#i like to think that he asks Oswald to check the expiration date for almost everything
sheylin66 · 16 days
Some Whiteboard doodles!!
Cause actual art is going slow..
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Just some good old grocery shopping with dad
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j-diamond · 7 years
Forever (Edward x Reader x Oswald)
This goes out to @fuckperfect67 Sorry it took so long!
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  “Ahhh, Mr. Mayor.” You call as he leaves his office, “You need to sign these by Friday. Also the opry called. Apparently they’re having a re-grand opening and they want you there.” you hand him the papers, and a post-it with the date and time on it. He nods and walks back into his office, having forgotten why he came out, all the while looking at you bewildered. You go back to your desk and begin to work when he sticks his head out the door,   “Could you call Edward Nygma into my office?” he asked clearly confused,   “Of course Mr. Mayor.” You say as you press the number 2 then the call button.   “You’re doing great.” Edward says as he walks past making you smile to yourself, “What do you want?” You hear him say as he closes the door behind him.
  “Who’s that?” Oswald whispers, “Why is she here?” he stares at you intently, wondering how long you’d been there.   “Well I hired her while you were gone.” Nygma says as responds as he pushes up his glasses, “After all every successful business leader needs a P.A.”   “Wait!” Oswald says excitedly as he looks back and forth between you and Edward, “I have my own actual personal assistant?”   “No, Oswald.’ He says as he shakes his head, “We have ‘our own actual’ assistant.”   “Still Edward.” He says smiling brightly, “It’s still pretty cool.” Edward sighs knowing there was no use in arguing,   “Yes. Oswald, It’s ‘pretty cool’.” Edwards says dully, while rolling his eyes.
  A few days go by and you start noticing the your work get less and less, until it’s pretty much nonexistence. You sigh, sitting there bored out of your mind. The clock chimes letting you know it was time to go, and you pack up. You look around, the mayor’s hall was pretty empty, “Will I get fired?” you ask yourself as you begin walking out. Before you go Edward spots you and calls you over,   “You almost left without your paycheck.” Edward says as he hands you a roll of money. You take it and stare at it, “Sorry it’s not a check, but Oswald forgot to order more. So I just decided to it would be easier to pay you in cash.” You put it in your bag and look at the ground,   “Ummm…” you say not sure of how to phrase your words. You look up at him, and begin to notice how much taller he was compared to you,   “Did you want something?” he ask and you blush out of embarrassment,   “Oh, right. Umm…” You readjust your bag again, “Why did you hire me?” You look at him and notice his puzzled expression, “I mean. I have no experience for this job. And you guys don’t seem to have much need for a P.A. much anymore.” He looks down at you,   “Do you not want to work here?” He asks and you shake your head,   “No. I mean yes! I mean…” you sigh, “It’s just that-”   “You’re curious?”   “Well kinda…”   “You know-”   “Yea I know.” you say cutting him off, “Curiousity killed the cat.”   “Well it’s the good thing that the cat had nine lives.”   “Because satisfaction brought it back?”   “Exactly.” he says as he pats your head and walks away. You stand there confused,   “What just…” you ask yourself, “it was nothing.” you shake your head and begin to make your way home.
  “You know,” a voice says behind you and you turn around,   “Oh, Mr. Mayor.” You say as soon as you recognize Oswald.   “You can call me Oswald.” he says as you look at him,   “But that would be so informal.” You say remembering your first day, “Mr. Nygma said our relationship should be nothing but formal and professional.” He smile falters for a minute,   “Well then may I at least call you by your name.” he ask and you open your mouth but stop yourself,   “Mr. Nygma said in order to keep my job you can’t know my name.” You say quietly, he looks at you shocked then angry,   “Did he now.” He says and you look at him unsure of what to do.   “Yes, but you can always call me L/n.” you say and he smiles at you, but you can tell it wasn’t a happy smile.   “Of course L/n. Could you cause Nygma into my office please” He asks through gritted teeth.   “Sure thing Mr. Mayor.” You say as you hit 2 then the call button.   “What is it this time Oswald.” Edward asks in a bored tone, “If you forgot I have business to attend to.” Oswald looks at him,   “Your business can wait.” He says grinding his teeth, “Why can’t I know l/n’s name?” he asks straight to the point, “Why did you tell her that she can only keep her job is she basically doesn’t talk to me at all?” Oswald looks at him uninterested,   “This is what you called me for?” He asks and shakes his head, “Oswald you are a crime boss. You can’t have people like her, knowing all of our secrets. It’s proven that once you know someone’s name you automatically grow closer to them. Oswald you can’t risk falling for this woman. You don’t need another weakness.” He sighs, “Oswald, just trust me, if you ever learn her name, things will go spiraling downward.” Oswald thinks for a moment and Edward uses this as a time to leave,  “Then why do you know her name?” He asks stopping Edward. He turns to him, straight facing,   “Because unlike you.” he says and leaves, but turns around at the last moment, “There is no love in my heart.” He leaves and makes his way to the break room. Something broke inside of Oswald as he heard that.
