#i like gender bent stories theyre interesting to me
sophiethewitch1 ยท 3 months
Maybe it's the gender is an illusion or a spice of life in me but I gotta say the gender bends are transphobic discourse stuff sounds a lot like nonsense to me. Before you shoot me between the eyes I use they/them pronouns so therefore I am allowed to have an opinion about this lmao
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sea-of-dust ยท 2 years
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"They call me rizz lord"
Mikey, Baji, Kazutora x Reader
Summary: they got with someone good with people...maybe too good...
Notes: BANDORI ANNON IM WORKING ON IT M8. l was in the middle of writing Mikey's part then realized y/n's kinda like Sakamoto and Aoi akane.. Finna use story beats from both of em ๐Ÿ˜ผ. So yea....ALSO TR SEASON 2 DROPPED
Warnings: Down horrendous background characters. There's a shit ton of references-. sus remarks, swearing, Manga spoilers in kazutoras part
Gender Neutral Reader
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He feels warm and fuzzy around you no doubt you two started dating the problem was...that's the reason a lot of people like you too....a whole crowd in fact
You could be walking around the halls with him "you need the homework? I have the answers ^^" "AH Y/N DOING HOMEWORK HOW STUDIOUS" "?" "THEY LOOKED AT MEEE I MIGHT FAINT" you look at them walking faster covering your eyes "Mikey as soon as we turn the corner we run"
He's heard tales of you mostly told by simps. what he didn't know if that they might be true....he's seen you rizz up fountains because your friends wanted to drink out of the fountain you were using. "Bro watch this" they mimic how you spoke to your friend "And then when they bent over to drink it the water started spraying out all over!" "And then they fliped their head back turning to face us in embarrassment!" "REMEMBER WHAT THEY SAID" they clear their throat "oh! Why hello?" The two fans squeal. He's...impressed and also scared.
He's gonna use it as a teasing point "heyyy don't break the sink alright~" "Mikey I beg of you-" "hehe~"
He's also gonna use you to get things he wants. "Listen I'm gonna need you to go in get some dorayaki, come out" "Why are we huddled down behind the building like it's a sneak mission?" "It is!" He jokes. You walk in buy one dorayaki and end up with five. "Crazy they said it was on the house" "YES"
He doesn't mind your simps as long as they don't bother him! He likes going "that's nice" to people telling stories about you and then internally smirking at the fact you two are dating.
Pdas something that's gonna leave the crowd rioting. Everyone thinks you two are close friends till they see you kiss him goodbye or hold his hand. Then they just forget the next day because you breathed near them.
Speaking of pda he suddenly shows ALOT of it when your friend comes up to you. "Oh hi (c/n!)" He's hugging you from behind moving his hands along your clothing to fiddle with it "Y/n! I was hoping you could-" "They're not interested" Mikey pulls you away slowly. your friend and you are confused but they say it anyway "You mind joining me to get some food this weekend" "NO" "Sure!" You waved bye to your friend as Mikey dragged you out of sight.
