#i like to think william wears goofy ties
corpsebunniie · 2 years
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scraped designs of William and his twin sister Victoria from one of my Aus (these are them from like 1980, their designs are different when they are older)
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daandyli0n · 2 months
(warnings: blood/mild gore, implied child death (and murder in Cassidy's case), eye contact. maybe also bright colors/eyestrain)
Some Updated Refs For The Afton Family In The Rewrite
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(you know the drill, click the images to see details better and whatnot)
hooo boy. give me a minute to ramble about the designs and stuff below -
so. tried to give him both "Eccentric, Goofy Restaurant Owner" and "REALLY Off-Putting" Vibes. hope i succeeded
yes he's hiding a knife behind his back.
bunny features. i Love William with bunny features. if you draw William with Bunny Features ily (platonically)
this man has not gotten a good night's sleep in Years.
now...you may be wondering: Why Do His Kids Get Refs For When They're Older, But Not Him? well...that's because, physically, he doesn't change much besides getting some more gray hairs and worse eye bags in the over a decade between his original murders and his death. and i've already done a ref for what O'Hare/Springtrap looks like in my design
yes, the Unhinged look in his eyes is intentional.
gave his younger self a pose that was meant to give off "rebellious teenager" vibes, and his older self a pose that gives off "bitter and anxious" vibes.
gave him long hair. because Yes.
tallest of his siblings.
looks like his father, but with a few minor changes: skin is mildly more tanned than his father, hair is a lighter shade of brown, etc.
William based the 1987 uniforms for the guards/employees off of his own usual outfit (Purple. which Backfired).
Mike tried to change his hair a bit to distinguish himself from his father, mostly by dying it a bright red and trying to cut the Bunny Ear-Shaped parts on the top of his hair to be more jagged and less Bunny-Like.
scars on his arm are from where Springtrap grabbed onto him.
not much to say. bookworm, sad guy, probably needs to go to therapy for what happened in his childhood.
Bunny Features :]
she's basically somewhere between blonde and ginger hair color wise. i'd describe her as a strawberry blonde.
constantly has a wide-eyed look. like a hare.
mismatched socks, just because she could.
ghosts are typically either desaturated or transparent, with the only bright colors on them are usually their eyes or the bloody wounds from their death.
so while it's not shown here, "fun" fact! Liz died from where Harriet (Circus Baby) hugged her hard enough to break not just her spine, but her neck as well. (the hug was so strong due to Harriet malfunctioning that day)
all ghosts who have their souls tied to an animatronic have a mask of that animatronic that they can wear if they wish. Liz's mask is of Harriet.
my baby boy. my beloved <3
those pants are pajama pants. he wore them everywhere.
while not visible, Cassidy also wears mismatched socks like Liz.
the Fredbear plush was a gift from Henry, given to Cassidy by Charlie.
was blind in one eye after The Bite.
The Bite wasn't as horrible as people think it was. what basically happened was that the teeth bit slightly into his head, which caused the bleeding, as well as some cracking in the skull and brain damage in his frontal lobe. due to the mechanisms in Fredbear being Very hot as well, it caused some burns. nothing that couldn't heal, but...it Was still pretty serious.
while The Bite itself didn't kill Cassidy, he still, as a ghost, appears to have a bleeding section of his head.
the strangulation marks on his neck are more visible as a ghost.
Cassidy, as a spirit, can occasionally leak a mysterious black fluid from his eyes and mouth, which is reflected on his Mask.
Cassidy is transparent as a ghost.
anyway!! here's the guys!!
@that-darn-clown @hello-there-world
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soulgreys · 2 years
Drag kings
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#Drag kings series#
"When I first started, there was still a lot of people who didn't know what a drag king was or had never seemed to have heard the term before," said British performer Sammy Silver. While drag kings arguably have just as long a past, they have not enjoyed the same level of recognition or popularity - although that now appears to be changing. Male actors cross-dressing on stage have a well-known history going back to William Shakespeare's era and gay men performing in hyper-feminine drag have long been a part of the LGBT+ community. "I think he's really exploring his maleness and what it means to be a man in the 21st century." He's not massively confident, oddly enough, although he does love the stage. "Adam is more flamboyant, he's more cartoony, more fun-loving, dancey. "Once I've got the suit on and the shape looks right and the face looks male, I don't have to change my character very much at all to present completely and believably as male," Powell told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. Powell is among a growing number of drag kings - mostly female or transgender performers playing exaggerated male characters – in a previously niche LGBT+ performance scene that is booming in popularity across much of the Western world.
