#i love axel so much he makes me wanna bash my head into a wall
aethergate · 6 months
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@underworldsarcade asked ; ❝ i saw this and thought of you. ❞ from roxas to axel ! AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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His lips quirk upwards in a smile at that, plucking the red rimmed sunglasses from his grasp and looking them over for a moment. They obviously aren't the most high quality, but he isn't a very high quality guy anyways. His arm raises to place the glasses within his hair.
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"Well, it's good to know my killer sense of style is obvious! I'll make sure to wear these for our beach trip. Not that I'll need em, but it's about style, not functionality. I'll have to get you and Xion a pair to match with."
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New World CH. Eleven
Title: Shit Happens
Words: 1610
Warnings: Strong language, character death (minor), canon-typical violence, mentions of drugs
A/N: If you’d like to request something, send me an ask. I’d love to write for you! 
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New World Masterlist
Daryl Dixon Masterlist
The Walking Dead Masterlist
Sam and Dean
“Why do I need this when I got this?” Gunman said, holding up his gun.
 “First things first, what are your names?” Dean asked. “We’re gonna need to communicate and we need names.”
 “Thomas,” gunman said after a moment. Blondie was Axel, Bigman was Big Tiny, Shortie was Andrew, and the one with kids was Oscar.
 “Daryl,” Daryl said.
 “Alright, now that we’ve introduced ourselves, tell me why I need a crowbar when I’ve got a gun.”
 “You don’t fire guns. Not unless your back’s against the wall,” Sam said, closing his eyes in frustration.
 “Noise attracts them,” Dean said.
 “We’ll run in two by two. Daryl will run point with T. Sam will be in the middle. Dean and I will bring up the rear with you,” Rick said, pointing his knife at Thomas. “Stay tight, hold formation no matter how close the walkers get.”
 “Anyone breaks ranks, we could all go down,” Dean said.
 “If anyone runs off, they could get mistaken for a walker. End up with a knife to the head,” Rick continued.
 “That’s where you aim. They’ll only go down with a head shot.”
 “You ain’t gotta tell us how to take out a man,” Thomas said.
 “They ain’t men. They’re something else,” T-Dog said.
 “Just remember to go for the brain.” Axel and Big Tiny looked nervously at each other and Thomas picked up his weapons. Daryl and T-Dog left first, Sam and the prisoners following them, and Dean walked behind them all with Rick, shouldering his pack. It was time to go.
 Everyone but the prisoners were light on their feet. Every time one of them made too much noise, Dean winced and looked over his shoulder.
 “Man, it’s too damn dark in here,” Oscar complained.
 “You’ll hear ‘em before ya see ‘em,” Daryl said. “Hold your weapon up high.”
 A noise was heard in the distance and Axel freaked. “It’s coming!”
 “Shut up,” Sam hissed. Looking at the wall, Sam saw a shadow moving towards the group and he could hear the tell-tale snarl of a walker. They all got ready to fight but once the walkers were both in sight, the prisoners ran towards them, yelling. It was pure chaos and Rick pinched the bridge of his nose. Looking at his family, Rick saw that they all held the same expression as him.
 “They’re going to get themselves killed,” Dean muttered. Daryl shot one and Dean pushed Andrew out of the way before plunging his knife into its brain. Yanking the knife out, Dean looked at them.
 “That’s how you do it.” Taking his place next to Rick, Dean flicked some of the blood off his knife.
 Moving forward, the group ran into more and Daryl shot one again.
 “Go for the brain. Not the stomach, or the heart. The brain,” he said.
 “I hear you. Brain,” Axel said. Another walker came up and Oscar was quick to put it down.
 “Like that?”
 “Uh-huh.” Axel got the next one and then Sam.
 “Stay in tight formation. No more prison riot crap.”
 More snarling was heard and Sam and Dean watched as the prisoners killed the geeks. They didn’t notice Big Tiny stumble away from the carnage, but when they heard his scream, everyone went running. Rick killed one and Thomas fired three shots into the last one. All the walkers were dead and Dean looked at Thomas.
