#i love assigning music to my oc's its the absolute best
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Wandersong (Wandersong)
In a game all about music, this is a song about defying fate. This is bringing the voices of the world together, regardless of how different they are. This is a last gasp of a dying world, showing that it still has more to give. (It's also a huge spoiler, so uh... play Wandersong, folks! You won't regret it!)"
Against the Kitchen Floor (Will Wood)
And I swear! I will die trying!/I'm still in the process, but I'm making progress; I promise I honestly wanna prove improvement's possible, I swear!/I'm so fucking sorry! I'm not a good person, I'm barely a person at all, But someday I'll be perfect, and I'll make up for it all!
Less rare than scarce, less diamond then rough/Unlikely to be more than just the coal you failed to crush
I'm catatonic in your arms, crying, "How did I cause so much harm?"/I'm down pounding my head against the kitchen floor/Apologizing for my life and ever entering yours
The vertex of my redemption arc/I’m searching on that virgin heart
"The raw emotion! And I strongly relate to desperately wanting to improve for someone you love. I belt out this song when I feel really hopeless"
"my one OC. also me. also it's just a really good song. one of will's best imo. screaminbg"
"Literally hits almost all of my self-esteem issues. Feeling like people only care about you for your body? Check. Not understanding why anyone would want you? Check. Thinking that all you do is hurt people? Check. I don't cry very often but this song DEFINITELY made me teary"
"one of those if u aren’t paying attention to the lyrics ur like this is nice but once u hear them its an OW holy OW and guilt and I’m sorry feelings"
"Just. Loving someone but not feeling like you’re good enough and trying to improve."
"Not only does this song have lyrics that are deeply relatable to me, but this song also feels very deeply personal to the artist and I feel that anyone who listens to it for the first time has that same feeling of getting punched in the gut. Just the lyrics and the melody and Will Wood’s incredible vocals make this song an absolute masterpiece and I cry every time I hear it."
"One reason I'm attached to this song is because my friend sent it to me and said "I'm kin assigning you this song" and ruined my life (/j) It messed me up because I've always had a hard time in my life figuring myself out and dealing with my emotions, and for what feels like the first time, this song has been able to near perfectly describe how I feel about myself and my impact on other people, and it always just meant so much to me that my friend who sent it to me knows me better than I know myself and shared the song with me and I love them dearly."
Against the Kitchen Floor submitted by @pixopolis + others
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sansaasnark · 6 years
22-32 for oc ask meme >:3c
THANK YOU FOR ASKING ME ABOUT MY CHILDREN!!!! I have a lot of OC’s so I just chose the ones that had the most interesting answers otherwise I would have wrote an entire essay on my messy kids lol, ANYWAYS, thanks for giving me a chance to gush abt themmmmm
22- Dean and Val wouldn’t care about someone leaving their door open, they’re very apathetic about tiny stuff like that and very rarely get bothered about their physical privacy- their mental privacy however, is a different story. Laura is a huge princess and probably my only OC that would get irrationally irritated anytime somebody would do that. She has probably yelled at her sister a lot about leaving her door open lmao.
23- Dean’s early memories are really weird (trauma does that to you smh) and their brain switches a lot of stuff around w/o them knowing so what they may have VIVIDLY clear memories of, could be wildly different than how it is remembered in comparison to say, their big bro Alistair (Ali) who was right there with them (her at the time). For example; say there is a time that Ali’s dad comes back to visit their mom and they get into a gargantuan fight, wrecking the entire house + knocking Dean out of a chair- Dean can only remember that they moved furniture around and got ice cream afterwards, not how she got the scar on her arm or why there is a dent in the wall. This happens a lot with kids who are too overwhelmed to cope with what actually happened to them, so their brain makes up a happy alternative and convinces itself that it’s a real memory…
24- Val likes annoying people she hates, she finds it really funny to make her enemies uncomfortable. Thrush would probably do the same but she is more noble and pulls back a little more at really vulgar insults, unlike Val. I don’t like confrontation AT ALL, and avoid it like the plague when I can. I don’t like someone?? I keep it to myself, I’m not one to make waves. 
Starling (Star) and Laura are both huge divas and live for drama. They love being the center of attention and have no qualms about making a public spectacle. They’re the types of people who would throw their ex’s shit out of the house while they were gone and make a bonfire in the front yard with their clothes. They’re so messy, I could NEVER.
25- Battle anthem songs!!
Dean: Shake It Out (The Weeknd Remix) by Florence and the Machine or Way Down We Go by Kaleo
Val: Blood // Water by grandson, The Heart it Beats the Thunder Rolls by The Wind and The Wave, and Hands and Faces by The Used
Star: Clubbed to Death from the Matrix Soundtrack or Your Bones by Of Monsters and Men
Crow: Swan Lake Op. 20, Act 2, No. 10, Scene (Moderato) by Tchaikovsky
Thrush: In For the Kill by La Roux and Black Widow by Susanne Sundfor
26- Laura, Val, Danny and Starling have good posture. The rest of my OC’s are absolute heathens.
Laura: Crushed someone’s spirit to the point that they had no self esteem whatsoever and never apologized. Has no sense of personal fault.
Dean: Inadvertently taken away other people’s autonomy under high stress situations when their powers become uncontrollable.
Val: Been a contract killer for 5+ years of her life.
Star: Was a puppet at his father’s personal whim for over a century.
Thrush: Stood by and watched as terrible things happened to good people and did nothing.
Crow: Didn’t try hard enough when he was alive.
28- Dean is the only conspiracy theorist. Anything that starts with ‘the government is hiding something’ they are automatically on board with. Probably a flat earther, I wouldn’t put it past them lol.
29- Dean and Alistair both internalize any bad shit they witness and never speak of it again, that’s what an alcohol problem is for, right? Val does the same thing unless it goes against her moral code, in which case 🔪🔪🔪Crow and Thrush are pretty altruistic and will speak up if they see something bad happening but Crow isn’t as eloquent or intimidating as Thrush so most of the time people dont take him v seriously even though he is a complete power house.
Dean: Hard Liquor CoffeeVal: Water and teaHidaya: JuiceAlistair: His boyfriend’s sweat... wait what Soda waterDanny: Milkshakes
31- Crow likes to sleep warm. Preferably up next to his warm bf.Dean likes to sleep in cool places so that they can bundle up in warm stuff. Next to Val.Val couldn’t care less, in fact she’d say something stupid like, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” okay edgelord. Next to Dean.Hidaya is most used to sleeping in the cold from being in the labs, besides that though, being hot reminds her of having a panic attack.
32- For the most part all of my OC's would be pretty apathetic towards me, they have other things on their mind lol. I’d probably relate best with Hidaya, Crow, or Danny though, they are the biggest sweethearts that I have ever invented. We are all too awkward to function and I think we’d get along well.
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heshoes · 3 years
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She was his best friend and they shared everything together already anyway. What difference would it make if it were a hat, shampoo, or the same bed sometimes? So what? That's what the Uni Daze were about, having fun, traditions, getting serious, new relationships, friendships, heart ache, break-ups, make ups, secrets, the occasional/casual bajingo here and there, and possibly, just maybe, finding the love of your life and hoping that it all works out.
Warnings: smut, slow burn, angst, mentions of abortion, mentions of verbal abuse
Harry Styles x OC (Face claim Zendaya)
Uni Daze Masterlist
Chapter 2 ( Word Count 6.7K )
My school day was absolutely long but it kept me busy and busy to me is a good thing. It keeps me balanced though I know Chelle would disagree since he keeps telling me as such over the phone.
"The only reason you think that trying to fit 72 hours in a 24 hour day is a balance is because of your parents. Just because they're work driven arseholes doesn't mean that you have to follow in their footsteps.”
"That's impossible to do, I don't work that much. My parent's aren't arsehole's they're just successful. Is that so wrong to want success?”
"It is when its your last year of uni and you're being a kill joy.”
"I said I would go out for drinks, Chelle. How is my compliance to something that I don't want to do being a kill joy?”
"Because you're not doing it with a smile. You've become boring. Your sex life and your regular life has turned about as vanilla as a middle aged man. We never had to beg you to come out last year or over the summer, Harrow. Think of it as a week of extended holidays. No one does anything the first week of classes anyway. It's all rules and instructions on how to prepare. We've been in uni for three years. We should know the jist of it by now.”
"But it's not summer anymore, Chelle and you know some professors like to give assignments in the first few days. We have two papers already in seminar for fucks sake.”
Michelle sighed in annoyance.
"Yeah, but, those aren't due for ages, Haz. Fun is due right now.”
"This is the year to pull your shit together. Everyone can't not study and get perfect marks like you. Sorry.”
"The phrase 'can't not' is a double edged sword.”
"What?" I spun around in my desk at work, handing a first year her keys. Its only the first day and she's already lost her keys and has to use her spare for a fifty pound charge. She looks nervous as well and her face is kind of red. She grins at me and says a shy 'thank you' before walking away, staring back at me and kind of tripping over her own feet on her way to the lift. I tried not to laugh, but honestly it was kind of funny.
"You know, a double edged sword? A double negative?You can't say 'can't not' next to each other in a sentence. It's repetitive of itself. You should be embarrassed. This is primary school stuff Harrow. Mr. “I have to take the UKCAT this year.”"
"Whatever Chelle! See? That's what I mean. I need a balance. I need to be able to be involved in school. I should have taken it more serious when we first started out.”
"You do realize balance means a good amount of your job, school work, AND a social life which includes parties and pubs and going out with your mates without a grumble?”
"I'm going out for drinks tonight! You're starting to piss me off."
"If the truth is anything it's annoying, Harry." I nodded my head and began to swivel around in my chair. I'd just gotten to work and had three and a half more hours to go. I'm glad I have a job and all but this one is fucking boring.
Speaking of truth.
"Do the boys know about your um...your new team?”
"No. Actually they don’t."
"Yeah, um, I was hoping that it was something that we could keep between me and you for now. Just until I can figure things out. I'd love to say that I'm for sure just this one thing. I know I said it this morning, but I'm still not sure, okay?”
"Yeah. Sure, of course." I stopped spinning in my seat and dizzying myself when I heard my manager's voice,"Look I've gotta go. I'm not supposed to be on the phone and my boss is coming.”
"Oh so there is some rebellion left in you? You're living on the edge now, Hazland. Why can't you use your phone? All you do is sit in a chair and answer phones and make people keys when they lock themselves out of their dorm.”
"Bye Michelle!" I quickly hung up the phone and stuck it into my pocket smiling awkwardly at Professor Forrester as he approached the front desk with someone else right next to him. She had on a Cambridge work shirt much like myself letting me know that I more than likely wouldn't be alone for the rest of my shift.
"Rion, this is Harry," Professor Forrester spoke to her before addressing me, "today is her first day here at the university and working. I told her that she would be in good hands if I left her here with you. Show her the ropes and maybe show her around campus when you're not at work? I've got to go," Professor Forrester turned to face the new girl before he nodded back at me, "any questions you have, ask him. He'll know all of the answers.”
She nodded her head up and down slowly before giving a shy grin and we were left alone as Forrester left the building.
"I'm Harry.”
She laughed to herself before nodding her head at me.
"So I was told. Nice to meet you.”
Rion, I think her name was, sat down in her seat next to mine after speaking back to me, lowering her rucksack down to the ground before pulling out a book. It was a good idea really. Maybe I should have brought one? I barely get the chance to read, especially living with Michelle. She always finds a way to interrupt, either that or my ADD kicks in, all the more reason for me to put in more effort at school. I took out my phone once I knew that Forrester was gone, but I really had nothing to do with it. I had no new text messages besides Michelle.
Chelle: Drinksssssss 🍻🍺🍺🍺🍻🍻🍻😉
I grinned before shaking my head and replying back to her, something just as stupid as she sent me.
To Chelle: Tortureeeeeeee😣🔫🍺😒
Chelle: Dramatic!
Ignoring her last text, I took out my earphones and turned up the music on my phone as I placed them in my ears. I suppose it was a bit loud because out of the corner of my eye I could see Rion scrunching her nose while she tried to read.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you.”
"No disturbance, I was just trying to figure the tune. Runaway?”
She laughed before she pointed to the phone in my hand and repeated herself.
"Is that Runaway by Ed Sheeran?”
I nodded my head, not able to stop the stupid grin that cut across my face.
"You know Ed Sheeran that’s not on top 40?”
"Who doesn't? The man's a musical genius.”
She smiled at me before she turned back to her book, but I couldn't help but to keep talking to her.
"What school did you used to go to? Um, if you don't mind me asking…"
"Nope, don't mind at all. I used to go to Bristol Uni. How about yourself? Have you been at Cambridge all of your university career?”
I nodded my head and she looked impressed, but I'm sure she wouldn't be if she knew that I was a legacy and that I slacked off for the first three and a half years. Good thing that I'm getting my shit together now.
"Yeah, it’s alright here.”
"Just alright?”
"One of the best alrights I guess. Welcome to Cambridge and congratulations.”
"Thank you.”
I smiled at her and the conversation was on the verge of ending, but before I stuck my other ear bud in I paid closer attention to the book that she had in her hand.
"Scott Fitzgerald."
"Pardon?" Rion raised an eyebrow at me.
"That's F. Scott Fitzgerald.”
She raised her book showing me the spine, shocked that I hadn't seen the cover but still got the author right.
"You know F. Scott Fitzgerald?" She smiled at me while relaying my words back to me.
"Who doesn't? The man was a written genius. Not to mention that the book you're reading happens to be one of my favorites.”
She smiled again.
"Usually people only notice Fitzgerald if The Great Gatsby is involved." She turned her chair towards mine giving me a better view of her.
"Gatsby is a classic, but I think that The Curious Case of Benjamin Button has more character.”
We continued to talk and before I knew it the shift was over. No one else needed keys and the phone barely rung. I probably would have stayed beyond the time that I was supposed to get off talking and creating awkward conversation with Rion had it not been for Michelle's reminders:
Chelle: Tonight is gonna be fun 😊
Chelle: You're off work in 1⃣5⃣ min🎉🎊
Chelle: I'm gonna get you so fucked up!😝
Chelle: I'm excited 😬
To Chelle: No 💩. Too excited I reckon 😐
I laughed to myself as I gathered my things to leave the building, not fully believing that I allowed Michelle to talk me into drinking tonight, even though part of me knew that I wouldn't be able to break tradition. Rion put her book away, that she never really got into reading and followed behind me out the door and to the parking lot. She seemed cool from what I got to know about her in the amount of time that I did and since she's new, I figure that it wouldn't hurt to ask.
"Hey, a couple of my friends and I are getting together tonight to The Mill. Its a pub right up the road on Mill lane, if you're not busy, you should, um, you should come.”
"Mill pub? On a Monday?”
"Yeah, it's kind of a tradition that we started when we started here." I rub my shoulder as I wait for her answer. I don't know why I feel nervous about it but I do.
"It sounds like fun, but I shouldn’t, not tonight at least. I wouldn't be able to bear it if I missed class tomorrow because of a hangover, and I kind of also have plans.”
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make it like you didn't have anything else to do or-”
"No it's fine it's just... I have a date.”
"Right. Sorry again.”
"I'll see you around though I hope?”
"Yeah, I'll see you at work.”
Rion nodded her head while giving me a content smile before she got into her car and as she pulled off, she waved to me. I waved back but as soon as her car was out of sight, I slapped myself in the face with the palm of my hand. Maybe six months is too long to go without any type of real interaction with the opposite sex besides Michelle, but honestly she doesn't count...or maybe she counts for both now?
I cleared my head of my thoughts as I got into my car that I feel like I'm too tall for. Even with the seat pushed down as low as it can go, I still can feel the top of my head brush against the roofing of it. By now I'm sure I've saved up enough to get a new one. A new car could be my mini treat to myself for cutting myself off from a social life. The more that I think about the way that my conversation with Rion just ended the more that I start to agree with Michelle and the more excited I get for the night of boozy tradition.
As soon as eleven thirty-five hit, my phone rang. When I answered it Michelle's voice came through clear as if she were sitting here next to me in the car, even though background noise and music blares in the room around her.
"Everyone is here but you. Are you en route?”
"Everyone?" I ask her with skepticism in my tone. I would be shocked if everyone showed up.
"Yes everyone. Niall, Darragh, and Zayn. Everyone but you. Are you on your way?”
I don't know why I even asked her if everyone would be there. I knew that Louis wouldn't show even though it was him and Darragh who started this tradition..
"Yeah, I'm on my way. This should be fun.”
"That's the spirit I've been looking for Harrow. It sounds like you've had a change of heart since earlier.”
"Yeah, I think I've been looking at my textbooks too long and not at real people. One night won't kill me I suppose.”
"If one night is done right, then yes, yes it will. And what do you mean you don't see real people? I see you everyday.”
"You're not a real person, Michelle. I'm not quite sure what you are yet.”
"I think I might have an idea by now." Michelle said while chuckling on the other end of the line.
"And what would that be?”
"Getting lucky tonight. Get here soon and I can be your wing-lady.”
The pub was in the early stages of being crowded when I got there and I couldn't deny how excited I was to see the boys, Michelle included even though I saw her only just this morning. The last time that we were all together was in the middle of June, but after that we really hadn't had time to hang out. Everyone had gotten busy and into their own things. Besides keeping in touch over the phone occasionally, we haven't really talked that much either.
The first person that I saw when I got in was Niall. He sat next to Darragh with a cigarette hanging from his lips, patting down his jeans in search of a lighter no doubt. When we made eye contact, he stuck his arms out to the side with his fingers spread wide and a smile on his face. Darragh looked at him as if he lost his mind until he followed Niall's line of vision and then quickly stood from his seat.
"Harry! How are you lad? Drinks are on Liam so order the most expensive thing possible.”
I received two claps on the back from each of them when I reached the table and then a smack on my ass that made me jump and then turn around find the guilty culprit. I should have known who it was straight away.
"Chelle! That actually hurt.”
She laughed at my discomfort with some kind of frothy drink in her hand as I grabbed my bum cheek and rubbed it over my jeans.
"Probably because there's barely any meat there to cushion the blow.”
I shook my head at her and squinted my eyes before I responded, "It's not about what's back there, its all about what's in the front. Girls don't date me for my bum.”
“Well, according to you, girls don't date you at all, not recently at least.”
Niall and Darragh started to laugh and a stream of smoke came through Niall's nose reminding me of an angry bull from a cartoon before he took another drag from his cigarette, this time intentionally blowing a ring of smoke before sucking it back in through his nostrils. I probably could have strangled Michelle in that moment, but it was true. My mind goes back to Rion and work and I can feel my cheeks burn with embarrassment.
"Mitch told us about your six month drought.”
"Stop calling me Mitch!”
Niall ignored Michelle's outburst before continuing, "She says you haven't gotten laid since your birthday.”
"Do you know what a penis fly catcher even looks like anymore?" Darragh added to Niall's teasing causing my nose to scrunch.
"Penis fly catcher?”
"Yeah, it's better than what you call it. What do you say again? Bajango?”
"No Darragh," Niall cuts in, "Django was a movie. He says bajingo. It makes sense to me.”
Michelle scrunches her nose in disgust and confusion at our conversation but doesn't say anything. Really though, what more could be added to this?
"It's not that big of a deal guys." I bring the conversation back to where it was before it drifted into a dark place so quickly. It can't be that bad. Can it? Perhaps it is? I don't even know at this point anymore.
"Oi leave him alone," Zayn chimed in as he walked up to the table with Liam with two beers in hand, passing me one before he sat down, "its alright Harry sex isn't everything...but six months is a long ass time. But enough about that. What has everyone been up to?”
It was almost like a show and tell as we went around the table talking about what we'd missed out on over the summer since we hadn't seen each other. Niall and Darragh went to Ibiza for the month of July staying in hostels and partying until all hours of the morning. Apparently Niall is in love with a girl he met there, but he doesn't remember her name so I don't know how accurate that is
Zayn spent a good amount of time in France with his girlfriend, sorry, fiancé. The fucker got engaged in France. Everyone thought that he and Daphne were gonna be a short lived thing since they met at a club and all, but people find love and fall in it in mysterious ways I guess. Michelle would be a prime example of that...but love is not involved with her apparently. A player not to be played anymore. I still have questions to ask her about that but I guess I'll have to wait until later since she doesn't want the guys to know that she's traded outies for innies. I could out her like she did me and my drought, but that's way more personal and I've decided that I'm not that much of an asshole, if I'm one at all that is.
Liam was arrested and his parents flipped out. For what I'm kind of scared to ask, but I'm sure it was something accidental. Sometimes I wonder how Liam even got into Cambridge, but I guess that they don't test for common sense, only book smarts.
When it got to Michelle's turn, she just talked about how she flew back home for a few weeks at the very start of summer to visit family and then came back here, but of course that's not anything that I didn't already know. When she came back was when I noticed all of the girlfriends that she had. It was odd to me because Michelle generally hated girls and hanging out with them, but then again, she obviously doesn't hate them that much.
When I told them that the most exciting part of my summer had been joining a book club for some work that I had to get ready to do for senior class, studying for the UKCAT that's not until the end of the school year, and sometimes coming here to Mill pub with Michelle I realized that what she said was true. My life had become vanilla, but I'm honestly kind of alright with it.
We continued to talk, share, laugh and drink until it was at least half three in the morning. I was waiting to see if Michelle was going to change her mind and let the lads know about her newfound liking but she kept it private between me and her the way that she said she would and it kind of made me smile. That along with the ridiculous amount of beer and shots consumed brought a goofy smile to my face by the end of the night.
By exactly three forty-five I was seeing double and couldn't drive home. Niall and Darragh had left to go back to their apartment that happened to be a few blocks down from ours, and Zayn and Liam stayed behind at the bar to drink deciding that they were too far gone now and might as well finish strong. They also decided that class tomorrow isn't important.
Michelle would have stayed behind with them I'm sure, but she has the tendency to be this odd motherly type when I get beyond the legal limit. I think she just likes to laugh at me because I start to say foolish things when my tongue loosens up in my mouth and my words slur. I tried to get up from the table discreetly so that I could walk home while Mitch, Zayn, and Liam continued to chat, but I knocked over a chair.
“Oh shit. I'm sorry bro." I chuckled to myself like an idiot as I picked up the chair earning the lads attention.
"Where are you going?" Michelle's eyes seemed to widen as she took in the state of me.
"Home. I've got class in the morrow-morning.”
"Do you honestly think that you're going to make it to class? Look at you, you can barely stand. My job is complete.” Michelle grins in triumph and I squint my eyes at her trying to figure out when she was going to tell me that she was a triplet.
"You're a horrible people and I don't know why we're friends." I think I was looking at her when I said it, but it could have very well been one of her sisters.
"Alright, and that's my cue. We'll see you later guys." Michelle spoke to Liam and Zayn as stood from the table, a little wobbly at best bus still in a better condition than I was in.
"You don't have to walk me home, Michelle. I'm not no kid.”
Michelle laughed as I stumbled, almost tripping on a crack in the pavement.
"Since I live there too I'm not technically walking you home. I'm walking home with you.”
I checked to see if my car was locked before we began our walk. The crisp early morning air sobered me up a bit, but I was still highly intoxicated and grinning.
"How was your first day of classes?" Michelle asked me breaking the silence of our trek back to our flat.
"Hmm, was okay. Good actually... I met this…met this girl.”
"You did? You were holding out on us at the pub! Who is it? Do I know who she is?”
"No, I don't think you do," I paused to hiccup hoping that was all that I had to do, "She's new here and you don't like girls. I mean, well, you know what I mean. You wouldn't know her.”
Michelle laughed while shaking her head.
“So it's a first year? I'm ashamed of you! I know you haven't dated in a while but that's sweeping the bottom of the barrel, Harrow.”
“No not a first year," hiccup "She's around my age, just new to Cambridge.”
“Oh," Michelle spoke putting her key in the door before she opened it "Where'd you meet her?”
“Work. I kind of asked her to come to the pub with me, but she said she had a date and I kind of sounded like a blubbering idiot when I asked her. I don't know.”
“Harry! You can't just invite people to come to the pub and we haven't met them yet! What if she was awful? Good thing she didn't come. That tradition is sacred for us. Whatever you said to her was probably fine. She just had other plans... Do you know why I've recently started calling you Harrow Harry?”
“Because it's one of the many odd nicknames you've created for me?”
