#i look forward to carefully finding and reading all the conspiracies tomorrow to declare our winner
tmbswhodunit · 9 months
Who Did Dunnit? The Reveal List
for those of you who haven't had the time to check out the collection yet (link here), this is the list for you!
Again, a huge thanks to everybody who joined in. I hope everybody had fun :)
mysteriouseggsbenedict - i have spent my life clamoring towards it
lizard-woman-from-earths-core-2 -> The Alpaca
oflightningandstars -> We'll both be completely at home in midair
acollectionofcuriousreblogs -> The Interview
sophieswondergarten -> Don't Grow Up Too Fast
ae-jurumi - Card Games
crow-in-springtime - Cat fic
heyitsthatonesmolgay -> ART: A Psychic Among Us
mvshortcut -> Steady On
fandom-queen-13 -> Fairytale
mashpotatoequeen -> petrichor
nobodysdaydreams -> Sirens of the Sea and Sky
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lady-divine-writes · 3 years
ACITW AU one-shot - “Draining Pipes” (Rated M)
Summary: After Sebastian is accidentally exposed to Covid, Kurt convinces him to quarantine. While the rest of the city is slowly opening up, Kurt is returning to a life that resembles normal. But for Sebastian, home alone without his boyfriend, isolation is changing him. And Kurt has some concerns... (2063 words)
Notes: Yes, this is a pandemic fic, but I promise, it's funny XD
Read on AO3.
"Hi, honey! I'm home!"
"Nope. Try again."
Kurt's head snaps up so quickly he stutters a step, nearly tripping over his feet even though he'd already stopped walking. He glares at Sebastian from across the room as if the man had gotten up from his seat, strolled over, and, without a word, vomited rancid sushi all over his Manolo Blahniks. "What?"
In a tone reminiscent of one his NYADA dance teacher, Cassie July, used that made Kurt prickle from head to toe, Sebastian says, "Try. again."
"Try what again?"
"Walking through the door."
Kurt spins around to examine the doorway, searching for clues about what he could have possibly done incorrectly. "And what, pray tell, is wrong with the way I walk through the door!?"
"Every time you come home, you say, 'Hi, honey! I'm home!'"
"Yeah, and... ?"
"It's boring. Unoriginal. It harkens back to an era of television situation comedy that had no hand in influencing our generation and, frankly, regurgitating it is beneath you and your dramatic talents."
Kurt plants his hands on his hips and gawks. What the hell happened to his boyfriend while he was away? He was only gone four hours! "Have you been rifling through my old schoolbooks again? I told you, there was no Illuminati conspiracy going on at NYADA!"
"Why don't you try something different?" Sebastian counters, neither confirming nor denying Kurt's accusation. "Something a bit more, dare I say, exotic?"
"Exotic?" Kurt scrunches his nose with distaste when he says it. Of all the words in the English language, that's one of his least favorite. "What constitutes exotic in your twisted opinion?"
"I don't know. Think of something. You're the creative, not me."
"What? I... " A dozen arguments about how he's just gotten home, how exhausted he is, how travel between here and the theater was a pain in the ass because some people still don't seem to understand what 'over the mouth AND nose' means so navigating his way through the subway was like playing a game of human Tetris with potentially infected pieces and that he's never been all that good at Tetris anyway! die on his lips. 
It would be a waste of breath.
Still, Kurt doesn't know why he indulges him, but he turns on his heel and walks back out the door. After a few seconds of deep breathing in the hall to keep from screaming bloody murder, he storms back in and brightly declares, "Buenos dias, motherfucker! Como what's up?"
Seeing as the two of them speak fluent French, Spanglish is the most exotic thing he could come up with.
Sebastian nods in stoic approval. "Better. How goes life on the apocalyptic landscape?"
"I'm not selling my body for Cocoa Krispies if that's what you're asking," Kurt quips, wondering if this is how Sebastian acts at work and how no one has put the man through a window yet, partner or not.
"So what I'm hearing is you didn't bring home Cocoa Krispies."
"Nope. Sorry."
