#i love benoit blanc so much i love his talking not just bc of the accent but bc of the WAY he talks
i could listen to mr benoit blanc talk for hours
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fandomfluffandfuck · 2 months
apologies that this is out of character for me but i am at a loss because out of all the wonderful things your brain can do, i cannot possibly fathom how you havent seen knives out.
travesty. the world will fall apart if this isnt rectified immediately.
like hello???? please please please take the time to watch knives out and take it from me: i watched the movie before i got into fandom, and i was blown away. the cast list made me watch some movies i never thought i would bc i liked the actors so much. idk where you stand on the murder mystery genre but its my favourite movie ever made and the directing is beautiful. like. there are so many good things about this movie and this isnt a review its a persuasive paragraph on all the reasons you should watch!!!!
1. chris. obviously.
2. it actually talks to some degree about politics and is really good at depicting how rich white upper class people view society in the form of jokes
3. ana de armas as marta cabrera was my bisexual awakening
4. the chemistry between her and chris is so good
5. daniel craig as benoit blanc is the best character ever written (indisputable) and his accent is hilarious
ok im done. (plsplspls watch it i will be over the moon but of course no pressure love u)
related to this ask about Max and Ransom with mommy kink ✨️spice✨️
Lmao, you're fine, don't worry about it <3 And thanks, haha.
All very convincing reasons. Your logic is entirely sound. Also, that part about the politics really is compelling, I've not heard that from anyone else talking about the film!
But, yeah, I haven't seen Knives Out mostly because I don't actually have any streaming services nor do I have cable TV (living that broke as fuck college student and artist life 🤙🏻) but also because I spend all my time doing everything but sitting and watching shows. I'm much more of a drawing, reading, writing, or keeping myself alive with have-to-do things, lol. I can't really sit still, and just watch something.
Really, though, it's just hilarious for me to be in an actor's fandom because... I really don't watch films or TV or series almost ever. I hardly even watch YouTube 😅
I appreciate the convincing, though, maybe I'll fuck around and find out where I can illegally download it 💀💀 and if my FBI agent is reading this that's definitely a joke
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humanoidtyphoons · 1 month
no i got things to say about gun x sword
-genuinely sad the opening did not commit to the bit of silhouettes revealed and remaining silhouettes if the characters had died. ray dying broke my heart but i think he should have remained a silhouette in the opening after his death, but at some point the anime stopped doing that and it’s a real shame bc i thought the way it initially did things was sooo fun
-didn’t expect to like ray so much but he’s a foil to van in a way that gradually became really pleasing. also him thwarting the claw’s plan, even temporarily, was super satisfying!!!
-the claw was such a good villain. trying to suss out why things don’t add up with him, what people say about him vs what he’s doing. meeting him in person, being underwhelmed, baffled, cautious and temporary insane about how things don’t make sense before coming to the conclusion that he’s actually insane so the dissonance is… intentional? he clicks in a way that’s really great to process tbh. like the good intentions he has just don’t work with his logic, he doesn’t seem to realise he killed people when he gives them hugs, and doesn’t really care if people die so long as his dream is fulfilled?
-it’s a little embarrassing to be in denial about his blatant madness, and i should have figured it out sooner, but ngl he flummoxed me for episodes bc people couldn’t hate him and apparently found him so charismatic that they joined his cause??? so i. convinced myself that there was going to be this super complicated reveal that would explain his bizarreness in a convoluted way, that would explain everything… and the simplicity of it being. he’s just insane, actually. so much more effective.
(-knives out glass onion with benoit blanc going “you’re not smart! you’re just stupid!!!” is the closest comparison i think i can get but it’s just… wasn’t satisfying for that movie, (i did like the movie, tho, with nitpicks) whereas gxs… me coming to the realisation about claw… sometimes as the audience, you doing the legwork is what makes the figuring out and making it make sense satisfying??)
-i really like that van wastes no time killing claw in the final episode. bc we’d seen something similar with ray, who also wanted revenge for the death of his wife at claw’s hands. claw talking and being dismissive. we’d seen in the previous episode, van and the claw talking, in which the claw repeatedly calling van an idiot. it was clear that they were never going to get through to each other. so van quickly cuts him in two, and honestly? so fulfilling. so satisfying.
-found myself shipping van/pricilla and joshua/wendy. ofc they didn’t end up together, but i’m super relieved van/wendy didn’t happen either and they remained platonic til the end.
-ngl van kinda inexplicably hating joshua soooo much made me laugh so much! it’s so mean and i love both characters but it’s hilarious
-i kinda do like wendy vs her brother michael and her telling him off bc she explored the planet with van and gained new experiences
-docked a point for the fan service tho
-i’m not… particularly happy about michael once he sleeps with his teammate tbh? idk how i would have written it but… uh… not like that tbh?
-honestly the story is nothing new but the characters are so fun and likeable and that matters more tbh! ngl my attention span wandered at times but when it was good, it was very very good
-but also i liked that van wasn’t solely motivated by revenge. not like ray. ray lived for nothing else but revenge, but van… as cranky as he was, still had connections to the living.
