#i like men!! like omg i like dudes!! i am bisexual it is literally part of the package deal
loftwinglullaby · 1 year
hhh they should add fruity options to time princess for me personally.... i love olive, and xiaoqing and charlotte and salvia and whatever the fuck nastia had going with the mc but please.... im so fed up w the boring men.....
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reclusivedouche · 1 year
Riverdale 7x12 Thoughts
This two boys opening, where Archie and Reggie are obviously on a bisexual journey
Leave Julian Blossom in a coma tbh
Especially how Clifford wants to blame Reggie like bro your stupid kid did the thing
I think Archie should sock Clifford Julian-style bc honestly Clifford could not take Archie
Sheriff Keller really is the worst version of himself in season 7 like he is so much worse at Sheriff-ing
Juggy defending Ethel from going back to the sisters like just kiss her already omg
Alice is absolutely insane omg the way she is just like my mother where she acts like she isn't a fucking asshole
Honestly if she was gonna like fake adopt Ethel she should've given her Betty's room
The way every episode is like Archie having to ponder while someone (Reggie, or the gays) are going through it like he is a fool but like I love him anyway but
the storytelling choices
It truly never occurred to Veronica she could break into her own home like?
OMG Mrs. Thornton is so dirty for just reading Archie's poem out loud and then naming him as the author to the whole class
Archie looking so pressed while she reads it is the same energy I had when I had to sit through my own play being read at a showcase
Push him out the window
Additionally, tho, has Archie broken bread with Kevin and Clay over the gay things??
Sports where we're really saying bulldog brother in distress
this stupid comic book thing I need to know what Francis Dupont Werthers is DOING
Am absolutely loving that Ethel is actually getting story ???
Or another boy (or girl w/e)
Not Julian tho
That fucker
Honestly Archie should also punch Uncle Frank for being stupid
Betty looked so upset when she thought Archie and Reggie were coming over
Old white men wanting to go back to the old days??? Always a red flag
Clifford is really out here threatening to kill Cheryl as if he did not kills Jason 65 years ago in the future or whatever
Omg my friend had to tell me the song was from South Pacific and now that I know, I'm having a very visceral memory of the time I was in South Pacific (as the only non-singing part tho lmao)
There were a lot of gross men in that bc they could sing (and I mean the actors not the like characters tho...)
The choreo is so much better in Riverdale tho
Even if it involves Kevin
Like could Clay kiss a hot man? Idk
Betty getting a gay ex boyfriend like? Good for her. But like get rid of Kevin
Veronica is so thirsty and I'm so into it except when she's being a predator to out gays (to herself)
Dilton having a huge dick tho is my absolute favorite throwaway detail like yes
Is this thing where Mrs. Thornton is suddenly like the teacher is bc she's the one who's gonna be accused of communism
Is that happening next week with the outings? Eek
The comic boss dude being like immediately ready to have Ethel draw like yes I love it
He's dead I mean literally you killed him lol
Very pleased we actually get to see Mary working part time at the dress shop
The way they speak to her like she is the one who curates the dresses being sold
I simply don't understand why we have to have Brett Weston Wallace but we don't also get Donna like give us Donna!
Let the boys kiss while they do the dishes
Justice for Ethel!!!
Is Jughead still drinking powdered milk or is that gone now that the milkman is dead
I better see a canon kiss between Betty and Veronica in a future episode or ELSE
Love only getting Polly in name tho I'm sure we'll have to deal with her at some point this season
Betty is also the ultimate ex-girlfriend
Okay tho Mary then reading the riot act to Alice, who is completely unbothered lmao
They will legitimately drag anyone to Riverdale but never Katy Keene give us KATY
I heard the good word from the bird
Jughead is wise beyond his years??? Somewhere in there is a memory of the future!
Veronica called Betty ;-;
These boys are going to WRESTLE
Just let them kiss my god
Archie asking Reggie to wear his dad's patch
Like Reggie knows Archie likes to write poems
Write him a poem
Also are we gonna have to see Archie at the Dark Room lmao
Ugh okay next week is gonna be a full trip I am not ready
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vaguely-concerned · 6 years
I’ve been reading the temeraire books non-stop since christmas and I’m on the third one and I have too many feelings spilling out of me to not write some of them down
- the funeral at the beginning is so atmospheric and haunting I love it
- laurence has such a heady blend of Disaster Bisexual and pure Dad energy
like he���s going to kick your ass he’s going to kick his own ass he’s going to be conflicted about the act of kicking ass b/c of Duty to his country, he’s going to go on long wonderfully unselfconscious descriptions of handsome men and he’s going to adopt a bunch of orphans along the way
- oh no tharkay just showed up... I’m sorry literally everyone else in this series it’s been one hell of a ride these last two books but none of you turned up with a falcon, a look of wry cynical amusement and the very real sense that you’re continually pretending to have no feelings while actually having All The Feelings going on under the surface so uh. what can you do
every wry smile is a wonder every time he proves yet again to be the most competent person present and is snarky about it is a joy etc. he tells temeraire stories and teaches him dragon language. I am helpless 
- also it’s such a fucking tease b/c MASTERFULLY he’s not mentioned that much to begin with even though we know he’s around, presumably because Laurence doesn’t care that much at first (though he does realize he’s strangely disproportionately upset at the thought that Tharkay might have betrayed them huh... *chinhands*) and also he’s keeping deliberately emotionally distant, so I’m just continually turning the pages like ‘but my boy tho. what’s my boy up to’
- laurence has a lot of endearing traits, but I think the time he was literally embroiled in a day-long desperate battle behind an improvised barricade and still took a moment to wash and dry his neckcloth takes the cake. he’s such a nerd about his clothes I love him
(I also like the character development just from the first book to this -- he can still unthinkingly be a dick sometimes, but you get the feeling he’s shed a lot of bad shit he learned from his awful dad as well as the navy b/c like. he’s a good. he’s a good good boy at the end of the day and he had to learn to be a dragon’s dad real quick. Temeraire gets completely blown by him being strict ONCE in throne of jade and knows instinctively how much laurence loves him. can u imagine how much he is NOT like his dad after all. Y_____Y)
- I’m so sorry your human is such a glorious dummy, Temeraire. 
