#i love arhitects
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beastkaiju · 2 years ago
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sorry hand slipped
Y'all get calm To-Ken, as a treat
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Se4 ep5 thoughts
I am backk. Didn't really have time these last days but here i am.
As much as I'm interested in the main plot and Aaravos' era incoming, i first need to know what happened in the camp after architect put out the fire.
Honestly such a beautiful funeral? Simple and tranquil.
Rayla u can't come back after two years and act like nothing happened! I mean i know she says how much things changed but she really hurt him.
Our boy is cryingg. Random but we haven't really got an answer on whether she was unbanished? Also I need to see some Ethari. Like now.
I really like that even tho Soren is a comic relief most of the time, they didn't make him dumb.
I kinda don't get why Viren got so desperate to practically beg that creature? Only excuse i can find is his fascination and obsession with magic. Otherwise they just did it for comic relief I'm sure is coming. I just feel it. Building it up and then an anticlimactic 'surprise'.
Yep. There it is. Viren just being tired of their shit is so funny to me. He didn't ask to be brought back. Can't he just go back to being dead in peace?
I really liked Soren-Zubeia bonding moment. So cute?? And she appreciates his wit!
Ahhhh what happened with the elf??? From the camp? The arhitect is hurt okay but. Aaaa. Imagine just. Being him. And believing that your mother's spirit/soul is lost forever. I want answers! Also Amaya-Gren moments are always so wholesome i love them.
Dunno why but it's surprising to see Zubeia as an active figure. I feel like those in power are often shown as these really passive figures. Idk.
Lmaoo I'm loving these guardians/doormen or whatever they are. 'We accept your argument.'
Their guide is really givin me gollum vibes from Hobbit. Viren's exasperation continues.
'Infuriate him and...' 'You'll probably die.'
Love how Soren connects with everyone he spends two minutes with. I have a hunch which may be completely wrong but that this hole is the entrance?
We're back to the camp! Yayyy! Where. Is. The. Elf. That's literally all I'm asking for.
Soren being observant about people's emotions? Yes. Giving advice? I feel sth anticlimatic coming again. His lecturing reminded me of Zuko's silver sandwich.
Aren't they trying to lay low? A campfire? Really?
O.M.G. yes. It's not always just love trouble (even tho it's that also). Another PTSD moment. Honestly when he said 'You know, when he took over my whole body and used me like a puppet,' sounded like he was talking to every screenwriter ever. One of those posts on here or insta or just anywhere ranting about how there are consequences and ptsd after stuff like this.
Wish it lasted longer tho.
I kinda hope this lil dragon adopts Soren. He deserves his own animal companion.(did u notice everyone has one? Like Rayla has that monkey-y thingy which i shamefully forgot the name of, Ezran has Zym and regretfully passed Bait to Callum which not okay you can have two animals and share love equally?)
Oh Soren is captureddd. Myb thrown into the hole/may-be-entrance-hunch-thingy?
Do these drangons have like rattlesnake tail horns/antlers?
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missbrunettebarbie · 4 years ago
top 5 sortinghatchats combos? xD
This was hard as hell, lol. Obviously I knew I will have a lot of Snakes here, but then I had to start figure out how I feel about the others: turns out I don't like Badger secondaries all that much, doubles aren't really my thing (with one execptions), I strongly prefer improvisional secondaries and despite liking Badger primary morality on paper, I am not that attached to it. Go figure xD.
1. Snake Lion - Is it self-centered to put my own sorting first? Well, I don't care. I love Snake Lions to bits. I have 2 OCs who are def this combo (Pandora Adelardi and Rafael Serafium) and surprise, surprise they both dominate their respective verses. Maybe it's because I was always taught to love the Snake mentality while being told the Lion secondary approach is very bad that I find something fundamentally freeing in Snake Lion characters who succeed in their stories.
2. Double Snake - You pair up the most playful secondary with the most indulgent primary and of course I will love the result. As much as I love Lion secondary (and am a bit envious of those unburnt xDD), I think it's the Snake is the secondary that I am truly in awe of. It's my weakest model, but I am damn proud of myself when I pull it off. Double Snakes have a vivre-de-joie no one else has, breathing new life in any story they are in.
