#i like that kira stabs people with hers. good life choice girl
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newgroundstier · 1 year ago
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favourite riptide guys (little guy mode)
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rememberstilinski · 8 years ago
rings of fire || stiles stilinski
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word count: 4876
warnings: mentions of cheating, angst
request: hiiii i'm such a big fan you're such an inspiration to me! could i get a request where the reader and stiles are married and have a son and stiles doesn't really help her and is constantly helping the pack and at work and what not and shows her and her son no attention? the reader confronts him one night when he comes home late and finds out he was cheating, so she leaves and sleeps at lydia's so then stiles goes and tries to win her and his son back? sorry i it's complicating i love you so much
author’s note: happy easter (to those who celebrate)! i hope you guys all like this, thank you to @ninja-stiles for helping me with a couple things! 
coming soon
Being a parent wasn't easy in any sense of the word.
Parents told their children their whole lives raising a child is not easy. It was quite possibly the hardest task a human being could be faced with. But when the opportunity came along, it was an amazing experience. You have an unconditional, unwavering, undeniable love for your child. And the experience is even more amazing and magical when you're sharing that life with your soulmate. Your one true love.
Stiles and Y/N we're spending theirs together. They were raising their son together. Just like they did everything. Those two had a perfect, modern life. Stiles went to work at the sheriff's station every day, working as a deputy until his father retired and handed the job down to his son. Y/N, by choice, spent the day caring for their three month old son, John. John Scott Stilinski.
Y/N was perfectly happy content with spending every single day with one of the people she treasured most in the world. Granted, she missed the life she had before. Being able to go shopping or spend the day with Lydia, Malia, Kira, and Allison; having a clean house, going to work everyday. But spending her days with John and spending the nights with him and Stiles were the highlights of her busy life.
Stiles was great with John. Even when she was pregnant, he focused on her and their baby completely. He skipped pack meetings and was sometimes late to work because she was craving a burger from In-N-Out or some cookie dough ice cream. Whatever she needed, Stiles was there to provide her with it. His love for their child only intensified by hundreds when he was born. When he saw John for the first time, Stiles could've sworn he fell in love. He'd never known of a love that strong, other than the love he felt for his wife. Every night, Stiles woke up with Y/N to help take care of John. Many of their mornings started waking up together in the surprisingly comfortable rocking chair next to the crib. It was all perfect.
But then things started changing. Stiles suddenly seemed less interested in being at home every night. He would come home late from work almost every night. It would've been fine if it was just half an hour late, but Stiles would be gone for over an hour. Y/N noticed that Stiles was going to more pack meetings than ever. Sure, he cared about Beacon Hills with his whole heart, that's one of the reasons he wanted to be a cop, but something about all these pack meetings were weird. There was no way that there were that many problems in Beacon Hills.
Y/N couldn't pin down what had changed Stiles, even after nearly ten years of being together. In all honesty, she was scared to learn the truth. Terrified would probably be a better adjective to use.
It was another night of being up with John, waiting for Stiles to come home after work. It was nearly midnight and Stiles gets off of work at ten thirty. She was in the nursery, John’s head in the crook of her shoulder, small whimpers coming from his mouth and traveling to her ears. Her hand patted his clothed back softly, the cries dying down slowly but surely.
“I wish Daddy was here. He's so good at putting you to sleep, John.” Y/N mumbled, pacing around the dimly lit room. She figured something that Stiles did when trying to put the baby to sleep would work. Singing his song.
“Cold bones. Yeah, that's my love.” Her voice lowly sang in perfect harmony. “He glides away, like a ghost. Does he know that we bleed the same? Don't wanna cry, but I break that way.”
“Cold sheets. Oh, where's my love? I'm searching high, I'm searching low in the night. Does he know that we bleed the same? Don't wanna cry, but I break that way. Did he run away, did he run away? I don't know. If he ran away, If he ran away, come back home. Just come home.” Her voice broke at the very last lyric. She really did miss Stiles and she was singing about him. Her love.
However, the singing did work. John was finally asleep, cute little baby snores coming out of his small, pink lips. Relieved, she gently laid his body on the mattress, pulling the thin blanket Ms. McCall had made for him over his small body. She smiled when she saw him finally at rest. He looked a lot like Stiles did when he slept. They both slept with their lips slightly parted, long eyelashes against their defined cheekbones.
The day had been long and exhausting, and Y/N was more than ready to get some sleep. She exited the nursery after putting on a lullaby that would keep him asleep for at least a couple hours. She flicked off the lights and left the door cracked open. As she stepped into the hallway, she almost missed the sound of the front door opening. “It's about time.” She mumbled, eyes drooping tiredly.