  “I am so sorry!” You say as you hurry up and grab a towel and begin to try to clean it off. He stops you,   “It’s okay just take it to the cleaners,” he says as he begins to take of his blazer and his shirt. You blush and you take them from him. You make your way out but then you stop at the door,   “But what about your favorite mug?” You say as you look at the many pieces of glass that littered the floor.”   “It’s okay. Just clean it up when you get back.” He says as he stares at the remainder of all that was left of the mug he had had since he was in high school. “It’s not okay.” his voice comes out as a whisper and you had already gone, “Why do i feel this way?” He stares at the shard that held the imprint of the question mark, “Why?”
  “Awww.” you say as oswald comes to you desk, “aren’t these penguins so cute?” you look at him and he just stares at the screen, something written on his face that you wouldn’t  quite understand, “I think penguins are just the most cutest of the animals.” you say absentmindedly. He just smiles at you, “Ooh, your nickname should be Penguin.” his face falls, and he frowns, “You’re so cute. Just like a Penguin. You even have the hair for it.” You finally turn around to him and see his distraught face, “Omigosh I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it.” He looks at your face and his heart melts,   “It’s okay.” He says as he smiles, “I can be your penguin.”   “Hey Y/n!” A voice calls ruining the moment that you two were obviously having. You turn to see your best friend storming in,   “Geez! B/f/n you can’t just barge in here! This place is supposed to be heavily guarded. How did you get in?” You ask as they approach you,  “I just said I was Nygma’s little sister and that he asked me to meet him here.” They say shrugging their shoulders, “For some reason they easily believed me. You deadpan at her,   “Well, I was talking to the Mayor so give me a moment.” You say as you turn to him and he smiles at you,   “It’s okay Y/n we can talk about it later.” He turns but before he leaves he looks back at you, “By the way. You have a lovely name.”   “Ooooh,” B/f/n says, “he likes you.” You look at them shocked as they continue to and then look at Oswald’s office door, you'd never thought of him that way.
  “Is that Y/n?” a voice says in the background,   “Yes, Oswald.” Edward responds,   “Tell her that she can go home today. We won’t be back for a while.” He responds,   “I don’t know if you heard him or not, but Oswald says you can go home for today. We’re out, and I don’t want you just waiting in there all day. I’ll still pay you the same as if you were here. Okay?” He says to you, and you look at the phone silently, “Y/n are you still there?”   “Yes. I’m here.” you respond, “Yeah I’ll go home.” You sigh, they really didn’t have any need for you.   “Hey,” Edward says, his voice softening, “It’s okay.” he says simply, and you smile.   “Umm, Edward..” you say, unsure of what you were doing, “I-” You were cut off by the sound of a scream, and the sound of punching.   “I gotta go.” Edward says hurriedly and you soon hear the dial tone. You sigh,   “I hope they’re okay.” you say to yourself as you begin to pack up.
  “As it is now confirmed that the crime boss-” The tv shouts as you change channels, not really having cared for whatever the news anchor was going on about. Your stomach gurgles, and you sigh.   “What time is it?” you ask groggily, as you make your way to the fridge. You pick up a can of yogurt, which, upon opening, you realize is indeed expired. Groaning you finally check the time,   “Well, it’s shop now, or starve.” you sigh and put back on your shoes and coat and head to the store.
  “Who’d of thought I’d see you here?” A voice says as you drop the packs of paper you had picked off the shelf. You both bend down to pick it up.  “Thanks,” you say and you finally look up to see the person who had been talking to you, “Mr. Nygma?” He smiles at you,  “We’re not at work,” he says smirking, “Please call me Edward or Ed, if you prefer.” You blush, thinking about how many ways this scene could’ve gone, and therefore concluding that you watch too many animes.   “Well, Ed.” you say, seeing how his name would sound coming out of your mouth, “What brings you here?” You begin to walk with him. He shows you his basket,   “Work.” he says as you notice various supplies, most of which are usually used for building or destroying things,”And you?”   “Food.” you say bluntly, “Well that and a little bit of work. Which is why you saw me with the paper.” He opens his mouth to say something, but his phone rings and he smiles apologetically. He answers it and you notice his hand tighten on his basket. His voice hushes and you can no longer hear him. You look around unsure of what to do, when something catches your eye. You grab it smiling. You hurriedly put it in your basket, when you look up and notice something else behind it. And if it were even possible you begin to smile wider, “Definitely.” you say as you put that to in your basket and hide both of them, as you make your way to Edward just to find him gone. You frown and look at the time: 9:45 pm. You sigh and head to the checkout.
