#i love drawing these thangs dancing its so FUN
submaskudari · 2 months
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find my dancing yuri + some bonus doodles under the cut
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21 notes · View notes
dreamonrpg · 6 years
After Party
When: March 30th 2018
What: Party after the first concert in New York
Where: A night club in New York
Who: Sam Evans, Artie Abrams, Mercedes Jones
Notes: No editing is done.
Sam let out a breath, he ran one of his hands through his hair, he could still feel the high he got from the adrenaline he felt during the show. As far as he could tell, it had gone off great, and from what he had seen everyone seemed happy with it. He made his way over to the bar, and asked for a beer, taking a sip from it, looking around, the music was loud. He made his way out to the dance floor, trying to move to the beat of the song. He knew that it wouldn't be too hard to find someone to dance with. He wasn't sure on how long he had been dancing but he needed another drink, and on his way to the bar he ran into one of his friends, "Hey!" he called out, waving a little, "I was gonna grab a drink want something? Shoots?"
Mercedes was still on a rush from the concert. Yes, she was just the opening act, but the way the crowd responded to her, the way they asked for an encore it all felt so unreal. After the end of her time she stayed back watching BOB do their thang and was amazed at how at ease the boys were up there. She rocked out and laughed along with crowd and made sure to hug all of them to let them know how well she thought they did. But now that it was all over and done she wasn't sure what to do next. She sat down watching everyone at the club have a great time. She was sitting there sipping a glass of tea and smiled as Sam walked over to her. "Hey Sam! You were amazing out there!" She stood. "Shoots? I am not a big drinker so can we start off with something weaker?"
joh (sam)-04/01/2018
Sam smiled, nodding his head, "sure, I'm sure we can find something we both can drink," he replied, "I mean we can't get too drunk since we got another one tomorrow." A laugh left his lips, as he looked over at Mercedes, "and thanks," the smile on his face grew when he heard her say, "and from what I saw you did pretty awesome too," he ran a hand over his head, "maybe like a beer or some wine," he suggested as he made his way through the crowd, and he looked over his shoulder, "or like champagne to celebrate."
Mercedes nodded following Sam to the bar. "Thanks, you did great as well. Man everyone loves you guys, you are talented, hot and can move on that dance floor.  You guys do this every night? No wonder rock stars live it up. I mean I am not big on the partying but I love everything else. Its so freeing getting to be on stage with just my music and me." She nodded. "Champagne is fine." She leaned against the bar as they made it "So tell me what are somethings that you guys do on tour, you can't party like this all night all the time."
Sam asked for a couple of glasses, and he handed one of them to Mercedes. "Not every night," he replied, "but almost," he said with a small smile on his lips, "and it's fun, I mean it took time to get used to but it's fun, you do what you love, and just have fun." He took a sip from the drink, "it kinda depends on how long we're on the road, and how we travel," Sam began, "like if we're on a bus between cities well then you just do stuff on it, like watch movies, play games and stuff, or sleep, you gotta sleep whenever you can," he said biting down on his lip, "and then it's some rehearsals depending on how everything goes."
Taking the drink, she held it up. "To this amazing tour and amazing experiences, I am grateful for everything that this tour is doing to me and giving to me," She took a sip and sighed. "This all here is a dream for me, something I never thought that I could do." She leaned against the bar. "So what is your favorite way to travel for these tours? Buses? Planes? Trains?" Mercedes nodded. "Yeah I didn't think I would love rehearses as much as I do, or even dancing. "
"It's a pretty awesome way to go on your first tour right?" he asked, "it's like your first big one right?" He knew that he should have paid more attention to who had done what, but everything was just mixed together. "I don't think anyone actually believes that they'd get to do this," he looked around, "at least not for a living." he leaned back, taking a breath. Even if they hadn't had this party, he knew that he wouldn't be able to relax, the adrenaline was always running high after the first concert. "I think the buses gives like the best feel of being on tour, but planes got the best comfort most of the time." He shrugged, "and I've never really traveled by train and I'm pretty sure we got planes and buses, they're going all out after all." Sam nodded, "I get it, I kinda hate it at first but then when you're on stage you know why you did it and it feels awesome."
"This is my first time ever doing anything like this. I am a teacher you know? I don't do things like this, but my students encouraged me and they believed that I could." Mercedes nodded taking another sip of her drink. "I like the bus aspect and I like the thought of being on the plane, but I think its this I am gonna love the most. The being around people sharing in their success." Mercedes looked out into the crowd and smiled. "Come dance with me Sam! Lets celebrate this time in style."
