#i love al st john sm
whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Fri[day] 30 September 1836
7 1/2
12 20/..
No kiss finish morn[in]g (the flags wet) and F[ahrenheit] 48° at 8 1/2 - out 1/4 hour - then w[i]th my a[un]t – rath[e]r bet[ter] – h[a]d Mr. Husb[an]d – the din[ner] bell hung
this morn[in]g - 3 masons beg[a]n the hall-cellar arch, and Booth help[in]g aft[er]w[ar]ds for 2 or 3 h[ou]rs - the arch
cov[ere]d in tonight bef[ore] they left off – Ingh[a]m and his man and boy at the dry-arch level[in]g and Rob[er]t Schof[iel]d and
his man Jos[e]ph gett[in]g up gard[e]n wall foot[in]gs and Rob[er]t Mann + 3 at the meer-head Spiggs wat[e]r
drain all the ab[ov]e (exc[ept] the masons) driv[e]n ho[me] by the r[ai]n immed[iatel]y aft[e]r din[ner] – br[ea]kf[as]t at 9 1/4 –
A-  [Ann] d[i]d h[e]r Fr[en]ch – h[a]d Mr. Husb[an]d ag[ai]n had ask[e]d h[i]m to wait till I wr[ote] my let[ter] (to Mar[ia]n in 1/4 h[ou]r
till 10 1/4) - and he st[ai]d till 11 1/2  plann[in]g stair-case wind[ow] – measur[in]g for it and gett[in]g hole made in the
wall – ga[ve] h[i]m 6d. to gi[ve] the guard of the mail as he pass[e]d the Lodge ab[ou]t 12, to ta[ke] ca[re]
to put my let[ter] int[o] the post at York - to ‘Miss Marian Lister Market Weighton’ - ‘Shibden hall
‘Fri[day] 30 Sept[embe]r 1836 - My d[ea]r Mar[ia]n - my a[un]t h[a]s g[o]t ov[e]r the night bet[ter] than we expect[e]d, b[u]t it does n[o]t seem
‘prob[able] that she can contin[ue] many days - she sp[ea]ks w[i]th diffic[ult]y, does n[o]t ta[ke] m[u]ch not[i]ce of anybod[y], and
‘app[ea]rs anx[iou]s to be as lit[tle] disturb[e]d as possi[ble] – w[i]th reg[ar]d to your com[in]g ov[e]r (we can accomm[oda]te your maid) I think
‘you qui[te] at lib[ert]y to consult your own feel[in]gs - I see no necess[it]y to compel, no duty to induce, no
‘comf[or]t to recompense your com[in]g - my a[un]t m[i]ght, or m[i]ght n[o]t be ab[le] to ta[ke] not[i]ce of your being w[i]th h[e]r –
‘I do n[o]t attach m[u]ch import[an]ce to any rem[ar]ks that may, or can be made by persons qu[ite] unac-
‘-quaint[e]d w[i]th the partic[ula]r circumst[an]ces of the case - It is diffic[ul]t for me to gi[ve] an opin[ion], b[u]t I th[in]k, and feel,
‘that, were I in your pl[a]ce, I sh[oul]d n[o]t co[me] - I am gl[a]d you ha[ve] sp[en]t 3 w[ee]ks so agreeab[l]y at Scarbro’ and
‘hope you ha[ve] rec[eive]d gr[ea]t benefit fr[om] the sea-breezes - Miss Walker joins me in love to yours[elf] and
rememb[ran]ces to your fr[ien]d – Bel[ieve] me, my d[ea]r Mar[ia]n alw[a]ys aff[ectionatel]y yours AL- [Anne Lister]’ – aft[e]r Mr. Husb[an]d w[e]nt at
11 1/2 h[a]d Booth ab[ou]t the stair-case wind[ow] and chim[ne]y breast bring[in]g up fr[om] the cellar – H[a]d Rob[er]t Mann –
s[ai]d he h[a]d best leave the Spiggs wat[e]r drain job (rais[in]g the wat[e]r and bring[in]g it n[ea]rer to the old engine pit) and
the meer-drift job finish[in]g till we h[a]d drier weath[e]r - then h[a]d Jos[e]ph Mann ab[ou]t A- [Ann] ‘s Travellers Inn
wat[e]r gett[in]g job - Holt (Ja[me]s) nev[e]r ca[me] to Walker pit last Tues[day] in spi[te] of his prom[ise] – s[ai]d I w[oul]d wr[ite] to
h[i]m – m[u]st ha[ve] h[i]m or so[me]bod[y] else to look aft[e]r the concern - then w[i]th A- [Ann] and w[i]yh my a[un]t 1/2 h[ou]r - then
out ag[ai]n w[i]th the gard[ene]r – w[i]th the masons - in the stab[le] – h[a]d Sugden – w[i]th John Booth in the cowh[ou]se giv[in]g orders
and ab[ou]t till ca[me] in at 6 - the gard[ene]r to wr[ite] ab[ou]t a man to co[me] as soon as poss[ible] – h[a]s one in
view at 14/. or 15/. a week - Sugden ga[ve] £38 for the 4 y[ear]s old and £48 for the tall one - the
bet[ter] bred of the 2 b[u]t plain ab[ou]t the neck and 2 sm[all] splents and a boney excrescence on his
right und[e]r jaw-bone - and a wart on his right eyelid, yet warrant[e]d sound - yet a nice-
look[in]g pair for the mon[e]y - John Booth to get 2 bush[e]ls of oats extra for the 2 bays