#Drag kings series#
But they have also performed on TV in the Starz show Vida, the Amazon series Transparent, and American Horror Story: 1984.Carefully painting in sharp cheekbones and heavy eyebrows before applying a moustache and a final sprinkling of glitter, Jen Powell slowly transforms into male alter-ego Adam All ahead of a performance at a London club. Vico has performed as Suave in clubs through LA. When I am performing Suave, it is me in the most raw way.” When Ortiz created Suave, they cited men like Ricky Martin as inspiration.įor Ortiz, performing Suave brings a feeling of completeness: “I found within my performance the intersection of all of me: my culture, my music, my dancing. In many ways, Suave is a tribute to Hispanic/Caribbean culture. He wears loose-fitting floral shirts that are open to the waist, tight pants, and gold jewelry. On his upper lip, he sports a delicately pencilled-in mustache. He sports a foppish haircut with short sides and long black curls that drape over his forehead. And he doesn’t take himself too seriously: goofy is the new sexy.” His hips don’t lie and will make love to you silly all night. Vico Ortiz describes their drag king persona best: “Passionate! Dramatic! Romantic! He’s the sensitive Latino lover you dream about. In 2021, you’ll be able to watch Murray Hill on several TV series: Amy Schumer’s Life & Beth on Hulu, Bridget Everett’s Somebody Somewhere on HBO, and Paul Feig’s This Country on Fox. Murray Hill takes his role as a trailblazer for the community seriously, and encourages those who have come after him, “If you don’t see yourself represented then go out and represent yourself.” Instead he says, “I’m Murray, just Murray.” In so doing, he has become a symbol of nonbinary and genderqueer performance that transcends drag. No, Murray rejects all pronouns and identifiers that would put him in a box. But here’s the rub: Although he is a leader in the drag king community, Murray Hill does not consider himself a drag king. With slicked-back hair, windowpane suits, horn-rimmed glasses, and polyester ties, his persona recalls not the drag kings of the present but male impersonators of the past, such as Stormé de Larverie. He’s a fast talking, magnetic ad-libber with such control over his audience that he can take them from silent to rolling in the aisles and back in seconds. The legendary Murray Hill looks and behaves like a mid-century old-school comedian in the vein of Don Rickles, Shecky Greene, and Shelley Berman, who frequented resorts in the Catskills. In addition to performing internationally, Adam All hosts the drag king cabaret BOi BOX and co-hosts the drag king competition MAN UP. Jen Powell, who created Adam All 12 years ago, tells them., “He’s a gentle man who can charm and alarm with equal appeal, bringing live vocals and cartoon realness to his dashing geek-chic cabaret.” He moves with gusto from one punchline to the next, enchanting his audience and giving them an experience that is at once lighthearted and profound. Adam’s performance is a watertight, high-energy act. Known as the modern “Godfather” of the UK drag king scene, Adam All is arguably the most influential drag king presence east of the Atlantic, both as a performer and an advocate. I hope to encourage others to do the same and find freedom in expressing who they truly are.” - Jen Powell, creator of Adam Hall As an androgynous individual and as someone who considers themself to be gender-neutral, Adam allows me to embrace my masculinity and through him. “He has allowed me to embrace aspects of my personality that, since my childhood, I had felt forced to ignore.
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rosecolored-gay · 8 years
All questions
1.Who was the last person you held hands with?- Abe
2. Are you outgoing or shy?- Eh, I’m a mix of both.
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?- Abe
4. Are you easy to get along with?- I think I am, yes.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?- Mhm.
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?- The ones who make me laugh, make me feel comfortable.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?- Who knows?
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?- Nick. Miss him like crazy.
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?- Depends on who I’m talking about it with.
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?- Caitlin ❤
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?- “I am too at this point” 
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?- Who I am hates who I’ve been - Relient K- Beside you - 5sos- Somewhere only we know - glee cover- Evergreen - Knuckle Puck- Happy - nsn
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?- There’s only one person now who can touch my hair without me flipping out 
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?- Yes
15. What good thing happened this summer?- Hah last summer was shit. Hopefully this one will be better.
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?- No
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
- I don’t know18. Do you still talk to your first crush?- Nah
19. Do you like bubble baths?- I don’t think I’ve ever taken one
20. Do you like your neighbors?- Omg no, they’re assholes.
21. What are your bad habits?- I bite my nails, I play with my hair too much, I worry more than I should, I overthink.
22. Where would you like to travel?- Canada, the keys
23. Do you have trust issues?- Yea
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?- Sleeping?