Artie was an expert at stressing out.  Maybe that was the same reason he was so good at his job. He could pick every little detail, every imperfection at first glance  and oh, what a thrill he took out of taking control of everything. Even when he was little, his mother used to joke that she had a little worried grandma instead of a boy. He shook his head, Thinking about his mother wouldn't make him any favors today. He hadn't been sure about going to the club. He felt the need to draw a line between the kids and himself. He snorted "the kids".  Yeah, he needed to relax, after all they were about his age. And as long as he made his work, he would be respected, no matter if they sometimes saw he was human like them, and sometimes he liked to have fun. From the corner of his eye, he saw Mercedes and Sam talking. They were sort of funny together. Mercedes, so perfect and eager to learn, so new to anything. And Sam, such a ball of energy. Ready to eat the entire world in one bite.  He yelled, pretending to be a Sam fangirl in a comical yet desperate voice and then laughed. When he finally had their attention he took his beer up in the air and cheered.
"That's cool, if I thought that I could actually teach people I could be a teacher," Sam replied, "and sounds like you should listen to the kids," a smile played over his lips, "and you gotta make sure that they get tickets for the show when we're close to where you worked 'cos they gotta see what you're doing now." He nodded his head, "Sure, it's all about celebrating tonight," he said, and followed Mercedes to the dance floor, "just don't judge me for my moves. I'm not the dancer in the group."Sam had heard the cheering on the way to the dance floor, and he turned around seeing Artie,  Sam raised his hands waving at him, with a big grin, "we should head over to Artie, and talk to him, and maybe we can get him to join us on the floor too."
"I know from the mouths of babes come the truth. And the truth is they are a big reason why I am here. I want to show them it doesn't matter when you follow your dreams, just that you do it. And I already promised them tickets." She said laughing. As they made their way to the dance floor she nodded. "Boy I know you have seen me in rehearsals. my moves aren't even close to ya'lls I just wanna have fun." They started dancing and she beamed laughing at Artie he was in high spirits as always. Nodding she pulled Sam with her to him and smiled. "Artie! Why are you sitting over here you need to join the fun! Lets dance. Pretty sure I will be the envy of every girl here to have both you on my arms right now."
Sam nodded, "that's good," he replied, "I'm sure if you talk to someone you can probably get some of them backstage," Sam gave her a smile, "and we're all living our dreams I mean just look at the name of the label and the tour, it's a lot of dreams." A laugh left his lips, "okay, if you say so, it almost sounds like a challenge to see who's the worst dancer," Sam said with  big smile on his lips, "'cos now I gotta come up with my moves myself." He nodded his head, and he looked between Artie and Mercedes.
" I am an excellent dancer and I don't need to prove that to anyone" Artie joked, doing a little robot. "I don't really know if people do that anymore , really"  it had been a long time since his last party.  But the beer, the music and the laugh of Sam and Mercedes was contagious. At least he still knew the music that was on trend. He sang at the top of his lungs, but came to a sudden stop when he remember who he was with. They had never heard him sing, and he felt a little shy out of the sudden.
Sam laughed when he saw Artie dance, "Sure, you're an awesome dancer," he replied, with a smile over his lips, "and since you're an awesome dancer you should show the moves off at the dance floor with everyone else. Sam turned to his side looking at Artie, "okay so why did you never say anything about like being able to sing?"
Artie was a little worried about the crowded dance floor, since he was at eye level with everyones' waists. But he didn't want to a drag, so he just nodded looking a little nervous and wheeled behind his friends, "cause I am not ?" he said, rising his brow
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asundizzay · 8 years
I wanted to take the non-traditional route in approaching this belated Valentine’s Day post by ignoring the standard conglomeration of hearts & love, and photographing nouns that relate to some of my favorite rom-coms/rom-drams/rom-com-drams, because i’m a low-key sucker for sappy things (cheesy). I was out all day hoping to photo some movie thangs and nerds fighting the storm with their umbrellas, but nope, just got wind-slapped all around (stray branches included )–the rain didn’t start pouring until I got home because of course. 
**UPDATE (02/22): LOL it’s Wednesday. But this is finally complete. #WhyNotWednesday **
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500 Days of Summer ( 2009 )
Rachel Hansen: Just because she likes the same bizzaro crap you do doesn’t mean she’s your soul mate.
Tom and Summer were two separately flawed characters whose bittersweet union was doomed from the start. For the longest time, I saw Summer as the b-word who carelessly wrecked Tom’s heart, when in reality, Tom’s insufferable sense of entitlement and manipulative nice guy complex subtly revealed that he’s actually kind of a jerk. Except for that whole dance number to Hall & Oates You Make My Dreams and showing Summer his favorite spot and drawing painstakingly detailed buildings on her arm. That was cute. Another thing that saved this film for me was presenting the nonlinear “boy meets girl” narrative in the dude’s perspective, forewarning the audience that this is not a love story, and allowing these two imperfect humans to individually see a happy ending: Summer marries someone she truly wants, with whom she shares a genuine connection,  and Tom is refreshingly presented another “season” to start anew, with someone potentially better suited for him. Additionally, a mind-blowing color theory visually demonstrates how these two were simply not made for each other, which can be found here.
cute score: 6 ( eh cute, JGL A 10 tho )
photo: Water Court at California Plaza on the upper level of  Tom’s favorite spot in Angels Knoll, Los Angeles, 2009. 
