#i like jim in gomens season 2
freetheworms · 1 year
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the mystery of the eccles cakes: solved
big love to @cruciatusforeplay for the comic idea and @sevdrag for the crowley dialogue MWAH
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luvliem00ns · 1 year
back in season one when Gabe and Beelzebub are trynna convince Adam to start Armageddon, they look like his godparents omfgldvnjnn two types of godparents, one who seems to be a minimalist with a life in the office and the other who looks like a goth and makes babies cry for no reason and intention.
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isadrora · 11 months
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Its interesting to me that Alex The Gomens Fledgling came to the realization himself (much as its been pointed out here on the lovely Hellsite):
Alex: Crowley seems REALLY stressed in Season 2. Like, he was MUCH more swaggery in first season.
Me: That’s… true.  Can I ask what you by “swaggery”?
Alex: Like, he still walks amazing and like a snake like we said. But its… harder. Like hes trying his best not to panic. (the kid knows from panic: I suffer from pretty dire panic disorder)
Me: … that’s  pretty much right on the button , boy.
Alex: Also also, he seems to have more FUN in the first season. Like he teases Aziraphale much more  like when he has that nice long hair and wants him to agree to help. And when he zipped through the phone lines to trap Hastur. He´s a GOOD demon but still he likes mischief and stuff. In the second season he seems  like the most fun he has is the “awning of a new age” where he tries the love rain. When he´s with his Angel he seems kind of desperate like he freak out at Jim and he doesn’t relax at all like when he has the lightning freak out.
Me: ….
Alex: Well that’s what I think anyway.
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yrpalmalikamain · 1 year
My thoughts on Gabriel/Jim in Season 2 (spoilers)
Before the season release, everyone was intrigued by Gabriel's character arc. Some were speculating a redemption arc, and I personally just wanted to see karma for all his misdeeds. But... in the end, he didn't really have an arc beside a weak love story shoved into a 7 minute montage. And he got away with everything.
The moment he was about to get demoted, he went to someone he knew he could use and manipulate. Aziraphale is soft. He basically made Aziraphale and Crowley do all the hard work, put the blame on them.
(Okay, so a quick detour, I saw a take that Gabriel wasn't even seeking Aziraphale, he was seeking Beelzebub. With that in mind, the phrase 'you ever feel that everything will be okay near one particular person' was about Beelzebub too. So... I don't even... what was the point of leading him to Aziraphale?)
He had little to no development. "Jim" is in his own words, an empty house, a shell. A different person as a whole. Not fixed Gabriel, not repented Gabriel, just some guy. When he got back his memories (which was like idk boxfly funny moments compilation), he never thanked Aziraphale and Crowley, never REPENTED, never returned the favor to them. And in some wicked way, we should be happy for them?
He didn't even protest the apocalypse. He (quite literally) just said nuh uh. And in the end, if it does happen, it won't affect him either way, beacuse he and Beelz went to Alpha Centauri 😍 which was supposed to be Azicrow's shelter 😍
I just don't get supporting Gabriel as a character and GabexBeelz as a pairing, not with that development.
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babbelswoofominides · 11 months
I need to do a chronicle of ofmd episodes because I'm 2 minutes in and I already have A LOT to say, so spoilers for ep 4 under the cut! Don't click if you don't want the whole episode spoiled!
"Ed ed speak to me! Ed???" SBONK
"Did Ed do that?" "It was an accident" "They all say that" lmaooo unhinged but I love how they don't let it go unnoticed
NOT wee Jhon knitting girly y2k sweaters!
Did they really have Taika flex the bicep just for the fangirls
Ya considering Izzy came back from his banishment I guess this is temporary
Like the cuscus brain
(Why is it that whenever I watch new eps of my fav series there's always constructors making a lot of noise in the background, feels like I live in an open construction site)
Bird dude hair game is insane this season
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They have thrift shops now, I love this show
Ooh older lesbian pirate open couple
Ooooh older lesbian pirate open couple is fighting
Does anyone in this show get stabbed and walk it off like it's nothing
Ohhh ok I think I get it the homolesboerotic stabbing is in place of sex in this show, subtle lol
Olu calling Jim "babe"🥹
All this Izzy suffering is undignified but what I really want to see is the indignity of the brony leg, how does it come to that???