“No. Harrow as in the adjective, it just so happens to fit with you. Har•row when used in verbal tense, means to cause distress to. You're causing unnecessary distress to yourself when you worry about things like the UKCAT and assignments that aren't due until the end of the year, and whatever you've said to this mystery bird that you've met at work. Fun. You used to be much less tense and more fun. You need to chill out and relax. You need to I don't know, get some maybe.”
I rolled my eyes before running my hand through my hair and walking into the kitchen, opening the cabinet in search of my favorite drunken snack, grabbing it when I found it and heading for my room. Quickly stripping off into my boxers, I fell against my bed before I turned on my television and got under the covers. I ate my snack in peace before Michelle knocked on my door twice and then let herself in.
"I could have been naked! you could at least wait for me to say come in.”
“Yeah well, its not like I've never seen a penis before and they're not really my main thing anymore you know?” Michelle climbed into bed with me, intruding while I tried to hide my snacks.
"What are you eating?”
“Nothing.” I slowed my chewing in hopes that she would lose interest.
"Harry I see them! Are those teddy grahams?”
“They are! They're a snack for a five year old.”
“Teddy grahams don't have an age limit.”
“You should be embarrassed.” Chelle spoke before grabbing the box and taking a handful for herself, moving around too much for my drunken stomach to handle.
"Oohh these are nice. These are new sheets aren't they?”
"Chelle! Stop moving! Why are you in my room? Get out!”
“My room is too hot, so I've decided that we're going to have a sleepover. You get the better ventilation. You should trade with me.”
“I'll sleep on the floor. It really is dreadful in my room.”
I sigh before I grab my pillows and comforter and toss them on the ground leaving Michelle the bed as I make my way to the floor.
“Aww Harry you're the sweetest, but I can really take the floor.”
“No, it's fine. Just don't do anything perverted while you're up there.”
“What like masturbate? I'm not you.”
I chuckled turning to face her from my position on the floor.
“Exactly, but if you do at least that I’m asleep first…Thats just common courtesy. ”
“Sure thing, Harlot. I can do that for you.” Michelle responded without pause causing me to chuckle before my head hit the pillow.
“ My head,” I groaned, waking up on the floor with my covers wrapped around me too tight much like a swaddling cloth. After successfully the blanket away from me in an attempt to escape confinement, I sat up slowly only to make the headache worse than it already was and add a new pain to the mix. “My back.”
I had almost forgotten that I slept on the floor to be nice and allowed Michelle to stay in my bed, but when I turned around to look at it I quickly discovered that she wasn't there. I could hear fumbling around in the kitchen and when I stood to follow the noise, the pounding in my head grew. When I reached the small space that we mostly use to microwave shitty food and store alcohol and juice, I saw that Michelle was fully dressed. I mean, well, if you can call an oversized sweater and tights with ladders down the legs in random places dressed then thats what she was.
“Morning, sunshine. How do you feel.”
“Like my head might explode all over the kitchen and I still have to get ready for class. Today is going to be long as shit,” my words slurred proving that there was still traces of alcohol in my bloodstream and when I swayed back and forth feeling as if I might lose my balance, I knew, “I'm still fucked.”
Michelle laughed at me before she flipped her pancake onto a plate and ran it back and forth below my nose. I snatched it from her and took a bite of the buttery breakfast cake without using the fork that she offered.
“Don't be such a savage, Haz. I'm not going to take the food from you after I've clearly been slaving over the oven for five whole minutes so that you could eat. Slow down, chew your food, and sit like a civilized human being. If you eat like that you're going to require the heimlich maneuver and unfortunately I don't know it. You'll turn blue and die in front of me on a Tuesday afternoon and that would put a slight damper on my day.”
“Afternoon?” I asked her while chewing around the pancake, “Afternoon?”
“Yes, Styles. Thats what I said.”
I put the plate that I was holding down on our small kitchen bench before I walked out into living room to squint at the only other clock that we had besides our cell phones, only to confirm what Chelle had just said. I rubbed my hands over my eyes hoping that it was just an illusion and what I'd seen was wrong because if it was the truth, I'd missed all of my morning classes for the day.
“Three eleven? It can't be three eleven! I had classes from nine until two!”
“And you slept through them like a baby.”
“Fuck! Michelle why didn't you wake me up? What's the point of having an Ultimate Alarm if it's not going to be used?”
“Harry, remember that little chat we had yesterday about distress and the use of your nickname? And in order for me to wake you up, I would have had to been up too. Even if I was, I wouldn't be using the Ultimate Alarm to save you with the splitting hangover that I had,” Michelle shakes her head in clear disgust before she continued, “too loud.”
My eyes widened as I looked at my friend, bewildered, annoyed, and somewhere deep down, somewhat amused. I waved my hand between the two of us before I gave up and ran it over my face exasperatedly. This is not how I intended to start the year off. My hand ascended from my face to sliding through my hair in distress, “Thats the point of the alarm, Michelle. It's supposed to be loud. It's supposed to wake you up.”
“Harry, calm down. When we got to sleep it was like seven in the morning anyway. I don't know how you expected to be up, awake, and alert in class. Don't you have like seven others that you can go to tonight? Over achiever.”
“If I shower now I can make it to my organic chemistry class.”
I looked over to Michelle and frowned before I continued, “ Thanks for throwing me off by the way, making pancakes at three in the afternoon and making me think that it was morning.”
“Whatever time of day that you wake up is morning to me. I was feeling like pancakes, so I made pancakes. You didn't seem to mind them by the way that you were eating them a few minutes ago, arsehole.”
The mention of the food reminded me of how dry my throat was and how alcohol will leave your mouth feeling like you'd guzzled sand if you consume enough of it. I felt like a raisin.
“Do we have anymore orange juice?”
"No. Sorry I finished that all yesterday morning when you almost killed me and Alison with that damn fog horn.”
“Alison?” I smirked at Michelle before I started to tease. "Usually a player doesn't remember a conquests name.”
“You would know," she retorted back while squinting her eyes, “ you used to be one. But don't worry, Harry. I'll get so good at it that you won't ever catch one of them leaving the next morning ever again. I'll be like a black widow or is it a praying mantises that kill all other intimacy as soon as they've finished with them? I'll send them on their way so that I can sleep in my bed alone. It'll be like a switch.”
Michelle grinned as she spoke, silently approving her idea as I thought about how lonely it sounded. It actually saddened me. Michelle isn't the type that can handle being cold hearted and callous enough to kick people out of bed. After being in a monogamous relationship for three years, I could tell that she was the type who craved intimacy. She deserved it. What she just explained to me sounded like eventually it would take its toll on her and she would break down like she did before, substituting my shirt sleeves for tissues.
I keep my opinions to myself, not having enough time before my next class starts to really sit down with her and talk about them. If it's one thing that I cherish about Michelle and I's relationship is that we can literally almost talk about anything, if we had the proper amount of time to do so. I shake my head at her before I head down the hall, calling back to her.
“I never was a player, Mitch. I just wasn't steady in my relationships like you.”
"Whatever you say, Harold. Please go put on trousers…I don't want to see your moose knuckle.”
I'd made it to my chemistry lecture on time, and though I tried my hardest, it was extremely difficult to keep my eyes open. Even though I'd slept past all of my morning classes, I still didn't get the best rest from sleeping on the floor. Michelle was irritatingly right again. The only thing that was really mentioned today since it was still the very beginning of the school year, was instruction and what the professor expected from us as a class, so when my eyes closed momentarily as I sat at the back of the room, I didn't feel so bad. Before I knew it the lecture was over and I was rustled awake my the movement of students as they gathered their bags to leave the room.
"You've got a bit of dribble there." A familiar voice laughed as I stepped out of the classroom I wiped my mouth sheepishly before smiling at her.
“Rion, hi how are you?”
“I'm good. Getting around campus well enough, but how are you? You look pretty worn out and its only the second official day of the school year. Did your tradition get the best of you last night? You've got imprint marks from your sweater on your face.”
My hand went to the side of my face that she pointed out, the imprints from my clothing giving away my previous position before I flashed her a quick grin and responded ,Um, uh yeah kind of. I may or may not have missed all of my classes this morning. Mitch didn't wake me up, bad influence I guess.”
"Oh, um sh- Mitch is just...Mitch is my roommate." I explained in a panic I didn't want to scare her off with the details. I think I might actually have a chance with Rion, if I don't put my foot in my mouth that is.
“Oh I see.”
Rion smiled at me and I didn't even realize that we've been walking and talking this entire time. Conversation flows easily with her even though I stumble over my words. I feel like I'm just remembering how to talk to the opposite sex besides Michelle and feel kind of pathetic, but Rion doesn't seem to mind as she continues to smile laugh and start on new topics of conversation.
“So how long were you out for?”
“I didn't go to sleep until seven this morning and my head was pounding when I woke up. I really have no one to blame but myself. I told my friends that I would only have one drink and ended the night on my ass. I still have to go back to the pub and get my car, because I had to end up walking home. How I got to the right apartment on the first try is a mystery to me.”
Rion giggled in a cute way before tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear allowing me to see her features more. Her neck was slender and long, connecting to her shoulders delicately. She had a small tattoo that looked to be a ballet flat behind her left ear. Those tattoos placed just there always seemed like they might hurt, like they deserved to be kissed better even though the ache from the needle has been long gone. I could envision my lips on just that spot. I must have glanced at her just a bit longer than I should have causing a rosy hue to make its presence known on her cheeks. It made me smile before I quickly changed the subject this time, not wanting her to think that I was rude or weird for staring.
"How did your date go?"
She took deep breath before deciding if she wanted give a response or not and we ended up in the courtyard right before the student parking lot.
"It came and went, I suppose. Nothing really interesting to report. It sounds like I would have had more fun if I had taken the offer to go out for drinks with you. I'm usually not really big on drinking on the weekdays, but after that date I honestly might have taken a shot or four."
I smiled, selfishly happy that she didn't have a good time. I want to ask her out, but I feel like its too damn soon. I only met her yesterday anyway. Maybe its a good thing that she turned me down. When the time is right to ask her I'm sure I'll know. Hopefully I will.
"I'm sorry it didn't go as planned. Someone should take you out and show you a good time."
"Yeah, hopefully someone will sooner rather than later."
I think the emphasis that she put on the word someone was aimed at me, but I could be wrong. I don't know what else to say so I cap the conversation off with a , "Yeah" and mentally slap myself in the face before I grin awkwardly at her. I look around the parking lot as we come up to a white Toyota and she takes her keys out signaling that the tiny car is hers.
"Oh, well I'll let you go and get on with the rest of your day. Good seeing you."
"Okay, yeah." She responds quietly before she puts the key in the lock to open the door.
This has to be the most awkward I've felt in a while. I radiate awkward and though I don't want to believe it's because of what Michelle and the boys said, I'm kind of starting to think that they might be right myself.
"Wait, Harry?"
"Yes?" I turn my head to look over my shoulder before turning around to face her.
"I can take you to go get your car if you'd like. It looks like it might rain and it would suck if you were to get all wet."
All wet. I blush at her word choice and from that point on I know. Michelle, Niall, and Darragh were right.
"No. No its okay. You don't have to and I mean, don't you have other classes?"
She shakes her head and then opens her other car door, "I'm done for the day. Really I don't have a problem taking you. Get in."
I walk back towards her, thanking her and then giving her directions to the pub from the main campus. When we pull up, sure enough my car is there. Along with a ticket taped to the window for leaving it in the lot overnight. I sigh and rub my hands over my eyes before I get out and thank Rion again. Just as she's about to pull off, I call her name causing her to stop the car and reverse.
"Yes?" She looks at me eagerly with her eyes slightly widened and and traces of a grin on her face. I scratched my head out of embarrassment before I speak while pointing to the passenger side of the car.
"I left my book bag in your car."
"Oh, sorry. Here you go." The grin falls as she unlocks her car door so that I can get my bookbag. This time when she pulls off, I wave an awkward goodbye to her before getting in my car, knocking my head against the steering wheel in defeat causing the horn to honk.
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official-weasley · 3 years
The Extraordinary Dragon (Part 1/6)
After about a century of me being gone and not writing a new story, I am back with a mini-series! 💙
I didn't have a good idea for a new OC so I decided to write a cute and fluffy story about Charlie training a dragon with a sad and mysterious past.
I would like to thank @am-i-space @madelineorionswan & @the-al-chemist for giving me ideas for the names of the dragons mentioned in the story. You are the best 💙 Since some of the dragons are mentioned in the later chapters I will make sure to include which dragons you named in the Masterlist for the story 💙
If you'd like to be tagged in every part the dragon with your name is mentioned please tell me and I will gladly do so 🤗
Warnings: Charlie being excited and obsessed with dragons.
Word count: 2,869
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A dragon's roar awakened me. It might sound terrifying to some, but it is a pure melody for my ears. I have been working in the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary for almost 10 years now. Come to think of it tomorrow's the anniversary.
My co-workers constantly tease me, telling me that I'm a workaholic. I always disagree with them. I just love dragons and working with them. Am I a bit obsessed with the creatures? Maybe. But who wouldn't be so excited about having their dream job?
There is something so soothing working with a beast that can swallow you whole, yet if you have the right energy and you treat them right they can be more obedient than a Crup.
When I first got the job I worked with a team of researchers. Since I have never seen a dragon in real life before starting working, my boss Matthew wanted me to learn about their behavior and study them to be better prepared to do other things.
They all thought I will be bored out of my mind – because I applied for the care of dragons position and not researching – but I loved every second of it. All I had to do was wake up every morning and go to the assigned habitat and observe the dragon there and take notes. It's like reading a book about the creatures – something I did almost every day of my 7 years at Hogwarts – but you get to be around them every single day.
My mother thinks I am insane for wanting to be around such dangerous creatures and I had to promise her before I left for Romania that I will write home every day otherwise she is coming to get me at once. I guess she needs to know daily that I wasn't eaten by a dragon. The thing is that being hurt by a dragon is less likely than falling off a broom, so I don't know what she is so worried about.
The only one of my family members that knows about all my injuries and all my scars is my big brother Bill. He understands that I don't mind getting hurt and he doesn't get a heart attack every time I end up in the infirmary. It's nice to talk to someone about these things outside my workspace. Even though being a Curse Breaker isn't the safest job in the world, Bill's number of scars can't even compare to mine.
We do have protective gear and gloves but sometimes the dragon's fire and teeth are just too strong. We are lucky that we have wonderful healers that take care of us and we have remedies that heal burns within minutes so it's mostly just an annoyance.
The year after my training I worked only with Common Welsh Greens. The year after that I tamed two Antipodean Opaleyes and it was the best feeling to see them get excited and welcome me with a friendly roar every morning. Even though they were both adults it felt like dealing with two kids and it was so much fun. The latter are such sweethearts and I even taught one how to roll over. They are like dogs but bigger, way bigger.
After that, I tried to convince my boss to let me work with a more dangerous breed. It's not that I didn't like what I did but I like a challenge. I needed 2 months to convince him to let me work with 2 Chinese Fireballs and by the smirk on his face I knew I was in for a treat. They were brought to our reserve so they could breed but no matter how much others tried nobody succeeded at mating them.
When Matthew finally gave in – not seeing any harm in letting me try before they send them back – I remember I danced around my hut for a solid half an hour being so excited to work with them the next day.
I was surprised that nobody thought of the strategy I choose. It was true that they brought the dragons to us together but they didn't know each other and since nobody thought of trying to acquaint them first, I gave it a go.
After 3 days they were best mates and I gave them 4 more days to fully feel comfortable with each other before taking them to the mating habitat. I am more than proud to say that since then they have been parents 2 times. I did some great things since I started working in the Sanctuary but you never forget your first big achievement.
Due to Matthew being absolutely in awe of me succeeding after a week he allowed me to work with a bunch of Swedish Short-Snouts even though usually only a dragonologist with 5+ years of experience can work with them alone.
I was amused when I saw the faces of some of my older co-workers when they found out – thinking they were going to get the job. I love working with them even though they are the ones responsible for most of my scars. Just after the first day, one burned my entire forearm and everyone thought I was going to back off because of it but it only made me want to work with them more.
Now, after almost 10 years I have worked with every single breed of dragon except my favorite – the Hebridean Black. They are one of the most dangerous and stubborn kind and only a dragonologist with a lot of experience gets to work with them.
I got the glimpse of one when I was working with the research team but no matter how sneaky I tried to be, Matthew wouldn't let me get anywhere close to them. I even got a chance to work with a team that took care of a sick Norwegian Ridgeback even though they are considered to be the most dangerous.
A year ago I got a chance to be part of an exchange program at the Swedish Dragon Reserve and I worked with a Peruvian Vipertooth and a Ukrainian Ironbelly. My boss wasn't happy about the latter one as he reckoned I was too inexperienced to be around and try to tame the largest breed of dragons but as you can probably tell from what I told you so far, I was over the roof about it!
The Ironbelly might be the largest but they are among the least vicious ones – none of my co-workers would agree with me as most of them are terrified of them but I think they are adorable thinking since they are the biggest they are also the scariest. It's the same as with dogs – sometimes the smaller ones are more dangerous.
I got out of bed with a grin on my face. Even though I don't like to admit it I like reminiscing on my biggest achievements.
I made myself some breakfast – eggs and bacon as usual – while blasting music on my wireless. Nothing like singing while cooking and reading the letters my family sent me.
Mum and dad were going to visit George and Ron for the weekend. Bill and Fleur decided to repaint their living room. Ginny invited me to one of her games next week and Percy got another promotion.
I walked to the wall where I had a calendar hanging to mark the date of Ginny's game. It was the perfect event to meet with most of my family members and I love supporting her. I am proud of all my siblings' achievements but Ginny being the only girl among 6 boys made us all have a soft spot for her - even Percy, even though he would probably deny it if someone asked him about it.
Since I was working with three different dragons at the moment – Peruvian Vipertooth named Hel and two Romanian Longhorns Lasair and Rocker – I double-checked my schedule to see which one I am supposed to visit today. As I thought, it was Lasair. I know my schedule by heart but always check it twice– I don't want any dragon to be jealous thinking one is getting more attention from me.
My routine with the dragons was simple. First, they get their breakfast which is usually a piece of their favorite meat, except if it's our Common Welsh Green Crystal – she is the only dragon I have ever met that is a vegetarian and she mostly doesn't want to eat anything else than apples. It took us the longest time to figure out why she doesn't want to eat – vomiting out all the meat we gave her – until we moved her to an habitant with a pumpkin patch and them mysteriously disappearing overnight.
After the feeding, I like to play with them. That usually includes large balls or levitating rocks after which they can jump and run. Then it's my favorite part of the day – the flying lessons. We transport them to the part of the reserve that is built like a large stadium in the middle of the forest surrounded by mountains and it has 10 obstacles that the dragons have to learn to overcome so they are cleared for free-flying sessions.
After flying it's time for a brief pause to get the dragon back to its habitat and calm it down before giving it dinner and tucking it in.
Flying is the most fun thing we can do at our job. When Matthew told me that I am finally allowed to fly with them, I had to excuse myself and go to the bathroom because I felt like crying my eyes out. I wanted to fly on a dragon ever since I was a kid and even though I heard rumors about training them in that way, I always thought it was too good to be true.
The first time I flew on a dragon was with a dragonologist named Jim. He showed me how to properly prepare the dragon to be in the mood to have a person on its back and how to lift off and then safely land. Vulcan the Opaleye was just the loveliest when I trained with him to trust me to the point that he would allow me to fly. Even though my dream is to one day fly on a Hebridean Black, I wouldn't change my first flight for anything in the world.
Vulcan was more than obedient and so careful to make me feel comfortable and constantly made sure I was still on his back. He flew in a straight line and at an even pace making me feel so safe that I let go of his shiny scales and lifted my hands in the air. I wanted to shout from all the adrenaline and excitement that ran through me but I didn't want to startle the dragon.
It's safe to say that I didn't sleep at all that night. The second I laid in my bed I felt as if I was still in the air with Vulcan and I couldn't help but wish to do that every day.
"Good morning, Lasair. What do you want to eat this morning? Boar, deer, moose perhaps?"Lasair lifted her head sleepily at me. I teased her with the options, knowing full well that moose was her favorite. If she could speak she would ask me if I can't remember her favorite meal.
"Don't worry, you'll get what you want." I winked at her and put on my gloves before taking out my wand and levitating the big chunk of meat to her.
Lasair was one of the rare dragons that ate her food slowly, so I loved to sit down next to her and watched her chew. If Matthew saw me, he would probably murder me for sitting so close to a dragon but he doesn't know that Lasair and I have an agreement of her keeping me alive and I give her some extra meat for dinner in return.
"So, Lassy, I have some bad news." I cleared my throat as the dragon stopped chewing and tilted her head toward me. "We have to sharpen your claws today."
Lasair groaned and went back to her breakfast.
"I know, I know. Not your favorite thing to do. Trust me if it was up to me, we would rather do something more fun like play with your favorite tire or play fetch with your ball. But the boss said it was time."
Lasair didn't react to my words but laid on the ground once she finished her meal and wrapped her tail around me.
"You know that cuddling and being cute won't work on me." I chuckled. "Not this time, at least."
The dragon's nostrils started to smoke and I knew she was trying to negotiate.
"Between you and me," I whispered, "I'll throw in another piece of meat if you'll be a good girl like last time. How about some boar for dessert, huh?"
Lasair let out a gentle roar, giving me a sign that she agrees with my terms.
"That's my girl. I knew we'll find a common ground." I grinned at her and got up so we could start our day.
"Okay, Lassy. I will need you to step on this mat and do the burying motion. As if you were burying the bones of a deer." I explained when Lasair looked at the mat in confusion.
I mimicked the gesture and she copied it and walked to the mat with grace as if she was a princess.
"There you go! I am so proud of you, Lasair. You really want that extra piece of meat, huh?" I laughed to myself.
"So that is how you get all dragons to behave as if they're Crups?" I turned toward the voice and saw Matthew's amused face, observing my work with the Romanian Longhorn.
"You were never meant to find out," I said in a dramatic voice.
"Oh, it's fine." Matthew swung his hand. "You'll need all the skills."
"What do you mean?" I furrowed my brows at him as I stepped to Lasair to show her to step a bit forward so she could sharpen the claws on her back paws as well.
"Do you know what tomorrow is?" Matthew asked, observing my every move.
"No." I lied. I knew that tomorrow will be 10 years since I work in the reserve but I didn't want to boast about it.
"Come on, Charles. I know that you out of everyone here you’re the one who counts how long you are working here for." He smirked at me.
I couldn't believe it. He remembered that it's my 10th anniversary? I couldn't help but grin.
"What about it?" I tried acting casually.
"Well, the team was thinking about what to get you as a present..."
"Matt, you don't have to get me anything. You know I am just happy being surrounded by dragons." I smiled appreciatively.
"Well, how about you get surrounded by a new dragon?" He winked at me.
"What are you on about?" I narrowed my eyes at him. I was getting impatient, the excitement in me growing.
"We are getting a one-year-old Hebridean Black in a week from the MacFusty’s." Matthew started to explain. "And since you are so good at taming and being best mates with the three you’re taming now, I was thinking of assigning it to you."
"Did...did you just say a Hebridean Black?" I said in a voice that was barely a whisper. I couldn't believe what just came out of his mouth. He was going to let me work with my favorite breed?
"You heard correctly, Charles." Matthew's smirk was growing larger.
"But...but I don't have enough experience, you said so yourself. You...you should give the job to someone worthy, to someone who will know how to handle the breed." I knew that I should've just shut up and thank him for the opportunity. Working with a Hebridean Black has been my goal ever since I can remember, but I have to keep my head clear and think of what's best for the dragon.
"Thinking like this is exactly why I am giving the job to you even though I told you the last time you begged me that you need at least 7 more years before you can work with them." Something in his eyes shifted. He had the exact expression on his face as he did when he assigned me to breed those two Fireballs.
"You are up to something. What's wrong with the dragon?" I pursed my lips at him.
"Oh, the dragon is just fine. Lovely, actually. I bet you two will have a lot of fun." The sarcastic tone in his voice told me that he was hiding something from me but I didn't dare to ask him about it.
He deemed me ready to work with a Hebridean Black. To work with my favorite breed. I am not about to jeopardize that if he thinks I am the one for the job. In a week my biggest dream will come true and there was nothing in the world that could ruin that.