If he ever came to visit he always notices the house is sparkling clean and lively. It's comforting plus it's your house! He's staying over! Called it no take backs! "Mikey this is the third time...maybe I'll go sleep at yours one of these days" he's kept his house clean ever since you said that. Nearly as sparkling as yours
Lower ranks in the gang often talk about you. "Bro y/n" "THEYRE SO FUCKING CUTE" "IKR" "aren't they in the gardening club?" They all pause "finna start gardening" "YES SIRR" they join the next day finding you in the field. "Lemme help you out with that shawty" "thank you?" "Your wel-" He notices Mikey next to you at that second a little carrot sticker on his face. "Yo <3" They still show up to help out with the school garden too scared to flirt with you. "Yo I heard you tried asking out someone your interested in what happened?" "The boss is already trying to rizz them up"
A student and you made an agreement that they could take pictures of you. You didn't mind after all they're paying you but they started noticing something weird in the pictures. A ghost staring at the camera it's always so close to you. They told you about it pointing at the ghost. "Interesting" you inspect it to make sure it wasn't your boyfriend being a goof. After a full minute of staring you ask "you close to Mikey Sano?" "No" "...shit" you go to the copying room. "Oh hey y/n-" "hi Mikey" you push him aside putting your face in the copying machine. Both of them looked at each other. "Sooo um-" "here..." they show Mikey the pictures. "So should we place salt around the room?" "Idk" "You know its mouth is different in each of these" The photographer looks back at the images and they try to read the ghosts lips Mikey peaking over. "tear m-" "please don't continue Mikey..." suddenly a gust of wind flies the papers you've copied out the window. "The hell did you do-" "I gave our ghost friend a response <3" You walk out the room smiling "if they ever come back tell me. Also that's 5 bucks added to my paycheck this Friday for extended hours" "what-"
He finds it strange how you're so calm when doing things that fluster the average person. Like holding a live bug in your hand after catching that mf mid-air...God that was terrifying....Or the time you let him lay his head on your lap...when he's supposed to be at a meeting. If a toman member ever found you and him they would shout "BOSS" and he would nearly run down to make them can it. "YO BOSS" "boss?" "Sorry gotta go!" "WAIT WHAT ABOUT YOUR COAT-" he runs back and grabs it "cover your eyes and don't open em till I say" you cover your eyes as he runs down "YOU CAN LOOK NOW" you couldn't even say bye as he's zooming off. "The next time you call me boss in front of them were gonna have problems" he pulls the member's cheeks. "Yes sir!"
You decided to try your siblings skin care routine while they were away...on Mikey... "OK then that piece of shit rubs a rock in their ugly ass face...bitch looks like a rock" he'd never hear you talk about someone like that about someone. Giggling awkwardly at some of their comments. "Why do you hate your sibling so much-" "they're an asshole you wouldn't understand you're pretty soft" "huh-" "you heard me your soft" DO YOU KNOW WHO YOURE TALKING TO RIGHT NOW?! He pulls you into his chest. "I have you know I'm the opposite of soft" "oh really?" You grab his arm. "Your hands says otherwise" "that's not what I ment!" "You're pretty soft Sano" you place his hand on your cheek. Damn you and your charm. You take out your phone taking a picture of his face. "HEY!" "using this as your contact"
Some students decided to interview people around school coming up to you and Mikey. "So y/n what's your type?" You pause in your conversation with Mikey. "Guys with abs and a cute personality. I-" you went on a whole speech about cute guys the crew weren't even sure if they should tell you to stop "BUT THEN there's cute girls" "Alright that's enough" "HEY MIKEY LET ME TELL THEM" "You've done enough telling for today" The next day everyone was either ripped or look like they just came off the cute girl tab on pintrest. "What have I done..." "you've made everyone even more of your bitch..." "does that mean...๐Ÿ˜" "...no"
If Takemichi were to go to the future you'd always disappear with Mikey, or become untouchable by the gang. In every outcome, you'd always have Mikey's contact info. Some timeliness you two broke up due to him distancing himself for your safety. The times Takemichi did end up talking to you you'd either say. "Don't bring up Mikey like I fuck with him" "He won't tell me his whereabouts either..." "After high school, we kinda drifted sorry man" he could tell that with each of these answers you still somewhat cared for him.
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All the inside jokes about him not folding and simping. He did..."You're like the geek you were before around them" "NOT TRUE" "what about the time you two had to go on the train together and they brushed your hand and started talking to you" "eh-" "or the time you muttered while speaking to them" "Chifuyu I think you had enough fun for today..." "you're a simp~" "shut up"
There was a fight at school and someone thought it would be a good idea to throw a potted plant from the gardening club. Unluckily for them you were there and caught it. "EY WHAT THE HELL MAN" "Don't bring the plants into this fight off of school grounds" "oh shit y/n-" litterally everyone stopped fighting just to look at you. "Shit bbg my bad TAKE EM BACK BOYS" "YOU TOOK MORE-" you turned to Baji "You alright" "Tf you mean am I alright" "...you know what maybe the gardening club wouldn't mind" He's been slightly scared of you since but hey atleast he didn't get socked in the face by big Gertrude
You two met a second time on a blind double date. "Oh hey, you're that dude that almost got hit in the face by Gertrude!" "My names Baji.." "Baji! What a nice name!" He could tell you wanted to rip your head off. "so um why did they drag you here?" "They wanted me to "get out the house" or something.." "felt" "yea..whyed your friend drag you here?" "They promised food" you two had a long talk and ended up getting along. You two kept finding each other at the same places and became friends only to start dating a few months later
He doesn't like your "fans" All they really do is talk about you and say the most strange things too. Until he released most of the stories were true. Like the time you started playing a song...ON YOUR ARM. How does that even, what huh what he doesn't understand you but hey...if it works it works...
