#i love Astrid’s face she’s so ANGY
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headfullof-ideas · 4 months ago
A second ‘Httyd/the deep rivalries’ post, as a sequel to the post i did of all the rivalries that will appear in my fic of characters from httyd and The Deep that wouldn’t interact otherwise (Ala Snotlout/Alpheus, Kaiko/Viggo, Astrid/Fontaine, etc.). Only this one’s a little different, as only one of these counts as an actual rivalry, while the other two are a little more ‘these are dynamics that are going to be REALLY fun to write’. Anywaaayyys
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Ingrid and Astrid are more of a one-sided rivalry. Ingrid is one of the older girls in the village, about nineteen years old. She was top of her Dragon Training class, being the student who participated in the final test, and she had one of the fastest records to date. Ingrid is popular, if not always well-liked, and she’s really good at fighting and dragon-killing. Astrid doesn’t care about how popular Ingrid is, or about how pretty she is and how many boys faun after her, but another thing about Ingrid is that she is REALLY good at getting under someone else’s skin. And Ingrid REALLY likes getting under Astrid’s skin. Astrid prides herself on her resolve to be the best warrior she can be for her tribe, and her skill as a warrior, and Ingrid loves to make all of Astrid’s feats out as something unimpressive or subpar. She loves to suggest ways Astrid can improve in a way that makes it clear she’s saying Astrid isn’t near as good as she thinks she is, she loves to show off by doing whatever move Astrid is practicing and doing it better and acting nonchalant about it, and she ESPECIALLY loves to comment on Astrid’s skill with her ax. Obviously, this is something that drives Astrid nuts. Ingrid is hard to get back at though, so Astrid is just stuck seething and working as hard as she can to prove she’s better than Ingrid, who time and time again just brushes off Astrid’s efforts like they’re nothing more than childish feats
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Fontaine and the older Riders is going to be a really fun dynamic for me to explore writing, mostly because of when they all finally meet up. I don’t want to say too much, because i want to leave it to the story, but what I will say is that it’s not really a rivalry like the others. On Fontaine’s side of it, she’s found out that her dead baby brother that she didn’t even know she had until a few years prior isn’t actually dead, and not only is he not dead, but he’s surrounded himself with his own little makeshift family in the absence of his biological family. And that family is largely composed of a lot of kids all her own age. This produces a lot of feelings such as jealousy, frustration, and self-doubt. The older Riders don’t know what to think of Fontaine at first, the idea of meeting Ant’s biological family a notion that they knew could possibly happen. But the actual presence of Ant’s older, biological sister, interacting with them and trying to get to know Ant, is one that’s making them realize that Ant’s biological family may want him back. And by this point in time, the Riders have long since settled on Dragon’s Edge. Most of this is coming from Fontaine, but both sides have a lot of complicated feelings to work through that I for one cannot WAIT to get to writing.
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Mala and Eret is the least rivalry-esque of this batch, but it’s a dynamic that has been fun to figure out and write in segments as the characters watch the movie. Mala is the Queen of the Defenders of the Wing, a tribe dedicated to protecting dragons. Eret is the son of a dragon trapper who is the son of yet another dragon trapper, who have both had run-ins and minor dealings with Viggo Grimborn, who has been personally attacking Mala’s Caldera to try and get to the plethora of dragons they keep there beyond their Eruptodon. Naturally, there’s a little bit of contention between these two at the start, mostly from Mala who’s having a hard time grasping the idea that not all dragon trappers were in the business because they wanted to, and that some of them might want to get out. Eret is trying really hard to get Mala to at the very least tolerate his presence, especially when he is introduced to the young queen through the Dragon Riders. There’s gonna be a lot of fun bickering between these two, who are relatively around the same age, and trying to keep the peace in the presence of the young, impressionable riders.
Dagur and Eret are also going to be fun, because Dagur being Dagur is like ‘oh who’s this? Who’s this big brother shaped person with a dragon as well?? WHO’S THIS-‘ and Eret’s just trying to get along with the kids other friend. It’s like when you have two different friends from two different friend groups, and are trying to introduce them to each other. The Riders are in for a lot of PR control between the various groups they pick up as friends along the way as the story progresses
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pennamesmith · 4 years ago
Return of the Skeletor
A family reunion. Find more Skeletor stories here! 
Micah remembered the other world. 