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13 Going On 30 ( 2004 )
Matt: You can’t just turn back time.
Jenna: Why not?
In this essentially female version of Big, Jenna Rink’s 13 year-old self wishes to be thirty, flirty and thriving after some dudes and mean girls (which premiered the same year!) ruined her birthday party. On cue, magic dust spins her into an It’s A Wonderful Life-type alternate reality where she is living the dream as a rich, successful editor for her favorite fashion magazine. She reconnects with her childhood BFF, Matt, and they ultimately catch feelings faster than a winter cold. But aw dip, chocolate chip, Matt is hella engaged and about to be married, and now conflicted because Jenna has finally reciprocated his feels, but you know, commitment and whatever. A string of miscommunication and conflict occurs, then Jenna shows up to Matt’s wedding where he’s like, LOL, look  I’ve always loved you but the past can’t come back yo. Upon hearing this, she cries with intense regret, wishing she could just be 13 again for a do-over. The same magic dust gradually falls (for effect), and the scene reverts to her birthday party where she enthusiastically chooses Matt ( who grows up looking like Mark Ruffalo ) over the 80s cool kids, and their story ends all sweetly with the pair eating their favorite childhood candy on the lawn of a pink house, interestingly designed like her dream house, figuratively implying that her deepest wish has come true (or not). 
cute score: 8 ( hecka cute  the Thriller moment is still awkward for me tho and omg look Mark Ruffalo didn’t even want to do it lol click here )
photo: New York Public Library, setting for magazine’s ‘Class of 2004′ photoshoot, NYC, 2012
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10 Things I Hate About You ( 1999 )
Patrick: Yeah, and is she worth all this trouble?
Cameron: Well, I thought she was, but you know, I…
Patrick: Well, she is or she isn’t. See first of all, Joey is not half the man you are. Secondly, don’t let anyone ever make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want. Go for it.
A modern take on Shakespeare’s  The Taming of the Shrew ( the numerous Shakespeare references / allusions make sense now )  introduces us to the Stratford sisters, their strict father with the winning punchlines, awkward Cameron with the sidekick BFF,  the “obligatory cool kid slash model” Joey, and resident bad ( bad bad bad ) boy, Patrick Verona doing bad boy things with a bunsen burner. So here’s the thing: Bianca really wants to date Joey but she can’t date anyone until her shrewd AF sister dates, which prompts her to set up the whole “this bet gets outta hand” premise that heavily spawned in 1999. Obvious villain Joey pays Patrick to win Kat’s heart and sing “Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You”  on the bleachers to win my heart, then he inevitably falls for her. In a callback to She’s All That, Kat eventually finds out about everything leading to the tearful read  of the eponymous (these are clearly over 10 things ) poem in class, as Patrick looks on like man I done fcuked up yo. But wait, he gets Kat the guitar she’s been wanting, insists that his feels for her are hella real and all is forgiven. Also, Cameron finally gets Bianca, and she punches Joey (whose nose spray ad is now ruined) thrice for herself, her sister and Yung Cameron. Oh yeah, and Cameron’s BFF ends up finding a Shakespeare lover just like him, lol, nerds. 
cute score: 9 ( super cute, everyone gets who they want and the real bad boy gets what he deserves! They had a band on the freakin’ roof dude )
photo: Fremont Troll, where Cameron and Bianca talk and stuff, Seattle, 2009
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A Case of You / Comet ( 2013 / 2014 )
Birdie: Success is a myth. Love’s the only true currency. After all this is done, all that really matters is how and who you loved.
Dell: Why does it feel so impossible to let you go?
Dell: It’s an addiction, you know. That’s all it is.
Dell: It’s a biochemical addiction. It’s so stupid.
Dell: If you think about it relationships are all totally narcissistic.
Dell: Basically, you’re just looking for someone who’ll love you as much as you love yourself. That’s all it is.
Two Justin Long movies for the price of fun. 