and bran for them - and 200 st[ock] more hay – th[in]ks the pig may be kill[e]d the end of next m[on]th – sh[oul]d
ha[ve] oatmeal the last fortnight - will weigh 15 or about 16 st[ock] – 1/2 h[ou]r w[i]th my a[un]t till Mr. Jubb
ca[me] at 7 and sat by my a[un]t’s bedside 1/4 h[ou]r - he w[a]s here a lit[tle] bef[ore] 9 in the morn[in]g - my a[un]t’s pulse
120 last night, 96 this morn[in]g, and 84 tonight! I sat in the r[oo]m 1 1/2 h[ou]r this ev[enin]g aft[e]r din[ner] at 7 1/2
and coff[ee] upst[ai]rs and she really seems bet[ter] tonight – spo[ke] a lit[tle] - told me I w[a]s a ver[y] good
nurse - Just bef[or]e din[ner] A- [Ann] h[a]d Mr. Thomas of the firm of Thomas and Holt who are
mak[in]g her wat[e]r lane steam engine on a/c of w[hi]ch she p[ai]d h[i]m on Mr. Husbands’
writ[ten] recommendat[io]n £30 – fr[om] 10 1/2 till 11 wr[ote] all the ab[ov]e of today – whi[le] w[i]th my a[un]t skimm[e]d ov[e]r
tonights pap[e]r – Let[ter] fr[om] L[ad]y VC- [Vere Cameron] Braf[iel]d h[ou]se 3 p[ages] and one end – L[ad]y St[uar]t w[i]th her, and the 2 br[ace]
of moorgame s[e]nt aft[e]r h[e]r - the baby ver[y] fat and well d[itt]o d[itt]o V- [Vere] hers[elf] ‘the dean of Windsor,
‘my fr[ien]d L[ad]y Broadhead and Miss Cameron are sponsors - and she is to be call[e]d Vere Julia
‘or vice versa....’ Vere Julia! n[o]t interest[in]g to me - no news fr[om] the S- [Stuart] de R[othesay]s bey[on]d
Cologne - to stay 2 or 3 days at Coblentz - old L[ad]y S- [Stuart] does n[o]t kno[w] the add[ress] of the courier –
n’importe - Rain bef[ore] 11 and ver[y] rainy till it beg[a]n to clear ab[ou]t 3 p.m. and aft[er]w[ar]ds damp
b[u]t fair for the rest of the day aft[ernoo]n and ev[enin]g – F[ahrenheit]38° now at 11 5/.. p.m.
 pr[ices] of the 2 horses
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alfred-st-john · 3 years
top five actors!!
Thank you! :o this will be difficult
1. Dwight Frye he is the best I love him sm
2. Al st john my beloved
3. Buster keaton
4. Roscoe Arbuckle
5. Bela Lugosi
Idk te order of them but I love them the most. It's hard for me to choose there's others I wanted to include but these are the ones I'm most attached it fjdnndndn
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King Falls AM - Episode 5: Night of the Living Dread
View on Google Docs
Summary: July 1, 2015 - Sammy & Ben learn of some breaking news regarding the Lake Hatchenhaw John Doe, but not everyone is as pleased as the broadcast duo.
[Podcast intro music]
Announcer Dear listeners, please note that the following program may contain views that do not reflect that of King Falls AM, its management, or its subsidiaries. Listener discretion is advised.
[KFAM intro music]
Sammy You’re listening to King Falls AM, that’s 660 on the radio dial. I’m your host, Sammy Stevens, and as always we are joined by producer and co-host extraordinaire, Ben Arnold.
Ben [trying not to be amused] You’re so- you’re so happy, aren’t you? You’re a child. Getting so giddy over that message.
Sammy Listening to a warning before a radio broadcast I’m on has literally been on the bucket list for a long time. Thanks Merv!
Ben *laughter* Ridiculous. A glutton for punishment.
Sammy What can I say? I enjoy a nice game of hard ball! Uh, y’know, but enough about what Merv doesn’t want you to hear, let’s talk about what he does want you to hear. And what do we have cooking tonight, Ben?
Ben Dude, it’s stacked alright? Stacked. We’ve got the- lovely Miss Emily Potter from the King Falls Library giving us her picks for enlightened summer reading.
Sammy Terrific! We always love speaking with Emily!
Ben You and me both.
Sammy I said “we,” Ben.
Ben Uh, I know. I- *breathes in* [stilted] I- We-We-uh, We’ve got some really cool news! here. We-we are announcing the line-up for the first annual King Falls Ambient Music Festival. That’s coming up the second hour.