He also isn't surprised you're popular enough for people to actually listen to your speech at the end of the year. He doesn't mind hearing it either your voice is nice on the ears. Then a student came up on stage with a bat. "Shut up will you!" He tries to run up to you and take a swing when you dodge perfectly taking the mic. "Dreams are near impossible if you don't try" you leave your foot out for the troublesome student to fall on subduing him. "Which is why I recommend trying in class!" The crowd exploded into screams of praise. The speech was so boring but that part? 10/10
You got involved with the gang...Takemichi and Chifuyu often come up to you and they brought you to a spot used for a meeting on the same day. "Baji?" "Y/n?" "Why are you here? Takemichi said this was a private meeting point" "...." He gives Takemichi a death stare before turning back to you. "Let's go get something to eat if you're done here" "alright!" He leads you out putting his jacket over your shoulders. "It's not even cold-" "shush"
Eventually toman learns about you fully and welcomes you in with open arms. They treat you like a little sibling, telling you not to go somewhere their about to fight, telling you who to avoid. "Remember these guys are fucking nuts" "he's kinda pretty tho" "HE'S LITERALLY APART OF A GANG THAT BEATS PEOPLE UP FOR BREATHING" "I'd let him" "....you're a lost cause"
You often carry around multiple hair ties so when he's asleep and conveniently sleeping on his stomach you try to tie his hair into pigtails. You try not to laugh but it's pretty hard when your friends are pretending to play ping pong with his snores sounding like a ball hitting the paddle. "bro wtf are you two doing" "shush shush watch this" your friend swings his arm in rhythm with Banji's snores. You sigh trying not to let out a giggle
You've kept Banji alive for longer that he was intended witch is great the problem is that usually when he time jumps he ends up meeting you as a member of Toman being a high executive or if Baji died in that future you would swear revenge becoming a detective. Those detective endings end in you getting murdered by a toman leader or you having small details you're able to share with him. On regular occasions, he found you and Baji on a date.
You manhandled him once...You had a playful argument with him at gardening club. You were planting when he kept stepping on crops. "You're messing it up Baji..." "sorry sorry" "that's the third time" you sigh fixing it again as he nearly ruins another. You getting slightly annoyed tell Banji to stay near the brick wall. "Don't resist alright" "what are you-" You pick him up and place him down on the flat part of the wall. "Now you can't fuck up the plants" he's kinda concerned that you can manhandle him. Kinda scared of what you'll be able to do to Draken...
Some students are pretty jealous of this natural talent of infinite rizz. So they decided to mess with you a bit. They took your desk somehow. The morning you got to where your desk should have been you sat at the open windowsill. "Please get off the window y/n" "it's the perfect spot of the perfect s/o!!" "You're not even dating" You got down listening to the teacher walking up to Baji "You mind if we share a seat-" despite the fact you whispered people turned their heads to you two moving over their seats. "IM CLEARLY THE BETTER PICK SIT WITH ME" "Y/N I BEG OF YOU PLEASE" "I HAVE NOTES FROM LAST CLASS" the classroom went ballistic as you sat down with Baji sharing the seat. "How do you stop them-" "I don't know anymore..."
You two play video games together and turns out people don't have to see you for then to nearly instantly fall in love with you... "damn wish I didn't get splatted so much.." "we could double team!" "Thx!" The whole teams blocking you now. They don't even allow people on the other team to talk shit. "Really it's fine I'm not using the same weapon anymore" "I'll still stay with you!" "Same!" He's pretty chill about it but asks to play games that don't have an online feature
He does wish he could have you to himself sometimes without people going ballistic over you. So he saved up and took you somewhere people wouldn't recognize you two. A nice quiet spot for you two. "This is a nice spot. The views great! I really can't thank you enough for bringing me here" he feels proud of himself "don't mention it!"
