#i like to make charles' hair fluffier sorry guys........
glitterrgalax · 3 months
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did these because i wanted to make some DIY keychans for myself :]
not much flair to them but i hope you all like it!
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strawbchez · 1 year
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Run through Google translate ^
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Astolfo is so cute I have never wanted to hug a fictional character more than I do now JUST LOOK AT HIM!
Also is it just me or is Roland more buff. Mochizuki did confess that everytime she draws Roland he gets better physique (and fluffier hair) but wow this is wild.
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He’s so cute I can’t take it I love him so much he deserves so much better, if there's any Astolfo haters out there you better keep your opinion to yourself!
We see this panel in the extra chapter from vol 9 it’s just larger this time and notably missing Olivier's glare of annoyance despite the larger space.
Roland looks so sad I need to know what happened between him and Astolfo so bad.
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This scene is set up that it makes my immediate thought that it will be the last panel of the chapter or that it will be the last panel before we step away from Astolfo's past and go back to the current timeline (since we know that some panels contain stuff that seems to happen in the current timeline) but I do think it might be the opening page of the chapter since it seems to start where 58 ended.
Translations by me! Sorry if it’s botched I tried making it make sense!
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Guess we’re getting more Astolfo pov this chapter and judging by the panels shown earlier (like 10 days ago) I’m guessing the first part is going to be flashbacks about him and it ends suddenly here or adds more?
Either way the characters we see in these panels seem to be from current timeline (these are the panels)
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Oh shit. I mean we did get confirmation on this by Georges, once again in the extra chapter (thank you Georges and the extra chapter) but it’s nice getting it straight from Astolfo (or younger Astolfo). Seriously though what happened? Conflicting interests? A vampire attack? The churches interference/manipulation?
In this context, I guess this shows that Roland’s aware of Astolfo’s thoughts on him since it puts focus on his face in the panel. He definitely doesn’t approve of Astolfo's worship of him but I don’t see him confronting him about it though so I don’t know what happened there.
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(Sorry for how off centre it is!)
The guy who I presume is Charles' vice captain from the last chapter is behind Roland once again making me believe this is directly what happened after chapter 58 ended since that was were he was when Charles called for Roland.
I do think that it's Charles saying those lines since there wasn't anyone else in the room except the scar guy who doesn't seem to be speaking and Astolfo who clearly isn't saying that.
That seems to be Astolfo going up to Roland since the feet are small and bloodied. I do think that Roland was disappointed in himself for only being able to save one person which is why Charles is getting him to look after Astolfo so he knows he at least saved one life (which is quite sweet but this guy looks like a manipulator so...)
Roland looks so traumatised though and I'm not sure why. Astolfo was in pretty bad shape but the cloak (I think it was Roland's cloak?) was covering his body last chapter and I'm not sure if he still has it on in this panel so maybe that's where all the damage is? Or some other reason, maybe he was just shocked Astolfo was still alive after what happened.
Also I do have a life outside of stalking Mochizuki's twitter page (I just check it every 3 hours every day even in class it's not a problem)
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
Kind of a loud intro, but I'm working on this early since I'm on a creative wave and don't want to get off.
Quick recap of parts 8 and 9, like super fast, so pay attention, class, because I'll only explain it 82 more times so I don't forget: After the successful rescue that totally went off without a hitch, Henry took a page from Right's book and arranged a video call and hostage swap: Reginald for Charles. Right agreed, but Charles had other opinions. After a heartfelt Copperright reunion, Charles ruins it by bringing a gun to the peace meeting, but Henry literally jumps into action and the two start fighting, something Henry totally started, if you ask Charles, and won fair and square, if you ask Henry. The CCC sees the whole thing and try to use Terrence as a means to an end before the scuffle ends with a shot to the hand delivered by Galeforce and Charles passes out because he's a sore loser and tired. They head back to the base, more worried about Charles than Right's and Reginald's escape by to the orbital station.
As always, feel free to catch up fully on the previous parts right here:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
With all that out of the way, let's go check on our favorite stick people... that I gave hair. FUCK IT, LET'S GO!!!
We start off with Henry zoning out as a medic reapplies a bandage on his eyebrow; it will not become a scar, though he does have to grow the hair. Speaking of hair, he is now rocking a buzz cut because he got tired of looking at where Charles pulled his hair out.
He gets pulled out when Ellie limps over to him.
"Feeling better?"
He nods and points to her leg. 'I'm fine. You're getting better at walking.'
"Yeah. About time, too." Ellie's smile drops as she bites her lip, unsure of what to say next.
Henry notices and writes on a notepad, 'How's Charles?'
Ellie is silent, hugging herself before replying. "They really hurt him. He keeps coughing and trying to rub his eyes."
When Ellie doesn't meet his eyes, Henry gets up and sees a soldier leaving what is basically the psyche ward, even though it's just a surgical room they mostly cleared out and filled with basic hospital room stuff. Inside this room is Charles, who is strapped down in his bed, even with his ankles and wrists restrained, just in case, and keeps writhing and kicking around trying to break free. He's screaming something, by neither Henry nor Ellie can hear him.
The sight makes Henry sick to his stomach.
"The General said it might be a while before he's himself again, and we can't take any chances."
Charles eventually calms down and lies back, and sees Henry and Ellie as a medic walks in. She also turns on some sort of intercom system, so they can hear him, before she walks into his room.
