#i love artsy curtis bros hcs
stardust-sunset · 21 days
sometimes darry sings to his brothers when they’re sleeping. he doesn’t know why. he just knows when he does the creases in soda’s forehead ease up and pony’s eyes go from squeezed shut to peacefully closed and he knows he is doing something right
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hi!!!!!!!!! i am loving the fandom ships sosososososo much!!!!!!!! your hcs are actually the best too and im just so happy ur sharing ur wonderful writing w us:D
no pressure at all too but i would love a fandom ship for the outsiders too:D!! boy or girl is good!
im about 5'4, light brown hair, dark blue eyes, my eyes r like bigg like OwO irl LOL
my hair goes down to the middle of my back, and its like 2a curls i think?
also im white lol so the things that go with that, and i have freckles! and my cheeks are always pink no matter what i do bro (i get accused of blushing at everything BUT ITS JUST MY FACE HFSLDKJKS)
my personality is very talkative, outgoing, blabbermouth esque, and the typical girly i think? like i like doing my makeup and dressing up and stuffs
i think im an optimist too, i dont get angry or upset at people very often
im always really interested in learning about people so i love listening to what they want to talk about!
my hobbies are all the artsy crafty stuff,(writing, reading, painting, drawing, yarn crafts, sewing, decor, music, instrumentsssz) but thats when im not studying:P i spend soooo much time on school and i take it really serious, and im always happy to help my friends w their work too so that may b what keeps me occupied a lot loll
but i also love being outside! that counts as a hobby i think- stuff like just walking, or biking or skating !
Because you’re one of my favorites and a loyal mutual I’m giving you a guy and a girl!!!!
Your outsiders ship: Cherry Valance and Sodapop Curtis!
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Explanation: you guys are so pretty together like you’re just such pretty queens. I just wanna say that like Dallas Winston can go cry himself a hole because you have cherry valance cherry valance has you and you guys look so freaking good together just aesthetically pleasing because you guys are both so beautiful. I love the way that you both contrast each other. You with your light brown hair her with her red hair you with your blue eyes and her with her brown eyes. I just think you guys would be beautiful in different ways that really come together for a very neat image you guys are literally the “it”lesbian couple. She thinks you’re natural blush, and freckles are really cute and she has a bit of a natural blush herself so she totally understands whenever people think that you’re blushing at things when you’re actually not you just have a little bit of a pink face. as for your personality I think you would get along really well together because she’s also pretty talkative and bubbly most of the time and I think that U2 would just be really nice popular girls at your school that people look up to and I think she would appreciate your optimism and a lot of situations and truth be told kind of wishes that she did have optimism because she loves your mindset and I honestly think that you would be such a healthy and cute relationship because you guys are so uplifting to each each other she build you up and you build her up. I feel like she’s not very much of an artsy person or a skater, but she absolutely supports all of your hobbies and I feel like she would watch you do art and just ask a ton of questions and if you drew a portrait of her and did anything like that just or made like a keychain for her or something like that I think she keep it forever and just be so proud of it and probably like put it on a bracelet or something and try and keep it with her at all times, I think you’re the type of person that would go to her cheerleading games like just go to the football games to watch her cheer and I think she’d be forever grateful for that and honestly, you guys are just so cute and supportive of each other I 100% ship!!💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
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Explanation: he really loves your big eyes and you’re curly hair that almost give you kind of a doll like appearance and I also think that he loves how short you are because I don’t know everything about you’re just reminds him of a doll and I think that is what made you kind of stand out to him in the first place besides of course, being drop dead gorgeous honey because that’s what you are!!! But he also gets the natural blush thing a lot, and I think that because of his charming personality, he comes off as flirting when he really just means to be friendly quite a lot so I think the natural blush doesn’t really help that much with that, but I think as for talkativeness, you guys would be a great pair.  I see him as easily socializing and being more of an extrovert so if you’re more of a talkative person, I think you guys would go great together and could definitely have laughs  and good times together just enjoying each other‘s company. He’s also like you an optimist and a people pleaser as well so I think that you guys some time would have a hard time choosing who’s going to have to be the bad cop you know. He also appreciates deeply that you embrace your femininity, and I think out of all the greasers he’s the greaser that embraces his own femininity the most, and I think he just really appreciates anyone else who does that because it’s just aesthetically pleasing let’s be so for real. Since you like asking about other people and what they’re into I think he would absolutely love that because as the middle Curtis sibling, he’s often used to getting ignored or only seen for his looks and when you ask him about himself, it pretty much just melt him because he’s so happy that someone finally cares about him beyond just how he looks or You know being the hot middle Curtis sibling and nothing else. I don’t think he’s very artsy but he absolutely supports you and probably would be a little bit annoying if I’m going to be honest, but he really tries his best to understand it and I also think that he would love doing outdoorsy things with you. You guys would be cute together. 💚
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stardust-sunset · 21 days
*reaches out and grabs all your artsy curtis brothers headcanons*
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