#i love drawing lance hes so pretty???????
cerucadet · 3 months
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keef has a Slight crush. tiny. very little. and he's totally Not delusional
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anathemafiction · 11 months
Nothing is set in stone.
Until, of course, you write it. 
In a big project, no matter how much you believe you have it all figured out — you can see the road clearly and are sure that nothing can change it — you often get caught off guard, and all your pretty plans go back to the drawing board. Because look, you don't have it all figured out, and new opportunities pop into your head. 
I tried to ignore those tempting whispers, but honestly, why? Why ignore them, if I can see them materializing?
Book Two has recently passed the 400k words, and I've developed the backstory and motivations of a particular character a bit more, and... she has potential. She has intrigue. She's already faded to fill an important role in the story, but I can now see how that role can expand and deepen based on your decisions. This character already answers differently depending on what you do, so why cut the development once her role is done?
I've expanded Lance beyond what I first planned. Rafael was supposed to die from his wounds at the end of the interrogation, but he's here, and I have so many plans for him now. 
Why not add Vallen to the merry band of love interests? If certain conditions are met, Vallen will join you, and if you play a certain way, she may even grow to like you.
All this to say: Lieutenant Vallen will be added as a Romance Option. Her role until 3/4 of Book Two won't change much, but from then on, is a new realm of possibilities. 
She'll be available for both female and male Romanus, and she'll like you more the more your mark expands. 
I hope you all had a great Halloween! 🌹
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nobamol · 1 year
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LET HIM EAT HES SO SKINI (I love him so much hes a pretty boy and yes drawing lance in 2023)
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Why I like Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
(my part of the letter from my last reblog)
Up until about three months ago, I disliked the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I saw the trailer for the Bayverse live-action TMNT and quickly decided I hated it. The live-action designs and the turtles’ attitude towards April felt gross, and I suppose that I, a young teenage girl at the time, felt like I didn’t fit in the target audience.
Flash forward to four months ago. I’m scrolling through my Tumblr feed – looking for Ninjago fanart and completely disregarding the target audience for lego ninja – when I see something under the “For you” tab.
It’s a Rise comic, but I don’ recognize it as TMNT yet. It’s a drawing of a scruffy-looking teenage boy, with long black hair and a hockey stick. He appears to be underground, looking a little lost. He turns, and before him sits a giant robot, deactivated and covered in moss. It’s a turtle, I realize, but I still haven’t realized that it’s a TMNT comic.
Then the boy calls his Uncle Donnie, who’s a turtle in purple. It’s then that I realize; I’ve been tricked. I’m reading a TMNT comic and genuinely enjoying it. I begrudgingly give the comic a like and go on with my day.
Over the next few weeks, I keep seeing more of the comic. To my horror, I’m actually enjoying reading it. One month after discovering the comic, I give in. I go to the first page of the comic and read from the beginning. 
It’s the story of a family trying to survive in a world overrun by invaders. Their family is made up of four color-coded turtles who make up the nebulous concept of uncle-dad, their entirely human older sister, and the scruffy-looking teenager they-re all trying to keep alive. This family dynamic is one I quickly grow to love, and the comix earns itself a place in my heart.
And then I watch the Rise movie.
Skip ahead to the present. I just watched the Rise movie two days ago (it had me in tears). As I write this, I’m also trying to figure out a plothole in the seventh chapter of the fanfiction I’m writing. Just yesterday, I finished designing the skeleton of my yokai character (because why not. I love speculative anatomy). I’m still reading the comic, which just updated yesterday. I’m happy with my new interest.
I love Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the family dynamic. I’ve always been a fan of unconventional families, and I’ve grown a liking for color-coded squads. I enjoy how April is more like a sister than a crush for the boys to fight over. I feel a certain kinship with Donnie, as an autistic-coded middle child who loves to learn. I absolutely adore Raph, the person who’s had to step up to care for their siblings and yet hasn’t quite grown out of the stage of life where he’s just a kid. Mikey is so silly and adorable, and he reminds me of my younger sister; the youngest and somehow the wisest at times. Leo feels just like a character from the first show I ever had such an interest in (Lance from Voltron: Legendary Defender) and I think he’s pretty awesome. 
I also enjoy the show’s unique takes on some things. I find it cool how the turtles are all different species. I love how this iteration’s version of Casey Jones is an energetic young woman from a rival clan. I find it interesting how Karai is a loving ancestor instead of an enemy. I love the artstyle of the show, where each turtle’s design is unique (compared to other shows where the only way I can tell them apart is by the color of their mask). I think it’s cool how the backstory is different from some of the other iterations, how the turtles were mutated on purpose and how Splinter used to be a famous actor. I think the yokai are awesome, how they’re like mutants but were there long before. I enjoy finding the little references, like the pictures of other TMNT shows on Donnie’s conspiracy board, or the fact that the source of yokai power is a Kraang. 
I have so many questions left unanswered about the show, and I’m sure others do as well. I would love to see the return of Rise. I have no doubt that it would be awesome.
#unpause rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles
– Crow
P.S. The comic I am referring to is by @somerandomdudelmao on Tumblr. I have no words to describe how much the comic means to me. Cass, if you’re reading this, thank you. 
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antiquepearlss · 3 months
I’m feeling….kinda rough rn. So, Modern Team Awesome/ Freckle Siblings headcanons because I need serotonin so badly rn
Ruddiger is Varian’s son but he and Eugene sometimes share custody.
Eugene and Varian watch mystery/crime shows together.
And Indiana Jones type shows and movies.
Varian and Rapunzel both like Star Trek. Rapunzel loves Tendi from Lower Decks.
Varian and Rapunzel both love Gravity Falls, Eugene thinks it’s pretty good.
Eugene pierced Varian’s ears.
Varian and Rapunzel dye each others hair. Rapunzel mostly does temporary dye, Varian dyes his blue streak.
They visit Varian in the psych ward.
Varian hangs out in Rapunzel’s elementary art class sometimes and helps out with the kids. He’s a little awkward but they love him.
If Varian’s not at home or at school, he’s at Eugene and Rapunzel’s house. Or Lance’s.
Varian missed his graduation ceremony because he was in the psych ward, but Rapunzel still helped him paint his cap.
Rapunzel and Varian do the awkward sibling hug.
Rapunzel and Varian draw and paint together.
Varian and Eugene join book clubs together.
Feeling rough so I’ll do a part two sometime. Sorry these aren’t great I just, I just kinda needed these dorks rn.
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episode one
-- -- --
[The screen seems to blink; first black then a flash of many colours, before focusing and settling on the scene the camera is filming. Seven people sit squished together on a couch – the paladins of Voltron. Some look particularly happier about the predicament than others.]
