#i love a good pair of bluetooth headphones
still-not-a-cat · 10 months
i love you ‘wireless’ products with a wired backup or that still function while plugged in!!!!
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sirfrogsworth · 1 month
Froggie's Guide to Budget Headphones
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@nimrella I am more well versed in traditional audio and home theater with big honking speakers, so I don't have much personal experience with headphones and headphone accessories. But I can tell you what I've learned from other people who are in the headphone world. And since you are starting more within the "budget" range I think I am somewhat qualified to guide you at this level.
You have three paths to choose from...
Wireless, low impedance wired (no amplification required), and high impedance wired (amplification required).
Basically... easy, medium, and hard.
But also... good, better, best.
Wireless Headphones
Wireless headphones have come a long way. Audiophiles used to scoff at them but now there are options that really do sound fantastic and the Bluetooth data rates are good enough to deliver high resolution audio. They also have noise cancellation options which may be desirable. If you do not have a quiet, dedicated space for listening to music you might find high end noise cancellation a godsend. People love them especially for planes, trains, and automobiles.
I don't know if everyone knows how noise cancellation works or not, but basically the headphones have microphones that listen to the world around you. They measure the incoming sound and then generate an opposite sound that just about kills ambient noise. If you play the same sound 180 degrees out of phase it basically nullifies those sound waves. The tech works best between 50 Hz and 1000 Hz. For reference we hear between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz (lower if you are old). So anything super high or super low pitched can still get through.
In any case, if that sounds appealing, wireless headphones should be a consideration.
The other advantage of wireless headphones would be the ease of use. They pair to your phone, your laptop, your TV. They have controls to help you pause and skip songs and change volume. Some allow you to take phone calls.
But the big downside is the sound quality takes a bit of a hit. As I said, the bluetooth standards have actually gotten very very good. (Though there are audiophiles who will swear it still sounds like a 1990s MP3.) So streaming the actual media files are not really an issue. But trying to cram all of that tech into lightweight headphones you can wear around town all day requires compromises and added expense. Not to mention the battery has a limited lifespan. You may have more limited or inconsistent frequency response, poor dynamic range, distortion problems, weak output, and a high noise floor. Wireless options still can't match wired headphone systems in the same price range. And the wireless options that come close are quite spendy.
Wireless Headphones Suggestions
In your price range the two wireless options that I hear mentioned over and over again are the Sony WH-1000 series and the Bose QuietComfort. They are both well regarded for having a good mix of sound quality and noise cancellation while also being a decent value. You might be able to visit a Best Buy and demo them to see if you prefer the sound and comfort of one over the other.
The Apple AirPods Max are said to work really well within the Apple ecosystem. They have some interesting spatial sound modes and very good audio quality. I've heard the noise cancellation is some of the best currently available. But they seem too expensive and a lot of people feel they are too heavy. I also suspect they are due for an update. That said, if you wait for the new ones to come out and buy used, they could come into your price range. I'd really only suggest these if you have multiple Apple products that you will be streaming sound from.
Before we move into wired headphones, let's go over some terms that you might see pop up when doing research and reading reviews.
Froggie's Glossary of Audiophile Terminology
Driver A speaker is made up of drivers. Some speakers have a woofer, a midrange, and a tweeter. Each individual thing is a driver. And with headphones you will often hear "headphone driver" instead of speaker because it is more specific. Headphones typically have an all-in-one driver that does all frequencies. A woofymidteet.
That's not a thing.
I made that up.
Frequency Response This is the range of frequencies produced by the drivers from low to high. You want to make sure your headphones have good, deep bass. That will make more of a difference than anything else. It's the foundation of all sound and what is sorely lacking in devices with small/cheap speakers.
Music typically doesn't go much below 40 Hz in the bass range. So if you are only interested in music listening, that is plenty deep. Movies can go down to 20 Hz, but this isn't necessary for a good immersive experience unless you have giant subwoofers. So if you find something that can play ~40 Hz with decent output, you should be all good. Every speaker has a frequency response curve. It looks something like this.
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The X-axis represents the frequency and the Y-axis represents the volume in decibels. We are most concerned with the 40 to 10K Hz section, as most sound happens there.
I'm not going to go super in-depth and overwhelm everyone, but typically you want this graph to look fairly flat in that range. A flat-ish line will give you a "neutral" response.
The above graph gets a little bumpy in the high frequencies. That means those frequencies will have a higher volume than the lower frequencies. If a higher frequency has a big peak, that could make your sound seem too bright or tinny.
Or you could have the opposite problem. You could have a null in the bass where the output dips below everything else. This can make your sound a bit anemic and lacking punch.
Whereas a more flat speaker will output all frequencies at about the same volume and sound much more balanced and smooth.
Equalization or EQ A flat response is good because it will accept EQ well. Equalization is where you add peaks and dips in volume deliberately to taste.
This can be as simple as 3 knobs.
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Or it can be a more complicated parametric EQ.
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A lot of digital EQ methods have presets to help get you started. I promise it isn't as intimidating as it looks.
Some people like to buy speakers/headphones that are EQ'd how they prefer out of the box. (Or if you get Beats by Dre they just turn the bass all the way up and say "Fuck them other frequencies!") But this is often a bit of a crapshoot because it is hard to EQ a speaker that sounds good in every room or every environment or just to varying individual preferences.
By making the speaker more neutral, it can be much easier to equalize specifically to your needs and enjoyment.
So if you like the bass a little bassier and the mids a little quieter, you have the power to dial that in with great specificity on a neutral speaker. You can apply any EQ you wish and you won't be fighting the speaker's predetermined response.
Basically if you are reading reviews and the headphones are described as "flat" or "neutral" that's a good thing (in my opinion). Just remember nothing is going to be perfectly flat. We're shooting for flat-ish.
If you do decide to get a neutral sounding pair of headphones you may find them a little bland out of the box. Do not panic. You just need to learn a bit about how to apply EQ, but thankfully YouTube is plentiful with tutorials.
The Harman Curve was researched to be most liked by the most people, so you might start there. (Also, SoundSource is a very popular EQ app for Mac.)
Dynamic Range This is the spectrum of how quiet to loud something can get. If you have speakers that can render both a pin drop and a big explosion with great fidelity and proper intensity, you will be in audio heaven. There is so much emotion and drama that can be expressed by expansive dynamic range and most cheap speakers compress it to an inch of its life. When the soft and the loud sounds are the same you miss out on so much audio information intended by the composer.
Distortion This is just how loud a speaker can go without breaking up. Low distortion is good. While every driver distorts at some point, usually that is at a much higher volume than you will use. This typically only plagues cheap, tiny drivers.
Sound Pressure Level (SPL) This is a measurement of how loud a speaker can get. While you don't want to listen to anything louder than a sustained average decibel level of 80 to 85, you do want peaks over 100, especially in the bass. Bass is less damaging to ears and hearing damage is all about sustained volume rather than quick peaks here and there. Most headphones can comfortably do an SPL between 90 and 110 dB. The ability to go louder is good, but only because that expands headroom, not because you should actually listen to them that loud. So if the headphones can get super loud, that means they will have a much easier time delivering normal levels.
Noise Floor Every sound system has background noise. You know that static you hear when you turn a radio up really loud when there is no sound playing? That is your noise floor. You want that to be as quiet as possible because if you turn up the volume, you don't just turn up the volume of the sounds you want to hear, you also turn up the volume of that background noise.
If you can find a headphone system with a decent low noise floor and you can also find a very quiet space to listen in, you could have a religious experience. I don't think people realize how much the room you are in matters, even when listening to headphones. When you are in a quiet room, you can play at lower volumes. And that can mitigate a lot of the problems associated with cranking the volume. You won't damage your ears for one thing. But the speakers won't have to work as hard so you'll have less distortion and better clarity.
Noise mostly comes from the amplifier, which I will talk about later on.
Froggie Pro Tip: If you want cheap speakers to perform better, go to a quiet room and move them as close as possible. This allows you to play them at a lower output while maintaining your desired perceived volume.
Okay, now we can finally talk about...
Wired Headphones
You have open back and closed back styles.
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Open back tends to have a more natural sound and feels more comfortable. Like listening to regular speakers. People generally feel they are able to listen to them longer because they don't create a seal and cause pressure on your ear drum. However, if sound can get out, it can also get in. So with open back headphones people nearby will be able to hear what you are listening to. And if you are not in a quiet room, all of that sound will leak in. Meaning you have to increase the volume and the noise floor and the distortion.
Closed back seals off your ears and gives you a quiet and immersive experience. You can be in a noisier room without having to crank the volume as much. Some prefer this style just because it helps them feel like they are going into their own personal dimension of sound. These are great for ASMR too. But ear fatigue can become an issue and you may need to take little breaks to let your ears breathe and your ear drums rest.
And the last thing we need to discuss is impedance.
The impedance of headphones mostly determines how hard they are to amplify. Impedance is measured in ohms which is this little horseshoe symbol... Ω.
Lower ohms means less electrical resistance and easier to amplify.
Higher ohms means more electrical resistance and difficult to amplify.
If you get headphones rated below 100 ohms, they can typically be driven by smartphones and laptops just by plugging into a standard headphone jack. Though depending on the device, 100 may sound a little quiet so you may want to go lower. 30 ohms is fairly typical if you plan to drive your headphones with everyday electronics.
Above 100 ohms you are going to need some sort of amplification—usually a DAC with a headphone amplifier. (There are DACs without amplification so be sure to check that.)
A DAC, or digital-to-analog converter, is already built into your phone and laptop. But those are very small, don't have a lot of power, and might have a higher noise floor due to interference from other components and heat and just a lot of electrical signals nearby.
By getting an external DAC w/amplifier you separate out the components, make them larger and more powerful, and typically improve the sound quality. Because it is more isolated, the amplification can be much quieter despite being more powerful.
If you plan to stay in a static location and you have high impedance headphones, you can get a little box DAC that sits on your desk. It works like an external sound card for your computer. If you record music or stream, a digital audio interface works great as well (remember to check the Ω).
But if you need to be more mobile with your headphones you can get a little USB dongle DAC, though you will probably not get the same sound quality and power.
Both will be superior to the internal DAC built into your computing devices.
So, low impedance headphones are easier if you need to move around.
High impedance headphones are better for staying put in a single location unless you get a dongle DAC.
Just remember, high and low impedance doesn't necessarily indicate quality. It's just that in order to drive high impedance headphones you need the larger amplifier with the nicer components and, by necessity, you automatically get that quality bump.
You can get very good low impedance headphones. However, if you power them *only* with a smartphone, you may not use them to their full potential. Which is why getting an external DAC is a good idea regardless.
But the nice thing about low impedance is you can get the headphones and still use them until you save up for the DAC. Or you can use them as normal while out and about and have a special listening spot at home with the DAC.
To review...
Low impedance and high impedance can both be high quality.
Low impedance (less than 100 ohms) works with anything.
High impedance (more than 100 ohms) requires amplification.
Both will be used to their full potential with a DAC/headphone amplifier of some kind.
Wired Headphones Suggestions
Again, I have not personally listened to any of these. I am just relaying what experts I trust have mentioned as being nice quality in your price range.
The beyerdynamic DT 770 headphones are some of the most well-regarded budget headphones I've heard of. They come in low and high impedance versions.
The Sennheiser HD 560 high impedance headphones are also praised for their value and performance.
If you can go a little pricier...
The HIFIMAN Sundara headphones have low impedance and can be driven easily by all your devices.
And the HIFIMAN Edition XS are even lower impedance and about the same price.
And if you want to try a DAC, I've heard good things about both Fosi and Schiit (yes, like the poopies), though there are many different brands. Just make sure the DAC has a headphone amplifier rated for the ohms you need.
The FOSI K5 Pro is a cheap "beginner" DAC that will power anything up to 300 ohms. This is the kind that sits on your desk.
And if you want a more portable dongle DAC, you can get something like the iFi Go Link.
I've also heard good things about the AudioQuest Dragonfly, though I hate recommending AudioQuest products due to them claiming they can do magical things. They use scientific gobbledygook to scam customers most of the time. That said, the DragonFly might be their only valid product.
Note from Future Froggie: AudioQuest just can't help themselves. While the Dragonfly itself is a good product and not a scam, they developed the "DragonTail", which is a scam.
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It's just a USB A to C Adapter for the Dragonfly. But they have to find a way to justify 30 fucking dollars so they came up with this bullshit.
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Definitely need to stabilize my geometry. If I have unstable geometry that could lead to quixotic trigonometry. And we all know that could introduce vertices into dodecahedrons. Which leads straight to accelerated cosmotic entropy catalyzing the heat death of the universe.
Fucking AudioQuest.
An inexpensive DAC may be all you ever need but DACs can get crazy expensive—just like headphones. And if you are really fancy you can get a DAC and a headphone amplifier as separate items. Audiophiles claim when you simplify components to a singular function you increase quality. While I think there is some small truth to that, I suspect they just think the tubes look neat.
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Froggie's Disclaimer: I am not telling you to get these specific things, but I do think you'll probably be happy with anything I've suggested. But sound is a subjective experience and it is always best to test things out before you buy them, if possible. Or make sure there is a return policy. You might see if there is a brick-and-mortar store nearby that allows you to demo headphones. Remember that comfort can be just as crucial as sound quality for long listening sessions.