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karajaynetoday · 4 years
everybody's got their demons, even wide awake or dreaming | part one
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Photo credit: Jess Gleeson 
Hello friends! Hope you’re having a lovely day wherever you are in the world. Thank you to everyone who voted in my little Google form thing on what they’d like to see me write next. Here’s Part One of my 5SOS x music journalist story. It’s a little angsty, and as the first chapter this is a lot of introduction to the OC and her story, but I hope you like it! It’s the first time I’ve written an OC into a fic, so I’d love to know your thoughts and if you’re interested in reading more about Lizzie and her adventures interviewing 5SOS.
Shout outs to @wheniminouterspace and @calumrose​ for helping me sense-check this concept, and @spicycal for giving me feedback on it in its draft stages. You’re all gems! 
Word count: 5.1k
Warnings: Fem!OC, minor swearing
More writing here | send thoughts/feedback/suggestions here | if you’d like to be on my taglist go here
Lizzie Lawson was having a bit of a day. Her train had been late, she dropped her coffee moments after receiving it from the cute barista downstairs (and broke her favourite keep cup in the process), and her work computer had decided to run updates the moment she sat down at her desk. Maybe she shouldn’t have bothered to get out of bed this morning.
Her colleagues were tapping away at their keyboards, answering phone calls, and discussing upcoming story ideas with each other - the usual tasks, especially for a Monday morning. Lizzie, computerless and caffeine deprived, had to settle for a cup of instant coffee from the kitchenette, and had taken to tidying up her desk while her computer was restarting over and over again but still somehow not ready for use. She was on the floor, sorting through the snacks in her bottom desk drawer (crackers that were two months’ past their expiry date, some gummy worms, and what seemed like hundreds of cans of tuna) when James, the music editor, stuck his head out of his office and called for her.
“Lawson! Where are you?” James sounded confused. He could’ve sworn he’d seen Lizzie at her desk moments ago, and then suddenly she popped her head up like a meerkat.
“Jimbo! Here. What’s crack-a-lackin?” Lizzie responded, standing up and brushing herself off as she headed towards where James was standing in his office doorway.
“Got a pitch for ya. Step into my office, if you’re finished with your spring clean.” James chuckled as he stepped back inside and sat down on the couch opposite his desk. 
A number of journalism awards were displayed on the shelf above the couch, and the floor to ceiling window overlooked Sydney’s CBD and its tall, grey buildings, with a glimpse of the harbour ocean in the distance. Lizzie had to admit she’d imagined herself in James’ desk chair more than a few times; the music editor of one of Australia’s leading youth and pop culture publishing companies, regularly travelling the world to interview award-winning artists, and assigning and guiding well-crafted investigative pieces on the entertainment industry and those within in. 
But, in reality, Lizzie had only recently worked her way up to being in the music department, after a couple of years on the news desk and a series of casual internships at different publications around the place. But music journalism, and the passion she had for live performances and watching artists grow and develop their sounds and aesthetics over their careers, was where Lizzie had always wanted her career to go. She was grateful to James for having her on the team, but she also knew that he didn’t recruit just anyone - so her writing must’ve been strong enough to get her here. James was a good boss, salt of the earth, always had his team’s back, but he was also a little mysterious, and this morning’s meeting was one of those where his face was giving absolutely nothing away as Lizzie joined him on the couch in the office. 
“So, what’s up?” Lizzie said, trying to hide the nervousness in her voice.
“Well, Lawson. You’ve only been on deck for a few months, but turns out my gut instinct about you has paid off. That profile you did on the 1975 last month has gotten some good feedback and traction out and about.” James spoke in a measured tone, pulling his laptop off the coffee table and opening it.
“Oh! Well, that’s… good, right?” Lizzie still couldn’t figure out exactly why she was in James’ office. Or why she was so nervous. 
“Correct, it is good. It’s been great to see you come into your own a little bit, and develop your interview style. I also really appreciated you stepping in to cover the Matt Corby interview for Hannah the other day, when she had that stomach bug.” James continued, seemingly searching for an email or something on his laptop as he spoke. 
“No worries! Hannah’s notes were really thorough, plus I definitely had a Matt Corby phase when he was on Australian Idol back in 2006! Oof, that fringe, you know?” Lizzie cringed internally when she heard herself starting to babble. 
James snorted, before clearing his throat. “I’m sure Matt was glad the 2006 hairstyle didn’t take up too many words in the final profile piece. He was pretty happy with it though, and his management were too, according to the label. So happy, in fact, that they’re requested you to profile another one of their artists.”
James had Lizzie’s full attention now, and she still couldn’t read his expression. “Really? Me? Who’s the artist?” She asked, trying not to get too excited too soon.
“Yes, indeed, you. 5 Seconds of Summer, or 5SOS. They’ve got a new album due out in a month or so, and their publicist is keen to fly you out to LA for a few weeks to follow them around while they wrap things up in the studio, and do a profile piece on their journey to date. Are you familiar with their stuff? They’re offering us an exclusive, something about the album being linked to their homeland or something, so they wanted to go with an Australian media outlet first.” James set his laptop back down on the coffee table and angled it so Lizzie could see an email on the screen that had a few lines of text and a photo of a band onstage.
5SOS. Was Lizzie familiar? Oh yes, she was familiar. Lizzie Lawson hailed from the western suburbs, and 5SOS was the area’s biggest success story. Aussie boys made good, with millions of albums sold, billions of song streams, thousands of concerts played all around the world, that was their career to date. But for Lizzie, 5SOS were always a bit closer to home. She’d attended the same high school as three of the band members, and Michael Clifford was someone she called her best friend, once upon a time. Ashton had also befriended Lizzie’s older brother Lachlan when they’d worked together at KFC. That was years ago now, and they’d all fallen out of touch, because sometimes that’s just the way the universe works. You grow up and you move on and you don’t keep the same friends, because sometimes they move to the other side of the world and get super famous as successful musicians. Or something like that. Even if they know your deepest secrets, or biggest fears, or hopes and dreams, or you trust them more than anything, sometimes they still leave you. 
Lizzie’s previous state of intrigue quickly became panic, because what if she wasn’t actually being chosen based on the merit of her work? What if the 5SOS team knew about her connection to the band, and were going to use it to manipulate her writing in some way? What if it was all a ploy to get her and Michael in the same room so he could finally call her out on what had gone down between them all those years ago? What if - 
“Lawson! You on planet earth still, or wait?” James snapped his fingers in front of Lizzie’s face to get her attention. She shook her head to clear it, and wrung her hands together in her lap.
“Yep, I’m familiar with their work. A little fuzzy on the most recent work, but I have a bit of knowledge on a lot of their early stuff. And Youngblood, of course. Everyone knows Youngblood. ARIA song of the year, a billion streams, etc etc.” Lizzie spoke, meeting James’ gaze as he cocked his head at her curiously. He knew Lizzie had a tendency to get a little nervous when she was put on the spot, but there was something about her right now that was a little more unsettled than usual that he couldn’t quite put his finger on.
“Good. Well, if you’re down, the label will cover three weeks accommodation in Los Angeles. Labels don’t usually do that kind of thing, but their manager is super keen for you to get enough quality time with the band to build up a solid profile piece. We’ll cover your daily expenses, I’ll send you instructions for the claiming app, and then we just need your passport to get the flights booked. Sound okay?” 
“Y-yep. Yes. Okay. Right. When would I be leaving?” Lizzie pinched her thigh through her jeans to double check that she wasn’t dreaming, and that yes, this was actually happening. 
“Friday midday. We’ll put some feelers out in LA, and see if there’s any other interviews you can do while you’re there, but your focus will be on 5SOS because they’re picking up the bill for your stay. But that being said, don’t let that sway what you write. They’ve requested you because they like your deep, detailed, open style of profiling, so don’t be afraid to ask some curly questions to get the answers that will craft the right piece, you know?” James spoke firmly, looking pointedly at Lizzie who quickly nodded in response.
“Right, well, I’ll cc you into this email chain with their publicist and manager, and we’ll go from there. You can hand over your other pieces to Hannah, you’ll need to spend the next few days prepping for LA and doing whatever research you need to feel ready. You’ve got this, Lizzie. I know you can do a great job.” James was trying to be encouraging, as he stood up and opened the door to his office, but Lizzie’s heart was pounding with nerves and she barely hear his words. 
She walked back to her desk in a daze, and Hannah had to literally poke Lizzie in her side to get her attention and ask what James had said in the meeting. A few excited squeals and a bear hug later, Hannah was off and running talking about lists of things Lizzie needed to organise before her international adventure was due to begin in a few days’ time. Lizzie, on the other hand, still couldn’t believe it. What the fuck was happening?
The next few days flew by in a haze of emails, life admin, last minute shopping trips and a lot of deep breathing on Lizzie’s part, and before she knew it, she was wrangling her suitcase out of an Uber and into the international terminal at Sydney Airport. Lizzie, as a generally anxious person, had arrived the full three hours early for her flight, but her parents had treated her to a flight lounge guest pass (because they wanted her to know they were proud), so she was able to deal with her nerves by eating far too many complimentary croissants and hash browns. 
Soon enough, the time to board the plane arrived, and Lizzie was grateful that she ended up in an empty row of seats, by some miracle. Praise be to the airline gods, or whichever higher power had decided she’d be able to at least try and get some sleep in the next fourteen hours. She’d set her phone and watch forward to Los Angeles time, so she could try and adjust her body clock accordingly, which meant that she’d have to stay up for a few hours at least.
Lizzie tried to be productive, and tapped away at her research notes on her laptop for a little while, before she found herself opening up the band’s instagram page in her browser. The four men staring back at Lizzie through the screen seemed a million miles away from the gangly, excitable teenagers she’d known all those years ago. There was an interesting intensity about them in the photograph, steely gazes and defined bodies under carefully selected clothing, but there was also a peacefulness in their poses beside one another. Like being together, in this moment captured minutes before heading onstage, was the most natural thing in the world. Lizzie found her eyes drawn towards Michael; his dirty blonde hair swept across his forehead (not dissimilar to the style he’d had in their high school days, to be honest), and it was accompanied by some scruffy facial hair and a dangly cross earring in one ear. His grey-green eyes seemed to peer right into her soul, and Lizzie involuntarily shivered at the thought of seeing him again in person in a day or so. 
She was still anxious about whether or not this entire thing was a scam, but nonetheless, she was going to try her darndest to be a consummate professional, and write the best profile story of her life. In her research, Lizzie had reviewed some previous 5SOS interviews, and she’d cringed her way through their Rolling Stone interview from many years prior. She remembered reading it at the time it was published, unable to believe some of the words attributed to the boys she’d once called her friends, and the intense aftermath that followed. Understandably, they’d avoided in-depth profile interviews since, so Lizzie was incredibly curious as to why they’d changed their mind. Why now? Why her? She closed her laptop and drifted into sleep, curled up across three airplane seats and tucked under a thin blanket. 
Lizzie’s shoulders and neck were stiff when she awoke, an hour or so before her flight was due to land. She used the in-flight wifi to check her emails quickly, and noted a new one from 5SOS’s publicist Danielle, which welcomed Lizzie to Los Angeles and explained that she should catch a taxi to her accommodation at the address listed, and that she should give her a call once she was checked in. Right. That seemed straight forward enough.
LAX customs were intimidating as ever (god, Lizzie was so nervous), but Lizzie made it through without incident and was able to quickly make her way into a cab with a driver who seemed familiar with her accommodation address. They drove her to a boutique-looking hotel, and when Lizzie checked in and made her way up to her room, she was pleasantly surprised at how nice it was. A queen-sized bed, a good desk for working at, a nice view from her balcony of the Hollywood Hills, a small kitchenette with a fridge and microwave, and a glorious bathroom that had a very enticing bath tub in it (Lizzie’s shoulders and neck were already thankful for the idea of being able to soak in some nice hot water for a while). 
After checking the room for serial killers (better to be safe than sorry, right?) Lizzie had a quick shower and changed out of her travel trackies and oversized hoodie into a pair of jeans, a clean shirt and a blazer, before opening up her phone and scrolling down to Danielle’s contact. A few deep breaths were required before Lizzie built up the courage to press “call”.
“This is Danielle!” A cheery American accent answered on the other end of the line.
“H-hi Danielle, this is Lizzie, from Junkee Australia. You said in my email I should give you a call once I was all checked in, and I am, so…” Lizzie found herself giggling nervously and facepalmed.
“Lizzie, of course! How was your flight? Long and boring?”
“Yep, that about sums it up!” Danielle’s enthusiasm made Lizzie feel like she had to perk herself up a bit in conversation.
“Well, I’m sure you’re gagging for a nap, but we’ve got to get you adjusted to the timezone so we can make the most of your time here. I’m just finishing up something in the office, but I can swing by your hotel in about 45 minutes, and we can go over your story pitch and the band schedule for the next few weeks, and figure out your interview time slots and other things you can go along to observe, if that works for you?” Lizzie could hear Danielle’s keyboard clacking as she spoke.
“Sure, well, you have my number now, so just text me when you get here. I’ll try my best not to nap in the meantime.” Lizzie’s somewhat dry response got a laugh out of Danielle, who agreed and bid her farewell, ending the call.
Placing her phone down on the bedside table, Lizzie looked around the hotel room that was set to be her home away from home for the better part of the next month, and spotted a coffee machine on top of the mini fridge. If she was really going to keep her no-nap promise, caffeine was definitely in order. 
True to her word, Danielle arrived at the hotel within the hour, and soon Lizzie found herself sat beside Danielle on a fancy couch tucked in a corner of the hotel lobby. Danielle had opened up her laptop, and also pulled a plastic folder of documents out of her tote bag.
“Okay, so… I’m sure you’ve done your own research, but here’s a few hard copies of the band bio, album press release, and a few other tidbits from the label, along with a hard copy of the band schedule. It’s all confidential and coded, the electronic version I’ve emailed you will have the proper locations for everything, but I thought a print out might be handy anyway. The boys are recording some stuff at the studio Calum has at his house tomorrow, so I figured we could introduce you there and then after that figure out what else you’d like to get done. There’s an industry showcase for some of the new songs at the end of the week, and then they’re doing various promo and album prep things, finalising mixes, photoshoots, etc, so there’s a bit of variety for you. Any initial thoughts on how you want to do the interviews for your profile?” Danielle rattled off, gazing at Lizzie expectantly when she finished speaking.
Lizzie blinked at her a few times before collecting herself. “In my research, I found it really interesting to hear the band and some of the fans talking about how 5SOS has evolved into the collective effort of four individual artists, not just the band as one artistic music entity, so I was hoping, if possible, to interview them individually, as well as observing them as a group. Would.. Would that be okay, do you think?” 
Danielle pursed her lips, before breaking out into a smile. 
“I think that sounds exactly like something the band would be willing to do. Damn, Matt Emsell was right - you do know your stuff.” She chuckled, handing the folder of documents over to Lizzie and pulling out the schedule that was on top.
“So studio at Calum’s tomorrow from 10am, I’ll swing by and collect you so we can do introductions, I’ll stick around for a bit just to make sure you’re all good but otherwise I’m just going to let you do your thing. The band have been doing this for long enough now, they don’t need their publicist hovering.”
The curiosity was killing Lizzie. She couldn’t not ask. 
“Danielle, I’ve got to ask this, sorry. Do the band… know me? Know that I’m the one coming to interview them?” Lizzie managed to get out, avoiding eye contact.
“What do you mean?” Danielle cocked her head to one side, clearly confused at the question. “I sent them the Matt Corby piece you did, and they liked that, so that was one of the reasons we asked you out here. So they’re familiar with your work, if that’s what you’re asking?”
“No, um… oh god, I’ve made this super awkward now.” Lizzie laughed dryly, wringing her hands together. “I mean, I know them. Personally. Or at least I used to. I’m from Sydney, and I went to school with Luke, and Calum, and… Michael. So I was just wondering,  um, if they realised that it was me and that was part of why I was asked to come to LA for this…Not really sure why that would make them choose me, but I just wanted to make sure we were all on the same page before tomorrow.” Lizzie finally dared to look up at Danielle, whose expression was unreadable.
“Hmm, well, that is interesting. As far as I know, that wasn’t a factor at all. We all genuinely liked your writing style, so whether or not the boys made the connection, I have no idea. They’re not super keen on any irrelevant personal life stuff making it into this piece though, so if this is going to be a problem for you, we should deal with it now.” Her tone was slightly less warm than before, and Lizzie could sense the protective publicist side of Danielle kicking in.
“Definitely not a problem. I entirely intend to be fully professional, and like you said, my writing will speak for itself. Just wanted to put it all out there. Not a problem for me.” Lizzie spoke up, willing herself to sound more confident than she felt.
“Good. We have no problems here then. I’ve got to run, but text me with any questions, otherwise I’ll see you at 9.30am tomorrow for the drive to Calum’s!” Danielle’s tone was nice and bright again, as she shut her laptop and gathered her belongings, patting Lizzie’s shoulder in what she assumed was some sort of attempt at calming her nerves.
It didn’t work though. Not a problem for Lizzie? Bullshit. Not a problem for 5SOS, and Michael in particular? Seemed unlikely. 
Lizzie was worried she’d have a restless night’s sleep because of her overwhelming anxiety about the next day’s reunion, but the exhaustion from her travelling overtook her and she almost slept through her alarm. A quick shower and a shot of espresso later and Lizzie was downstairs waiting for Danielle to pick her up to head over to meet the band.
“Morning! How’d you sleep?” Danielle chirped as she rolled into the car park, her car window down. 
“Very deeply, thank you! The room is really comfortable. Thanks again for organising.” Lizzie mentally urged herself to keep up the small talk as a way of hiding her nerves.
The car ride over was mostly quiet, but when they pulled up outside of what Lizzie assumed was Calum’s house, she definitely felt like she was about to vomit.
“Just so you know, I flagged our conversation last night with the band. About your pitch around the individual interviews, and also about your little… connection to them. Ashton didn’t seem to think it was a problem, so it should all be fine.” Danielle mused, as she opened her car door and hopped out. All Lizzie could do was nod, because her throat was dry and she was starting to panic. She blindly followed Danielle through the front gate and around the side of the house to a building in the backyard, Lizzie strained to hear what sounded like raised, male voices floating towards them as they approached. She couldn’t make out what they were saying, but it didn’t entirely sound positive.
Danielle knocked loudly on the door and shot Lizzie a reassuring smile, before the shouting subsided and it swung open. Calum Hood stood in the doorway, and Lizzie sucked in a breath. It’d been eight years, maybe more since she’d last seen Calum, and even then, had they spoken? She couldn’t remember. 
Calum smiled at Danielle, and then his eyes flickered over to Lizzie, not quite carrying the same happiness, but not entirely losing it either.
“Morning, ladies. Welcome to casa di Calum, come on in.” He spoke with that scratchy, deep voice of his that Lizzie had reacquainted herself with when watching hours of interviews during her research. 
Danielle stepped passed Calum into the room, and she indicated for Lizzie to follow, which she did. Lizzie could feel Calum’s gaze on her as she brushed past him, but the minute she stepped inside, any sense of warmth or welcome she’d felt before vanished. 
Luke and Ashton were standing over by the sound recording panel, turning to look at Lizzie and Danielle as they entered. Lizzie thought she saw a hint of a smile on Luke’s face (they had survived Year 8 Maths together, after all… that had to count for something, right?), but Ashton was unreadable.
Entirely obvious, though, was the look of bitter disdain on Michael Clifford’s face when Lizzie finally spotted him hunched over on the couch along the wall. Those grey-green eyes were staring her down with a harsh glare. It had familiarity about it, Lizzie realised, but not in a good way. 
Danielle cleared her throat in the silence, and turned to Lizzie.
“Well, I believe introductions might not be required, but in the interest of professionalism and courtesy - “ Lizzie didn’t miss Danielle’s pointed glance towards Michael, who was still scowling silently towards everyone - “Lizzie Lawson from Junkee, I would like you to meet Calum Hood, Ashton Irwin, Luke Hemmings and Michael Clifford, also collectively known as 5 Seconds of Summer or 5SOS.” 
Lizzie waved, and then immediately cursed herself for being so goddamn awkward.  She received a nod of recognition from Ashton, and small smiles from Luke and Calum. From Michael, more scowling. This was going to be a long three weeks. 
“So, Lizzie, why don’t you go through the pitch for the profile that we discussed yesterday? The boys already have a bit of an idea, but I’m sure they’d love to hear it from you.” Danielle was being overly encouraging, but it worked, and Lizzie took a deep breath before speaking.
“Thanks, Danielle. And thank you to you guys, honestly. I know this is a little strange for all of us -”
“Fucking oath it is.” Lizzie heard Michael mutter under his breath, but she continued, undeterred. 
“But, I’m really excited to have the opportunity to interview you and pull together this story. Especially on behalf of the Australian music media. I know they haven’t always given you the recognition you deserve, but I think this piece is a chance to overcome that. Anyway, the specific pitch I’d love to go with is reflective of you as individual artists, as well as the collective band group. If it’s suitable, it’d be great to have the chance to speak to each of you one-on-one as well as a group, to give a holistic view of your journeys as people and as musicians and what you’re trying to achieve with this album. So… yeah…” Lizzie trailed off nervously, clenching her hands at her sides.
“I love it. We’re happy you’re here, Lizzie. I really loved the Matt Corby piece Danielle sent us, and like you said, it was really important for us to have the perspective of an Australian journalist for this story and where we’re at right now.” Ashton’s calm voice broke the silence, as he nodded at Lizzie in agreeance. Luke and Calum nodded too, and Lizzie tried not to look towards Michael because no doubt he was still glaring at her.
“Great! Everyone’s on the same page. I have to dash off to a meeting, but Lizzie has my number if she needs it, otherwise all of you please behave and don’t scare her off, nor say anything that means I’ll have to destroy her tape recorder. Sound good? Good!” Danielle rattled off quickly, moving out the door and shutting it behind her. 
The tension in the air was thick, and it was all seething from Michael’s direction towards Lizzie. She closed her eyes for a moment, before reaching into her bag and pulling out her phone, notebook and pen. She spotted a chair behind her, and turned back towards Luke and Ashton.
“Well, where do you want to start? A group sit down, some general thoughts on the journey so far and what the album experience has been like?” Lizzie offered, trying to make herself sound enthusiastic, but also in control and like she knew what she was doing.
Luke, Calum and Ashton all murmured in agreeance, and moved themselves over to sit by Michael on the couch, while Lizzie dragged the chair she’d spotted over to sit facing them.
“Right. All good if I audio record this?” She asked, hitting record on her voicenotes app after three heads nodded at her.
“So, the album. Where did it begin? Did anyone or anything influence or kick off the sonic direction or the start of the exploratory process?”
The conversation was flowing quite well, Lizzie though. Ashton dominated most of the responses to her questions, but Luke and Calum chipped in their perspectives throughout. Michael didn’t say a word, even when Calum poked him in the side, and instead of glaring at Lizzie he was now staring blankly at the wall over her shoulder. An improvement, sort of, but still not ideal from a journalist and interviewee perspective, let alone when the interviewee was someone who used to be Lizzie’s best friend. 
Before she knew it, an hour had past, and Ashton stood, remembering a meeting they had scheduled with the label and their management team, and bringing the interview to a close. 
As Lizzie was packing up her equipment, she cautiously brought up the topic of the one on one interviews. 
“So, does anyone in particular have free time in the next few days, so I can start on the individual profiling part of the story?” Lizzie asked, her tone hopeful.
Michael’s response was to push straight past her and walk out of the studio, muttering to himself and slamming the door as he went. The loud noise made Lizzie flinch, and she realised her heart was racing and her hands were a little shaky. 
“I’ve got time, LL Cool J. I’ll meet you at Joan’s on Third for lunch, say 1pm?”  Lizzie smiled at the pld nickname Calum slipped into his quiet response to her question. 
“Works for me, C Dizzle Swizzle. Thanks again for your time today, I really appreciate it. Not to sound like a broken record, but I’m really excited for this piece and the chance to tell your story.” Lizzie found herself grinning like an idiot as she met Calum’s warm gaze, and noted that Ashton and Luke were also smiling at her.
“We’re excited too, Lizzie. Even if… some of us might not quite be as enthusiastic as they should be. But, don’t worry. He’ll come round.” It was Luke that spoke this time, his striking blue eyes somehow staring straight into Lizzie’s soul as he looked at her. 
“Here’s hoping.” Lizzie tried not to sound too dull in her response, but it was a challenge. 