"Yeah, well... " Kurt removes his shoes and socks, then sheds his coat, his messenger bag, his slacks, and his dress shirt, carefully piling them on a chair by the front door - their staging area for decontamination. While he undresses, he eyes Sebastian, not paying him an inch of mind, sitting on what has been dubbed the convalescence corner of the sofa, dressed in a soft white tee and flannel lounge pants, his laptop open on legs covered by a quilt his mother made for him when he was ten. Sebastian knows for a fact that Kurt is undressing and yet he's not leering at him, wolf-whistling under his breath or licking his lips like he's watching an Outback Steakhouse commercial. He's simply sitting in his spot, eyes glued to his laptop screen.
And Kurt loathes it.
Sebastian's attentions have been waning more and more lately, and even though it's savagely bruising Kurt's ego, he can't blame him.
Depending on how they choose to look at things, this situation could kind of, slightly, sort of be deemed Kurt's fault.
"Thank you again for doing this," Kurt says, extending an olive branch. He's been doing this so often over the past few months, he's started buying in bulk. "I can't tell you how much you keeping your distance and staying home has put my mind at ease."
Sebastian doesn't look at him when he replies: "No sweat, babe."
"I know it was just one small cough... and the kid was wearing two masks... and a face shield... "
"Hey, like you said, no need taking any chances. Right?"
"Right," Kurt agrees. And he believes it. He believed it then and he believes it now. Had the roles been reversed, Kurt would make the sacrifice, more than willing to lock himself away for the sake of curbing this disease and keeping Sebastian healthy.
But it isn't him. 
And he feels like dirt going to work three days a week, returning to something that resembles normal knowing what Sebastian is missing out on.
"It's his mother's fault for not mentioning that her little plague rat has covid before I got stuck on the elevator with them," Sebastian says, possibly trying to make Kurt feel better even though his gaze hasn't shifted.
"But quarantining for six days longer than necessary? That's above and beyond! I mean it. You deserve a medal." 
Sebastian tosses him a wink over his shoulder but he doesn't linger, giving half-naked Kurt only a brief once over. "I got you, fam. Besides, time's up tomorrow. Then... " He thousand-yard stares in the direction of the flat screen "... it's rat-hunting season."
"It hasn't been all bad, has it?" Kurt asks guiltily as Sebastian's eyes return to his laptop. He'll admit that maybe he did go a tad overboard when he'd found out Sebastian had been exposed, banishing him to one end of the penthouse and the guest bedroom, keeping him at broom handle length for the past nineteen days. 
But they were almost in the clear! And that's the part that pisses Kurt off most. 
The disease hasn't been eradicated, but there was a light at the end of the tunnel. The theater started allowing small groups to return for socially distanced practices. That's a huge win for Kurt. Being away from Broadway and rehearsals and opening nights and curtain calls... it was becoming difficult for him to breathe.
Sebastian was on the brink of going back to the office a few days a week, too. It wasn't so much not being at the office that bothered him, but the peripherals - eating lunch at his favorite deli or hitting the gym before dinner. 
Sebastian had taken three tests after that fateful elevator incident, all of which came back negative, so he was confident everything would be alright. He was in the midst of planning his first in-person meeting, but Kurt balked, pointing out that there has been so much controversy over the accuracy of those tests. Sebastian offered to take three more if necessary, but regardless of the outcome, Kurt didn't feel it safe. And even though they had access to the vaccine (because money), being exposed, even minorly, pushed Sebastian's timetable for receiving his first dose back two weeks.
Kurt's father and stepmother have both received theirs, and Kurt was so looking forward to taking a trip to Ohio for a first hug in over a year. He's going to be damned if a four-foot-tall Petri dish ruins that for him!
But because of his paranoia, Kurt and Sebastian haven't touched, haven't kissed in two weeks. They tried the whole Skype sex thing from different rooms of the penthouse, aiming to recapture old college day thrills to boot, but it didn't work out the way they'd hoped. And even though they see each other every day, talk to one another, aggravate each other, throw popcorn and other food items at each other, Kurt misses Sebastian like the dickens. He misses his hugs, his warmth, his smell.