Lance, Allura (beaming): Hiya, everyone!
[Allura ducks her head to whisper something at Lance. She is not very good at whispering, so her words are picked up by the microphone.]
Allura: Did I say it correctly? Hiya?
[Lance makes a ‘perfect’ motion with his hands.]
Lance (whispering also): You nailed it!
[Both teens nod resolutely at each other and turn back to the camera.]
Lance: You guys loved that first episode. We got…so many space e-mails.
Hunk (amused): I think we can just call them e-mails, buddy.
[Lance sticks his tongue out at him, playfully annoyed, and then turns to Pidge, who is squished next to him and scowling heavily. He nudges her.]
Lance: If it’s in space, I say space. Space goo, space castle, space lions. Right, Pidgey?
Pidge (deadpan): You have three seconds to explain why I’m here or I’m tasing you again.
Lance: Yeesh, dude, fine.
[He turns to the camera, smiling, but it is significantly more mischievous than before.]
Lance: I mentioned that I got several space e-mails. Several hundred, really.
[Pidge taps her wrist.]
Lance: I’m getting there! Holy moly!
[He huffs at her, then turns his attention away, dragging something from his pocket and stuffing it into his hands before anyone can see.]
Lance: ANYWAYS. After I sorted through all the various marriage proposals for Hunk and some of the most insane strings of sentences that have ever been uttered thought or posted – and I’m a bisexual thot, so that’s saying something; some of y’all are horny – there were some genuinely interesting questions. So I thought we could answer some of them!
[He waves the thing he took from his pocket, which is now clear to be a stack of papers. His announcement draws a mix of emotions; whoops of excitement from the Alteans, an exasperated and fond sigh from Hunk, a look of resignation from Shiro, a groan of distress from Pidge, and a look from Keith that can only be described as the same wariness one might have when approaching a feral animal. Uncaring of any negativity, Lance primly straightens the papers, holding one in front of him with great fanfare.]
Lance: We’ll start with some group questions. Ease us all into it. Oh, I forgot to mention that I used one of Pidge’s programs to pick these questions for me based off a few parameters, so I genuinely have no idea what they’re going to be. I thought it would be more fun that way.
[He clears his throat.]
Lance: ‘To the Voltron team – what’s it like living with the same people every day? Is it fun, like a sleepover? Is there someone who’s a particularly worse roommate than the others?’
Lance: Oooooou, drama. 
[A moment of contemplative silence.]
Shiro: Most of us are pretty used to sharing spaces with people, I think. I can’t speak for everyone, but I’ve lived the majority of my life in a military facility since I was twelve, so.
All other humans: Same.
Pidge: Well, not that long. It is a little more new to me. But I lived with my brother and parents before all this, so I’m totally used to banging on the bathroom door in the mornings because someone is hogging it.
[She looks pointedly at Lance. He shrugs.]
Lance: I will not apologise for my commitment to looking beautiful. It pays off, and you are all granted the privilege of looking at me, so.
Keith (confused): You have to try to be pretty?
[Hunk chokes. Shiro whips his head to stare at his brother, wide-eyed. Pidge frantically digs around for her phone, then remembers the camera, looking straight at it with an evil grin. Lance’s jaw drops.]
[Keith continues to stare at the Blue Paladin in confusion, oblivious to the double meaning of his question.]
Lance (hoarsely): What?
Keith: I mean, you get the soap and wash your face and hair and body and go. How do you…make yourself pretty? That’s just something you are or are not, right?
[Shiro places his head in his hands. His shoulders shake.]
Shiro: Oh, dear God.
[Hunk is biting his lip harshly to keep from laughing. Pidge and Allura offer no such courtesy, giggling openly to themselves.]
Lance: Keith, tell me you’re not washing your fucking hair with bar soap.
[All embarrassment seems to be forgotten in favour of disbelief.]
Keith: Of course I am. I actually do wash my hair, you know. Frequently.
Lance: With fucking bar so – 
[He takes a deep, calming breath, bodily moving himself away as if proximity to Keith will somehow make his own hair-washing habits degrade.]
Lance: I am done talking about this. You are the worst roommate.
Keith: What? How? Because I wash my hair like a normal person?
Keith: At least I do it fast! You’re the worst roommate because you take four billion years to brush your teeth!
Lance (screeching): This mouth is plaque and gingivitis free, you skanky hoe! I spend a normal amount of time in the bathroom, you’re just a knobhead!
[Before Keith can argue back, Hunk reaches over and places a placating hand on Lance’s head.]
Hunk: Sorry, buddy, but as your roommate of almost six years now, you spend an insane amount of time in front of a mirror. I don’t have enough time in the day to count how often it would make us late.
Keith (emphatically): See? Worst roommate.
[Coran hums disapprovingly.]
Coran: I’m not sure that’s true, Number Four. He does more chores than the rest of you.
[Various mutters of agreeance.]
Shiro: True. Who’s the worst, then?
Pidge: Well, Hunk is always sneaking into my workshop and rearranging my shit.
Hunk: First of all, shared workshop. I am simply meandering over to your half. Second of all, I wouldn’t have to snoop if you simply indulged my curiosity. 
Lance (deadpan): The same curiosity that inspired you to build and code a device to break into my phone when I wouldn’t tell you the name of the person I was seeing?
Hunk: In my defense, you generally have bad taste. You’ve been mugged four times.
Lance: Privacy, Hunk. Snoops are the worst roommates. 
Allura: But he makes us treats! Surely that must count for something.
[Hunk looks at her, adoring and playful.]
Hunk: Allura, you are my favourite.
[Allura beams.]
Allura: Thank you!
Shiro: Hm. I suppose we all have annoying habits, but we’re all pretty helpful, too.
Coran (teasing): How diplomatic, Number One.
Lance: Taking that as a cue to move on. 
[He looks down at his stack of papers.]
Lance: Uh, a couple of these are pretty straightforward. ‘What is the best part of being a paladin?’
Keith (immediately): Helping people.
[No one voices protest.]
Lance (quietly): Next one.
Lance: ‘Do you have to train a lot?’
[Three humans groan in unison. Shiro looks amused. Allura looks huffy. Keith looks a little bit like a teacher’s pet.]
Pidge: All fucking day!
Allura (primly): That is a gross exaggeration.
Hunk: The only gross thing around here is how sweaty I get after the bajillion thousand years of training every morning. It is agony.
Lance: Agreed. I got so sweaty I broke out the other day. Broke out. Me. I had to be consoled.
