#i know this is an archive account but i forgot to factor in little things like should i just archive things i want or go all the way help
haechanarchives · 6 months
20240313 Haechan Update
"White Day" "What do you want" "Yes give that to me please" "I can't send a selca since I'm shooting right now" "Did you eat?" "You have take care of your meals" "I had Army Stew with Mark hyung awhile ago" "But I'm hungry" "FYI, Dream still has a looooooooot of things coming" "So please look forward to it a lot"
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harmonizingsunsets · 3 years
I can feel your heart beating under my skin
Day 4 of Kate x Anthony week, prompt: no ifs, ands, or buts.
Archive link here.
(Also inspired by the leaked photos of season 2)
The Bridgertons invited the three Sharma's out for the last horse race of the season for entertainment. However, Kate knew this was all a scheme so Anthony could spend more time with Edwina. She didn't doubt the Bridgertons enjoyed watching a horse race, as they seem like the competitive sort. But, she knew Anthony's true intentions behind the invitation.
When they arrive at the event, Anthony's waiting right in the front. He smiles from across the way, and it grows even more prominent as Kate intensifies her glare.
"He looks rather handsome today, don't you think?" Edwina whispers.
"The color doesn't suit him," Kate shakes her head. However, her eyes linger up and down his form. "But I don't blame the shade. I don't think anything suits him."
"You both are wearing blue. It's like fate!"
Kate thinks that if fate was involved, it's more so a cruel twist of it than any romantic notions Edwina has in her mind.
As they near Anthony, his eyes find hers. She tries conveying as much distaste for being in his company that she can, without looking too impolite. Within a few seconds, Mary nudges her arm, making Kate think she hadn't succeeded in being conspicuous of her hatred.
He and the other Bridgertons escort them inside, but Kate stops by the betting area. It leads her and Anthony to row about the horses.
Kate wants to place a bet on the horse Apollo. While she's never been to a race in person, she keeps up with records in the paper. The odds aren't in his favor, as it's his first season, but he's been improving steadily over the past few months. Kate has a feeling that today will be his day.
Anthony, however, was placing all his money on Archer, the favorite of the year. Kate forces herself to raise her head high as she places her bet, showing complete confidence in her choice despite Anthony's warnings.
Edwina and Mary didn't place any bets. To be fair, Kate hadn't planned to make a bet either. However, she seems to be doing many unexpected things whenever she's in the presence of Lord Bridgerton.
When they make it up the steps to their seats, Kate asserts herself between Edwina and him. Anthony gives her an annoyed look, knowing what she's doing. Kate smiles broadly in response, turning her face towards the track.
"You can still back out, you know," Anthony whispers beside her. "They usually don't let people retract their bets, but I think they could make an exception. You know, if I tell them you're soon to be part of my family."
"No exception needs to be made. I am not backing out," Kate states firmly. "Why would I, when I have the winning horse?"
"Your winning horse hasn't won a single race in his career."
"It's his first year. His career is just getting started," Kate defends, squirming slightly. "Today is the day he will succeed."
"It's just like you not to root for the most accomplished horse, the one with the most promising record. Your logic goes beyond sense."
"And your pride goes beyond reason," Kate snaps.
"Beyond reason? Status, money, and coming from a good family are not reasons?"
Kate frowns, knowing that they are good reasons. They are reasons that would make any other sister proud to approve of such a match for their sibling. But it wasn't fair that Edwina had to take on so much pressure to marry well. Edwina should marry someone she has affection towards, who isn't such a rake.
But while Kate knows Edwina didn't love Anthony, nor would ever love him, she knows Edwina could be content. Anthony could give her anything she desired. She would be a viscountess, and their marriage, while not founded in love, could perhaps be based on respect. Most people were not so lucky to have such a match.
Yet, Kate couldn't approve the union. Not just because he was a rake, or because Kate found him intolerable—but because of something else. Something she can't describe but can feel twisting painfully in her gut whenever she pictures Edwina and Anthony together.
"They are reasons that society values, and I cannot ignore having merit," Kate relents after a moment, her words careful but firm. "But, they are not the only factors that matter."
