#i looked like a creep bc its my neighbors window but like :3
gladiatorcunt · 1 day
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oh to be a cat sleeping on the windowsill in the southern sun
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musingmycelium · 5 years
5 questions for writers
tagged by @tevivinter and @theaiobhan <3
1. Do you have a favorite character to write? Who and why?
slams ellanis down on the table
hi have you met my son i literally never shut up about him. ellanis is absolutely my fav oc to write about but im also partial to the whole dao trio i have and, surprisingly, william hawke is becoming a favorite of mine to write.i enjoy exploring the differences in their voices and ellanis in particular is near and dear to me bc im projecting  he’s an important character to me and his thought process is really melodic to sink into
as far as canon characters go i, obviously, enjoy writing zevran since his wit and charm are really delicious to break down and get to know. his headspace is fun to explore because its incredibly wrapped up in all these different layers and he’s slow to expose most of them.
2. Do you have a favorite trope to write? Or one you want to write?
i am a HUGE fan of tropes in general and a favorite of mine is enemies to friends to lovers. i love exploring redemption arcs and why the characters go through them, i love digging into the chemistry between characters when they’re pitted against each other until they’re not and now what happens, i love sinking my teeth into the growth that can really only happen in those situations
3. Share your favorite description you’ve written?
oh this is a hard one bc.... all of my writing is so description heavy lmao but honestly my favorite descriptions are centered around noure so have a bit of them
White petals blushing pink litter the streets. Grow soggy in the rain with quick feet splashing through the sweetly scented puddles. Spring in the alienage, renewal under the flowering vhenadahl. Noure dashes from side-alley to shadows in the thick rain and hopes the tracks they leave are not worth following. 
Catching their breath under an overhanging roof Noure dares to look back. Scans the near-empty streets for any sign of a sword surrounded by flame and finds nothing but endless gray water. Sighs their relief. Noure’s shoulders slump without the tight tension holding them hunched together, sag into the damp brick behind them. 
It’s not spring without a raid. Without shemlen templars trampling fresh blossoms underfoot, noses wide not with the scent of spring but looking for hidden magic. Bloodsport. Plate armor dinging with each raindrop and none of them hide. Walking through streets vacated recently enough for shadows to still be shrinking into the corners the templars raise their heads and hunt.
But Noure is not prey today. No, they sneak their way through back streets and what passes for gardens to Ellanis’ window. Second floor and covered by the neighbor’s roof Noure fumbles for the hidden latch with chill-clumsy fingers in a brief vulnerable moment before it clicks. And they tumble inside. 
4. Share your favorite dialogue you’ve written?
okay now this one is definitely my favorite by... maybe a large margin bc im just a sucker for shit like this
“If you say so.” Zevran shrugs lazily, smirk on his face and eyes not leaving Ellanis’ own. “You don’t have any reason to trust me, perhaps I should not have expected you to answer.” He laughs, “Actually, I didn’t even expect you to answer the door. But you even let me inside your quarters, alone, at night. I should have taken that as my answer.” 
“Don’t worry about my self preservation, Zevran, I’m always in control.” Ellanis can smell him he’s so close, blade oil and leather. Subtle and overwhelming him, dizzying Ellanis from proximity. 
Distracts him.
“Are you in control, bello?” The gentle slide of metal on leather is almost lost in the harshness of Ellanis’ exhale. But the coolness of the blade against his neck is not. Zevran’s eyes haven’t changed, they’re still warm and relaxed and golden. Deceptive. 
Voice like velvet, grip like steel. Pressure only. For a heartbeat time stands still, metal on skin electrifying. Zevran’s hand is perfectly still without a shiver of indecision. The gall.
Without hesitation Ellanis grasps Zevran with his magic. Allows the creeping tendrils of his mana to invade the eddies of Zevran seizing his arm with a memory of old wounds and locks it in place. The corners of Zevran’s mouth flick upward for a fraction of a second, eyes widening a measure. It lights Ellanis on fire. 
