#i like dromaeosaurs and i cannot lie
vickysaurus · 2 years
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An Allosaurus skeleton in the natural history museum in Basel. It was great, but to be honest I only had eyes for the Deinonychus you can spot in the bottom right corner.
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lord-dusk · 5 years
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Jurassic Emblem-Chapter 13
The story’s getting hot and thirsty guys ^u^ You might want to spray your genetic material at pregnancy art every once in a while reading. Enjoy!
  Lucina was not surprised to hear that the next Aberrant Forms to target next were located in Ylisse. When she and Blue had returned to Askr, beaten up Teba and Warbler and threw back into their cells alongside Basilice, Commander Anna had announced to the raptors that their next mission will bring them to the Exalted Princess’s home country. This time, Lucina decided to have her daddy watch over the mercs and bring along the raptor squad. And Ryukami decided to lounge in the fish pond after several days of swimming in the open ocean.
  When  Chrom’s ex-wife Grima was righteously turned into a Wal-Mart store, the now King of Ylisse had declared open desertification to the already dry conditions of his country. He figured that by rendering his land inhospitable, neighboring countries would have no reason to invade. Indeed, when the local residents uprooted native grasses and drained the rivers, even goblins didn’t want to live in an area with barely any supply of water. But that also meant Ylisseans found it quite difficult to grow crops and petitioned to King Chrom to forgive his neighbors and open up to other nations.
But Chrom wasn’t having any of this shit. He had long since closed off any trade routes out of a deep-seated grudge for that cunt-licker Gangrel and proceeded to dessicate the ecosystem even further. And do you remember how Sha’Rad Yuwi had released a strain of flakka-induced rabies to the country? Well in truth, the virus didn’t kill off Ylisseans entirely, it just sped the catastrophe along. It wasn’t until after his retainer Frederick died did Chrom truly wished he partnered with Prince Xander of Nohr instead of taking his anger out on his non-family.
 “I could really go for a drink,” Echo remarked, trekking in the hot sand. “If we don’t reach the boss of this level soon I don’t think I can refrain from spilling blood in front of you girls.”
“Well, it’s not exactly ideal, but all the nutrients an organism needs,” Delta said,”is condensed right in its kin. But Echo, you know, I know, and we all know that we need to stick together for survival and the last thing Blue wants is for us to dissect each other.”
“Umm, yeah, and don’t even think about lapping up your own pee,” Blue jumped in. “those mistakes of human beings who drink urine for “survival” obviously have too much free time on their hands.” She surveyed the wide desert environment, a few temnospondyl skeletons littered the sandscape. 
Charlie, the little velociraptor, was panting. “Are we there yet? I’m even happy to eat plants if it means getting some nice cool H2O.”
Blue cocked her head to look at her youngest sister. “Tell you what Charlie,” she said. “when we tackle down this baddie of this level, why don’t we all go bathe in Askr’s moat? The trout swimming there are quite delectable I have to say.”
“But I’m so thiiirsty,” Charlie whined. “even now, the last water molecules I have in my body are leaving me.” 
Lucina tapped her hand on the jungle-green raptor. “Now I might sound as convincing as say, Sole Survivor here but you’ve been a good girl Charlie.” She scrunched up her left arm, reveal bare flesh. “Here, if you have to , bite my arm and lap my blood.”
Blue’s eyes widened. “Future Witness, you do know that the moment my little sister chomps your arm, septic bacteria will flood your wound, right? There’s no medical help around here for miles.”
Lucina shrugged. “Sepsis or not, Charlie is in genuine need to rehydrate, and I want to do what I can to save everyone I love, including you.” The green-brown dinosaur sank her teeth into the Exalted princess’s bare arm. The navy girl flinched in response as  warm,dark crimson flowed from Charlie’s jaws.
The blue-striped velociraptor sighed. “I can’t change your choice of action, but if you collapse on the ground because you got an infection, remember that it was you who initiated it.” 
“No need to tell me,” the Exalted Princess replied maternally, Charlie suckling on her bloody arm.
  Blue didn’t like her counterpart’s decision, but she had to respect it. As carnivorous animals didn’t exactly practice oral hygiene after their meals, flesh-eating bacteria more often than not inhabited their mouths and despite Lucina applying sand, pressure, and a tunic fashioned from her cape unto her wound after nursing Charlie, the navy-blue raptor knew damn well it was only a matter of time before infection set in and ate away at Lucina’s arm, eventually requiring amputation at best. They had to hurry and complete their mission.
 Unsurprisingly to Lucina prior to their departure, the Aberrant Forms were residing in the ruined castle in the former Halidon of Ylisse, which made traveling there a relative breeze. Aside from the occasional scampering compsognathus hopping about on some crumbling pillars, there wan’t really anything to impede the raptors’ mission to defeat the boss of this area. 