Anthony's anger fades a little, his eyes focusing intently on hers. "What factor am I missing?"
Kate opens her mouth to respond but finds her throat dry. Anthony's eyes pivot their focus on her eyes to her parted lips.
She feels something undefinable in her stomach again. But this time, it's not a painful sensation. It's something warm and is more of a fluttering feeling instead of a tug. The only thing similar to what she feels when thinking of Edwina and Anthony is the same deep ache. It starts in the pit of her stomach and flows throughout her body.
Kate's startled out of her thoughts as she hears a horse neighing in the distance, kicking at the doors that contain them.
"It's about to start," Kate says, standing up with the rest of the crowd.
Anthony blinks a few times as if he'd just looked right into the sunlight and nods.
They both turn to the track. The crowd is abuzz with excitement. Kate hears someone countdown, and the horses begin running.
Kate gets swept up in it, standing up and shouting encouragement as Apollo gallops farther forward each second. Anthony cheers loudly for his horse beside her, who has a lead over the rest.
Kate also hears what she thinks are curses from Lady Danbury behind them. She mutters something about ill-advice she'd gotten before the race.
As the horses round the corner, Apollo edges past Archer, his speed increasing. Kate, in her excitement, whistles loudly, not caring at the moment how unladylike she appears.
When the horses are a few feet within the finish line, Kate feels a flash of lightning strike her palm.
Anthony's hand is suddenly in hers, gripping it tightly in anticipation as he watches the race.
Kate's breath comes in and out more sharply, unable to steady the pace of it. Her senses, instead, are all at work in her hand. They memorize the grooves of his palm and the warmth of his touch.
At that moment, Kate thinks her hand has never served its entire purpose as a hand until Anthony held onto it.
Apollo was edging past Archer, but her eyes couldn't focus on the horse. She stares at his bare hand, resting on top of her glove. Kate finds herself curious how it would feel if she took her glove off and entwined her fingers with his.
If Anthony's hand on her glove summoned lighting, she can't imagine what kind of storm would appear if his skin brushed against hers.
As the crowd's cheers become louder, she forces her eyes towards the track and sees her horse cross the finish line. Anthony's hand falls from hers, his mouth wide in shock. Kate jumps up and down in delight.
"I won!"
"You didn't win. The horse did," Anthony says bitterly.
"The horse I bet on, the one you said I was a fool to choose because no one else bet on it." Kate folds her arms across her chest with a triumphant smirk. "Well, Lord Bridgerton, sometimes the best bets are on overlooked things."
Anthony's disappointed expression falters, his eyes studying her intently.
"Perhaps you're right," he murmurs.
Kate smirks. "Did you just say I'm right?"
"I said perhaps," he specifies with a roll of his eyes. "I should fetch some refreshments if you're feeling faint and missing entire words from other's sentences."
"I don't feel faint. Actually, I feel better than I have in a long time."
Edwina stands from where she had remained sitting the entire race. "I could do with a refreshment."
Anthony startles a bit, appearing as if he'd forgotten she was there.
"Ah, yes...of course. I shall return shortly."
"When you return, I shall be a richer woman," Kate says before he turns away, unable to resist continuing to jest about his loss. "I will pay you back for the refreshment since you are recently low on money."
"You are not a humble winner, Ms. Sharma."
"No, but I am a victorious one."
He shakes his head at her, but she can see a bit of amusement twitching at his lips as he turns away. Kate watches him leave for a moment. When she turns back around, she sees Edwina watching her with a coy smile.
"So, did you enjoy the race?" Kate asks.
"Not as much as I enjoyed watching you and Lord Bridgerton."
Kate gaps at her sister. "What are you referring to?"
"Oh, please! He forgot I was next to him. His only focus was on the horses, you, and your hand."
Kate shifts her feet awkwardly. "Perhaps he thought it was yours."
"Or perhaps, your hand was more enticing than mine."
Kate sighs. "Edwina, that's not—."
"Kate, it's alright," Edwina assures, not looking bothered in the slightest.
