#i know this was a bit of a generalized answer but I'm a bit scatterbrained this week tbh so I did my best 😵‍💫
kindahoping4forever · 8 months
okay I’ve been lurking for a while but I don’t think we’ve properly interacted. anyway I just rb’d your post (don’t get fooled by the url, edge-oftheworld is me wearing the 5sos sideblog hat) and I wanted to ask. philosophy in the fandom (something ash would be proud of!) some of your takes. what do you think. annoyingly vague, similar questions (?) I guess—as many as you want to answer to a kind-of stranger I guess?
Hello! Yes, I remember seeing your 5SOS blog in my notifs panel before! 👋🏻 Generally speaking, I'd say we don't get a ton of philosophical chatter around here, but I'm all for it! I mentioned this in my tags of the Ash Q&A from the other day, I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but I personally love when he goes on a bit of a philosophical or spiritual tear. I think there's something inherently brave about diving deeper into the way things are and questioning the world around you and I enjoy hearing people's thoughts as they go about their journey, and it's especially meaningful when it's an artist I admire because I think those conclusions definitely inform their art and vice versa. Obviously I love fandom but I'll be the first to admit it can often be a bit surface level (my blog in particular is proudly fueled by hyperbolic declarations of love and thirsty emojis) so any opportunity to dig a bit beyond that is always a welcome treat. 💙
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Rules, Charas, and Tags :3
✨ I'm an adult (21+) but this blog is PG13 (there will be swearing and occasionally more mature topics) SO nothing NSFW/18+ pretty please (heavy gore, sexual themes, etc.). If you're not sure if something would be ok, just shoot me a dm and I'll happily answer!
✨ With the above, if you want to ship OCs or characters??? Please actually send me a DM about that. I'd prefer to actually be able to discuss it in depth and depending on the context, I may or may not be chill with it.
✨ I have anxiety, a part time job (with an irregular schedule) and full-time school. Pls be patient if I don't respond asap or don't frequently send asks.
✨ Pretty pls read about my OCs before you interact <3 that's what the links and tags r for babeyyy!!!
✨ Also if you're sending asks, pls do try to specify whomst you're talking about! Usually I'm pretty good at picking up on context, but I still slip up once in a while </3
✨ I yap a lot in the tags sometimes. This isn't a rule but more something to just be aware of.
✨ Very basic DNI. I don't rly think there's any need to elaborate just keep away if you're a creep or a bigot.
✨ Anyways now the fun part! The actual OCs (or at least the available ones)! Post break, ofc
Our Lovely Cast <3
🦐Yuna Sid: Ramshackles prefect (or... One of them?). She's from another world and generally doesn't know what's going on. She's fairly confident and sociable but very guarded unless she trusts you. Intro Post
🩺Heinrich Volishtump AKA Dr. V: NRCs resident nurse, back from Sabbatical. He's kind of a klutz and incredibly scatterbrained BUT he also has a heart of gold and cares deeply for his students (even if he's often the target of pranks). He was once a student in Ignihyde 30 some years ago. Intro Post
🐁James Ratt: Pomefiore 2nd Year, heir to a financial conglomerate in the Shaftlands, very prideful and cares a lot about his image. He's Lewis's co-host on NRTea☕ and is certainly the much more strict and serious of the duo. He doesn't get along with too many people due to the perception that he is incredibly high maintenance. Intro Post (TBA)
🎩Lewis Hatterson: A second year from Heartslabyul and host of a gossip-based radio show on campus, NRTea☕. He's relatively laid back and doesn't like sticking to strict rules or schedules (ironic, considering his dorm placement). He often butts (and loses his own) heads with his housewarden because of this. Intro Post
♌Izem Usiku: A Savanaclaw 3rd year who is in charge of a band of "delinquents" called "The Black Sheep". He's a bit gruff, but ultimately caring. Despite the fact that his group is full of students who don't like their dorms or housewardens, Izem himself is highly respectful of his own. Intro post
🌙Casimir Chernenko: Diasomnia 1st Year, Chuunibyou with a one sided rivalry against Malleus. He speaks in (and often misuses as a result) very complicated and flowery language, so no one seems to know what he's saying half the time. Wants to become "The Most Evil Overlord". Whatever that means. Intro Post
🦜Rusul Sader: Scarabia 1st Year, a dancer and son of a merchant family, knows his way around a conversation.
