#i literally wanted him to just high give me or smth i’m literally lacking physical touch period
1-800-simping · 2 years
literally how do u get a guy to text first 😐😐
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chryuhwan · 3 years
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helloooo i’m sol (21+, they/them) and this is yuhwan. he’s an old oc revamped too many times so if he seems familiar... my b dude i’m attached i guess. anyway, i’m excited to be here! please like this post if you’re interested in plotting and i’ll hit you up. i’m not on twitter and pretty sparse on discord, so i prefer tumblr im! but if that’s difficult for you, we can figure smth out! i have a short (haha) tl;dr under the cut, but you can also read up more on his BIO and PROFILE pages.
TRIGGER & CONTENT WARNINGS: physical abuse, underage drug/alcohol consumption, (attempted) suicide (lmk if you want a redacted summary!) 
BASICS — born and raised in busan up until the tender age of seventeen, when he was sent (“exiled”) to seoul to live with his aunt and uncle and attend hannam. the catalyst was a rebellious phase turned lifestyle (a lot of really reckless decisions involving drugs, alcohol, vandalism, swiping money from the tithes & offerings, u name it) and his parents deciding they a) didn’t want to deal with that and b) didn’t want that to reflect on their reputations. he’s been in seoul ever since and has never stayed in busan for longer than a couple of days.
ON RELIGION & FAITH — the only son of the head pastor of a well-known megachurch in busan, yuhwan was raised under the strict and watchful eye of his obsessive parents! he’s not religious anymore by any means, but faith (or his lack thereof) has shaped a huge part of his mentality. his lack of belief in a higher power is the foundation of his ‘if i have the confidence to own up to the potential consequences of my actions, then i’ll do whatever i want to’ mindset. he’s not going to be discouraged by a god that doesn’t exist! 
ON SEOUL — hates it. yep. he hates seoul, but he doesn’t really have the drive to try to find somewhere he does like because he hates busan too. when he was sent to live with his aunt and uncle, he was treated pretty poorly (still flinches when people raise their hand at him), like a glorified punching bag. hannam wasn’t any better, and the military was nice in the way prison cells might be. he hates cramped things and the only decent jogging path he knows runs him right by the bridge he almost jumped off of after his military service ended so. you know. you win some, you lose some. 
ON HANNAM — hated it. yep. straight up hated it. he was pretty good about being friendly around virtually anyone who held his attention for more than a couple of seconds, but yuhwan hates the idea of hierarchies! finds them downright stifling, and he doesn’t like the idea of being placed in a box, etc. hannam felt like an oppressive social pyramid and he thought that kinda sucked so as friendly as he was on the outside, he had zero interest in making friends and has probably only willingly kept in touch with a handful of people since graduating. 
ON GOSSIPS, RUMORS, AND SECRETS — he’s a tabloid writer. once a regular editor for a small newspaper, he gave that up and decided to sacrifice his morals for a higher paycheck. he blames his mom because she, as the pastor’s wife, had a lot of access to juicy gossip and liked to tell yuhwan about it. yuhwan’s probably the least trustworthy person he knows. he’s careful to keep the secrets of people he cares about, but as it turns out, he doesn’t really care about that many people. he’s friendly, open to listening, and honestly not that bad at giving advice etc., but be on your guard. wouldn’t want your dirty laundry to be aired out for the world to see, after all. 
ON THE PRESENT — he’s minding his own business. really. like i said, he’s probably kept in touch with some people, but otherwise he’s not really interested in the busy lives of almost-strangers unless they’re going to get him a bonus on his next paycheck. yuhwan very much so marches to the beat of his own drum. he doesn’t care much about the world around him and only cares when it inconveniences him. like a kite without a string, he’s floating wherever the fuck the wind’s going to take him!
ON HIS SECRET — after graduating from high school, and then university, and then finishing military service, yuhwan thought he might literally lose his fucking mind if he didn’t set himself free in one way or another. ultimately, he decides he won’t be able to coexist in peace with his parents unless they change. and because they won’t change of their own volition, he submits an anonymous tip about his father’s embezzlement of church funds. in the end, it doesn’t destroy his dad’s legacy or anything; the church is still up and running—but it’s an ordeal that takes months, years of being humbled by the weight of the world. he doesn’t feel bad about it. his mom gossips less and his dad’s less of an asshole, after all. makes family gatherings that much more bearable when they’re all tired of existing!