Instead of walking downstairs to greet her husband, she walked down the hall and to their shared bedroom. She was already in pajamas, some yoga pants and a thin cardigan over her camisole tank top, so all she had to do was brush her teeth. Stiles had walked into the room just as she wetted her toothbrush after putting on toothpaste and began brushing. He was alarmed to hear movement and his eyes were widened when he saw her.
“I thought you would be asleep by now.” He mumbled, his inner dad coming out so he wouldn't wake the baby.
Y/N continued brushing. “I just put down John.”
“Why was he up at this time?” Stiles asked obviously concerned. Y/N spit out the toothpaste, rinsing out her mouth with water and patting her lips dry.
“He can't sleep if you're not here. And frankly, neither can I.” She told him as she walked past him.
“Y/N, I had a-”
“A pack meeting. I get it. I just wish you were here with us like you used to be.” Y/N sighed, sitting on her side of the bed and pulling her legs up to her chest, arms wrapping around them.
Stiles’ face fell. “I'm sorry, baby. I really am. Tell you what, tomorrow night I will get home on time and you, me, and John will spend the whole night together. I promise.” He sent her a reassuring smile. Y/N nodded with a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.
He unbuttoned his deputy shirt and shrugged it off before pulling off his white undershirt. Y/N noticed something strange. Her head tilted, eyes squinting to get a closer look. There were dark marks on his chest and they looked like bruises. “Stiles, what happened to you?”
“What do you mean?”
“You have bruises on your chest. What happened?”
Suddenly, he looked like a deer caught in the headlights. “I, uh. Um, Parrish and I had a hard work out the other day. No biggie.” He lied right through his teeth. Y/N noticed this. She had spent enough time with him to know exactly when he was lying to her. She stood up and walked over to him.
Y/N quirked an eyebrow. “Why are you lying to me?”
“I-I'm not.” Stiles rushed out. He hurried to cover his chest with the white t-shirt that was still in his hands.
“Show me your chest.” Y/N mumbled, but he didn't. “Show me your chest, Stiles.” Her voice more stern this time. Defeated, he slowly lowered the covering and looked down. Her fingers ran over the marks and she immediately noticed what they were. She'd left many on his body before.
But these; these weren't her markings.
Tears immediately took their place in her eyes. An uncomfortable gulp in her stomach as she tried to speak. “Please tell me these aren't what I think they are.” Stiles didn't answer and she knew she had her answer. Her hand flew to her mouth, trying to keep a loud sob from escaping.
Her tiny voice broke as her worst fears were being realized. She shook her head slowly in disbelief. But before she knew it, everything was making sense. “No.”
“Before you say anything-”
His wife cut off his sentence. “How long has this been going on?”
“Y/N, listen to me.” He panicked. His gut seemed to twist with guilt and self hatred. What had he done?
She backed away from him, tears clouding her vision. “This is what you've been doing? The late nights. The pack meetings? This is what you've been doing?”
Stiles didn't know what to say, so she continued speaking. “I feel sick right now.” He stepped towards her, extending his hand to grab her. “Do not touch me.”
“Baby, please let me talk.”
Y/N ignored his statement. She crossed her arms over her chest. He'd never seen her so upset or angry and he hated himself for doing this to her. “Do I know her?”
“No, she's just some girl from work.” Everything Stiles said was piercing her heart. Each word felt like an actual stab in the back.
“Well I hope she was a good enough fuck to waste all of this on!” And with that, she stormed out of the bedroom.
Stiles hurried and followed her out. “W-where are you going?” He asked, tearing beginning to roll down his cheekbones.
Y/N didn't answer, but instead walked into John’s room to see him stirring, a sign that he was on his way to waking up. Even through everything that had just happened, she hoped they weren't what had woken him up.
“Please, talk to me. We can work this out. I'm begging you, just talk to me.” Stiles pleaded. Y/N grabbed John from the crib and held him to her chest.
“I'm not staying here.” She whispered, the pit that was in her stomach seeming to deepen. She tried her best not to sob, but there was no energy in her to attempt to not cry.
He immediately began shaking. And suddenly he felt like his lungs were collapsing in his chest. His heartbeat started beating faster, as if it was going to start imprinting its image into his ribcage. “N-no. Please, don't leave. I'm sorry.” He followed her down the staircase. “Just stay, I'm begging you. Please, stay and we can talk.”
She grabbed the keys and diaper bag off the console table next to the garage door, still holding John in her arms. He was awake, but thankfully not crying. “I can't even look at you right now, Stiles. If I do, it'll just break my heart.” She sobbed. They entered the garage and Y/N opened the car door, putting John in his car seat.