Final Thoughts
Good sound has been life changing for me. And I am excited when anyone goes down this journey. While the stuff mentioned is considered "budget" by audiophiles, this can give you a good starting point if you want to upgrade down the road. You'll get to know your preferences and get a better understanding of how this all works and choose your own adventure from there.
Though it is very possible you'll be quite content with "budget" and the sound quality is more than enough.
Personally, while I am very happy with my current home theater setup, I am hopeful one day I can upgrade one budget tier above where I currently am and that will be my endgame. I've heard $10,000 speakers and it is mostly a land of diminishing returns once you reach that level.
I'm fine in "budget" land.
Further Research
I didn't mention the different types of headphone drivers because I didn't want to put too much data in everyone's head. But if you want to do additional research you can learn about the 4 main types... dynamic, planar magnetic, electrostatic, and balanced armature.
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weirdomellow · 2 months
Delicious Words
It took me forever but here it is finally! I did a poll a while ago and Sexting with Ari got the most votes so here we go. This is not beta'd and just my thots put into words. As always, comments, reblogs (and likes) are welcome 🥰
Pairing: Dad's best friend Ari Levinson x female reader
Summary: Sexting with DBF Ari. You and your DBF Ari have missed each other like hell and so a few texts turn into delicious words that drive both of you insane.
[Reader is mid-20s, Ari is in his early 40s]
Warnings: masturbation (both male and female), phone sex, fingering, dirty talk, nude selfies, age gap dynamics (younger female, older dominating male, both of them are consenting adults), mention of unprotective sex (piv), orgasm denial mentioned, a bit of fluff and fuzzy feelings
Word Count: 1.2k
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The sunset illuminated your room beautifully as you were lying on your back naked on the bed. The only thing - the only person - missing by your side was your DBF Ari, who also happened to be your lover for quite some time.  
He was the reason you were single. You even turned down other guys your age who flirted with you. Some of them were hot but nothing compared to Ari. Your Ari... and nothing compared to how he ruined other men for you and how he ruined you each time you fucked each other’s brains out.  
His beefy hairy body was all you craved for right now. You wanted to touch him, take him all in and feel his delicious fat cock.  
Since he lived nearby, you two always found a way to sneakily meet but Ari has been on a business trip for 2 weeks and it was just annoying. The only solution right now was to text him.  
Sexting was actually not your thing. But Ari made a lot of things possible and introduced new adventures to you. So, when he suggested sexting, you were startled but intrigued by the idea.  
"I miss you Sir..." was the text you sent him on this calm evening. You needed him and you knew he was going to reply sooner or later. He was the one who brought it up and deep down you knew he needed you as well.  
You managed to distract yourself for a while until you saw the message.  
"I miss you too babygirl." 
"Have you been a good girl?"   
Whenever Ari was away on business trips, he had a rule for you: You were allowed to touch yourself but not bring yourself to orgasm unless he allowed you to. He even allowed you to bring yourself to the edge, but the climax was not allowed. Once, he half-joked that you could play with whomever you wanted but you had to tell them not to make you cum.  
He was mean in a delicious way... and you loved him for this.  
"Yes Sir, I did not even touch myself. I couldn't. I missed your fingers, your tongue, your cock."  
"That's my good girl."  
"Show me how you need me." 
"Fuck." You whispered to yourself. Heat rushed to your cheeks and your whole body buzzed as you slowly pushed your middle and ring finger inside and tried your best to take a photo. "Well, it's shitty and blurry but will do." You thought to yourself as you clicked Send.
Right after your text, the phone rang. You reached for your Bluetooth headphones and answered the phone.
“I thought I would call you so we can y’know.. sext better” He chuckled lightly.  
“Ah you are always ahead of me Mister” you giggled as your body reacted to his voice in a way you couldn't explain.
“You have no idea how much I missed you, your scent, your sweet pussy baby”. His deep voice and those words were enough to drive you crazy. You felt it there, the pool of your lust forming as you kept on playing with yourself.
“Ari, I missed you even more. It’s so boring here without you."
“Y/n.. you fucking drive me insane” he slightly whined. You knew he was also jerking off as you heard the slight rhythmic movement in the background.  “You know what I would love to do? I would love to take you here, right now, in my hotel room, overlooking the city skyline. Bend you over and fuck you while we both watch the sunset. Ruin you until we fall asleep like we always do." You could feel his breathing becoming more primal. This urge to just take you and use you however he liked... it was electric and erotic.
“I… oh Ari, I am so close. I want to feel you in me.” you said, as you kept on fingering yourself faster. You could feel your whole body moving, your toes curling. A slight moan escaped your mouth. You wanted to be loud but you had to be careful since your parents were still downstairs.  You increased your pace as you thrusted your fingers in and out, imagining them to be Ari’s cock. It didn’t compare but it was still something.  
“Tell me… what did you dream of me while I was gone?” 
"We were far away on a boat and you were fucking me bareback on an open sea." You said as you played those fantasies in your head over and over again. The idea of him pounding you raw has been on your mind even though you always used condoms.
“Oh fuck!” He was panting heavily. “I am coming Y/n. Fuck!” he moaned as you heard him – felt him – reached his climax.  
You were so close and it dawned on you at that moment that you had to ask his permission, you huffed. 
��Sir… can I come?” 
“Fuck Y/n.. How can I say no? Come my sweet babygirl! Come for me." 
You zoned out and brought yourself to climax with the nasty thoughts in your head and panted heavily. Your whole body was on fire as you tried to muffle your moans as much as possible.
“You still there?” you heard him ask from the depths of your zoned out mind. You lost touch of time, was it seconds or moments?
“Y..yeah” you tried to form coherent words. Then you saw it, the photo he sent of his hand wrapped around his cock and your panties. The ones he stole last time from you.  
“You don’t have to send me a photo but thought I would show you how much of a mess I made” he said, his breathing turning to normal. You could feel him grinning on the other end of the phone.  
“Well.. you owe me another pair of underwear Mr. Levinson.” you said as you giggled.
“Consider it done. As a matter of fact, let’s go lingerie shopping together once I am back. I heard a nice shop opened in the city, and they even have some sexy lingerie I would love for you try on." He said, his voice inviting and tempting.
“All the more reason for you to ruin more underwear.” you said as you smiled. A small silence. You sighed. "I can’t wait for you to be back, counting the days already.” You wanted to say those damn 3 words but maybe it was a bit too soon. 
“I miss you too Y/n” he sighed. “I have to get ready for the dinner. Is it ok if we hang up? I will check up on you later.” 
“Yes of course. Think of me the rest of the night."”  
You both hung up the phone. Were you in love? Was this how it felt like? Or was it the rush of hormones? You tried to silence the thoughts in your head as you took a deep breath. Whatever this weird feeling was, it made you drunk… for him. You only hoped he felt the same way about you. Until then, you were going to enjoy this delicious thing you had going on with him and the many adventures you were going to go on. 
The last moments of the sunset created the chance for an amazing photo and so you used this chance to take a post-orgasm selfie… and clicked Send with the Caption “Bon appetit Mr. Levinson❤"
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kfcdoubledown · 2 months
I bought an 8bitdo Retro mechanical keyboard!
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(Picture not mine, source from PC World.)
I wanted a plastic keyboard, I really do not actually use the knob on a Keychron board I have, it still comes in a scooped keycap profile, and it has a companion numpad with a calculator built in. Win/win/win!
This keyboard comes in four designs (not colorways, full designs) themed after the NES, the Famicom, the IBM Model M, and the Commodore 64 keyboard. The NES keycaps have multiple different fonts on them, the Famicom keycaps have Japanese sublegends, the Model M keycaps have a mock stepped Caps Lock key, and the Commodore 64 keycaps are an apparently off-the-shelf SA set from one of many, many, many keycap companies floating around China (I recognize their font and profile shape from Akko ASA keycaps and numerous other scooped profile keycap sets you can have cheaply off of Aliexpress and Amazon. Do check those out, genuinely, you'd struggle to find a bad scooped keycap set these days and I love scooped profiles over Cherry and OEM.)
The build quality of the actual keyboard itself is good, feels like a very similar plastic blend to what 8bitdo uses for its controllers like their Pro 2. Stabilizers are smooth and don't rattle, the legends on the keycaps are reasonably sharp and in NES-appropriate font, the keycaps themselves are MDA profile (I would prefer SA, but beggars can't be choosers) and are somewhat thin but still good quality, dye-sublimated PBT, no warp on the spacebar. Arrow keys are a separate color from the two tones that make up the main keycap set and made to resemble a d-pad. The keyboard itself is somewhat light, but my perception is skewed from using a metal keyboard for a long time, and this is after all a plastic shell, top-mounted keyboard. Even so I think I'll probably end up cracking open the keyboard and putting in some liquid silicone as noise-dampening and additional weight.
Two knobs control both wireless functionality and computer software volume, the wireless knob is heavy with only three options while the volume one is light with many individual steps. The volume knob can be somewhat unresponsive on individual steps. Bluetooth is very responsive and wants to pair with my computer the moment it's flicked over to, and 2.4ghz wireless comes with a receiver that slots into the back of the keyboard magnetically for storage. A power light on the right of the keyboard mimics the NES power light and pulses while charging, is steady while using wireless or when fully charged and connected over USB.
The underlying PCB is south-facing hotswap sockets (who the hell cares their orientation, this only matters for lighting, which this keyboard doesn't have). By default the keyboard comes with Kailh box whites, a very light clicky switch. I yanked them out immediately and put Boba U4T tactiles in because they're the king of all switches. They thunk nicely in this chassis, the Kailh whites weren't slouches either, they did pick a good stock choice for switch without resorting to Gateron or Outemu blue horseshit.
The NES version of the keyboard came with a two-button macro pad that hooks over TRRS cable (you recognize it as a 3.5mm jack or headphone cable) to one of four ports on the top-right of the keyboard. These are essentially just two keyboard switches with giant keycaps on a separate board and the buttons are populated by Gateron greens. The switches are nowhere close to heavy enough to approximate a button, and I gave them Kailh box navies. Still not enough, but better.
These keyboards also come wiiiiiith a companion number pad!
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(Picture credit the 8bitdo store.)
While I don't actually have this one in hand just yet I do have it on order. It looks like it'll be about the same build quality as the main keyboard, and it caught my eye for four reasons and ended up making me purchase the full set as a result:
The numpad has a built in calculator.
Same aesthetic choices as the main keyboard (NES, Famicom, IBM Model M, Commodore 64)
Magnetically attaches to the right side of the keyboard to transform it into a more era appropriate full-size.
Far and away the cheapest wireless mechanical numpad with calculator on the market, sitting at $45.
An important note though is that the Famicom and NES keypads don't attach to their respective keyboards, simply because their respective keyboards don't have magnets inside the sides of the chassis to allow for it. I have some cheap button magnets laying around that I'll use for this purpose and probably see if they're strong enough to be placed on the inside of the board and allow for the numpad to connect to it. I also imagine there's going to be a repop or v2 of this keyboard in the future that has this done already, seeing as the Commodore 64 version of the board and I believe the Model M version of the board already have that.
I'll reblog this and give some actual definitive thoughts on the numpad once it's in my hands.
As far as the board itself is concerned, I quite like it. The keycap profile is agreeable, the nostalgia pandering targeted me with laser precision, the board sounds quite good acoustically (especially for being a top-mount keyboard!) and it has a volume knob I'll see if I can reprogram some day. While I normally hate TKL layouts, I'm putting up with it because it will eventually be a fullsize with the numpad. Worth $150 total? Don't know, can't answer that for you, it's worth it to me but I very specifically wanted a keyboard themed after an old Nintendo console with no setup required and no chasing down or commissioning GMK keycap sets. I also wanted a calculator numpad.
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callsign-dexter · 8 months
Love Conquers All
Request: Hiiii Sweetheart! 😍 I'm really really sorry for another Antonio imagine and I'd understand if you don't want to do it. I had the idea of being his girl (not a cop tho) and you both love each other with all your heart. But his ex wife comes to the precinct just as you also visit him and she's terrible to you, making you feel not good enough for him. Antonio of course stands up for you but he can't prevent you from leaving, feeling more than terrible. He searches you and finds you at the water and he tells you how much you mean to him and it's just pure love and fluff ❤️
Pairings: Antonio Dawson x Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, swearing
A/N: so sorry it took forever to get out!!!!
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The sound of Antonio’s alarm had woken you up with a start. You opened your eyes just as he was reach back to grab his phone to turn it off. Once it was off and silence was the only thing heard you turned in his arms and looked at him with a smile. “Good morning, handsome.” You said and he smiled back at you.
“Good morning, beautiful.” He replied back and reached down to kiss you.
“Do we have to get up?” You asked him and he sighed and nodded.
“Sadly, we do.” He said and you groaned and that made him chuckle “Come on sleepy head.” He said and started to get up but you grabbed his arm and pulled him back.
“5 more minutes.” You said already closing your eyes and falling back to sleep and he chuckled and began moving again.
“No can do, sweetheart. I can’t be late or Voight will have my head.” He said and got up the warmth leaving you. You watched him as he got ready to leave and you sat up on your elbows.
“Traitor.” You said and he let out a laugh that made you smile. He walked over to you and kissed you while sitting on the bed.
“Hey, enjoy your day off. You’ve been working too hard lately.” He said and you rolled your eyes but knew it was true.
“Hmpf, fine. I’m staying by the precinct to see you and Jay later on.” You said and he smiled and nodded.
“Sounds wonderful.” He said
“I may even stop by that bakery place that everyone loves so much.” You said and he kissed you once again.