✨Characters are associated by their colors and any time I speak, there will be a fun lil star by it!!!
Important Tags on here!!!
I don't have too many tags, but here are the main ones. They'll be updated as I reveal more characters or get anons and things <3
#✨mod speaks - My tag for just general posts that aren't OC related!!
Likewise, #✨mod reblogs and #✨mod answers are for reblogs/asks that are not in character.
#✨lore dumping and the occasional #✨lore dumping (RP edition) are for posts where I talk about or introduce significant pieces of character lore
#✨dashboard commentary is exclusively for silly posts related to things I'm observing going on in the RPC. They're open for RP, like all of my posts.
#⚫blot accumulation is. A very self explanatory one that you likely won't see often. But oh, it will be there. It will be there.
Below here are all the character tags that you'll see on posts where characters are speaking and/or are heavily talked about.
#🦐nrm Yuna
#🎩nrm Lewis
#🩺nrm Heinrich
#🌙nrm Casimir
#🐁nrm James
#🦜nrm Rusul
#♌nrm Izem
The respective lore tags for these characters are identical, just with "lore" at the end.
Anons + Others :3 :
- 🌙🏔️
- 🔌
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hansuart · 1 year
Hi! I saw your recent most and I really like how Yuki and Zuri's powers affect their fighting styles. It's always interesting to see other characters with elemental kinesis in general(especially since I have one myself)!
If possible I'd like to hear more about the girls' "relationship" with their powers so to speak. You can interpret that as you will :)
The short answer is: They're powers have very much become part of them, and they're mostly fueled by their emotions and feelings. They've spend their early life just learning to control them, and they've pretty much become experts in the field. Those powers truly connect them to their heritage and I think without them they'll lose a big part of their identity.
I'm honestly open to the idea of exploring what would happen if one day they did lose that power or they accidentally hurt their friend(s) and stopped using it for a while. It could lead to some fun character deveplopment for sure >:3c
heres some doodles and more of my ramblings on their powers:
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To make the best out of her powers, Zuri needs her mind to be calm and focused. To help her with that she often drinks tea and meditates. also yes Rough is joining her this time tho he doesn't really get it and its just enjoying the company
when she's angry or distressed if often leads to her powers going a bit haywire or not working well at all, and in some cases they can even get dangerous depending on her fury.
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Ice and water are essencially the same but still different, and thats also the case when it comes to Yuki and her powers. She doesn't need to be calm for her powers to work the best, she just needs to be determined and knowledgeable. Which can be difficult work her since she isn't that smart and she's a bit of a scatterbrainer
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She can often make it snow just by pondering on something really hard and not notice.
I mentioned it before that she can pretty much make any weapon out of ice as long as she knows how it works. Which is why she hasn't made a snow gun yet XD
And like i've also mentioned before when she gets very flustered her ice weapons melt, which ties her powers very closely into her emotions/mood.
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keymintt · 10 months
🐰🦖🦋 !!
what do you think says the most about a person?
mmm. honestly i don't have a readily available answer for this, but without spending half an hour having a philosophical conundrum over it, i think how someone treats everyday strangers says a lot about them
now like, this mostly applies to Real Life bc i think i conceptualize ppl differently online, also i know social customs and expectations are a maze to navigate at best in any given place, yet alone on a worldwide scale, but for me it kind of comes back to how do you view yourself (general "you") in relation to other people as a whole: do you thank the waitstaff when they bring you your food? how do you listen to music in public spaces? do you compliment strangers? how do you treat service workers when you're inconvenienced? how do you react to a random kid waving at you? how do you view people who aren't going to "matter" to you?
and ofc i don't mean any of this in a pointed manner, this is such a simplification and i can already feel myself wanting to overexplain what i mean hgkfdhlg
favorite extinct animal?
answered here!! >:D pteranodons are where it's at babey
describe yourself in three words
scatterbrained, passionate, considerate
i am trying my best and also doing so many things at once, but i genuinely love what i do! i'm also a bit of a mess of a person but that's okay because people tend to overlook that when you're polite! yeehaw!
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cwispydev · 2 years
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15/11/2022 NaNoRenMo word count: 5,408
GOD, I was writing this stupid update and Tumblr deleted the whole damn thing when I pressed Ctrl + Z and honestly? This website is the bane of my existence.