And yes, he misses the sex.
"Since I've been back to work, you've had the peace and privacy to watch those wacky pornos that your brother sends you."
"Yup," Sebastian says, typing something into his search bar that Kurt can't quite make out. "The wackiest."
"Didn't he say something about them being illegal in the contiguous 49 states?"
"Forty-eight. Tennessee turned itself around."
"It would be Tennessee."
"Always is."
"You probably haven't given your fleshjack a rest in two weeks," Kurt prods, worried over these short responses. 
"Mmph... mmm-hmm... "
Kurt starts circling the sofa when all he gets is a chuckle in response, curious if Sebastian is even listening to him. He comes up behind him, standing on a piece of painter's tape they'd put down to mark six feet so Kurt can peek over his shoulder.
And what he sees on Sebastian's screen makes absolutely no sense.
"What are you watching?"
"Drain clearing videos."
Kurt's eyes go wide. "Drain clearing? Wh-what does that mean?"
"This guy drives all over, and when he finds a street that's flooded, he takes out a rake, drags it through the water, and tries to find the blocked drain."
"Does he work for the city?"
"Nah. He's just some guy."
"And he's made a whole channel about... clearing drains."
"Yes, sir."
"And you're watching it?"
"It came up in my recommendations so I clicked one." Sebastian shakes his head, chuckling when stagnant grey water, punctuated by speckles of rain, turns into a whirlpool, rushing through thick iron bars embedded in the concrete and disappearing from view. "It's so satisfying."
"What on Earth were you watching before this that YouTube recommended it?"
"Car cleaning videos."
Kurt's left eyebrow slowly climbs up his forehead. "A-ha."
"Yup. I never realized how relaxing it is to watch a handsome guy Bissell Kool-Aid stains out of carpet. But now... it's my jam."
Kurt huffs, offended on behalf of himself and his own vigorous cleaning regimen. "It wasn't your jam when I was steam cleaning our throw rugs! And the curtains!"
"Yeah, well, things hit different when you're forced into isolation."
Kurt storms forward a step. But then he remembers. And he stops, foot hovering an inch past the sacred boundary that keeps him from venturing too close to infection. He teeters, determination creasing his brow while anxiety wrestles his shoulders back. All the while, a war wages inside his tired brain:
"Get him! You've been vaccinated!"
"It's only one dose!"
"He's not even sick!"
"You don't know that!"
"Yes, I do!"
"It's not worth the risk!"
"Yes... it... IS!"
"Come on!" Kurt demands, throwing himself bodily at the sofa. He grabs Sebastian's hand, a small voice screaming inside his head as if his tiny naysayer is being burned at the stake. "Come with me... NOW!"
"Where are we going?" Sebastian asks, rushing to move his computer to the side before he gets dragged off the sofa by his surprisingly strong boyfriend.
"This is an intervention."
"But you shouldn't be touching me! Or breathing my air! I have one day left!"
"You're fine! If you haven't gotten sick by now, you probably aren't going to! This is an emergency!"
"What emergency?"
"Quarantine has turned you into someone I don't recognize! Car cleaning videos? Who are you right now?"
"They're educational. It's good to learn a new skill."
Kurt barks a laugh that could shatter crystal. "Right. Like you'd ever. You'd pay highway robbery to have your ten-speed detailed!"
"Nope, because you'd do it for free."
 Kurt rolls his eyes, unwilling to entertain his boyfriend's mocking of him to ask whether or not that's code. "If you're going to ogle a man wielding a Bissell, Goddammit, it's going to be me!"
"So... are we going to clean some carpets?"
"We're going to take a shower and then have sex. A lot of sex. You're getting fucked and sucked until you're back to normal."
Sebastian snorts, delighted by his incredibly good fortune. "If you insist. But are you absolutely sure about this?"
Kurt stops short and faces Sebastian. He looks him over, making certain he doesn't seem particularly sick, and shrugs.
"We'll wear masks. Or three. I don't need to kiss you to make you cum." Kurt continues to drag Sebastian towards the bathroom as his grin grows to epic proportions.
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