Because honestly, how the fuck was she going to do a profile on all four members of 5 Seconds of Summer, if one of them could barely stand being in the same room as her?
Time will tell, Lizzie thought to herself as she walked out of the door to Calum’s studio and into the warm California sunlight. Time will tell. 
Taglist: @suchalonelysunflower​ @blackbutterfliescal​ @redrattlers​ @loveroflrh​ @spicycal​ @notinthesameguey​ @metalandboybands​
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kindajared · 4 years
Naomi Bianco (My OC)
Name: Naomi Bianco
Age: 22
Gender: F
Nationality: Italian
Height: 5’4’’ (163 cm)
Weight: 115 Ibs
Eyes: Bright Green
Hair: Black (Long and straight, thick)
DOB: January 5th, 1979
POB: Venezia, Italy
Family: Angela and Mario (Mother and father) (Alive?), Leo and Americo (Brothers 3 and 1 year(s) younger) (Deceased)
Occupation: Assassin
Stand: Slipknot
Ability: Ropes. They can constrict and tie down anything, they can also manifest inside people. Senses by even the slightest movements when the target can’t be seen. 1-8 M
Power: B Speed: B Range: C Staying: B Precision: B Learning: C
Likes: Warm Weather, Energy Drinks, Strawberries, Hot Chocolate
Dislikes: Thunder, Coffee, Bugs, Vegetables (Baby)
Strengths: Physically strong, levelheaded, intelligent, caring
Weaknesses: Reckless, clumsy, irritable, picky
Movies: Hellraiser and Blood Simple
Music: Tool and Motley Crüe
Attire: Black Wedges- Black, latex, pants (Low riding)- silver chain belt- loose fitting, black, tank top- thick, white, suspenders-thin leather jacket with faux fur on its hood.
Jewelry: Thick, black, choker- black arm bands,
piercings: -all lobe and cartilage piercings.
Tattoos: Bothers’ initials behind her ears-Hexagram on her left hip
Scars: 6 inch thick scar on her upper back from a mugging-one 3 inch thin scar between her thigh from an attempted r*pe
MNottable personality traits: Extroverted, Sarcastic, Humorous, Heart of Gold, Crude, Flirty
The way she treats you usually depends on her first impression. If she’s turned off, she may not be interested in getting to know you, if it’s the other way around, she’ll want to become fast friends.
She’s drawn to people who are similar to her- Rowdy and Funny. Not much of a filter, very friendly most times if you give off the right vibe. She’s really good at identifying the kind of person you are based on your demeanor. She does like to take chanced- approaching people she normally wouldn’t, curious.
She doesn’t usually judge people by looks, but if it’s something drastic. She certainly will.
She’s extremely flirty and will absolutely come and say hello if she finds you attractive, though she also knows how to play it cool. If it’s the other way around, she’ll act as she would with anyone else, approaching her won’t bother her, unless they don’t back off after she tells them to. It also depends on the way they treat her. You better use the right tone.
She’s a little intimidating looking when she’s not smiling, but when she curls her lips into a smile, you can tell that she’s most likely sweet- though be wary- she acts roughly some of the time.
She absolutely does not get along with everyone. She tries not to be too particular, but she can be. She’s a picker and a chooser.
She doesn’t show her emotions often- refuses to cry or open up to people-unless you get her drunk. She will open up if you get close enough to her, but tears will eventually fall if you bring up her brothers.
If you ask her about the tattoos behind her ears, she’ll tell you what they are, but will be hesitant to tell you the backstory behind them A.B. and L.B. for Americo and Leo Bianco
Born to her mother and father, Angela and Mario Bianco. She had a very happy childhood, lots of friends, a small family, good education and middle class.
It all fell apart when she was 16. Her brother, Leo, was hit by a car, snapping his neck and crushing his body. He died instantly on impact. The driver sped off and she and Americo saw the entire thing happen before their eyes.
This was when their parents disappeared, leaving her and her brother to find their own way, managing to find places to stay as they aged.
She manifested her stand soon after. The rage inside her took its toll and she swore to herself that she’d find the driver, though there was no evidence on who it may have been.
And then came the age of 19. She planned to attend school to become a mortician and worked a summer job at a night club, bartending.
To her dismay, Leo had begun dealing drugs after Americo’s death, craving money and anything that could take his mind off of it. He got away with it for 4 years before Passione finally got to him when he began to sell more than he bargained for, becoming a top seller.
Naomi and her brother had been living together in an apartment in central Venenzia. A prime location for the both of them to do as they pleased. Naomi made good money doing what she did, and Leo did the same.
Then came the day when the rest of her world came crashing down.
It was around 11 at night and there was a knock at the door, which she answered, quickly being pushed to the side by a man she didn’t recognize. He barged into the living room, approaching Leo and shooting him in the chest, straight through the heart. Naomi was shocked and enraged, letting her stand ‘Slipknot’ do it’ work.
She manifested ropes inside of his body, slowly constricting all of his vital organs until his body shut down. His gun was useless, as he was bound by his neck and arms. He died a slow and painful death.
Naomi rushed to Leo’s side, barely having time to say goodbye to hear dear brother. Her world was now shattered, and she no longer cared for anything or anyone except for finding out who did this.
She was able to hack the strange man’s phone, finding out Passione were the ones that ordered the man to kill her brother. She was at a loss. She couldn’t fight the Mafia…what was she to do?
Word eventually got out that this strange man had been killed and Naomi ran, though not far. She quit her job and found a new place to stay on the outskirts of Venezia. She simply couldn’t leave her home.
She managed to stay on the run for 3 years (I know it’s ridiculous) until she was found….walking home from hernew job, another bartending job at a smaller facility. She was apprehended on her walk home, confined and helpless, threatened by other Mafioso. She refused to surrender; she wouldn’t let herself die…though she had to give in…she had to let go.
Passione had caught her and that was the end of that, but their plan was not to kill her…but to use her. She had a powerful stand, not to mention she had evaded them for 3 whole years. She was then assigned to La Squadra Esecuzioni.
La Squadra:
Her relationship with the squad is rather Chaotic. As you can imagine, she has a hard time getting along with all of them. She’s the only female, so as expected, they do indeed want to get along with her for various reasons.
She gets along best with Proscuitto. He’s like the big brother she never had and wanted. Though the two of them are very different, they just work. Though she’s a little too affectionate towards him for his tastes, but he cares for her.
Next is Pesci. She simply doesn’t have anything to hold against him. She actually takes care of him as sort of a big sister. He’s sensitive and she feels sort of sorry for him.
Her and Melone get along well. She really enjoys being around him and his personality. They are probably the most similar out of all the squad. She’s very touchy feely with him and he doesn’t mind one bit.
And here comes Illuso. They weren’t fans of each other at first, getting ticked off at little things the other did. They eventually got over their silly rivalry by suggestion from the others.
Her and Formaggio…aren’t exactly friends. They fight over money and how sloppy one another is. They are usually teamed up together, working well oddly enough. She thinks Risotto teams her up with him to torture her.
Her and Ghiacco have a love/hate relationship. They glare and scoff at each other, fighting over money, and yet whenever Ghiaccio is having any sort of break down, she can’t help but hug him. She holds him while hushing him, “Shhh, shut the fuck up.”
Naomi and Gelato and Sorbet get along swimmingly. They may be a little wacky and unstable, but she loves their company.
Her and Risotto aren’t friends, but there’s a tension between them. Sexual? She can’t quite tell. She hates that he’s the Capo. She thinks Proscuitto is much more worthy than he is. Risotto is always rather kind to her, which is irritating since she doesn’t want to like him, but she’s got a crush. Who wouldn’t?
(I found THIS and it’s as close as it’s gonna get to what she looks like!) This photo is the avatar of a channel on YT called Tulio Berzerker!
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varricmancer · 5 years
The Golden Halla | 1
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** Cross-posted on AO3 **
Pairing: Cullen Rutherford x F!OC
Summary: The Inquisition has been sent a gift of thanks for assisting the Dalish clan in the Exalted Plains - a Golden Halla, said only to appear in times of need. However, the creature is much more than it appears to be.
A/N: I had a couple requests to put this on here as well for those that prefer to read it that way. Okay, here we go with a new series that we totally shouldn't be making since I have tons of other things to work on. However, this idea wouldn't leave my mind and I've been obsessively thinking about it for three days straight, so we're starting it now. First chapter is a little short, but I was excited. I have lots of plans for this one, and I have quite a few big plot points thought out already, so now it's just a matter of finding the time to get my thoughts on a screen. Hopefully you guys will enjoy and stick around till the end! 
Some things to keep in mind:
*I will be messing with timelines and embellishing lore to fit my vision. For example, in this first chapter I'd like you all to pretend that the Inquisitor is strong enough to have already gone to the Exalted Plains and finished gaining the favor of the Dalish. Hey, he's Qunari. It's possible.
*In future chapters I will be expanding on some lore with the Hanal'ghilan and the "Gods" involved with them. If you're a purist, cover your eyes.
* This series will eventually contain smut. If you're a puritan, cover your eyes.
* This author is fueled by comments and feedback. Please don't let me starve, even if it's merely a keyboard smash. Those are a nice snack.
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Truthfully, this wasn’t the strangest thing the inquisition had been sent in way of thanks so far, but he found it difficult to figure out the reasoning either way.
“Uh...we are grateful? Is it for...err...riding? Or perhaps eating? I’m sorry. I’m not familiar with the custom for this.”
Cullen rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he addressed the party before him, wondering for the hundredth time why he was the one sent to deal with this. Surely Josephine would make more sense. Or even Cassandra. The Nightingale? Anyone but him, at least.
The elven man before him appeared horrified at the mention of eating the creature, so he supposed that was out.
“No! She is Hanal'ghilan, a Golden Halla that appears in times of need. And this one is...especially sacred.” Cullen thought the man had been a little too careful with that wording. “Our keeper thought it best to send her here for safekeeping, along with the wish that the blessing Hanal'ghilan brings shows our thanks for assisting our clan.”
Cullen looks at the creature in question who was standing calmly next to the elven man. It appeared...not much different from regular halla, honestly. Perhaps a bit more of a yellow tint to its coat then normal, and bronze horns instead of the usual silver. However, he knew “sacred” meant that this creature was just going to spend its days in the stable doing absolutely nothing, growing fat on Haven’s precious resources. They couldn’t ride it or eat it, so now he supposed the Inquisition has gained its first pet.
“Very well. We accept your...offering. Thank you...err…”
“Loranil, Commander. The Inquisitor himself worked with my clan to bring me here. He said to report to you.”
Of course he did. The Qunari was becoming overly fond of the phrase ‘speak to the Commander.’
“Oh, a soldier recruit then. Alright, welcome aboard Loranil. Report to that man over there in blue and he’ll get you set up,” he nodded briskly. With another nod at a nearby soldier, he silently ordered him to lead the halla to the stables. Surprisingly, the creature seemed to follow direction well without the need for a lead, following the soldier obediently.
The elven man bellowed what he assumed was a farewell to the animal then started walking towards Rylan, as ordered.
“Wait! Loranil, was it? Make sure to stop by the stables and let them know how to care for the halla, if you please.”
Loranil bowed his head in acknowledgment and was lost in the sea of bodies crowding the courtyard soon after. Cullen sighed wearily and rubbed his forehead, the beginnings of a headache beginning to make itself known. At least with that bit of ridiculous business done he could escape to his tent for a time. With a quick glance around to assure no one was coming for him, he strode quickly towards his temporary home, only breathing freely again once he tied the cloth shut. He settled into his desk and attacked the evergrowing pile of reports, hoping that losing himself in busy work would distract him from the throbbing in his head.
The headache only grew worse. He’d known that quitting the lyrium wouldn’t be easy, but he hadn’t quite been prepared for the pain. He’d been without for an entire week now and his body was protesting the sudden lack greatly. It was getting hard to hide the increasing number of symptoms as his hands began to shake or his head throbbed to the point he couldn’t focus his eyes. Or the incredibly embarrassing occasion three days ago wherein one of his lieutenants barged in on him expelling his breakfast into a chamberpot.
It was now late in the evening, nearing the midnight hour bells he would imagine. The air seemed somewhat crisp and he decided a stroll outside might help him cool off and wind down enough to attempt some sleep tonight.
He dared to leave off his breastplate, not wanting anything restricting his chest right now but pulled on his cloak. Despite his desire to cool off his overheating body, he wasn’t fool enough to stride out with barely anything and risk taking truly ill. As he left his tent, he was pleased to see that most people had already retired for the evening, leaving only those assigned to night watch and various workers too busy to pay him any mind.
He roamed about the grounds, hoping he appeared more like he was inspecting for strategic weakness or something else more impressive than taking a midnight stroll. Because he just couldn’t help it, he still took a mental tally of things that would need fixing or refilled. The healer’s area needed more tents. That elderly couple near a cooking fire needed more blankets. The shoes on that soldier’s horse needed replacing.
That, of course, led him to wonder when the last time was he checked on his own mount. He’s been rather bound to Haven of late with little time to ride. She was surely feeling neglected. He switched his path to head towards the stables. He could at least give her a brush and an apple before seeking his bed.
Haven’s stables were small and not very sturdy, but seemed comfortable enough for now. If they were here for much longer he was probably going to have them fixed up, but any weather was kept away beyond a slight chill. His horse has been through worse and handled it well. She was Feraldan, after all.
He stopped by the crate of apples kept near the wooden door and grabbed a large one, clicking his tongue as he sauntered towards her stall.
“Grace? Have a treat for you, girl.”
The horse whinnied in welcome, shaking her mane as she popped her head over the gate. The bay mare looked like her upkeep has been being taken care of, despite his preoccupation. She nuzzled his shoulder, nipping a bit no doubt to protest his negligence.
“Sorry, girl. This nasty business has been pulling my mind all over the place. I’ll take you out for a ride soon, I promise. Perhaps we can go around and check the surrounding area for weakness tomorrow, give you a chance to work some of this building fat off, eh?”
Cullen chuckled as she quickly chomped the apple from his hand, giving him a side-eyed look as though to say, ‘What fat?’
There was an...unearthly bray in the stall next to hers. Cullen cringed at the sound, suddenly remembering why he’d never been very fond of halla. Their cries sounded like a wailing child to him. Cullen sighed and peeked into the other stall, finding the golden halla watching him expectantly.
“I suppose you saw Grace get an apple and now you want one? Can you even eat them? I don’t see why not, I suppose.”
He walked back to the crate and grabbed another apple and brought it to the halla.
“Here you go Hana...err...gilie? I don’t suppose you’d settle for Hana, would you? I’m afraid I don’t have the tongue for languages.”
The halla brayed it’s awful sound again, which he took as an agreement. She accepted the apple with much more impressive manners than his mount had, delicately nibbling the offering.
The headache that he’d been trying so hard to ignore chose that exact moment to reach a level worse than he had ever experienced. The pain was so sharp and he could feel his head throbbing so mightily he wouldn’t be surprised if it would burst. He groaned and clutched at his head, dropping to one knee. He clenched his teeth, willing himself to tough it out.
The halla brayed again, making him almost want to sob. The sound was horrible during a normal time. Currently, it was painful enough it felt as though it was piercing his ears.
Suddenly, there was a bright golden light shining from the halla’s stall. He shaded his eyes with his hand, more worried about the discomfort the light brought with it than the source at the moment.
“You are hurt! Here, let me help you.”
The voice was lovely - soft and calming, with an almost musical quality to it.
His other knee dropped to the floor as his body weakened further. As his vision darkened, he caught a single glimpse of the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen in his entire life. Her modesty was only saved by the curtain of snowy white hair covering her bare breasts as she leaned over his falling form. Her amber eyes filled with concern as she reached towards him with a glowing hand - skin bronzed and shimmering as though dusted in gold.
“Sleep now,” she whispered, bringing the hand to his forehead.
And then he knew no more, fainting on the straw-covered wood floors of Haven’s stable.
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marinettereadsfics · 4 years
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Kim Seokjin
Ardor  This is an easy one: if you love the idea of cooking side by side with Jin, you just found your fic. [fluff, college AU
Gaffe  This one hit home. Please don’t text your ex if they were an asshole tho. [fluff, angst]
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Min Yoongi
Comfort  This is so cute you don’t understand okay. Read it. [fluff]
Owner Training Okay hear me out, I love reading fanfics but I almost never something longer than a one shot bc otherwise I wouldn’t graduate but this. This right here ladies, gentlemen and non binary buddies, is so so worth your time. I’m a sucker for hybrid Yoongi yeah. [crack, fluff, smut, Hybrid AU]
Snake Kisses  If your thing is grumpy Yoongs, mix it a little bit with this amazingly written Hybrid fic and you’ve got: perfection! Danger noodle are my favourite words since I read this. [smut, fluff, Hybrid AU]
Lush Brush  One of the first hybrid fics I read and honestly, one of my faves. This is so so cute and domestic I busted all my uwus. Basically OC is a professional cuddler and Yoongi is an insomniac. There are other shots in this au so please read them [fluff, Hybrid AU]
Cat Nap (and a hint of cat nip)  This is the other shot of the above. Read it. Please. [fluff, Hybrid AU]
Inheritance  There are a few shots in this one and truth be told you will find yourself reading them all. This one is kinda angsty but it is so so good. Again, grumpy Yoongi hybrid is my fave. [fluff, smut, angst, Hybrid AU]
Mighty  I can’t recall details because I tend to read to sleep BUT GRUMPY CAT YOONGI IS A THING. [smut, fluff, Hybrid AU]
Love and Laughter  A quick read, but I’m a sucker for established relationship drabbles. [smut, fluff]
The Friendship Chronicles  Yoongi trying so hard to flirt in a College AU. [fluff, f2l, College AU]
Tricks of the Trade 
This was such a fun and sexy reading! I LOVED IT SO MUCH. Can you just imagine swapping bodies with your crush okay look no further. Here it is. [smut, humour, fluff, Soulmate AU]
Lover’s Paradox  Kinda enemies to lovers comedy fluff. It is such a light but heartwarming read. [comedy, fluff, police au]
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Jung Hoseok
Cold Hands, Warm Heart  Hybrid Hobi. Send Tweet. [fluff, Hybrid AU]
By Its Cover  This was a rollercoaster. But one I would ride a thousand times over and over again. Definitely a fave of mine. A complete masterpiece [angsty, fluff, Demon AU]
Cupid’s Blind  We all know Hobi is an angel, but please read this. It is such a beautiful piece, it will fill your heart. [fluff, angst, Angel AU]
Fake Love  I’m a cliché lover okay. [smut, fluff, fake dating, enemies to lovers]
Rogue Galaxy  SMUT. WITH. PLOT. May you feel blessed with Kristi’s amazingly written masterpiece. [angst, fluff, smut, alien AU]
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Park Jimin
Gauche Waking up to a one night stand doesn’t seem as great as it did last night. [fluff, College AU]
Schrödingers-Cat  This is such a cute scenario where Jimin is your assigned angel when life is feeling a little low but he is there to make it a bit better. [fluff, Guardian Angel AU]
Book of The Beasts: The Hunt I was so caught up with the story from the beginning, no words, just do yourself a favour and read it. [fluff, smut, angst, Mythical Shifter AU]
Beneath the Water ExcuSE YOU, this is easily the best mermaid/merman AU I’ve read. It really takes you places, please read it. [fluff, crack, smut, mermaid AU]
Home  This has 3 parts (and a pending fourth one) but lemme tell ya it is cute af, again, I’m a sucker for hybrid Jiminie [fluff, angst, Hybrid AU
The Airport Couple: Park Jimin’s Cock [pit]  This was so so fun to read, plus, it is so well written I might cry. The plot is so original is2g. I never knew I needed Jimin as a pilot in my life, but we all do. [fluff, smut, crack, pilot!AU]
In All My Life Hello Vampire Jimin enthusiats, this quick read will most definitely be your thing [fluff, angsty, f2l, Vampire AU]
Sleeping on the Couch Hello there cute smutty drabbles. It is so entertaining, just read ahead. [smut, fluff]
Love Like This If your thing is soft boyfriend Jiminie, look no further, this will make you feel things for sure. [smut, fluff]
Lovebug Gimme some more of this angsty smutty hybrid Jimin slowly learning to love himself YESSS [angst, fluff, smut, Hybrid AU]
So it Goes 
A 3 part masterpiece. Once again I kinda cried reading it. It must have been hormonal. Or perhaps the amazing way it is written. [fluff, smut, Alien AU]
Power Play 
Okay so I went on a reading spree for Addie but can you even blame me? SHE IS AN AMAZING WRITER PERIODT. FEED ME THAT FILTH WITH AMAZING PLOT. Definitely one of my faves. I can promise you your heart will skip a beat with this one.  [smut, fluff, Pornstar AU]
Made With Love 
I finally got to read one of Madi’s amazing works. She is always hyping my works on my blog and Im so glad i finally got to recommend one of hers!! Now listen up, if your thing is soft fluffy idolverse that is so accurate on the guys’ actual persona THIS IS IT. i absolutely loved reading this when i was supposed to be sleeping. [fluff]
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Kim Taehyung
Ahem. Excuse you. This hit hard it is amazing, astounding, I loved every word of it. I’m a sucker for smut with plot and this right here, delivered. Homeless but passionate for music Tae is here to save the day. [fluff, smut]
Fun & Games  Soft smutty lover Tae is a dream come true in this one [fluff, smut]
By Chance Tae saves your life and things get… heated. An amazing plot, lovely characters as always. [angst, smut, fluff, Mythical AU, Shifter AU]
Sehebon  Then again, a bless to read Alien AU, Tae here is just a dreamy one. So so lovely writing, smut with plot, you know it. [angst, fluff, smut, Alien AU]
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Jeon Jungkook
Let the Light In  This one hit home. It may make you feel tingly inside for a bit if you’re kinda sad/depressed bc OC sure is [angst, fluff]
Where the Colors Fade Okay lemme just- I literally (yes, literally) sobbed while reading this. An amazing plot AND amazing use of words + an astounding character development. Basically OC is high society and Kookie is an outcasted orphan that lives with a dog that loves to paint. Prohibited love, if you may. Definitely one of my faves (like, really up there in the list.   If you end up reading this and you cry too please let me know. [angst, fluff, there is an AU there but I can’t pin point it– historical-ish/ artist AU ]
Robot!Jungkook Okay so one of my many not so guilty pleasures is reading android AUs and lemme tell ya, this 5 shot scenario is just *chefs kiss* [angst, fluff, smut, Android AU]
2! 3! Fluffy vanilla smut. Sometimes we deserve it. [fluff, smut]
Out of the Blue Four-piece that is worth every second you read it. It takes you places, trust me. Plus, you get Namjin on the side. [smut, fluff, Hybrid AU]
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pizzarollpatrol · 6 years
Fic Rec List #2 10/28/18
If any of the links don’t work, please let me know!. Just wanted to say thank you to all the authors on this list. You and all the effort you put into your fics are very much appreciated 💖
Kiss of Life by @sincerelymlg
Summary: Bucky and the reader go on a mission that quickly takes a turn for the worst. 
Flustered by @notimetoblog
Summary: It’s easy to see when Bucky is flustered. His mannerisms are beyond adorable but they might be hiding something more. --- I’m such a hoe for soft!bucky. I loved this fic, its so sweet and endearing.
Quick Stories by @notimetoblog  
Summary: Waking up early with Bucky is not always so bad. Bucky x reader.
Marry Me by @buckymorelikefuckmebarnes
Summary: Wedding day. (thats a shitty summary im so sorry) --- You thought this fics was shit but HA you are so wrong because it broke me :) Bucky x Reader
Death Do Us Part by @sgtjbuccky
Summary: For centuries, the God of Death had known two things about mortals. One, they were his job, his to collect when their days came to an end, and two, they were obnoxiously odd beings. Their purpose ceased to make sense to him. Never did he understand thy they created a life for themselves, why they loved, why they love other morals when they knew none of it would last forever. It was nothing but sheer stupidity, but that was until he met you. A mortal unlike any other. A mortal that would make him question everything. A mortal that would teach the God of Death how to live. God of Death!Bucky x Mortal!Reader. Ongoing series --- Wow. Where do I even begin? I absolutely love this series, its so different from others that I’ve read. I loved every chapter. 
A Supernatural Marvel by @angelkurenai
Summary: Imagine being transported in the Supernatural universe, with no memory of your life, where you become a hunter and fall in love with Dean. Only for a very important person from your past to come looking for you and change it all. Dean Winchester x Reader, Steve Rodgers x Reader. Ongoing series. --- This is one of my current favorite series!! You really know how to keep us on our toes, I love it!!