“Where are you going to go? I want to make sure you two will be safe.” He was losing the two most important people in his life. Stiles had royally messed up and he couldn't even remember why he's starting having sex with that woman in the first place. He loved his wife. He loved her in middle school, high school, all through college and he still loves her.
“I don't know. Lydia's maybe. Anywhere is better than here.” She shut the door softly. Her eyes didn't look up at him because she was hurting enough as it was, looking at him made everything worse.
“When can I see you guys?” Stiles looked at her.
“I don't know, Stiles. I really don't know if I want to see you again.” She admitted, her own heart breaking at her words. Stiles squeezed his eyes shut and let the rest of his tears roll down his face.
Stiles sighed and opened his eyes back up, hand running through his hair. “I'm sorry. I-I love you, Y/N.”
Instead of replying, she got in the car and put on her seatbelt, opening the garage. The car started and with one last look at her broken-hearted husband, she left not knowing if she was ever coming back. On the drive to Lydia’s, all she could do was cry. Her heart was broken. Broken beyond repair. Suddenly, she realized she just left her whole life. The father of her child. She left her husband. The man she'd loved her whole life. What was going to become of her and Stiles?
She'd finally arrived at Lydia’s apartment and she grabbed the diaper bag and John, asleep in his car seat. The night was silent, except for the crickets. Y/N hurried to the front door, knocking three times. A few moments later, the door swung open to reveal the strawberry blonde in nothing but an oversized t-shirt and messed up hair looking exhausted.
“Y/N? It's late, what are you doing here?” She asked, leaning against the door frame with squinted eyes.
“I'm sorry, Lyds, I didn't realize I was interrupting anything.” Y/N sighed. Lydia looked at her best friend’s state and she realized something terrible had happened.
“What happened? Why are you here?” Lydia questioned, concerned to see her with swollen eyes and her child at twelve in the morning.
Y/N choked on a sob. “I didn't have anywhere else to go.” She said, sounding completely and utterly weak and broken.  After the words left her mouth, she let out a cry and Lydia could've sworn her heart broke. This was her best friend and it hurt to see her in such a way. Lydia pulled her inside the apartment. Y/N set the car seat on the ground and wrapped her arms around her best friend, crying into her shoulder.
A guy came into the living room, shirtless. “Babe, what's going on?”
Y/N pulled away and let Lydia handle the situation. “It's a girl emergency. I'm going to have to rain check tonight. Sorry.”
The guy looked between Y/N and Lydia, realizing this wasn't a situation he should be bothering. “I understand. I'll see you tomorrow, Lydia. And I hope what ever happened gets resolved in the best way.” He said, putting on his sweatshirt and placing a kiss on Lydia’s cheek before leaving for the night.
“What happened?” Lydia asked, sitting on the couch as Y/N grabbed John.
She walked to the couch with her sleeping son in arms and sat down next to Lydia. John’s ear was pressed against her chest, arms underneath his tiny body. “Stiles. H-he, um. He… he's been cheating.” Y/N whimpered.
“Oh my god, are you serious?” Lydia exclaimed, the tiredness she had completely gone and replaced with anger.
Y/N nodded slowly, not believing those words came out of her mouth. The whole situation didn't seem real. It was as if she was dreaming. And she wanted it all to be a dream. She wanted to wake up and see Stiles laying next to her living in the perfect, happy life they have-used to have. But she knew it wasn't a dream. She counted her fingers in the car, in dreams you have more fingers, she had exactly ten fingers.
Lydia rubbed her best friend’s hand reassuringly. “Well, you are more than welcome to stay here, you know that.” Y/N looked up to see a gentle smile resting on Lydia’s plump lips. “I can put his playpen in the guest room and you can stay for as long as you need. I'm here for you, Y/N.”
Y/N’s voice shook, salty tears still pouring from her irritated eyes. “Thank you, Lydia.” She looked down at her son to see him still sleeping. In all honesty, it was hard to look at him. He looked exactly liked Stiles and it sent a pang in her heart to think of him.
Later that night, she laid in bed, John sleeping next to her in the playpen she'd brought over here for when her and Lydia spent time together. It was impossible to sleep that night. The bed was uncomfortably cold, her heart was in pieces, and she felt as if she suddenly didn't know how to breathe. All she could think of was Stiles. The way he pulled her into his chest with his face nuzzles into her neck and the scruff on his face tickled her skin. Or how he would trail kisses on her shoulder and neck, but the thing was he didn't do it in a lustful way, he did it all with of love and adoration.