Sammy Wait a second. The King Falls Ambient Music Festival? Is this town even big enough for a festival?
Ben Oh yeah! It’s like Coachella[1] but for hipsters that just want to relax. It’s all about “setting the mood.”
Sammy You know, I’m wondering if they’re gonna make it to a second annual.
Ben And then, um, [reluctant and slipping into mumbling] opening up the show we-we’ve got the- doctor *mumbling*
Sammy I-I’m sorry, Ben, what was that? You’re trailing off, buddy.
Ben We have that umm, *sniffs, lets out breath* one… guy. You know that- fo- w- talking about that *deep breath* one thing—
Sammy [trying to cut him off] Ben—
Ben —from a month ago or so—?
Sammy What? What are you talking about?
Ben You know— May- maybe we should start it with Uh, callers first! [mildly frantic] Just-uh-Give us a call at 424-279-3858 and let’s talk about… *tsk* anything! Let’s uh, whats your-whats your-whats-whats on your mind King Falls?
Sammy Ladies and gentlemen, put down your phones for a second. What Ben is trying to say is we’ve got a scoop here this evening on King Falls AM. We’re gonna be speaking with—
Ben [cutting Sammy off]Or you can tweet us! @kingfallsam. I-I-I will literally talk about anything right now. Even to Mr. Derschwitz about that weird toenail thing. Let-lets-lets go, people!
Sammy I thought we agreed—
Ben I know. Sammy, I’m sorry it’s just, [slightly more frantic] I’m-I’m not feelin’ the best here. Alright? my stomach, is all… knotted up, just thinking about this.
Sammy That is journalism. That feeling is journalism—
Ben [speaking over Sammy] I think it might actually be an ulcer! It Tastes, like Fear and Feels, like Cancer . It’s way more than anxiety. I-I’m gonna call Dr. Raúl, at break.
Sammy He’s a chiropractor!
Ben Maybe he can refer me?
Sammy Power through it, buddy! Look at this folks, we got somebody dialing into the hotline right now! You ready for this Ben? Come on.
Ben Please, be Reverend Hawthorne so we can talk about the Revival next month.
Sammy Oh stop it. You know he isn’t even scheduled!
Ben I just thought— maybe that’s how prayers work, I don’t know, I’m not a reverend!
Sammy King Falls AM, you’re on the air.
Dr. Rosenblum [Dr. Rosenblum’s voice is measured and monotonous and mildly creepy at all times] Good evening, this is Dr. Jeffery Rosenblum, with the, King Falls County Coroner’s Office.
Ben C-can I please just say—
Sammy Dr. Rosenblum, it is a pleasure to speak with you this evening.
Rosenblum Excited to be here, Sammy. Ecstatic even. We listen on slow nights.
Ben That’s the scariest thing I’ve ever heard.
Sammy Much appreciated, Doc. Now, as fate would have it, you were the overseeing physician working on the Lake Hatchenhaw John Doe, is that correct?
Ben Doc? Can you just, hold on for- one- moment- please?
Rosenblum Of course, Ben I—
Sammy Don’t start, Ben! We agreed to see this through.
Ben All I’m saying i- lemme finish- a- i-is that maybe it’s not our place *deep breath* to break this kind of news.
Sammy Fine. You know what? You’re right! Let’s just give this to our friends down at Channel 13 and let them be the ones to alert the public about this.
Ben [journalist voice] Doc, Ben Arnold. Tell us about cracking open the mystery body.
Sammy [quietly] Oh.
Rosenblum It’s true that I was the operating physician on that particular John Doe, y-es, irrefutablyy
Sammy Now, as I understand, your official report was released yesterday morning, doctor, but amazingly enough, not one publication or news station in our town- including King Falls AM- reported on it.
Rosenblum You are correct. Busy news day- one would assume.
Ben So, that means, you are— free to talk about it on air.
Rosenblum I would be elated
Sammy First and foremost on everyone’s minds: were there any signs of, uh, y’know, the lake mo- *sighs* I can’t.
Ben Did Kingsie make the body, bite the big one?
Rosenblum There was no evidence that a creature large or small had anything to do with the deceased.
Ben *sigh of relief* That- I knew Kingsie didn’t have it in her.
Sammy Now, Dr. Rosenblum, can you tell us if there was any foul play involved at all?
Rosenblum During our first autopsy we were not able to distinguish with certainty the cause of death. But there were no signs of foul play
Sammy I’m sorry, did you say “first” autopsy?
Ben [confused] Is that normal? Did you- find out the cause of death during the… second autopsy?
Rosenblum Indeed. It was six individual gunshot wounds to the victim’s head. Three shots to the temporal lobe, two to the mendulla oblongata—
Sammy What?! Six gunshot wounds?!
Rosenblum To the cranium, yes. One to the frontal lobe, another to—
Ben So the Lake Hatchenhaw John Doe was, murdered?
Sammy I can’t believe this! This is big! Why didn’t one news outlet report this thing yesterday?!
Rosenblum Well, the cause of death was inconclusive and with no signs of foul play, it was not exactly a juicy story.