Take Me Higher by @buckychrist
Summary: Who knew that the way into the big broody super soldier’s heart was through his unmet need for a good cuddle? Bucky x Reader. --- If a fic has a cuddly bucky, sign me the fuck up. I loved this, its so sweet.
Educating Bucky by @buckfics
Virgin 1930′s Bucky x Reader. Smut. --- Holy fuck. This has got to be my absolute favorite smut I’ve literally ever read. I get so happy when it pops up on my dash again. There isn't a damn thing I dont love about this fic. Its so sweet and believable and I just cant stop myself from reading it.
Sincerely, Me by @buckitybarnes
Summary: Bucky Barnes is a quiet fellow when it comes to socializing with you. After one mishap, however, he finds a way to communicate his feelings without speaking so much. You’ve soon come to learn not every relationship has to be verbal to be important. Bucky x Reader. Completed series.
A Week in Boston by @blacktithe7 
Summary: It was your first vacation in years. Just one week all by yourself in the big city of Boston. No rules. No expectations. Just a list of places to go and things you wanted to see. That all changed the you run into a certain blue-eyed Boston boy who turned your world upside down. Is it really possible to fall in love with someone in just one week? Or is that kind of love just a fairytale? Chris Evens x Reader. Ongoing series. 
Stubborn Love by @barnesrogersvstheworld
Prompt: You cant live your life based on “what-ifs”. Steve Roders x Reader. --- This was so intense, I loved every word.
Date Night by @jaamesbbarnes
Summary: Heavily pregnant but very tired, you still insist to go out for your usual date night with your boyfriend. Chris Beck x Reader. --- This is one of the sweetest fics I ever read. I’ve never heard of “stardust” being used as a pet name and I swear my heart exploded when I read it.
Body Guard by @oliverwxod
Summary: Tony Stark is a very rich man and with that came a lot of enemies. After a tragic event Tony decides himself and the people most important to him, especially his daughter, are in danger. He hires personal body guards. Bucky Barnes is assigned to Y/n Stark, the most troublesome, reckless Stark that there is. Bucky x Reader. Body guard!AU. Ongoing series.--- Absolutely loved this series! So many twists and turns!
40 Days by @abaddonwithyall
Summary: Dean and you are already in an established relationship when he tempts you to give up orgasms for Lent. The only catch? Anyone and Everyone is open to trying to get you off. Let the games begin. Dean x Reader. Eventual Sam x reader, Castiel x reader, Gabriel x reader, Crowley x reader, Charlie x reader, Bela x reader, John x reader, Gadreel x reader, Lucifer x reader, Rowena x reader, Benny x reader, Jo x reader etc. Smut. Uncompleted series. (its from 2016, only the last two parts are missing but its all good) --- This is pure filth and its amazing.
Starved by @theonewiththefanfics
Summary: The Reader is a touchy-feely kind of a person and when she joins the Avengers nothing changes. Apart from the fact that Bucky Barnes is so touch starved, he craves for the soft feel of her skin against his and is over the moon when she treats him the same way she treats everybody else. Yet now day she simply stops, and he doesn't know why. Bucky x reader. Smut
You Aren't My Father by @winchesters-favorite-girl
Summary: When Sam shuts the gates of hell, Dean promised that he would take care of Sam’s little girl. However, things didn't go the way anybody suspected. After Dean settles into his apple pie life, he drifts away from his niece, who decided to take her future into her own hands. Uncle!Dean x Niece!Reader. Angst. Completed series. --- Holy crap. This is one of the best fics I've read, I read this series a long, long time ago and I’m still thinking about it.
My Turn by @sis-tafics
Summary: You and Dean are blowing off some steam. Dean x reader. Smut.
Afraid of the Flame by @thosekidswhohuntmonsters
Summary: Bucky learns from a surprising friend that you shouldn't live a life of things unsaid. Bucky x reader. 
It’s My Favorite Movie by @notnaturalanahi
Summary: Classice movie challenge. Movie prompt: “Are you not entertained?” Gladiator - 2000. Sam Winchester x reader. Smut
The Pumpkin Carver by @softlybarnes
Summary: Bucky and Y/N prepare for Halloween, when Bucky realizes something. Bucky x reader. --- I love The Florist and The Beekeeper so much, I was so happy to see you wrote another part. I loved it.
Watching by @mrsjohnsmith
Summary: Dean likes to watch. Sam x reader x Voyeur!Dean. Smut
Stepping Sideways by @siren-kitten-his
Summary: She steps sideways between worlds just watching those that live there...until Jefferson catches her eye. Jefferson (OUAT) x Fae!OC Mae. Smut. --- This is the first ever Jefferson fic I’ve read and i loved it!!
Ride by @wayward-and-worn
Summary: Sam and Y/N are in an established relationship. The milestones that had to cross to get this far go without saying. She's never been on top. Sam Winchester x Plus!Reader. Smut
All that Glitters by @moonbeambucky
Summary: Natasha found a sneaky way to get you to reveal your secret relationship. Bucky x reader. Smut. --- I LOVED this, its so clever and hilarious.
The Unimaginable by @moonbeambucky
Summary: As Bucky’s wife and mother of his child, you always worried for him when he was on a mission. This last mission will change your life forever. Bucky x reader. Angst. --- When i read the summary, I thought I had an idea about what was going to happen but it was so much worse. There were so many tears.
My Love, by @emilyevanston
Summary: Steve writes you a letter every time he goes on a mission. They usually arrive after he gets back. Steve x reader.
The Fiancé by @mycapt-ohcapt
Summary: Life takes an unexpected twist when you and Steve Rogers have to pretend to be engaged to cover up your little white lie. Steve x reader. Fake dating!AU. Completed mini series.
I Can’t Swim by @revengingbarnes
Summary: The reader pretends to drown to grab the attention of the hot lifeguard who looks after the beach. Lies don’t last long though, and eventually it backfires. Lifeguard!Bucky x reader. --- I LOVED this, its so cute and sweet. I had this goofy ass smile on my face the whole time I read it.
Sound by @bucky-barfs
Summary: You and Steve have been pining after each other for a while. Both to afraid to make a more, that is until you're stuck in a limo in heavy traffic. Steve x reader. Smut.
Crowded Places by @papi-chulo-bucky
Summary: You have a hard time warming up to Bucky, who constantly rejects you. But one day after his Winter Soldier mode is triggered, it seems there’s more to his brooding and stand off demeanor than he let’s on. Bucky x Reader/Winter Soldier x reader. --- I loved this!!! I’ve never read one like this and it turned out so sweet and weirdly endearing.
Memories and Music by @bitsandbobsandstuff
Summary: When you follow the sound of beautiful music, you find Bucky Barnes in front of the piano, and wonder if your heart might break just a little. Bucky x reader.
Three Shades of a Man by @bitsandbobsandstuff
Summary: It was different every time, what Bucky needed from you to survive himself. It was in these moments you saw the shades behind the mask he work in front of the world. Bucky x reader. Smut. Completed mini series. --- The first chapter was so intense and such a difference compared to chapel three, which I absolutely loved. It was so sweet and relieving to see their relationship like that after reading the first two chapters. I loved it.
Trepidation by @cumonbucky
Summary: Everything your world was right until Bucky’s ex girlfriend came along. Bucky x reader. Completed mini series. --- This was so good, I just had to add it to the list so we can all share a mutual annoyance at how stupid Bucky was in this fic. Like is he really that clueless or is he just that stupid??? Homegirl should of had a smack down with Dot but either way I absolutely loved this fic!
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thejaydalouise · 5 years
10 Questions Tag!
Thank you to @lemon-writings for tagging me!
Rules: Answer the 10 questions, ask a different 10, and tag 10 people. 
For the WIP questions, I’ll be referring to my novel Entrenched, which you can learn more about here.
1. What weird writing habits do you have?
Well, I can really only write at night or in coffee shops, which are really specific caveats. Nighttime is the time I am free enough of distractions to fully concentrate on writing. Coffee shops are designated places of focus, where I go with the intention to write/work and won’t leave until I feel accomplished.
2. Have you ever read a book you hated so much you couldn’t finish it? What was it? Why?
I despise not finishing books, so the only time I really don’t finish one is when it’s assigned for school, which is a whole laundry list of unfinished books itself.
One series I got very close to not finishing was The Maze Runner series, which I hated so much, it took me years to slog through the final book. I hated the main character so much that I couldn’t read more than a couple pages at a time before I had to put the book down.
3. What do you listen to while you write?
It depends! Sometimes I listen to music that fits the vibe I’m working with, but I love making playlists for my novels. I like to add songs that remind me of characters, plot points, or just the overall mood of the story. Here is the one I made for Entrenched.
4. What does an average day of writing look like for you?
I don’t write regularly enough to have an average day, but my best days of writing are when I can sit down and write a whole scene. Typically this happens at night, when no one can interrupt me, and I can put on my playlist and fully immerse myself in a story.
5. What is a project you’ve always wanted to start, but haven’t gotten around to yet?
Probably my fantasy series. It’s been a vague concept floating around my brain for over a decade that has taken many attempted forms before collapsing back into a marinating idea. I have a Pinterest board dedicated to world-building and several spinoffs already planned. When my two standalone novels are finished, I think it will be the first project I tackle.
6. Is there anything about your current WIP that you’re super proud of?
The fact that I finished the first draft lol? But seriously, Entrenched was an incredibly challenging project that required tons of research, switching between 3 perspectives, and a truncated editing process. It was the project that determined whether I passed my Honors Program. So just the fact that I met those challenges and finished a novel in such a high-stakes situation makes me really proud.
7. What is a trope you absolutely can’t stand?
Ugh, I don’t know if this counts, but just Bad Twist Endings. There have been so many recent stories that have ended badly because the writers decided to surprise audiences by throwing in random conflicts, out-of-character arcs, and generally bad twists for the sake of being shocking.
Another trope I hate is Forced Romance. I detest when characters who have an incredibly strong friendship are forced to be romantic instead of allowing their connection to maintain its strength through friendship.
8. Do you have an OC that’s more or less just a fantasy version of yourself?
I used to do this all the time when I started writing, where I would either give a character all my positive qualities OR I would intentionally write a character in so that I could insert myself into the role if it were ever a movie. 
As I’ve matured as a writer, I typically aim to avoid making myself a character. Instead, I create characters I can relate to or understand, but which have their own distinct voices and personalities.
9. Have any works inspired your current WIP?
My current WIP, Entrenched, was heavily inspired by period pieces like Downton Abbey and Peaky Blinders. While the plot is based around WWI, many of the characters were brought to life with the spirit of those shows.
10. What is your favorite WIP to write for?
I really love all my WIPs and I try to only write one at a time, so of my current projects, Entrenched is the only one that’s been drafted and another has been started and put on pause. However, I love to brainstorm story ideas. My favorite ideas are probably my fantasy series and my magical realism series. No titles for those, just plenty of inspiration.
Here are my 10 questions:
What’s your favorite genre to write?
When did you first come up with your current WIP? How has the story and your process evolved?
What’s your worst writing habit?
Where do you get your story inspiration?
When did you know you wanted to be a writer?
What is a popular piece of writing advice you disagree with?
What is your favorite book and how has it influenced your writing?
If you could be any of your characters for a day, who would you be? Why?
Do you prefer plotting or pantsing?
What advice do you have for writers?
I tag: @riding-under-the-stars @writeouswriter @faewriter @sociallyawkward18 @bailey-writes @mvcreates @pipingplver @mehhh5000 @jennamoreci @bellarosepope if anyone wants to do it!
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My OCs + Musical Ability
(I love doing these things instead of actually writing lmao :) )
Singing: Well they’re not awful, but they’re also not good. Kind of just okay/bearable.
Instruments: They can play piano (quite well, too) but they never do so when other people are around so... If June plays a piano and there’s nobody around to hear it, does it really make a sound? (yes)
[Bonus] Dancing: They’re a good dancer and they know it, the smug little bastard.
Singing: Absolutely terrible. Like cat-being-run-over-by-a-lawnmower terrible.
Instruments: He dabbles in a different one every few centuries, but overall doesn’t really have the passion for it.
Dancing: Fucking amazing at it. He’s probably the best dancer in the world after a couple millennia of practice. He knows so many different types of dancing that he’s stopped keeping track. He pretends to be humble about it. Loves it. 11/10.
Singing: He’s actually a very good singer, but he doesn’t think so. His mother used to love it when he sang for the family.
Instruments: Plays guitar for fun, he’s not great at it but he doesn’t care. Occasionally when the pack gets together he plays for them.
Dancing: Not exactly good, not exactly bad. Passable. Won’t step on your feet, at least.
Singing: Ridiculously, unfairly good. It’s actually rude how amazing their voice is at all times, let alone singing. Deep and smooth and silky and powerful and wonderful.
Instruments: Semi-decent with almost every kind of instrument. Kind of a jack of all trades, master of none. 
Dancing: Amazing at it, thinks its a lot of fun and dances regularly so they keep getting better.
Singing: Not terrible, but not quite good. She doesn’t care, she loves singing and so she does it a lot.
Instruments: Does the harmonica count? She’s also dabbled in the saxophone. Again, not bad.
Dancing: She dances pretty well in the way that she’s not that good at it, but she loves it and doesn’t care if she isn’t good and it shows and makes it look good anyway.
Singing: Pretty good!! He doesn’t take it too seriously, which somehow makes it better.
Instruments: Dante’s teaching him how to play guitar (and probably teaching him a million bad habits as well) and he’s interested in branching out to different ones. It’s a fun little hobby for him.
Dancing: Great!!! When he listens to a really good song he can’t help but dance.
Singing: Good. Sometimes he goes looking for the right notes and doesn’t find them, and he can be a bit monotone since high notes are not his friends, but he’s not bad.
Instruments: He had a trumpet for exactly 46 minutes before Dante yeeted it out the window. The fact that it even lasted that long is a testament to his boyfriends’ patience.
Dancing: Atrocious. This boy has four left feet.
Singing: Lovely. She hums to herself all the time and occasionally sings when she’s alone and it’s the most comforting sound in the world.
Instruments: She’s played cello practically since it was invented, but she goes years where she forgets about it, then remembers it and picks it up again. She’s dipped into other instruments, but none of them captured her like the cello.
Dancing: Not very good, she’s not very comfortable with her body and it shows. She never dances around other people, sometimes when she’s alone she will.
Singing: Not bad. His voice is very husky and quiet and soft because of the damage to his throat, but it’s somehow still nice.
Instruments: None. I don’t know how he managed it considering how long he’s been alive. He’s always wanted to learn, but keeps putting it off. Better just assign him triangle duty.
Dancing: He... tries?
Singing: He’s a fantastic singer, positively angelic.
Instruments: He’d rather have others play for him.
Dancing: If we’re exclusively talking ballroom dancing, he’s even better than Augi. The smoothest and most charming dance you’ve ever had.
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riajade01 · 6 years
18. the one where whenever you get a song stuck in your head, it’s because your soulmate is singing it. :D
“What’s that tune you’re humming, Malavai?“ 
Quinn blinks and looks up at his mother. “I’m sorry?”
She’s smiling at him. “I thought you didn’t like Shasot.”
“I don’t,” he protests, annoyance sharp in his tone. 
Quinn has always had opinions about the Imperial opera canon, and Shasot, well… let’s just say he has no idea why it was deemed worthy of inclusion at all. Why his mother would suggest he like it when he’s studying for the written portion of his OCS finals, which will determine the whole course of his military career, is beyond him. 
“Then why were you humming it just now?”
“I-” He stops, frowning, as his eyes run over the words in his military history text and something about that physical motion brings the tune back to mind. 
It is from Shasot, which is nonsensical. Even moreso, it’s an aria well-known to have been written for Lord Rand’s mistress, a soprano who has been a nigh-impossible act to follow in the centuries since she originated the role of Alyssa. Why something so wholly out of both his interest and his non-existent vocal range would pop into his mind is beyond him. 
Perhaps even more oddly, the voice in his mind’s ear is not the one he remembers from the recordings he’s been forced to listen to endure as part of his primary education. It’s close, but there’s something stilted about it, and breathy, as if the singer is inexperienced enough that she hasn’t mastered where to breathe and how to control her vibratto. 
“FUCK Viraldun,” Mara announces, slamming her hand into the wall.
Her companion, a towering Red Sith acolyte two years her senior, Zakary Talal, cocks his head in surprise. “Oh… kay. Look, if you don’t like my writing you can just say so.”
Mara rolls her eyes, trying to will the tune - and its vague atonality - from her mind. It’s not working. And she can forgive Zak’s confusion, since Viraldun has nothing to do with their current work, which is completing a composition assignment due for performance in the morning. Well, later this morning, she realizes, glancing at the chrono on the wall.
“Sorry,” she says, grimacing. “I just can’t get this song out of my head and it’s… it’s the worst. All of Triumphal opera is the worst. If you ever write anything in that style I’ll skin you alive.”
“Okay, okay, duchess,” he soothes, “let’s take a break, yes?”
He eases her down onto the practice room’s ratty couch, shoving aside the keyboard and datapad they’ve been working off of. It’s been a good partnership; he’s a ridiculously talented composer and seems to write perfectly for her voice. 
It doesn’t hurt, she thinks, as his fingertips tease over her scalp, that he’s gorgeous, too. But despite the scent of his attraction mixing with hers, that’s a thing for another day. He won’t dally with work partners, he insists, not even at the Academy level. She can respect that - besides, she’ll be sixteen soon, and a few months after that the term will be over, and then, well. She allows herself a smug little smile at the thought.
“You’re very unsubtle,” he says, giving her braid a playful yank. 
“You’re very aloof,” she counters, pouting.
“And for good reason, it sounds like.”
“What? Why?” she demands, a tad more panicked by the declaration than she perhaps should be.
“Some say that songs get stuck in your head for no reason because somewhere in the galaxy, your soulmate is singing them.” He leans in conspiratorially to whisper, “And we both know I wouldn’t be caught dead singing Triumphal opera.”
She laughs, shoving his face away from her. “That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. Not least because I could never love someone with such poor taste.” She shudders dramatically.
“You never know, duchess,” he says with a shrug. “Life is long.”
Quinn sits in the living room at Chwukusk reading, Viraldun’s Eternal Cycle playing low from his datapad. The setting feels odd - both like home and utterly foreign after months spent in exile. Not unlike his marriage. 
The weeks since they’ve returned home have been tentative steps toward a new normal, each party checking in frequently to hedge against misunderstanding or sliding into old habits. And he has every hope for their future together. It’s simply… new.
He doesn’t realize he’s begun singing along to the music until he hears Mara gasp. He drops the datapad in surprise, spinning guiltily to see her standing in the doorway. He thought he was alone; he never sings in front of others if he can help it. Not since that time early on in his tour with Broysc when he’d mindlessly sung some line or other from Shasot in his sleep and never heard the end of it.
“Darling, I-”
“Zakary was right, that smug asshole.” Her words are half awed, half accusatory. At his confused silence, she continued, “When I was at the Academy, Zak and I were working on a piece for class - it wound up in Valeran - and I couldn’t concentrate because I kept hearing that song in my head.”
“You know Zakary Talal?” he demanded, focusing on the part of her declaration he understood. 
“Yes, who do you think was the inspiration for Valera? That’s not important.“ 
“That- Talal is the best composer to grace the Empire since Viraldun died,” he countered. “This is absolutely important.”
She stops, head cocked as she studies him with those keen amber eyes. “You think he’s that good?”
“You don’t?”
“I adore his work.” She grinned. “I should introduce you sometime.”
Quinn’s stomach lurches into his throat at the thought. What would he even say to the man? 
“So you were at school together?”
She humms an affirmative, snuggling against him. “I had such a crush on him. It never came to anything. But the night before we turned in what would become Valera’s aria, I could NOT concentrate because I kept hearing that damn Viraldun piece in my head.” Her face softened as she met his gaze. “He teased me about that, about how I was destined to fall in love with someone who adored” she wrinkled her nose playfully, “Triumphal opera.”
Quinn frowned, that thought triggering a host of memories, of Shasot - Mara’s favorite opera - jumping unbidden to his mind ever since he was in his early twenties. The implication seemed highly improbable, but then… the universe was an odd place.
“You know, Talal’s more recent work has both Ascendant and Triumphal influences, and is still quite exemplary,” Quinn said. “And we are on leave at the moment." 
"Why, husband, are you inviting me to the opera?" 
"Only if you promise an audience with the composer himself.”
“I think that can be arranged,” she said, leaning down to rub her nose against his. “I need to thank him for his excellent foresight.”
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elijah-robotnick · 7 years
Basically I promised @raventheenigma if they posted another chapter of their fanfic called Priceless I would put up a little story I did of my own OC Guess who decided to write and update their fanfic
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “My girl is a force of nature”
Not most people get to say that truthfully, however Zephyr isn't exactly "most people".  Zephyr Stardust was born into a rather interesting family composed of his older and rather scary sister Carly, his sweet and intelligent mother Olive, his father Carl who would to say the least be the most obnoxious man he has ever met, and his agendered alien parent simply known as Pippy who was the more snarky and violent type. Olive was usually the only one able to keep them calm but it became apparent that Zephyr's triplet brother Paul was also able to give Pippy that sense of relaxation; while his other sibling Ziva was more for his mother's sweet and gentle loving embrace. Zephyr on the other hand, was never more for one or the other as all he saw was the constant fighting and bickering between the three. He had seen nothing very positive of the emotions he lacked, so he was generally "glad" he gained more of Pippy than he had either of his other two parents. He always saw Pippy and Paul off on fun and dangerous adventures and witnessing Ziva cry and express herself over absolutely everything mixed in with the constant fighting and general tension of the house; he was more than happy to be the emotionless husk of a boy he was. "Less troublesome" he always thought to himself "not as if I was meant for more than being  a baby monitor for Pippy after all. No need for me to have my own emotions to get in the way of my soul reason for living." He would grow along side his other two triplets and find as they both expressed their emotions constantly along with the world around them; falling in love, growing hatred for bullies, shifting, changing.
Too many variables for Zephyr to take into consideration.
He preferred keeping to himself and whatever work he was assigned. He had tried before to express as others had and gained a leech in the form of a friend named Babak to which he had little care for. He mainly used to use him for running simple tasks and giving him information but as years progressed Zephyr found it was better to seem good and helpful to others. Easier to use them as the tools he would need if he had a good reputation.  Yet even then socializing was on the low end of his priorities, he was far more invested in finding and discovering things. Perhaps he was much like his Pippy in that way seeing as his Pippy was a scientist and researcher themselves roaming off the planet they work in to find and learn as much they can. He, in particular, took his fascinations to the ocean.
Something about those sapphire waves lapping against the very shores he frequented beckoned to him with such force even his emotionless heart was tugged to near tears. It had always been that way, yet he sadly could not go too often seeing as both him and Ziva had negative reactions to prolonged submersion in water. Another thing they gained from their Pippy; perhaps one day Zephyr would explore deeper into his alien parent's origins. For now, he is pulled even harder to the sea. It's near as if the ocean sings to him. Sometimes he swears if he sits long enough in the shallows he can feel his legs being gently caressed by soft slender fingers. Every time he feels this gentle hand to his flesh he always desires to go deeper; to explore and find what beauty is making him feel this way. Ever since he had finally gained emotions thanks to his strange Pippy's experiments and alternative universe shenanigans with Paul he has had a near suffocating desire to always be near the vast unknown of the sea. He longed to dive deeper, and thus began his work on becoming a marine biologist. It gives him a good reason to be where he feels so loved and at home in stark comparison to that cold and tense world he has come to known and suffer through since birth.
He had finally gained a proper friendship connection with Babak in his recent years and the two decided to move out together. It happened sooner than Babak had planned due to Zephyr's attempts to being popular being exposed thanks to his beautiful yet deadly elder sister Carly following the two of them to a local rave party; and Babak knows Zephyr well enough to be able to tell him working two jobs and constantly studying and going to school for his preferred profession has been getting to him.
"Hey bro, why don't we go out or something today? No work and No school, and you've had your head in those books for so long I damn near forgot what your smile looks like."
"I can't today Babak, I have finals soon" Zephyr said dully as he leafed through the pages of his own notes. Babak slammed the book shut, causing Zephyr to look up to his smiling face, his black hair for once not pulled into a low ponytail as he seems to be finishing his morning routine.