   “These came in for you both.” You lie as you sit two boxes on the desk, trying to hide your smile. They look at each other suspiciously, and you can’t help but wonder what they were saying to each other. Maybe there was more to them then you’ve come to learn in the past year? You shake your head, knowing that you knew them pretty well, “Well aren’t you going to open it?” You can’t help but to hide your excitement, “It’s not like it’s a bomb or anything.” you roll your eyes, and they exchange more looks. Edward picks up the box and holds his ear to it, and you can’t help but laugh, “Come on guys. Just open them.” They look at each other then open them, prepared for anything, but what it was.   “Y/n…” Edward says slowly as he picks up a mug with a f/c question mark,   “I saw it at the store and thought of how I had broke your favorite mug last month.” you say looking down, “ I know you said it was okay, but I saw how sad you were. Also sorry it’s not like the original. They only had f/c, and I figured since it’s my favorite color you might like it too.” He looks at you smiling,   “I love it.” he says immediately, Oswald watches this exchange and opens his box, and can’t help but smile either as he pulls out a similar mug but with an umbrella instead,   “I got that for you cause I noticed how you carry your umbrella everywhere. Though not recently anymore, so I thought you might’ve lost it. So I got that cause I figured you missed it. Also sorry about it being f/c also…” He shakes his head,   “It’s alright.” he smiles at you, “I love it a lot.” You all just stand there for a moment before the phone rings, “Well get back to work.” And you go to leave, but before you do Oswald stops you, “But before you go, can you give me a cup of coffee in my favorite mug?” he hands you the mug you got for him and you smile,   “Of course, Mr Mayor.” You say as you leave.   “What do you think you’re doing?” Edward says to Oswald, and Oswald hangs the phone back up,   “I’m just admiring my assistant and he lovely gift.” Oswald says looking through the blinds as he watches you wait for the coffee machine to finish. He waves at you, and you notice him and wave back.   “Our assistant Oswald.” Edward says then smirks, “Besides that git she got you was a last  second thought. Obviously she was thinking of me first, but then felt sorry that you didn’t get something so she got you that sorry excuse of a mug.” Oswald turns to him, frowning,   “Take that back.” he says, clearly a little mad, Edward smiles,   “What take back the truth?” He says knowing he’d won this battle, “Sorry. Can’t do that.” He turns around and leaves, “Oh Y/n!” he shouts, knowing Oswald would hear him.
  “If you so much as touch her!” Edward says as he storms into the office. But Oswald just waves him off,   “What am I supposed to do?” He says smirking, “FIre her? I mean, I won’t, but you can. Because hurting y/n’s feeling isn’t something I want to do. Look how much she likes working here. I would never do that, because I care for her. Unlike you.” Oswald’s smile had grown , knowing he’d won this argument, as Edward fumes out of the office,   “Oswald can never have Y/n. She’s mine!” He says as he closes his office door, he sees the mug he’d gotten from her a few weeks back, “I love her, more than he does.” Then it clicks in his head as he voice goes to a whisper, “I love her…” He then stands up, not realizing he had been on the floor, and goes to his phone and presses the call button,    “Yes?” your voice asks through the phone and he smiles at the sound of it,   “I’ve existed for over a million years. I change every day, and will never be the same twice. What am I?” He says quickly, wanting to get it out before he could change his mind. You don’t respond after a while, and he begins to grow nervous,   “A date?” you ask and he smiles,   “Yes.” He says, but then freezes, not having planned this far.   “Mr. Nygma?” you ask, after he doesn’t respond,   “Oh yes.” he says, snapping back into reality, “I was wondering if you would like to eat lunch with me? I mean you don’t have to,  I could just pick you up something.” He stammers on but hears you giggle,   “I’m sorry,” you say, his heart breaking slowly,   “She’s busy during lunch.” Another voice says, and he immediately identifies this as Oswald.   “But i’m not busy during dinner.” you say, to him, “I mean. Only if you want to.” He smiles brightly at this,   “YES! YES! OF COURSE.” He says but then calms down, “I’ll pick you up at 7:30.”