BEST FRIEND — just one. no dramatic childhood friends story or anything like that. just one person he actually really genuinely sincereeeeeely liked from hannam that didn’t take any effort or slow build to figure out. probably the only person he really trusts in this big, bad city. you’ve got a huge weapon in your hands! he’s not used to putting this much trust in others. (+1000 if in a two-day relationship that ended terribly. ‘i would never date you again, but i’ll still die for u’ kinda vibes) 
HANNAM FRIENDS — there won’t be many, but! anyone? anyone?? he was a friendly, easygoing person (still is, tbh) during his hannam days, but was definitely a free spirit who did whatever he wanted. if you could keep up with his pace, then he might have liked your company. he’s not a fan of overly serious people unless they have the patience of a saint! (trust me, you’ll need it.) 
HANNAM... NOT FRIENDS — he’s not so conscious of his surroundings as to have enemies himself, but he definitely did get pushed around for a little while when he was first getting settled. and he’s also definitely spoken out of turn and said some rude shit (not on purpose) (he just doesn’t have a filter) here and there. want to hate his guts? please do. negative energy’s welcome in this house!
COUSIN — a similar-aged cousin, also the child of the aunt and uncle yuhwan absolutely fucking abhors. they might have a contentious relationship. might even be a positive one. either way, they lived under the same roof for a few years! 
TABLOID VICTIM — got a little fame to your name? have a nasty scandal you didn’t want to get out? well, now it’s out. and sensationalized, too! maybe you know it’s him who leaked it (and wrote the article, while we’re at it). maybe you don’t! 
BUSAN BUDDIES — and i use the word ‘buddies’ loosely. grow up in busan? have religious parents? religious yourself maybe? well, maybe you bumped into each other then. yuhwan had the reputation of being a prim and proper pastor’s son, amiable and cheerful and so so devoted, up until he was suddenly sent to seoul. all of his bad habits and reckless adventures were largely done behind his parents’ backs (until he got caught, at least!)—you know of them? partake in them, maybe? or maybe you didn’t know, and you’re wondering why the fuck he came to seoul in the first place
BLACKMAIL — he’s not above using underhanded tactics if they’re made available to him. sometimes he doesn’t even need a big reason. maybe he found out a secret of yours and he wants a secret you know about someone else. he’ll hold it over your head! call it a little game of cat and mouse!
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cosmicmoved · 5 years
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IT’S TIME FOR MIN’S OFFICIAL INTRO... a mintro, if you will. KIM MINWOO, KNOWN AS MIN; 24 YEAR OLD POPSTAR, MEMBER OF POP DUO SO:DA. this is a muse i made back in march for a closed rpg that didn’t open so i wanted to give him a second chance! (:< i’ll write a proper bio for him soon, one that makes him sound like less of a moron, but this is just a basic rundown of his basic situation & some extra facts about him! sorry if this sucks, i can’t introduce a new muse without getting nervous for the life of me asdfghgfdfg anyway !! this gets pretty lengthy, even though it’s all just bullet points, so i threw it under a cut to save the dash. please click the read more to learn about min! if you have any trouble reading the theme, please refer to the mobile version of this post!
FIRST!! I want to be clear that Min is not a K-Pop idol, he’s a popstar. Technically, he started off in the K-Pop industry, is still ‘owned’ by a Korean company and was trained under that system but to describe him that way is no longer accurate. (i’m also very aware there’s already a k-pop idol called min but as he’s fictional, a man and, again, not a k-pop idol, it doesn’t really matter that much but m!ss a deserved better anyway)
min is tomo’s best friend. tomo, having a lifetime of awful hollywood experience on min, was one of the first friends he made after moving to LA and they were both around the same age. they’re a chaotic combo and i love them... (i know the fc choice seems a bit too easy but i actually made both of these characters totally separately & making tomo made me want to give min another shot so i decided to lump them together)
full name is kim minwoo (김민우 / 金玟雨 / kim min-u) but he goes by MIN, both as a stage name and a nickname. call him either min or minwoo, he doesn’t really care either way. (he’s fed up with people pronouncing the W...it’s silent...)
birthday: 12th June 1995. he’s 24 years old.
nobody can tell whether or not he’s a jerk because he’s essentially a nice person. is it false bravado or does he just lack tact? is he just a part-time bastard? like.....he’s not mean, he’s a good person, he cares about other people!! ...but he’s also kind of a brat & he’s VERY stroppy. he gets upset if stuff doesn’t work out the way he wants it to.