“You know the way to our hearts.” He said as he pulled back from kissing you. “Now I got to go.” He said and stood and then you huffed and laid back down “I love you.” He said and you looked at him.
“I love you too.” You replied and he was out of the room and out the door heading off to the precinct.
It was really a coincidence on how you met him. You met him when you showed up to drop something off to Jay, Jay was your twin brother which made Will your older brother, that he had left at home and begged you to get and bring it to him. You worked for the police department but you worked for the NSA, National Security Agency. Your brothers didn’t like this but they really didn’t have a say in it you were going to do what you wanted to do. You are really respected on the team to the point where you were running some of the cases. You had been on a case that Intelligence was on and it got a little out of hand with some of them, Jay and Antonio, but you and your team got them out safely and when Jay gave you hell for doing something reckless, he finally introduced you to Antonio and the rest was history. 
When you heard the door shut, you sighed and got up. You were already awake and there was no way your body was going to let you sleep in any longer. You usually ran in the morning wanting to keep in top physical condition since you could have a very demanding job so you got changed into your running clothes and walked out and put on your shoes. You grabbed your armband and put your phone in it but not without connecting your Bluetooth headphones to it and starting your workout playlist. You walked out making sure the apartment was locked and took a deep breath and stretched some and then started your run. You didn’t run very long and before you knew it you were back home, you walked in after unlocking the door and got you something to drink. Once you were cooled down then you went and took a hot shower, one that made your worries melt away. After you got out you looked at your phone and noticed that it was already noon and you had decided to go and see your brother and boyfriend. As you got dressed you headed into the kitchen and grabbed something to eat while you looked for your keys and then when you found them you were out the door and getting into your car. You started to all too familiar drive to the precinct. When you got there you found a spot between Jay’s truck and Antonio’s truck. You parked and killed the engine and then got out and started to walk in. When you got to the door and opened it and were about to step in, a female voice called out to you “Hold the door!” it said and you did so since you were raised to do so by your mother. You turned around and looked at who it was and your heart dropped, it was Antonio’s ex-wife, Laura Dawson. You smiled at her but when she saw you, she made a look of disgust “Oh, it’s you. What are you doing here?” She asked.
“I’m here to see my brother, Jay Halstead, and Antonio.” You said you were already feeling yourself go in on yourself, you had some pretty bad relationships and a lot of them talked down to you and made you feel worthless. 
“Well, I’m here to see Antonio too.” She said with a smile like she had won something.
“Oh? What for?” You asked not liking having this conversation with her.
“That is none of your business but if you must know, I’m going to see if he has any plans this evening.” She said and you nodded.
“Well, we do have plans this evening.” You said and she again made a face.
“I can’t believe he left me and then got together with you.” She said and that made your stomach churn. You looked everywhere but her and when you locked eyes with Trudy, she gave you a look saying ‘I don’t like this situation’. 
“Good afternoon, Agent Halstead and Laura.” She said you smiled at her and she buzzed you up “Jay and Antonio will be happy to see you Y/N.” She said purposely leaving out Laura and that made her eyes roll. You opened the gate and you both ascended upstairs. When you got to the top everyone was still there and when they saw they smiled but it slipped when they saw Laura.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” Jay asked coming over to you and hugging you and you returned the hug. 
“Hey, bro. I came to see you and Antonio.” You said and released him.
“Antonio is taking care of something with Voight but will be in here soon.” Jay said and then he looked over at Laura and nodded then looked at you as you both had a silent conversation just then Antonio walked out and lit up like a Christmas tree.
“Y/N.” He said and walked over and kissed you and Jay faked gagging but you flipped him off.
“Hey, Babe.” You said almost forgetting Laura was there until she cleared her throat. You both looked at her and she had a grimace on her face.
“Laura, what are you doing here?” Antonio asked
“I wanted to see if you were free tonight.” She said overly sweetly and Antonio sighed.
“No and I never will be for you. I’m with Y/N and we have something already planned out for tonight.” He spoke 
“What made you choose her anyways?” She asked, “She has nothing to offer.” She said and you shrunk back to where Jay was who was trying to comfort you and not get angry but it was not working.
“That is no way to talk to my girlfriend.” Antonio said
“That is no way to talk to my sister.” Jay said at the same time as Antonio spoke. Laura scuffed and rolled her eyes.
“She has everything to offer and she is actually there for me.” Antonio said and she scuffed again and then looked you up and down.
“She’s not even that pretty. You should be with me and not her.” She said and you were sick by this point and just wanted to get at.
“I have to go. Work is calling me.” You lied with ease but everyone knew the reason why. You hugged Jay and then hugged and kissed Antonio. 
“Are we still on for tonight?” He asked and you hesitated.
“No, I think I just want to stay in.” You said and then left without giving him a kiss or saying that you loved him. As you were walking down you could hear Antonio going off and when you got down the stairs Trudy looked at you.
“He loves you.” She said and you looked at her “You’re the only one he wants to be with. Don’t let her get into your mind.” She added and you nodded and then you were quickly walking to your car but quickly by passing it just wanting to get out of there, a spot where Antonio and you had your first date. You don’t know how long you were sitting on the bench with your knees up and letting silent tears fall while looking at the little pond. You had felt your phone vibrating and pulled it out to see who was calling and it was Antonio but you declined it then you saw 5 missed calls from him, 4 from Jay, 2-3 from Hailey and Kim, 4 from Will, 4 from Connor, 4 from Kevin and Adam, 1 from Voight and multiple messages from all of them but you didn’t care. You put your phone away and resumed your position looking at the water.
“Is this seat taken?” A familiar voice, that you knew as Antonio’s, asked but you didn’t say anything “Baby, you have nothing to worry about.” He said but again you didn’t say anything “I love you and only you.” He said and you sniffled.
“You must’ve loved her because you married her.” You said not looking at him.
“But then we divorced and then I found you. My person.” He said and you slowly turned to look at him, seeing him smile softly.
“You really mean that?” You asked in a small voice and he smiled.
“Of course. Now come here.” He said and opened his arms and you undid your position and curled into him as you looked up at him. He wiped your tears away and kissed your forehead and you melted into it. “I’m sorry for the way she talked to you and made you feel, she had no right. You missed me going off on her and her storming off.” He said as you laid her head on your shoulder.
“I heard you going off but I just needed to get out of there.” You said and he nodded.
“We got worried when you weren’t answering our calls. We even roped Will and Connor into calling you.” He said and you smiled. Connor was a good friend of yours, you had actually met before he started working at Med and you considered him a really good friend.
“Sorry.” You said and he chuckled and shook his head.
“I knew where you were.” He said 
“You always know where I am.” You said with a chuckle and a true smile.
“There’s my girl.” He said and kissed your forehead “That just means we’re perfect for each other.” He said “Now are we still on for tonight?” He asked and you nodded.
“Of course, Baby. I never wanted to cancel, she just got to me.” You said 
“You have nothing to worry about. She won’t be bothering either of us anymore.” He said
“What did you do?” You asked looking up at him.
“Nothing serious. Just threatened her with a restraining order.” He said it like it wasn’t a big deal.
“Tonio.” You said and he chuckled.
“What? I’m not going to let her talk to my girl like that.” He said 
“I love you, Tonio.” You said 
“I love you too. How about you let your brothers know you’re safe and then you and I are going out for lunch.” He said
“Don’t you have to work?” You asked 
“Voight gave me some time to find you. So, I have time.” He said you chuckled and then he got up and offered you a hand which you took and you two started towards his truck since you left your car at the precinct. You followed him while you sent everyone a message and then you got into his truck and started off to your favorite place. As he was driving you looked over at him wondering how lucky you got with him. You knew that he wasn't going to go anywhere and he wasn’t going to let you go anytime soon. Why? Because he loved you too much and you loved him too and that is the strongest bond one could ask for. You two are it for each other.
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dennpooll · 7 days
Title: Five days with your crush as your roomate.
Author: Denn/dennpooll.
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You and Choso Kamo have been best friends for as long as you can remember. He loved you because you weren't like other people, you stood out, somehow, in some way. He always had a soft spot for you, you noticed whenever you were around, he tried to impress you by doing cool tricks with his blood manipulation technique, now this piqued your interest, you'd bring it up but he'd brush it off, thinking it was a joke and he'd play along. You couldn't help but notice the twinkle in his eye when you walked past, or even the way he acted around you. Also, you guys were in college by now, and fortunately, you guys were roomates! This'd be fun, right? Also, in this story, Choso is technically a curse, so nothing really changes. The dorm room you and Choso shared was fairly big, a kitchen, two bedrooms, 3 bathrooms (one in your bedroom, one in Choso's bedroom and one near the living room) and a living room. The design was modern yet plain and simple. Choso's room was filled with posters and different type of merch from rock bands (I also headcannon him to listen to Nirvana..) But yeah, his room was cozy, yours was simple but, it just layed in the corner of your room. Your room was just like an ordinary room, of course.
The first day of living with Choso.
You just hopped out of the shower, in only your towel because you had forgotten your clothes, you placed your hand on the metal bathroom door handle and swung it open, your eyes widening as you see Choso in your room, seriously!? What was he doing in YOUR room? And he knew damn well you were showering so he thought you had been changing. You tried to speak, but no words came out, you swallowed the lump in your throat and wished that Choso wouldn't turn around. Choso turns around, of course he had to, he seemed just as surprised as you are, his jaw hanging open at the sight of your bare body wet, your hair soaking wet too. His cheeks flushed a light shade of pink and he stammered "I'm sorry, Y/N, I didn't know you were here- sorry. I was about to uh, leave.." He managed to blurt out, his mouth as dry as a desert, his heart thumping faster than light, his body heating up and a shiver running down his spine, he reluctantly averted his gaze, a strand of his black hair falling onto his face. You chuckled and brushed it off, trying so hard not to blush "Yeah, no worries, it's chill." You said bluntly, smiling and walking out your bathroom "Ah, but.. I would appreciate if you'd leave my room, I need to change. Did you need somethin'? Or are ya snoopin' around like usual, hmm?" You added, narrowing your eyes playfully. Choso shook his head and left your room, closing the door behind him, there was a moment of silence before you started changing.
Time skip: one day later! (Day two!!)
It was a warm, sunny day, you were wearing a pair of baggy jorts, Converse shoes, Your low frame glasses, and a baggy, short sleeved, red T-shirt that had a basketball number on it and a bracelet that was plain black. You also had a spider necklace and your hair was styled normally. Choso was wearing a nirvana black hoodie and black sweatpants, his bluetooth headphones that were a shade of grey rested on his neck, and he had slippers on, because he was planning to stay in the dorm. You, however, were gonna have a night out with your friends. You invited Choso, but, he didn't wanna come, you practically pleaded him, but, he didn't agree. You looked at yourself in the mirror and sprayed on your perfume. You suddenly almost jumped at your phone buzzing with a notification, snapping you out of your trance. You let out a sigh of relief when you realized it was your best friend.
your best friend (messaging you): "Yo, what's good? So, I was gonna pick you and the others up in 30 mins, how does that sound?"
You smiled as your fingers glided across your phone keyboard, texting him back, the message read:
Y/N (responding to their best friend): "Yeah, no problem, can't wait <33 See ya there."
Time skip to 3am
So anyway, your night out with your friends was amazing. You enjoyed it so much. And, well, since you were above 18 and allowed to drink.. Let's say, you had a bit too much to drink, you stumbled into the college, barely making it to yours and Choso's dorm room, as you gently knocked on the door, intoxicated with wine and whatever other drinks you were drinking "Choso.." You called out, your hair messy and clothes untidy, it was clear you were drunk, you smelled like an alcoholic parent at this point, and looked like one "Choso, man open-" you were cut off by the door swinging open. Choso in his pajamas on the other side, he looked like he was sleeping.
"Did you drink? Also, where the hell have you been.. It's like.. 3am, shit, are you okay?" Choso replies and steps aside to let you in, his annoyance fading away "Yeah.. I.. I'm sorry, honestly.. I had no idea it was THIS late." you replied as you walked in, hell, you couldn't even walk. You wobbled alot, just then.. Choso placed his hands on your waist, walking you to your room. "Hey- where are we going?" You asked, damn, you were clueless. "Are we going to eat? I'm hungry.." You asked bluntly. Choso internally facepalmed and he opened your door, putting you in your bed and tucking you in. You smiled up at him "Where's my smooch?" You asked with a smirk, your tone was drunken. "F*ck off," Choso said, chuckling "Good night, love." He added on flirtatiously. Your eyes widened and you stammered "Good night, emo boy." You said with a wink, and Choso giggled as he exited, your door closing behind him.
The next dayᥫ᭡ (day 3)
The sunshine shone beautifully through your curtains as morning rose up, the sound of birds chirping filling your ears as you woke up, you sat up in your bed, yawning and stretching. "Ahhh, shit- I had the best sleep of my entire life! Wooohooo today is gonna be a good day, I know it." You said to yourself, with a smile plastered on your morning face. The day went on as usual, you attended your classes with Choso and you caught him staring at you subconsciously. You were writing your notes down when suddenly.. A note came flying at you, and landing on your desk infront of you.. Your eyes widened and you picked the note up and opened it slowly. You smirked when you saw it was from Choso.. But your heart stopped when you read the note fully. The note read:
"You look amazing, y/n."