"C'mon man, there's a rave at the beach tonight! You haven't gotten laid in a while and I know you love showing off your archery for any damn reason! I hear they're holding a couple sports contests for cash prizes! We may just be able to win a few and you can finally get a damn vacation!"
He paused from reopening his book. The notion of winning money for a vacation was tempting, but what was even moreso was the promise of being near the sea once more. It had been near two years since he saw his true home and he grew ever so weary. A good swim and feel of that absolute bliss the water gives him would raise his spirits quite a bit. He looks up to Babak, who seems to have already read his face and emotions as his smile only grew wider and he rushes off to the dresser drawer in the living room Babak claimed as his room.
"Ahh I KNEW you'd say yes if I told you about the rave! C'mon get your nerdy ass up and get your swim trunks!"
He shook his head with a chuckle as he sets aside his books and notes and rises from the table. <i>I suppose a day off wouldn't harm my grades</i> he thought to himself as he went to his room and got his swim trunks and beach bag out from the back of the closet. <i>Has it really been so long my usually most frequently used items are to the back of my closet?</i> he shook the thoughts from his already racing mind as he got dressed and came out with his keys to see Babak already wearing his swimsuit and shades.
It was surreal, taking the long drive back out to the beach while Babak blasted his favorite techno songs on the aux cord. Zephyr near drowned out any noises just to focus on the road leading to his safe haven away from this cruel unfeeling world he must deal with daily. His jobs had only exposed him to more examples on why emotions only destroy and cause a pain that cannot heal and it disgusts him every second he must deal with others outside of Babak. He hadn't bothered returning to his family knowing well he must be branded now as the family disappointment and only comes to drop off birthday gifts to his respective family members. But seeing his true home and love crest from the horizon, the scent of the salty air intoxicating to him and sending shivers up his spine. <i>I'm home</i> he repeated mentally as he drove around several beach side parking lots finally finding an open space to park. Babak eagerly leapt from his seat to grab their bags and turned on his GPS to find where exactly the rave was. Zephyr followed closely after and inhaled with a smile upon his feet feeling the scorching sand underneath him once more.
Babak's voice sounded like a distant siren slightly keeping him back in touch with reality as Zephyr strode to dip his feet in the shallows of the water, feeling the cool water on his body instantly calmed his very soul and brought a wide blissful grin to his face. He followed his best friend's voice as he walked in the water, near losing himself to the song of the sea once more. He could near hear it again, that gorgeous voice that sounds not like a man, woman or alien: but simply is. He could feel his body instinctively pull inwards to the sea, and only woke from his trance to the sound of heavy bass being played on loud speakers and Babak's happy squeal upon seeing the huge gathering of already half drunk youths dancing horridly out of sync to the blaring music. He begrudgingly left the waters to join his best friend who immediately began ordering drinks for himself and scouting out what they could do here. Zephyr merely allowed himself to be dragged around by his overeager companion and giving neutral answers to the plethora of activities this one party alone had provided for its attendees.
"There it is bro! I knew they would have an archery competition! Looks like its just some dull arrows probably to not do much damage but hey! Still archery right?"
It was obvious this was a rather shoddy setup for a contest, however he could make do to at least play around with a bow and arrow again. Babak was ever so skilled in hunting down the right people to strike up a gamble with and who to find to spread rumors so after he had signed Zephyr up he already had several people betting to the side. As the day went on the archery contest was finally starting up after near every other sport had begun and ended. Zephyr had spent his free time trying to socialize and ignore the teasing and loud song of the sea, and broke once more from the trance once his name was called for the contest. Archery was something he had always been fond of and always excelled in, so he was just as eager to compete as he was to finally be rid of these nuances called humans and dive into the vast body of his love. Besides, if he won he could use his vacation time to come back again which only brought more focus to the task at hand than the ocean. Gripping the bow in his palm as he is announced, he pulls back on the string to feel how the wood reacts. <i>It's been too long seeing you as well, old friend<i> he thought with a smirk. It was a rather easy competition he thought; just three distances to all hit a bullseye on.  He had dealt with far worse when he was competing in high school seeing as his coach saw his skill and ambition and pushed him farther than the others. With a deep inhale as he draw his arrow, a clean release and twice the marks were hit. <i>Child's play, really</i> he thought as he readied his bow once more. Only this time, his eyes drifted for but a moment to the sea and caught a glimpse of something... new.
A humanoid body of water was standing on the distant shore had been watching him as he shot. He blinked several times to ensure that this was indeed here and his mind and eyes were not merely playing tricks on him. His vision only moved from the figure when he was shouted at by Babak, and shook his head clear of any thoughts of the watery figure as he released. His hands were far too shaky and he knew well he would not hit the center, however a gust of wind suddenly pushed the arrow just enough to land the bullseye and cheers erupted around him. Babak came running to congratulate him, and was only greeted with the bow and quiver being shoved into his arms as Zephyr ran off to the ocean in search of what he had seen; yet a scan of the horizon would only show the waves breaking and rushing to the shore. Babak had followed after and shook him, shouting "Hey man the hell? You JUST WON! Come get the prize money man you can swim later!"
"Y-yeah sorry Babak..." he murmured still in disbelief and distraction, allowing himself to once again be pulled back by Babak and congratulated again as he received both the prize money and a small cheap trophy for winning.
As the sun began to fall below the horizon, Babak had been far more interested in the men offering him drinks to bother Zephyr, and Zephyr used this opportunity to return to one of the quieter areas of the beach and enter the water till about waist deep. He ran his hands barely above the surface as he began to mumble to himself or perhaps to the ocean he was unsure, "Was I just seeing things, or did I really see a water person watching me earlier today...? Am I losing my mind?... Have I been away from you for too long...?"
"I'm all you need my darling" he heard whispered in his ear, much to his fright and began to search around frantically; only to see yet again the distant waves and the far lights from the rave.
"W-was... was that you...?" he whispered in return to the water beneath and around him
"You've been gone for too long, you won. You should come to me again soon."
He was unsure of what to make of this. Clearly he must be losing his mind, hearing voices and seeing things not possible: well not possible on this planet at least.  And yet... this voice sounds eerily familiar to the song he always hears from the ocean. Could it be the ocean after so long finally decided to speak to him?
"I have always spoken with you, Zephyr." The voice coos in a near teasing manner.
"How did you-"
"I know you too well my darling. I've missed you."
Okay, NOW he is POSITIVE he is losing his mind. Had his newfound emotions convinced his mind he needed romantic affection? He could have just as easily fallen for Babak, he is the only kind of guy Zephyr would be okay with dating after all he has only ever experienced loveless sex for some cheap thrill but the OCEAN??
"I'm losing my mind, there is no way I am talking to a nonliving body of water"
"Yet I am living, constantly flowing and changing, allowing life to flourish within me and around me. You have always known I was here for you. Do you not remember when you couldn't reach this far?"
He recalls to his younger days when he would hear a faint voice when he was enjoying the beach with his family. His Pippy always came to get him before he went too deep and he would always say he wanted to see his friend.
"I was a child, that was merely make believe"
"Are you imagining me right now then?"
"No I'm losing my sanity right now apparently!" None of this was logical. On this planet and in this time he was certain that HUMANS were the only sentient living and higher beings on this planet, and yet he was of perfectly sound mind this morning and he most certainly is not imagining this right now at least not on his own free will.
"I... how can I believe in something that simply cannot be?"
"Return to me next week, at 12am. I shall show you that you can believe in me."
<i>This is ridiculous</i> he thought <i>there is no way I am actually going to do that</i> and yet something within him, whether it be sheer curiosity or the foolish hope that this is indeed real, something compels him.
"F-fine... this exact spot, at 12am next Saturday."
"I will eagerly await your return my darling" the voice sings so sweetly, and he can feel the hands brush against his calves and slip deeper into the sea. He lingers a moment before he returns to the party to collect Babak and their bags and drive home: the only thing on his mind being next Saturday at midnight.
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melorsomething · 7 years
1-20 for the "Asks for fic writers" -whitepip
hoo boy we about to shed some light on the other fandoms i’m in 
1. Describe yourself how you would describe a character you’re introducing
Okay this is difficult because I am notorious for not describing characters right away. One time someone told me it was a little upsetting to have gone 10 chapters only to discover that the main character’s hair wasn’t even the color they thought it was because I had never described it… but anyways, if I was describing myself as a character, I guess it’d go something like this???
She gave him a pointed look, eyebrows slightly raised as if to say, ‘Really? That’s what you’re going with?’ At his stuttered protests, she chuckled slightly and said, “No, it’s a good idea. Definitely a good idea. Nothing’s gonna wrong. At all.” The tuft of curly hair atop her otherwise shaved head bobbed with each statement, seeming almost to nod in agreement. He wasn’t sure exactly who this girl thought she was, but he could already tell they weren’t going to get along.
2. Is there any specific ritual you go through while/before/after your writing?
I usually procrastinate it for a while, and then procrastinate some more, and then I write like 100 words, then I cry, and then I finally get some more writing done ;)
3. What is your absolute favorite kind of fic to write?
Literally all of my fics (or anything I write) are very character oriented. I like to focus on the relationships (interactions, not necessarily and not very often romantic) between characters. So basically I write character studies, I guess.
4. Are there any other fic writers you admire? If so, who and why?
Since I’m in so many different fandoms, it’s hard to say since there’s so many different ones, but if anyone else happens to be in the Love Live fandom, I absolutely adore fics by IcarusWings87. They’re great at the sort of character-study fics that I enjoy both reading and writing, and they write very true to the characters, something that I’ve always felt I struggle with.
5. How many words can you write if you sit down and concentrate intensely for an hour?
Uh, not really sure. About a year ago I was focusing on writing a 5k chapter a week for a fic, and I used about 45 minutes of class time a day for that, so that’d be maybe 1300-1400 in an hour. Last NaNoWriMo my record in the word wars I did was 722 in 10 minutes, so I don’t really know. When I was in 8th grade I had a narrative assignment due the next day that I hadn’t even started on, and I cranked out about 11k words in 3-4 hours. So, I guess it just depends on how inspired I’m feeling.
6. First fic/pairing you wrote for? (If no pairing, describe the plot)
Alright friends let’s dive back down the childhood rabbit hole. The first time I can remember really discovering fanfiction as a concept was when my big obsession was House of Anubis. So, naturally, my first fanfic was a HoA fic. I don’t know if any of you remember that show, but anyways, it was a pretty edgy Fabian/OC fic about a mirror in the house that was a link to another dimension and a girl that escaped whatever evil things were happening there or something (idk this was like 8 years ago) by coming through the mirror. I wrote maybe 2000 words of it and then dropped it and forgot all about it.
7. Inspiration, time, or motivation. Choose two.
I prefer to have time and motivation, because inspiration isn’t super necessary to me at the time of writing, since I can plan things out if I get inspiration when I have no time.
8. Why do you choose to write?
Honestly? I have no idea. It’s just something that I’ve always loved. I think it’s a way for me to satisfy the things I wish I could read but no one else writes lmao
9. Do you ever have plans to write anything other than fic?
Definitely! One of my big goals is to write and publish a novel, and I already write a lot of original stuff along with my fics!
10. What inspires you the most?
Just kidding. I don’t really know, tbh. Inspiration from me comes from anywhere and everywhere. A lot of the time it comes in the form of fix-its for things that happen on tv shows that I wish went differently, which I then adapt to fit plots and characters that I have. Music is a big one, too, though strangely enough music without lyrics inspires me more than music with lyrics.
11. Weirdest thing you’ve ever written/thought about writing/etc.?
Uh, the squad and me have some pretty… interesting collaborative wizard101 fanfics. Maybe I’ll share them with you one day. But for now, I’ll leave you with some keywords and leave the rest to your imagination.
-Squeaky toys-Anime-Lemons (in many senses of the word)-Vore?-BDSM-Breast…mancing-Mylee
fssdgfsdfg i just remembered i did post one of them to my blog so here u go 
12. A fic you wish you had written better, and why?
All of them, because I honestly don’t feel like I’m that good of a writer.
13. Favorite fic from another author?
I mentioned IcarusWings87 before and I stand by that their Thoughts and Insecurities fic is one of the best fics I’ve ever read. If you like Love Live, definitely go check them out.
14. Your favorite side pairings to put in?
I really don’t write a lot of relationships in any of my stories. I guess if there are side pairings it’d be because they are canon and I don’t want to overlook them.
15. Your guilty writing pleasure?
Pain, and I’m not kidding this time. I absolutely love writing/reading stories that would be generally tagged as whump. I’m a goddamn sucker for miscommunication as well.
16. Do you have structured ideas of how your story is supposed to go, or make it up as you write?
It really depends on the story. I generally have an idea of major plot points the story needs to hit, but not always a proper plan. My current longest fic (which is actually for undertale hello yes i’m trash) had virtually no planning and was just me cranking out those 5k chapters and seeing where it took me, whereas Crystal Clear actually has almost every plot point planned out for the first half of the story.
17. Would you describe yourself as a fast writer?
Once I get going, I’m definitely pretty fast, but it takes me a while to get started on things…
18. How old were you when you started writing?
I’ve always enjoyed writing for school assignments and such, but I think that HoA fanfic at age 9 was one of the first things I had ever really written just for the sake of writing it. I might have written a Warrior Cats fanfic too… I’m not too sure if that was just an idea or if it ever came to fruition.
19. Why did you start writing?
I started writing simply because I could, I guess. It was something I had always been told I was pretty good at and since I loved to read, I figured I could make the stories happen as well as consume them.
20. 4 sentences from your work that you’re proud of
Okay back down the trash chute this is from my undertale fic and it’s more than 4 sentences but I was really proud of it okay?
Sans had never been one for hope. He had lived his entire life surrounded by the hope of breaking the barrier and seeing the surface, but he had never experienced this hope. Now, of course, he could hope in the verb sense - it was quite often that he hoped someone would or wouldn’t do something - but that’s not really hope, is it? Such a feeling is more of a desire or a want, and this was the feeling Sans was used to. To him, hope was something you did, not something you had. He had never understood hope as an intangible thing - as some abstract concept that you hold onto just because you can. So, one could imagine his surprise when, as he stood in the shadowed corridor, he felt hopeless.
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amorremanet · 8 years
You reblogged an OC meme! Thank god, tell us about Josie!
oc profiles meme!
…oh my god, i was so excited to click post and babble about josie at people that i initially forgot to come back and fill in the placeholder with something about how excited i was to talk about josie (—it’s like 4:15 AM where i am, which is probably part of the problem but i digress)
Full Name: Josiah Daniel Quinn — but, please, they explicitly prefer to be called, “Josie,” so unless you’re one of their bosses over at S.T.R.O.M.A*, whom they’re in no position to argue with, call them Josie. If not that, then use their surname. But if you can avoid it, just please do not call them by their full given first name, okay?
Shiny mutant superhero codename: Lyaeus — derived from an aspect of Dionysus who is traditionally invoked as a reliever of pain and a deliverer from anxiety and emotional turmoil and so on, which is one of their preferred uses of their psychic abilities and one of Josie’s larger goals in life (for them, it’s a mix of, “If something bad is going to happen, and you can do something to stop it and choose not to, that’s on you” and, “The world is a mess and largely sucks, but that’s no reason not to do what we can to take care of each other”).
Their codename is doubly special to them because although they were raised loosely Catholic and have a Mormon extended family who mostly doesn’t acknowledge their existence (and hasn’t for their entire life, since their Mom left the Mormon church to marry Josie’s Dad, oops), Josie is a hellenic pagan whose primary relationship is with Dionysus.
They thought for a long time and did a lot of reflection about whether or not it was too presumptuous of them to use one of his aspects as a codename, but eventually, they went with it because they see their codename and its meaning as someone who they’re continually striving to be and a set of values that they’re always trying to bring to bear in the world, and they feel like Dionysus is probably okay with that.
Gender and Sexuality: DMAB Genderfluid. // Bisexual.
This isn’t actually specifically about their gender or sexuality, but I couldn’t think of where else to put it: Josie grew up around all things Rocky Horror. Like, their parents were highly involved in the local community theatre, which did a semi-regular RHPS shadow-cast, and Josie’s parents brought their kid with them often enough that Josie grew up with their blood family and their, “Rocky family.”
Josie would rather deal with their Rocky family than their blood family a lot of the time, because their Rocky family was more immediately there for them during a lot of rough stuff while they were growing up, and their Rocky family handled it better at the various times when they came out, and their Rocky family didn’t say shit like, “Wait, I thought you were gay, why are you going back in the closet” when they came out as bi or ask invasive questions when they came out as genderfluid and was more supportive in general of Josie’s evolving sense of their own identity, and so on.
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs.
Josie does also answer to He/Him/His pronouns, but that isn’t a choice on their part, so much as it’s an issue of, “Well, I can be out at work and open the door to potential harassment and people who will invalidate my gender identity and likely flat-out refuse to respect my pronouns, which will create more difficulty for myself in a job that’s already difficult because it’s stressful to begin with and I hate working here — or I can suck it up and just be grateful that my friends and parents are all good about this”
Like, one of the things that Seb does when he and Josie first meet that makes Josie go, “I’m still not totally thrilled at being assigned to help out the newbie (especially since I know I’m only getting this assignment because: 1. our bosses are playing a game of, ‘lmao just toss the LGBTQ ones together’ because the newbie’s gay and pretty much everyone here thinks that I am too; and 2. Deputy Director Gray is still cranky with me over that MSNBC round-table that I did last week where Yael kept pushing me to voice my own opinions and not the Bureau’s official line) — but maybe it won’t actually be completely awful and maybe he’s going to be okay as a new partner”?
…is noticing that Josie wears two woven yarn bracelets on one wrist — one of them in the lavender/white/chartreuse colors of the genderqueer flag, and the other in the pink/white/purple/black/blue of the genderfluid flag — and first waiting for them to be alone in Josie’s office, then going, “Oh, so are you genderfluid? What are your pronouns?” and then listening and respecting it when Josie explained that they’d rather Seb just kept using he/him/his at work
Species: Human (mutant with aforementioned mutant psychic powers)
Race/Ethnicity: White, and the only real part of Josie’s ethnic background that’s ever been important in their life was that their late paternal grandmother was very proud of being Irish.
Like, her parents had come to Ellis Island from Ireland — though she was too young to have any actual memories of the passage herself — and she wasn’t so insistent about it that she objected to her son marrying a Mormon girl instead of a Good Irish Catholic Girl, but still, the Irish thing was a big deal for her.
Josie, personally, doesn’t get it beyond, “I’m white and I have a particular aversion to St. Patrick’s Day because first of all, some of my extended family members can turn into a bunch of rowdy, off-putting little shits on St. Patrick’s Day, and I always had to suffer through that because we always had a party for it, first because Grandma wanted one, and then in honor of her memory.
“And secondly, because as soon as anyone hears that I’m partially Irish and/or a Dionysian, it is just assumed that I want to go get wasted on St. Patrick’s Day, which I don’t, but I still end up going out into environments that are absolute Hell for someone who has both telepathy and hyper-empathy, because the spaces are crowded, emotions are running high, and there is basically nowhere to escape to where you can get some peace and quiet and a break from the sensory and emotional overload of being at a rowdy bar on St. Patrick’s Day.
“And I endure all of this with people whom I may not even like that much just so they’ll have a designated driver, because I would feel bad personally if I didn’t go to make sure they all got home okay, and just because they don’t understand my god or might want to get something else out of him than I do, doesn’t mean that I should brush them off and risk them getting hurt while they’re completely shit-faced.
“Which doesn’t make this any less exhausting and awful, but it’s better than taking the chance that they might get hurt, y’know?”
Birthplace and Birthdate: Saratoga Springs, NY. // 22nd February, 1980 — they’re a Pisces (Libra rising, Gemini moon).
Guilty Pleasures: High-quality dark chocolate, high-quality makeup even if they can’t wear most of it as often as they’d like^, the original Vampire Chronicles novels (and though they will sometimes claim that only the original six ones, “count,” Josie owns everything that Anne Rice has published, even the ridiculous Jesus books), binge-watching reruns of Project Runway…
And they don’t feel particularly guilty about it, but one of the simple things that makes Josie happy is playfully teasing their emergency contacts/best friends over how their parents named them after Beatles songs
Jude, naturally, was “Hey Jude” and Rocky got named after, “Rocky Raccoon” because, at the last minute, his and Jude’s parents decided to veto naming him Desmond because he’s a character in “Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da” but his name is not in the title, which was apparently a deal-breaker because of reasons
Rocky also sometimes gets playful ribbing about all things Rocky Horror, because he and Josie are ridiculous nerds, and RHPS isn’t their exclusive thing because Josie will share it with anyone who gives them half a chance to do so…… but it is still a thing that is special to Josie and Rocky, so here they are
If you ask them, Josie will tell you that they don’t believe in associating pleasure with guilt, and in their defense, they do believe in encouraging people not to feel guilty for enjoying the things that make them happy or that help them survive, because as long as those things aren’t hurting anyone — yes, that includes you, person Josie is talking to — then you have a right to be happy and a right to take care of yourself
The reality is that Josie says this to people so often because it’s something that they often struggle with themself, and even though they’re better, in some ways, than they have been in the past, there are still a lot of places where they need work
Also, Josie wouldn’t call some of the more poppy music that they like, “guilty pleasures” — especially because, if you ask them, there is no reason to feel guilty about listening to, for example, Beyoncé or Nicki Minaj
—but it is still the case that, if they were going to have a mini-reunion with some of the old goth crew friends from high school whom they don’t keep in touch with that often, Josie probably wouldn’t mention Nicki or Beyoncé, unless it was by accident or until they were sure that the old gang wasn’t going to do the judgmental goth kids thing they used to do of going, “ugh, all pop music is soulless empty bullshit for posers” and so on
Also also, there is almost no chance of them ever admitting this to most people, but…… Josie kinda loves the goth kids from South Park. Like, Josie really kinda loves them.
There’s basically no chance of them ever admitting it to most people because for one thing, it’s embarrassing to them, due to the whole South Park of everything.
For another, they’d feel the need to give someone a lengthy, tedious disclaimer about how they don’t actually watch South Park or enjoy it very much, they just know about the goth kids because one of their best friends went, “Oh my god, Josie, you have to watch this, the new Goth kid characters are so you” way back when, after the first episode with them in it aired and said friend (Rocky) was still taping new eps on VHS to watch after he got home from night classes
And…… well. Josie still wouldn’t give South Park much credit for anything else, but they do really love the goth kids, and they agree with Rocky’s, “omg it you” moment because the South Park goth kids are often eerily similar to shit that they said and did as a weird little goth kid back in high school
At one point, Rocky actually made Josie little plush dolls of the goth kids that he’d designed himself, and they are a big reason why you’re not allowed in Josie’s room until they trust you.
Other reasons include:
Josie doesn’t want most people to touch their makeup or put any of it out of order, and they keep most of it in their bedroom, on their dresser, in front of the vanity mirror that they found someone just throwing out shortly after they moved to Baltimore, even though it’s a perfectly good mirror so wtf;
some of Josie’s favorite and most personally meaningful religious and spiritual paraphernalia is in their bedroom (they keep their actual shrine to Dionysus and their, “worship workspace” in a different room at their place, but some of the more personally significant things are in their room most of the time, and they’d rather you didn’t have a chance to touch them);
Josie just tends to be an incredibly private person who places a lot of value on their personal space and having spaces that are set aside as Theirs. They were like this even before their psychic abilities kicked in and made them value even more their personal space, and ability to have a place that is set apart as Theirs Exclusively where they can go to get some distance from all the mental, emotional, and sensory overload that comes from feeling almost everyone’s feelings and hearing many of their thoughts**, to some extent or another, almost all the time;
and the few albums of old photos and framed old photos, some of which are just garden variety embarrassing like, “yes, my hair is naturally blond, here is photographic evidence from before my parents let me start dyeing it, and oh yeah, that was probably backstage after the community theatre production of Oliver! that I did in eighth grade — oh yeah, definitely that one, there’s my Artful Dodger costume and my glaringly blond hair”
but others of which are, for lack of a better term, fairly emotionally complicated for Josie. There are several different reasons why any of these photos might be kinda complicated — ranging from, “they feature Josie’s one particularly heinous ex-boyfriend who used his wealthy family’s connections to get Josie blacklisted from working in fashion after they graduated from Pratt’s School of Design” to, “they’re from the year in high school that Josie wound up having to do over because they had to spend a few months getting inpatient treatment for their eating disorder”
^: even before getting recruited to S.T.R.O.M.A., Josie got really good at finding a balance between the, “I don’t want to look pretty, I want to look otherworldly and possibly like a vampire fairy from Wonderland” style of makeup that they want to wear, and a “more professional” style that is less likely to make their clients feel uncomfortable or get them harassed — but god, do they wish that they didn’t have to strike said balance.