[Hunk and Pidge both nod very seriously. Pidge places a reassuring hand on his shoulder.]
Hunk: It was a very difficult night.
Shiro (smiling): Next question, you dorks. 
Lance: This one is for Allura! ‘Were you friends with the mice before the cryo pod or did you only befriend them after? If the former, how did you end up becoming friends with them?’
[Allura lights up, either at the first directed question being to her personally, or because she is excited to show off her pets. She immediately pulls the mice out of her pockets, where they had been peacefully sleeping, and they blink and yawn as they wake, scampering up her arms to rest on her head.]
Allura: These friends are new! They were little stowaways. If I had known they were on the castle I would have befriended them much sooner.
Coran: She is very fond of animals. She would spend hours as a child building careful and gentle traps for any ‘pests’ that roamed the castle and disturbed the residents, so she could safely free them. 
[Lance feigns an arrow to the heart, collapsing dramatically backwards. Everyone else simply smiles fondly.]
[Allura barely notices, attention turned upwards to her pets, where she strokes them gently.]
Allura: I love my friends very much. They make everything…
[She pauses for a moment, expression saddening.]
Allura: They help me keep a piece of home.
[Shiro reaches over to squeeze her shoulder. She smiles gratefully at him. After a moment she turns to look at Lance, indicating for him to continue.]
Lance: Two more. 
[He takes a moment to read the first, then grins, sharp and teasing.]
Lance: ‘For Hunk: so did you and Shay ever become an iiiiiiteeeeeem?’
[Hunk flushes red. The rest of the team snickers, teasing and poking at him.]
Hunk: I doubt there was that much emphasis in the space e-mail, Lance.
Lance: No, there was.
[Keith crawls over the back of the couch to lean over Lance’s shoulder. He turns to Hunk, smirking.]
Keith: It definitely does, dude. Big and bold.
Lance (smugly): Thank you, Keith.
[Hunk scowls.]
Hunk: Funny how it’s suddenly easy for you two to work together when it benefits you.
Hunk: But whatever. We’ve been in contact. We have to follow up with people, you know.
Lance: Oh of course, of course.
Keith: Exactly the kind of kindness we expect from you, Hunk.
Pidge: Standard procedure.
Shiro: I would even say it’s protocol. 
Allura: I’d be disappointed if you weren’t following up, truly.
Coran: Astounded by your commitment, dear boy.
[Hunk sighs, long and heavy.]
Hunk: I hate all of you. Move on, Lance, or I’m leaving.
Lance: Okay, grouchy.
[He turns to the last sheet, reading it carefully. Suddenly, his face blooms bright crimson, and he flips the page over, slamming it onto his knees.]
Lance (hurriedly): My mistake! Misprint, there’s nothing on this page. That’s all for this episode, everyone, tune in for the next –
Keith: Oh, no you don’t.
[Keith leans over and snatches the paper from Lance’s lap faster than Lance can stop him. Lance screeches, lunging after him, but he is too fast, and besides everyone else but Coran piles on top of him, barring him from tackling Keith to the ground. The Red Paladin perches on the back of the couch, paper in hand, hair mussed and wild and smile victorious.]
Keith: ‘Do you really not remember the Bonding Moment –
[Lance lets out a scream of emotional agony.]
Keith: – or were you just faking?’ Bonding moment is capitalised, by the way. In case you wanted to pretend you didn’t know exactly what this is talking about. 
Lance (stubbornly): I don’t.
[Three people pinch him at once.]
Lance: Ouch! This is extortion!
Pidge: Deserved extortion, you liar.
Lance: I had brain damage! I don’t remember jack about shit!
Keith (voice cracking) (again): I cradled you in my arms!
Lance: No way! Don’t remember –
Keith (threatening): If you say ‘didn’t happen’, McClain, I swear to God –
Lance: – didn’t happen!
Hunk: One day you are going to piss off the angry knife boy just so and you are going to get stabbed. And I might not stop him.
Lance: This place is the worst. None of you love me. Only Coran.
[Coran gently pats Lance’s ankle.]
Coran: I don’t believe you either, dear.
Lance: Well, that’s fine. I will simply wallow away in agony and despair.
Coran: You do that.
[Lance sighs loudly, then squirms his way out of his teammates’ hold so his head his peeking out, glancing at the camera.]
Lance (sagely): Remember this injustice, Lance stans. I know you’re out there. Avenge me.
[On that dramatic note, the video cuts.]
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buubonita · 2 months
Hi! I saw your post about Royalaul Lux and thought I’d send a couple sketches I did a couple weeks ago of her. (Adult in armor, portrait in armor, two kids, her soul after some LV for flavor and some weapon concepts without much thought but into color). This is my first time doing something like this, I’m very nervous and I don’t expect a response, but do you have any thoughts or criticisms of the design? Please be mean I need critique, I’ve been going back and forth on whether I love or hate it.
Sorry for the long ask, you don’t have to read, have a wonderful day.
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I’ve been thinking about what her role would play and definitely agree that she should be the heir, it suits her. I thought her crown would be modeled after a stag, elegant, cold, ethereal, and her armor would incorporate both Dream and Cross’s main motif since they contrast well. Her basic backstory is kind of the same as her regular counterpart, magic to strong for body, etc, but instead of an explosion it’s like a surgical operation done on her when she was an infant to siphon some of the energy out. Her crown would be similar to Cross’s in that they both calm down their magic, but in her case it would feed into her empath ability from Dream and siphons out into her aura. I imagine she would specialize in spears and lances rather than swords, but be decent enough in wielding a proper blade. Her personality is definitely that of a tactician and plotter, a combination of Nim and Valentina mostly, but she can hold her own in a fight and would go to war at some point, not racking up as much LV as Cross though.
Over the course of her arc her colors would slowly change from silver and white to more grays and dull golds, her magic being tainted red from determination after participating in a few campaigns. She’d start off a very energetic if not shy kid and then morph into beautiful-warrior-goddess-adjacent-deer-queen girlboss, getting progressively colder on the outside to the point she could be compared to a marble statue. I’m working on some more sketches of her more grown up in some pretty, flowy dresses and blouses disguising some weapons or outright flaunting them.
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I’m very sorry for the long ask. I don’t do this often, have a nice day.
Hello! First I want to apologize for the delay in responding, my time on tumblr is very limited. Second, I appreciate you taking the time to come to me with these beautiful concepts, they are gorgeous! And I think you've done a great job, although as someone who doesn't draw or know much about that area, I feel like I don't really have much to say about this.