"Hi, Charles." She says with that same fake, condescending tone that all nurses use to talk. "How are you feeling?"
Charles, naturally, glares at her. "Terrible. And talking to me like I'm a kid won't make me feel better."
"Is there anything I can get you to make you feel better?"
"I want to get out of this bed," he says with a pull of his wrist. "These restraints are too tight."
Henry holds his hand to his mouth as the nurse shakes her head.
"I'm sorry, Charles, you heard what the Genersl said. We're not supposed to let you out until you get better."
This riles Charles up too much because he thrashes even more violently, which scares the hell put of the medic.
"Why are you doing this!? I'm a traitor! You should've killed me by now! Stop wasting your time and get it over with already!"
Charles tries to yell some more, but coughs and starts gasping very loudly.
The medic moves quickly, getting a needle and inserts it into Charles's chest to help him breathe again. She also injects him with a sedative to calm him down, in case he acts up again.
Ellie sees Henry staring and pulls him back as Rupert approaches them.
"The general wants to see you two."
After a glance back at Charles, the two meet Galeforce, who is sitting rather calmly at his desk.
"Nice to see you two getting better. Hood to see you on your feet, Ellie."
"Thanks. Did something happen?"
Galeforce grimaces and hands Henry a note from Bill Bullet asking that the government take care of the Toppat Clan before anything else with Henry, and that it shouldn't be a problem because they have the perfect man for the job.
'What about the deal?' Henry signs.
"He's holding off on it until the Clan's taken out. He won't talk about anything beyond that."
"So we're taking orders from the CCC now?" Ellie asks, finding the idea very tasteless.
"It's not an order. More of a... favor. And the Wall contacted me about that escape you pulled off."
Ellie groans and Henry rolls his eyes. 'They cannot blame us when we're going to give them the entire clan.'
"Dmitri couldn't care less about new inmates," Galeforce barks. "All he wants is your head devorating his mantle," he says as he points to Henry.
Henry tenses and looks between the two of them. 'So how do we take care of them?'
Galeforce shakes his head. "I don't know, but we're gonna take care of the Toppat Clan and get the CCC off our backs, regardless. Understand?"
The two nod and Henry leaves quickly to check on Charles.
Speaking of which, he's resting after getting air back in his lungs, and is VERY loopy when Henry walks in. He's still restrained, but doesn't really care. The medic is still in the room and is ready to translate for Henry.
"Henry? Is that... really you?"
Henry nods as he pulls up a chair and sits by his friend.
"You look... like an egg."
Henry snickers as Charles tries to reach out and feel Henry's cool new buzz cut hair.
"You do. You look like a hairy egg. Like someone left an egg out snd it got moldy."
Henry signs and the medic translsates, "He said, 'Eggs don't get bad like that, but tomatoes do.'"
Charles scowls and signs, 'Can read. I know what saying.'
Henry signs that he's glad Charles is back, crying as he does so.
Charles turns his eyes to the ceiling and lets his own tears fall, real ones, not artificial ones that he's had to put in. "When I saw those government destroyers get shot down or saw the pilots get shot right in front of me, I had a pretty good idea that I wasn't going anywhere. I started forgetting why I really joined the government and just saw why I shouldn't be anywhere near them. I forgot how much I wanted to be back. Fly their helicopter again."
'Don't you mean 'your helicopter?'' Henry signs.
"No. It was theirs. My parents. Mom was better a flying, but Dad was faster. They were really good at what they did. Too good. I was nine when the General told me. It was their last mission and they couldn't let enemy forces through. The general said it was a kamikaze attack, but my dad said he and my mom loved me. And that they were sorry they couldn't make it back for my birthday."
Henry is literally floored by this news. Charles never brings up his parents. NEVER! It's got nothing with a lack of trust, he just doesn't like talking about them, not even with the general, who took him in after their funeral.
"I don't know what they'd think, if they were alive, but I know they wouldn't want anything to with me either." Charles turns his eyes to Henry, tired and very saddened. "Why didn't you take the shot? He was right there."
Henry gulps and signs to Charles, 'I was scared. I didn't want to miss and hit you. I should've taken the shot anyway, but I didn't. I'm sorry.'
Charles keeps his eyes on Henry and stays silent for a few seconds. "How do I know this isn't all just in my head? How do I know I won't just wake up back there?"
Henry holds and rubs Charles's hand, writing on his wrist with his finger.
'This is real. You're home. I screwed up the mission, I know, but they're working on a plan to take down the Toppat Clan for good.'
Charles tightens his grip on Henry's hand as his eyes go wide. "Promise me. If that... that son of a bitch has me again and... and you're there, promise me you'll shoot him. Don't waste time worrying about me! I can't- I can't go back there! I can't handle it happening again! I can't go back! PROMISE ME I WON'T GO BACK!"
Henry holds Charles's shoulders and nods, trying to calm him down. 'I will. I promise I won't let anything happen to you.'
Charles rests his head against Henry's shoulder and nods, trying to calm himself down.
Henry only hugs him, makimg sure that when the time comes he will keep his promise to his friend.
And that is Part 10! Charles's recovery will not be easy, but he made Henry promise to keep him out of Toppat clutches and Henry will oblige.
I hope you guys enjoyed this one, it's a little fluffier, but I think we've all earned that after everything that's happened in the series
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