Ben and Sammy Wait a second.
Rosenblum …yes?
Sammy I’m sorry, doc. I’m not in the medical orrr criminal fields but, how is six gunshots not foul play?
Rosenblum Well, that was between the first autopsy and the second. The gunshots were self-defense administered via Deputy Kreighauser at my behest.
Sammy Ben, we’re gonna wanna get Troy on the phone and see what he’s got to say about this.
Ben “Things Ben Arnold would never think under ordinary circumstances for 800, Alex.”[2]
Sammy Doc, while we’re getting Deputy Troy on the line, would you mind if we took a quick break to hear from one of our sponsors?
Rosenblum That’s just- Dandy.
[light bg music]
Greg Frickard After a long day’s work or a tough day’s play, you probably just wanna come home and relax. No need to slave over a hot stove for hours on end. Well that’s where we come in! Here at Granny Frickard’s, we know that the less time you spend doing the things you don’t like, is the more time you spend with the ones you love. So come get some of the best frog legs that money can buy. Granny Frickard’s French-fried farm-fresh never-frozen filleted-and-fricasseed fried-and-flambeed frog legs. Mm-mm-mm. So get on down to Granny Frickard’s Froggery at the corner of Main Street and 7th Avenue. We’ll put some pep in your step and some hop in your heart.
[KFAM intro music]
Sammy And we’re back on King Falls AM, here with King Falls County Coroner, Dr. Jeffery Rosenblum.
Rosenblum A Pleasure.
Sammy Do you have Troy, Ben?
Ben He’s booking one of the Williams boys for mooning. He’ll call us in a few.
Sammy I’m a little out of sorts here, doc. Can you explain what happened between the first inconclusive autopsy and the point where Troy filled the cadaver full of lead.
Rosenblum Of course. As I was finishing the initial post-mortem, it came to my attention that the deceased began to emit a hissing sound, fluctuating between the lower thorax and the larynx.
Ben Oh my God.
Rosenblum I called for Deputy Kreighauser and he entered, as I wanted someone else to see this- phenomenon. That’s when the John Doe began a slight, thrashing about the upper torso.
Ben Um… are you saying—
Rosenblum The deputy began to fumble for his sidearm while we both discerned that something was wildly- amiss. The deceased opened its eyes and instantly grabbed for the lapel of my lab coat with voracious tenacity.
Ben Wh- ah- go on.
Rosenblum It gnashed its teeth as I emitted a terrified, albeit, high pitched, scream. And that’s when Troy unholstered his sidearm and administered six lethal shots to the reanimated corpse’s cranium.
Ben A zombie.
Sammy Alright, is there- [fumbling] Let’s just say- is there-
Ben We’ve got Troy on the line.
Deputy Troy [in bg] I don’t care if he was only joshin’. You can’t show your G-D derriere out in public! [car door slams] [pleasantly] Hey boys, what’s goin’ on tonight?
Sammy You tell us, Troy, holy geez! Uh, we’ve got Dr. Rosenblum on the line here and—
Deputy Troy Is this about the zombie?
Ben Yes! So-so you’re confirming this story, Troy?
Deputy Troy Well, hell yeah I’m confirming! I had to do three hours of damn paper work from unloadin’ my pistola into a corpse! Sheriff Gunderson was not the happiest of campers.
Ben [excited and awed] This is amazing… This is unprecedented .
Sammy [skeptical] This is a little unbelievable, Troy.
Rosenblum It is a first in my profession. Believe you me. [still tonelessly] Wowzers.
Deputy Troy Honest engine[3] boys. I capped the all get out of that thing! It had the doc by the face ‘bout to start chewing!
Rosenblum You’re my hero, Deputy Troy.
Deputy Troy Shucks, wasn’t nothin’ special.
Ben [slightly sullen] Except killing the first instance of a zombie in King Falls since—
Sammy Don’t say “since”.
Ben … Well… Since that one time at the mall in the '80s.
Sammy No, that’s not a real thing, Ben. That’s a film.
Ben [worked up] Sammy? How many extraordinary things are gonna have to SLAP you right in the face to make you buy into this? KING FALLS, MAN.
Deputy Troy You know me, Sammy. I always shoot ya straight. But it was the craziest sh[bleep]t I’ve ever seen. I mean it was like my-ex-wife-needs-alimony-money crazy.
Ben See? Even Barney Fife[4] saw it.
Sammy *sighs* I just—
Rosenblum I don’t want to cause an uproar here, but since that exam, there have been, other cases.
Ben Of frickin’ zombies?
Rosenblum Of reanimation among corpses… yes.
Deputy Troy Doc, you just give me a call if you need. I’m more than happy to go Clint Eastwood if the situation arises.
Rosenblum Will do, Deputy. Thank you so much for your- assistance. Without you, there may not have been this- interview.
Deputy Troy [proud] To protect and serve.
Sammy I can’t take all this in right now, Dr. Rosenblum I- e- Thank you so much for your insightful information.
Rosenblum As they say, [still monotone] “you got it, duude.”