Most people could, in fact. The whole planet was affected. They’d all lived a life they thought was perfect. They’d all imagined something intangible. The memories were faded and fragmentary, like the recollection of a dream, but everyone was certain it had really happened. 
Even if nothing that had happened was real. 
At first Micah didn’t realize anyone else had shared in the dream. He’d lost track of time on Beast Island long ago, and when the collapsing portal closed around him he only assumed it was one of the despairing wasteland’s many tricks. He never had long to dwell on the matter, either. Soon after finding himself returned to reality (he could remember shouting to Angella, reaching for her, trying to tell her “I’m not dead!”) Micah had met the loud and unusual Princess Entrapta. And after her there came…
“She-Ra! It’s She-Ra!” a nasally voice shrieked. 
Micah was startled out of his reverie by a sudden clattering of hooves. The door to his Bright Moon office burst inwards and he was presented with the sight of a breathless Swift Wind. Sitting astride the rainbow-winged unicorn was one of Entrapta’s bots, a lanky drone she’d named ‘Skeletor.’
“The time has come!” Skeletor said. 
“It’s true!” Swift Wind confirmed. “I felt the sacred bond return just a minute ago. Adora and the others are back from Eternia! Darla is over the Whispering Woods right now!”
“What?” Micah jumped to his feet, abandoning his desk without a second thought. It was covered in a mountain of paperwork: royal records, his regent’s duties, and the calendar pages where he’d marked off every day since Glimmer and the rest of the Princess Alliance left for their dangerous mission to another universe. He rushed to the door where Swift Wind was standing. 
Skeletor reached out and helped Micah onto the horse’s back. “Join hands as we bring together our mystic powers!” the robot cried. Once Micah was settled, Swift Wind turned and leapt out the nearest window. They sailed through the skies. 
“What’s going on? Are they all right?” Micah asked, with undisguised worry. 
Swift Wind banked, soaring over the tree line. “I’m not sure! The ship is under control but — look, there it is!” 
Darla, the rebuilt First Ones ship, was descending rapidly from the sky over the treetops. Her flight was steady, but parts of the hull were damaged, and smoke trailed from one wing. Suddenly the ship lurched and plummeted into the trees, vanishing from sight. A plume of vegetation went flying as it plowed to a smouldering stop. 
Micah felt his stomach twist. “We need to get closer!” he called out in a panic. 
“I can take you there!” Skeletor declared, urging Swift Wind toward the ground. They touched down by the edge of a long path of smoking destruction that stretched deep into the woods. 
“They must have landed near here,” Skeletor deduced, observing the massive trench in the ground. He hopped off the horse’s back and ran ahead, making anxious utterances as he went. 
Micah dismounted and walked beside Swift Wind. “I hate this,” Micah confessed. “The staying behind, I mean. At least on Beast Island I was the only one I had to worry about, and I was in control of my own survival. But having to stand by while Glimmer goes into danger? I’m so proud of her, yet I’m also so scared.” 
“I know what you mean,” Swift Wind answered. “I trust Adora, but I also worry about her, like, all the time. Whenever we’re apart I get so restless. I just feel powerless!”  
“Sometimes letting them find their own way is all we can do,” Micah mused. 
They came into a clearing in the woods. Darla was there, sparking and steaming but generally intact. Skeletor hammered on the door. 
“Here, let me try to get you out!” he called. 
Something inside the ship made a noise. There was a hiss and a jet of steam, and Skeletor tumbled backwards, landing with a squawk at Micah and Swift Wind’s feet. They all stared at Darla, holding their breath expectantly.
The front hatch of the spaceship popped open. Entrapta erupted out of it, tumbling down the landing ramp in a ball of frizzled hair. She pulled her goggles up. 
“Aha! We made it!” she crowed, taking in her surroundings. “All in the right dimension and everything!” 
She reached into the recesses of her hair and emerged with a haggard Hordak. “Your piloting saved us! I knew you could do it!” she told him proudly. 
Hordak squinted through half-lidded eyes. “Is it over?” he muttered. “Are we still alive?”
“Yep!” Entrapta wobbled to her feet and gathered her partner up in her ponytails. “Now, let’s get you a checkup and some rest. You’ve had a stressful voyage!” 
She suddenly seemed to notice the gathered onlookers. “Oh! Hi Skeletor. Hi Bird Horse. Hi Micah. Guess what? You’re gonna love this!” Entrapta turned back to the ship. “Safe to disembark, crew!” she yelled, before trotting off with Hordak.