 “Are you out of your fucking mind?” Dean hissed. “What did we say about guns!”
 He ignored Dean and stared down Rick. With a shake of his head, Sam pushed past Thomas and looked at Big Tiny. He reached for his back and blood was on his hand. Turning him gently, Sam saw scratch marks and he frowned. His eyes met Rick’s and Sam shook his head. Rick shined his light on Big Tiny then turned away.
 “I’m telling you, I don’t feel anything. It’s just a scratch.”
 “I’m sorry, man,” Rick said.
 “I can keep fighting!”
 “You cut that old guy’s leg off to save his life,” Andrew said.
 “Look where it is,” Sam said. “Can’t cut that off.”
 “Guys, I’m fine! Look at me. I’m not changing into one of those things.”
 “There’s gotta be something we can do,” Oscar said. “We could lock him up.”
 “Quarantine him?” Axel suggested.
 “You gotta do something! Why you just standing there, we gotta save him.”
 “There’s nothing we can do,” Rick said.
 “You son of a bitch,” Andrew said. His bat was raised and Dean stepped forward. Then, Thomas hit Big Tiny in the head, knocking him to the ground. After looking at his crowbar, he went to town on Big Tiny, bashing his head in so much, nothing was left. Blood splattered everywhere and Thomas had an unsettling look in his eye. Rick could tell that the other prisoners were slightly in shock and he cleared his throat.
 “We gotta keep moving you said. Shouldn’t stay in one place too long,” Rick said.  
 “He’s right. Let’s go.”
 T-Dog took the front with Sam and Dean was in the back with Daryl and Rick. Thomas was directly in front of them and they kept their eyes trained on him.
 “Ya see the look on his face?” Daryl quietly said. They both nodded. “He makes one move, just give me the signal.”
 The group kept walking until they got to the laundry room. T-Dog entered first, the prisoners second. The room was quiet, no walkers present. Sam’s eyes landed on the clean sheets and he stuffed some in Dean’s bag. Rick had his attention turned to the double doors, walkers clearly behind it. Daryl threw his set of keys to Thomas and stood slightly behind him.
 “I ain’t openin’ that,” he said.
 “Yes you are. If you want this cell block, you’re gonna open that door,” Rick said. “Just the one, not both. We need to control this.”
 Thomas picked the keys up with a huff and walked to the door. Dean steadied his knife, stance wide. Glancing at Daryl, he nodded. Nodding back, Dean faced the doors. Thomas struggled with the keys and Daryl rolled his eyes. When he found the right one, he tried to open the door, but it was stuck. Looking back, he muttered something and then opened both doors.
 “I said one door!” Rick yelled. Dean swore and started swinging at the walkers.
 “Shit happens,” Thomas spat back.
 He hit one and it fell to the ground. One of them got close to Sam and he hit its head, his knife getting stuck. Another one was getting close, so Dean rolled to the ground, taking his knife and driving it up through the geek’s mouth. Out of the corner of Dean’s eye, he saw Thomas shove a walker at Rick. Dean scrambled towards Rick, but Daryl got there first.
 Soon, all of them were gone and Dean stalked towards Thomas. Sam held him back and he struggled to get out of Sam’s grip.
 “What the fuck was that!” Dean yelled.
 “It was coming at me, bro,” Thomas said, shrugging his shoulders.
 “Yeah, yeah, I get it,” Rick said. “Shit happens.”
 They were staring at the other, everyone seeing Rick’s jaw tick. The room was tense and when Rick heaved his machete into Thomas’ skull, Andrew swung his bat at him. Rick kicked him down, Sam and Dean quickly pointing their guns at the other two prisoners. Andrew ran away and Rick chased after him. Dean was facing Axel, Sam and Daryl facing Oscar.
 “Put the weapons down,” Sam said.