- noooo tharkay’s birb D:D:D: rip u magnificent little murderbird 
- this post-fleeing-headlong-through-the-sewers scene is so charming... laurence FINALLY getting his head out of his ass about this man and realizing he’s saved their bacon again and again (seriously he’s SUCH a shit judge of character I can’t... you initially looked at RANKIN and was like ‘seems like a decent chap and a gentleman’ and now you’ve spent half the book thinking THIS dude is going to betray you... shaking my head at you laurence)... tharkay having a brief moment of being emotionally honest before going back to sardonically sweeping all his feelings under the carpet but it’s too late laurence is already like ‘OH’... honestly this poor man had no chance laurence just had to go and be Very Earnestly Laurence at him, no one could be expected to withstand it
- “Tharkay looked at him, a queer uncertain expression briefly crossing his face... he reached out his hand with a jaunty air; but there was nothing whatsoever insincere about his grip” afdshfddgd fanfic brain engage how much do you want to bet that’s what happens the first time laurence kisses him too, just a split second before he accepts that he means it and smiles... I... am so emotional... I love him so much already and it’s only been 170 pages of brief appearances apparently he’s in more of these books I am going to DIE
“He closed his mouth on anything further, though his customary seeming indifference looked now a mask imperfectly put on” falsdfjaslkdfjsdakl I knew... I knew I was going to suffer about him from the moment he stepped onto the page and here I am
- Lien is SO CREEPY in this speech but also ‘I had to know you understood b/c you’re very young and stupid’ made me cackle aloud in a public place. that’s a burn huh
- I am very sad about temeraire being sad a lot in this book :( I hope he gets his revenge by lovingly preaching his radical politics to this egg and making the hatchling a born firebreathing rebel
- tharkay startled to realize temeraire has adopted him as one of His Humans and not letting him fling himself into danger......... my heart
you’ve been teaching him dragon language and all kinds of stuff tharkay what did you expect that’s like how temeraire bonds (b/c he’s a wonderful nerd the size of a hillside)
- so is laurence like... hot for napoleon. b/c that’s kind of what this description reads like. that went from ‘he’s taller than I expected’ to ‘lean and glitter-eyed’ and ‘handsome’ real fast wtf laurence 
- ...this whole prussian affair isn’t going so well is it?? (also poor granby he always suffers the most)
- a) the hatchling is amazing, omg, b) I’m just continually in stitches over temeraire’s reactions to her and also the ongoing saga of laurence trying to teach him about property rights. like the thing where dragons mature quickly but still stay young for quite a long time basically means poor laurence is stuck parenting an incredibly intelligent and earnest teenager the size of a barn for years to come.  
- actually I really enjoy how the author has managed to set up the complexity and authenticity of the dragon/captain relationships? it’s a very strange mix of two-way parental & child dynamics and a life partner and you just accept it completely, to the point that you find it sympathetic even in the bad guys. it’s so well done.   
- uuuuuuuuuuuuh laurence spacing out for a while there is really harrowing, this whole part is very stressful to read
LAURENCE WAS NICE TO HIM  O N C E  and he went back halfway around the world to get twenty dragons for him without even saying shit except that he was leaving... I can’t... he’s... too good.... coming in like a radiant beam of hope in the darkest hour like gandalf in that lotr movie except marginally more low-key b/c he’s a sneaky fuck but also arkady...
 william laurence you marry this man immediately
- thank you laurence I’ve spent the last hundred pages going ‘...but ol’ bonaparte is just demonstrably better at this tho. why are none of you suckers using dragons for anything but throwing them into the meat grinder in battle’, it’s good that was happening under the hood with you too. (I have this same problem in lord of the rings sometimes -- the orcs are just smarter about warfare? the humans almost deserve to lose in the face of all that creativity and nerve? like pls gondor honor is all well and good but please use your brains instead of doing the same stuff your great great grandfathers did. I realize the orcs literally symbolize industrialized warfare but could the humans and elves come up with some defensive innovations pls) 
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