“I told you. Always.” Ellanis plucks the dagger from Zevran’s stiff fingers setting it down on the ink stained parchment. “Don’t doubt or underestimate me again.” Under his skin his blood boils, but not with rage. It’s a prickling racing across him, an itch he can’t scratch. Unfamiliar and unnameable.
5. Scene you haven’t written, but want to?
so many bro oh my fuck
im chipping away at a prompt fill i got like..... i think maybe a full 8-9 months ago now and it’s the scene where ellanis says i love you to zevran for the first time its a MONSTER of a scene because there is so much Background going on and maybe all of three people care about that background by come hell or high water i’m gonna write it lmao
there’s also lots of little scenes i want to write, i want to write about william and varric and how their relationship really unfolds, i want to write about da’ean and bull and dorian and fill in the gaps i left last time i told their story, i want to write about noure’s time in nevarra and how they shape kirkwall when they get there, how attie and morrigan just absolutely fuck it up in orlais and ellanis during dai is still a fucking badass and doesn’t let anything or anyone get in the way of what needs done OUGHH theres just so much bro
i’ll tag @veridium-bye @goblin-deity @ocean-in-my-rebel-soul and @madamsnark <3 no obligations of course!
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teawiththegods · 6 years
paranormal anon- oh you've invited So Many Messages bc i get into some shit -- 1. when i was younger we had a house with a fair amount of doors that would slam open and shut without any breeze affecting them,,, my brothers and i would just ignore it,, you know what later in the same house we found a drawing on the mirror in toothpaste that no one did,, weird 2. a few years later we lived where there was a forest behind out home and my little bro and i went p far back to explore (1/?)
and found a fort made of tires but my dad said that it has a lot of bear tracks so we cant play there,, same forest i found a rib bone right behind the house and brush line and we dont know where it came from, i have the bone somewhere but not with me rn 3. a dif house later had three stories but was rly narrow and when we had to clean it out we found like used needles and a bong lmao but anyways,, i lived on the first floor and my parents and brothers on the second floor (2/?)and i was going up to my parents room and a creepy withered Thing rounded the corner of the staircase from the third floor and Stared at me,,, yeah i went in my parents room and slammed the door,, there was a crawlspace to an attic on the third floor but i never went on the second let alone third floor again. 4. dont remember when but i used to have a house with a closed off well in the backyard where snake skeletons kept appearing,, weird (3/?)5. i used to live out in the Country when i was 13 ish and there was a cute neighbor kid who asked if me and my little brother wanted to see something cool in the woods,, not weird at all lmao, anyways we went on a tiny path in the woods behind my house and eventually found a road but went right back into the woods and we found a dilapidated playground surrounded in barbed wire that we did play in for a bit the swings were p cool, (4/?)Anyways we eventually left and walked down a dirt road in the woods before finding one of those big cattle gates (idk how to describe them) that had a no trespassing sign and he said 'this is it' so we go down the road, obvi trespassing lmao, and he takes us to this old kinda falling apart house and tells us this is where he goes when he's mad, looking back Red Flag anyways we stay and break some windows and we also climbed a latter to look into the hayloft that the house had,, (5/?)we just went home after but it was fine,,, that house also had a tiny cabin in the backyard that our neighbor said his uncle died in but we didn't believe him 6. i used to commonly see apparitions in a few of my houses,, there were enough to fill up a good amount of pages in a notebook that my friends once found and were creeped out by bc the entries were a bit,,, detailed,, its bc they were full-body apparitions tbh 7. now that im in a paranormal club there are more things (6/?)like the psychic of the club saying that theres something attached to me that follows right behind me (understandable bc for some reason the back of my neck is oddly sensitive,,),, weve gone on a few investigations where my odd knack of sensing emotions and areas of power come in handy and its freaky,, we went to an old graveyard and i told you about the creepy trees and the old jail but more in depth i may have mocked a ghost,, or a few,, and then i was talking about them with my roommate (7/?)and her string lights started to flicker and they consistently responded when i asked them questions,, lmao yikes anyways i called on dionysus and hermes when that happened and my roommate had some crystals,, i dont think theyve left but i dont think that theyre bad,, or like harmful (due to this event her family thinks im a danger,, it wasnt on purpose tbh),, also recently there has been a red double ended noose appearing outside of our window that freaked us out (8/?)