You took him to karaoke as a way to repay him. You two had a blast but he did notice a few weird things. One, when you sung a bunch of people hoarded on the glass outside. Turns out someone left your door open. WHATS WORSE is that they left as soon as he got up to sing, like wtf is he not that good of a singer ๐Ÿ˜พ. Secound, you mostly sang in another language don't get me wrong he liked your singing he just didn't know what you were saying and when he asked you giggled before saying "it's about a girl in love with a dude trying to confess to him before he moves" Just off the giggle and the held in laughs while you sung he's sure you're singing that languages version of the most lewd song known to man
Whenever you two are about to sleep. you can't help touching his checks. Pinching them a bit. If he ever wakes up while you're doing this you'd try to pull away to make sure he didn't notice sometimes he'd pull you in closer. You could hear him mumble something about warmth before closing his eyes again. You can't help but fall asleep shortly after waking up to the hand on your waist now resting on your face.
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You and your unimaginable charm has made you nearly untouchable until you decided to partner up with him on a task. You did this multiple times and began hanging out after school. He found you slightly annoying thinking that this is how you treated everyone. He only learned later that excluding the people that surrounded you you only considered 3 other people friends excluding himself. He's pissed he feels special. "They're just using you for popularity points" he repeats to himself.
His opinion on you shifted when valentines day rolled around. "Oh hey, Kazutora!" You run up to him. "Y/n..." "Don't y/n.. me let's see what you got" you look so excited you could hardly keep it together. He opens his locker finding a small plush and candy. "It had a letter!" "No need to yell-" he opens up the letter you reading it with him. It read: "Shit bbg I stopped using Google when I found you out cause my search was over" "who in their right mind" "๐Ÿ’€" You open your locker only to be flooded with letters. A wave that almost moved you off your feet. "Really hate when this happens" he looks over. "You were prepared for this?" "Yea this happens every year...I read them all over at home and respond" you sigh. "If it makes em happy" you picked up the notes putting them in a spare bag. Kazutora bent down to help. You two gathered the letters into the bag and began your school day. When kazutora got back to his locker later he found another note. "I forgot to ask for your contact info...anyway wanna go to a dinner after school?-y/n" He could tell you tried extra hard on the letter with the same fancy seal on it as the anonymous one. "Oh so you found it! Thank god. Wait does this mean-" "Sure" you slightly shocked. "Oh um...pretty straightforward...let's go?"
When you two started dating he almost completely changed. He's shown to be alot more soft and less careful around you. "You were always so on edge before..." You say while rubbing his cheek. "You're so cute <3" he doesn't respond only clinging to you closer. "So cute~"
He never tells you about the gang and avoids you ever getting involved doesn't stop them from simping tho. "Y/n's pretty popular" "y/n?!" "They're pretty cute" "maybe we cou-" "maybe what" The member was met with Kazutora's looking down at them with a pipe in hand "MAYBE WE COULD ASK FOR TUTORING" "...keep away from them" "alright" the member turns around "who's Kazutora for telling me what to do" The next day the member asks you for help on a homework task. You two stayed back after school as you two settled down he noticed that kazutora was with you. "What's he doing here-" "He needed help on the same task" he didn't he just sat there menacingly as you tried to teach the member. "Crazy he seemed kinda scared" "don't worry about it"
You two joke about your infinite rizz. "It's all fun and games till they hear your morning voice" "my morning voice is fine" "you sound like a grown man..." "pfftt noo i don't ~" he could perfectly recount the time you slept in the same room the first time. He wakes up his arms around you "good morning" "good morn shawty" he jumps outta the end grabbing the nearby lamp. "you good-" "WHY IS YOUR VOICE SO DAMN DEEP" "idk what you're talking about-" "do you not hear yourself talking?!?" "Stfu and go back to bed" "..." He's been in a lot of situations and he'll admit hearing your morning voice for the first time is in his top 3 in scariest ones and it isn't number 3
He hates admitting it but he loves seeing you turn other people down by straight up telling them you have a boyfriend. Sometimes they wouldn't accept the fact you're taken so he gladly pops into existence to sock them in the head.