It wouldn’t actually make their fondness for high-quality and often expensive makeup feel like any less of a guilty pleasure, for several reasons — on one hand, their awareness of how makeup is always politically Complicated, at best; on the other, if they got to wear their makeup exactly how they want it every day, they would end up spending more money on makeup, and it would make them feel guilty because they’d feel like it’s very irresponsible and probably going to screw them over down the line because they bought makeup instead of saving the money or putting it toward something else; and on the tentacle, a whole laundry list of other reasons
—but they would still feel more comfortable with themself and more at ease with everything because they’d be presenting exactly as they want, instead of censoring their own personal gender expressions (which they’re more okay with doing when it comes to their clients because that’s a case of compromising part of their well-being in the name of [probably] helping people who need them and pay them for that help, whereas toning it down at S.T.R.O.M.A. is tedious and Josie would seriously rather not)
(They have more than once said that the degree to which they have to tone things down for S.T.R.O.M.A. makes them feel like Ned “I’m not a Satanic sex god anymore, used to be a super gothed out androgynous rock star, but is now a straitlaced and nerdy substitute teacher” Schneebly from School of Rock.
This is not a good feeling, in Josie Land. They don’t like it and they live for the weekend because, barring any major incidents that get them called in to S.T.R.O.M.A., they get to wear what the fuck they want, forego pants in favor of their favorite skirts, do their gender how the fuck they want, and wear makeup that makes them look like a vampire fairy from Wonderland)
Phobias: Josie’s biggest fear, in the immediate sense, is losing control of their psychic abilities and ending up hurting people and/or destroying themself somehow.
Underlying that, they have a bigger and more further-reaching fear of being out of control of themself and their own actions, in general.
They’re simultaneously afraid of crowds (largely because they can get really overwhelming for Josie, really fast), and afraid of isolation, which ends up making them a lot like the sort of cat who goes all like, “cuddle me cuddle me cuddle me please please please i need love and affection… no wait, fuck you, this is stifling me and i need to get out of here… wait shit i’m lonely someone please love me… no, not you, you fucking suck… why am i so lonely, why won’t anyone pay attention to me… and so and so forth ad nauseam”
That said, when I was doing Pottermore quizzes for my kids because that is the sort of thing I find both fun and useful, Josie’s picked, “Isolation” for the, “Which is your greatest fear” question on the wand quiz
They picked, “An eye at the keyhole of the dark, windowless room in which you are locked” for the, “Which nightmare would frighten you most” question on the Sorting Hat quiz
Other miscellaneous fears and squicks: Worms, eels, and anything like that (but snakes are okay, snakes are great).
The possibility of never finding love (which they know is kind of ridiculous, because they do have a lot of love in their life… but Josie does want to be with someone romantically, and all their miscellaneous issues with their blood family aside, it’s weird and kind of disheartening for them that most of their cousins have gotten married or settled down with someone, so yeah, Josie knows that this fear is based on a lot of ideas that they generally don’t like and don’t want to live by, but still.
They’re 35, their closest friends both have longstanding romantic relationships, they’re one of the few cousins left who doesn’t have a plus-one to bring to the next family wedding, and they want a romantic relationship, so being perpetually reminded that they’re not in one kicks them in the larger fear that there is something about them that is just fundamentally unlovable, so they might end up being forever alone).
What They Would Be Famous For: Realistically? Probably how they’re going to start a new superhero team with Lucy, Pete, and Sebastian — later accumulating others — and how they’re all going to kinda stumble into trying to foil some other mutants who also happen to be neo-fascist supervillains. But had Josie’s one ex, Danny, not effectively gotten them blacklisted from working in fashion, Josie might well have made a pretty big name for themself there.
They used to joke about being famous for going on Project Runway and winning, but… this started after they’d already gotten onto the path that led them to therapeutic practice, and seen that they had the potential to do a lot of good in the world by continuing on that path, so the chances of them actually doing the Project Runway thing were almost nothing
What They Would Get Arrested For: While they haven’t technically been arrested before, Josie could have been arrested for illegally overstepping the bounds of what their particular level of metahuman license allowed them to do, and if they get arrested in the future, it is almost definitely going to be for something like protesting or some trumped up nonsense charges that actually boil down to, “getting on the wrong side of neo-fascist supervillains who have wealth and connections and political power.”
OCs You Ship Them With:
Romantically: Pete is my favorite here, but: 1. I’m also going to make them work for it, because they would be good for each other, but it wouldn’t just happen super-easily for several reasons, both about the two of them individually and about how they get on together;
and 2. I’d also dig shipping Josie with Seb, Stephen, Vince, Sylvia, Izzy, Raphael, and Cynthia — though tbh, I like non-romantic Seb/Josie better than romantic Seb/Josie
Platonically: As mentioned, Jude, Rocky, and Sebastian. Aside from them, Margot, Lucy, and Sara Grace (who are all ruled out as romantic options by the three of them being lesbians), and Josie being genderfluid, yes, but not identifying with womanhood enough for them to consider romantically pursuing someone who identifies as a lesbian. Todd (who I kind of feel bad for, because he’s sort of the loser in love so far, but otoh, that’s partially his own damn fault and he has a lot of growing to do before I’m letting him have a romantic relationship that actually lasts). Yael and Elizabeth. Really, everyone on the romantic list is a good platonic relationship, too.
“this is not a ship that i condone but i find their relationship interesting, and exploring Not Good relationships is Important to me”: Julian, who actually hasn’t met Josie yet, and won’t for a while, and their relationship will be…… tricky, in a lot of ways, many of which have something to do with how Julian is a huge tool who has a charming tendency to take his own self-loathing and insecurity out on everyone else while acting campy and making sarcastic quips as though this makes his behaviors totally okay.
Pretty much everything about Julian makes him someone who would make Josie say, “the Lord is testing me”
(only for someone — probably Lucy — to go, “But you’re not Christian” and get told either, “I was raised as one, maybe Jesus’s Dad is still grumpy that I found someone who’s better for me. Anyway, you know what I meant, right?”
or, “Fine. The Almighty Thundering Zeus, lord of the heavens and king of Olympus and He Who Was Cheating On His Wife With Everyone Ever Before It Was Cool, is testing me. There. Does that version make you happy?”)
But, yeah. Julian would make Josie go, “someone is testing me” because so much of who and what he is makes Josie want to help him, but so much of what he does makes Josie want to punch him
(an impulse that Josie largely won’t be acting on because, unfortunately for them:
1. they did not get any super-strength kinds of mutations and in an RPG, Strength would be one of their lowest stats;
and 2. first, they need to learn how to throw a punch without hurting themself more than the other person.
Punching neo-fascists isn’t their strong suit. They can let Seb and Lucy do the actual punching.
And Pete, even though Pete really shouldn’t because Pete also doesn’t know how to throw a punch without hurting himself more than the other person, so Josie is more likely to try and stop him from punching a neo-fascist supervillain in the face.
Not that Josie will always succeed in that, but… well. They and their teammates are all only human.)
Anyway, uh. Josie/Julian isn’t a ship that I’d personally want to see as the endgame of anything, ever, but I find their dynamic and the potential interactions between them interesting, and they’re something I’m looking forward to playing around with more, when it’s their time
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Conrad will kinda want to, because he finds Josie’s sense of ethics to be, “tedious and outdated,” but ultimately, he wouldn’t go through with it because Josie’s creativity would intrigue him too much.
Senator Huntington would also want Josie to die, but he wouldn’t do any of the actual murdering because he doesn’t do his own dirty work.
All things considered, Edward and Desmond are probably going to end up with the job, “Go kill the weird effete one who looks like some kind of vampire fairy from Wonderland” because everyone else is busy, and they will fail at it, because that’s kind of what they do.
They are Those Two Bad Guys, and they kind of suck at almost everything that they try to do.
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Fantasy, vampire trash, psychological thrillers, magical girl everything, and horror (pretty much all kinds of horror, though Josie’s most fond of monster horror, anything with revenge-y themes, and religious or cosmic horror. They will probably tell you, “The weirder and more pointlessly, aesthetically symbolic, the better”).
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Josie would tell you that it’s how much romanticized abuse there is in paranormal romance, and to be fair, they do hate that…… but they still read it or watch it and get invested in these fictional relationships, even without necessarily coming up with a counter-reading of the text’s opinion, beyond, “this relationship is abusive even if the author doesn’t get that”
Which, to be fair, doesn’t mean that they don’t hate the prevalence of romanticized intimate partner abuse, just that it’s an, “I hate this thing” where they still engage with it, and not just because there aren’t always a lot of options without it
(Horror flicks that demonize and stigmatize mental illness are a thing where Josie doesn’t like the thing, but suffers through them because there aren’t a lot of other options otherwise)
But one trope that will make them, “nope” out…… uh.
Josie is really sensitive about The Uncanny Valley, and while they may not fully, “nope” out of things over it, they need to take more time than most people to prep themselves for seeing it and recover after seeing it
Also, not a trope, but Shia LaBeouf will make Josie “nope” out of anything. They have no rational reason for disliking Shia LeBouf, so much as he Just Irrationally Bugs Them, but they will “nope” out of things if he’s involved
Talents and/or Powers: Okay, so, a lot of Josie’s actual superpowers are discussed elsewhere, especially in the footnotes, so let’s talk about their other, non-mutant superpowers. They can sew. Even without having been actively designing anything for a while, they can still pull out a good design and they are capable of following a pattern pretty well. They know their limits fairly well, and better than pretty much everyone in the main team (this doesn’t mean that they always). And it’s almost 4 AM, so this answer is getting cut short by, “I am tired and I want to sleep” (and the next two answers will suck for the same reason)
Why Someone Might Love Them: Josie is creative and curious and once you get them to warm up, calm down, and stop worrying so much about anything, they’re a complete dork who, among other things, gives people, “C’thulhu kisses” (done by sticking your hands in front of your mouth and wiggling your fingers like tentacles, and maybe making a silly noise and saying, “C’thulhu kisses!” like you’re Sailor Moon shouting her transformation phrase). They have a pretty good sense of humor about themself, outside of their precious few no go areas. Josie is compassionate and they do genuinely want the best for most people, even people they don’t personally like very much. They try to be patient with people, even when they really don’t want to be, and even if they don’t always know what the best option is, they still try to actually do things and choose the best option for creating positive change.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: Their cycle of indecisiveness that leads to recklessness that leads to self-punishing thoughts and behaviors that leads to more indecisiveness, and rinse lather repeat. Their tendency to be really judgmental, even while acknowledging that being judgmental is something that, in their experience, causes more harm than good, and that they want to avoid more often. The way that they can lapse into talking like a high school goth kid who’s up-talking the superiority of goth subculture and doesn’t realize that they sound like an elitist, conformist prick, just like the people they’re complaining about allegedly do.
How They Change: Well, for one thing, Josie has some things to learn about how they relate to people and manage their relationships — which doesn’t necessarily make them special because this is just kind of a Thing for most of my main characters in one way or another. Josie’s specific issue wrt relating to other people has to do with their reluctance to trust people and open up and try to build any new relationships, which has often led to them practicing a sort of interpersonal-level isolationism that has hurt them and other people.
They also have something to learn about managing the façade(s) that they present to the world, much like how Seb has to learn something about his habit of acting like everything is okay while he’s suffering and thinking anyone believes him anymore because he doesn’t want to deal with his problems
and like how Pete has to learn about how…… yeah, okay, he is genuinely angry about a lot of things — some of them fair and really more, “righteous indignation” than anything else, and some of them less fair — but a lot of how he acts that anger out in the world is not actually as truthful as Pete feels like it is, but more a way of keeping people at arm’s length, testing them and testing his relationships with them, and trying to push them away before they can get the chance to hurt him
In Josie’s case, their façade(s) are a bit different because most of them came into being less because of an emotional choice on Josie’s part — e.g., Seb doesn’t want to deal with his problems because they’re painful and terrifying and they feel like they’re too big to handle — and more out of pragmatic decisions
……but then Josie came to rely on them in contexts other than the ones in which they were originally created, and balancing that many different versions of yourself is stressful as fuck-all, especially for someone who already has to do a lot of work to keep reminding themself of where their personal boundaries are, and Josie hides in their different façades every bit as much as every other character who has one, and largely only gets away with that because most people in their life don’t know them well enough to notice this, and their façades do still have pragmatic value, so most people who do notice don’t say shit about shit
Then, there’s Josie’s relationship to time, which
I’m going to explain this really badly now, because it’s 3:33 and I’m tired, but basically, I see Seb, Josie, and Lucy as complementing each other in how they relate to and orient themselves in time, and the negative side-effects that they create for themselves because of these behaviors
On one hand, Seb is way too prone to being stuck in the past. He clings to it too much — but also has a selective relationship with it, where people he cares about get forgiven too easily and Seb tries to deny that he still feels upset about anything (even when basically everyone around him knows that he does feel upset and is just trying not to deal with it), while Seb forgives himself for nothing and defines himself so much by all of his past mistakes
—and he goes past the point of, “honoring and respecting history, such as by not ignoring times when he did fuck up (of which there are many)” to, “actively impeding his own progress in life because, for example, he keeps trying the same shit over and over and over again, even though it literally never works, because it’s what he did before.” Plus, some of his ideas about the past are distorted by various factors, or missing entirely (most often due to intoxicated blackouts and/or head trauma that would have had more disastrous effects on him if not for his mutant healing factor), or otherwise unreliable, so that’s a problem.
On the other hand, Lucy is future-oriented and totally jazzed up about trying new things and meeting new challenges head on and doing things!! also STUFF!!!!! there is an entire world full of THINGS AND STUFF AND BY GOD, LUCY IS GOING TO DO ALL OF IT OR AT LEAST AS MUCH OF IT AS SHE POSSIBLY CAN AND THINGS ARE GOING TO GET BETTER SO HELP HER GOD OR JESUS OR SATAN OR WHOEVER EXCELSIOR YAH YAH YAH!!!!
……which is great and all, but she charges headlong into shit without an actual plan (seriously, most of her plans follow the good old, “step one: do this thing / step two: ………… / step three: PROFIT!” formula), and she’s a case of someone who is averse to learning from history at all because she doesn’t want to be shackled to it, but having no sense of history can be just as bad as being overly chained to it like Sebastian, and… well. You can try to outrun the past like she does, but it doesn’t tend to work out very well, and it’s not going to work for Lucy either
On the tentacle, we have Josie, who ostensibly has a balance between the past and the future orientations that we see in Seb and Lucy, because Josie’s primary focus tends to lie on the present, and at most, the very near future or very recent past
—but that’s not actually a balance like Josie wants to believe, because (among other things), it makes it very easy for Josie to ignore past lessons that are older than maybe the past two or three months; and it means that while Josie can see all kinds of potential consequences, their ability to predict what they could be gets a lot less reliable as you go further into the future; and it means that Josie has trouble actually putting together a longer-term plan, which is part of their problem with wanting to create positive change in the world but not knowing how
Josie also has a tougher road (imltho) to go on about finding a new and better balance here, because their focus on the present is something they learned in recovery, as part of learning about mindfulness, and it does help them sometimes — but on that personal level, Josie’s presentist focus can also hurt them because, even when they notice certain behaviors in themself that could get Bad For Them, they can also overlook some of these budding patterns because they’re not Obviously Bad Enough to feel like a major concern, or they look different from other past manifestations of Josie’s behavior patterns so Josie doesn’t think they need to worry about these behaviors, and so on
I’m mean to my characters and I’m going to make them work to be happy, but they will all be happy, eventually
Uh. Barring most of the villains, because letting the neo-fascist assholes win in the end would be a complete downer that would probably end up undermining a lot of the whole, “just because the world is a crapsack hellhole doesn’t mean that it has to stay that way or that we should give up on it” idea
Why You Love Them: Okay, so, this needs a bit of a story.
See, Josie is a retooled character from an old RP that I was in way, way back. I loved them a lot, and they weren’t entirely wrong for the game — they had a good run in their first incarnation — but they also weren’t entirely right for it, and they kind of floundered a bit because I wasn’t entirely sure what to do with them.
A large part of this was due to how Josie was a senior at their school and, because of the year they did over, they were itching to get out and go to college, and the closest they got to an actual arc was how they didn’t want to leave behind their ex-boyfriend turned best friend (who was in the class below them), but did want to go to college already and get to the rest of their life
and how they had some trouble with accepting said best friend’s new boyfriend when Josie really wanted to be compassionate, because New Boyfriend was mentally ill and dealing with some trauma and Josie sympathized and wanted him to be well because why the Hell would you wish for someone to be *UN*well jfc — but also had trouble with that because New Boyfriend was sometimes aware of how some of his actions affected other people, but sometimes not, but sometimes he was and did the stupid things anyway, and even in working on his problems, he made the mistake that a lot of people do where they focus on getting well as defined by and in order to please the people around them, rather than doing it for themselves
—all of which Josie was sympathetic to in a big way, having been in some similar places before themself…… but they had a hard time always being as compassionate as they wanted to be because New Boyfriend’s actions had been hurting Best Friend, and even knowing that this wasn’t entirely something that New Boyfriend could be entirely blamed for (for several reasons), Josie still had a hard time trying to overlook the, “this lovable weirdo is my friend, my best friend, and even though we aren’t together anymore, I love him, and you hurt him, so yeah, I’m kinda mad at you for that” thing
And this all goes back to why I love Josie because one thing that they’ve kept in a big way, in getting retooled and updated and worked into my dumb little stories about neurodivergent and/or mentally ill LGBTQ mutant superheroes (and Pete, who is not actually a mutant but is neurodivergent, gay, an abuse survivor, and a superhero and I will fight anyone who says otherwise)
(I mean, ffs. Batman doesn’t have any mutant superpowers, and Iron Man wouldn’t have any actual superpowers without his ridiculous power-armor and, depending on the continuities, his arc reactors. So, no, I don’t think that Pete needs to have literal superpowers to count as a superhero — but that’s beside the point and to be fair, I will admit to being biased because I love Pete more than George RR Martin loves Jon Snow and Tyrion Lannister)
Anyway. As I was saying.
One thing that Josie has kept in a big way is that ongoing fight with themself over two equally powerful impulses or reactions to things or desires — like their, “I want affections and I want to be around people…… okay no this is overwhelming and I don’t actually like these people fuck this I want to be alone…… oh but being alone sucks and now I’m lonely, I want to be where the people are, let’s go to the movies…… oh my god why did we go see the new Star Wars while it’s still a relatively recent release, I barely remember anything about the actual movie, I was too overwhelmed by the feelings of everyone else in that completely packed theatre… and so on” relationship with other people and being around them or not
Or like their big struggle in the first book of wanting to help people and create positive change in the world, but not being able to do too terribly much on their own for a lot of reasons (some of which are about Josie personally, and some of which are about the whole Lone Superhero thing be a lot of hot fucking nonsense that is fundamentally unsustainable), but not having an official team to belong to because although they work for S.T.R.O.M.A., they don’t like S.T.R.O.M.A., and while they are part of the extended Wardens family, they’re not a fully-fledged Warden and so much of the Wardens’ everything is based around Yael and Elizabeth’s school, so being one and not being up in Poughkeepsie would be weird and mean you end up missing out on a lot and, in Josie’s case, end up feeling like an outsider even when you’re surrounded by people who, for the most part, love you and accept you exactly as you are, but also not entirely doing everything they can to find a team because, in fairness, it can be really difficult to do that even if you don’t work for the U.S. government……
Basically, I love Josie because I love making my characters deal with internal conflict, and while all of them have a lot of it, I’m really fond of Josie’s particular brand of, “self-reflective, doing things but not things that add up to bigger things in the ways that Josie wants, trying to remedy that but it’s hard, not sure what to do or if going after these new possibilities and new ideas will make things worse, getting fed up with themself and needing to try something, but but but five million different elements all converging on each other but but but” internal conflict
And I’m really fond of it in Josie’s case because Josie is savvy enough to know that they can’t fall into the same, “do fuck-all nothing about anything until the last possible minute” trap, but their frustration is less about, “I can’t do anything” and more about, “but what do the things that I do actually mean, who am I helping, am I actually helping them or not, how can I do things that create more significant positive changes or is there a way to do that at all”
And, well. There is, Josie, but it requires you to trust some new people, bond with some new people, build relationships with them and work on maintaining said relationships, find strength in numbers, and learn more about loving and letting people love you back because one of your biggest problems in your previous relationships has been that you don’t open up — not, “you open up slowly” but, “you don’t open up with most people, period, despite knowing that this is not a sustainable way of doing things” — so yeah I’d say you need to learn about that, and learn to stop being such a lone wolf because do you know what generally happens to lone wolves? Either they find a pack somehow, or they die (without making any kind of positive changes in the world around them, relative to the size and interests of, y’know, wolves).
……Because I’m a lonely and bitter and it makes my half-dead little heart happy to make my characters find more strength together than they do apart and learn to love and be loved in return without it coming off as one-sided, like it can do in a lot of takes on that trope that are aimed at children, because…… uh, last I checked, the whole point of a relationship is that it is not exclusively about one person’s needs or desires???
Also, Josie is a compassionate but grumpy grown up goth kid who is trying to be a good person, and doing a better job than a lot of other characters, but definitely has a problem with their judgmental tendencies and how they sometimes externalize them and get super-judgmental of others, because on some level, their mind is like, “fuck, can i get a break from always punishing myself over here, jfc” and I don’t know, it’s almost 4AM and I have lost track of how long I’ve been writing this
Josie’s a nerd and a cat who can’t make up their mind about whether they want to be outside chasing butterflies or inside sitting on your keyboard so that you have to pay attention to them and not your computer and idk, I love them, the end
(except for the footnotes oops)
*: Special Taskforce for the Regulation and Oversight of Metahuman Affairs — or in plain-speak, the FBI’s wing of people who get involved in all of the shiny, extralegal superpowered mutant hijinks.
They have a pretty good working relationship with their counterparts at the Department of Health and Human Services (who actually end up handling most mutant affairs, because this world treats the question of super-powered mutant licensing as more equivalent to getting a driver’s license, and frankly, most mutants in the U.S. just want to go about their lives in peace — like, go to college, get a job, go on dates, come home and watch the Daily Show, and not be bothered about or make trouble for anyone else with the weird superpowers that most of them did not want or ask for — so there’s rarely any actual reason for the FBI to go stick their noses into anything, and there are plenty of cases where they get called in, only to find that they aren’t actually needed after all), but… yeah.
S.T.R.O.M.A. is a faction of people who exist. Josie works for them, for all they would really rather not. Unfortunately for Josie, particularly powerful metahumans tend to wind up on a lot of S.T.R.O.M.A. watch-lists, and they are more likely to do so when they have powers that the people at the FBI consider particularly useful or desirable — for example, telepathy and hyper-empathy, in Josie’s case. For the most part, these watch-lists don’t actually amount to anything because they don’t end up being relevant to most of the cases that S.T.R.O.M.A. has to deal with.
—but then you can have situations like Josie’s, where they were one of many mutants who got in a brief spot of trouble over genuine confusion surrounding a new bill that had just gone through Congress and revised some of the definitions of and privileges associated with/afforded to people at the different levels of metahuman licenses. (Since this is still America and we’re still talking about the FBI, there are also plenty of even worse potential outcomes for people who end up on their miscellaneous mutant watchlists — which is one of the big points that gets brought up by people who either want to reform or do away with the whole metahuman licensing thing — but in fairness to most people, they don’t know the full specifics.)
Anyway, Josie got in trouble because they are an actual therapist and, although they prefer not to use their powers with clients and extensively brief anyone who asks about trying that approach (about the potential benefits vs. potential risks, all the drawbacks, all the potential unintended consequences, etc.) while offering them plenty of chances to change their mind and go, “okay, let’s not do this,” they do still let their clients know that they’re a telepath/empath and that they can use their powers in a therapeutic context but it’s not the best thing to try as a first approach
Which is all great, except that Josie had been assured that they wouldn’t need to get a different kind of license to continue doing this, after that bill passed… except that they did. And this probably would’ve continued with no actual interference from anybody because Josie is hyper-responsible about using their powers with clients, about keeping up on all of the latest research and debates about therapeutic uses for psychic abilities and the ethical issues surrounding this, and so on…… except that one of their clients was a teenager who needed parental consent to go through with this, and one of their parents worked for S.T.R.O.M.A.