Tumblr is so fucking lucky that it's the easiest way to keep up a stupid fucking blog.
Anyway, I was just writing about updates. I was unable to update for a few days just becos I've been focusing a lot on the writing of the game and becos I got a little bit sick.
Focusing a lot on the writing meant that there's not really a lot of cool coding comments I can share with ya'll since I want to avoid giving spoilers for the game. And then, being sick of course meant that updates have been slow and I wanted to avoid being stressed so I avoided any coding stuff that would give me even the slightest bit of trouble.
I ended up being pretty impressed by my solution for a random hint generator though so I'll tell ya'll how I ended up coding that for the game.
First things first, what I wanted to achieve was a random hint generator that would give you hints on how to achieve certain endings in the game (though it might not be applicable to the demo). I wanted it to show every hint at least once before repeating. I also wanted it to avoid giving you any hints if you've achieved all of the endings already.
I based a lot of the code I used on xavimat's answer on this LemmaSoft forum post about a random conversation generator. I ended up doing the if/elif/else statement solution that he suggested.
However, like I said before, I wanted the generator to show each hint at least once before repeating any of them. That was a bit harder to figure out.
I did a whole thing where I put a variable (something like viewedhintone = True) every single time you viewed hint one, two, three and so on. So, if the variable was true, it would jump back to the random integer generator and get another integer that, hopefully, would lead to a hint you hadn't viewed yet.
Unfortunately, this gave me a problem. Once all of the hint variables were true, it gave you an infinite loop becos there was no way for the variables to turn false. I thought I had solved this by setting the else for the statement as just viewedhintone = False, viewedhinttwo = False, etc.
That wasn't the case. It ended up not helping at all becos the random integer generator would always spit out an integer so there was no way for it to get to the else statement.
Instead, my special friend had to help me solve it. Basically, for the if statement, you have to set it as if viewedhintone == True and viewedhinttwo == True and etc. so that it checks for that first. You have to set the if statement to check if all your viewed hint variables are true, basically.
Then, if all of them are true, just make them all false and then jump back to the random integer generator so you can view all of the hints all over again.
Also, make sure to have the viewed hint variables set to persistent so that they stay the same even if the player starts a new game.
Another update that I'm pretty happy about is that I started a Trello board and I really like it. I can be really scatterbrained sometimes so having something to put all of my thoughts onto really helps a lot.
I added a list or post or something on there for later on, when people start testing the demo. It's a place they can put comments and stuff about the demo or any bugs they encounter.
I'm not sure if rando people can comment on it or if I have to add them or whatever so we'll see. Hopefully, rando people can comment on it and, if not, I'll figure it out when I get to that problem.
The next challenge I'll need to start looking for? Or, rather, researching about? I don't know, but I need to figure out a calendar system for the game.
It needs to achieve these certain things:
allow player to decide what to do for the next month
show whether or not there's any special events happening
have a random generator to decide what the other characters are up to and then show that
I've been avoiding it becos it's a little bit intimidating. However, now that I'm thinking about it, I think it'll be just as simple as when I figured out how to create a gallery for Ren'py.
I'll just basically have to make a custom menu/screen that I can call up and stuff whenever I want.
Still not looking forward to it, though.
In any case, I'm excited to just finally finish everything, show off the demo and work on the calendar. I'm trying to think of what I'll keep in the demo but, hopefully, it won't be too much so that I can publish the demo by the end of November.
Speaking of November! I'm like so utterly embarrassed! I found out that NaNoRenO is actually during March and I confused it for NaNoWriMo which is in November.
Either way, I needed something to challenge myself so here I am. Doesn't matter if it's an official challenge or not, I just wanted an excuse to churn something out.
I'll update you if anything else happens! Thanks for reading, I guess?