[click, dial tone]
Ben You okay, Sammy? You… don’t look so well.
Deputy Troy Ah, hell, boys.[siren whoop] I gotta go. I’ll call you back later tonight! One of the Williams boys is tryin’ ta saw through the bars outside the jailhouse? [sirens in bg] [through megaphone] Jacob Williams put your hands UP and the file DOWN.
[click, dial tone]
Ben Alright King Falls, you’ve heard our story, let’s hear yours. Have you or anyone you know experienced anything like what the doctor spoke of? Reanimation? The walking—
Sammy Don’t.
Ben You know what I mean. Give us a call or tweet us.
Sammy Looks like the board is lighting up!
Ben Um…
Sammy What’s up? Okay, it can’t be any crazier than what we just heard, Ben.
Ben Line One, Sammy.
Sammy Welcome to King Falls AM, you’re on with Sammy and Ben.
Line 1 [female, almost sounds automated] Good evening, Sammy—
Sammy Do I know you ma'am?
Riley — please hold for Mayor Grisham.
Ben He… Probably just wants us to— mark these tapes as, evidence. *nervous laugh* Right, Sammy?
Sammy Or burn them.
Riley Sammy Stevens, Mayor Grisham.
Sammy Mayor?
Mayor Grisham Sammy… Ben.
Sammy You’re on live on King Falls AM, sir.
Mayor Grisham [commanding] Take me off and go to break. We need to chat.
Sammy No can do. Ben says we aren’t scheduled for break for another- uh- at least ten minutes.
Mayor Grisham Ben. Cut. To. Commercial.
Ben Uh- uh- uh- the thing is- I- I- I can’t- do that. Sir.
Mayor Grisham [threateningly pleasant] You boys want to talk live on air? We can talk live on air.
Sammy [challenging] Nothin’ to hide on this end of the phone, Mayor Grisham.
Mayor Grisham I hear your snide remarks, Sammy. I’ve read the transcripts.
Sammy Which! let’s be honest, is pretty weird. We’re a late night AM talk show, why are you bothering with us?
Mayor Grisham Oh, I don’t bother with you. I try to keep up to date with all the local news and entertainment. I gotta say, I was really happy a big city radio guy decided to come play host at our little radio station.
Sammy Well, I’m more than happy to—
Mayor Grisham I wasn’t finished… But I have to say, I’m a little less than thrilled with [accusingly] all the excitement you brought with you.
Sammy I’d hardly call reporting the news “excitement”, sir—
Mayor Grisham It’s interesting to me that I don’t see Channel 13 breaking these crazy stories.
Ben [quickly] No offense, your honor, but those idiots don’t know their a[bleep]holes from their elbows.
Mayor Grisham And you boys being on site when these “events” happen? [softly, still accusing] It’s a little bit of a coincidence don’t you think?
Sammy Are you insinuating that we are staging these events, Mayor?
Mayor Grisham I’m stating facts. I’m sure your ratings are way, way up there since all these sensational events seem to coincide with your broadcast. Why do you think that is? Furthermore, I mean who’s up listening to you at this ungodly hour of the night?!
Sammy Seemingly most of the town, Sir. As well as whomever you’ve hired to keep an ear on us.
Mayor Grisham I’ve tried to be nice about this… And I tried to be civil… but I think it’s about time that you troublemakers changed formats. No more of this funny business. It’s not good for the listeners. It’s not good for the residents. And honestly? it’s not good for me. I don’t appreciated being painted in this light, gentlemen.
Sammy Oh! You mean the light where you as a public service,[sic] try to quell the voice of the people.
Ben It’s not your right to tell us what we can and can’t report on, sir. All due respect.
Mayor Grisham [rudely] All due respect, Ben Arnold. Just a couple of months ago you were digging up old records on eBay for Chet Sebastian to run on about. Now you’re a media star?? That’s worrisome! Seems you fellas have All the reasons in the world to fabricate these issues, and I have to say I’m not gonna sit here and listen to this, while you LIE TO THE GOOD PEOPLE OF KING FALLS.
Sammy Well, when we start “fabricating” and “making things up,” you can come throw the book at us. But until then- [click, dial tone] Whoops! Looks like you just got disconnected. I’d wait for you to give us a call back and all, but with it not being an election year I probably shouldn’t hold my breath.
Ben Line One iiis lit up again, Sammy.
Sammy [insincerely] Oh, sorry about that Mayor! I must have fabricated accidentally dumping your call when-
Esther Rollens [heavy metal music in bg] [voice old and wavering] Did you boys fund a lavender ball of yarn in there? Been looking for it all week! [click, dial tone]
Ben [shaken] Sammy, I think that commercial might do us some good right now.
[KFAM outro]
[1] Coachella - The Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival (commonly called Coachella or the Coachella Festival) is an annual music and arts festival held at the Empire Polo Club in Indio, California, in the Coachella Valley in the Colorado Desert.
[2] Reference to the TV game show Jeopardy!