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?- The whole thing 
26. What do you do when you wake up?- Check my phone 
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?- I actually like being really pale.
28. Who are you most comfortable around?- Abe and Caitlin
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?- Don’t care enough to talk to them 
30. Do you ever want to get married?- I mean I have a fake wedding set for 7 years from now
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?- Nope, but all of my friends still accidentally ask me for hair ties constantly 
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?- Hayley Williams and Emma Watson
33. Spell your name with your chin.- wntdd - that is nowhere near Alyssa
34. Do you play sports? What sports?- I used to do martial arts, and I was a swimmer.
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?- Tv probably 
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?- Duh
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
- come here often? But like only to one person 38. Describe your dream girl/guy?- Makes me laugh, sings in the car with me
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?- I hate shopping so much. But vans I guess 
40. What do you want to do after high school?- Well I’m already in college so.
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?- Hahahahahaha, no.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?- Depends on who I’m with. If I’m with someone I’m close to, then something is on my mind. If I’m with someone I’m not close to, I’m probably just gauging the situation.
43. Do you smile at strangers?- Yeah.
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?- Outer space.
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?- Knowing I get to see certain people.
46. What are you paranoid about?- so many things
47. Have you ever been high?- I think 
48. Have you ever been drunk?- yes
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?- nah
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?- black I think.
51. Ever wished you were someone else?- for a while I did, now I don’t.
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?- my appearance.
53. Favourite makeup brand?- I don’t wear makeup
54. Favourite store?- vans 
55. Favourite blog?- probably Caitlin’s or some of the gay ones I follow, too lazy to name you all
56. Favourite colour?- grey and blue
57. Favourite food? - so hard to answer. I love burgers 
58. Last thing you ate?- chicken and quinoa
59. First thing you ate this morning?- eggs, but at like 2pm
60. Ever won a competition? For what?- martial arts and swimming
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?- okay so I was suspended in middle school for some kid being an ass. I told him to shut up and he stabbed me with a pencil, so I stabbed him back and then he throw a desk at my head and we both got suspended.
62. Been arrested? For what?- no.
63. Ever been in love? - who knows what it was?
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?- it was with this super sweet guy in 6th grade. The kiss wasn’t that great but I ran into him a few years ago and he’s gay and so am I so it was really funny.
65. Are you hungry right now?- nah
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?- sometimes. But then again there’s only 2 people I constantly talk to 
67. Facebook or Twitter?-Twitter
68. Twitter or Tumblr?- tumblr 
69. Are you watching tv right now?- just turned it off, was watching bones.
70. Names of your bestfriends? - Caitlin, Abrianna
71. Craving something? What?- can’t have it, won’t name it.
72. What colour are your towels?- half are reddish orange, half are turquoise 
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?- 2 under my head
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?- yes, this adorable stuffed otter that I got with Abe in Georgia. Hers is named Lenny and mine is Miku
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?- shit, I have so many because of when I was a kid.
75. Favourite animal?- otter right now
76. What colour is your underwear?- blue 
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?- vanilla
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?- for some weird reason I love pistachio
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?- faded red
80. What colour pants?- blue and black boxers
81. Favourite tv show?- greys anatomy
82. Favourite movie?- at the moment it’s the pacifier
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?- mean girls 
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?- mean girls 
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?- fuck if I remember their names. the one that says you can’t sit with us 
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?- dory
87. First person you talked to today?- Caitlin
88. Last person you talked to today?- my mother
89. Name a person you hate?- some rude guy I have to be around a lot 
90. Name a person you love?- Abe
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?- YES
92. In a fight with someone?- eh
93. How many sweatpants do you have?- idk, not a lot actually 
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?- like 5, but Abe has one rn so like 4
95. Last movie you watched?- we only watched half of it, but finding dory
96. Favourite actress?- Sandra oh 
97. Favourite actor?- Justin chambers
98. Do you tan a lot?- I’m so white lol, I burn like a lobster.
99. Have any pets?- yes, two dogs that are my babies. I also really love my best friends animals so that would end up adding 3 cats 
100. How are you feeling?- confused af
101. Do you type fast?- yes, and like 1000x faster when I’m angry
102. Do you regret anything from your past?- spending so much time and effort on someone who screwed me over
103. Can you spell well?- yes, I won spelling bees when I was younger 
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?- some old friends that I lost touch with, but otherwise no.
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?- yes 
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?- probably?
107. Have you ever been on a horse?- yes!
108. What should you be doing?- sleeping 
109. Is something irritating you right now?- yeah
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?-um yes.