3. Lion Snake -Numbers 3 and 4 are a bit more interchangable, but I didn't wanted the top 3 to be only Snakes xDD. Lion Snakes, when they are healthy, are very entertaining. I especially love them when their primary is more chill than other Lions usually are. Padme Amidala, Toph Bei Fong, Lyra Silvertongue are all perfect examples of why this type of characters enrich a story.
4. Snake Bird - My darling masterminds! I wish there were more heroic examples of you. (Forever grateful to Trollhunters for giving us Claire as a perfect example of a good Snake Bird). Your own Darius, while not really heroic, proves why they can be so great in lead roles. And well, this is my mom's sorting and she can be one scary gal when she wants, but I love her to pieces. Ofc it had to make the list :DD.
5. Bird Lion - As I said, Lion secondaries are very admirable, IMO. And Bird primaries are fascinating. (I think I might have a Bird primary model IRL I toy with. Jeez, no wonder I give off Sam Winchester vibes) Combine the two and you get this unique kind of characters that truly deserve the Grail Knight moniker. They are a bit more mellow than Double Lions who I find intimidating in fiction (but apparently not on tumblr xDD) and aren't as much at risk as Badger Lions to fall into the self-righteous hero trope. When they are main characters they get narratives about finding the truth and not giving up till you do and I...really enjoy watching it xD.
Honorable mentions: Snake Badger (you get the short end of the stick because of my issue with Badger secondary), Bird Snake (we really need more of you), Badger Snake (CW's favourite type of protag from what I can tell. At least in the 2000's. Pity they are dark Badgers) and Badger Bird (fascinated by them. I call them Arhitects because of TGP's Michael and we also need more of them).
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crosetampovestisipoduri · 3 years ago
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Podul de Poveste
Suntem o mică, dar inimoasă echipă, pe care am numit-o Croșetăm Povești și Poduri. Printre noi se regăsesc artiști și oameni cu inițiativă din sectorul cultural și împreună cu comunitatea ne propunem înfrumusețarea podului pietonal din Parcul Uzinei de apă din Timișoara prin pictură și croșetat. Ne dorim atât un spațiu mai frumos, cât și implicarea comunității în activități creative.  
Croșetatul este o îndeletnicire care are tendința de a se pierde datorită dezvoltării noilor tehnologii și industriei textile. Considerăm că este păcat să lăsăm această tehnică în voia uitării și aducem provocarea către comunitate de a ni se alătura pentru a înfrumuseța podul, îmbrăcându-i barele reci și metalice în hăinuțe multicolore croșetate.  
Parcul Uzinei este un spațiu public comun, deservind o zonă rezidențială vastă, folosit deseori ca reper pentru această parte a orașului, loc de întâlnire pentru pescari, părinți, copii și bunici, dar și sportivi. Pentru început vom picta podul (treptele, traversele orizontale și barele metalice de susținere a balustradei),  apoi vom îmbrăca balustrada și restul barelor metalice în materiale textile, prin tehnica croșetatului, oferindu-le astfel o textură moale, prietenoasă și caldă.  De asemenea, vom împleti materiale textile uzate colectate cu ajutorul comunității și vom colora astfel tulpina a doi copaci aflați de o parte și de alta a podului. Dorim astfel să creem o conexiune între cele două maluri ale Begăi, precum și între locuitorii care participă la aceste activități. 
Vă propunem workshop-uri de pictură, croșetat, fotografie, ukulele, întâlniri de autocunoaștere și dezvoltare personală, discuții pe teme de upcycling, întâlniri dedicate mișcării prin dans, meditație Qigong, precum și un eveniment de finalizare a proiectului, cu muzică, discuții și un atelier creativ de pictură pe tricouri uzate. Haideți la socializare, la relaxare în natură și vă garantăm bucuria finală de a lăsa ca moștenire un spațiu mai colorat și mai prietenos. 
Proiectul „Podul de Poveste” este finanţat prin Fondul pentru un viitor mai bun în comunităţi Timişoara (program coordonat la nivel național de Federaţia Fundaţiile Comunitare din România - FFCR, susținut de Lidl Romania și implementat la nivel local de Fundaţia Comunitară Timişoara).