Well, at least anything that wasn’t heavily armored or bearing a sharp saber.
Blue and company were about to take a step toward’s Luci’s former residence and a woman in orchid mounting on top of a spiky turtle-like ankylosaurus met them at the entrance. 
“Howdy cutie babes!” the ankylosaurus greeted them enthusiastically, his eyes gleeming with endorphins. “It’s always nice when I get to see cute young women like you for these hard eyes!”
“Oh great, a wounded girl and four little lizards,” the white and pink woman remarked. “I ought to be killing my sisters and instead I’m stuck here with this pervy turtle and chopping up trespassers.”
Blue walked up to them. “Umm, hello. We’re here to see the boss of this level, and ideally, we would like to defeat them bore Future Witness here lands in critical condit-
WHOOOMP! A spike-laden tail ending in a hard club had just barely missed Blue as the charcoal blue-striped dromaeosaur leaped back. The ankylosaur was swinging his tail, stirring up a cloud of dust.
“Awww, do we really hav’ta go this route? I heard the world of Fire Emblem is full of hot voluptuous chicks and it’ll be such a disgrace if I smashed their frail bodies.” the chelonian-esque dinosaur commented, still thrashing his tail in confrontation.
“Grandpa Havoc, does it really matter whether we kill men or women?” The orchid woman sighed. “At the end of the day, anyone who stands in our way is just a walking juice-box with organs floating in it, gender or no gender.”
“Awww, but Zero, don’t ya think girls like you and those veloci-vixens make bloody anime and games more digestible? The viewers don’t want to experience a Chernobyl gas-leak 20 times a day.” the ankylosaur named Havoc protested.
On the other hand Blue and her sisters were at a standstill. The white woman named Zero could perhaps be taken out with the raptor swarming at her, but Havoc was proven to be a hard hurdle. Somewhere, deep within the fabric of their DNA, just like their ancestors knew 80 million years ago, Blue and her siblings knew ankylosaurs were the pinnacle of armored dinosaurs. A low-profile body enveloped with numerous osteoderms and spikes were already diffult to penetrate enough, then there is the delightful bit that fatal tail-club is more than blunt enough to break the leg bones of a tyrannosaur. Did I also mentioned that ankys’ heads were armored to the extent that even their eyelids took eye-protection to the extreme? The raptors could plan a surprise attack but they need to think hard, and fast-
“Okay Veloci-Volutuous-Vixens, since you’re at a lost here, I think I’m gonna make life easier for you gals and let you pass.” Havoc said.
Blue tilted her head. “...? Did I hear that just right?”
“Why yes, my dear dromeaosaurid theropod. You girls can proceed to the boss fight up ahead, on one condition.”
“And what would that be?” Delta asked.
Havoc smiled. “Why, since you gorgeous girls are in humanoid form, why don’t you unzip those pants and reveal them lacy bras to this tired anky here?”
“....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................are you fucking serious!?” the raptors exclaimed in shock and disbelief.
“I cannot say it is a lie. Even with rex blood pumped into a ya, no raptors can ever flip over an anyklosaurus like me, let alone the king of the dinosaurs. I’m just making things easier for y’all.” Grandpa Havoc eyed Lucina and her bandaged left arm. “and I think if she were to knock boots with my waifu Zero here, I think ya’ll and I struck a deal-OW!!”
Zero had jabbed her sword right in Havoc’s head out of annoyance. “If you’d like me to kill you for assuming I’m like my slutty sister Five, absolutely help yourself Havoc.” She hissed as she jumped off her comrade. As Havoc was trying her shake the erect sword off his head, Zero strided towards Luci and placed a small glowing blue orb in her hand. “W-what is this?” Lucina asked.
“Theorectically I can heal that fleshy boo-boo of your while bedding you child, but I am not a horny slut like Five, so I’m giving you this.” Zero said, not smiling. “this orb will prevent any infections to your body, at least in the moment.” 
“O-oh. Thank you.” Luci bowed her head.
“As for you lizards though,” Zero continued to the raptors. “it IS possible to crush that pervy turtle-lizard thing but you’d have to use spears or magic. In other words: better luck next time!”
Though Delta wouldn’t admit it, she got a very sensational, soft, and wet feeling from hearing Zero’s bold statement. She looked at her other siblings, Blue, Echo, and Charlie, as well as Lucina. “Alright, we’ll shed our outer layers,” The green-blue velociraptor commenced.
And when the ankylosaurus Grandpa Havoc turned his head to see the girls pulling off their shirts, unzipping their pants, and patting their lacy underwear, the sword jammed into his head suddenly loosened and fell off. There was hardlt any better treat than to see cute females donning 2-piece lacy lingerie, revealing lustrous breasts, smooth thighs, and a full abdomen.
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