You internally cursed yourself for being so affected over such a small compliment. Compliments were nothing new, of course.. But from Choso? They felt different.. Even if it was simple, you just couldn't deny you liked it, just when you were in your trans, you were snapped out of it by your dumb bully. "Oi, gimme money." You bully asked coldly "I don't have any, sorry." You replied simply and the bully scoffed and walked away, you were about to get up when Choso approached your desk "Hey, uh, Y/N.. I wanted to ask if you wanna go out with me.. I mean, as friends.. We've been friends since kindergarten and.. It'd mean a lot to me!" Choso asked, with a nervous smile and his cheeks tinted a light shade of pink. He felt a rush of excitement rush through him. "Yeah, why not?" You replied, with a warm smile. You felt your body heating up, you felt amazed and admired by Choso.. And.. Also another feeling you felt towards him that you couldn't quite place a finger on, but, judging by this, we all know what feeling it is by now. Later the night, you dressed up good for going out, and, so did Choso. Choso wore just 2000s style, and he looked good. Better than you'd admit, but hey, we were all at that stage once, afraid to say too little or too less, he'd understand, right?
At the restaurant.
Choso smiled at you as you ate your dinner. You paused and swallowed your food, quirking an eyebrow up and smirking "Got a staring problem, creep?" You asked jokingly. "Who could blame me for admiring a masterpiece. I don't know who's more blessed, you by your beauty or me for meeting you." Choso replied sincerely. You almost choked on air. You just chuckled nervously. The night was enjoyable, but the tension was undeniable. Later that night, you laid in your bed, cuddling your pillow, fantasizing of Choso.
Day 4 ✰
Choso had been watching you more intently, like a Hawk, almost, it made you concerned.. But later you eventually forgot about it, until Choso came up to you and he said this.. "You look really nice today.." Choso said, avoiding your gaze. You hummed in response, smiling and then saying "Ah, so that's why you couldn't keep your pretty eyes off of me?" You replied, smirking and leaning in, both yours and Choso's body mere inches apart, Choso's breath hitting on your skin and tickling your skin accidentally which made you shiver. You reluctantly leaned back and Choso cleared his throat "I should go to my room." Choso said nervously as he walked back to his room. You just chuckled at his nervousness, your heart beating in anticipation. You felt desired to be with Choso, no, infact you NEEDED to be with that man. Choso kept his eye on you for the past day, he interacted with you and helped you out with chores, being a good roomate.
Later, you were writing in your diary about Choso.. And uh, you had a phase where you liked one of your friends, and you wrote about it several times in your diary, and it was this year too. You groaned in frustration and giggled "What was I doing? How did I even like that person?" You said under your breath, closing your diary and placing it on your bedside table, before switching your bed side lamp off. You put your phone off, and got under the silky, soft warm covers of your bed, letting out a hum of satisfaction and comfort as you drifted into deep slumber. The faint sounds of owls and the leaves of the trees outside brushing against each other. It was calming, really calming.
Day 5: the final day ᥫ᭡
Choso had found your diary while you were out on a walk, but instead of him finding the stuff you wrote about him, where you said how much you loved him, unfortunately, he found the the notes about the other crush of yours, which, he was unaware that you didn't like any more. He was hurt, angry and confused, who was this person? Who is this friend? Are you trying to replace Choso? Or.. Is Choso a replacement for this crush because they didn't like you back? Does Choso mean anything to you? Do you even love him? Choso thought to himself, he cursed himself internally for being so affected by a diary, a mere diary. But he was going to confront you, and little did you both know, it'd get really messy. I mean, because it was YOUR diary and YOUR emotions, it was YOUR privacy that needed to be respected.
When you came back, you closed the door leading to your shared dorm room with Choso, but then when you fully turned around, a book was thrown at you, you yelped and just managed to catch it before it hit you in the face. You saw it was your diary.. "What the hell!?" You exclaimed..
"I could say the same thing, who's that person in your book that you like?" Choso replied. "Oh my friend? I don't like them anymore." You replied calmly. "Uh huh, just a friend, yknow what? Your not Adrien from that miraculous ladybug show or whatever. And I'm not dumb. Get out of here with your bullshit." Choso said coldly as he scowled. "The hell you scowling for? Are you a dog or some typa animal? Because your hair looks like a porcupine. Anyway, why are you so touched? You can't be THAT insecure, gosh." You said with a smirk, holding back from slapping the shit outta this emo ass mf. "Do you still like that low life friend of yours? Be honest." Choso asked through gritted teeth, his fists clenched to his side, and his knuckles turning white. "No." You replied truthfully..
"Bullshit!" Choso shouted furiously. "I'm telling the truth." You replied. "Oh yeah? Who do you like then?" Choso asked, clearly pissed off. "I like you Choso, no I love you, I loved you since we met in kindergarten, I love every second we spend together. I love every time you look at me. Everytime we speak." You admitted.. And Choso, his eyes were wide, fists unclenched, shocked, genuinely surprised and caught off guard, he was speechless. But.. He was happy. You just walked away, he wanted to stop you and tell you how he felt, but he couldn't move or even speak.. He was so overwhelmed and watched as the door to your room shut close as you entered your room, your diary at Choso's feet. He looked down, a pang of guilt hitting him like a ton of bricks.
Later that night.
Choso entered your room and sat on the edge of your bed, you sat up and looked at him, he held you close, you were now in Choso's arms. His arms wrapped around your waist and yours wrapped around his neck, confused. He took his hands off of you and got you on his lap, you were straddling his lap, your face mere inches away from his. Your breath hitched.
"I love you, Y/N. I always have, I didn't say anything because I'm scared of rejection. You are my world. No one ever made me feel so loved, you bright up my world. You are like food and water in my life, I need you, without you, I cannot survive. You shine bright like a star.. I love the way your always so kind and thoughtful, your playful jabs you throw at me. You are stunning, I don't care about looks. I always go for a good heart instead of good looks, but, you have both. I am more than blessed to have you, I sincerely apologize for my actions earlier, yes, I am insecure. I want you to be mine.. And only if you want, I only want what's best for you, I am happy if you are. I will protect and cherish you." Choso said genuinely, his gaze filled with love and admiration for you. You closed your eyes and leaned in, kissing Choso, both you and Choso's soft lips dancing together, a passionate dance, full of genuine love, your arms wrapped around his neck, leaning into him, his hands gripping your hips, you pulled back and smiled "I love you Choso.. I always will love you." You said, getting slightly emotional, you were the happiest human alive. "I love you too, y/n." Choso said with a small smile, blushing as he looked up at you, the way you straddled his lap, his eyes twinkled.
The end.
✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩
(Edit: It's 5am rn and I'm tired, so I'm genuinely sorry if there's mistakes, but yeah, I hope y'all enjoyed, good night my lovely people, have a good night/day ᥫ᭡)
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jakeysbuttsheeks · 9 months
Godfather | 1
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Warnings: profanity, age gap , mature themes, mentions of overdose , drug use , substance use , death of parent , orphaning , other weird shit
Pairings : Jake X fem reader
18+ mdni
When Jake was in college he met a guy called Mike , one of the closest guys he was friends with.
Mike was 8 years older than him . He got along really well with Jake's band and with his brothers . He was almost considered family .
Until Mike went down a stump. Addiction to every drug on the planet and god knows what else . Mike ended up have a kid by accident at 18 .
The girl didn't want the kid and gave Mike the responsibility to take care of it. Jake and his brother's helped Mike through fatherhood, although they couldn't do much with his drug addiction.
Mike had overdosed 18 years later and left Jake and his friends was mortified with it.
Mike had made Jake the kid's godfather . And that kid , was you . Now almost 18yr old teenager that had to stay with your dad's rockstar best friend Jake till you could fend for yourself because you literally did not have any other family.
Jake on the other hand had his whole family delighted to welcome you into the family .
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It was almost a year since your dad died and It had been a month since you moved in with Jake. He was never really the responsible type but you could tell he was trying.
You never understood why, but there was always an awkward when you were alone with him . A weird unspoken tension. You thought maybe it was because you didn't know Jake enough to feel comfortable living with him . But that wasn't true because you'd known Jake your whole life , he practically helped take care of you more than your own dad did.
Maybe he was just shy you thought , or uncomfortable?
Whatever it was , you couldn't spend more than 10 minutes alone in the same room with him without it getting weird .
You were thrown out of your thoughts when you felt a tap on you shoulder, making you startle before you turned to see Jake standing next to you .
"how many times did I tell you not to keep the volume basting? You're gonna go deaf love" Jake spoke as you slid your headphones down your head to rest around your neck .
"sorry-" you mutter as he walked past behind you .
"it's alright doll I just don't want you to get deaf so young" Jake spoke fast "Anyway, I'm making dinner so be down by 6 alright?" He said , shuffling in the kitchen .
"okay" you say before you slipped out of the kitchen and headed up stairs.
Why did you have to act like that ? Jake's a good person and you knew no matter what, he would never take advantage of you or anything of the sort . But you couldn't help how you acted. You wondered if he noticed your behaviour. You wondered if he was the only one that felt the weird tension.
You lay in bed , blasting music and scrolling through tiktok. And then you looked at the time and decided to go have a shower.
You turned on the Bluetooth speaker in your room and cranked the volume to max and went for your shower .
Jake rarely came upstairs , it was almost like he'd given it off to you with the guest bedroom and bathroom and a nice balcony. He had everything he needed downstairs anyway. His soundproof home studio, his bedroom , the dining, the kitchen , the living room and a nice porch outside all for him .
Even though no one had actually verbally divided the house like this , it just became a staple nom between the two of you .
You finished your shower, hot and steaming as you came out . It was your monthly everything shower and you had shaved everywhere and , done your skincare and hair masks and you really took your time with it.
You walked into your room , the music blasting as you stripped yourself of your towel and started dressing. You always had your room door locked so you didn't have to worry about Jake walking in (or so you thought).
"y|n-!" The door swung open and you screamed and grabbed whatever you could to cover your fully naked body.
Jake didn't even say anything he just spun around and slam the door back closed. So much in mearly a second .
You felt ashamed . This was only going to make things so much more awkward.
Meanwhile Jake was still in shock, he knew he shouldn't have barged in like that . But he had called out for you almost a hundred times before coming to upstairs and knocking on your door. But you couldn't hear him because you had your music blasting .
"fuck" he ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and guilt as he quickly went back downstairs.
You shut your music off for good , realising he must've called out for you and you couldn't hear him . You had completely forgotten about dinner at 6 .
You got dressed and took a few moments to gain the confidence to go back down and face him , ready to pretend nothing ever happened.
You walked into the kitchen and quickly grabbed something to eat before attempting to rush back upstairs but Jake stopped you .
"y|n we need to talk" he said , and you could swear you lost all feeling in your feet . Your throat went dry and your pulse fastened .
"come sit" he gestured for you to come and sit with him in the living room , his eyes on the tv .
You slowly crept up and sat yourself on the love chair next to the couch Jake was sitting on, picking at your food for a couples seconds of silence as Jake turned off the tv.
"look i-" he started, taking a deep breath to continue.
"I'm not going to pretend that I don't see you're uncomfortable with this whole thing anymore y|n" he starts .
"We haven't spoken about your dad or anything for that matter and I thought I wouldn't bring it up until you were ready but-" he sighed .
"We were so close before your dad died love, and I know this is all alot for you to process and take in and I only want to make it easier for you" he spoke as you felt tears prick your eyes.
"But I can't do that if you're not comfortable with with me. And it seemed to me like you're uncomfortable and I wouldn't blame you-" he continued.
"I kept calling out to you and I even banged on the door and I thought something had happened to you so I barged in- I shouldn't have- I didn't mean to-" you watched him as he spoke . He was terribly embarrassed, his face red with guilt. You felt sorry for him .
"no Jake it's alright really" you stop him and he left out a soft breath of relief to himself.
"No but if you're not comfortable staying with me . You could go stay with Josh or the others. My parents would be happy to have to too" Jake offered.
You stayed quiet , thinking it over .
What happened today was terribly awkward for the both of you. Considering the weird tension that you felt around him that drove you mad .
"my parents that is?" He smiled , knowing he had read your mind and you couldn't help but break out a smile too. He knew you better than you knew yourself.
You nodded and he mouthed a small 'okay' to himself before his eyes fell to your plate of food .
"you didn't take veggies" he exclaimed with playful anger and you laughed out a groan before getting up to serve yourself some veggies that Jake had made specifically for you .
It was weird how much tension eased once the two of you spoke about things. It was almost how it used to be when you dad was still around.
Jake was right. The both of you were very close and playful and he was your favourite uncle as a kid. Things just got different as you grew . And even worse after your dad died. The two of you had so much unspoken stuff that y'all had to talk about to go back how y'all used to be .
But for now , staying at Jake's parents house seemed needed .
@jjwasneverhere @themoreyou-love @thetroublegetssoloud71 @gvf23 @sarah-gvf01
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lou-struck · 2 years
A Hot and Cold Christmas Present
Shoto Todoroki x Reader
Day 15: A Hot and Cold Christmas Gift
25 Days of Ficmas Masterlist
~Shoto doesn't like your White Elephant Gift.
Shoto Todoroki loves watching you open presents. To him, there is just something so endearing about watching you tear away layer after layer of wrapping paper to reveal the gift you received from your white elephant gift exchange.
“Ooh, a heated blanket?” You ask curiously, holding up the box for all to see.
“That was from me Y/n” Mina’s voice calls from the armchair she’s lounging in. A pair of new Bluetooth headphones strung around her neck. “The cool thing about this blanket is, it doesn’t just heat up, it can cool you down too.”
