#i let the ocd win on this one -angrily shakes fist toward the sky- damn youuuuu
whalechief · 1 year
can i expose myself for a sec ok
so i have an ocd trigger thats like related to changing things like icons
and if things just start plummeting around the time of a change in anything i fucking
the switch goes off in my ocd brain of 'you upset the universe, change it back' akljdfsdf
anyway. thats me trying to expose myself bc its been such an off last week/2weeks/month that im like "i know i shouldnt let ocd win but if im already going through it, just let this one brain itch get appeased for now"
so anyway if u have ocd dont do this LOL pls dont do this, its hell and stupid and im aware but the only one who doesnt think its stupid is my ocd
but yeah, this was a nice chance to show what ocd can look like through social media o/
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