Livia Mateiaș (inițiatorul și managerul proiectului, artist vizual, co-fondatoarea studioului artouching și a platformei Digital:Canvas, creator la Tricouri de Poveste și Manager al proiectului Pixel_ART) 
Anca Mircu (co-fondator Marele Ecran, co-organizator Ceau Cinema, copywriter și specialist în comunicare, pasionată de handmade și reciclare) 
Diana Szenasi (psiholog la Coaching și Dezvoltare Personală, creator la Șorțuri Chic de Bucătărie și co-fondator Lovely Decor) Iunia Pașca (creatoarea Integration Game și autoarea cărții Prin Lume, spre mine) 
Ramona Venturini (Instructor Qigong, autoarea cărții Pelerini la Santiago de Compostela) 
Lia Burg (solistă, cântă la chitară și ukulele, instrumente pe care le și predă copiilor începând din 2019) 
Anca Brici (are experiență în management și coaching, are un spirit creativ, spiritual și optimist) 
Claudia Tănăsescu (fotograf, trainer și ghid de turism local, ține ateliere creative pentru adulți și copii în care implică fotografia, scrisul și terapia prin artă) 
Anca Crețu (tânără arhitectă, cu un interes deosebit pentru sustenabilitate, este co-fondator al studioului Pixelateria și arhitect asociat la MaMd)
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realmadridfamily · 4 years ago
I feel like Sandra thinks that she is some type of a influencer, when in fact she wouldn't be interesting to almost anyone if she wasn't dating Marco. She finished university, meaning she can already be considered as an arhitect, but when it comes to posting pics on instagram she doesn't post pics of bildings or anything like that, but interior design. She doesn't work, except for maybe some modelling she gets, because she is a wag. And she is 26, finished university this year and still doesn't have a master degree. I am not saying that it is some type of a norm to finish when you are 22/23, but she doesn't do anything, except going out to dinners and vaccations.
It's true that she was noticed because of Marco. Before their relationship, I didn't see her having any kind of photo session, which is happening now. Of course, I don't think it's a bad thing, she's pretty and has a nice body, so if she got the chance she can always see what it looks like. I think we need to give her time when it comes to Architecture. She still hasn't finished her studies, maybe she started studying later, or maybe she had a break, who knows. She said she loves interior design, so maybe that's what she wants to do after graduation. I wish her this and I hope she will not give up her dreams and passions. We only know that she worked for short periods as a saleswoman, hostess or waitress, like most students. Now it seems that she is not working, just taking the opportunities she gets. But I think it's better than working in a nightclub. I also think Sandra likes attention, but I don't find her annoying about it.
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techstartro · 2 years ago
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bythebayio · 7 years ago
Evan Weaver at Scale
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Evan Weaver is the founder of Fauna, a new kind of a database that support modern developers and modern data pipelines by design.  Evan lead storage at Twitter.  He is joining the Legends of Twitter and Beyond panel at Scale By the Bay, held at Twitter HQ in San Francisco, on November 16.  See Evan and others -- reserve your seat today! (While supplies last...)
1. When did you start at Twitter, and what part of the stack were you responsible for initially?
I joined Twitter in 2008 as employee #15. I was referred by Alex Payne; there were 6 or 7 engineers at the time. My background was as a performance analyst in the Rails and MySQL community. Twitter was having "some performance problems" and I thought I could help. In hindsight, I think I was right.
Initially I was responsible for the performance and scalability of the server-side Rails app. I did a ton of work on Rails, Memcached, and MySQL, and was on call for over two years straight, which I do not recommend.
2. How did this responsibility evolve, and what is the one main thing you learned to do best? What was the worst thing that happened to teach you that best thing? What was the best thing that followed your own mastery of your own best thing?
I moved into a leadership position and hired and ran the team that built the distributed storage for all the core domain objects: tweets, timelines, users, the social graph, etc. Some of those systems, especially the social graph and the timeline service, are still used today. We were also responsible for end-to-end performance in all the synchronous codepaths at the time, especially the API. Eventually I moved into an architect role and roamed around working on a few other projects, mostly performance-related, for a brief time before leaving.
Because of the relentless growth in those early days, especially on the API, we could never stay still at Twitter. We doubled the hardware footprint every year and delivered constant performance improvements, but our systems still ran at 100% utilization for years purely from latent demand.
Twitter was the last big consumer web company to get built before the cloud era. I think that's why Twitter's infrastructure teams have created so many great startups: we had to do everything ourselves. The thing that made our specific team so successful was how we learned to focus on the business goal and simply keep trying. Every day required taking a new set of calculated risks.