The one time you left the room you left a hair clip in the same room as him. "What is this" he squeezes the back, the clip opening up. Curiosity gets the best of him as he closes the clamp on his lips, nose, ear-. "What are you doing-" he looks at you like a dear in headlights "is that my mom's hairclip" "No idea what you're talking about" "...it's literally on your lip" "No it isn't" He looks away like an ashamed child being caught red-handed "Take it out" he looks away more "come on Kazutora~" he takes it out and gives it too you after much convincing. "geez that took too long"
"Maybe I should get you a matching earring" "oh?" He got the idea thinking it's a way to mark you as his without making it super obvious. "The earring looks kinda heavy-" "you'll get used to it" "Alright?" I mean it's not like he has the other one on his person...oh he does..."hold still" you try not the flinch as he inserts the earring into your ear. He holds up his phone camera flipping it so you could see yourself. "What do you think?" "It's nice...but still pretty heavy" your head moves with the weight of the earring. "Might have to only wear this on special occasions" "you'll get used to wearing them everyday!" He's like a puppy excited to see it's caretaker after a while. "Well see but for now I don't wanna break it"
In the future you two are still constantly around each other, he was right about the earring thing too you now only take off the earring when you're about to sleep. "Takemichi...you broke Hina's heart this time I'll make sure you turn into a woman by the end of this" you crack your fingers. "Hey hey we could talk this out-" "is that the same thing you said to Hina when you cheated on her" "I just wanted to ask where Kazutora was and I'll be on my way!" "...he's at his job" "tha-" he couldn't get another word out before you socked him. "She treated you well for such scum" The only timelines where you were even slightly kind to him were when he'd slowly become more powerful in the ranks. You didn't respect him but you just couldn't sock him immediately. He's terrified of you even in the past just off of those interactions.
He remembers hearing positive rumors about you and didn't think they were true since they seemed kinda fake. Then he remembered you using the janitor's bucket almost like a scooter... "is that even allowed" "WHO CARES ITS Y/N" "Bro they're being zesty again-"
He likes pda but mostly prefers private displays of affection. Can't let people know he has a soft spot around you ya know. He can't help leaning in to kiss you but it'll be so embarrassing if someone that knows him found you two in that moment. He's also afraid of what will happen if other gangs found out you two were in a relationship so try to keep pda on the down low alright!
He usually hates candy but whenever you two bake something together or you buy him sweets his distain for sweets somehow disappears when you do something for or with him. "Its for the school news show come on!" "If I get a cavity I blame you" "just try it Kazutora" people surround you two like wild animals finding prey after that post went up. "AH Y/N DID YOU REALLY MAKE ALL OF THEM YOURSELF" "I did most of them with Kazutora" "As long as you're part of its creation I'll eat it" "thank you?"
You sleep on him sometimes. People go ham when they see your sleeping face so he's learned to cover your face with a newspaper or something. Keeps simps away and the sun out if your eyes! He also asks you to put your face more inward. "Why so my face would get closer ๐Ÿ˜" "do you like the sun in your eyes when sleeping?" "Oh...AWW YOU CARE ABOUT STUFF LIKE THAT. YOURE SO CUTE KAZUTORA!" "I'm right next to you" "you're adorable even with your banana hair <3"
He would come to your house bruised up. "what happened?" "I fell while coming over nothing too bad!" You look at him worried helping him inside "I'm gonna go get a first aid kid alright! Don't move" you run to your bathroom leaving Kazutora alone. He kinda wished you left him with at least a plush he could punch, he's so jealous of those things. You come down with a blanket and first aid kit. "Alright hold still" you patch him up rubbing his cheeks when you finish. "Kazutora...the next time you come into my house lying to me while bruised im going to snap you like a lego brick" Your voice suddenly changes back to its regular cheerful tone "alright!" "Yes y/n!" Now he just doesn't tell you or thinks up a convincing lie while going over.
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