he’s a member of the pop duo, SO:DA; an okay singer, more of a rapper, but a solid dancer. also very much known for his look, something about which he’s more bitter than he lets on. (he pretends to eat it up but he actually finds it pretty frustrating, a direct contrast to tomo who loves being the designated Pretty Boy so long as it’s not in clean, shiny way; if ur gonna call min pretty a bunch of times, compliment him somewhere else too at least once if u don’t want to end up on his list of enemies)
SO:DA debuted in south korea back in 2014 but the company made the decision to move it abroad a year later in an attempt to globalise their output. it’s hard to consider them as a k-pop group as they’ve been based in LA for 4 years now and they release music entirely in english. (pls don’t mention super m to me, i made this character in MARCH asdfghgfdfh)
the group’s name was originally short for SOL & DAL, taken from the french word for sun (soleil) and the korean word for moon, but they dropped it after the move abroad. min was the member who represented the moon while his partner in the group was the sun. they’ve sort of kept the concept in terms of visuals and all the rest but they mostly don’t speak about it.
min actually grew up in the UK. born in seoul, moved to a london when he was four and then moved back to seoul when he was thirteen and then to LA when he was eighteen.
min’s not as into partying as tomo so like...he’ll go along with it and go to clubs with tomo but usually doesn’t drink as much & often ends up in charge of dealing with the aftermath of tomo being an idiot. min doesn’t really mind bc he’s used to people trying to chase after him & being treated like an irresponsible child so he likes being the responsible one for once. (actually, he’s just a much tamer character than tomo in general. i think the same heavier topics will come up by virtue of him being a big part of tomo’s plotline but, in isolation, min’s less intense. min doesn’t take any drugs, for one thing; it’s part lack of interest, part he’d never get away with it like tomo does)
min isn’t allowed to do wild shit in public or else his management will come down on him like a tonne of bricks but he likes the idea of the Bad Boy image so he kinda...mooches off of tomo for the street cred. like they’re genuinely best friends and he’s not using tomo or anything shitty like that but i can’t say that min doesn’t enjoy being seen as trouble by proxy.
got banned from club penguin when he was ten for saying fuck. (more than once bc saying it once only gets you banned for 24hrs.) it was his first experience with resenting authority for enforcing their rules on him 😔
he likes to keep this sort of...mysterious, tortured image but his upbringing was actually fairly ordinary. he gets on with his family and loves them a lot. nobody’s dead, there’s no awkward relationships.
he has two siamese cats, both aged about 3 years. they have their own instagram account that’s about 40% run by min and 60% run by his manager when they have nothing better to do (usually after min has spammed them with pictures he’s taken). in conclusion, they are baby.
this has actually resulted in them having to separate their channels of contact by purpose; one messaging service will be used for important stuff, one will be used for casual stuff, one will be used exclusively for social media (cat pics & selfies), so on and so forth.
his management won’t let him get tattoos and he’s mad about it. like to the point that he’s been known to wear fake tattoos occasionally. do NOT clown him for it. he won’t take it.
actually, min’s management is just very controlling and overbearing & he’s totally overworked but hahaha we’re just going to ignore that bc arguing with the people in charge means risking your dream career in music & potentially losing it all, esp bc you skipped out on uni and fucked up a lot of high school just to pursue this job hahaha let’s just internalise that shit and get on with it
owns the cherry coke aesthetic. actually thinks classic coke is better. shhh, don’t tell. his favourite sweet is basset’s cherry drops though hehehe (not that he gets to eat them very often, given i can’t imagine they’re easy to find outside of the uk)
actually drinks too much coca cola. that probably explains the stroppiness, as well as his awful sleeping patterns.
pepsi can get fucked
min claims to be a vegetarian.
min is not a vegetarian.
the backstory there is pretty simple; min’s fussy. he has particular tastes. most kinds of meat, esp red meat, do not fall into his OK Zone. instead of having to suffer through important, fancy meeting dinners with posh steaks and not being allowed to use his fussiness as an excuse, he started claiming he was a vegetarian. people seemed to be more accepting of that. the only trouble is that he’s now widely known as a vegetarian when he doesn’t actually give a shit. the only people who know he’s bullshitting are his friends. he just wants a mcdonald’s double cheeseburger.
min lives on a diet of utter shit. he’s contractually obliged to eat healthily when preparing for promotions so he doesn’t just fuckin collapse on stage from malnutrition. pls eat a vegetable.
o yea he’s petty as fuck. wrong him like...once...and it’s fuck u city.
also he currently has silver hair. he’s icy...u see that he’s icy......i know the graphic is pink hair but i made it as a sidebar for smth like a year ago and i wanted to reuse it (:<
ALSO !! uhhhhhh, if anybody’s interested in rping the other half of SO:DA.........pls let me know asdfgfdf i’d literally LOVE for someone to take that role hehehe! p much everything is up to you besides a few requirements; he has to be close enough in age to min, probs not too different in build (duos always kind of have?? a sorta physical symmetry??) and he's a vocalist. the personality is totally your call but there has to be that sunny image. fc and everything else is your choice too but i’d have to be chill w/it & agree that it works asdfghdd!!