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Above: a diagram Evan drew in 2009 on a whiteboard at Twitter.
3. How did this thing lead you to starting your own company, or doing what you're doing now?
At Twitter we were frustrated that external constraints limited our ability to invest in a long-term reusable platform. None of us began as database designers; we just wanted to keep a site we liked from crashing every day. However, nothing from open source or any vendor came even close to meeting our needs. So we were forced to dive in and build point solutions for the core technical problems. These systems were incredibly efficient, but also very inflexible, and ultimately made it difficult to evolve the product.
We did invest a lot in Cassandra at Twitter; we hosted the first meetup and I even wrote the first tutorial and drivers. But for various reasons Cassandra did not evolve into the flexible, reusable platform we wanted it to be. Neither did any of the other new databases that have been released in the last decade.
We started over and now FaunaDB is that platform: a strongly consistent, globally distributed, document/relational database built for modern development practices.
Twitter's new internal system Manhattan shares many of the same goals as FaunaDB, but approaches it from a service architecture instead of a monolith. I don't want to build services. I just want to build one perfect program.
4. How does your link in the chain relate to others' on the panel, whom do you need the most, who needs you the most, today and in the wonderful world of tomorrow? If you don't need anybody and can power a whole Twitter by yourself, it's OK to say so!
We are incredibly excited about the serverless movement as well as containerization which have completely abstracted compute away from physical infrastructure. FaunaDB is doing that for data. Our vision is to make operational data completely software-defined. This is the unfulfilled promise of the cloud.
That aside, our security model does allow you to access FaunaDB from embedded clients, and change feeds are built in, so you can indeed replicate the core Twitter experience without any other server-side components. It will get even better with realtime streaming, which is coming.
5. We all know without a doubt that you create the best tools for building and running large-scale distributed systems. But the world is full of hype around software sales. How do we cut through all that with our technical excellence, strong communities, and pithy tweets? What do we need to do to achieve greatness, adoption, and acceptance of the lessons encapsulated in our systems?
We are not really making a tool for building distributed systems. We are abstracting the distributed data problem away. To do this, we need to make sure that the experience is completely magical for developers and operators at any level of scale. FaunaDB needs to be a safe haven in an untrustworthy and unsafe infrastructure world.
6. If a smart, well funded CTO comes to you and asks you to put together a SMACK-like stack from the systems you provide, how would you structure that architecting process -- elicitation of needs, assessment of scale, SLA needed, development process, etc.? What does this process of aligning with customers look like now? Would you partner with other folks from this group on arhitecting it?
Like everything, it depends. A proper development process defines constraints where they can be known, and preserves engineering optionality where they cannot. FaunaDB is designed to adapt to changing application needs without constraining scale, so maybe there is a place for it, but it still depends on business goals.
7. What is the best thing you give the community, and where do you need the most help?
FaunaDB Serverless Cloud lets you deploy a full-featured, globally distributed, highly available web or mobile application for pennies and have confidence that it will scale indefinitely. I think that is pretty good.
All we want from the community is for people to build amazing apps with FaunaDB.
8. What is the best thing you love about SBTB, and what are you looking for the most going there? Which talks on the program do you want to see most of all?
I've never been, so I'm looking forward to all of it! P.S. [Fauna is hiring]((https://fauna.com/careers)
See Evan and other Legends of Twitter and Beyond at Scale -- reserve your seat today.
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bythebayio · 7 years ago
Mark McBride at Scale
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Mark McBride is the founder of Turbine Labs, building and running the new continuous release service for cloud apps. Mark lead the devtools team at Twitter when pants were barely a thing. He is joining the Legends of Twitter panel at Scale By the Bay, held at Twitter HQ, on November 16, 2017. Reserve your seat at Scale to see Mark and other legends discuss the full stack!
1. When did you start at Twitter, and what part of the stack were you responsible for initially?
I joined in October 2009. I joined the API team, but spent the early part of my time working on Twitter’s streaming API (the first production Scala service if I recall)
2. How did this responsibility evolve, and what is the one main thing you learned to do best? What was the worst thing that happened to teach you that best thing? What was the best thing that followed your own mastery of your own best thing? The streaming API was fairly stable from the start, largely due to the vigorous instrumentation we added to it, and the culture of watching it in production like a hawk.
