#i love giving stolas that little streak in his hair
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spacessie · 1 year ago
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i love these guys
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2af-afterdark · 2 years ago
How would you rate each one’s outfits?
Completely honest, unbiased opinion based on nothing but my gut reaction? Can do!
I kind of adore his boiler suit (is that what it's called?) Like, unironically, I love it. His entire army wears high fashion and he's dressed like he's going to his blue collar job.
Is it because of all the blood? Does he just own 200 sets of this one outfit so he can toss them instead of washing them?
He is inviting you to bury your face right in there and I accept
A whore! Look at him! He is a whore and he owns every moment of it!
I appreciate that he's living his best life.
I love him... but his outfit is so generic compared to everyone else. It's fitting for his realm and their gentlemanly nature, but it doesn't really stand out.
But I am biased so he gets extra points for that.
What a gentleman, but there's nothing very unique that sense it apart from the rest of the uniform.
Ditch the teddy bears. Please. I hate them.
Love the monocle so much though.
The snake seals the deal. The snake bites are a nice touch. Fuck I am weak to simple things.
He dresses better than I do and he makes it work. Like, damn. He knows exactly what to do.
Still not my thing though.
Bunny? Bunny boy. I am soft for him.
He's kind of dull though.
Anything education themed makes me uncomfortable as fuck.
Go off king!
He's living his best life.
No. Too many bandages. And blood. And... not enough of anything else.
Not here for it.
I love and hate it. He's just so broad at the top and thinner at the bottom that it kind of throws me off.
On the other hand... bandages hot and he's bursting out of his clothes. Seeing him tied up is also pretty hot.
I think I'm bias because I saw his chibi first and did NOT image he would look like that.
He's so pretty. Everything about him is so pretty. He's just... not my type?
Like, his outfit is well put together (the rope may be a bit much), black and red are always a good color duo, his eyes aren't distracting dissimilar. But something about it just doesn't work for me.
I do love a good rose motif.
LOVE IT! It's the same outfit as Barbatos, but something about Foras is just more appealing. I think it's the weird tear streak tattoos or his horns, but I fucking love it!
I love everything except the money in his hair.
Love his chest on full display and his black and gold colors.
Also his skulls are cool af! I always loved the money in the eyes. It gives me a sort of Charon vibe and I am all for it!
He's so simple, but I love him.
Unfortunately, the Avisos outfit just isn't my jam. At least his is a little different with the writing.
See Bael
See Bael
Not good, not bad. Just generic.
I am weak to angels. All white and pretty as fuck.
I want to tie him up so bad and get his clothes dirty.
Baby boy, you are so fucking pretty.
I love your robe and your pretty bows.
See Dantalian
He loses points because he lost some moons from his prototype and I wanted them.
Love his earrings though. I want them.
No critiques. He wins.
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frizz22 · 6 years ago
Best Laid Plans
Established Madam Spellman; canon-divergence from 2x09 when they attack the Dark Lord in the first time in the woods. Starts immediately after Sabrina blows the horn. Read on ao3
The sound of the horn died down and a malicious smile spread across Lucifer’s lips. His daughter was weak, so attached to these ‘aunts’ of hers, to her ‘cousin’ who still lay unconscious several yards away. But he would teach her, mold her, into something stronger; even if it took centuries.
Content with his manipulation, Lucifer turned to drop the daggers, intending to keep his part of the bargain… when a small flash of black caught his eye.
He’d suspected she was drifting, her little stunt in encouraging Sabrina’s resistance of him evidence enough. But Lucifer thought he’d quashed that particular streak of rebellion out of his servant. Apparently not. Apparently, she’d been the one to aid the Spellman’s in their murderous attempt. 
Well, this was something he couldn’t disregard. Lilith needed to be punished, in a way she wasn’t like to forget. Turning to look at the Spellman women once more, an idea came to him. With a flick of his wrist the dagger at Hilda’s throat fell to the ground, harmless.
The dagger at Zelda’s throat, though, dropped with more purpose—slicing her thigh deeply before it thudded on the leaves.
The witch cried out and crumpled to the ground, the magical wound immediately sapping her strength and leeching her blood; despite her fruitless attempts to stem the bleeding. He’d hit the femoral artery; just as intended.
Sabrina pushed past him, quickly joining her aunt on the ground, small mutterings of “no” repeatedly falling from her lips as her hands fluttering uselessly above the gash—likely she was regretting her rash decision to rid herself of the powers he’d so generously bestowed upon her. “What did you do?” She whipped around to face him, tears streaming down her face before turned her attention back to her aunt—who was already rapidly losing color in her face. “Auntie Zee, I tried. I didn’t want—”
Always a strong woman, Zelda hushed the girl and hugged her hard, leaving bloody handprints visible even on the red leather of his daughter’s coat. “It’s alright,” she murmured, shaky even with Hilda frantically casting healing spells. “I said over my dead body, didn’t I?” Zelda chuckled weakly, lips starting to tinge blue as she leaned up and kissed Sabrina’s forehead. “It appears that will be the case.”
At these words, Lilith abandoned her hiding place and rushed forward, crowding his daughter out of the way, her eyes wild. “No. It’s not that bad.” She exclaimed, eyeing the wound and then paling when she saw the extent of the damage. “No,” a wretched whisper came next. “No,” she repeated once more, dumbfounded, hands fluttering uselessly over the wound—she’d never been particularly good at healing spells. “This should have worked…. It was a solid plan.” Lucifer smirked as Lilith’s voice cracked in her panic.