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thetactilepope · 7 years
Lessons in Thermodynamics: Chapter Three
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54 days to Winter Break
It had only been four days since Momo had found out her test mark, and she could already feel the stress building. Like a splinter just below the skin, it was a constant source of irritation.
As she used yet another lunch hour to agonize over the few (barely) coherent notes she had made during those lessons, it occurred to her that at this rate, she’d probably burn out soon.
“Haven’t I been through this before?” She sighed, resting her head on her desk, “I can’t let myself get overwhelmed. It won’t do any good.”
Her resolve had carried her through many trials before, and this would be no exception. Hopefully.
Still, she felt like she needed to talk to someone, get all these thoughts out of her head, before she was overwhelmed. Keeping it all bottled up wouldn’t help, not at all. Suddenly, her phone buzzed, and she unlocked it to see a message from Jirou Kyouka.
{♫ Kyouka ♪}
[Hey! wanna grab some coffee after school?] [its been AGES since we talked]
[i have less trouble seeing Hagakure these days tbh]
[did u finally find a date or smth?]
Momo snorted, an amused smile forming on her face. She hadn’t meant to be so evasive recently, and she was glad Kyouka didn’t seem too mad.
[I’d love to get some coffee!] [my treat, since i’ve been so… out of it] [but I might spend most of the time venting…]
[ ; ) u know i’ll never turn down free stuff!!] [if that’s what u need its chill!]
[meet u at the usual spot, k?]
[Thank you, Kyouka]
Momo let out a sigh of relief, already feeling like a small weight had been lifted from her shoulders.
The café was crowded, but not uncomfortably so, and Momo found the low buzz of other conversations in the background rather soothing. She had missed hanging out with Kyouka like this more than she had realized.
“Yo! What’s up, Miss Vice-President?” a familiar voice called out brightly, and she smiled as Kyouka slid into the booth across from her.
“I wish I could say ‘Nothing’…” She sighed, letting her shoulders slump forward, “I’ve just… had a rough couple of days, is all.”
Kyouka nodded sympathetically, placing her bag on the table, off to the side, “You look like you could use some caffeine. And some serious best-friend talk.”
“Is it that obvious?” She asked, a little mortified by the thought, “I thought I was keeping it together rather well.”
“You are. I don’t think too many people picked up on it. Like, maybe three, including myself.”
She waited for Kyouka to elaborate on who exactly had noticed, but the other girl had already moved on.
“Now, let’s go get our drinks.” Kyouka leaned forward, a serious look on her face, “And then, you can tell me exactly what’s going on.”
Shouto hit the mat hard, falling victim (quite literally) to one of Midoriya’s favoured throws. Though it knocked the air from his lungs, he didn’t stay down long. Rolling quickly to his feet, he turned towards his sparring partner, lashing out with a right hook. As the blow was deflected, Shouto tried to step in closer, but his legs were swept out from underneath him and fell to the mat again.
“I, uh, think… Why don’t we call it a day soon?” Izuku said hurriedly, helping Shouto back to his feet, “I’ve, um, got a lot of homework, so…”
“It’s OK, I know I’m not at my usual level today.” His reply was calm, as he stretched his arms out behind his back, “You don’t have to pretend there’s another reason.”
Midoriya shook his head furiously, clearly a little upset at his matter-of-fact tone, “Nonono, that’s not it! I swear!”
“I mean, you do seem a bit, well, distracted, but, I-I don’t…” His friend looked down for a moment, “These no-Quirk sparring sessions, they help a lot. Whatever ‘level’ you’re at.”
“But what if I’m not good enough?” That fear has been running through Shouto’s mind for the past two days, ready to spring up at any time.
He hates the thought of letting his friends down. Of failing.
His father’s voice is lurking there too, just below the surface, waiting to tear him down as always. He can practically hear him now.
“You must be the best. There are no other options, Shouto.” Endeavor declares, a cold rage burning in his eyes, “Weakness must be crushed. If someone can’t cut it on their own, you shouldn’t lower yourself to help them.”
“That’s not true, you bastard. You might see it that way,” He replies harshly, less fearful in his own head, “but I’m not you. I will never be you.”
Midoriya gave him a concerned look, and Shouto shook his head to clear it, settling back into a combat stance.
“My apologies, I… got lost in thought for a moment.”
The other boy settled into a similar posture, albeit one that was more defensive.