“Ha!” sounds like you don’t need Icy Hot anymore,” bellows Bakugou from his seat on the couch.
The comment brings about good-natured laughter from you and the rest of your friends, but Shoto grips his armrest tighter.
‘A blanket that can heat you up and cool you down?’ Your boyfriend mumbles to himself. “Am I really that replaceable?”
His mumbling goes unnoticed as Denki brings out a tall tray of jello shots stacked like a Christmas tree. “Drink up everyone.” He laughs, handing them to everyone in the room.
And as his friends begin to pound the boozy jello, Shoto stares intently at your gift and wonders if he is that replaceable.
On the way back from the party, the rain came unexpectedly, the chilly droplets soaking through your clothes and chilling you to the bone. The changing temperatures may not bother Shoto, but it bothers you.
“Here you go,” he says, taking off his suit jacket and draping it over your shoulders before pulling you into the warm side of his body.
“Th-thank you, S-shoto.” you shiver as the two of you break out into an awkward little run. Your boyfriend's arms around you make it hard to move quickly. Getting to your front door, the clouds from your heavy breathing fill the air.
Your fingers feel numb as you pull the cold metal keys from your pocket. Your shivers amplify the soft jingling sound they usually make. Shoto's heterochromatic gaze locks on to yours as he coaxes the metal ring from your hands. "I'll take care of this, My Love," he says, unlocking the usually stubborn door in front of you.
You waste no time tossing your bags in the entrance hall and rushing to change into warmer clothes and covering yourself in all the blankets you can find while your boyfriend takes the shower.
Even though you are wearing thick pajama bottoms, two pairs of fuzzy socks, and more blankets than the mattress from the story of the Princess and the Pea, your skin still prickles from the freezing rain. You yearn for Shoto's warmth, but his showers can take forever. Looking around, you scan the room, looking for something else you can use to cover yourself with.
It's then you remember your little gift from the Secret Santa Party. A heated blanket would more than warm you up in your current condition. Getting up from your cocoon of fabric, you grab the gift bag and tear open the box hastily, ripping the sides and pulling the folded garment from its cardboard sleeve.
The long cord just barely reaches the outlet, so you have to shift a bit toward the wall, but already the soft humming heats the blanket that covers you nicely. The chill that lingers on your skin slowly melts into nothingness, like an ice cube in a cup of hot tea. You are so comfortable you don't hear the water turning off.
Feeling warm and content, your muscles relax and your movements become sluggish with a deep desire to rest. Leaning back onto your bed you see the bathroom door open. Light and steam from the shower pour in through the crack as Shoto emerges clad in a pair of gray sweats and a black tee shirt you got him for Christmas.
He flops down on the bed and glances at you with a soft smile. "You look adorable all wrapped up under those blankets."
"I got cold," you smile. "You wouldn't understand what it's like for people like me who don't have built-in temperature controls."
"I guess I wouldn't," he says, placing his hand on his chin in thought, "Are you warming up a bit?"
You nod excitedly, tugging at the corner of the heated blanket around you for him to see. "Yea, this blanket from the White Elephant is warming me up."
He quirks a brow and notes the cord plugged into the wall. "The heated blanket?"
"That's the one."
Shoto's eye twitches in a way you have never seen before. His gaze shifts between you and the blanket, taking a nervous breath.
"Shoto? is everything okay?"
"Are you warm now?" he asks, ignoring your question and sliding off the mattress.
"Well, yeah. I guess I am," you say, watching him move across the room.
"Good," he says, bending down and unplugging the heated blanket from the wall. "So you don't need this anymore."
"Hey, I was using that." You huff, feeling the rapidly cooling blanket around you. With a shrug, you let it slide down your shoulder and toss it to the floor.
"Y/n," he says, looking guilty. "Please don't replace me."
You blink dumbly up at him, "What the hell? Why would I replace you Shoto?"
"The blanket... Bakugou said at the party you wouldn't need me anymore because it can do what I can."
Your poor, sweet boyfriend. You remember hearing the Blond man's joke at the party but didn't think too much of it. but Shoto must have taken it to heart. Your heart feels tight in your chest at the thought of Shoto feeling so replaceable in your relationship.
"Come here," you say softly, opening your arms. "It's just a blanket. I promise you are much more important to me than anything."
"D-do you mean that?" he asks, sliding back into bed.
"Of course I do. I love you."
"I love you too," he says, pressing a soft kiss to your outstretched hand. "I just thought you wouldn't want me to hold you anymore."
"That's a bit silly," you giggle. "I always want your cuddles."
"Even now?" he says quickly.
"Especially now," you laugh, wrapping your arms around him.
"Good,' he murmurs looking at you as if you had personally hung all the stars in the sky. "Because I won't let go."
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re-re-redline · 2 months
-General Headcanons: Constantine- 1st Addendum
No Spoilers For Traum
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Foreword: Looking back on it now, I feel as though there wasn’t that much meat on the bone when it came to the original general headcanons, so I decided to make an addendum. I don’t want to call this the General Headcanons 2, ‘cause A. that’s pretty dry and B. there isn’t enough here to warrant labelling this a sequel per se to the original. Plus I won’t feel odd making more of these when the mood strikes me! So without further ado… Let’s jump into it.
Had this shit in my back pocket while I was writing that long ass (but absolutely worth it) fic, so it’s nice to set this free while I write my internal character bible for Micheal and Mehmed as well as working on the other things on my to-do list. So I do hope you all will accept this bite-sized (by my standards) offering while I do that ‘cause I can’t keep anything short to save my life, good grief.
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The best gift you could ever give Constantine is a pair of bluetooth noise cancelling headphones. Seriously. We know this guy hates too much noise and that’s why you’re most oft to find him in quieter places in Chaldea, but if you gave him these? Dude. You’re a lifesaver, genuinely. Now Micheal doesn’t have to psych himself up to pass through certain areas or have to leave a room he was comfortably chilling in. It’s great. You’ll see him with those on his neck all the time and he’ll even have the charging cable on him and the wire for when it dies and he can’t charge it. Just, uh, don’t be too mad when you have to put effort into getting his attention sometimes, ‘kay?
I sorta mentioned it in passing within previous posts, but Constantine is cold to the touch. He’s so cold that he can just hold an ice cube in his hand until it fully melts without squirming or even feeling it for that matter. Now that’s not to say that he NEVER gets cold, but it takes quite a bit to get him to shiver. The first Lostbelt is the obvious example. The reason why our man is so GODDAMN COLD is because of the legend that floated about after his death that he’s a marble statue in a cave under the Golden Gate of Constantinople. Statues get cold and underground caves are really cold, hence how low this man’s temperature is on main. He never really noticed it until you held his bare hand for the first time and felt that you were really warm. He mistakenly took it as you being sick but he quickly found out that your hand isn’t really warm because you have a fever or something, he’s just cold. Man’s not sure what to think of this since he doesn’t remember anyone telling him in life that he was frigid to the touch. Strange.
So let’s say, hypothetically in a Normal!HGW AU, that you both win and things are cool and good. The lesser grail manifests and over the course of the grail war, you and Micheal have gotten kinda close (romantic or platonic, doesn’t matter.) If you say, oh I dunno, casually mention in passing that he’d be a pretty cool dude to exist with and that you’re gonna miss him a lot when the war ends, then our emperor might be compelled to wish on the grail to be a person again. You know, like a certain Grand Caster we all knew and loved. And that’s like, a segue into a whole other list of headcanons about your life with him and all the stuff you’d do together. So I’ll, uh, clip that there.
He’s no prude, but he’s not the type to frequent those kinds of places or sleep around. He doesn’t feel comfortable baring himself out to others so easily and will only do so if you’ve known him for a long time. While the likelihood of it is low considering how much Constantine masks his issues or is in complete denial of them, there is a chance that he would accept an offer to be friends with benefits. The only caveat is that you don’t tell anybody about it. Y’know for the sake of his rep. …And because he’s slightly embarrassed to admit that he has those kinds of needs.
Just like with concerts, parties aren’t really his scene either. The noise level is already bad enough, but being jammed into a room with a bunch of people AND very loud music? Get him outta there, he’s not going to last! Well, he is. But he’ll be in a sour mood afterwards. Another reason why Constantine doesn’t really enjoy parties all that much is…well, what’s he gonna do? Dance? The only dancing Micheal knows is waltz and that ballroom shit he was forced to learn when he was younger. There’s no way you’re going to see him bust a move, not even when he’s drunk. He’ll be standing with you in the corner of the room holding a red cup of punch and’ll talk with you the whole time until it ends. If you’re honestly gonna call Micheal to go to a party with you, it’d probably be as a bodyguard or a chaperone. It’s what he excels at and he’d be more comfortable that way since he’d have a defined objective instead of the very vague “have fun” that implicitly comes with being invited to be a partygoer.
Speaking of drinking, how does the last emperor of Rome hold his liquor? Quite well actually despite not drinking that much on his own time. You can thank his pops for that (headcanon). He can out do a fair few people before getting tipsy himself and even then he can can drink with the best of them…until either his self-restraint kicks in or you and Johanna drag him out that is. That being said, he won’t get into too many drinking competitions. Just a few to let everyone know that he’s no lightweight, he’s learned his lesson from fucking around (not literally) in his youth with George. Now that we know his abilities, one has to wonder what kind of drunk he is. Does he laugh? Cry? Talk nonstop? Maybe get…saucy? No, no, no, and no. It’s so much worse than that. Constantine is a philosophical drunk, but not the ‘lasagna is just spaghetti flavored cake’ kind. I’m talking the psychologically damaging kind. That man will make you question your belief system and your reality if you make the mistake of indulging in conversation with a drunk Constantine. He will deadass rewrite your principals and grill you about folding so quick as to let him do this. If you start to weep, he’ll just sling an arm over your shoulder…and continue lowering your sanity by talking some more. If you record the conversation with him in that state and show post-hangover Constantine he’ll flush beet red and put his head in his hands, groaning. He’ll apologize to you and kindly ask you to delete the recording. He’ll tell you to not take any of what he said to heart, those are a drunk man’s words after all. Can’t trust what them drunk people say. And, uh, maybe don’t talk with him when he’s like that? Please? …With some of the things he says, you can’t help but question his mental health. Can you really say he’s okay when he’s calmly going off like this without even stuttering or pausing to think? Is this really just a drunk haze or is it a peek into the mind of your good friend Micheal? Who knows.
Note: Sober Mehmed and drunk Constantine are a crossover that the world just isn’t ready for. So maybe you should prevent this from occurring as best you can. These two could theoretically go on and on for days if Constantine doesn’t sober up or pass out and Mehmed has his schedule cleared. I’m dead serious. Micheal has a ton of shit on his mind that he never gets to talk about because George isn’t here and the alcohol has hoisted that treasure trove of opinions and thoughts to the surface. Mehmed fucking lives on not only talking (or yapping as the youth say) and debating his ideas and beliefs but also this is the golden opportunity to talk with Constantine without him writing him off and ya boi is going to milk the everliving shit out of it because it may never happen again. For the sultan, this is going to be a very interesting and enlightening conversation and for Micheal… well, he’s drunk so who knows what he’s getting out of this. And don’t worry about Mehmed’s sanity, he’s resistant to pale damage seen and heard some shit in his day, so he’ll be fine. You should really worry about yourself and not listen too hard into the conversation… or you might hear something you wish you didn’t.
If you give Constantine a bouquet of flowers, he will take at least one—usually a few—and press them near the time that he receives them. Y’know so that they’ll always look as pristine as they did when he received them. He has a nice set of acrylic tiles on a wall in his room that’s just a bunch of flowers he’s pressed in the past. He’ll smile when you point at one and he’ll happily explain how he got the flowers in the tile. Hell, he’ll be glad to explain every last one of them to you if you’d like. If not a tile then he’ll press them into a bookmark he uses. Man’s got a rotation going and a specific set per genre for his bookmarks so that they all get used equally. He might one day, if you show enough interest in this small hobby of his, press some flowers into a tile or a bookmark for you. The kinds of flowers one should expect are…The red rose, the aster, the white carnation, the anemone, the calendula, the echinacea, and lavender. One can also expect this for any bouquets he might give you—eh? Some of those flowers have a romantic connotation? Pfft, no! The red rose symbolizes Rome! Of course Constantine is gonna give you some of those and, uh, don’t worry about the other ones. They just…look nice, yeah. ANYWAYS, he has seen those videos of people making beautiful custom chess/checker boards with acrylic and he 100% wants to make one himself. He’s just stumped on what the aesthetic should be. Like, should it have a Roman aesthetic? Or should it be more focused on flowers since that’s what most of his acrylic doodads are about? Maybe he should try something new and make it like a beach? So many choices…
Note: He’d be so thrilled to receive anything like that from you, even if it looks and functions like ass. Oh, the bookmark has jagged edges that cut up the pages and his fingers? Nah, it’s fine. He’s learned how to finesse it to where it doesn’t happen anymore. Please ignore the band-aids on his fingers, they came from elsewhere. No, he refuses to elaborate. Stop asking.
Another Note: People do, in fact, commission him to make bookmarks and acrylic stands. The first time it happened was when Osakabehime came to him with a piece of printer paper and asked him to make a stand of the character on the sheet. Apparently, the stand in question was a Comiket 55 exclusive and the ones on the eBay run for about…600 to 1,000 dollars. After seeing the sheer despair on her face, he took the paper and made a stand. Batty was so happy with results that she told her friends, then they told their friends. And that, my friends, is how Constantine ended up with a side hustle making acrylic stands and bookmarks. It does decently well as a business if he does say so himself.