  “It was amazing.” You say into the phone, as you hear B/f/n squeal,   “You realize that that means BOTH of them like you.” they say, “Dare I say love you.” You blush madly,   “Both of them?” you say, unknowingly that they both had been listening in on your conversation, “I doubt it. I mean why would Oswald and Edward like me? I’m just there personal assistant?” Oswald clears his throat and you hurriedly say your goodbye, hang up the phone and turn to him. You couldn’t help but be shocked when you saw how angry he was,   “Call Nygma into my office.” He says and closes his office door immediately. You do so and Edward smiles at you as he walks by making you blush. As he closes the door and you begin to wonder what they were talking about.
  “SHE IS MINE!” Edward shouts to Oswald and Oswald throws his pencil holder at Edward,   “I SWEAR TO YOU EDWARD IF YOU EVEN TRY TO INTERFERE WITH US I WILL KILL YOU.” Edward snarls at Oswald   “YOU KNOW NOTHING.”   “YOU’RE JUST JEALOUS.”   “JEALOUS OF WHAT? YOUR DELUSIONS?”   “OF ME AND Y/N!”   “THERE IS NO YOU AND Y/N.”   “WANT TO BET?”   “I DON’T HAVE TO I ALREADY KNOW. BECAUSE-” Edward stops as the door open,   “Ummm,somebody wants you both.” you say shakily and instead of listening, they shake you off,   “NOT NOW Y/N!” Oswald shouts at you, “We actually have something important to do.” He slams the door and you hear them begin to yell at each other again, things occasionally begin thrown around. You gulp as you turn around to the group of guys standing there with large guns.   “T-they’re not available right now…” you say shakily as a guy approaches you,   “Well well well…” he says as he puts his hand under your chin and makes you look at him. The metal felt cold against your skin, and you couldn’t help but feeling scared for your life, “Looks like we’ll be stealing you right of their hands.” he turns to the rest of the gang, “Right boys!” You open your mouth to scream but a gag is placed in your mouth, “Can’t have you screaming. Either time.” he says winking at you, sending a shiver down your body. Tears begin flowing down your face as you wonder what you did to deserve this.
  “FINE!” Oswald say, huffing, as he falls to the floor, “We’ll just let Y/n decide.” He looks at Edward, who is lying against the door. Edward lazily nods at him and he begins to crawl to his desk, battered and bloody from their long fight, “Y/n come in here.”  After there was no response, Edward begin to get up. “Y/n.” Oswald says again, this time worry filling his face.” Edward’s adrenaline begins to kick in as he shoots up and opens the door and spots your empty desk,   “She’s not here.” He says and panic begins to set.   “It’s 10.” Oswald says trying to reassure himself, “Maybe she went home?” Edward shakes his head,   “She’d never leave without her bag.” he says as he notices it hanging from your chair, “Oswald, someone took her.” he grows angry, as he looks at the paper stabbed with a knife on your desk. He picks it up reads it and gives it to Oswald, who decides to read it out loud,   “Stole your bitch. Butch.” he balls it up and glares at it, “She’s not a bitch.” His tone grows darker,   “This is your fault.” Edward says as he begins growing angry, “If you hadn’t shouted at her. She wouldn’t be gone.” He grabs guns out of the wall and begin tossing them into a pile. He looks up to see Oswald on the phone. He storms up to him, just as he hangs up, “A phone call isn’t going to save her.” He pins him to wall angrily,   “Isn’t it?” Oswald says and Edward snarls.   “Someone called?” A voice says as Edward turns around to see Zsasz. He smiles as they pick up the guns and begin their way to kill Butch.   “Boss!” Someone yells, and Butch sighs. He looks back at you,
  “Stay. Or else.” he says his mouth next to your ear, “I can go again. Can you?” He picks up a shotgun and leave, and you stay there paralyzed. The sound of gun shots pull you back into reality and you curl up into a fetal position and cry, seeing as that is the only thing your mind could think of doing. The lights flicker off, and you can’t help but cry louder.   “Y/n!” a familiar voice shouts and you stop crying.   “Oswald?” You whisper.   “Y/n!” he shouts again and you use the rest of your strength and to bang on the room door you were in.   “I’m in here!” you shout. “I’m in here!” Your body soon gives up on you and you collapse, “I’m in here.” your voice barely a whisper, and soon you black out.
  You wake up and the lights blind you. You see a dark figure and you scream. Curling up into a ball, assuming past events were just a dream.   “Y/n. It’s okay.” A voice, you assume is Oswald’s say. You look up at see Oswald. You reach out to touch him, and when you touch him you instantly cry. “I’m here Y/n.”   “He-” You sputter trying to get the words out, but Oswald places his arms around you,   “It’s okay.” he says, rubbing your back, “We’re here now.” You hug him back, tears streaming from your face,   “We’ll always be here.” You hear Edward say, as you feel a second pair of arms wrap around you,   “Forever?”   “Forever.” They say in unison.
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