#i listen to sooooo much shit so tee hee
radellama · 2 years
Heyo!! Hope it’s not to late see more of your music <3
Going with 13, 3 and 77
3: Misdirection - Dark Rooms
13: Grave - George Ogilvie
77: Selfish - Ralph
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indigobluedreams · 4 years
😍, 🏠, + 🎤 with Ryoma?? ^^
Thanks buddy! ':) Your F/Os love youuuu, Phoned me up to say soooooo!!!! I got carried away writing this and Uhhh apologies for my blabbering tee hee
😍: Name your three favorite things about your f/o
It was super hard just like,,, Picking three of my favourite. So I just went with whatever came to mind. I love him dearly and saying I have " Favourite " traits for him feels,,, Just wrong. Y'know?
HIS HEIGHT: Okay. His height. It's just, cute. I love his appearance in general butit's the thing that made me intrigued by him in the first place ( And most others too ), So I guess it's what sorta sparked me to put effort for looking into his character more and hey!!! It was SOOOOO worth it!!! BUT ALSO CAUSE I GET TO BE THE BIG SPOON. YES!!! So I don't feel too comfortable being the little spoon, It's probably just revolves around either unresolved trust issues with others or I don't trust myself enough to be held. Either way, I often imagine just being able to hold him. Being able to just stare at him and keep him warm and safe, Pats and smooches for him,,,,,, Just hold him and maybe forget about any troubles he's had in the past for a while because that's what he deserves! He deserves loveeeee
His love for his Passions/Hobbies: Even if he tries to deny it, because he thinks he doesn't deserve it [ which is NOT TRUE '>:( ], I think it's just like ADORABLE! Like he can't hide that, What's his plan??? Hide his passions and hobbies forever??? No sneaky baby. I see through that, Don't deny it. But still, Seeing him so passionate about something he loves and enjoys? Especially given how hard his life has been it just... Makes me happy to see him happy about something he clearly cares about!!! So I will provide all the tennis games and nice cats I can for that baby,,,
How laid back he is: Just... Okay I'm a nervous wreck. So knowing he's just so chill and casual about everything. He's so honest and I don't feel like he'd judge me or care too much about what stupid shit I'm doing as long as I'm careful and having a good time. That carefree attitude, The disregard for it, That SELF CONFIDENCE to openly admit things and not be worried someone is gonna do or say something negative. I admire that. I love him for that, And I wanna better myself to make him feel as with he's with someone capable and confident in themselves! He inspires me every day to better myself and not be a complete passive push-over. I want to do that for him because he doesn't deserve to be with someone who isn't capable ':(. Which is why I love him even moreeeeee. It's a big cycle tee hee.
🏠: What’s you and your f/o’s dream home?
Mmm, I've never actually thought about this premise until now but definetly somewhere quiet. Like in the country, Probably overseas from Japan though cause he'd be freaked out about the mafia n' stuff. Doesn't want anyone else getting hurt so if we did, Definetly somewhere around where I'm from.
I'd imagine he'd prefer staying somewhere quieter and I'm super good with that. A cottage or cabin would be nice too, Just a lil safe haven. Just someplace we could just settle down and hang out, Do what couples do when they share a place, Cause i dont have a clue about that sorta stuff because I have ZERO romantic experience. But just a place we can't get interrupted or bothered by anyone. Aka, Just me n' him and our 500 cats we now own. Sounds nice.
🎤: Describe your f/o’s voice
SJDJFJG Ohohohohhhhhh prepare for a ranntttt cause his voice is mwah. Well, I mean this whole post has been my stupid rambling sooooo,,,,
If I had to describe his voice, It's as smooth as honey. Like, it's so R I C H and pleasant to hear. It just, The tone of voice is really comforting to me and makes me MELT. He always sounds so confident and sure of what he's saying, Which is also a plus. Like yes, Hoshi, You right. Get that bread. It also calms me tf down, Cause he sounds so calm even if he should be losing his shit and then I'm like " ':0 " . Its SO NICEEEE, Makes me wanna go listen to the voice lines nowwww. He also has the sorta voice for him to be like, A dope singer. Like for those blues or jazz songs. He just has that sorta voice to fit that range. Either way, It's just nice to hear and smooth. Ryoma please talk to me,,,, pl,,,,please,,,,,,,,
Actually one of my favourite moments I've had revolving around his voice is how much it freaked my sister out. Me and him ( He uses he/him are his preferred pronouns but says I should refer to him as my sister, if your wondering about that. Not that I owe you the explanation on that. ) were chilling. I was gabbering on about Ryoma and I insisted to show him clips because his voice??? AMAZING! ASTOUNDING!! Absolutely smoothie.  However, He had only seen the images I showed him while I rambled and had no prior knowledge of his voice being SO DEEP. So I showed him Ryoma's intro clip and they just,,, Froze up and were super suprised by it. I found that really funny.
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