Constantine, to an extent, knows how to do small architectural repairs on a building. To explain this, allow me to give you a watered down history lesson.
In the year 1204, the 4th Crusade happened. Stay with me on this. Previously, Jerusalem was taken over by the Ayyubids after the 1187 siege along with a ton of crusader land; the 3rd Crusade took back most of it except for—you guessed it—Jerusalem. And that’s motive for crusade number 4. After the gang gathered their forces and had gone through some financial disputes with each other, they set off to Zara to get some moola to pay off a debt via taking the city. They took the city and stayed the winter in Zara. Now, the gang decided to go Constantinople—their fellow Christian country—because the son of the recently deposed and subsequently blinded ex-emperor, Alexios IV Angelos sweet talked the crusaders into going there to overthrow Alexios III Angelos for cool shit like: money to pay the debt, tons of troops, their navy—fuckin’ you name it, he’d give it. The broke crusader army gleefully accepted and then they did that and Alexios IV was emperor, yay. Turns out that keeping ridiculous and frankly desperate promises is very hard and often leads to having to make serious and embarrassing concessions which then leads to bad things happening as a consequence, who knew! Thanks to rebellions caused by his subjects, Alexios IV was killed and replaced by the leader of the anti-crusader gang in Constantinople, Alexios Doukas (How many of them are there?). Anywho, the crusaders were pissed that their guy was killed and ‘politely asked’ the new guy to uphold the deal and ya boi told them to fuck off. War happens and the cards just weren’t in Byzantium’s favor leading to the city of Constantinople getting sacked for three days. The destruction was on another level my friends, it was so bad that it never fully recovered under the Byzantine Empire and the 57 year long Latin occupation really didn’t help either. I’m pretty sure you can see where I’m going with this.
In Constantine’s bond 5 profile, third paragraph, it states that Constantine lived ‘in a small, only barely habitable section” of the palace. It also states that they—Constantine and his family—were powerless to stop it from crumbling. Now, it’d be quite sad and perhaps a bit silly to believe that they didn’t at least TRY to stop their home from falling apart, and that’s where this headcanon comes from. In his youth and the times when he was home away from the Morea, Constantine pitched in as much as he could to make the palace better to live in, not only for himself but for his family too. Thus a young Constantine would sometimes be found—either with George or his brothers and sisters—clearing out dirt from collapsed sections or reinforcing the little supports to keep another hall from caving in during his free time. Of course a bunch of kids and teens trying to keep a building up with zero knowledge of how architecture actually works is a recipe for failure. And while I’m pretty sure that Constantine was smart enough to realize that himself, I still think he took it hard when that hall caves in despite his best efforts. No one blames him for it; he gets a few pats on the back from his two sisters for at least trying, his brothers tell him that they just have to do better next time, his dad shrugs it by saying that there’s more important things to be worrying about and his mom tries giving Constantine hope by saying that someday things will get better and they’ll be able to build a brand new and big palace on top of this old one. That all this Ottoman business will blow over someday and everything will be fine. He just has to have faith.
Later, when Constantine would be emperor and the nightmare scenario is unfolding right in front of his eyes, I’d like to think that Constantine was there—whenever he could be—to help fix the holes in the Theodosian Walls. As we know, despite the might of the Ottoman’s artillery, their reload time betwixt volleys was absolute ass. It was so ass that it allowed the Byzantines to reliably patch as many holes in the wall as they could before the next rain shower, hence why this siege lasted for as long as it did. It was a phenomenal effort to be sure, an effort that would go down in history, no doubt but as we know, the walls did come down in the end.
In Chaldea, or more specifically out on rayshift, if you’re camping out in an abandoned building then you’ll find Micheal patching holes in the roof and walls as best he can. If asked why then he’ll tell you that it’s to keep everyone from getting sick thanks to the draft and the elements. It’s best not to go digging too deep into this line of questioning as the roots of it all are deeply personal and riddled with the loathing of his believed personal failings. So just let your buddy do a lil’ housework—hell, maybe pitch in! I’m sure he’d appreciate the help.
Note: I feel like Constantine might have had a small childhood fear of the roof coming down on him while he sleeps. Like, a stone just slipping out of place and icing him while he’s snoozing or the whole ass roof, either scenario kept him awake at night some of the time. And, while that fear has mostly fallen to the wayside thanks to the wonderful losses he experienced in life, he does once in a blue moon wake up in a cold sweat after having a nightmare of his noggin getting rocked. And worse yet? He has a nasty headache when he wakes up.
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And that’s the first addendum to the General Headcanons. As you can see, it’s most just me spitballing and adding fun and not fun little bits to his character. While I did want to keep it relatively light, it’s kinda hard when you have a man as drenched and marinated in tragedy as Constantine XI. It’s like: “*Gently pats the Micheal* This boi can fit so much trauma, depression and overall tragedy in him!” So it just kinda writes itself. He’s such a sad individual and has ensnared me, heart and soul, into his solemn existence and I am living it like a possum in the ceiling of a government building from 1999. It’s stuff like this that really makes me wish that Lasengle would go in deep and just rip his character to shreds and make him bleed narratively. I want the deepest of cuts on this man’s life and I want an autopsy for all to see on why this man is one of the least okay individuals in Chaldea and I want everyone to come together and help Constantine resolve his issues one step at a time and show him that everything is okay now and that he doesn’t have to suffer alone and that he’s a greater man than he thinks he is. GOD what I would give for a canon interaction between Romulus and Constantine. Just Romulus patting him on the head saying that he did his best with what he had and he let Rome go down with a bang and that’s all Romulus could’ve asked for. That shit would do wonders for Micheal’s self-esteem.
But a gal can dream.
And write fanfiction.
My lamentations aside… In small Redline news, I’m feeling a lot better and thankfully I had most of this written before I got sick so props to past Redline. I got Angra Mainiiu to bond level 10 a few days ago, Constantine is almost to bond 9 with 53k-ish to go, Douman is halfway to bond 10 with 204k-ish to go, Koyayaya of Light is bond 9 and my Hajime-chan is 361k away from bond 12. Okuu Rerun and Traum definitely pushed Constantine and Angra to where they are now but ultimately… Triple bond CE Bloodfort grinding on dead weeks with Douman and Van Gogh always crosses the finish line, so to speak. That’s how the last of my pre-Lostbelt 6 crack team got to bond 10! I’ll be grinding 90++ with the same team (Koyayaya, Support Castoria and Proto-Merlin) and having Constantine soak up that juicy ≈1.3k bond until the event ends.
P.S: Apologies if the history lesson on the 4th Crusade was a slog to read through. I just felt like historical context was needed to best understand the headcanon and it wouldn’t have hit as hard—or perhaps at all, had I not placed it there and I tried keeping it as short as I could.
Anywho, I’ll be getting back into the swing of things. So I leave you with this humble offering and have a nice day, everyone.
—Redline, over and out!
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lucatielsgirlfriend · 3 months
good morning. i mean afternoon <3
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
7. earbuds or headphones?
8. movies or tv shows?
9. favorite smell in the summer?
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
18. ideal weather?
19. sleeping position?
21. obsession from childhood?
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
28. five songs to describe you?
32. top five favorite vines?
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
56. favorite tradition?
64. favorite website from your childhood?
66. favorite flower(s)?
72. worst subject?
82. pc or console?
88. your greatest wish?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
94. favorite season?
96. desktop background?
and i have to ask this one ^-^ 98. favorite historical era?
omg you love me and you want to know everythig about me ^-^
5. bottles is easiest, but a crisp glass soda feels so nice!
6. out of those the styles that i think look best on me are boho and sportswear :) i like goth but im not really in the culture
7. headphones. i found this really nice compact travel set so im not totally unaware when i wesr them out!
8. tricky. I do love movies, but tv shows are easier to digest for me so i watch those more
9. um. probably when water hits the hot ground. rain or otherwise. like waterguns. bbqs are also really nice :>
10. i was a fat kid so not many. i really enjoyed badminton and tennis and also rounders or baseball
15. i remember liking Kensuke's Kingdom for a book report but idk if holds up... I also enjoyed when we analysed poetry in our final year ^^
17. um i have three pairs of slip on sketchers so those. theyre easy and shoes r expensive :p
18. heavy summer rain 🤤 thunder or not
19. i roll around a lott in my sleep, so i wake up in all sorts of positions. its usually easiest to get to sleep on my side tho.
21. i was a pokemon kid. show, cards, games and merch. always on that damn ds
26. i kinda hate the heat, so chilling in front of a fan with a sippy drink and music is sooo good. i liked the beach when I last went though!
27. stupid-cold bonfire nights are realllly nice. my birthdays right around guy fawkes so lots of nice memories there. im also more active in winter because it gets darker faster and i dont sweat as much.
28. five... umm: 'Laughing Gas - The Fratellis'; 'Override (A) - Area 11'; 'Knees Deep - The Beths'; 'To Be Better - Miracle of Sound'; 'Moment of Forever - Willie Nelson'. ^-^;
32. umm idk i was never really on vine... literally none come to mind sorrry
46. naked for sure especially in summer. t-shirt and bottoms on the coldest nights. ^-^
56. tradition... not sure I have any anymore. when i was a teenager we used to go to the lake and follow a river and have a shitty bbq by the side with a bluetooth speaker. and everyone would jump in the water and I never would hehe
64. YouTube. I yearn for the old days of YouTube... I was just becoming sentient when youtube was coming around so i was on it a lot
66. tulips! esp orange ones :>
72. maths. numbers hard.
82. PC all the way from my shitty laptops to here. i love my compuper
88. umm many. to be a girl. to be able to be social without anxiety attacks. to be able to afford things. to not be scared of intimacy. for my pets and family and friends to live forever and always be happy. many many wishes.
92. lamps. i hate overheads especially white ones.
94. Autumn. idk I like the colours. and there's usually a lot more happening around then. halloween and birthdays and getting cooler.
96. usually a game still. or art from a steam trading card or smthn. right now it's a boss from Slay the Spire :)
98. I dont know a lot about history as I should. but I'm interested in gold rush/ westward expanse era stuff, what little I know of it. I should learn more history... Idk sometimes ot just doesnt go in, and I have fuck awful recall ^-^;
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soberncraving · 1 year
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𝙨𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙘𝙝 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙭 𝙙𝙤𝙢, 𝙗𝙧𝙪𝙣𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙘
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: you and a good friend ruin y’all’s friendship <3
(𝕚 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕨𝕣𝕠𝕥𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕞𝕪 𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕖-𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕚𝕟𝕘-𝕝𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕖𝕤, 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕚 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕚𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕒𝕧𝕒𝕚𝕝𝕒𝕓𝕝𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕒𝕝𝕝)
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ/ᴡʜᴀᴛᴇᴠᴇʀ: smut (mdni), afab, oral, f*nger b*nging <3, playful+brunette masc, cigarettes, rough-ish sex, dom x switch and switch x dom ):)
•𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞, 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐞 𝐬𝐲𝐦𝐛𝐨𝐥 ( . Y . )
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: abt 3,200 :)
she bursts in your bedroom, you pull your headphones down, startled by the door slamming into your dresser.
“i’ve been knocking for like an hour!” she yelled playfully. you chuckle, raising an eyebrow, “you said you were leaving your house 20 minutes ago.” she rolled her eyes, “i’m a multidimensional creature.”
you both laughed, she jumped on the bed, practically on top of you, sending your body into the air for a split second.
she knocked your phone out of your hands, demanding your attention, “i have something to tell you, y/n. a BURNING desire. are you listening?!”
“let’s hear it!” you encouraged.
“i’m really craving pizza, and i need cigarettes. drive me to the gas station?” she begged with her eyes.
“really? you passed TWO on the walk here.”
“i lost my ID last week…i need yours. come on, PLEEEAAASE!” she whined. she had a baby face, no one EVER sold her cigarettes without her ID.
“oh, shut up!“ you stood up, grabbing your keys. they made a little jingle sound that she loved, she was like a puppy excited for a car ride every time she heard it. she sprung up out the bed, smacking your ass cheeks separately, left cheek, right cheek, then your left again before running past you, bumping you into the door frame in the process. you jumped, widening your eyes and shaking your head, you put on a side smile and followed her outside. she was leaning on the car with her hand on the door, waiting for you to unlock it like a man-child.
soon as you turned on the ignition, she took initiative to disconnect your bluetooth and connect her own, playing Power Trip by J Cole. you looked at her and rolled your eyes, she didn’t pay any mind to you as she sang the opening and lit her last cigarette.
you pulled up to the store, the song still playing, she throws her hand on your chest and pushes you back into the seat when you reach for the keys, so she can rap AT you,
“WELL, THIS HAS GOTTA BE THE LONGEST CRUSH EVA, IF I EVA GET’A FUCK IT’D BE THE LONGEST BUST EVA” her other hand pointed at you, moving to the beat.
“COME ON!” you belly laughed.
you shoved her hand and turned the car off, reaching for the door handle.
“HEY!” she yelled.