"You left me for mary" Did he really lose the "Stede left his wife TWICE" part? Selective hearing Ed needs to stop being a bitch honestly
"Two whim prone people shouldn't just run to China" YES THEY'RE TALKING IT OUT AND SAYING IT ALL IN THE HEALTHIER WAY THIS SHOW CAN MANAGE my pores are clean my crops are cropping and whatever that meme also said
An actual love confession that isn't cheesy nonsense???
Good omens needs to take notes
"Have you had sex yet" NO GOMENS STOP TAKING NOTES (last thing we need is Fucking in a tornado 2 the revenge of cringe)
Oof I never noticed how small and thin Ed is compared to Hunk Stede send heelp
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Oh no this is a nod to the fandom right? I've never been on twitter but I've heard t h i n g s
My god the cinematography is a masterpiece here, I love the action in this episode
Not me thinking she was a vampire smoking from the sun for a moment, wwdits being taika's show threw me off
Not related but I think they twinkified Stede and hunkified Ed to make them seem more like equals, like in that The Witcher video where they explained how they twikyfied the bard dude to make him seem more boyish
"You are harassing a cripple" *Finds a horse leg*
Don't tell me bird dude is gonna turn Ed into a seagull or something
It took bird dude to turn into a bird for Ed to finally understand PEOPLE CHANGE
Bi Izzy (Bizzy Izzy?) the Unicorn
"It's like a non stop knockin' shop on that ship" I feel like I'm missing 10 layers of meaning by being not native eng speaker
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elkiyv · 1 year
my good omens 2 thoughts
yes i am crazy i have been waiting since they announced this and i have gomens has literally carried my mental health since 2019 but i have so many beefs with season 2 which made me so disappointed...
ineffable bureaucracy reveal. (BIGGEST GRIPE) im okay with the ship, i like it sometimes. but the reveal was not it. 0 set up to the 2 of them being together. they gave us a 10 min flashback sequence. 0 retention of their original personalities. 0 consequences for their actions in s1 from our main protags (especially crowley) who willingly gives away ALPHA CENTAURI to GABRIEL whose abuse he never got over. Jim isnt gabriel. Crowley should've been stomping gabriels head in when he got his memories back.
beelz and gabriel were so different during their little montage. i felt like i was looking at 2 different characters. Beelz lost their edge. they were so clean and proper. even the makeup--beelz had smooth skin and perfect edgy girl eyeliner. gabriel lost all mean-ness. where did the two's disgust for humanity go? beez actually liking music? a song about love?! i wouldve been happier if the jukebox was playing the sounds of a metal scrapper instead of buddy holly.
if they drank (WHICH GABRIEL IS REPULSED BY) they shouldve been lapping it like a dog with their tongue with the same unfamiliarity of aziraphale eating for the first time.
the dynamic between those 2 should've been two feral dogs going at each other to contrast the soft azicrow love because azicrow's bosses are the extreme opposites of them. the two of them were ruthless and cruel to the point where they wanted to execute azicrow and burn them out of existence. they give no shits about killing children or people or their own workers. what the fuck. they got off scott free without any punishment for what they did to azicrow in the first season. crowley was traumatised by gabriel and you're telling me all because Jim said he couldn't remember and was cute about hot choco that crowley forgave him entirely as Gabriel and not Jim and was willing to give up his creation to him?! really?
azicrow are the 2 beings who understand true love BECAUSE they were on earth. you're telling me that beelzebub and gabriel spent 4 meetings on earth and suddenly found true love and are suddenly SO SOFT and TENDER. really? REALLY? they antagonised azicrow for 6000 years over it to the point where they stalked them and harrassed them and sent people to kill them. augh. i cant be happy about this even though i do like them. it felt so ooc. I feel like they sanitised these 2. i was so disappointed.
i would've been much happier if the two of them were as ruthless and disgusting as they were in s1 and that they were dismissive toward everyone in the "whatre you gonna do about it losers lol middle fingers up to the posers" and if crowley protested somewhat. but no. everyone was fine with it.