Still, thank you for trusting my word, it's very kind of you. I agree that Lux is the best choice! Maybe because she's the fankid I know the most or because she's always seemed charming to me since I discovered her a while ago. Lux is the perfect balance of strength and beauty that this kingdom of Ironfalls would definitely admire vehemently, (Dream is supposed to be the prettiest so it makes perfect sense to me that he would be the one to conceive the heir with Cross).
I really like the idea of ​​surgical intervention, Lux simply has an excessive magical torrent that needs to be burned/drained, the crown would be another suppressing tool to facilitate this task. She's pretty and deadly! I think she'd be even more daring and rebellious than Cross, because the context would be different at that time. It's a really interesting idea that I hope someone can explore in the future.
I also recommend you take this nice work to the original author of the universe. I'm sure they'll be very happy to see that it inspires others. Best regards, take care! ♡
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Hi!! Im looking for this klance soulmate fic on a03 where whatever they write on their skin it appears on the other and in this story keith tries avoiding writing on his skin and lance doesnt know about the soulmate thing so he does write on his skin (a grocery list i believe). Anyways, matt ends up drawing a d!ck on keith while he's asleep and lance ends up seeing it and gets mad at pidge (poor pidge it aint them) for drawing on him as he tries (and fails) to get it off. Until, he sees it blur off his skin and lance, hunk, n pidge end up freaking out bcuz they think its a ghost. Keith feels bad and writes im sorry on his skin as an apology and yeah. Theres also a scene where keith draws a pretty picture on his thigh with watercolor pencils for lance as a goodluck charm for his swim comp (this is later in the fic tho). I know its multiple chapters and its completed. Im an idiot and didnt bookmark it yrs ago and ive been trying for DAYS to find it again. Thank uuu if you DO end up finding it!! or thx anyways for trying haha !!
hii!! found it :) i remember reading this when it first came out so this was a THROWBACK i found it in the depths of my ao3 history hahah
written on your skin by trashness
rating: teens
published: 2017-12-12
completed: 2017-12-30
chapters as of november 5, 2023: [3/3]
summary: [ Keith is your typical troubled kid who's just trying to sort his life out. Things aren't perfect, but he's attending night school to get enough credits for university, he loves hanging out with Shiro and Matt on the weekends, and he's prepped to be the youngest member of his martial arts club to get his second Dan black belt. Things are looking up for Keith!
That is until strange notes start to appear on his arm.
They don't come off. At least, not when Keith tries to remove them. And they're written in handwriting that Keith knows isn't his.
So where are they coming from? ]
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cartoonicle · 4 months
Pastel/Plaid Cousins
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‘Marn and Nelly’
Marn and Nelly are the younger cousins of Brandon and Mariana and the son and daughter of Lorena and Lance, the toughest two of the family joining every sports game they can and always causing trouble around the castle with their aggressive games, sometimes they even wrestle and fight each other for fun.
Marn looks a lot like her mom while Nelly takes a lot after his dad even though he has his mom’s purple hair and yes Marn does have the ability to grow flowers and a new ability to grow out her hair which her brother and cousins have to help out with. (I’m kind of sitting on the fence rather I should make her glow or not). Nelly is strong and carefree like his dad and have kind of a similar relationship with Brandon that Blaine and Lance had and is just happy to have another boy his age in the family that he can play with.
I know rarely anyone in both families have blue hair but I just wanted to make their dynamic more natural blue and purple go together, plus I think Marn looks pretty with blue hair.
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‘Follow the King’
Marn and Nelly look up to Mariana and Brandon, everything they ever do they always ask their older cousins if they are proud of them or if they did great. Marn and Nelly may be good at sports but they are wondering how Mari and Brandy could be so confident and so good at everything Brandon is so good at baking, sewing, crafting, helping others, cooking, making friends and charity; Mariana is amazing at magic, school, projects, singing sad and punk rock songs, reading, scheming and protecting her family.
They love playing games together and in every game Mariana nominates Brandon to be the leader and Mariana makes it clear that Marn and Nelly have to do everything Brandon says.
Marn wants to be like Mariana someone strong, pretty, confident and not a pushover while Nelly wants to be like Brandon kind, well known and quite popular. How do their cousins do so much more than they do?
Being a bit submissive and naive (No offense) like their Mom and Dad Marn and Nelly listens to every word Mariana since she is smarter than anyone they know and sometimes Mariana gets things stuck in their head and gets them to believe things.
“Brandon is going to be King one day and he is going to make the kingdom better than it was before, it is our job to protect him!”
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‘Pastel/Plaid Slumber Party’
Just because they live together doesn’t mean they can’t have sleepovers once in awhile, it’s good to do a little catching up while hanging out in the same room
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‘The king and his court’
You have the king, his sister the advisor and sorceress, his cousins the commander of the army and the ambassador.
Helpful Sketch Bases:
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harmonytre · 11 days
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(Original by MagicalPouch, so go give him credit, not me! It's slightly edited to replace expressions I didn't want to draw with OTHER ones he made!)
I want to doodle expressions as warm-ups in my spare time! Below I have which expressions have been taken and what fandoms I can draw for! (Especially MP100 since I'm new to it!)
You can request through Ask (easiest), Reply, Reblog, or even Discord if you know me there!
You can double check Request Rules here!
[72/100 OPEN, 2 Finished]
1: A, B, C, D: Sebastian, E, F, G: Meowth, H, I, J
2: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J
3: A: Messier, B, C: Bubby, D, E, F, G, H, I, J
4: A, B, C, D, E, F: Michiru, G, H: Hop, I, J
5: A, B, C: Gordon, D, E, F, G, H, I, J: Scrafe
6: A, B: Darnold, C, D, E: G-Man, F: Benrey, G: Benrey, H: Forzen, I, J
7: A: Solar, B, C, D, E, F: Tommy, G: Finrey, H, I, J
8: A: Hi-C, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I: Nova, J
9: A: Medic, B, C: Wolf Hop, D, E: Poppy, F, G, H: Buckaroo, I: Tommy, J
10: A, B, C: Coomer, D: G-Man, E, F: Vida, G: Bubby, H, I: Tommy, J
I narrowed the list of fandoms to my favorites of each category, but you may view the full list HERE!
*: Favorites
(acronym or notes) [fav characters] {ships I can draw}
My Own:
*Pulo (Original) [The Guardian, Banjo] {Sizzle/Kixz, Cypress/Ripple, Frost/Petra}
*Sweet Voice Cafe (HLVRAI AU) [Joshua, Benny] {Boomer}
(Pretty much just check my Toyhouse!)
