. The four of them would sit for hours and talk about the Mansion, the mutants, the professors and classes. Hell, Peter even found out that you had a crush on him ever since the first time you saw him.
And he would always talk to you before going to sleep. Natasha taught him to do that when his nightmares were to constant and bad. He’d sit by the window or in the corner of his bed and speak as if you were right there with him, while his fingers played around with the ring. You weren’t there, but you kept him strong.
Then finally, the day of the Time Heist came.
Peter stayed on the Facility with the other mutants during the mission because he had had no contact whatsoever with any of the Infinity Stones, so as fast as he could be, they decided it was better for him to stay.
"Hey, you are back!” he and the others rushed towards the Avengers after they appeared again on the plataform.
“Did we get them all?”
“Are you telling me this actually worked?”
Before they could cheer their victory, Clint feel to his knees. That’s when they found out Natasha was gone. 
Gone for good.
Peter didn’t cry right away like the others did. But he sure as hell felt it. 
He noticed that his tears were weirdly slow.
Natasha had given her life for that plan. For those people she considered as her family and made her better. She did it for you.
While the Avengers discussed if she would come back or not with the power of the Stones, Peter went for a run. It was the only thing that kept his mind working like it should. Whenever he felt like it was about to snap, he’d put on his goggles and run.
He saw in his mind the past five years flashing as the woman who was back to being a redhair and had taken care of him tried to hide her own pain. She had became almost like an older sister and her support was the glue that pieced all the small parts of his heart together.
When he got far enough, on a tall hill, he screamed, his tears finally falling.
That had to work.
Not only for you.
But for her too.
After releasing all his frustration over Nat’s death, he ran back. He sure as hell didn’t want to miss the moment everyone would be brought back.
Banner had the Glove on his hand while everyone prepared for a possible blown. Scott and Rhodey closed their suits, Rocket hid behind Thor and Tony created an energy shield protecting Clint while his armor did the job for him. Raven, Jubilee and Peter were shielded by Warren, who enclosed his metal wings as close as possible of them.
Tony activated a protocol that closed all the doors and windows with heavy metal doors.
“Well... if something happens we burn to death together...” Peter whispered earning a whack in the head from Raven.
Bruce suffered. They all could see the agony and pain until he finally was able to snap his fingers.
As soon as the doors opened, Peter dashed outside, stopping at the garden. He had no idea his breath was stuck on his throat until he finally saw it.
People walking on the streets looking totally lost reaching for their phones, calling family and friends to try and understand what the hell happened. He also saw people hugging, crying, shouting. It was a mess. But everyone was back.
Somewhere you were back for him.
Before he could feel any happiness though, there was a large explosion coming from the Avengers Facility.
Peter rushed there, entering the rubble to search for everyone. Everything was completely destroyed. On his communicator he learned that Rhodey, Bruce and Rocket were on the lower levels and they were flooding really fast. Raven and Jubilee were lost inside of what was left of the Facility and they didn’t know anything about Warren yet.
They tried to help the ones on the lowers levels but there was no way in where they were. The only one able to help them in the end was Scott.
Peter focused on trying to find a way out for Jubilee and Raven, searching for Warren in the proccess. Finally they managed to find the Archangel.
“You have to see what’s going on out there...” he said, blue eyes completely wide, flying towards an exit that probably used to be on an upper floor.
The others climbed through the rubbles, exiting what was left of the building. And couldn’t believe their eyes.
Many portals.
Looking at each other quickly, Peter grabbed Raven while Warren carried Jubilee towards where Captain America stood. He nodded at their presence, still dumbfolded as their friends and allies kept showing.
Peter’s breath caught on his throat as he heard a familiar BAMF.
Kurt, Jean, Scott and Ororo.
Jubilee choked out a sob “H-How did you know where to come?”
“We had a little help from Professor...” Jean answered, smiling “Things went crazy, huh? You all... changed a lot...”
Soon Peter’s attention flew back to the portals as Black Phanter shouted something. The mutants watched in amazement as new portals appeared while armies with Wakanda soldier’s, Asgardians and sorceres came out, ready for the battle.
And then finally...
He saw you.
His eyes marveled at how you didn’t change a single thing ever since he last saw you. The day you had that stupid fight. Five years had passed and now he barely remembered that. He kept holding into the good memories. You were so beautiful.
When you looked in the direction of Captain America and saw him it felt like your heart would stop. You rushed towards them, holding a huge gun in your hands, S.H.I.E.L.D’s courtesy. You knew you had to focus on the battle first but gosh, you wanted to throw yourself into Peter’s arms so bad. You healead Steve, who was the closest one to you, letting the gun hang in your shoulders through a strap attached to it.
Before you could look at him again, Peter was already by yourside. Instead of speaking or doing anything else he grabbed your hand, squeezing tightly your fingers between his. You nodded, understanding that before anything else, you had a war to win and that was a promise he was making to you.