Even though they'd been going through a rough patch the past few weeks, it was nice for him to come home and show her attention and care. Sometimes she'd even hold him in her arms, Stiles being the little spoon. He'd hold her hands up to his mouth and kiss her knuckles gently. He would sing her to sleep or tell her stories. He was an amazing husband and an even better father.
When John was born, Stiles was the first person to hold him. He held him before the doctor did. Stiles didn't stay up with her when she was pushing, he was down there ready to hold John and do whatever he could to help, the doctor even consented to it. Stiles told her of when he first laid eyes on John. He looked past all the gross stuff on him and only saw the beauty. He fell in love with the baby boy instantaneously. Y/N could remember Stiles telling her that when he saw John, he had never felt a love as strong as he did with him. Of course, Stiles loved his wife, with all his heart, but there's something about having a child that makes you rethink just how much you can have love one little person.
Every night, Stiles would stand in the nursery and cradle John in his arms. He traced every detail gently on his face with his slender fingers. He'd run the tip of his finger over the small lips on John’s face, he'd kiss the moles, and he'd lean his head against his son’s very gently. Stiles couldn't get enough of the baby. He always told Y/N that he hated leaving John just as much as he hated leaving her. He couldn't stand being away from either of them longer than he had to.
But was that still true? I mean, he was willing to cheat, did that mean that he still loved her? She had no doubt him loving John, but what about her? What about their vows? Did those sacred words even mean anything anymore? He was so willing to throw away their love on some meaningless sex with some stranger and that hurt more than she could even explain. There was only one question running through her mind.
Why did he cheat? Was she no longer enough to satisfy him? Sure, they haven't had sex since before John was born, but they were both so busy and there was no time to even fit in a quickie. Stiles had never had sex with anyone else but Y/N, maybe he got bored. Or perhaps he just doesn't love her anymore. It was a complete mystery to her and she didn't know what to think.
Everything just felt like the world was ending. Did this mean she was leaving Stiles? Could they even get through this? They got through a shitty high school career but was it even possible for them to get over this and move on with their lives? It hurt to think of what he looked like, to remember how his pillow had his smell, or how his little snores were far from annoying.
Sighing, Y/N turned over looking at the wall to her left. Her hands held each other underneath the pillow she was laying on. She buried her nose into the pillow case before she remembered that there would be no trace of Stiles there. No little drool marks, no warm, inviting smells, and no Stiles. She closed her eyes and for the first time that night let out a painful sob. One that shook her soul in an excruciating way. Her head turned into the pillow, the fluffy object quieting down the sobs she was letting out because she didn't want to wake the baby next to her.
The door opened slowly, dim light peeking into the pitch black room. Y/N looked to see Lydia Martin in the doorway, her expression painful and sympathetic. Lydia left the door cracked and crawled into bed with Y/N. She laid her head on the white pillow next to her best friend's. The strawberry blonde nodded, signaling her friend that it was more than okay to cry.
Y/N face broke. Her eyes swollen and red. Lydia pulled her friend into her arms, the Y/H/C girl laying her head on Lydia’s chest, arms wrapping around her torso. “It’s okay. It'll all be okay.” Eventually, she grew tired of crying and tears just stopped coming out. Lydia didn't leave. She stayed with her best friend the whole night, not once thinking about leaving.
The next couple weeks were filled of nothing but hurt. Y/N couldn't go back to that house. She couldn't see Stiles. She needed time and she didn't know how long it would take for her to go back. It seemed that she never would at this point. Lydia gave her clothes to borrow since she only had some pajamas. Stiles has been blowing up her phone, making every effort to come and see Y/N and John, but she ignored every call and every text. The voicemails were left unlistened to because it would only bring more pain.
But today was the day, she needed to go home. It felt terrible to invade Lydia's space like she had been even though she constantly reassured Y/N that all was fine and she could stay there until she thought it was okay to go back home. Lydia had gone to work and Y/N was still at the apartment. She'd began folding John’s clothes and putting them in the diaper bag as he laid in his car seat, playing with his fingers like they were the most interesting thing in the world. These days, he was the only one that made her smile in even the slightest way. Y/N folded the clothes Lydia had given her to borrow and placed them in a basket that would be in Lydia's bedroom. The apartment was clean because that was all Y/N had to entertain her.
She packed up her things and drove home with John in the backseat, cooing. Finally, she pulled into the garage and saw Stiles’ jeep. She was hoping to not run into him, maybe he was out with a friend. Y/N grabbed John and left the diaper bag in the car. John was still cooing and it was the cutest thing ever. She walked in and examined the kitchen. It was still spotless, just as she left it. A few bills sat on the counter along with a basket of clothes. However, walking into the living room was a completely different story. There was a pillow and a blanket scattered on the couch. Beer bottles clattered around on the coffee table, a couple picture frames next to the glass.