“Now we’ll see how clever you are!” Skeletor said. 
Mermista peeked around the door. “Ground!” she cried, throwing herself across the dirt in relief. “I never thought I’d miss you so much!” 
“Oh, it wasn’t that bad a flight,” Sea Hawk cajoled, helping her to her feet. “Why, I can think of a dozen — no, two dozen more harrowing trips I’ve taken in the Dragon’s Daughter XXVIII.” 
“You fishmonger,” Skeletor scoffed. 
Frosta was the next one out, followed closely by Perfuma and Scorpia. “Eternia was amazing!” the teenaged ice princess announced, brandishing a pair of frozen fists. “I got to punch so much stuff!” 
“Come on, it wasn’t all violence,” Perfuma pleaded. 
“Yeah, we learned a bunch about friendship and responsibility too,” Scorpia agreed. 
“Punch! Punch!” Frosta said. 
“You’re becoming evil, I can sense it!” Skeletor hummed approvingly. “Excellent!” 
Catra and Adora came next, and they were accompanied by a young man Micah had never seen before. He had a pink shirt, bobbed blond hair, and bore an uncanny resemblance to Adora herself. A sword hung on his back. He blinked as he emerged into the light. 
Swift Wind’s jaw dropped. “Adora! Is that…?” 
“Hey guys!” Adora grinned sheepishly. “So, funny story. You remember how when I was a baby I was taken from a hidden First Ones faction that nobody has ever been able to find since?” 
She held her hands out, presenting the newcomer. “Well, uh, we found ‘em! This is my twin brother, Adam!” 
Adam smiled and waved. “Hello everybody,” he chirped. 
“Brother?” Swift Wind sputtered. 
“He-Man!” Skeletor bellowed. 
The group fell into a chattering commotion, but Micah was hardly paying attention. Glimmer and Bow had appeared at the top of the ramp, holding each other as they looked out. Emotions that went beyond words swam in the young queen’s eyes. 
Adora saw where Micah was looking and quickly pulled her brother away. “We’ll tell you the whole story later, sir! Trust me, it’s hilarious. Now come on, I gotta show you around Etheria, bro.”
“Sure thing, sis,” Adam replied, grinning hugely. They pounded their fists together, adding their own sound effects as they did so, and marched off laughing. 
“They have been doing that the entire. Trip. Back,” Catra groaned, following close behind the pair. “Somebody save me.” 
“You furry coward,” muttered Skeletor. 
At the entrance to the ship, Glimmer and Micah hugged each other fiercely. When they finally broke, the old king could see that his daughter was smiling through her tears. 
“I’m so glad you’re here,” Glimmer sniffled. “So much happened. You wouldn’t believe how scary things got! Oh, but I totally had everything under control.” 
“I know you did,” Micah smiled back. But he could tell there was more. 
Glimmer’s face turned serious. “Dad,” she said shakily, tripping over her own words. “Listen. Entrapta’s theories about the other dimension were right. When we — I mean, didn’t know if…” 
Bow stepped in. “Your highness, I think there’s someone you should see.” He beckoned gently. Still at a loss for words, Glimmer nodded and took her father’s hand, leading him inside the ship. 
Micah’s heart was racing even before she rose from the chair and turned to face him. His breath caught when he saw the spreading wings, the shining light, the smiling face that he remembered so clearly. 
Their eyes met. It was a miracle. 
Just like on the island, a part of him couldn’t believe this was really happening. But it was. 
They both reached out. They’d mourned each other once. Their hands met. 
“Micah?” she asked, hardly believing it herself. 
Outside, both the princesses and their well-wishers had gathered around Adam, excitedly showing off the wonders of their planet. He gazed with delight at everything, marveling in the magical light of Etheria. His laugh brimmed with kindness. 
Skeletor elbowed his way through the crowd. “I can’t let any of you delay me! Out of my way, now!” he jabbered. “This is no time for jokes!” 
He made it to where Adora stood with her brother and glared. Adam turned in surprise, not sure what to expect. They stared at each other. 
Skeletor held his arms wide. “I’ve been waiting a long time for this moment!” he cried. “Take this, He-Man!” 
Then he lunged forward, and wrapped Adam in an enormous hug. 
“He-Man, I am your friend!” 
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