Relevant piece of context: Josie was absolutely not the only mutant who’d had some confusion over the revised licensing scheme. Josie wasn’t even the only mutant in the greater Baltimore area who had similar confusion on this issue.
But Josie was one of the only ones who was already on S.T.R.O.M.A.’s radar when they got in trouble, partly by virtue of being a “telempath,” partly by virtue of having trained with Dr. Elizabeth Woodham (who is: one of the most powerful telepaths in the entire world; a respected professor, activist, and philanthropist; one of the first mutants in the States to register for one of the early, “superhero licenses” [not their official name, but that’s the gist of what they are]; and with her wife, Dr. Yael Lehrer, one of the co-founders of the Wardens and co-headmistresses of one of the most respected schools for mutants in North America), and partly by virtue of having a lot of (mostly untapped) potential power.
And, see, one of S.T.R.O.M.A.’s problems is that it is perpetually under-staffed, in all areas but especially in terms of mutants who work for them, and moreover, mutants who will actually do fieldwork (like, Pete’s cousin Emerson is a mutant and he does work for S.T.R.O.M.A., but he’s lower on the powers scale than most of their employees who do active fieldwork, and he has no desire to do fieldwork when he could do lab-work instead). There are a lot of reasons for this problem of staffing, but one of the more noticeable end-results is that S.T.R.O.M.A. can be somewhat unethical in some of their recruitment bids. Like, yes, sometimes, you just get a visit from Some Guy Who Is Totally Not Nick Fury, who offers you a chance to be a part of something bigger than yourself and to use your abilities to help people
Other times, you get treated to a few hours of what S.T.R.O.M.A. sees and treats as the interview portion of applying for a Very Important Position somewhere, except that they don’t tell you that this is what they’re doing and they use “interview” (read: interrogation) techniques that people in law enforcement usually save for wrangling confessions out of suspects.
It will not look like it, but they are actually trying to figure out some specific things about you, including but not limited to: how you handle high-stress and high-pressure situations (like, for example, being accused of using your powers for any extralegal vigilantism, and maybe knowing things about [the biggest mutant-related news of the day] that they don’t; being threatened with a trip to one of the U.S. prisons designed to hold mutants; etc.); various details about your backstory and who you are as a person and what your biggest Deals are (i.e., getting you to help them run a damn background check on yourself); and how in control of your powers you are (since they trust the DHHS evaluations, but prefer to supplement them with firsthand evidence).
Then, once they’ve figured out what they want to know, you might very well be offered something to the tune of, “Alright, this is your first offense, and based on your dossier and this interview, we think that you could be an asset to S.T.R.O.M.A., if you wanted. If you like the sound of working for us, at least as an analyst or consultant if not a fully-fledged special agent, then we can make all of this legal trouble just go away. If you don’t like the sound of that, then……… well… *deliberately trails off to let you draw your own conclusions while still staying within the letter of the law, because hey, they didn’t actually tell you that you’d for sure end up getting prosecuted and going to prison*”
So…… yeah. S.T.R.O.M.A. and Ethics are not always on speaking terms.
Add this recruitment story to Josie’s frustrations with how metahuman employees at S.T.R.O.M.A. tend to get treated — e.g., they, themself, are often trotted out to go liaise with different media outlets as a public face of Mutants Who Work Here, Look We’re Trying Our Best So You Should All Just Totally Cooperate With Us, but they’re discouraged from voicing any of their own opinions and advised to just stick to these Bureau-approved talking points — and at having to be closeted and fairly masc-presenting at work because S.T.R.O.M.A. thinks they’re a cis man, and…… yeah, uh.
“Josie would really, really rather not work here” is an understatement af… but they continue working here anyway because: 1. as a consultant, they can still usually balance things enough to keep working as a therapist;
and 2. Josie wants so badly to help people, and for all S.T.R.O.M.A. is highly unethical (sometimes) and part of the goddamn FBI, most of the people who work there also want to help people and use their work to create positive changes in the world — and it’s not an unfair observation that, on their own, there really isn’t much that Josie can do (because the idea of the solo superhero who works alone… isn’t sustainable, like??
Aside from the political and ideological issues with that whole aspect of superhero mythology, it’s not actually feasible for one person, working on their own, to create any positive change. It would be massively unhealthy for them, there’s only so much they can do as one person, there are no actual safeguards in place if they ever get corrupted, and as multiple deconstructions of the genre have shown, it’s really easy for a classic lone vigilante model superhero to slide into a mindset like Rorschach’s — which is full of hypocrisy, double standards, misogyny and homophobia and ableism, and total moral absolutism that simultaneously allows no room for compassion and keeps Rorschach from being able to appreciate the big picture outside of his little myopic Objectivst bubble — or Frank Miller!Batman, who is often only a step or two off from actual fascism, but we probably won’t call it that because he’s wearing the Batman suit).
At this point, Josie has even had it all but confirmed that the agents who came to recruit them definitely “avoided certain truths to manipulate them” on purpose, so they’re reasonably certain that they could probably leave S.T.R.O.M.A without having their previous step out of bounds dredged up and handed to a D.A. who’d be pressured to prosecute them for it…… but they want to help people, and S.T.R.O.M.A. is one of the only options that they can currently see where they get to help anyone.
So, here they are. Working in a position that they’re not a fan of, looking at the motivational posters of gothed out kittens that one of their best friends drew for them, and trying to take, “hang in there!” kitty’s advice and tough it out at S.T.R.O.M.A. for the sake of doing some good in the world.
**: This mostly happens if Josie doesn’t have the energy enough or keep focus enough to keep their mental walls up — which they are usually very diligent about because on one hand, hearing other people’s thoughts kind of sucks actually (Josie would definitely agree with the sentiment that, a lot of the time, being a telepath is like having a youtube comments section screaming at you in your head)
—and on the other, um, hello, telepathy can, in the wrong hands, become a walking violation of civil liberties. Like, if you ask Josie, telepathy has a lot in common with wiretapping, though they consider it potentially even more dangerous than that, because it’s harder to prove that telepathy has been involved in something, since:
1. yes, the traces of telepathy can show up on a CAT scan or an MRI of the brain, but you’d need a neurologist who is well-trained, very attentive, and up to date on as much of the current research into telepathy as possible — or hey, a team of neurologists might not be a bad idea, if you can get them all, because one neurologist might miss something
—but otoh, the traces of telepathy can sometimes also be mistaken as signs of something else, especially if someone is neurodivergent and/or mentally ill, has suffered any serious and/or recent head injuries, has a history of substance abuse, is sleep-deprived at the time of the tests, may actually have something else going on in their brain in addition to the traces of telepathy
Seriously, just about anything that affects the brain can make it harder to tell whether or not someone’s been hit with telepathy
Plus: telepathic abilities are sort of mid-level common among mutants, and some mutants use them without even realizing it because their powers haven’t manifested in ways that are for sure Outside Three Standard Deviations From The Non-Mutant Human Mean, so some minor telepathic scarring is common, even in people who haven’t been hit by something as awful as, say, memory modification, or having someone go in and pick around in their brain like they’re flipping through an issue of Us Weekly
—and without a keen, well-trained eye, it can be really hard to tell those types of telepathic scarring apart
2. some of the traces of telepathy are more subjective, and while they might show up on a brain scan, the best evidence of them will come from the people who’ve been hit with the telepathic whatever
—but that’s going to be a problem because, in a lot of cases, they won’t have any memory of it, or they’ll have a false memory of it, and there’s no guarantee that further telepathic probing will be able to help here, and it could just make things worse. Plus, there’s no guarantee that the people who’ve been hit will actually be aware that what they’re experiencing is related to telepathy.
This is especially true with experienced, exceptionally powerful, and/or highly meticulous telepaths, because some of them can dick around in people’s heads and leave barely any trace that they were there
Like, for an example of what a more subjective trace might look like: Conrad is a telepath, and unlike Josie, he doesn’t really care about ethics or the rights of most other people. About ten years before the story actually starts, he took an interest in his new brother-in-law’s youngest brother (Sebastian), because he could sense something in Seb — he didn’t know what it was, exactly, but it was definitely a something — that made him go, “huh, maybe this emotionally troubled nearly twenty-year-old boy is also a mutant”
(I mean, he’s not wrong. And the something that he got a sense of back then is the part of Seb that he’s eventually going to call, “La Bête,” because if he’s going to go for the superhero thing and need a codename, then, “Gévaudan” makes sense to him because his family is insistently French [despite not having lived in France since about 1781, apart from one ancestral namesake of Seb’s who stayed in Paris for their Revolution (and Severin Sebastien Moncrieff was a confirmed bachelor, so he left behind a partner but no heirs), well before La Bête du Gévaudan was a Thing, and despite not being from the region of France where that happened] and hey, he can apparently turn into a giant wolf-man, now
—and if he’s calling himself, “Gévaudan,” then, “La Bête” is just thematically consistent. But that’s beside the point.)
Anyway: Conrad wasn’t new to his powers ten years ago, but he was much more reckless with them — especially when he believed that he was absolutely right and would stop at nothing to prove it — and he had less finesse in using them.
So, he left behind plenty of traces when he decided to use his little sister’s wedding reception as a chance to go telepathically play around with Seb, trying to either figure out if his new brother-in-law’s little brother actually was a mutant, or maybe triggering his powers into fully manifesting (plus plying him with alcohol and adding rohypnol to the mix based on the notion that either it wouldn’t affect Seb because he’s a mutant, or if not that, then it’d trigger his abilities into manifesting).
The underlying logic of the rohypnol idea was actually not wrong, because toxin filtering is one of the more common mutant abilities you find in the States (and it happens to be one that Seb has), and some mutants have had their powers manifest in response to poisoning, drugging, exposure to carbon monoxide or other toxic fumes, and even being given antibiotics or certain medications
The idea was still morally wrong and ethically skeevy, but the mutant-related logic actually did work. Where Conrad went wrong on that count was that he overly simplified the situation, only looked for two potential reactions, and didn’t know what to make of how Seb was affected by the rohypnol but not nearly as badly as he should’ve been, so he went, “Was he affected or not?? I don’t know????”
[Here is where I cut a whole big tangent explaining that whole story, but it got way, way off the point, so.]
Anyway, the gist of the story is that Conrad is the only person who consciously remembers everything that happened, since most of the people who cared about it were not present for the encounter itself, and Conrad screwed around with Seb’s memories, both telepathically and not.
Like, Seb has more memories of it than he would if he weren’t a mutant, considering that he got dosed with rohypnol, but he also has false memories about some of what happened, and Conrad repressed Seb’s memories of certain events (like how many times he tried to break away from Conrad, or turn down the offer of another drink, because he’d promised his big brother that he wouldn’t get drunk and make a scene at Max’s wedding or the reception, and it was important to him to honor that promise)
Fortunately for Conrad, Seb is not one of the mutants who has an increased resistance to psychic attacks — largely because, contrary to what Conrad thought until about two years before the story starts, someone’s ability to resist to psychic attacks has nothing to do with whether or not they’re a mutant (aside from some special cases where someone has a resistance to any psychic attacks that falls outside three standard deviations of the non-mutant human mean)
—so, despite the feelings he sometimes gets that something about those memories might be wrong, Seb totally believes that they’re real and he doesn’t notice any of the incongruities unless someone points them out, which almost no one has any reason to do because there isn’t usually a reason for Seb to talk at length about the details of this particular incident that happened almost ten years ago
(there would be, if he ever brought it up in therapy or at AA and/or NA, or dwelled on it when he did, but that has yet to actually happen)
Unfortunately for Conrad, he did a sloppy job of this, and while it would be hard for a neurologist to tell the physical signs of his telepathic probing apart from the other brain damage that Seb’s accrued, the hardest thing for most other telepaths would be trying to find the right memories. The crap-shoot nature of telepathically digging through someone else’s mind is one of the many reasons why Josie doesn’t like using their powers as a first approach in therapy, because you can never guarantee with any reliable certainty that you’ll get at the parts of someone’s mind that you want
—but if someone did get to Seb’s memories of this incident, it would be really obvious to them that they’ve been modified. Like, images might be blurred around the edges, it might glitch like a video or audio track that’s skipping, the voices might get distorted, the colors might look wonky, and so on. Prodding a bit more would also be able to undo Conrad’s memory-blocks without doing too much damage to Seb’s brain (not so much on an emotional and psychological level, but the damage there would be more like the painful truth that hurts now but leads to something better)
Anyway, it’s much harder to get proof of this nature when you’re dealing with more skillful, more attentive, more powerful, etc. telepaths, because they aren’t as messy as Conrad was with Seb
and 3. Wiretapping operations usually involve more people, which doesn’t make them ethical or necessarily justified, but it does mean that they’re easier to find evidence of because there are more folks who can spill the beans and point you to it. Telepathy only needs two people to happen, and one may not even be aware of what’s going on, depending on how sensitive they are and whether or not they’re dealing with an ethical telepath
For example: while not metahuman levels of resistant to psychic attacks, Pete is exceptionally sensitive to them and he’s naturally better at resisting them than some people, so if someone wanted to paw through his mind, he has a better chance of recognizing that he’s being telepathically invaded and getting them out
Sebastian, on the other hand, is Bad at recognizing and resisting psychic probing. Unethical telepaths have an easier time of getting through him because at his best, if he isn’t told in advance, then he feels ill at ease, inexplicably anxious (not that it means much, because he tends to attribute that to his shitty mental health), kind of nauseated, and maybe like he’s being spied on. At worst, he doesn’t even notice.
So, basically, Josie considers it a moral and ethical responsibility on their part to do everything they can to not inadvertently spy on people, because there is already so much about telepathy that can go really bad and poses a lot of ethical problems — but they are only human, and there are a lot of ways for someone’s mental walls to come down or reasons why they would.
Letting their empathic walls down usually makes it easier for Josie to focus on keeping up the telepathic walls, since the empathic ones are a lot harder for them to keep up, but it’s only a temporary thing because if Josie takes those walls down, they open themself up to a looooooot of potential overwhelm from outside influence, and there’s always the option to find a balance between the empathic walls and telepathic ones, but sometimes, it’s easier said than done.
Josie is usually too hard on themself for it when any slip-ups on their part happen, even knowing that every other telepath and every other empath has moments like this and even if they got too overwhelmed to actually remember anything and/or heard nothing.
It’s such a big deal to them because the potential for psychic abilities to violate other people — and especially the potential to manipulate people and compromise or outright remove their agency — is something that Josie never wanted. They went into counseling as a profession, after their original plan of going into fashion went up in smoke, but part of it, for them, has always been about trying to help people get their lives back, or manage them better, and so on. Granted, they knew about their telepathic and empathic abilities before they officially went into therapeutic practice, but that, for Josie, was part of how they developed their approach to being a therapist.
Furthermore, on a more personal and less professional note, Josie never wanted mutant superpowers to begin with. After having their telepathy and empathy first manifest in full, they might’ve done plenty of things that they normally wouldn’t even consider, if they thought it could take their powers away.
Partly, that was because their powers manifested toward the end of a really bad mental health downswing that ended in Josie going back to an inpatient treatment center for their eating disorder. Any of these elements on their own would’ve been bad enough, but having them all come down on them at once was Hell for Josie, and worse, trying to get well while you are in an inpatient center and can feel everyone else’s feelings, hear a lot of their thoughts, and are currently having trouble sorting out which parts are your own feelings, which parts are coming from your eating disorder, and which parts are coming from everyone else (not least because you don’t have any proof that you are feeling things or hearing thoughts that are coming from other people).
Josie eventually got help for that part because one of the therapists at the center was a metahuman and had gone to the Woodham and Lehrer School before deciding that she didn’t particularly want to be a superhero in the traditional sense. She reached out to her old teachers, and Josie got help for that while doing more intensive outpatient treatment until they got better at tuning out other people’s thoughts and feelings.
But there’s a lingering problem here that goes back to the feelings that underlie Josie’s ED. When they are at their absolute worst, Josie can be an absolute control freak, and they tend to turn it inward more than outward because they realize that taking it out on other people isn’t fair and they don’t feel good about it. Additionally, feeling other people’s feelings as intensely as they do gives Josie an additional incentive not to take their issues with control out on other people (and did even before their powers fully manifested, because they’ve always been pretty sensitive). On some level, Josie realizes that they can’t control things like how people react to them, whether or not bad things happen to good people, and so on, but that doesn’t always help because it can lead to them feeling even more of a need to crack down on controlling themself.
Having psychic powers becomes problematic for them in two big ways, here:
1. It’s unfortunately very easy for Josie to slip into overly self-punishing thought patterns if they feel like they aren’t as in control of their abilities as they, “should” be — which happens very easily because Josie’s standards for themself aren’t always realistic, and they usually aren’t the best judge of whether or not they’re being fair to themself.
It’s even more noticeable, for them, when they try to do more complex and demanding things with their powers.
This was one of the big reasons why they’ve stayed on good terms with their friends and mentors at the Lehrer and Woodham School, and among Yael and Elizabeth’s Wardens, but consistently rejected any invites to become a Warden (and then regretted that when S.T.R.O.M.A. got them instead, since Josie would much rather be one of the Wardens than working for the FBI).
Basically, Josie trusted Elizabeth’s guidance, and they really, really wanted to trust Elizabeth’s faith in them to handle their full power responsibly…… but it was hard to believe that when they already didn’t feel like they controlled their powers as much as they, “should” have been doing, and Elizabeth wanted to push them further.
For Josie, it felt like the choice came down to, “be a superhero and do more cool superhero things, at the expense of my own well-being, which means I eventually won’t be able to help anyone and could hurt more people than I help”
or, “quietly go back to training for an entirely different career than I expected, keep in touch with Elizabeth and work on honing my abilities, and maybe not get to help people in as big a way as members of the Wardens get to do, but at least, as a therapist, I will still have the ability to help people and will probably be less likely to screw that up by virtue of losing my control over my powers”
(To her credit, Elizabeth was disheartened by this, because she believes in all of her students and wants them to believe in themselves, and really wanted Josie on her team — but she’s learned that the superhero life isn’t for everybody, and that it’s not her job, as a teacher and mentor, to tell people what they should do; it’s her job to show them new approaches, teach them how to learn, help them find what paths and methods work best for them, etc.
So, disheartening as it was, she’s been nothing but supportive about Josie’s choice not to be a Warden, and compassionate about how much Josie doesn’t like working for the FBI — and without trying to turn it into some kind of, “this could be super-beneficial for us, if Josie wanted to give us any advance warning about S.T.R.O.M.A. business that might negatively affect us here” thing like Yael)
(To her credit, Yael really does believe that she’s helping when she says things like that, because she is so fundamentally a doer, rather than a thinker, feeler, planner, or anything else. She is absolutely capable of all of those things, but she has an approach to life and problems that goes, “Okay, this is a Thing and it’s a setback, but what can we do about it, how can we use this to build something even better”
—so her idea of how to help one of her and Elizabeth’s students and comrades with an unexpected and unwanted “recruitment” to S.T.R.O.M.A.… is going, “But look, see, we can still potentially make something good out of this, and just because a government agency snatched you up doesn’t mean that you have to forget your own values or let them control you, this can be a good thing if you take advantage of the right pieces and opportunities”
—for a moment of MBTI nerdery: Yael is an ENTJ (***) vs. Josie’s INFJ (***), so while she has Extroverted Thinking (Te) for a dominant cognitive function and primarily approaches the world based on how to get results, Josie’s dominant function is Introverted iNtuition (Ni), and while they have an orientation toward the future that appreciates where Yael is coming from with her drive to get results, Josie’s primary approach to the world looks less at objective things and objective results, more at patterns and theories and trying to find the, “higher purpose” or, “deeper reason” behind how stuff happens
Which, oddly enough, is part of why Josie and Yael get on so well. They can butt heads with each other, sometimes, but at the end of the day, they complement each other really well because both of them have vision and the drive to act on it, but Yael is better at actually getting shit done, and Josie is better at checking things through the processes of making them happen, finding potential problems that Yael may not have seen coming and trying to work addressing them into the fabric of her plans.
Their Feeling functions also complement each other really well: Josie is a high Feeler, with Extroverted Feeling (Fe) as their auxiliary function, which keeps them more attuned to the state of the group and all the people in it, while Yael has a very good relationship with her inferior Fi (Introverted Feeling), which enables her to better evaluate how their actions and plans are helping or hurting their causes, where their ideals fit into everything, and so on.
So, basically, Yael is better at making sure that they all remember who they are and what they stand for, both individually and as parts of the whole, while Josie is better at attending to people’s emotional needs and keeping the whole intact by caring for the individual members of it.
And because they both respect and admire each other, neither of them devalues the other’s contributions to anything — and it doesn’t matter to Yael that Josie has a badge and would have an easier time getting a gun if they weren’t really uneasy about guns; Josie’s a mutant, they’ve been one of her students, and they care about helping other mutants, so officially being part of S.T.R.O.M.A. doesn’t mean that they aren’t part of Yael’s (larger, mutant) family
—which all means a lot to Josie because, in a lot of ways, they still haven’t entirely outgrown their early experiences of being one of the weird art freaks at school (which, even for someone who wound up being part of a subculture/clique that’s all about going, “fuck you, I’m gonna do my thing and you can love it or shove it,” gave Josie some trouble because, goth of not, they’re sensitive), and they have a huge tendency to be overly harsh with themself and don’t always love themself very much, so this whole unconditional acceptance thing is a Big Deal to them
But I digress.
2. Having psychic powers also gets Problematic for Josie because, in their mind, they’ve spent so much of their life fighting their eating disorder and their overall mental health to keep control of their life, and it’s difficult, periodically degrading, often horrific, and something that they wouldn’t wish on anybody, period…… so having the power to take away someone’s ability to control their own mind? Having the power to violate someone’s agency, potentially with more or less complete impunity? That’s horrifying, and Josie doesn’t want it
One of the easiest ways to make Josie go off the handle at you is to dismiss how hard it is for them to maintain any sense of composure. Like, okay, they can handle people teasing them about some of their self-care habits because humor is how a lot of people come to be comfortable with and accept things they don’t understand at first, and how a lot of people show that they’re comfortable with you and like you.
But if you act like Josie doesn’t have to work, impossibly hard and daily, on their own well-being, because if they don’t, then they could lose control of psychic abilities and this would be Really Fucking Terrible for everyone? ……Uh.
Just don’t do that. It’s not pretty, it’s not fun, it’s mean and please, just don’t do it.
An even easier way to make Josie snap at you is to play what they call, “the Aslan card” — which means telling them that the proof that they can handle the responsibility of psychic powers, is their own fear that maybe they can’t, their awareness of and attentiveness to the ethical and moral problems attached to them having psychic powers, the fact that they’d rather not have psychic powers in the first place because it can — and often does — feel like these powers and their attendant responsibilities are too big and too potentially Terrible Forever, For Everyone
Which Josie calls, “the Aslan card” because, uh. The first time they heard it was from Elizabeth (whose heart was in the right place in saying this, but she didn’t think about how it might end up sounding to Josie), and the first thing Josie was reminded of was Aslan telling Prince Caspian that he’s ready to become the King because he doesn’t think he’s ready
It’s just…… Josie understands where this idea is coming from, and they appreciate the underlying sentiment
But, to them, it always sounds more like, “why are you upset about how hard this is for you, at least it’s happening to you and not someone who doesn’t give a fuck about ethics or how they treat other people, quit whinging and cheer the fuck up”
Which…… yes, Josie knows that this isn’t what most people mean, but it’s still pretty upsetting for them to hear because of how much it reminds them of things that they’ve told themself so many times, when they’ve been at their worst, in terms of their mental health and emotional well-being — especially the things like, “My eating disorder isn’t bad because it’s only hurting me, not anyone else, and it’s only hurting me because I’m weak”
—and yeah, okay, Josie appreciates that you’re trying to help, but they already have enough work to do on keeping themself from slipping back into the comfort of those thought patterns, so if it’s all the same, can you maybe find a different way of trying to comfort them or praise them or whatever? Please?
Thank you, they’d like that
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