#i live for 'possesive & you haven't spoken to me in seven years??' sibling dynamics
imgoinginsanefr ยท 6 months
my fav super specific royal family dynamic in fiction
(SORRY FOR TYPOS) The older siblings and parents are these scary and well trained royal members of whatever court they're in and/or experienced warriors and they all are these feared individuals but whenever their youngest child walks into the room they turn into the most golden retrever ass people ever just "so whats your favorite meal? I remembered you like pasta" / "So what do you do in your free time" / "I'm going to an event later (they made this up on the spot as an excuse to spend time with them - and if they say yes they'll scramble to make it happen just so they can sit and talk with their youngest over dinner) I bet people would love it if you joined us!!" and the youngest does not care at all to the point they are trying to avoid it.
The whole fam is so envolved in the youngests life now because after like years they all colectively realized (maybe after an argument or a threat to the youngests life) that they had Fucked Up and had basically been neglecting them for so long and now their all scrambling to get back into the kids life but they haven't realized how much the youngest has changed as a person and just assumed they we're the same as when they were a cheerful little kid. Now all these respected individuals are trying so hard to get their family back together and get their youngest to therapy and they have to face how crappily they treated the kid and how they're not who they used to be.
Bonus if the youngest is now this all powerful warrior (extra points if they could defeat the older and more experienced fighters in the family) or super skilled in smth and only now are the fam finding out about it, and extra extra points if the youngest is a total sunshine character to everyone except for the fam (can be personal to the fam OR it can be that their a people pleaser and then they become exhausted when they get home and just don't keep up apearences anymore)
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