“Oh, darling,” Zelda whispered between labored breathes, “if only fate was beholden to our plans.” The witch managed a sad smile and touched Lilith’s cheek, leaving a smear of blood. Zelda leaned forward then, and pressed a light kiss to Lilith’s lips, fingers trembling against his servant’s cheek at the effort. Turning to her sister, Zelda clutched the woman desperately. “Hildie, take care of them. Be safe, lo—,” Her strength flagged completely then, and Zelda slumped to the ground, unconscious.
Lucifer watched with interest as Hilda continued to work furiously. But he’d inflicted the wound himself and a wound from the Dark Lord could not be healed with average spells. “You cannot save her, Sister Hilda. You’re not strong enough.” He informed the blonde, thinking he might save her some energy, some effort. No point in pouring magic into a dead woman, an almost dead woman, he corrected in his head.
Magic crackled through the air unexpectedly and Lilith surged upright and turned on him. ”No!!” She bellowed, blasting him back.
Despite her efforts, he only stumbled back, laughing. “Oh Lilith,” he intoned, “as if I didn’t know. Imagine my surprise when Stolas informed me that you cared for not one, but two beings. First Adam, though he was a man, a mortal with the very name of the one meant to enslave you, you grew fond of him. His appreciation, near worship of you, it bolstered you. And, as you know I couldn’t have that, so I got rid of your pet. But before you eviscerated the crow, he told me about another. One you cared about on another level, perhaps loved? A certain red-haired witch.” He glanced at Zelda, where Hilda and Sabrina were still frantically working and chuckled. “She, and her family, were giving you ideas, like you could defeat me.” The mirth slipped from his face, a stoniness taking over.
“So, really, killing her accomplished several things. It took away the most powerful member in the Spellman family, removed the biggest obstacle in my path to making Sabrina my queen,” he stepped forward and let his fingers graze over Sabrina’s hair, ignoring how his daughter jerked away and continuing to address Lilith. “Killing Zelda will keep the rest of the Spellmans in line for the future, unless they wish to meet similar fates…. And lastly, and most importantly, it hurts you Lilith. You belong to me. No one else. How dare you think otherwise.”
Suddenly an iron collar appeared on her neck, the chain attached to it landing in his hand. He yanked it hard, bringing her back to her knees—her rightful place. “It’s time you relearned yourself, Lilith. I’ve apparently given you too much freedom. For the next several centuries you will be where you’ve always wanted… by my side. But only to serve my queen and I, in any manner. You’re a handmaiden, nothing more.”
Gasping, Lilith clawed at the collar. “Dark lord, please,” she beseeched, eyes flicking back to Zelda who’s breaths were getting shallower by the second—only Hilda’s spells prolonged her meager life. “Save her.”
The plea amused him. “Why?” He scoffed, following Lilith’s eyes to the dying witch.
“I’ll serve you willingly if you do.” Lilith offered, desperately.
Arching a brow, Lucifer smirked. “You’ll serve regardless,” he retorted, relishing in her distress.
Sabrina spun then, covered in blood and tears running down her face. “I’ll marry you without objection. I won’t fight it, or you, ever again.” And here she was, finally submissive, truly on her knees and understanding she was at his mercy, always had been. Before he could reply, Hilda was shouting.
“No!” The blonde grabbed Sabrina’s arm. “Your Aunt Zelda didn’t want that. None of us want that. Which is why we were here. Don’t you make her death be in vain. She’ll be furious if she’s brought back at the price of you.” Despite the tears streaking down her cheeks, there was steel in Hilda’s voice.
Deciding he’d save them all some time and arguing, Lucifer cut in. “The marriage will happen no matter what, daughter, the wheels are already in motion and can’t be stopped.” Lucifer watched them all with amusement and then his brow furrowed. “Such a fuss over just one witch.” He walked closer and peered at Zelda; who was moments from death. “What did she do to garner such loyalty?”
All their voices overlapped, anger and tears constricting their throats.
But it was Ambrose’s words, the young warlock finally stirring, dragging himself painfully over to his aunt, that captured Lucifer’s attention. “Family comes first.” He croaked, clutching Zelda's hand tightly and a fire in his eyes.
Giving him an appraising look, Lucifer nodded. “Quite right. And Sabrina, they aren’t your family, not really. Not by blood. I am.” He held out his hand, “now come.”
When Sabrina didn’t move, face hard and tears still spilling down it he sighed.
Waving a hand, Sabrina was drug across the ground and brought to her knees next to Lilith in front of him. “Daughter, this can either be easy, or it can be very hard. But it is happening one way or another. You are powerless, having forsaken my gifts to you in order to try and stop me. It was a bold choice, a poor one certainly, one that some advised you against and yet you didn’t listen. Perhaps, in a few centuries, after some good behavior, I’ll give you your powers back. Until then...” A matching iron collar appeared around her neck, “remember you did this to yourself.”
Fighting against the collar, Sabrina arched to try and see her old family. “But Aunt Zelda—"
“Is dead.”
Everyone whipped around to determine for themselves. The redhead was no longer breathing. Hilda sobbed and clung to her sister, Ambrose sat stunned and silent, a vacant expression on his face. Lilith, though, screamed and the trees themselves seemed to shake in response to her grief, but Lucifer remained unaffected.
Sabrina struggled against the chain even harder, trying to reach her old family. “No! You said if I blew the horn you’d spare them!” She sobbed, “you said—"
Tired of the entire affair, Lucifer sighed. “I am the Father of Lies, Sabrina.” He informed her, eyeing her pitifully for believing him. “You’ll learn. For now, just be thankful I didn’t kill the rest of them as punishment.” He gripped the chains and yanked Lilith and Sabrina to their feet, picking up the Horn of Gabriel with his other hand, he smiled and nodded at Ambrose and Hilda where they were kneeling next to Zelda’s corpse. “Goodbye Spellmans, enjoy Hell, it should be here soon.”
And he disappeared, Lilith and Sabrina in tow.
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