Atina and HLAIXD as well if you know those ;)
Current Favorites:
Pokemon [James, Hop, Leon] {Rocketshipping, Neoshipping, Geekchicshipping}
Team Rocket
Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware (HLVRAI) [literally all of them but if I had to pick then Bubby] {favs are Boomer and Freelatta, but I’m okay with drawing nearly any pairing!}
Y2KVR and BMFBE by (year2000electronics) [still reading the other series, sorry!]
The One True Streamman by (HeelysonFeelys)
Stuck Together (Dimonds456)
Human Resources Violations (kogo-dogo)
Augmented Reality (egelskop)
Ghost AU, Swap AU, Benrey Fam, CMY Siblings, Aubrey Calhoun, and Infection AU (pistachi0art)
Catmer (mr-web)
Metamorphosis AU (anons-has-hlvrai-aus)
HLVREM (py6oto
Barnrey (alieryn-art)
Simulation Reality (HLVR-SR)
Deep Sea AU (brainthreeze)
Hi-C (transforzen)
Toontown but the AI is Self-Aware (transforzen, green-2-blue)
My Little AI: Science is Magic (thomascoolatta)
(Un)Forgettable (dilfgmancoolatta)
*Mob Psycho 100 (MP100) [Mob, Reigen] {Ekurei, Takemob}
*Esper Kids (Mob, Saiki K, and Anya Forger as friends <3)
Infinity Train [Lake, Alan Dracula, Jesse]
Indigo Park [Rambley]
*Five Nights at Freddy's (FNAF) [Helpie, Roxie, Oz]
*How to Train Your Dragon (HTTYD) [Toothless] {Hiccstrid}
*Miraculous: The Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir [Alya, Luka] {Love Square, DJWiFi, Myvan, Julerose}
*My Little Pony (MLP, mostly G4) [Fluttershy, Thorax, Discord] {Fluttercord, Cheesepie}
*Trolls [Branch] {Broppy}
*Anything by Blackie Sootfur (but especially Demons, Uprooted, and Secret)
*Dino Squad [Buzz]
*Glitch Techs [Miko]
*Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts [Kipo, Wolf]
*Star vs. the Forces of Evil [Janet, Marco] {Jantom, Starco}
*Steven Universe [Peridot]
*Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT, specifically 2012 but any works) [Donatello, Mona Lisa] {Apritello}
*The Ghost and Molly McGee [Libby]
*Voltron: Legendary Defender [Pidge, Lance, Hunk] {Plance}
*Wild Kratts [Chris, Aviva]
*Brand New Animal (BNA) [Mishiru Kagemori]
*Monthly Girls Nozaki-Kun [Chiyo Sakura, Hirotaka Wakamatsu]
*Astro Boy (2009) [Astro Boy]
*Big Hero 6 [Hiro]
*Bolt [Bolt]
*Epic [Nod]
*Inside Out [Anger, Joy, Anxiety]
*Megamind [Megamind]
*Nimona [Nimona]
*Rise of the Guardians [Tooth Fairy, Jack Frost]
*Wreck-it-Ralph [Fix-it Felix] {Hero’s Cuties}
*Zootopia [Nick Wilde]
*Among Us
*Content Warning
*Half-Life (currently just HL1) [Snarks, Headcrabs, Barney Calhoun] {Freehoun}
*Lethal Company
*Undertale [Scarf Mouse, Nice Cream Guy, Papyrus] {Alphyne, Soriel, NicePants}
*EL Comics
*Follychromatic [Fauna]
*Magical Boy (TheK40)
*Pipe Up (Salt & Pepper Bunny, Tinysweetbunny, TheTRUEegge)
*Sanity Circus [Attley Grimshaw, Fletch Gray]
*The Skybox (lynxgriffin)
*Urban Animal
Fandom Webcomics:
*Jet’s Black Nuzlocke (Zerochan923600)
*Twin Runes (akanemnon)
Undertale AUs:
*Alivetale @/tatatale
*Fallen Flowers @/Tarableart
*Littletale @/mudkipful
*Sans The Seraphim (The Thought)
Other media (short films/characters/books/creators/etc):
*Birds (Imagine Dragons Animation)
*Epic: The Musical [Polites]
*MandJTV (and all series)
*Trevor Henderson
Live Action:
*Free Guy
*Ghosts (2021 series)
*Jurassic Park/World series
*Resident Alien
*The Librarians (tv series) [Ezekiel Jones]
*The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Childhood Shows:
*Dinosaur Train
*Dog with a Blog
*Dragon Tales
*Martha Speaks
*Wonder Pets
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edenvinity · 10 months
ranking the f1 driver pairings as amazing race teams
me and my family have been watching amazing race for years so you KNOW i had to combine my interests !!!
amazing race is basically a show where teams of two race all around the world and preform a series of challenges rhat can range from physical to more mental, and the team that reaches the “pit stop” last is eliminated. plane flights + transportation around the country is also often up to the teams, having to buy their own plane tickets + hailing their own taxis + driving themselves around a country which works against one team dominance
detour - teams can choose to complete one of two challenges
roadblock - one person in the team completes a challenge (one person cannot do every roadblock)
express pass - by doing an extra challenge, one team can get this pass that allows them to skip any one challenge
teams are ranked based on how far i think they would make it in a fictional all-f1 season of amazing race :)
10. pierre & esteban
sorry you KNOW they would be a dumpster fire. like the couples who go on and are like “i love my partner so much :))” and then immediately implode the second aomething goes wrong. would start off polite enough before the first detour where one of them is like mildly slow and the bickering starts. they would start rushing in an attempt to catch up and leave an important item behind (passports, clue, etc) and thats just the nail in the coffin for them
9. lance & fernando
tbh i could see them making it maybe 1 or 2 legs more depending on the challenge but. nothing against lance but hes a rich kid. the challenge would be like “find all the items on this shopping list at a wet market” and hes LOST. fernando gets 3/4 of the list AND has to find lance who is desperately looking for duck eggs (it was at the first stall) and then they get back and lance bought regular eggs anyways for a massively jacked up price. sorry but as entertaining as it would be they are doomed to flop
8. alex & logan
SORRY WILLIAMS BESTIES they would be such a silly team and fan favorites but respectfully i dont see them being very good 🥲 i think they would have a very good dynamic but other then that based on the pumpkin carving/drawing challenges,,,, they would not go far 😭 they would get a challenge to deliver something to several different locations (without map) and eventually get lost and be so far behind that when they get to the mat its like. nighttime. but they would be very cheesed and happy still !!