This stability allowed us to take on other projects. One of the biggest was the first traffic split off the monorail. The same culture of watching production closely and low tolerance for errors served us well here. We also put a lot of effort into reducing risk of the migration. Teeing prod traffic to the new system, comparing results, and incremental traffic shifting were all techniques we pioneered on this migration, and then used as a pattern for further migrations. On the initial split of search we moved thousands of customer requests/second with no downtime and only a few very small corner case differences from the ruby stack.
3. How did this thing lead you to starting your own company, or doing what you’re doing now?
Turbine Labs is about moving code to customers more quickly. We do this by making software releases much lower risk, incorporating the same traffic shifting and monitoring techniques we refined at Twitter. These are things we’ve wanted at companies we’ve worked at post-Twitter, and it’s just hard to build when you have features to ship. These are our features.
4. How does your link in the chain relate to others’ on the panel, whom do you need the most, who needs you the most, today and in the wonderful world of tomorrow? If you don’t need anybody and can power a whole Twitter by yourself, it’s OK to say so!
Almost all of my work was on “stateless” systems that made heavy use of network communication. Finagle (Marius) provided a network abstraction that was miles better than what we were using before. The level of reliability and programmability it provided was a huge productivity booster.
I put stateless in scare quotes because “stateless” usually just means you made state somebody else’s problem. In our case that was the storage systems provided by Evan.
Mesos was being rolled out when I left, but gained widescale adoption a bit after my time. The benefits it provided were pretty big though. Previously you felt guilty if you weren’t consuming 100% of some resource on the machine (gotta max out bandwidth or I’m being wasteful). Mesos allowed you to deploy things in units that didn’t consume a whole machine (or VM).
5. We all know without a doubt that you create the best tools for building and running large-scale distributed systems. But the world is full of hype around software sales. How do we cut through all that with our technical excellence, strong communities, and pithy tweets? What do we need to do to achieve greatness, adoption, and acceptance of the lessons encapsulated in our systems?
For us this is looking at what matters to devs and customers, and I think that’s getting a quality experience delivered as quickly as possible. Everything else is a tax you pay to ensure quality. I think a big part of our job is convincing people there’s a better world out there, where you get the same benefits at a lower operational cost. For us specifically, that means worrying less about software releases, and spending more time working on customer experience.
6. If a smart, well funded CTO comes to you and asks you to put together a SMACK-like stack from the systems you provide, how would you structure that architecting process – elicitation of needs, assessment of scale, SLA needed, development process, etc.? What does this process of aligning with customers look like now? Would you partner with other folks from this group on arhitecting it?
(I honestly don’t have a great answer here. Most of our conversations are around improving existing architectures, not building them ground up)
7. What is the best thing you give the community, and where do you need the most help?
We’re spending a lot of time painting a picture of the incremental release life. Smaller, more frequent releases that aren’t “high G maneuvers”, that let developers focus more on building software and less on manually turning the crank on a release process. I’d love help with other people telling their stories of building similar systems, the amount of work that went into it, and the eventual benefits they saw.
8. What is the best thing you love about SBTB, and what are you looking for the most going there? Which talks on the program do you want to see most of all?
I love the fact that this is almost entirely practitioners, and very few vendors (killing myself, a vendor, here). The functional base with an expansion to practical applications is great. Really interested in seeing Keita Broadwater’s IoT/Wavelet talk, and the full-day Envoy/Istio talk looks fascinating.
Reserve your seat at Scale to see Mark and other legends discuss the full stack!
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bythebayio · 7 years ago
Marius Eriksen at Scale
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1. When did you start at Twitter, and what part of the stack were you responsible for initially?
I worked at Twitter from the end of 2009 until 2016. I joined Twitter as part of their acquisition of Mixer Labs. For the first 6 months, I worked on Twitter’s geolocation stack and search engine; every since then I worked on all manner of infrastructure problems, particularly those that were relevant to ours moving off of the monorail.
2. How did this responsibility evolve, and what is the one main thing you learned to do best? What was the worst thing that happened to teach you that best thing? What was the best thing that followed your own mastery of your own best thing?