2. Inconsistencies and retcons
there are so many set-ups that lead no where or had not so climatic reveals (the words on the matchbox, gabriel's memory word dumps, crowley suddenly wearing glasses in job) but i saw a post theory thing about it being intentional so im hoping it's real because the reveal of it being ineffable bureaucracy all this time !11!! was not it. it was so bad to me.
the retcon of the azicrow garden of eden meetcute... i refuse to believe neil would do that? i mean i loved the new opening meetcute no doubt, but crowley and aziraphale seem to remember the two of them as angels moment from the job scene where crowley says "im not the angel you knew" and idk... it makes me sad that the eden scene was... done over. it was iconic. it was about aziraphale showing a demon he just met love and kindness. not someone he used to know, who he already liked before.
In Job, aziraphale freaks out about being a bad angel because he lied to gabriel and therefore sabotaged gods bet and whatever. but he's already lied to god directly to herself in eden? why is he only freaking out now?
4. Muriel
i love muriel. but i was wondering the whole time why azicrow didnt just lie to her and say that humans who are standing together side by side and smiling are actually in true love. she wouldve believed it. heaven woulved believed it. azicrow know that they are stupid because they actively manipulate muriel like that by telling her that it takes several days to tell. and heaven was like "ya i knew that".
3. Maggie and Nina
i was really disappointed. i thought i was going to love them. i did not. their scenes made me cringe most of the time and i hated it because i felt like i was watching a wattpad fanfiction instead of tv. nina having an abusive partner also felt like a "ohh her partner sucks so logically maggie is her one true love and choice" thing. it wouldve worked without it. i dont care if it's supposed to be a reflection of the azicrow relationship because i felt like it like a cheap portrayal of aziraphale's relationship to heaven... heaven's abuse was subtle until the end where they wanted to execute him.
SUPER SUPER SUPER hated when maggie and nina confronted crowley about his relationship... and that THAT made him realise his feelings. THESE 2 HUMANS ARE INCONSEQUENTIAL TO CROWLEY. THEY DON;T KNOW HIM. HE DOESN'T KNOW THEM. crowley realising his feelings is such a special moment to his character. it wouldve been so much better if crowley realised it on his own. not his murderhobo bosses ""love"", not these 2 rando humans.
Like nina is fine on her own. but Maggie's cringe dialogue is also apparently intentional based on the 15k word essay theory ive seen. i hope it's real. i do so hope this awful character is an edit from metatron.
like why on earth would azirphale let them touch his books or give his books away for them. GIVE AWAY. not just "look". GIVE AWAY. LET THEM BE DESTROYED. why didnt he just miracle more fucking fire extinguishers???????
4. azicrow kiss
i have religious catholic guilt BUT i felt like aziraphale choosing heaven again was so frustrating as a viewer... because we've already been through this before in s1. he comfortably chose "US". i understand the point of aziraphale thinks he can fix heaven for crowley so the two can be together and i know it is probably in line with his character. but idk for me and my friends it was frustrating tv because there was 0 hints of aziraphale still leaning toward heaven. the emphasis of this season was "WE/US"
plus i HATE that it was driven by maggienina/bureaucracy. I HATE IT. i would be less mad if crowley came to the conclusion himself and did it himself.
"no nightingales" is a smashing line tho. really love it.
5. misc
aziraphales halo bomb thing was also a waste. there were 70 demons only and they already killed a hefty bunched. why couldnt he maggie and nina escape further down the floor or can aziraphale not smite anymore either? can he no longer wield a sword? can he not miracle like a wall in front of them? yes crowley loves rescuing him but aziraphale found it necessary to take action with the halo bomb.. idk it was a lil weird to me--such a huge thing for 70 demons.
6. overall
i liked episode 1-5. i liked the first ep maggienine but after that hated it. i loved jim and muriel. i was laughing every episode. i loved the new azicrow interactions we got to see and the flashbacks were so good. i loved that they extended it so we got to have a deep in depth look of them. the 15k word essay did point out sus things like in 1941 blitz having uncovered windows and open lights etc. so i hope it's real and not just ... unintentional bad writing. i just hated ep 6 with my whole heart. it sours the whole season for me.
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