“O-OK, if you’re sure you’re alright to keep going…” Midoriya replied, expression serious, “You are sure, right?”
He charged forward, as if that were answer enough.
“Man, I knew something was up with you lately, but I didn’t realize it was that serious!” Kyouka exclaimed, setting down her drink and leaning forward, “He really said you might lose your spot in the Hero Course?”
Momo nodded, taking another sip of her own coffee, “Yeah. It’s… it’s a touch spot, no doubt.”
She had been trying to keep her voice bright, but she couldn’t quite hold back the edge of anxiety any longer. Telling Kyouka had helped, but the shame and anger still bubbled up as she had recalled the events of three days prior.
“What happens if I fail?”
The question loomed in her mind, and she couldn’t seem to find an acceptable answer. Even just the thought of having to tell her parents was almost unbearable.
“We had such high hopes…”
“What a waste, you could have been a wonderful hero.”
Their imaginary voices jeered at her, much harsher than her parents would ever be, and she felt tears begin to well up in her eyes.
Suddenly, Kyouka’s cheery tone snapped her back to reality, and she looked up to see a confident smile on her best friend’s face, “Hey, why d’you look like it’s a done deal already?”
“You have plenty of time, right? Don’t start beating yourself up about this now.”
���When you put it that way…” She couldn’t help but grin in response, “Things don’t seem so bad.”
“What a lame thing to say…” The understatement made her snort almost immediately after she said it, and from the way Kyouka was rolling her eyes, it was evident she agreed.
Twirling one of her earlobe-jacks around her finger, she suddenly shifted the conversation in a slightly different direction.
“So, who else knows about this? Is it just me an’ you?”
Momo shook her head, and fiddled with her straw, “Todoroki-san knows the basics, but not about the potential consequences. He’s the one tutoring me, and… keeping him in the dark, it just doesn’t sit right with me.”
“Todoroki’s helping you again? First the Practical Exam and now this…” Kyouka raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly.
“Don’t put it like that, please.” She grimaced, looking down, “I feel bad enough about asking him for assistance as it is.”
“And, you’re sure you can trust him to keep quiet?” Kyouka paused, and then giggled, “Well, more quiet than usual, I mean. That guy’s practically mute.”
She frowned slightly at the derisive tone of her friend’s words and opened her mouth to protest but stopped as Kyouka raised her hands.
“Sorry, I guess that did sound pretty mean… He doesn’t really, well, talk to people, is all.” She sighed, taking a sip of her drink. “Anyways, have you two already started studying?”
“No, we’re planning to meet this Saturday, at the library.” Momo replied, “We both agreed prep time would be helpful.”
“Of course you did.” Kyouka’s agreement was accompanied by a good-natured eye roll, and they turned towards other topics, the kind that let her feel like everything was normal, at least for a little while. Momo let herself enjoy the moment, even if the anxiety wouldn’t vanish completely.
The two boys finished their cool-down stretches in silence, and Shouto tossed Izuku a freshly-chilled bottle of water before speaking up.
“Hey, Midoriya, can I ask you something?”
“Uh, sure! What’s on your mind?”
“Do you think I’d make a good teacher?”
His eyes went wide, the question clearly catching him off-guard. After a pause to collect his thoughts, he nodded, more to himself than Shouto.
“I guess so? I mean, you are smart, and you seem to understand that not everyone approaches stuff the same way, which goes a long way…” He muttered, the words almost too fast for the other boy to understand, “I might be inclined to say you lack the approachable nature necessary, but given that you’re better than Aizawa-Sensei, and he isn’t out of a job yet, that’s not really a concern.”
“It’s not a career choice I’d have considered for you, but every Pro should have a plan beyond just being a Hero, right? And if you’re already thinking that far ahead…”
“He thinks I meant a teacher like at Yuuei,” Shouto realized, waving a hand in front of Midoriya’s face in an attempt to snap him out of it.
“Ah, sorry, I got a little, um, carried away there, didn’t I?” He said apologetically, laughing quietly, “May I ask why you brought it up?”
“Someone needs my help with the physics unit. And I don’t know if I’ll be able to do a good enough job.” His reply wasn’t technically a lie, and while Momo had never asked him to keep their arrangement secret, he didn’t want word of it to spread.
“Oh, well, all you can really do is give it your all, right? That way, no matter what happens, you won’t have any regrets!”
There was a certainty in his voice that suddenly reminded Shouto of All-Might, and he found himself smiling slightly.
“Just give it my all, huh?” Nodding, he prepared to leave the training room, mind already on the half-finished overview waiting for him in his dorm.
Tonight was going to be busy.
There are fifty days until the retest.
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