 “Get down on your knees,” Daryl spat. Carefully, Oscar knelt down and threw his axe away.
 “We don’t have no affiliation to what just happened,” Axel said. “Tell ‘em Oscar!”
 “Stop talking, man.”
 “Put your weapon down and get on your knees,” Dean said, cocking his gun. He did it with shaky movements, and T-Dog kicked their weapons away. Once Rick got back, he questioned them.
 “We didn’t have nothing to do with that,” Oscar said.
 “You didn’t know? You knew. Daryl, let’s end this now.”
 “Sir, sir, you gotta listen, please! It was them that was bad, it wasn’t us!”
 “That’s convenient.”
 “You saw what he did to Tiny. He was my friend. Please, we ain’t like that. I like my pharmaceuticals, but I ain’t no killer,” Axel said. He was scared and they could see some tears in his eyes. “We ain’t the violent kind, they were! I swear to god! I wanna live!”
 Dean kept his gun trained on Axel and Rick went over to Oscar.
 “What about you?”
 “I ain’t never pleaded for my life. I’m not gonna start now. So you do what you gotta do.”
 After a moment, Rick pulled his gun away and gestured for everyone to do the same. Quietly, Rick led the prisoners to Cell Block B. Daryl unlocked the door, and Rick shoved Axel inside, Oscar following. Bodies were in the opening of every cell, their brains splattered all over the floor.
 “I knew these guys,” Axel said. “These were good men.”
 “Let’s go,” Rick said.
 “So you’re just gonna leave us here?” Oscar asked. “Man, this is sick!”
 “We’re locking down this cell block. From now on, this part of the prison is yours. Take it or leave it. That was the deal.”
 Rick walked out and Dean looked at the two men.
 “You think this is sick? You don’t wanna know what’s outside,” Dean said.
 “Consider yourselves the lucky ones,” Rick said.
 “Sorry ‘bout your friends, man,” Daryl said.
 “Word of advice,” T-Dog said. “Take those bodies outside and burn them.”
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captain039 · 6 years
The girl with the bow part 3
Daryl Dixon x reader
Summary: Never trust an inmate
Warnings: Gore, some swearing.
Everything seemed to be going smoothly well sort of, you were a mess but ignored the feelings inside you bottling up. The prison was clear now at least a place to sleep even though they were cells it was safe. Clearing out the other blocks though didn’t go to plan when Hershel got bit your nerves running hay wire as Rick cut his leg off and the inmates staring like he was a mad man. You made them follow you out into the court yard the Spanish man you didn’t know his name didn’t care looking you up and down like you were meat.
“Stop” You said he raised an eyebrow but continued.
“The girl said stop, you better stop before I rip your eye out” You stared at Daryl standing in front of you protectively pointing his crossbow. You placed a hand on his shoulder as he lowered it huffing. You felt your heart flutter slightly but quickly pushed those feelings away. Rick made a deal they get B block, half the food and help them clear it out. Didn’t go to plan seeming as everyone had run into walkers the leader supposedly was pushing walkers onto Rick you saw what was happening, everyone stopped your bow and Daryl’s crossbow pointing to him.
“Hey man shit happens” He said putting his hands up you clenched your fist.
“Yeah shit happens” Rick shot him shooting another before bashing one on the head and left the other two. They were trapped in B block you didn’t blame Rick the guy was out of his mind. They were peaceful for now keeping to themselves when Axel approached you awkwardly.
“Hey Miss, I uh don’t wanna trouble you but could we borrow some matches, so we can burn the body’s” You nodded going to grab them coming back as he smiled walking away quickly he wasn’t harmful you could see it. You were on watch just outside of the block before the walkers came you began shooting calling everyone. Someone opened the damn gate.
“LORRI MAGGIE OVER HERE” You yelled at them as they ran to you going inside the cages. Everyone went inside as you ran down the halls shooting every walker you saw. You all hid in some generator room when Lorri cried in pain.