[3] I honestly can’t tell if he’s saying “honest engine” or “honest injun” but i’mma go with the one that’s technically incorrect but also not super racist.
[4] Barney Fife - Deputy from the Andy Griffith Show. Calling a police officer or authority figure "Barney Fife" has become an American slang term for gross ineptitude or overzealousness.
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veryfineday · 4 years
Wednesday 3 October 1832
6 50/..
12 5/..
L  L  L  L
fine morning Fahrenheit 64 1/2º. at 7 
lay awake an hour and a half thinking of Miss Walker  I really do get more and more in love with her  not perhaps a little heightened by the having to wait her answer for the next six months  she has really behaved very judiciously  for I believe she likes me –
at 7 1/2 went up to my father in his room and gave him his medicine - breakfasted with him at 8 20/.. having just sent off John to Lidgate with a brace of IN-’s[Isabella Norcliffe’s] partridges for miss WalKer - a little while with my aunt in her room and out at 9 1/2 - in the walK - nobody but DicK worKing for me by the day - doing the bits of walling to Keep up the staKing up of walK –
John brought me Letter 3 pp.[pages] and ends and 1/2 the first page crossed from M-[Mariana] (Leamington where they arrived on Friday) to be at home (Lawton) on Saturday - all thought of crossing the water given up a few hours after she last wrote - Had seen miss Smith - an inch or 2 less than Cameron, aetatis 23, looks 17 - seems to be a flippant sort of girl, tho’ she really spoke well - not at all liKely to suit me - mr. L-[Lawton] has had a severe attacK of English Cholera but his health and spirits the better for it - M-[Mariana] pretty well - Little mariana settled at miss Smith’s school at Leamington with which M-[Mariana] much satisfied –
home at 11 1/4 and gave my father his medicine - he gave me Letter from miss Bolland for her quarter’s payment directed to him for fear I should not be at home - 2 brace of pheasants 2 ditto partridges and a hare from mr. and mrs. Edwards of market Weighton – wrote direction papers ‘with mr. Lister's compliments’ abd John tooK to mrs. Rawson of stony royde, miss Walker of Cliff hill, mr. ParKer, and mr. and mrs. Sunderland, each a pheasant - to mrs. Veitch and mrs. Catherine Rawson each a brace of partridges, and to mr. and mrs. William Priestley of Lightcliffe a hare –
from 12 to 3 1/2 wrote 3 pp.[pages] and ends and 1st page crossed to IN-[Isabella Norcliffe] and 3 pp.[pages] and ends and 1st page crossed to M-[Mariana]  1 page to IN-Isabella Norcliffe to persuade her that we ought to congratulate or condole with other people according to their feelings not our own - be pleased (us for as satisfies the demands of Kindness and propriety without compromising our opinion, or sincerity) because they are pleased or grieved because they are so - thus I have congratulated mrs. N-[Norcliffe] on Esther’s match ‘because I have reason to believe she is not displeased and that the match will be a comfort to her', and thus I would not have IN-[Isabella Norcliffe] in ‘mauvaise odeur’ at Croft for not congratulating - ‘I cannot bear the thought of anything going wrong with you at Croft’ she may say quite enough to Keep all straight - beg her to read Charlotte all this prosing - ‘I count upon her thinKing me right’ - all the rest Chit Chat - ‘If Esther is happy, all her friends must rejoice at her being so - So long as her parents are satisfied, her not having chosen exactly according to your taste or mine, is in no respect reprehensible’ –
asK for Cutting of double yellow rose - mention my inquiry about Eugénie and my thought of writing to asK Scott if he thinks Joseph Booth at all liKely to do for me, but not to name it to the boy - but say I an quite undetermined - glad their Journey answered so well and that my calculation of expense was so fairly made - all agog to go over their ground –
thanKed M-[Mariana] for the trouble she had taKen for me - if nothing else against her miss Smith too little - ‘but the grin and giggle would be terrible’ - shall thinK no more of her - mentioned the substance of my letter to mademoiselle Pierre - ‘you will conclude that I was well enough pleased with the letter you enclosed me, and that I am resigned to the necessity of my fate, if it must be such as you point out - ‘and after a few years, if you settle in England taKe a steady respectable woman whom you can depend upon to looK after your other servants’ you have strengthened my conviction, as you have done your own, that ‘all things worK together for good’; and I am determined, liKe you, to make the best of everything’ - my plans to get off in January must depend on my aunt’s being better - far from well lately but better this last day or 2 - mr. Briggs died about a fortnight ago - almost determined to take Washington - if not off in January could contrive about Eugénie –
