#i literally lived in turin when the 2006 winter olympics happened but the only thing i remember about them is curling
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HCS-La Squadra’s Dictionary, where are they from? Part 2
Part 1 Melone and Ghiaccio
Formaggio; Illuso
Lazio, (Rome)
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Formaggio was born in the Centocelle district.
Knows how to properly cook 'Carbonara' and 'Spaghetti cacio e pepe'
Romanesco D.O.C
Says "AÒ" to start EVERY sentence.
Definitely NOT from Roma-Nord.
When He was a teen, Formaggio used to hang out in the Parioli district, only to bang a couple of young chicks from rich families.
Definitely NOT a Pariolino. (a native or inhabitant of Parioli · (informal) a person with a bourgeois standard of living and right-of-centre politics.)
Favourite expressions (dialect)
"Daje!" (Let's do this!/let's go)
"'Ndo cojo cojo." (I don't really know what I'm doing but I'm doing it.)
"Stacce." (It's the way it is. Whether you like it or not)
"Che tajo!" (So cool!)
"M'arimbarza." (I don't care.)
"ME STO A TAJÀ!" (I'm dying of laughter!)
"Stai a sgravà." (You got it all wrong)
"Me stai a cojonà?" (Who are you trying to fool?)
"Accanna. Accanna i gheims." ( Whatever you're doing. Stop it.)
"È na crema" (that's top notch)
"FIODENA" ( Linguistic contraction for "fio de 'na mignotta", son of a bitch.)
"Lo sto a fà" ( literally means: 'I'm going to do that' but it's used to express the opposite: 'Don't kid yourself, I'm not going to do that.)
"L'ho già fatto." (Now I'm DEFINITELY not going to do that)
"Sta pischella m'assangua." (I really like this girl.)
"Te dò una pizza che t'arestano pe' vagabondaggio!" (I'm gonna slap you out of this world.)
"Sei proprio da 'a Lazio." (This is the worst thing a Romano could say to anybody.)
"Mecojoni." (Damn)
"LI MORTACCI TUA" (Go fuck yourself)
Formaggio praising Illuso's cunningness
"Sei tarmente fijo de 'na mignotta che li papponi te stanno a cercà pe' offritte 'n lavoro."
(You son of bitch, you did it again.)
Formaggio driving with Ghiaccio
"AO', ma che è bisestile 'sto semaforo?"
(This red light is lasting more than 'Beautiful People')
Ghiaccio:"tasi diocancaro."
(Shut the fuck up.)
Formaggio criticizing Melone's babyface
"Sta maghina è pormonitica. Che c'hai preso un virus pe vedè tutto quer porno?"
(This thing is so slow. Are you sure you didn't catch a virus watching all that porn?)
Melone:"Boia deh, Un se po' lavorà 'hosì."
(For god's sake, I can't work like this.)
Bonus: Monetary Units in Romanesco
'NA PIOTTA /PAIOT: monetary unit corresponding to 100 lire or 100.000 lire.
UN MILLANTE/UN SACCO: monetary unit corresponding to 1.000 lire.
'NO SCUDO: monetary unit corresponding to 5,000 lire.
'NA FELLA: monetary unit corresponding to 100.000 lire.
'N BOCCOLONE/'N TESTONE/'NA BRANDA/'NA FRONDA: monetary unit corresponding to 1.000.000 lire.
Piedmont, (Turin)
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He was born in Turin, but also worked as a model in Milan during his teenage years.
Illuso loves Milan but is always second to Turin.
Adds "già" at the end of every question.
"Roma provincia, Torino capitale" (Rome is a province, Turin the capital.) says EVERY Torinese ever. This sentence is written on many walls in Turin.
Anything under the 'Po' river' is 'Africa'.
Constantly harasses his teammates from the South by saying " Sotto al Po', tutti terroni".
Would never directly call Risotto 'terrone' (and neither would Ghiaccio) cause it may sound pretty offensive.
Illuso drinks the 'tamango' a cocktail with rumored hallucinogenic abilities that everyone loves.
Always argues with Ghiaccio that "Le Panche" Cocktail bar is better than any "Bacaro Tour".
Almost died when a GTT bus caught fire. This happens at the rate of one every 6 months.
Illuso is fond of 'Cri Cri' , hazelnut chocolate candies covered in sugar granules.
He heard that they are going to held '2006 Winter Olympics' in Turin and he's totally bragging it with Formaggio.
"Roma? Dove stava Roma già? È forse una provincia?" (Rome? I don't know her. Is it some kind of province?)
Favourite expressions (dialect)
"Non mi oso/non si osa." (I would never.)
"Com'è?" (how are you?)
"Ziofa." (filler word.)
"Boja faùss." (this clever imprecation historically substitutes a terrible blasphemy)
" Vate caté na mola!" (Go fuck yourself!)
"Fatti furbo." ( Get a grip/ stop talking nonsense.)
"Boh." ( I don't know.)
"Neh." ( True dat.)
"E bon." (That's it.)
"Piciu!" (dumbfuck!)
"Pirla!" (Milanese version of 'piciu')
"Preso bene/male." (I'm having/NOT having fun)
"Facciamo che..." (Let's...)
"Mica hai voglia di..." (Would you mind...)
"Oh basta là." (Quit it!)
"Cerea." (Goodbye)
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