“Lorri! What’s wrong?” Maggie asked concerned.
“The baby” You both froze.
“No no not now” you whispered as she griped the chain.
“Alright come on let’s get your pants off we gonna have to do it here” Maggie said you nodded helping. Laying her on the ground she was sweating and crying. Maggie was sweating also gulping when blood coated her fingers.
“Maggie?” You questioned as Lorri looked up.
“Your gonna have to cut me open”
“MUM NO” You turned to Carl hugging him tightly.
“We don’t have a choice Carl” Lorri said groaning.
“Come here” Carl sat down by his mother tears in your eyes.
“I love you my strong little man ok, I’m sorry I haven’t been the worlds best mother but I’m so proud of you” She said crying you covered your mouth feeling the power of her words.
“I love you too mum” He whispered.
“Carl knife” Maggie said as he handed it over reluctantly.
“Carl come here” You beckoned he shook his head holding his mums’ hand as Maggie cut her open, you covered your ears hating the noise. The baby was out as Lorri laid lifeless Maggie was in shock as you took the baby not knowing what to do. You were filled with dread and shock your muscles stiff as Carl shot her, so she wouldn’t turn. You gave Maggie the baby saying you needed a minute as she nodded walking out with Carl. You looked down at Lorri moving her, so she was out of reach from the walkers.
“I’m sorry” You whispered you walked out only to be bombarded with walkers. You ran into a closet the walkers all slamming it closed as you backed up against the wall.
Maggie walked out crying when she saw Rick going to Glenn as he broke. Carl stood frozen emotionless to much pain going through him as Rick cried Maggie gave the baby to Beth as she frowned.
“Where’s Y/n?” She asked as Maggie turned around you were gone she shook her head feeling more dread as Glenn hugged her. Daryl didn’t say anything staring at the door begging you would come out, but you didn’t not for hours and he gave up. Days past and you were overheating, heat stroke, thirsty you didn’t hear the footsteps coming in only the growls when walkers died, you huffed your voice was gone. You moved the door slightly but there was a walker in the way whoever was out there huffed slamming it shut making you whimper as it snapped open.
“Y/n?” You heard a familiar gruff voice you looked up seeing the red neck covered in blood as you tried to get up only to fall again. He picked you up bridal style as your vision went blurry.
“hey, stay with me” He said but you were out.
Waking up you rolled onto your side you were much cooler now you opened your eyes you were in your cell. Getting up slowly you held your head at the slightly throb as you frowned looking at your arms covered in bandages Hershel must have found them you sighed shrugging a jumper on covering them up before walking down stairs slowly.
“Y/n” Maggie said giving you a hug.
“I’m sorry” She whispered as you shook your head.
“I’m sorry I should’ve gone with you” You said as she sighed walking away. You saw Daryl holding the little baby girl as you smiled lightly holding onto the wall for support your legs were shaky and weak. He walked over to you as you looked at her smiling patting her head.
“Is she ok?” You whispered he nodded grunting as he let you have a hold. You never thought you’d hold a baby again never you saw her big eyes opened and you melted you needed to protect her no matter what. Daryl watched you a true smile on your face as you moved your hand, so she could hold your finger you looked around for Rick frowning when you didn’t see him.
“Rick?” You questioned.
“He’s here just needs some time” Daryl mumbled you nodded handing back the baby to Beth when she started crying.
“Do we need formula?” You asked as she nodded.
“Ill head out at lunch” you said.
“You aint going anywhere” Daryl said you frowned.
“Not in your condition” He added you sighed.
“I’m fine” You mumbled walking back up the stars as he huffed walking away. You weren’t fine mentally seeing Lorri after your brother you couldn’t take it and T-dog. You went out going into a car when Dixon came out.
“Come on” He grumbled as you frowned following him onto his bike as he rode off. You sighed feeling the wind through your hair was nice in the heat. Getting to what ever the place was child care? You looked around finding the jackpot when something growled quietly. You turned around seeing a little boy your brother. You froze he was younger maybe 7 or 8 you fell to your knees.
