#i know this is an unpopular opinion in the trad community
hopelesssromance · 3 years
Why do you say personally pro-life but politically pro choice
I live in America. The people in the government making the pro life laws don't care about the children after they come out of the womb, its about control
They prove that by cutting public education budgets, cutting benefits for the poor, refusing to help with the poverty in our country, throwing addicts in jail instead of rehab, the CPS system being absolute garbage, and more
How can you claim to be pro life if you don't protect those of us alive? The government doesn't care about us or our babies. They are corrupt men who think they know what is best. It's known that banning safe, legal abortions kills women in back ally ones
I believe abortion is wrong but my beliefs do not dictate your actions here. I would not turn away a friend or family member for having one but as an infertile woman it does still hit a soft spot but that is my problem
Want to reduce abortion? Advocate for better sexual education, accessible access to contraception, make pregnancy resources accessible to even the poorest of mothers, and advocate for programs that will actually help those women and children
I would rather a woman have a safe abortion than to let another unwanted child go without love. I know how that feels and it hurts
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Cinnamon and Amber.
cinnamon - if you had to live in a time period different than the present, which would you choose and where?
i’m pretty happy about the present tbh. i know a lot of people act like it’s the worst time period ever but i find a lot to love about it and i’m quite glad that i’m alive when i am.
however, i would be lying if i said i didn’t sometimes fantasize about being a bronze age indo-european warlord. roving the lands with my warband. taking whatever we want. i would have been a king. or an iron age german warlord. or a viking. just anytime time period/culture that is built around a warrior ethos. where "the good life” was reserved for those who were most capable of killing.
alternatively, the future. 50, 100, 500, 1000 years into the future. 
amber - share an unpopular opinion that you may have.
i have a lot. different ones for different audiences. like for a lot of my followers? some unpopular opinions: america is good, union > confederacy, taxes aren’t theft, war is good, communism is bad, franco isn’t a fascist, the war in iraq wasn’t (primarily) for oil, not all cops are bastards, a global government is not only inevitable but it’s desirable, balkanization is a joke, the industrial revolution was good, the french revolution was good, “capitalism” was good once upon a time, monarchy is bad (republic > monarchy), technology isn’t bad, civilization isn’t bad, christianity is cringe, trads are cringe, space exploration is good and inevitable, bureaucracy can be good, soldiers who died honorably for their country are worthy of respect, “i just want to grill” is centrist cringe, etc etc etc. i can keep going. there are lots more.
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