Y/N sighed, fighting back tears that she was so desperately trying to keep from falling. She tiptoed up the wooden stairs, creaks sounding every now and then. John’s door finally came into sight and Y/N continued walking towards it. Pushing open the door, there was someone in the room. Stiles was sitting in the rocking chair, holding a stuffed teddy bear wearing a Met’s jersey. He looked just as bad as Y/N did. His face was stained with tears, his hair a bigger mess than usual, and he was wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt. His head popped up when he saw his wife and child. He stood up, still holding the toy in his shaky hands.
“Hey.” Stiles rasped out and attempted to wipe away the tears.
“Hey.” Y/N patted John’s back softly as his eyes started drooping in a sleepy way.
Stiles kept his distance from her, not wanting her to leave again. “Um, w-what are you doing here?”
Y/N sighed and walked closer to the crib, which just so happened to be next to where Stiles was standing. “I just felt like I needed to come back. I didn't like bothering Lydia anymore.” She told him as she laid the baby down in the bed. Once he was settled comfortably, she turned to Stiles and crossed her arms over her chest. “I also felt like we needed to talk.”
“Y-yeah. Let's go downstairs?” He offered to which Y/N accepted. They both took one last look at John before exiting the room. The two of them walked downstairs and sat on the couch, keeping their distance from one another. The silence between the couple was nearly deafening. A thick, itchy coat laid over the both of them and it was the most uncomfortable feeling. Neither of them knew what to say. What does one say in a situation like this? How do you approach this kind of thing?
Thankfully, Stiles was the one to break the silence. “How have you been doing?” He asked. Y/N looked at him in a way as if she was asking him if he was serious. “Sorry, bad question.”
“Can I ask you a question?” She asked. Stiles nodded in approvement. “Why did you do what you did? Do you not love me anymore?”
“What?! No, of course not. That's not at all why I did what I did.” His eyes widened. He turned towards her quickly. “I love you. I will always love you.”
“Then why? Stiles, give me an answer.” She whimpered, eyes watering.
“Honestly, I don't know why I did it. I can't give you answer because I don't know why, Y/N. I did it because I was selfish.” His noticeably glossy whiskey eyes pierced into her Y/E/C ones.
“Did you get bored of me?”
Stiles shook his head. He brought his left hand to hers, rubbing her knuckles. “No. I didn't get bored of you. I'll never be bored of you.”
Before Y/N could reply, a cry was heard over the baby monitor and they both knew that it was John. She went to get up and get him, but Stiles stopped her from doing so. “I've got him.” He said, Y/N nodded and relaxed where she was sitting as Stiles stood up and went to grab their child. He came back down less than a minute later with John laying against his chest, a blue pacifier in his mouth. Stiles took his spot next to Y/N once again. John began huffing as if he was going to cry again, but his father started talking to him.
“Shh, it's okay. Don't cry, daddy's here.” Stiles whispered, placing a kiss on the infant’s head.
Y/N loved seeing this side of Stiles. She loved seeing him as a father, seeing him act like this and take on such a responsible role. “He missed you, you know. He hasn't slept well without you.” She mumbled, bringing her fingers to smooth down the baby’s soft hair. “I haven't gotten much sleep either.”
“I don't sleep well without either of you, you know that.” Stiles looked at her. His free hand grabbed hers, intertwining their fingers. “Are you leaving again?”
“A part of me wants to leave and never see you again. You broke my heart and I never thought you would hurt me in such a way.” Y/N said. Stiles’ face fell. “But a bigger part of me wants to stay and work this out because I love you, Stiles. And I love our family and everything we've built together. I made a vow, for better or for worse. I took those to heart and I keep my promises.”
“I'm sorry for everything I've done. I hate myself for hurting you and I know you hate me for it, too. Don't even try to deny it. I won't blame you if you leave because what I did was unforgettable. I love you, Y/N. You need to know that.”
“Do you remember what I said to you when John was born? We go through this together. Rings of fire. We do it together, Stiles. No matter what.”
Stiles sighed. His eyes roamed over her face as hers did the same. “I love you and I don’t deserve to have you.” Y/N laid her head on his shoulder, keeping their hands intertwined.
“I love you, too, Stiles.” She mumbled, not knowing what their future held. Things were different now, but that didn't change the love they had for each other. They walked the line as they did everything, together.
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