#i like fanon kankri better than canon kankri ngl
incorrect-homestuck · 5 years
Kankri: Im a n9nthreatening feminist 69y, c9me talk t9 me 9n Skype! talk t9 me 9n skype a69ut y9ur pr96lems as a w9man i sympathize i’m taking w9mens studies. I t99k w9men’s studies I kn9w what ‘systematic’ means. Man I’m s9 h9rny t9day. S9rry. I’m s9rry. I feel s9 6ad. I just came 9ut and said it. Inappr9priate. What d9 y9u like t9 d9 when y9u’re h9rny? 9ne feminist t9 an9ther. Just n9rmal feminist 9ver here. What d9 y9u think 9f this unlabelled image 9f my c9ck? I sent it t9 y9u titled “image.PNG”. Are y9u surprised by its girth? I ap9l9gize. H9w rude 9f me. I’m s9 s9rry. I really need t9 get 6etter at this I’m s9rry. I’m learning s9 much. All humans must g9 thr9ugh gr9wth and I kn9w that 6etter than any9ne, I mean I’m in a w9men’s studies class right n9w. Live6l9gging my w9men’s studies class.
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