7. yuki & daniel
THE FUNNIEST PAIR EVER can you IMAGINE the dynamic when trying to navigate or drive a stick shift car. one of the friendlier pairs, willing to help point other teams in the right direction at challenges. also between the two of them they have a pretty decent skill set so i think theyd do pretty well at the challenges, plus be able to get around the city well enough. theyd eventually go out on a leg w more physical challenges just by virtue of the remaining teams being better but they have SO MUCH FUN and SO MUCH banter
6. kevin & nico
solid guys overall !! could see them maybe making it another leg further over the next team. definitely one of the most chill teams, sightseeing/enjoying the travels more (not to say that they arent competitive tho) and overall having a great time !! i think their experience with raising children would also factor in well (patience/calmness) and thus would keep them from making little mistakes and stay consistent. would eventually go out in a leg where they start from a lower spot and cant manage to find any earlier trains/flights and thus cant make up any ground and end up going out
5. lando & oscar
they are the most unstable team LMAO they (lando) always take big gambles with challenges to try and get ahead and as such always end up gaining/dropping tons of places in each leg. impeccable dynamic tho !! oscar is def the grounding force and keeps them on track, navigator to landos driver, while landos creative strategies often help them gain places where they might otherwise be stagnant. would eventually go out on a leg where lando insists on trying to catch an earlier train but ends up missing the connector to their destination (setting them back) and they cant catch up, eventually resulting in their elimination
4. valterri & zhou
i actually cant really explain this one guys its just a gut feeling. like i know that valterri is reasonably fit from biking a lot and zhou could help them get around more reliably in asian countries but other then that i dont have an explanation. theyre chill and like just kind of cruising/enjoying themselves. theres a roadblock where they have to name several different types of beer by taste and valterri crushes it. theres a challenge where its watching this person dancing and having to recreate the entire outfit that zhou kills. they go out right before the final because theyre beaten in a footrace to the mat
3. lewis & george
these guys are EFFICIENT. lewis somehow manages to get them on the earliest flights possible. george reads the map once and immediately find the fastest routes from place to place. they are reasonably good at most challenges. their downfall is challenges requiring them to work together closely, which happens in the final where they are required to learn a traditional wedding dance and preform it and they just cant sync up, costing them major time, and the entire experience just leaves them irritable which eventually leads to them claiming third
2. max & checo
similarly to lando & oscar, max is the competitive force with checo grounding their team. highly competitive (though not to say they dont enjoy themselves), always going for express passes and valuing efficiency. their strategy works for the most part, with them racking up the most leg wins. their downfall ultimately came during the final challenge, where they had to match moments from previous legs with their locations, and neither of them really remember LMAO. just barely misses out on first which goes to…
1. charles & carlos
impeccable dynamic. gets one express pass and uses it strategically. very supportive of each other during challenges. they are just a generally overall solid team but not outstanding, never really winning and just beats out valterri/zhou for the third spot in the final. but in the final leg they are just incredibly in sync which allows them to complete the challenges efficiently, and at the end challenge they have memories tied to each place and are able to figure it out faster then max/checo and beat them to the mat to take the win !!!
okay thanks for listening to my rambles ☺️ maybe a part two of this later ranking old driver pairs OR an f1/survivor ranking
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pansy-picnics · 1 year
How would the tangled kids react to Varian and Cassandra’s villain arc? Also I love your art 😊
AJDJDJDGG OKAY SO. this is SO fucking good but ive been putting it off for so long bc i wanted to draw something to go with it but i’ve just. never figured out what so inevitably i’m just gonna answer it on its own
this subject in particular is SO FUNNY for me to think about bc i think the kids’ reactions depend a lot on how their parents talk abt it and both of them handle it in COMPLETELY different ways. like uknighted dream is pretty open abt it (obviously they give the incredibly watered down kid-safe version) and they kinda use it as a learning experience? like in very vague terms.
its kinda just like
alina: oh why are you and mama cass fighting in your drawing :(
rapunzel: <:) well yknow how if you shake a bottle of soda, when you open it it explodes everywhere?? well sometimes when we bottle up our feelings and don’t do anything with them or talk to someone we trust, they end up getting all shaken up in there, and eventually theyll explode! mama cass and i used to have a lot of trouble talking about our feelings, and because of all those emotions that got bottled up and shaken around in there, we found it hard to properly communicate with each other at all. but then we realized how much we really cared about each other and how we really wanted to make things work, so we learned to be more honest about how we felt and how to communicate with one another without everything just ‘exploding’, so to speak. and thats why we always teach you how to manage your big emotions, does that make sense? :)
on the other hand VARIAN? literally could not care less. at least not with the ud kids. he still has one of his wanted posters that hugo grabbed as a “souvenir” on their trip, and the automaton he used to fight rapunzel? its still in the corner of his lab and he pulls it apart regularly for scrap metal.
ryder will be wandering around his lab when hes like 7 and hes like “uncle vari whats that”
varian: that’s an automaton buddy
ryder: did you make it?
varian: yeah
ryder: what’s it for
varian: well nothing now it’s just spare parts. but i actually made it a long time ago to fight your mom
ryder: which one
varian: both actually. and technically your dad. but mostly rapunzel
ryder: oh
ryder: did you win?
varian: no it wasnt really that kind of fight. nobody won
ryder: oh that’s boring
ryder: can i try it
varian: absolutely not
when emery comes along though varian is like “okay we are Never addressing this again” bc em thinks varian is SO cool and varian actually cares So much about his newfound image. (very stupid of him for that to be his main priority obviously bc emery is like 4 and if she knew what he did she would probably just be like “okay. can i have apple juice”)
anyways yeah ilmari and the twins don’t really tell her anything either because they don’t really see it as anything worth telling her about, especially in comparison to way more important things like the fact that lance will sometimes sneak you dessert before dinner if you can convince eugene he has a gray hair without him catching on. so obviously emery grows up fairly unaware of anything varian has done but the defining factor is that shes constantly hearing about it out of context and is just left to struggle with that enigma.
like you know the experience of being like 14 years old at the family thanksgiving and you get to sit at the grown ups table for the first time and hear about all their weird beef and inside jokes and also hear your aunt mention out of context that hey your dad went to prison once bc that’s LITERALLY what the tangled kids experience in relation to their parents’ pasts. like the twins forgot about most of what varian told them by the time they grew up, they knew the watered down version of what happened with cass but they never knew the little details right. so they’ll just be hanging out playing checkers together while the adults are sitting across the room chatting over drinks and varian jokes “oh man its just like that one time cass kidnapped me” and all the kids immediately whip their heads around like “WHAT?”