111. Do you have trust issues?- yes
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?- pretty sure it was Caitlin, but Bart was in the car
113. What was your childhood nickname?- Brandi used to call me “lyss”, she’s like the only one who was ever allowed to give me a nickname
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?- a few times
115. Do you play the Wii?- no
116. Are you listening to music right now?- yes, it’s a playlist of some stuff I listened to yesterday 
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?- nope
118. Do you like Chinese food?- yessss
119. Favourite book?- right now because I read so much, end of watch by Stephen king
120. Are you afraid of the dark?- sometimes
121. Are you mean?- heck yes I can be such an ass
122. Is cheating ever okay?- no. no one fucking deserves to wonder why they weren’t good enough.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?-yes 
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?- idk
125. Do you believe in true love?- yeah
126. Are you currently bored?- kinda but I’m answering these so no
127. What makes you happy?- goofy days with my fave people/person
128. Would you change your name?- yeah maybe 
129. What your zodiac sign?- Gemini, but I’m not an asshat
130. Do you like subway?- not really 
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?- well I’m gay so that’s awkward, but I know he doesn’t lol.
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?- Caitlin!
133. Favourite lyrics right now?- “you make me happy, whether you know it or not"
134. Can you count to one million?- yes
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?- "I’m fine"
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?- closed at my house, but when I’m at someone else’s house it’s up to them
137. How tall are you?- I’m short thanks. 5'2 AND A HALF. The half counts.
138. Curly or Straight hair?- I prefer whatever
139. Brunette or Blonde?- reddish, not a fan of blondes. Brunettes are okay.
140. Summer or Winter?- winter
141. Night or Day?- night
142. Favourite month?- novemberish
143. Are you a vegetarian?-no
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?- dark or milk, depends on what it is
145. Tea or Coffee?- iced tea and iced coffee. the only good hot coffee is from wawa
146. Was today a good day?- not really too great 
147. Mars or Snickers?- neither 
148. What’s your favourite quote?- I don’t have one right now.
149. Do you believe in ghosts?- eh.
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line- that’s way too far, I’m not getting out of bed!
Enjoy these anon. Maybe come off anon and tell me who you are?
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thrashermaxey · 6 years
Ramblings: Rinne Struggles Continue, Anti-Tanking In Fantasy Leagues (May 2)
Rinne’s Struggles Continue, Anti-Tanking In Fantasy Leagues
The whiteout in Winnipeg had no shortage of goals, with at least three goals in each period. It kind of reminded me of a World Junior game, which can be so exciting to watch because of the wild momentum swings. This series is really delivering in terms of excitement!
Nashville jumped out to a 3-0 lead in the first period, quieting the rabid Winnipeg crowd. Mike Fisher, P.K. Subban, and Austin Watson all struck for the Preds. In spite of the early struggles, the Jets stuck with Connor Hellebuyck anyway.
The first-period deficit seemed to serve as a wake-up call for the Jets in the second period, as they fired four pucks past Pekka Rinne. The Jets controlled the play particularly during this period, outshooting Nashville 16 to 6. Two of those goals came off the stick of Dustin Byfuglien, who later added an assist to give him a three-point game.
Filip Forsberg tied the game for the Preds in the third period, but Blake Wheeler put the Jets in the Game 3 driver’s seat for good with a power-play goal with five minutes to play. Wheeler also added an empty-net goal to give him a three-point game as well. Paul Stastny was another Jets’ player to earn three points with a goal and assist of his own.
If I’m a Nashville fan, then I’m worried about the play of Pekka Rinne. The odds-on favorite to win the Vezina Trophy, Rinne has allowed at least three goals in each of the three games against Winnipeg and four goals in two other playoff games. In particular he fell victim to two cross-ice pass goals in the second period, although the usually vaunted Nashville defense also looked very suspect on those goals.
Rinne’s playoff goals-against average now sits at 3.08 and save percentage at .901, both of which are league-worst numbers among starting goalies for the eight remaining teams. That’s strikingly similar to his split against the Jets during the regular season (4 GP, 3.52 GAA, .901 SV%). I know that the Preds have also been scoring on Hellebuyck both in the regular season and in this series. But as the series wears on, I don’t think that style of play favors the Predators against a squad as high-powered as Winnipeg’s. If Rinne can’t reduce the number of goals allowed, then the Preds’ season will fade into the night in this round. That won’t be easy.  