“I’m sorry” You whispered his hands going out to reach for you. Daryl shot him when you snapped out of your trance seeing it wasn’t him you stared at the boy what the hell was wrong with you?
“Y/n ya with me?” You nodded as he grunted grabbing the supplies walking off. You were interrupted though a gun on your head Daryl turned instantly pointing his crossbow.
“Woah there” You froze, Merle.
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lady-divine-writes · 7 years
Kurtbastian one-shot - “After Party” (Rated PG13)
After the Spring Hop, Blaine gets a moment to steal the show on a rival rink while Kurt and Sebastian sneak a moment alone together. (1254 words)
Takes place immediately after Spring Hop. Jealous!Sebastian. Blaine friendly.
Part 9 of Outside Edge.
Read on AO3.
You beatin’ drum like dum di di dey, I love the dirty rhythm you play, I wanna hear you calling my name, Like hey mama mama hey mama mama …
Blaine lands a picture perfect triple axel, earning him ooo’s and ahhh’s from the skaters on the ice.
Except from Sebastian, squeezing Kurt’s hand in one grasp and his hip in the other.
He groans.
Sebastian pushes off the inside edge of his skate, keeping Kurt an arm’s length away from his sweaty compression shirt as they waltz around the far end of the ice. Turning his back to the crowd, Sebastian doesn’t see Blaine’s next trick, but he can hear the commotion it causes.
“Show off,” he grumbles, and Kurt laughs.
After Kurt’s performance ended to thunderous applause (louder applause than Blaine’s getting, Sebastian notes) and the Spring Hop was officially declared over, the organizers sent out the Zamboni to resurface the ice and lowered the lights. Then they opened the rink for an hour to give the skaters a chance to unwind after a stressful day of performing. Family and friends were invited to join in, so Kurt persuaded Blaine to stick around.
Which didn’t thrill Sebastian any seeing as seven o’clock is fast approaching. His scheduled make-out session with Kurt is not an appointment he wants to miss out on because of Blaine “Third Wheel” Anderson.
Sebastian had promised to make nice with the guy, but there’s just so much leeway he can give.
“Give him a break, Bas.”
“Absolutely. Where do you suggest? An arm? A leg?”
“Don’t act so tough. He’s growing on you, and you know it.”
“Yeah, well, so would mold.”
Kurt chuckles, watching as Blaine starts to attract an audience that includes some of his own dance team students. Kurt shakes his head as they giggle and flirt, fawning over Blaine’s jumps and spins as if they couldn’t pull off those same moves themselves in their sleep. “Have a heart. It’s not every day he gets to wow an audience in enemy territory.”
Blaine pulls off a triple Lutz-triple toe loop combination that has a few teenage girls swooning, and Sebastian huffs.
“As if. And who brings their skates to someone else’s recital anyway?”
“Sebastian! He keeps them in the trunk of his car! Same as you and me!”
Sebastian rolls his eyes away, embarrassed at being caught acting like a jealous boyfriend when he swore he’d do his best not to. “Yeah, well …”
Kurt pats Sebastian’s arm with condescending sympathy. “Let him be. At least with everyone watching him, they’re pretty much ignoring us.”
Sebastian looks at the other skaters on the ice, still in their costumes, embellishing on moves they had nailed and going over ones they didn’t quite pull off. A few wave at Kurt and Sebastian as they glide by, but for the most part, they’re invisible - no bright lights coming out of nowhere to put them on the spot, but also no jeers or cruel jokes, or threats, tossed their way. People smile when they skate by, some even sigh. They’ve become the romance of the decade down at Westerville Ice-plex – the ultimate rivals to boyfriends love story.
“It is kind of nice,” he admits, leading Kurt into a dance spin that faces Kurt away from Blaine. They swerve past a throng of younger skaters and back to the emptier end of the rink. “By the way, you were amazing tonight.”