(coming clean i was the hermes chthonius anon from a bit ago and this was the event from the ask) and we dont know if it was a sign or not but the noose has the correct knot and bc of where it is it couldn't have been thrown?? man idk i dont care anymore but my roommate still doesn't like it 8. my family has also had some experiences bc ghost shit runs in families lmao,, anyways my dad once lived in like the maryland area and one time he was at a subway station and it was empty except for (9/?)a businessman with like a briefcase who said to my dad 'im late' and then disappeared but since work waits for no ghost my dad just got on his subway and went to work lmao,, my mom also had an experience when she was a teen and she couldnt see her bedroom door from her bed due to the room shape but she was alone with only her dogs, the dog wouldnt stop staring at the doorway for a while and then my mum woke up in the night to a strong presence of a person above her but she stayed still (10/?)until it left and then she turned on every light and locked everything,,, anyways im a fucking demon and ghost magnet lmao,, this is all that i can remember rn but there is prob more lmao,, hope you enjoyed my stupidity bc tbh i still lowkey mock some paranormal entities and dare them to mess w me which is a Bad Idea but i do give the restless dead offernings so they dont murder me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (11/11)paranormal anon - dont worry about subsequent paranormal club investigations,, theres a girl who is going to stay with me (bc i love wandering off by myself of course) and make sure i dont get into hijinks,, funnily enough shes not sensitive At All to paranormal stuff and shell be with me the Paranormal Hotspot
Yoooo you just took me on a journey!! Is it bad that part of me is kind of jelly right now?? I mean i say that but also the part of me that has built my entire manual of survival from watching horror movies is like “Oh hell no! We follow the rule book so we DON’T end up with stories like this!” lol! Though I would so watch you host a paranormal show! Thank you so much for sharing all this! What an exciting and also extremely terrifying life you live! 
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these are some asks bc im a big fucc
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? iTunes bc fuck all that noise but i use pandora to find new good shit is your room messy or clean? so bad so messy what color are your eyes? like brown but apparently less brown than some people have do you like your name? why? eh its alright i dont have a problem with it i just wish it had a cooler meaning what is your relationship status? TAKEN AS FUCK WATCH OUT LADIES MY GIRL ABOUTTA STOMP YOU IF YOU LOOK AT ME THE WRONG WAY describe your personality in 3 words or less; cringe, disconcerting, apathetic what color hair do you have? broWn what kind of car do you drive? color? i don’t where do you shop? hot topic, vans, zumies, tilly’s, rocket fizz how would you describe your style? like a wannabe skater/stoner favorite social media account; fucking........>>>>>> i hate them all so tumblr what size bed do you have?  mark (twi)a(n) any siblings? 4 half siblings, i know two, dont know two if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? colorado bc its been my favorite place since childhood  favorite snapchat filter? any of the ones that make my face cringier than normal favorite makeup brand(s) hAAAAaaaa how many times a week do you shower? so many favorite tv show? the office, rick and morty, probably family guy shoe size? 13 how tall are you? 6′2-3″ sandals or sneakers? i had a sandals phase but i dont really wear sneakers sOSO do you go to the gym? HAHAHHAHAHAHA describe your dream date: already had it, spent all day in the city, went record shopping, went to an aquarium and the ripleys museum, got high at pier 39, had mcdonalds for dinner, ended the day sitting in a park drinking a mikes hard lemonade, it was good shit  how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? literally 0 and some bart cards with 5 cents on them what color socks are you wearing? flesh color how many pillows do you sleep with? tres do you have a job? what do you do? i work at my mom’s job i just seal screws into bags  how many friends do you have? apparently 5 whats the worst thing you have ever done? high school whats your favorite candle scent? VANILLA PROBS 