“you’re so annoying.” you blushed, turning your body to get out the car.
you pulled your card out to pay for the cigarettes and she threw a diet coke on the counter, “this too.” she rapped her left hand around your waist, pretending she was about to kiss you in front the cashier before you shoved her head in the opposite direction and inserted your card into the machine. “i’ll cashapp you.” she whispered. no she wouldn’t. on the way out you handed her your phone to order the pizza while you drive.
she opened her diet coke, it fizzed up and spilled on her lap. “‘t looks like you pissed yourself.” you giggled, eyeing her bottom half. “oh, thanks!” you got up, picking out a pair of your pajama pants for her to change into, the ones you knew she loved the most. her eyes lit up as you turned around with them and she smiled a warm smile. “really?!”
“really really!” you answered, watching her pull her pants down. you averted your eyes, trying not to make her uncomfortable. she walked up to you, closer than necessary to take the pants from. she bent over in front of you to put each leg in. her head hovered in front of your torso. you watched her, realizing that maybe this behavior was intentional. she had been at it since she walked in the door. then again, wasn’t she always like this?
she came up slowly, looking from your lips, to your eyes. she kept a serious, straight face- a rare sight.
the door bell rang. “PIZZA!” you turned, looking back at her nervously one more time before you turned completely around to get the pizza.
she came behind you, reaching her arm out beside you to hand him a tip, then snatched the pizza out of your hand. she threw it on the counter and opened it, handing you the first slice. you reached your hand out to grab it when she reverted back to her chest, “what do you say?”
“good girl.”
“shut the hell up.” you took the pizza from her, plopping down on the bar stool.
you walked to the bathroom to wash the pizza off your hands, she used the kitchen sink. you guys met in the bedroom. “movie?” she asked. you handed her the remote, not feeling very decisive. “go for it!”
she grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. she leaned back on the bed, her right hand on the back of her neck for support. one knee was bent, the other laying flat on the bed, her shoes still on.
you moved your hair to your right side, exposing your neck to the cold breeze from your vent. she picked at her cuticles and cracked her knuckles on her lap. you wanted to lay your head on her chest, but you didn’t want to be weird. she looked over at you to see what you were doing. “horror?” she asked.
“of course.”
she pressed play on the movie, pulling out her cigarettes and moving over to the chair next to your window. you kept a skull shaped ashtray there just for her; you didn’t usually smoke. but this time, you went over to her, sitting at her feet. you gently took the cigarette out of her mouth, inhaling and blowing the smoke out the window. you watched the movie, while she watched you. she scooted over, moving one of her legs so that you were between them. she ran her free hand through your hair, brushing it. you leaned your head back into her and shut your eyes. “that feels nice.” you cooed, letting the buzz of that once-a-month-cigarette do it’s thing. “you feel nice.” she responded. on that note, you got up and walked back to the bed. she watched you, staring at your curvature.
she crawled back on top of your duvet, kicking her converse off. she took a sip of her diet coke before she leaned back, recreating her usual position. she put her arm out towards you this time though, indicating that she wanted you to lay on her. you scooted closer, laying your head on her chest. you nervously pulled your arm up to your chest and balled up next to her. she took you by the back of your thigh and pulled it so that your leg was on top of her own.
you stayed like this for a good thirty minutes, flinching sometimes at the movie, laughing at the dramatic bits, catching yourselves caressing each other naturally and correcting it. you lifted your head to see if she was sleeping, she looked right back at you, your faces just inches apart. “you okay?” she asked, concerned. “just checking to see if you were asleep.”
“oh, were you?” she asked, skeptical.
“wide awake.” she held eye contact with you, waiting to see if you’d be the first to look away, but you didn’t.
“what?” you asked, your heart beating through your chest, the blood rushing to your sensitive parts; your body could feel what she wanted before you even caught on.
“what you?” she was hovering over your lips, you asked yourself when she had even gotten this close. her hot breath lingered on your bottom lip, making the hairs on your arm stand up. you broke the distance and kissed her, she kissed you back.
you broke apart, asking each other for consent with your eyes before indulging yourselves in one another. she guided you onto your back with her gentle hand, laying on your side. she wiggled her leg between yours, rubbing the ball of her foot up and down your calf while she kissed you. you didn’t know what to do; you were so nervous, but so desperate for her. your delicate hands floated to her face, holding onto her firmly. you played with the hem of her (your) pajama pants while she moved herself on top of you completely.
“is this okay…?” she asked before she deepened the kiss. you nodded, brushing her hair behind her ear while it fought to fall in your face. the pendant on her chain rested in between your cleavage when she lowered herself down onto you, kissing you harder. she ran her fingers up the back of your hair from your neck, absorbing every moment of being in your space. she paid attention to you, to the way you shivered when she touched the back of your neck and the depth of your waist.
she reached under your shirt, unhooking your bra. she lifted your shirt off of you, “are you sure?” she asked, genuinely.
“i’m sure.” you were so shy. she took your shirt off and pulled your bra down your arms. she felt up and down your body while kissing your neck, biting it every so often. she got rougher, getting a feel for what you were into.
you seemed to melt when she used more force, so she tested your limits a little. she moved down, swirling her tongue around your nipple, then biting down on it gently. she bit you again, harder this time, your heavy breaths grew louder. she kissed all the way down to your jeans, unzipping them before she looked up at you for consent one last time.
she was afraid of making you uncomfortable, or ruining the connection you two shared.
“do you want me to touch you?” the words went in your ears and straight to your clit, her use of the term ‘touch’ was so hot, yet so wholesome. you felt safe. you needed her to touch you. “if that’s what you want…” you answered.
she crawled back up your body, leaving a sweet kiss on your forehead before asking you again, “do you want me to touch you?”
you swallowed, “uh huh.” she crawled back down, taking your jeans off in a hurry. she licked from the back of your knee to your inner thigh, kisses turning into bites. you squirmed underneath her. “you like rough, don’t you?” she asked, a smile across her pretty face. you smiled in response, excited but too nervous to say anything; she caught your drift. she stood up and grabbed the backs of your knees, pulling your weight against her before she got down on her knees, tearing your panties off and putting them in her pocket. she was fast to grab you by your ass and pull you into her mouth. you let out a loud groan before throwing your hand over you mouth.
( . Y . )
“feel how wet you are.” she brought your hand to your slick, looking at you with daring eyes as she pushed her fingers inside of you once, jerking your body backwards. the headboard slammed against the wall, she paused and then thrusted again, and again, “touch yourself, baby” she noticed how your fingers just hovered over your pussy, unsure of what to do. you acted embarrassed, “what do you mean..?”
“make yourself feel good...” she picked out your pointer finger, placing the flat of it on your clit, and rubbing it in circles for you with the palm of her hand, “…Or i won’t.”
your eyes rolled back a little, not even at how good it felt, but how fucking hot she was, the way she made you feel so needy. you groaned as she added another finger, jerking your body again.
she pulled her fingers out slowly, making sure you felt the emptiness she left you with, then opened your mouth with her middle finger, sliding two into your mouth, “what, can’t talk?” her free hand pressed on yours which laid still on your clit, and she moved it for you until you finally caught onto her rhythm, your body twitched a little at the controlled contact, your clit pulsing. she pulled her fingers out of your mouth, unraveling your tongue between them, and began fucking you again.
touching yourself was one thing, but touching yourself with assistance was different, absolutely life altering to say the least. it only took you about 45 seconds before you started inching to an orgasm, shaking underneath her as she pounded into you. she felt your pussy start to close around her fingers and slowed down, almost to a stop, “did i say you could come yet?” she picked up speed again, slapping your hand away and latching onto your clit like an animal, sucking sloppily and hard.
“fu- oh my god. just like- just like that. FUCK.” you cried out, you reached for the pillow behind you, pushing it off the bed and throwing your head backwards. an arch formed in your back and your legs fell to your sides, giving her even more access to your sex.
she lapped her tongue up and down, sucking on your folds. she pulled her fingers out and circled her tongue around your entrance, as she shoved her fingers in your mouth again to make you taste how (sweet/ salty/ bitter) you were. she sucked, dipping her tongue in you. she ate out of you like you were a pudding cup, curving her tongue inside you to lick all of your mess out. her hand reached under and around your thigh, with her upper arm cradling the crease of your ass, she used her thumb to rub your clit. “you’re such a mess, baby.” she moaned into you, causing you to whine and arch your back even more. you looked down to notice her hips bucking at the bed.
you heaved, whining at every exhale. “please-“ you moaned again, “let me come- please” you cried and begged, your body starting to shake again. she said nothing, she just moved her lips back up to your clit, cupping you in her tongue as she sucked rhythmically. she inserted two fingers inside of you, curving up into your spot with just the right amount of pressure to drive you crazy- to draw your orgasm out.
you grabbed at her, one hand clawing at her shoulder and the other basically ripping her hair out. you used her brunette strands to guide her head up and down on your clit, approaching your orgasm again.
“okay.” she finally answered, and you released all the pressure- your come pooled in her mouth, dripping down her chin and all over her nose while she kept going past your breaking point, you closed your thighs on her as if you were trying to crush her skull, she pried them apart with her strong hands and held them down. you grabbed her wrists and fought her.
she looked up at you, surprised, i guess she expected you to be more submissive. you caught her off guard, pulling her onto your chest and then flipping over on top of her, straddling her lap. you tore her shirt off, careful not to catch any of her piercings.
you crawled down her and spread her legs, pulling the plaid pajama pants off so aggressively they hit the wall with a “THUD”when you threw them. you took her boxers off, paying little attention you left them dangling on her left foot; she laughed at how eager you were.
she didn’t think it was funny when you grabbed her by her hair and pulled her into your mouth, sucking on her tongue and biting her bottom lip. she melted into you, her hands climbing up your knees, to your thighs, giving them a tight squeeze before reaching for your hips. she guided you to grind on her, trying to establish some sort of control.
you grabbed her wrists, pinning them to the bed. “nuh uh.“ you felt her smirk in your mouth after denying her. you kissed down to her nipples, taking the opportunity to look up at her and watch how you dismantle her. her eyes already crossing, her back beginning to arch, her little whimpers as she tried not to sound too girly when you touched her, and you weren’t even started.
wasting no time you grabbed the backs of her thighs and pushed them up, diving into the drippy disaster you had created between her legs. “oh… feel how wet you are.” you reached for her hand, bringing it down to her clit. her eyelids got heavy and you could only see the whites of her eyes as she started circling her clit.
“good girl.” you whispered. you ran your fingers through her slit, looking for her entrance, then slowly pushed your fingers inside of her. a pathetic moan followed your touch, she completely submitted to you. you felt all her muscles relax as you moved in and out of her, only tensing up when you brushed her g-spot. she was rubbing her clit a little faster, and you couldn’t help but feel jealous; you wanted a part in this too. it started off as you proving a point, giving her a taste of her own medicine, but you wanted a taste of her.
you moved her hand out the way and licked all the wet from her hole to her clit, sucking and releasing her clit with a “POP” her body jolted and she smiled. “you’re not too bad at this.” she said, distracting you. you refocused, finding a speed she seemed to dance for, and stuck with that.
her whimpers graduated to moans, and almost to screams, while you added another finger with force, the headboard slamming against the wall harder than it had when she fucked you, to her surprise. the noise echoed through the apartment , probably alerting the neighbors. you didn’t care, you liked how good it made her feel. how she was completely vulnerable for the first time in front of you.
you brought her to her finish, her legs shook and she let out one last drawn out moan, followed by a sigh of relief, you laid your head on her inner thigh, holding on to the side of her ass that poked out from underneath her and spilled onto the mattress.
it had just become your favorite little detail about her.
you looked up at her, still catching her breath, and smiled. she pulled you up to taste herself, both of you breathing heavily into each others mouths, your skin glistened in the yellow-tinted lamp light.
you shared a laugh mid-kiss, separating to press your foreheads together. you caressed one another.
“i guess this makes us BEST friends, doesn’t it?” you remarked. she shoved your shoulder playfully,
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simp999 · 1 year
A New Home Ch. 4
Various splatoon manga x Skilled! Isekai'd! Reader
Wc: 1.3k
Back to the start! Previous Next
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Assuming that nobody would be out here, you forgot to pay attention to where you were walking. Yet another run-in. So much for hiding your presence.
“Hey hey~, Watch out, cutie!”
You know that tone of voice, it must be…! 
You take a quick glance up, and you only catch a quick blur of pink before rushing off, remembering that you should be avoiding any significant characters as much as possible. Keeping your gaze on the ground, you spot some Gold High-Horses and Green Rain Boots, and man, you’re this close to squealing. 
‘It’s real. My favorite characters are right in front of me! It’s too bad even a little interaction could change the story. Aloha’s supposed to call Army out for being weak or something right about now.’
While looking for a spot to hide away from any important characters, you spot a pair of headphones at Cooler Heads. They should still be functional, right? You go into the store and check them out, seeing if they’re compatible with your phone. Bluetooth, perfect. They have a pretty long-lasting battery, and there are buttons on the side to skip, pause, play, and adjust the volume. Sweet. You continue to walk around Booyah Base since you’ve got nothing better to do, testing out some new gear and practicing in Sheldon’s training area for a bit just for fun. Not like you could carry around any more weapons, but it’s still good to test other ones out and find their weaknesses. You go back to one of the shops when you’re done to go find a mirror to fix yourself up in. You straighten out your gear, hearing a familiar voice.
“Oh! Team Blue will love this helmet!”
‘Oh, not again!’  You swiftly hide behind a pile of boxes in the store, and the clerk putting stuff away looks at you. You completely forgot about how Goggles ripped his clothes in his next battle and needed some new ones. You didn’t think the next battle would be so soon! 