this is ESPECIALLY true with emery who’s parents are notorious for having more insults for each other than pet names. em could just be reading by the fireplace late one night and var and hugo come out for a midnight snack and just start talking like
hugo: sometimes i think maybe objectively we should be evil again. like just for fun
varian: honestly. i took over the kingdom once i could do it again no problem
hugo: you’re probably actually strong enough to do it yourself now 🥺
varian: you want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid
emery: ….right so are we just gonna brush over the “again” part or did you guys forget i was here
varian also eventually realizes that by doing this he is replicating EXACTLY how quirin used to be secretive of his own past and how like one day varian just suddenly had to grapple with the knowledge that his dad who baked pies and fed the apple peels to his raccoon probably had a kill count. and obviously varian is absolutely distraught over this revelation
“HUGO HELP ME. I think im becoming my dad” “oh. well hey it happens to all of us it could be worse. besides your dad is hot so like i see it as a win win” “What” “what?”
i should probably also mention that ilmari knew about cass’s villain arc long before they even MET and ilmari actively tries to use this against her when they’re like 13. like “yeah well you cant tell ME what to do i’m gonna tell alina and ryder you tried to stab mom when you were in your 20s” (it doesn’t work btw)
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in-her-shadow-if · 1 year
Ok but fairly angsty ask??? That validates my feelings lmao. So, what if MC was born sickly on top of it all? Like they were easy to fall sick with colds, ferver and stuff... there was a fragility to their build, if you pushed them they would break etc etc... reactions of the ROs. Cherry on top pretty please if guin being guin and daddy dearest only make her condition worsen :)) would the ROS be protective???
The ROs would be protective in their own way.
I'll-fight-these-fools kind of protective mixed with waiting on MC hand and foot to comfort them: Arthur, Lancelot
Death glare to Guin / Bran while plotting revenge: Merlin, Kay
Resisting the urge to set Bran on fire mixed with comforting MC and taking them away: Morgana
Reactions (warning: some assume touch is okay, reaction would vary for MC otherwise, also: fire):
Arthur - He notices the exhaustion in your eyes after Guinevere left "MC? Are you unwell?" A soft hum from your lips tells him yes. His own body was heating up from annoyance at your sister. But he didn't notice as he gently scoops you up and into his arms. "Let's get you to the bed, love. And then I'll grab you favorite pillows and a glass of water." Arthur glanced down at you. "And that book you love - I'll read it until you fall asleep." And then I'll find Guinevere and give her a taste of her own medicine, he thought.
Lancelot - "Hey! Time for you to leave," Lance growls as he steps in to shield you from your father. Bran glares at the Knight. "How dare you talk to a King like that!" Lancelot chuckles and takes step forward, his chest touching Bran's. "I dare much more than talking, Your Majesty. I suggest you leave before I do something you regret" he responds. The King sputters, unable to respond before giving you an annoyed look over Lancelot's shoulder and turning to leave. Lance turn to look at you. His face softens. "Want some fresh air in the garden?" You nod and he wraps a gentle arm around you shoulder, pulling you close so you can rest your weight on him. Fuck, I hate that guy, Lance thinks.
Morgana - You sigh at the feelings coming over you while your father talks. All things you've heard so often. You wish he'd leave Camelot so you could be in peace. Well, partial peace considering Guin's presence. "Dammit, are you listening to me, MC?" You meet your father's eyes but before you can respond he lets out a yelp and starts jumping around. Your eyes widen and you stumble back, bumping into something soft. "Help! I'm on fire!" Bran swats his arm sleeve as he struggles to get his robe off. You hear a soft giggle and look to your side. "How peculiar!" Morgana says. "You don't see that everyday, do you?" She winks at you before turning back to watching the flailing Bran.
Kay - Your eyes search for a way out. You're trapped with Guinevere and its already brining on a headache from her entitled demands. Guinevere grabs your sleeve, drawing your attention. "Listen when I talk to you," she says, annoyance flashing in her eyes. Her grip is broken by a lady Knight in shining armor. Kay glares at Guinevere, a look so severe that you shiver. "MC is needed elsewhere. I've come to retrieve them." Your sister rolls her eyes. "Whatever," she says before turning away. Kay turns to you with a bright smile. "Shall we?" You follow her out of the room, noticing how she glances at Guin on the way out with a balled up fist. The day will come.., Kay thinks to herself.
Merlin - Guinevere opens her mouth to continue but both of you turn to look as a portal opens and Merlin steps out, tossing an aggravated look at her. Xe stops in front of her and huffs. "Your grating voice carries to the tower. Don't look so surprised, I told you this the first day you arrived in Camelot. How can I get work down with you in the same building?" Guinevere lets out a small shriek. "You can't talk to me like that! I'm the QUEEN." Merlin rolls xir eyes and turns to you, a small smile tugging at xir lips. "See what I have to put up with it? It's insufferable." Xe turns back to Guin. "And I won't tolerate it. Sleep with an eye open." With that, Merlin guides you out of the room with a barely contained smile and sparkling eyes.
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soulreapin · 7 months
some silly lance hcs for the soul :)
Once went to planet that had a similar beach to Varadero, and got a glass jar full of the sand and shells. Made him feel as if he still had a piece of home with him, even if it really wasn’t home. (keeps that jar on shelf in his room on the castle)
Anytime he’s watching a show/movie, he’ll always point out how attracted he is to a character. (“He’s so pretty I think i’m in love Hunk”)
Lance and his twin caused THE MOST trouble growing up. I’m talking about drawing on the walls, destroying toys, stealing from the convenience store, food fights at school, LOTS of detention, sneaking out together late at night, etc. (those drawings are still on the wall at their house) they ran their neighborhood, starting a giant friend group of scary lil sun kissed kids. he thinks about them in space from time to time
owns blue moana watch (keeps it on his shelf)
Pro Surfer, like the ocean was practically his second home.