“Avengers...!” Captain’s voice ringed at your right and you let go of Peter’s hand after a final squeeze, getting your gun ready and preparing your fight stance. Nothing but determination filled your’s and everyone else’s eyes.
Losing was out of question.
Click to read part 3
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norskies · 7 years
Every single thing I noticed and felt while watching Taylor’s LWYMMD music video
By now I think it’s a fair assumption to make that you have already seen @taylorswift ‘s new video for Look What You Made Me Do (it had over 39 million views in the first 24 hours). If you’re like me you may have rewatched it about 13 million times trying to decipher all the hidden meanings. If you’re not (cool) like me, you may have just watched it once and wondered: “what on earth did I just see??”.
Lucky for you I’ve decided to document my entire emotional journey through the 4:15 video. Disclaimer 1: many of these theories are my own opinions or theories I’ve read from other fans. I do not pretend to understand the entire genius of T-Swift. Disclaimer 2: I am a 100% biased Taylor Swift fan and therefore this analysis is 100% biased with my love for Tay. 
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Ok, opening scene. Spooky. Fits the soft but slightly creepy lullaby intro. Honestly thought we might be stepping into Hogwarts.
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Here is one of the first of many “TS” we will see throughout the video.
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For anyone who has been following Taylor the past year, this is a pretty clear reference to the online hate Taylor received after being “exposed” by Kim Kardashian (note: she was in no way exposed). Trolls began to fill social media with “RIP Taylor’s career” and “Taylor Swift Is Over Party”. It is a fitting place to begin the video.
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Does that dress look familiar to anyone? It appears to be the same dress Taylor wore in the Out Of The Woods music video (the last video from the 1989 era...symbolic right?).
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What is that on the tombstone behind Taylor? Nils Sjoberg. This was the alias name Taylor used when she helped write Calvin Harris’ “This Is What You Came For” (he later appeared to be less than happy once Taylor started receiving credit for the song). 
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We now see the old Taylor that Zombie Taylor is burying. This Taylor is dressed the same as when Taylor attended the Met Gala in 2014 (marking the beginning of the 1989 era). Here we literally see post-1989 Taylor burying pre-1989 Taylor. *tears*
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Taylor transforms from the graveyard into this beautiful scene. Several things to point out here. Taylor is almost literally drowning in jewels. Perhaps alluding to the media’s perception of Taylor being money obsessed? If you look closely, we also see a single dollar bill lying in the bathtub with her. Most likely referencing the symbolic 1 dollar Taylor requested in her countersuit against a former radio DJ who sexually assaulted her (Taylor won this case). Finally, and this may be a stretch but notice on the floor to the left of the bathtub what looks like a heart shaped locket? It’s possible this is the same locket that Calvin Harris gave Taylor for their 1 year anniversary. Wow. Brilliant. 
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ENTER SNAKES. We now get all the snake references we could ever need (also clearing up the snake video clues Taylor teased just a few days before releasing LWYMMD). The snakes themselves are a reference to the hate Taylor received after the Kim/Kanye blow up. Haters filled her Instagram and Twitter with snake emojis implying that Taylor herself was a snake. Looks like the joke is on them now. Also notice the subtle, “et tu brute” on the chair? We see this several times in this scene, of course referring to the betrayal Taylor has felt from people she thought were her friends. 
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And Snakes! Check out Taylor sipping on her tea that she now gets to serve up. It’s her time to tell the story and she’s doing it with this BA Salazar Slytherin look. 
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The golden car crash. This is an interesting scene because it has many interpretations. My gut reaction was Katy Perry. The feud is well known and Katy added fuel to the fire by releasing her song “Swish Swish” that was meant to be a dig at Tay. I think she looks very much like Katy here with the sunglasses and the short blonde hair. Notice she is even holding a single Grammy (something that Katy Perry does not have). However, it’s also been pointed out that this may also be a Kim Kardashian reference (which I will discuss later).
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A further analysis of the car crash shows the paparazzi taking pictures after Taylor crashes. Perhaps symbolically saying that the media loves to see Taylor suffer and fail? 
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Two things to note here. 1) Jaguar? Your guess is as good as mine. 2) The cute little guy is wearing a golden 13. 
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Next, we find Taylor in what looks like a giant bird cage. Wearing orange to perhaps symbolize that she feels like a prisoner at times? We also see a snake tattoo on her right leg. 
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At this point in the song, Taylor says “and threw a feast”. This could be a reference to KP’s song Bon Appetit. But it is unclear. Also, notice the rat on the table? Yeup just thought I’d point him out. 
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Now, this is a fun scene. Tay is robbing a currently undisclosed location. The cat masks could be a cute play at Taylor’s love for cats. Or could be another hit at Katy. Either way, it’s a great scene. Her sweatshirt reads “blind for love” as we know Taylor frequently referred to herself as a hopeless romantic. 
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We are now introduced to biker chick Taylor. It might seem a little out of place at first. But remember when Taylor got hate for her Bad Blood video apparently ripping off of Britney Spear’s Toxic? This very well may be alluding to that. 