“You’ve already said that,” Kurt says, cheeks going pink no matter how many times Sebastian compliments his skating. The whole thing was risky, from his song selection, to his outfit, to the dedication he made, but he pulled it off without a hitch.
His mother was right - the only chance you truly lose is the one you don’t take.
“And you look incredible.”
“You’ve already said that, too.”
“And I’m gonna keep saying it till it stops being true.”
“When will that be, do you think?”
“Probably never. Unlike me” – Sebastian sighs – “who looks like a hobo.”
“You do not look like a hobo.”
“Yes, I do.”
“No, you don’t. It’s not humanly possible for you to look like a hobo. Not even if you were a hobo.”
“Yeah, well, I didn’t plan on coming to your recital dressed like this.”
“Oh no?” Kurt teases because of course he didn’t. Kurt knows he didn’t. He knows that the practice Sebastian was holding that afternoon was the last practice he could squeeze in before his team’s next big game. Sebastian didn’t originally schedule it for the same day as the Spring Hop. He’d even offered to help out behind the scenes with Kurt. But the practice got moved when the cooling system busted and had to be repaired. The potential for dangerous fume leakage kept the rink closed for one whole day.
“No,” Sebastian says, not entirely sure whether Kurt is teasing him or not. “I have a really nice outfit hanging up in the locker room, one that would have made Blaine look like Montgomery Clift.”
Kurt blinks at his boyfriend, confused. “How is that a bad thing? Montgomery Clift was a handsome man.”
Sebastian leans in with a sly grin. “I mean after the accident.”
“Harsh!” Kurt makes a face that’s both offended on his friend’s behalf and amused by his boyfriend’s cleverness.
“Sorry, not sorry.” Sebastian takes Kurt’s hand and twirls him; Kurt bends a knee up to spin on one skate. “I could always go change into it.”
“Not yet,” Kurt says, gliding back into Sebastian’s hold. “I don’t want to waste a single second that I have with you on the ice.”
“Kurt, we’re on the ice together every day.”
“Like this?” Kurt asks, spinning into Sebastian’s arms, then spiraling away.
“No,” Sebastian admits. “Not like this.”
“Now, if you would just hold me …”
“I told you before, I don’t want to mess up your costume. It’s too nice.”
“Hmm …” Kurt looks thoughtfully toward the ceiling. “Well, you know what I think?”
“Blaine Anderson could be wearing a Gucci tuxedo covered in diamonds while you were wearing a burlap sack, and you’d still look more handsome than him.”
Sebastian is about to point out that a Gucci tuxedo covered in diamonds would be gaudy as shit, but Kurt kisses him on the cheek and Sebastian goes all bashful. Kurt’s kisses are Sebastian’s kryptonite, especially the chaste ones he gives him in public since they happen to be the rarest. “Really?”
“Ah-ha. And you know what else?”
Kurt slides forward, wrapping Sebastian’s arms around his waist. Sebastian tries to pull back, but Kurt doesn’t let him go. He holds him captive with his soft but strong hands, his mischievous eyes, and his playful grin. He makes a subtle motion with his chin towards the scoreboard clock on the opposite wall and bounces his eyebrows. “It’s seven o’clock.”
Sebastian doesn’t catch on at first until Kurt starts skating backward, dragging them deeper into the dark.
“What?” Sebastian asks. “Here?”
“You usually don’t like that.”
Kurt shrugs, his fingers creeping up the front of Sebastian’s shirt, which clings to his muscles like his own skin. “Usually I don’t.”
“Wh-what if people start looking?” Sebastian whispers, his palms flat against Kurt’s back, holding him closer.
“Meh. Let ‘em look.”
Kurt pulls Sebastian down to meet his mouth as other skaters cheer Blaine on, and Sebastian finds it fascinating how quickly a rink full of people can disappear the moment Kurt’s lips touch his.
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