I’ve probably checked off so much of this dude’s filmography that I can easily tell you that one of his many underrated roles would be a cameo as George Harrison in the equally underappreciated Walk Hard: A Dewey Cox Story. I know… comedy is understandably the toughest genre to press onto humans, so to each his own. These two films fall in that hit or miss category–on one end, you have Sam, an author who meets a barista and quickly becomes infatuated with her, even more so after creeping reading her Facebook profile and mimicking those interests in order to attract her attention, eventually using her as a muse for his story ( A Case Of You ),  and on the other, you have Dell and Kim caught in a classic case of star-crossed lovers whose rocky relationship is dreamily depicted through a non-linear narrative of parallel universes, reminiscent of Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind  ( Comet ). Despite his ridiculous Facebook faux pas, Birdie admits that she was adding  random items to her profile to see if Sam would change, and to no one’s surprise, she still liked him anyway because if a connection is real then it’s real, and it’s extremely important, to like, just be yourself because there’s more to a person than what they choose to display on the Interwebz. And Dell and Kim continue to sail through different universes, with Dell wishing to live in a permanent world where they end up together 💔. 
cute score: 3  ( So much fighting–whether with oneself, another person, or the world, das not dat cute. ). 
photo: Light trails, space, and time to represent chaotic nature of the parallel universes in Comet, NYC, 2015 
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Begin Again  ( 2013 )
Dan: You can tell a lot about a person by what’s on their playlist.
Greta: I know you can. That’s what’s worrying me.
I’ll throw in Before We Go, Friends With Benefits, or even Lost In Translation into this mix of getting to know a person as you explore a new city together–whether platonically or romantically, it’s still awesome. This particular love story focuses on the protagonists’ mutual love for music rather than feelings towards each other–though their respectable relationships with his estranged wife and her ex-boyfriend still romanticize the plot. Dan Mulligan, a formerly successful record executive drunkenly discovers Gretta James, a newly independent songwriter reluctantly singing in a low-key bar thanks to pre-late late show James Corden. He sees great potential, she doesn’t believe in herself, I mean how could she, her ex-boyfriend slash songwriting partner is none other than recent singing sensation, AdamN Levine Dave Kohl. After Dan’s business partner Yasiin Bae/Yasiin Bey/Mos Def   Saul initially rejects Gretta from their record label, the pair take matters into their own hands and decide to produce their own album together, using local talented musicians backed by the sights and sounds of New York City and the result is pure magic like fireworks in your ears, the visual “wow that’s so glorious” part not the actual “boom boom” noise part, because you would totally go deaf. This is a story about how music can bring people together (production, collaboration, Dan reconciling with his wife ) or tear them apart ( Dave cheating on Greta ), seek forgiveness ( Dave singing Lost Stars, Don Henley singing The Heart of The Matter [not in this movie, that song just popped up in my head as I wrote that lol] ), or drive passion ( Violet dreams of becoming a guitarist/ Gretta’s career kicking off ). Music is love, music is life, and Gretta’s album sells hella copies from its online release, and things are looking up for Dan and his life. Dan in real life. After encountering a series of failures/contemplating suicide, discovering Gretta, producing this album, and making amends with Saul, his wife and daughter, I guess you can say that Dan (as well as Gretta? ) was given another chance to fairly begin…again. 
cute score: 7 (  Dan drunkenly composing a song in his head, The headphone splitter scene tho, das kinda cute )
photo: Times Square, the scene stealer of the headphone splitter scene tho, NYC, 2012
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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind ( 2004 )
Clementine: Meet me in Montauk. 
It’s 3:41 AM and my body hates me. Especially my eyes.  Okay, so two contrasting personalities, Joel and Clementine, meet on a train and immediately connect like 4, only to learn that they are former lovers and Clementine had erased her memories of Joel after some petty argument, and Joel’s like ‘wtf bro’ and decides to erase his memories of her. The familiar surrealistic non-linear narrative that I heart so hard navigates through Joel’s head space, intercut between scenes of sadness and anger,  to happier times until the final memory where everything crumbles to the ground like dust in the wind, as he tries to hold onto his last moment with Clementine, after realizing that he still loves her. Other story lines, connect, Kirsten Dunst finds out she had her memory of the doctor erased and she gets mad upset, like ‘i’m gonna show everyone (who has undergone this procedure) their memory erasure records’ upset.  Elijah Wood is just super devious. COTDAMN MARK RUFFALO IS ALSO IN THIS MOVIE LOL WTF YO. The scene restarts and Joel and Clementine, meet on a train and immediately connect like 4, only to learn that they are former lovers and they’re like “oh whaa” and think that maybe starting over would be a good idea or it might be the same but they go for it anyway and who knows what those two are up to now probably making sure that they don’t forget about each other amirite lol omg it’s already 4. 
cute score: 2 ( Comet before comet was comet, not dat cute, but like Comet, beautiful cinematography is a 10)
photo: Imagine this human’s hair is orange, you know, like Clementine, ArtWalk, San Diego, 2014
honorable mentions: Garden State. Ryan Gosling & Ryan Reynolds’ things. Scott Pilgrim Vs The World. High Fidelity. Say Anything. John Hughes’ things. 
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