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Absolutely love this part. We now see what Taylor was robbing. A streaming company. Of course. After the backlash, she got from leaving Spotify and writing her letter to Apple this scene makes perfect sense. Side note: absolutely adored Taylor’s letter to Apple. You go girl. 
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What is Taylor doing dictating what looks like an army of life size barbies? This is a reference to the “squad” and the comments Taylor received that her friendship circle was more like a cult of freakishly perfect looking women as opposed to a genuine group of friends. 
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Which of course leads us to the falling out of the squad the media claimed happened but didn’t. 
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Taylor enters the mansion. As soon as she enters the room the men immediately step up to do her bidding. As if Taylor is their commander and they must obey. 
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This is our first glimpse of the mysterious airplane Taylor. We only see short glimpses of her but she seems to serve an important role. She perhaps represents the real Taylor that neither the media nor the fans truly get to see or understand fully. 
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The boys are back. 8 of them all in line (apparently something only Beyonce is allowed to do if you ask Twitter). She could be representing her past relationships and the scorn she received for each one. Fun fact: it’s Taylor’s back up dancers from the 1989 world tour! 
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The I <3 TS shirt. Tom Hiddleston wore an I <3 TS shirt while dating Taylor. He got mocked and Taylor got called manipulative for “forcing him to wear it”. Taking a wild guess here, but pretty sure Tom makes his own wardrobe choices.
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This is our first real glimpse at the “Reputation” era Taylor. She’s dark. Her hair is slicked back. And she looks like she is 100% done apologizing. She is standing on top of a mound of the “old Taylors”. 
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Shoutout to Fearless era Taylor with the iconic 13 on her hand. What a gem. 
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This is one of the best shots in the video. A look at the past decade of Taylor. How many Taylor’s can you spot? 
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More snakes. Side note: You can actually buy this snake ring on Taylor’s merch store. Taylor now reveals to us the most anticipated line of the song. “I’m sorry the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now. Why? Oh, cuz she’s dead.” This line brings the entire song together as well as the symbolism of Taylor wiping her social media a week prior to LWYMMD release. The old Taylor is dead. The haters have killed her. 
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Taylor breaks it down with her backup dancers to some pretty great choreography. I like to think of this as shade to all the people who made fun of Taylor’s dancing abilities. Our girl can dance.
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Annnnnnnnd boom! Our Jaguar friend is back. Still unsure what he represents but he’s pretty cute. 
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Let’s pause to appreciate the adorable wink Tay gives us here. Reputation may be a darker album than we are used to but Taylor is still the light-hearted girl we’ve always known. 
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Wow, she’s like Super Woman. 
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This is one of the best views we get of the mysterious airplane Taylor. Who are you??? 
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We finally come to the last and most important scene. 15 Taylors. 14 lined out in front and one back on the airplane. There just so happens to be 15 songs on the new album reputation...coincidence?? Also, notice TS6 written on the end of the plane? Subtle genius. 
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You Belong With Me Taylor is precious. She’s so happy and genuinely surprised that she has accomplished all that she has. But everyone hates her for that and will drag her down until she no longer will show that much genuine and pure happiness at an award show again. Also, recognize that shirt from the YBWM music video? Only now it’s slightly different. This time it has real names of Taylor’s real friends you might recognize. Like Selena, Ed, and Jack. 
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As the scene continues we see Shake It Off Taylor mock YBWM Taylor for being surprised all the time. Mansion Taylor calls Zombie Taylor/SIO Taylor a b**ch and Zombie Talyor responds with “don’t call me that!” Alluding to Kanye calling Taylor this in his song “Famous”. In real life, Taylor responded by making a very strong statement against Kanye’s words during her Album of the Year acceptance speech at the Grammys later that year. 
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A particularly heart-wrenching scene. Fearless Taylor tries to calm everyone down but gets shut down by We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together (Tour) Taylor, calling her a fake. We see the young innocent Taylor begin to cry. The young sweet girl who got stomped on by the world for making music about love. It is sure to elicit a few tears. 
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“There she goes playing the victim again”. Taylor is literally beating the haters to the punch. 
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Met Gala Taylor Asks Katy/Kim Taylor what she’s doing and she responds with “getting receipts...gonna edit this later.” This could be interpreted in two ways. If this is meant to be Katy, it could be referencing the song “Swish Swish” where Katy claims that “karma keeps receipts”. Or if it is Kim, it would be naturally referencing the snapchat videos Kim perhaps “edited” of Kanye and Taylor’s phone conversation. Side note: it is illegal to record people without their consent in certain states, Kim. 
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Finally, we see 2009 VMA Taylor who had been interrupted by Kanye West while she was accepting her award for Best Female Music Video of the Year. She quotes 2016 Taylor by saying “I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative”. Which all the other Taylor’s and symbolically the world respond with... 
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“SHUT UP”. Here Taylor is telling us that no matter what she does or doesn’t do, she will be judged. It isn’t fair but it is something she has accepted. She will no longer be providing any explanation. There will just be reputation.
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