Just how much do the Predators rely on their big four on defense? Bottom pair Alexei Emelin and Matt Irwin were held to under ten minutes of icetime in Game 3. But it was a rough night overall for their defense as Roman Josi was a minus-3 and both P.K. Subban and Ryan Ellis were each a minus-2. And there was also this play, where one puck knocked over two Nashville defenders.
Alex Ovechkin scored the game-winning goal with just over a minute left in regulation to lead the Capitals to a 4-3 win over Pittsburgh. Ovie also added an assist on John Carlson’s first-period power-play goal. He’s in a four-way tie for the playoff goal-scoring lead (Jake Guentzel, Sidney Crosby, Mark Scheifele) with eight goals and has also scored goals in four consecutive games. Maybe Ovechkin’s teams have a history of coming up short in the playoffs, but he doesn’t. Over his playoff career, he has scored a goal every other game and about a point per game.
Speaking of which, do we consider the playoffs to be a success for the Capitals if they can simply get past the Penguins? Everything else might be gravy if they can just defeat that one team. I think Barry Trotz wouldn’t have to worry about his job if his team makes it to the final four.
Nicklas Backstrom recorded three assists to give him 12 points in nine playoff games. With 87 points in 105 career playoff games, Backstrom can’t really be blamed for the Caps’ playoff failures either.  
Backstrom has now assisted on 20 of Ovechkin's 54 career playoff goals.
He's assisted on 230 of Ovechkin's 607 regular season goals.
— Tom Gulitti (@TomGulittiNHL) May 2, 2018
Tom Wilson recorded nine hits, including this one on Zach Aston-Reese. Is that a hit to the head worthy of a suspension? Some will say no, but it’s worth mentioning that Aston-Reese now has a broken jaw along with a concussion. I would think that’s it for Aston-Reese’s playoffs, unless he makes a fast recovery and the Penguins go the distance.
As for the possibility of Wilson getting suspended?
Wilson is second in hits (41) during the playoffs, trailing only William Carrier of Vegas, who has 45 and has played two fewer playoff games. Carrier averaged 3.1 hits/game in half as many games compared to Wilson’s 3.2 during the regular season. Wilson, of course, is a must-own in leagues that count hits and/or penalty minutes, especially when you factor in his improved scoring totals.
Does your fantasy keeper league use any anti-tanking measures? If so, what are they?
— Ian Gooding (@Ian_Gooding) May 1, 2018
I posted this question based on an email I received from one of my leaguemates earlier this week in a league where I am commissioner. His team was in last place for most of the season, yet he continued to diligently update his roster every week in spite of making transactions aimed at next season. Another owner had not updated his team in ages and managed to surpass this owner in the race to the bottom. As a result, he lost the opportunity to draft Rasmus Dahlin in a scoring system that awards extra points for defensemen. So this owner brought up the idea of having a draft lottery.
(By the way, there was no incentive for the other (absentee) owner to tank, as he had traded his draft pick during the last offseason.)
The draft lottery idea seemed to be a good one in theory, but I really had no idea how to conduct it. Fortunately I received more responses than I thought I would. Ideas included the top non-playoff team receiving the first pick instead of the bottom team, a mini-consolation round tournament where the winning team receives the pick, tying fantasy teams to actual teams in a draft lottery simulator, and picking ping-pong balls out of a bucket … or having a dog make the picks. Imagine if your ability to acquire a future franchise player came down to the unpredictability of the league commissioner’s dog. Woof.
Not surprisingly, the whole draft lottery idea has been debated in recent days. On one hand, the weakest teams should be given the opportunity to acquire franchise players – not teams that barely finish out of the playoffs – because the truly weak teams need the most help. But if teams like the Oilers still can’t get it right after multiple successful draft lotteries, how many more chances should they be given?
If you are opposed to the draft lottery and believe that the NHL should return to the system where worst picks first, you might want to watch this documentary from TSN. As goofy and random as the draft lottery can be, it serves a purpose. Judging by the responses to my question, it can serve a purpose in fantasy leagues too.
Other news:
Like it or not, Sens fans, Guy Boucher is returning as coach, as is the rest of his coaching staff. He’s going into the final year of his contract, so I wonder if the team is working on an extension. Either that or he's on a very short leash to start the season. 
Here’s Mike Clifford’s Fantasy Take on the Oilers signing goalie Mikko Koskinen and how the signing might affect Cam Talbot.
For more fantasy hockey information, you can follow me on Twitter @Ian_Gooding.
from All About Sports https://dobberhockey.com/hockey-rambling/ramblings-rinne-struggles-continue-anti-tanking-in-fantasy-leagues-may-2/
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