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brewing-radianite · 2 years
22, 27, 31, 38
22.) what type of person are you?: i have no idea where to even begin answering this question and maybe that says everything you need to know LOL i'm kinda scatterbrained and have too many thoughts and ideas at once so i either forget most or begin them all but dont finish (ex. my 15 WIPs in docs rn) but idk. i like to think im very patient and kind to others too but i cant really be the judge of that as much as someone else could be... all i will say for sure is i'm certainly a creative. i need writing, art, dance, etc. i NEED expression, i genuinely cant live without the thought of art and its impacts
27.) about how many hours of sleep did you get?: 4-5 probably, i think. on average i definitely do not get all 8 hours
31.) what type of music keeps you grounded?: kpop is my main genre (point and laugh) but tbh i find a lot of songs i like transcend most genres. like i listen to a bit of everything but my playlists are dominantly rap + kpop + american pop i think... i had an edm phase in middle school that permanently altered my playlists too
38.) a soap bar that smells good?: i'm not a huge like, soap expert or anything so the most generic ass bar of plain white soap you can imagine is enough for me
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mckittyarts · 5 years
(1)aaaaa your twi is an absolute bae ♡♡♡ but anyways, I'm back! and I'm going to stop using dots in my asks from now;; anything perceived as links in the asks gets the ask yeeted into the void apparently and I'm too scatterbrained to keep track of the space but I digress okay so is there a language barrier? they're all from different timelines right so language's probably changed a lot, if so, did they have trouble understanding each other at first and how did they work around it? like,,,
aAA thank you anon!! from this point on i’m gonna keep my headcanons under the cut to keep ask clutter to a minimum, so take a look at that for the answers! there are a doodle down there too so ;)
Language Barrier/Cultural Differences:
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 - honestly haven’t thought much about a language barrier other than Warrior using sign language asdfghjk,, realistically they probably would but as much as it makes the most sense we’ve decided to just pretend like that’s not a thing just for better RP flow and general shenanigans– that’s a really really good question though!
 - there are however cultural differences, Twi would be very confused if Wind mentioned something about the Great Flood since that never happened in his timeline. there are especially differences when it comes to legends! A good example is Sky who, as the first hero(not counting the prequel manga shush), has a lot of different interpretations that differ from what really happened - later Links (like Twi and Wind) think that people already inhabited the surface and a hero was sent from the heavens when hell broke loose. in the adult timeline it’s especially potent because the flood washed away so many details of the ancient legends that they’re much more like fairy tales at this point. Wind seems to believe that Sky was a Rito since he flew around and Minish was literally born an inch tall. needless to say, he was very disappointed when he found out they were just grumpy little Hylians.
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- ABSOLUTELY they share stories about their adventures and the most outgoing ones love to share stories about their scars too! most of the later Links absolutely love hearing stories about their childhood heroes its so very sweet
My Talented Little Music Boys:
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- AAA i love talking about their musical skill tbh– okay so yes! most of them play have an instrument and they do play them with various degrees of success,, BUT here’s the list; - Twi sings really really well and does so often(he also has his Horse Call)- Sky plays harp but he isn’t really that good at it- Time, Minish and Alti all have ocarinas, Time’s fantastic at it because he grew up as a Kokiri, Minish couldn’t play a good note to save his life and we’ll get to Alti later- Wind has the Wind Waker which looks cool when he swooshes it around but it doesn’t really do anything other than mess with the wind- Engi has the Spirit Flute and is pretty decent after Zelda’s many lessons on how to properly play it- Classic has a recorder,,, it can go TOOT TOOT but doesnt really sound good- Albi only has a little bell which is just a bit useless- the only instrument Warrior and Wild have is the sound of their suffering- ALTI. PLAYS. EVERY. SINGLE. INSTRUMENT. I AM NOT KIDDING. HE HAS LIKE EVERY INSTRUMENT MENTIONED ABOVE AND MORE. HE IS A ONE MAN BAND
Gender Headcanons and Etc:
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 - no I don’t have any gender headcanons, all mine identify as cis boys,, sorry if that disappoints anyone :( i have nothing against people who headcanon them as trans/nb/whatever though, it’s always so nice to see everyone’s interpretation of them all! and i will also add that a vast majority of my versions of the Links are either bi, gay or ace!
 - hhh i did actually get your other ask and i’m really sorry i didn’t reply to it earlier– i was a bit busy over the weekend and i was a little confused by the question! Honestly still am still a bit confused but,, out of my versions, Wild is actually one of the more laid back and docile Links despite being so reckless and rowdy,, i don’t think i’ve ever seen other people draw him with a temper either though, but i dont really spend so much time browsing tumblr so i might be very wrong asdfghjk,, but yes Time will absolutely eat anything he does not care all he knows is that he needs nutrients for his Big Dumb Body
i think that is all?? again, if you(or anyone else) has any more questions, feel free to shoot me an ask!! it’s honestly so fun to answer and i love doodling small dumb things for these asdfghj,,
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