For better or worse, I managed to operate somewhat asynchronously (hah) with the various products and project teams. I took on a number of very concrete projects, but also stayed involved in everything from architecture to engineering governance. Part of that is the nature of doing infrastructure work, part of it was just following where the hard problems led me.
What did I learn to do best? I would say that over time, I learned pretty well how to “sell” a project or technology to the larger organization, to not just convince others to join what I believed were important efforts, but also convincing various customers to sign up for dependencies to new and unproven technologies that they may otherwise have hesitated to do.
3. How did this thing lead you to starting your own company, or doing what you’re doing now?
I realized that health and biotech are underserved by “modern” engineering, and that computing is key to the field. What’s more, you get to apply yourself and what you’re learned elsewhere in industry to challenging and interesting problems that at the end of the day help improve or even save lives. That is ultimately a very gratifying way of working.
4. How does your link in the chain relate to others’ on the panel, whom do you need the most, who needs you the most, today and in the wonderful world of tomorrow? If you don’t need anybody and can power a whole Twitter by yourself, it’s OK to say so!
At Twitter we set out to transform a very, very large service from a more traditional LAMP stack to something more scalable and cost efficient. While we weren’t the first to do so, we more or less started with a clean slate: mature open source infrastructure was far behind at the time. We all played different roles in bringing to life (and ultimately open sourcing!) the infrastructure required to make this happen. In hindsight, what was required was quite astounding. The different pieces more or less fell in place at the time—it felt obvious (at least in hindsight), but engineering is about 1% about the idea, and 99% the hard work required to make it into reality. Five or six years later, we’re in a much better place, but there’s still a lot to do. I view what William and Evan is doing in a way as refining and simplifying what we’ve learned so far: in general, complexity trickles down the stack, this way we can concentrate our limited capacity of complexity in fewer places, and leverage it more fully—that is what companies like Buoyant and Fauna are doing.
5. We all know without a doubt that you create the best tools for building and running large-scale distributed systems. But the world is full of hype around software sales. How do we cut through all that with our technical excellence, strong communities, and pithy tweets? What do we need to do to achieve greatness, adoption, and acceptance of the lessons encapsulated in our systems?
Well, these are leading questions. Are you sure these are the best tools? I’m not. But I see your point about enterprise software.
One big issue is that the problems that are solved by infrastructure for large-scale systems usually only show up in … large-scale systems. It’s not always evident why you’d need something big and complicated like Aurora or Finagle when there are alternatives that are deceivingly simpler (or more trendy, or whatever). However, when you are faced with scaling or reliability problems, you’ll wish you had them.
So how do we evangelize it? First by acknowledging that we shouldn’t advocate using the wrong tool for the wrong job. Second, by really emphasizing the hard-won production lessons that are embodies by these systems and stacks. Ultimately, that’s about education—blog posts, talks, conferences. We should work to emphasize and celebrate how software works, and conversely to de-emphasize snazzy demos and manifestos.
6. If a smart, well funded CTO comes to you and asks you to put together a SMACK-like stack from the systems you provide, how would you structure that architecting process – elicitation of needs, assessment of scale, SLA needed, development process, etc.? What does this process of aligning with customers look like now? Would you partner with other folks from this group on arhitecting it?
Ultimately it depends on the needs of the organization. I think that, generally speaking, such a request (“put together a SMACK stack”) is much too prescriptive—it’s always important to understand what problem is being solved, and within which constraints: what is important, what isn’t?
I think that a useful maxim is: try to spend as much of your engineering budget (cost, complexity, resources) focused on solving the problem that your business is about: i.e., what does the organization have to be uniquely good at in order succeed? The rest is less important, and should be outsourced as much as possible. That’s not always possible, of course, but it’s a good rule of thumb.
7. What is the best thing you give the community, and where do you need the most help?
For the last year or so, I’ve been busy working on new approaches for large-scale cloud data processing. We’ll be open sourcing some of our work very soon, and I’m looking forward to re-engage with the open source community.
8. What is the best thing you love about SBTB, and what are you looking for the most going there? Which talks on the program do you want to see most of all?
I love how interdisciplinary SBTB is. It’s nice to see deep work across a number of different fields, discussing everything from compilers to machine learning. I’m particularly looking forward to the talks about cloud data processing, data science, and machine learning, to see how others in the industry are approaching the kinds of problems I am now involved with daily.
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