‘Hey, that means Aloha’s up next! He’s not supposed to get hit a single time in this battle, right? I should really go watch him and check out his techniques.’
You attempt to sneak out of the store when Goggles and his team are distracted, hoping to make your way over to the paused battle. But you memory decides that it should betray you once again, and when you’re about to walk out the door, a pink squid stops you.
“Hey~ it’s you from earlier! You ran off pretty quick, y’know, I’m used to people asking for a selfie or an autograph.” You stand there frozen, unsure of what to do. You don’t want to start up a conversation, knowing he’s got somewhere to be. Aloha leans in closer to you,
“Aw, you just a lil’ shy? That’s cute~, ah well, I’ve gotta go, so I’ll be seeing you around, sweetheart!”
He waltzes off, presumably to go kidnap Safari-Kun. You would butt in, but that’s not part of the story. Sorry, dude.
You finally make your way over to Blackbelly Skatepark and it’s a lot less crowded. Guess it makes sense that the S4’s battles have the seats full and regular ones don’t. You make yourself comfortable and place your weapon on the seat to your left, then your bag to the right. You try to watch for Aloha since the manga doesn’t focus on him up until the Inkstrike. Now that you can actually pay attention to him, you see that he’s just kinda holding his weapon as if he should be firing it, and he’s hiding in corners. You snicker at how half-assed his effort is, and wait until you hear the sounds of an Inkstrike to really pay attention. You spot Aloha immediately, recognizing that quick and agile movement right away.
‘Wow, he really is flexible. Maybe I should practice that?’ You pick up your off-brand manual and skip to your page labelled “git gud”, which has a couple of bullet points on what you’d like to practice. So far you’ve got making your footsteps lighter and stretching to make yourself more flexible written down. Even little things can help in battle if you plan on possibly battling the best of the best. The rest of the battle isn't surprising, as always. Though, you're glad you got to see how Aloha battles up close, you can tell there's lots of training behind it. Even if he doesn't admit to training, he definitely had to have gotten some agility and strength training from surfing and dancing.
'Bet he can breakdance pretty well.'
You leave early once again, desperately trying to avoid Aloha. You weren't sure when his and Goggles' battle was going to be, but you assumed the day after since Team Blue had already had two battles today. It was only about two pm, so you decided to work on your training. First, you went over to Sheldon's training area to focus on quieting your footsteps, while still attempting to destroy the targets in record time. You slowly got better at it, noticing your mistakes and improving from there. You were comfortable with how much noise you made on the 23rd round of busting targets, so you figured it's time for turf. The first game went as usual, and you were glad to see the opponent's faces contort with fear and surprise when you'd suddenly appear behind them. 
"Nothin' personal, kid."
But it seems you were enjoying your newly acquired skill too much, and you focused more on splatting your opponents rather than inking. You'd still be sure to ink around when you had time so it wasn't a problem, but your opponents were obviously salty about how they could never get any farther than a third into the map and get splatted immediately, having less and less time between splats. Your teammates loved the easy wins, but your opponents verbally attacked you like an 8-year-old on CoD. Not a big deal, it doesn't affect you. But it was definitely headache-inducing. After the third match of salty opponents you decided you could either play nice, or play dirtier. And so, you threw your headphones on, swapping your headgear for those, and put them at full volume, completely tuning out your opponents. Now this was easy. All was well up until one of the opponents tried to turn the tables and copy your trick. You made some millisecond long calculations and realised that there was an opponent missing from your view. Not missing a beat, you spun on your heel, dodged to the side to avoid the ink flying at you, and splatted your opponent.
'Damn! That felt so cool, go me!'
You walked off and continued to ink the turf around you, bopping your head to the beat coming from your headphones. Hey, wait. You still can't hear anything around you. That means you noticed that opponent while one of your most important senses was completely turned off. 
'Awesome. S'pose I'm getting better. Next comes the blindfold!'
You think jokingly to yourself. Yeah, as if you could battle without being able to see. Wait actually, that might be a good training idea. You'd kinda need real people for that, not targets, but even just being able to pinpoint people's locations from sound alone could be quite useful.
By the end of the day, your opponents now seem to have a proper sense of the game, and are starting to understand their weapons properly. Some even think twice before attacking. Wow, never thought you'd ever see the day. They have their own gear and know where they belong on the battlefield, for the most part. Now it's getting fun. You'd probably guess that your opponents are around level 30 or so. Now your targets aren't just like some deer in headlights when you attack, they actually think to move sometimes. The score at the end of the games don't change much though.
Next Part
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boneless-mika · 1 year
Okay, Bluetooth headphone fans. Please help me pick out a new pair of headphones. I’m currently using the Bose 700 (idk the exact name) but they’ve started acting weird so what I want is
The sturdiest pair of headphones you know about, like I could have my head slammed by a horse’s head while wearing them and they’ll be fine (doesn’t have to be completely physically undamaged, just still functioning)
Last for years. At least 5 years of use before they start fucking falling apart (I had to replace the cushions on my current ones after a year and that doesn’t feel good when you spent over 200 euro on them)
As long battery time as possible. Like at least 15 hours because I often wear headphones all day
Preferably the same audio quality as my current ones or higher, though this is my lowest priority
I know this is a lot but I’ve listed it in approximately my priority order so if you have Bluetooth headphones you love please let me know the details
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calebwittebane · 2 years
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i love amity so dearly and i cant ever be mad at her but good god she has Massacred my bluetooth headphones.... like every time i neglected to hide them way out of her reach and sight even for a moment she would just seize them and toss them all over the place. the case is all shattered and held together by tape and one of the headphones is like. well there's only some of it left. there's the bud part and theres the innards hanging out of it, no shell and no buttons no nothing. it still works but i can no longer wear them in public cuz i feel like theyd just shatter into dust completely from my walking and stuff. which sucks cuz thats the whole point of them, i was rly happy when i bought them cuz they cancel outside noises rly well and the sound quality was preddy good. well right now i cant afford a new pair. amity whyyy. as of late shes been getting calmer and more polite and mellow cuz shes almost an adult catte no longer that interested in mischief and epic pranks but The Damage Has Been Done. regardless i am not mad at her because getting mad at animals is like so stupid. anyway im a little bit manic and not entirely happy about it cuz ive got shit to do but im running on no sleep and i have doubts about how coherent i am exactly. well coherent maybe but not organized thats for sure
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Battery Types For Bluetooth Headphones
Watching TV without disturbing others is a big problem for our company. I like to watch out TV before going to sleep and my wife always complains about security alarm and we end up having arguments over the idea. This is why I started looking doing this occurs headphones to use while television. I identified these wireless headphones that are very affordable and now I don't watch TV with anything other than the usual pair of Sennheiser RS 130 Wireless Surround Sound Headphones. An individual are someone really likes having a brilliant acoustic experience while watching TV, may really actually check out this model.
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Before the what, you'll need to answer the so just why. What is goal in purchasing set of headphones exactly where there is will you be with them? Will you buy headphones and put them on just to while away the time at school, doing the grocery possibly in your bed room? If you choose them on your own way to school or work, will you be walking or crossing streets? If so, maybe earphones may very well be the more sensible choice because tend not to drown out the noise of the environment as many as headphones, which may incapacitate industry to hear onrushing atv's.
Sony seems to have a great set of Bluetooth Sleeping Headphones known as the MDR-NC500. These headphones use digital noise canceling that can the whole ANC anywhere up to another step. It uses the digital system to select a filter sound for outside noise so it truly is more good at blocking out sounds. Are cheaper . a monitor switch so you don't require take away from the headphones means positivity . have to pay attention to external sound. This model has gotten rave reviews on comfort as well as top quality of sound.
My only criticism of this occurence otherwise brilliant product reality that you cannot charge it via a USB link. However, you can expect up to 32 hours listening time on one single charge if not more to 600 hours standby time. They weigh buying.academy/ under 11 oz of. The suggested retail expense is $250, but shop headphones around and obtain probably fare best.
Have a wonderful bowl of mashed potatoes -the natural sleeping prescription. Have some kind of food that generally forces you to be tired. And so go rest about half-hour or hour later. Do not drink liquids as much more wake you out of trouble of a sleep.
These are something which use on a nightly framework. I only wish that I had started with him or her sooner. During our childhood I lived near a busy street and also the noises would always keep me up. Some people find the noises regarding your city comforting, but I did so not at all.
Everybody loves gifts. And, top ideas for gifts for sweet sixteen birthday are all over. The gift does not always have in order to an objective. Just being together with friends and family and having a wonderful time is a gift alone.
0 notes
joeygoldy · 10 months
Everything You Need to Know About Smartphone-Ready Hearing Aids
If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from hearing loss, you know that it can be difficult to manage everyday life. Hearing aids in Sri Lanka are a common solution for people with such difficulties, but what if your lifestyle does not allow for traditional devices? If you are always on the go, or just don't want to deal with the hassle of carrying around extra equipment, smartphone-ready hearing aids may be a good option for you! You can buy these digital hearing aids online in Sri Lanka easily and conveniently through reputed dealers.
What are smartphone-ready hearing aids and what do they do?
These devices are equipped with Bluetooth technology that allows them to connect wirelessly to your smartphone. This way, you can use your phone as a remote control to adjust the settings on your device. You can also use apps on your phone to help customize the sound of your aid, or even stream audio directly to your device!
If you have an active lifestyle, or are always on the go, these devices can be a great option for you. They offer many features and benefits that traditional options just can't match.
Here are some things to consider if you're thinking about making the switch to smartphone-ready hearing aids:
Do I want a hands-free experience? If you are looking for something that you can control without having to fiddle with buttons, these types are a great option.
What level of customization do I need? If you need an aid that can be tailored to your specific needs, these smart phone compatible models are worth considering. With apps and other tools, you can adjust the sound to better suit your unique needs.
Do I want to stream audio directly to my hearing aid? If you are looking for a way to listen to music or other audio without having to wear headphones, streaming is a great option. Many smartphone-ready devices come with this feature built in.
Is battery life important to me? One of the biggest benefits of these models is the ability to use rechargeable batteries. This can be a major advantage if you are worried about running out of power while you are on the go.
What other features are important to me? When choosing one of these types of options, it is important to consider what other features are important to you. Some models come with built-in GPS tracking, while others include Bluetooth connectivity for easy pairing with your favourite devices.
No matter what your needs are, there is a smartphone-ready hearing aid that is right for you. With so many options on the market, it is easy to find one that fits your lifestyle and budget.
How do you know if you need a hearing aid or not?
Hearing loss is extremely common among both adults and children. In fact, one in three adults over the age of 65 experiences some degree of loss. If you think you or a loved one may be experiencing a similar condition, it is important to see a doctor for a professional evaluation.
There are a few different types of tests that can be used to diagnose this problem. The most common is called an audiogram, which measures how well you hear different frequencies of sound.
If you are diagnosed with such a condition, your doctor will likely recommend treatment with a hearing aid. They are small devices that amplify sound and make it easier to hear conversations and other sounds around you.
What are the different types of hearing aids available on the market today?
These devices come in many different shapes and sizes, and can be tailored to your specific needs. The most common type is the behind-the-ear (BTE) style, which consists of a small case that fits behind your ear and a plastic tube that runs into your ear canal.
Other types include in-the-ear (ITE) styles, which fit inside the bowl-shaped area of your outer ear, and completely-in-canal (CIC) styles, which are custom made to fit snugly inside your ear canal.
Depending on the severity of your condition, you may need a device that delivers more power than what is available in over-the-counter options. In this case, you will need to see an audiologist or other professional to be fitted for a prescription hearing aid.
If you have mild to moderate loss, you may be able to find an OTC aid that meets your needs. These devices are available without a prescription and can be purchased online or in some stores.
When shopping for a hearing aid, it is important to keep in mind that not all devices are created equal. Some may offer features that others don't, so it is important to do your research before making a purchase. In addition, you need to also check whether you can get hearing aid batteries online in Sri Lanka or your device easily, otherwise you it will be a hassle looking for accessories such as these to suit your specific device.
One feature to look for is Bluetooth connectivity. This allows you to pair your aid with your smartphone or other Bluetooth-enabled device. This can be helpful if you want to use your phone to stream audio directly to your unit or if you want to use a compatible app. If you are looking for something that offers both Bluetooth connectivity and rechargeability, there are several options available on the market.
Another feature to look for is rechargeability. This can be helpful if you don't want to deal with changing batteries on a regular basis. Some devices come with a charging case that allows you to charge it on the go.
If you are not sure which hearing aid is right for you, be sure to consult with a qualified audiologist. They will be able to help you find the perfect device to suit your needs.
Are there any risks associated with using a smartphone-ready hearing aid that you should be aware of before making your purchase decision?
While there are some risks associated with using any type of option, the risks associated with them are relatively low. The biggest risk is that you may lose your device if it falls out of your ear while you are using your phone. However, this risk can be minimized by choosing one that comes with a secure fit.
Another risk to consider is that your aid could be damaged by water if you are not careful. If you are going to be using it in an environment where there is a lot of water (such as the shower), be sure to choose a waterproof model.
Finally, keep in mind that all electronic devices come with some degree of EMF radiation. While the amount of EMF radiation emitted by these types of units is low, it is still something to be aware of. If you are concerned about EMF radiation, choose one that comes with an EMF shield.
Overall, the risks associated with smartphone-ready hearing aids are relatively low. With a little bit of care and caution, you can enjoy all the benefits that these devices have to offer.
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