Glad she is so satisfied with miss Smith’s school at Leamington at which she has placed little mariana, but not to thinK she cannot afford to put to miss Connells in Regents parK London where they have just placed Eliza Lawton - ‘for I would advice you all, or any part of the balance in your favour, at any time’ - thanKs for the seeds she has ordered me and the 6 Judas trees ordered at 1/6 each –
her sister Ann seems sorry Cameron left me - ‘Perhaps she does not Know how unhappy the poor girl was - Surely Eugénie ‘will understand me better - Somehow or other, I never dreampt of anybody’s being unhappy with me - How little we Know ourselves! you did me a lasting service by telling me - Everybody will gain by it - All I dread is changing; and the prospect of this is the worst of Eugénie - but she may lead me by the nose - she may stay, and save me the trouble of hunting hereafter for the steady respectable woman you talK of’ - cannot profit now by the opinion respecting maids of miss Hobart that was - ‘In consequence of his majesty’s most gracious order they all take ranK as if their father had lived to get the Earldom, and she is now Lady Vere Cameron - they must be at Turin by this time - God bless you, my dearest mary! - Ever very especially and entirely yours AL-’
went down and gave my father his medicine at 4 25/.. and had written so far of today at 4 40/.. - then some time with my aunt - out at 5 25/.. - walKed 3 times from the upper garden gate to the end of my walK and bacK i.e.3 miles, and did something more in sauntering up and down a little the last time  home at 6 3/4 - found the sexton of the old church waiting for me about the pew mrs. WalKer had at the old church - said mr. Haigh (son to mr. george H-[Haigh] of the mount) might have it at the same rent mrs. WalKer paid - should have the Key before Sunday - might new line it if he pleased, but I should expect the rent –
Dinner at 7 - afterwards read over yesterday’s paper - then at 8 1/4 went into the little room for 1/2 hour - came away for a little while and then returned - the plasterer while washing my room (the blue room) all today - wrote my letters in the Kitchen Chamber - came upstairs at 10 5/.. - fine day - very fine evening - very high wind towards night at 9 and afterwards Fahrenheit 65º. at 10 50/.. - sent off by John after dinner my letter to M-[Mariana] Lawton hall, Lawton Cheshire and my letter to IN-[Isabella Norcliffe] Langton hall malton -
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biointernet · 5 years
Hourglass 220 Sands Motel
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“There is a time for work, and a time for love. That leaves no other time.”  ― Coco Chanel “How soon hath Time, the subtle thief of youth, Stol'n on his wing my three-and-twentieth year!”  ― John Milton
Hourglass 220 Sands Motel
MHC Exhibitions
Exhibitions:Beauty Bio NetHourglass and CardsArt GlassMHC Dead Sea CollectionThe Full History of Time3DHM ExhibitionHourglass Figure Sophia Loren
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Hourglass 220 Sands Motel Philumenie , Matchbox Labels , Lucifers , Zündhölzer , Streichhölzer , Safety Matches , Zündis , Etiquettes , matchlabel , matches, matchboxes, matchbox, fosforos, tändstickor, tändstikker, fiammiferi, allumettes, allumette, d’allumettes, streichholzschachteln, zündholzschachtel, zündholz, streichholz, Briefchen, Heftchen, Zündholzbriefchen, Zündholzschachteln
See also:
Time symbolism
Time is… The Full History of Time Time in physics and time Science Symbolism of Melencolia I by Albrecht Dürer Time and Text
Text, Time, MHC Extinction Rebellion – Time against Life The End of Time Hourglass and Death on St Thomas’ Church Hourglass – symbol of Death Death does not Exist Hourglass and Skeleton “Hourglass and Cards” Exhibition Father and Mother of Time Time Hub Time Philosophy Time synonyms Time perception and Sense of Time Time Travel + Time Management = Time Travel Management The Hourglass, Hourglass History Hourglass symbolism Hourglass Figure Hourglass Tattoo Symbols of Time Beauty Bio-Net Father Time Department Father Time and Mother Nature Lunar calendar and Moon’s phases Time Management Time Management tools Time Travel Management MHC SM: MHC Flikr, MHC Pinterest, MHC Facebook, MHC Instagram, MHC YouTube, MHC Twitter
The Hourglass Figure:
MHC Exhibitions: Hourglass Figure Sophia Loren by Adam PierceHourglass Figure Marilyn Monroe About Hourglass Body or Hourglass Figure Hourglass body measurements – body shape online calculator Hourglass Figure Celebrities on MHC Hourglass Figure, the movie MHC hourglass figure workout by Marten Sport Hourglass Figure Department on MHC Virtual Museum Hourglass 220 matchbox
“Hourglass and Cards” Exhibition
Time-Space Interaction
Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung Hourglass on post cards: Hourglasses 299, post cardHourglasses 298, post cardHourglasses 297, post cardHourglasses 295-296, post cardsHourglasses 282-286 post cardsHourglass 294 post cardHourglass 293 post card, Mother TimeHourglass 292 post card, Mother TimeHourglass 291 post cardHourglass 290 post cardHourglass 289 post cardHourglass 288 post cardHourglass 287 post cardHourglass 284 post cardHourglass 283 post cardHourglass 282 post cardHourglass 281 post cardHourglass 280 post cardHourglass 279 post cardHourglass 278, New Year post cardHourglass 277 post cardHourglass 276 post cardHourglass 275, post card, cats and hourglassHourglass 274, post cardHourglass 273, post card, angelHourglass 272, post cardHourglass 271, post cardHourglass 269, post cardHourglass 268, post cardHourglass 267, post card, Hourglass with wings, masonic hourglassHourglass 266, post card, Father TimeHourglass 265, post cardHourglass 264, Father Time, post cardHourglass 263, Father Time, post cardHourglass 262, post card, Father TimeHourglass 261, post cardHourglass 260, post card, Father TimeHourglass 259, post card, Father TimeHourglass 258, post card, Father TimeHourglass 257, post cardHourglass 256, post card, Father TimeHourglass 250-255, post cards, HallmarkHourglass 247-249, post cardsHourglass 246, post cardHourglass 245, post cardHourglass 244, post cardHourglass 243, post card, Father TimeHourglass 242, post card, MasonicHourglass 241, post cardHourglass 240, Masonic post cardHourglass 239, post cardHourglass 238, post cardHourglass 237, post cardHourglass 236, post card, Father TimeHourglass 235, post cardHourglass 234, post cardHourglass 233, post cardHourglass 232, post cardHourglass 231, post cardHourglass 230, post card Hourglass on phone cards Read the full article
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biointernet · 5 years
Hourglass 170 post stamp Qatar
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“Time's the thief of memory”  ― Stephen King, The Gunslinger Love and Time with reverence use, Treat them like a parting friend: Nor the golden gifts refuse Which in youth sincere they send: For each year their price is more, And they less simple than before. JOHN DRYDEN, Tyrannic Love
Hourglass 170 post stamp Qatar
“Hourglass and Cards” Exhibition
Time-Space Interaction
Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung Hourglass – symbol of Time Cards – symbol of Space “Hourglass and Cards” is “Time and Space” meta-model Cards: post cards, playing cards, magic cards, phone cards, matchboxes and more antiques and vintage objects Also you will see on the Exhibition: hourglass post stamps, exlibris and matchboxes Photo by Adam Pierce Antique and vintage objects from My Hourglass Collection About Hourglass Symbolism Hourglass on phone cards Hourglass on on playing cards Hourglass 300, Playing Cards Hourglass on matchboxes: Hourglass 226-228, matchboxesHourglass 225 matchboxHourglass 224 matchboxHourglass 223, matchboxHourglass 221 matchboxHourglass 220, matchboxHourglass 219 matchboxHourglass 218 matchboxHourglass 217 matchboxHourglass 216 matchboxHourglass 215 matchboxHourglass 214 matchboxHourglass 212-213, matchboxes Hourglass on Magic Cards Hourglass 208, Magic Card, Masonic HourglassHourglass 318-333, Magic CardsHourglass 317, Magic CardHourglass 316, Magic CardHourglass 315, Magic CardHourglass 311-314, Magic CardsHourglass 310-311, Magic CardsHourglass 309, Magic CardHourglass 308, Magic CardHourglass 307, Magic CardHourglass 306, Magic CardHourglass 305, ELEMENT, Magic CardHourglass 304, Magic CardHourglass 303, Magic Card2Hourglass 302, Magic CardHourglass 301, Magic Card Hourglass 199 – ExLibris Hourglass on Post Stamps: Hourglass 180-183, SwitzerlandHourglass 179, post stamp, British Solomon Ilands post stampHourglass 178, HelvetiaHourglass 177, Dansk folkeHourglass 176, 1999-2000, PolskaHourglass 171-174, post stamp, Girls & BoysHourglass 170, post stamp, QatarHourglass 168Hourglass 167, Masonic post stampHourglass 167, post stamp, UruguayHourglass 166, post stamp, Wings Exhibitions on MHC Virtual Museum Beauty Bio Net Art Glass by Anton Fokin
“Hourglass and Cards” Exhibition
Time-Space Interaction
Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung
See also:
Time symbolism
Time is… The Full History of Time Time in physics and time Science Symbolism of Melencolia I by Albrecht Dürer Time and Text
Text, Time, MHC Extinction Rebellion – Time against Life The End of Time Hourglass and Death on St Thomas’ Church Hourglass – symbol of Death Death does not Exist Hourglass and Skeleton “Hourglass and Cards” Exhibition Father and Mother of Time Time Hub Time Philosophy Time synonyms Time perception and Sense of Time The Hourglass of Emotions Time Travel + Time Management = Time Travel Management The Hourglass, Hourglass History Hourglass symbolism Hourglass Figure Hourglass Tattoo Symbols of Time Beauty Bio-Net Father Time Department Father Time and Mother Nature Lunar calendar and Moon’s phases Time Management Time Management tools Time Travel Management MHC SM: MHC Flikr, MHC Pinterest, MHC Facebook, MHC Instagram, MHC YouTube, MHC Twitter
The Hourglass Figure:
MHC Exhibitions: Hourglass Figure Sophia Loren by Adam PierceHourglass Figure Marilyn Monroe About Hourglass Body or Hourglass Figure Hourglass body measurements – body shape online calculator Hourglass Figure Celebrities on MHC Hourglass Figure, the movie MHC hourglass figure workout by Marten Sport Hourglass Figure Department on MHC Virtual Museum Read the full article
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