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chapswithouttheass · 2 years
glass onion and knives out are great movies. i think they are set apart from the classic who-dunnit, and genius detective genres purely bc of benoit’s role. He sticks to his jurisdiction, he lets the people he’s helping know he can only do so much and he helps them win. The stories aren’t purely about how much of a genius he is, they are about the tragedy or injustice done unto the victims. its about vindication. At the very heart of these two stories there is a private eye, benoit blanc, brought to a mystery fuelled by greed. 
A big part of my issues with modern true-crime fanatics is directly tied to this genius detective trope. Almost none of modern true-crime content creators are doing it to bring to light the injustices done to the victims, they are pure violent gore-porn. The terror inflicted just by knowing someone could commit such violence is broadcasted by these people just to initiate a growing obsession and thus a following, however contentious. An obsession with the fringe of society, maybe something they can relate to, a sense of power for the supposed powerless, a sense of entitlement to those who have nothing. True crime was never supposed to be fun, it existed to bring small cases abandoned by local authority to the public eye. The mystery and horror was always second to the real violence committed. The respect to the victims and the injustice done has been tabled by the public for the violence-obsessed and freak loving losers who think they are doing good by spending 2 hours on youtube talking about the gruesome act and how sexy Ted Bundy is. Ted Bundys fucking ugly, and he was a creep loser who had to make women feel sorry for him to get their “help”.
I love the who-dunnit genre so much and i think these movies are fantastic. Happy endings are a breath of fresh air after the pandemic and absolute onslaught of bad news for like 3 years straight. 
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moriaenships · 3 years
for the acrostic game, bc we've been talking abt it, gimmie benoit blanc xP
Leryn... youre gonna call me out like this huh............................................
mr Blanc......... my handsome csi kfc husband....
feel like it was obvious this would be long and YET. i didnt anticipate it. no readmore we scroll fast like men.
B- Before - before you decided to make them your F/O, what did you first think of them/their source?
WAS OBSESSED HONESTLY. he was my favorite part of the movie. which is saying something because Knives Out made my top 5 movie list right away it's so fucking good. but he was the highlight for me.
love his stupid accent and the way he's such a dork. and the movie FUCKS SO HARD
E- Emotion - is your f/o open with their feelings or do they keep them close to their chest?
oh Benoit is so open with his feelings. like when they're personal and private, it's important for him to be open and honest. when it comes to case stuff, he's way more tactical about expressing himself. calculating. and hot.
N- Nostalgia - what’s your f/o’s favorite memory?
his first successful case, honestly. like that one's easy. he's got a lot, but the one that kickstarted his career and allows him to do what he loves whilst helping other people out? holds such a special place in his heart.
O- Online - what is your f/o’s social media presence like, or what would it be like if they had internet in their world/era?
LIKE. there's no way he's active on social media. he has a twit that he only posts on like when i remind him, and i basically run his insta to just post pics of food and travel shots.
I- Image - show us a picture of them that gives you a lot of feelings. if they aren’t a visual character, describe your mental image of them!
Tumblr media
its this one because i love forearms. i love suits. i love him having his button down rolled up at the sleeves showing off his arms. im a simple man.
T- what skills of theirs would they teach you? what would you teach them?
he'd definitely help me/teach me to be more observant. which is. so sad honestly but i'm super oblivious and not very observant. he'd have fun making little games and challenges around the house to help me become more observant.
as for me teaching him... i'd teach him how to cook my favorite dishes. teach him what little i know about photography and then we could learn more together. it would be fun to do together. idk if i have skills that he'd like to learn :/ what's he gonna do with all my photoshop abilities????
L- Language - what’s their love language? what’s yours?
his is definitely quality time and physical contact.
mine are quality time, physical contact, and words of affirmation.
so when we're together, we are most often in the same room, probably cuddled on the couch together or snuggling in bed.
A- Art - do they draw or paint? what about any other kind of art? what’s their favorite style/subject/another artist who inspires them?
he paints to relax. a soothing and calming hobby for him to indulge in. he's most likely to follow along to Bob Ross videos and simple tutorials on youtube if he doesn't want to make something just on his own. but otherwise he'll just have his favorite music, movie, or audiobook on and lose himself in the painting.
C- Confession - which of you admitted romantic interest in the other first (if they’re the flirty type, when did they admit they were really serious about the other?) how did they do it? what was the reaction?
yeah uh. he's definitely the one who confessed first. he's not overly flirty (but hes not NOT flirty? he's proper flirty and but doesn't disaster flirt unlike some people (robbie moriaenships im looking at you)) so it wasn't so much like "hey all my fun little flirts mean something" but like "when i flirt with you specifically, it's because i am interested in you."
and honestly that's kind of how it went. a meet up for coffee and a walk as normal and a flirty exchange that was immediately followed by,
"Mads, you know that when I flirt, it's not just a casual thing. i am interested in you."
followed by me blushing horribly and stammering awkwardly and Benoit just smiling to himself and letting me process my feelings as we walked.
(of course i return his feelings. we're married.)
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