idk, i thought some of these were silly 🙇‍♀️
OUGHHHH i love these. blue moana watch…..ive fuckin seen that somewhere else and i dont know where but i love it to pieces
along with telling hunk he also tells keith (his boyfriend) how beautiful he thinks that character is and keith looks at him with such an Active Bitch Face allura stirs at the other end of the castle because drama hath been invoked
thank you for the hcs anon i will treasure them greatly 😁
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cupidscatcafe · 3 months
Guys I finally got to see Inside Out 2 and omg do I need to rant
Inside Out is my current hyperfixation and I’m so happy I got to have it right when the second movie came out
So here’s everything I wanted to talk about from my first viewing of Inside Out 2 (Spoilers, obviously)
I’ve placed these in (rough) chronological order
1. Getting to see the emotions room! So, I actually missed the first few minutes because we accidentally bought 3D tickets instead of normal ones so we got the times mixed up. But! I got to see the Demo Day scene on YouTube and OMG THEIR ROOM⁉️ ITS SO CUTE 😭 THE BUNKBEDS, JOY AND FEAR HAVING STARS ON THEIR WALLS, AND ANGER HAVING THE WINDOW THINGY ON HIS 🥺
2. The emotions bed clothes! Omg I would kill for Joy’s pjs! They’re so cute and they definitely made a great decision with the design! I would have never thought of Sadness in a robe but omg does she look adorable! Fear and his plushie are actually like the cutest thing ever aND DISGUST⁉️ SHES SO PRETTY OMG 😭 Not much to say for Anger just cuz I feel like people would of kinda expected that to be his bed clothes 😭
3. “Who are you people?” I just kinda think the line delivery was neat :3 also the way Disgust puts herself between the construction people and Sadness to, like, protect her, its just so cute 😭
4. Ennui and her phone I know people don’t really like her that much but I did! I like how she had an app that she could control the console from but where did she even get it from? 😭 Did someone make that just for her or did she just “spawn” with it? 😭
5. “You can’t bottle us up!” The fact Joy gave them that idea and the way Embarrassment poked holes in the jar for them like they’re little rats you’d find in your kitchen 😭 I guess that is kind of what they were to the new emotions but I love how they literally bottled up emotions
6. Lance struggling to walk through the door I just thought it was funny he kept walking into the wall and it took a few tries for him to get through the door 😭
7. Disgust willingly sitting on a slice of pizza Do you know how greasy and gross pizza is 😭? She was hesitant to stand on broccoli but she was fully willing to sit in grease 😭 I just feel like that’s something she would never do 😭
8. The climb up the recall tube Just the way that Sadness was the last option 😭 Fear and Anger werent even an option to Joy, her first choice was Disgust and the only reason she didn’t do it was because she didn’t want to get her dress dirty 😭 Sadness was the only one left so she had too 😭
9. Sar-chasm Really no explanation, the joke is just funny imo
10. Joys “OF COURSE IM DELUSIONAL” It’s been stuck in my head since I first saw a clip of that on Tik Tok and it seriously plays in my mind over and over 😭 I also think it gives us a better idea of what goes on in her head and I really appreciate it 🙏
11. Pillow fort Joy being asked if she was drawing a hippo when she was drawing Riley and her hockey team, Disgust using Anger as a clipboard, Anger drawing Riley giving flowers to the other team, no one standing with Joy when she asked who was on her side, that one person who drew a cat, I just love the scene all together 😭
12. Brainstrom It rains light bulbs ☹️ /pos
13. “Grab an idea” The way Disgust didn’t even wait for any other order and just jumped off the balloon thousands of feet high in the eye of the storm 😭 She could have tried to catch an idea that came near her but she decided to jump 😭
14. Fears parachute He definitely has other safety equipment on his person and I need to know what else he has 🙏 he probably wears knee/elbow pads under his clothes or something 😭
15. Riley dying her hair She used that cherry koolaid thingy to dye her hair in the bathroom and omg that’s so real 😭 I, personally, used to use chalk though 😔
16. Anxiety During the panic attack scene where shes moving so quickly that it looks like she isn’t moving at all 😭 The small flickers were so cool 🙏 I love her design ngl, like shes so ugly shes cute, her character is honestly just so relatable, I love her sm ☹️
17. Riley’s hair Idrk what to say here, I just like her hair and the way it looks damp after her panic attack is just some cool animation 😭
18. Nastolga I just think the joke of her coming to hq when its not her time is funny 😭 She seems like such a cool character and if theres a 3rd movie I would love to see more of her!
19. Anxiety’s Chair I just think it’s really cute that they gave her a massage chair, it looks so relaxing 😭
20. Disgust constantly cleaning her dress She’s just so real for that
21. The animation OMG THE ANIMATION WAS SO PRETTY 😭 The glitter in the emotions hair, Disgust’s run cycle was seriously adorable, Joy and Disgust’s facial expressions (I was really only watching them because they’re my favourites ngl), the different styles for Lance and Bloofy/Pouchie (+ how excited Joy is when meeting Bloofy), Joy’s glow staying (I seriously expected them to forget about it) the way the wind affects their hair, it’s just all so beautiful 😭
I might get to watch it again this week so if I notice/remember anything else I’ll add to the list 🥺
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macaroonkitti · 1 month
Giving you an excuse to talk about ur Ethan and Silver ( and others if u wanna :) )
Thank you anon....
I'll save Lyra and Kris's designs for once I've actually drawn them digitally so for now I'll just do Ethan and Silver >:)
Rambles under the cut!
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So! Ethan!!
He's working at the daycare as a Pokemon breeder. He's really enjoyed hatching eggs ever since he hatched his Togepi (now a Togekiss) so he's gone into that, hence the gloves and apron. He's still a skilled trainer who was champion at some point, and he enjoys battling from time to time, but this is his true passion. He loves helping kids raise at least one of their pokemon from an egg
The Pichu stitched on is a reference to the spiky-eared Pichu ofc. In my hcs Lyra caught it but I still think it's cute
His casual jacket, of course, is colored like Ho-Oh! And his 99 shirt underneath is a reference to Red's 96 shirt.
Still kept the backwards cap. His style didn't change a whole lot
He outgrew his braces I usually draw his younger self in, but he's still got gold earrings for a bit of gold on his design :]
Didn't draw them here, but he has some burn scars from when he caught Ho-Oh as a kid. Ho-Oh healed them almost immediately, but they still scarred. He thinks they look pretty cool and no one believes him when he says they're from Ho-Oh. He also has a rainbow wing tattoo on his shoulder
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Now for Silver!
Silver is the Viridian City gym leader!! He felt a little conflicted about taking it over for obvious reasons, but Lance, his friends, and surprisingly Blue of all people supported him. (Silver suspects Blue really wanted the gym off his hands). He's doing a good job though, and he's enjoying it. Being the last gym trainers face in Kanto means he's had some tough challengers
Cape cape cape cape
It's from Lance btw. He said he wasn't going to wear it but here he is
That being said he only wears it on the job and not all the time like Lance lmao
He's got Lugia colors! Because gold and silver hehe. His cape also has little slits like Lugia's funky hand things
Outfit looks kinda similar to his jacket from when he was a kid, I gotta keep his swag. Plus it looks kind of like Lance's style
Really he's taking after Lance a lot. That's his dad. He's even started raising a few dragon type pokemon like the Dragonair he's with in the drawing
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