#i love how last yr during my prep cook job i was like actually! this is killing me! fast forward a yr and i'm a baker .
1327-1 · 1 year
i need money so i don't actually disintegrate during my actual job but every single idea for making passive income makes me want to pursue radioactivity in ungodly ways
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bittersweetchoices · 3 years
Title : I am sorry
Shared on tinyurl.com/CeritaAku
Hi Nisa,
I da kahwin for almost 8 plus year and my wife last year gave birth after we waited for so long for cahaya mata Alhamdulillah. During our 8 years plus aku memang tak jujur sampai da berape kali terlanjur ngan multiple women and pernah kene tangkap ngan wife too and multiple time i told her i want to end the marriage but we decided to have our last try with thr marriage.
I dont have any love for her anymore and i started to change feeling after i tengok perangai dia bongkak, suka busuk kan adik beradikk sendiri, pemalas nak kemas, tak tau masak dia ever try to cook fail to the max. I tak paham a women at 33 years of age u dont even know how to cook a simple dish and even try to learn till today 8 yrs plus of marriage da pon, plenty of time to learn and i terpaksa cakap no need to cook we just order food since kite 2 pax till now even da ade child pon she still dont bother.
Tell u the truth i love a women that can cook, taktau kemas takpa i will help, but badmouthing and telling fake story about ur family member to me and outsiders is a major turn off. I pernah told her off she say all this is true u aje tak nampak. Im thinking if she can do that to her own skin ape lagi i as her husband and my families?
After we got married, we stay at her Grandma place while waiting for our 5 room BTO to siap, dia pemalas, rude to her family members and act like a queen her mother do everything since her mother stay below her grandma unit.
I dont like staying there she and her mum also ade same badmouth issue and i know she dont like me that much as she like my wife ex instead.
After we got our own place dia nampak ade improvement slightly about 2 weeks gitu and since we stay far from her toxic mother comfirm dia akan change for the better but no sis. Everyday OTP gossip with her mother.
With my family she always want to be more than us and my sis also feels the same and my family hates when she badmouth her own family. I da malas nak tegur kalau orang degil.
She help me alot on money part i quit my full time job and do some part time as i want to study so she supported me and even voluntered to pay takkan nak reject. I even neglect her nafkah and also said she dont need that.
she always brag about her salary and where she work to everybody. And while helping me with money she was telling everybody what she did for me like tak ikhlas. I cant be bothered anymore sukahati la kau la.
Years past and yes i found love elsewhere sampai terlanjur multiple time and was caught multiple time also she is also aware yang da lama i lost feelings for her.
We decided to sell our house and told her slowly find our dream house and we can stay at my sis place time being. The truth is actually im prepping her for divorce coz im in love with miss L. But during this period my wife suddenly got pregnant pula. I was happy and sad ofcoz.
So i told miss L and she understand and is willing to wait incase i want to come back. So after wife gave birth we manage to buy our new house amd too near with toxic mother as per usual she brags to everyone perangai da mula lagi and makin teruk perangai. What was her before is 3 times more worse now. Anak pon kite send infant care at times she just ask her toxic mother come over to jaga anak kite and i hate it pasal mulot asik busuk kan orang lain. They feel they are perfect and everyone around them semua low class and always at fault.
Now my hati again change back and i went back to Miss L secretly and im with my wife only for the sake of our child no longer for love.
Miss L knows about my situation and willing to be Number 2 or even go secretly. I told her bemmsabar i will make us official and leave my wife soon.
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