3 favorite boy names; eminem, kanye, jay 3 favorite girl names; rihanna, kesha, beyonce favorite actor? james mcavoy favorite actress? idek probs aubrey plaza  who is your celebrity crush? james mcavoy favorite movie? filth or the grand budapest hotel or fear and the big lebowski do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? not really as much as i’d like, a million little pieces is my favorite so far tho money or brains? brains do you have a nickname? what is it? no how many times have you been to the hospital? like twice top 10 favorite songs; ooooooh boy, It Is Not Meant to Be by Tame Impala, Lazy Eye by Silversun Pickups, Never Follow Suit by The Radio Dept., The Air Near My Fingers by The White Stripes, Catalina by Allah-Las, Soul Kitchen by The Doors, Hate To Say I Told You So by The Hives, Sixteen Saltines by Jack White, You Only Live Once by The Strokes, Creep In A T-shirt by Portugal. The Man  do you take any medications daily? what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) Normal what is your biggest fear? BEINg ALONE how many kids do you want? however many sammy wants tbh whats your go to hair style? its just like whatever happens happens what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) small apartment who is your role model? jethuth what was the last compliment you received? something sammy probably said tbh what was the last text you sent? “thats a lie” to sammy how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? i think i was 7 or 8 what is your dream car? 80s ford econoline with a circle window  opinion on smoking? i smoke wacky tobacky but not regular tobacky do you go to college? no but i might what is your dream job? musician would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? sububrs do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? yes do you have freckles? no do you smile for pictures? sometimes it depends on how good i decide on looking how many pictures do you have on your phone? 98 have you ever peed in the woods? yes do you still watch cartoons? yes do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? mcdonalds Favorite dipping sauce? sweet and sour sauce what do you wear to bed? underwear and whatever shirt i wore that day have you ever won a spelling bee? no but i probs would what are your hobbies? self loathing and procrastinating can you draw? i can draw badly on purpose but not good if that makes sense do you play an instrument? im starting to play guitar what was the last concert you saw? Tame Impala last november tea or coffee? coffeeEEEEE i need it to survive Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? i dont like starbucks and i havent been to dunkin donuts so can i just say peets? do you want to get married? yes (MAKE IT HAPPEN SAMANTHA) what is your crush’s first and last initial? S.S. like she’s a ship or some shit are you going to change your last name when you get married? we might do that just to piss off her parents lmao what color looks best on you? black grey white, or any combo of those do you miss anyone right now?  YES FUCKING HELL I DO (pls come home) do you sleep with your door open or closed? closed af unless my cats are being needy do you believe in ghosts? yes ive had experience so i kinda have to  what is your biggest pet peeve? everything about everyone i hate last person you called; sammy obvs favorite ice cream flavor?  mint chocolate chip or marble fudge regular oreos or golden oreos? regular chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? rainbow what shirt are you wearing? a tame impala t-shirt (big surprise) what is your phone background? a pic of me and sammy that makes me smile like an idiot every time i see it are you outgoing or shy? it depends, with the right people im a little tOO outgoing, but when im by myself im super super introverted do you like it when people play with your hair? im not opposed to it i guess do you like your neighbors?  dont really know or have a problem with them tbh do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? in the morning when i shower have you ever been high? yes have you ever been drunk? yes last thing you ate? 2 mcdoubles, and 10 mcnuggets favorite lyrics right now; 
Well don’t you remember, you told me in December that a boy is not a man until he makes a stand
Well I’m not a genius but maybe you’ll remember this I never said I ever wanted to be a man
summer or winter?  winter af  day or night? night af dark, milk, or white chocolate? i go between dark and milk chocolate really favorite month? probably november because my soulmate was created during that month LMAOoOOoo plus its chill and i like fall weather bc my best outfits come out of it what is your zodiac sign; LEO who was the last person you cried in front of? my mom
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