#i love darkness guys.im darkness creatures number one fan
linkedin-offficial · 1 month
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not all are so lucky in the face of calamity.
contrary to popular belief, dark plants do indeed feed off of light, like their more active darkness brethren. these plants naturally emit what could be classified as an "artificial warmth", that feels like and acts like natural warmth from a light source. however, it is not that of course, and is actually spores. dark plants are known to produce spores that would attract creatures that also seek light (like vultures and bats), so they may latch onto the host and spread them further.
if you feel warm while standing next to a dark plant, then it is most likely the plants' spores clinging onto you. a nice and long bath is highly recommended. those who do not heed such a warning, may start to feel ill as time marches on. seek medical attention when possible, or else your light may be at risk.
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