"No, it's not," Kate insists. "He's your suitor, a suitor who I do not approve of but is one nonetheless. He should pay attention to you and not the horses."
Edwina puts her hands on her hips. "Or perhaps, he's taking your advice and paying attention to a bet that's overlooked but extremely valuable."
Before Kate can respond, Anthony approaches their side, holding out glasses of water. "Here are the refreshments."
Edwina takes a glass, but Kate doesn't take hers, stepping around him. "I should head up to the box to claim my winnings."
"Would you like me to accompany you?"
Kate narrows her eyes. "I think I can make it a few yards without a gentlemen's protection."
"Excluding my brothers in attendance, most men here are not gentlemen," he argues.
"Yes, especially when putting you into account," Kate says, enjoying the way his face hardens at her insult. "But, I think I can manage."
She doesn't want to leave Edwina alone with him, but Mary is on her other side, and his brothers are close as well. She doesn't trust Anthony as far as she can throw him, but she doubts anything improper would occur in such a public place or the presence of family members.
After claiming her winnings, Kate begins to walk back to her seat but bumps into Mrs. Bridgerton.
"Congrats on your win, Ms. Sharma," Violet says before Kate can get out her apology.
"Thank you, Mrs. Bridgerton," she says. "Did you bet on one of the horses?"
"I bet on something before the race, but it wasn't on one of the horses."
Kate quirks her head. "Oh really?"
"It was a bet that Colin proposed, that Benedict bet against, and I bet for," she explains, a joyful sparkle in her eyes. "I am proud to say that my son Benedict lost."
"What was the bet? That Lady Danbury would jump and ride her horse to victory if it hadn't gone fast enough?"
"No, but that would have been quite the sight," Violet chuckles.
"Then what was it about?"
"Let's just say the horses we bet on are closer than the ones on the track."
Kate's face flushes, and Violet's smile widens.
"Have a good afternoon, Ms. Sharma. Wish your sister my best."
"I...yes, of course," she stutters.
Instead of rejoining the group, Kate waits for them near the entrance gate. But she's not alone for too long. She sees Anthony approaching her by himself. The others must be still chatting in their seats. Kate considers turning away, but she knows it would look like she's trying to escape from him.
"So, you gathered your winnings for the horse?" he asks, pointing at the pouch in her hand.
"I—uh, yes. It's from no other bet, I assure you."
"You're cowering out on gambling after you've had your first win?" Anthony steps towards her and shrugs. "Just as well, it was due to beginners' luck, anyway."
"It was not luck. I made the right bet," Kate corrects. "Why can't you admit that I bested you?"
"Where would be the fun in that?"
"This is fun?"
Anthony's eyes gleam wickedly. "Well, it is, isn't it?"
Kate's heart quickens, and she takes a step back.
"I should go to my sister, make sure you didn't sneak some potion into her drink to convince her that you're not intolerable," Kate says, changing the topic. "But if such a potion did exist, I doubt it would be strong enough."
As Kate begins to walk back, she uses the railing on the other side for balance. But as she reaches the edge, a nail snags on her glove, slashing right through it.
Kate curses under her breath, clutching her hand. Anthony quickly runs to her side, eyes wide and worried.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine. I just tore my glove."
"And cut your hand," Anthony adds and holds out his palm to her. "Let me see, Ms. Sharma."
Kate whips her arm behind her back. "I am perfectly alright."
Anthony steps closer, a more serious look on his face than she's ever seen on him.
"Let me see."
It's not a question. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about Anthony's tone. Kate pulls her hand out from behind her back and hesitantly holds it out to him. Anthony takes it, gently slipping off her glove and inspecting the wound.
Kate forces herself not to shudder as his fingers dance across her skin. She knows he's trying to observe the cut, but his thumb lingers on each line of her hand, and he draws circles on her palm unnecessarily.
Anthony's heartbeat somehow passes through his touch, and she feels it beating underneath her skin.
"It's not too deep. Perhaps an ointment would make it heal within a week or two," Anthony says, his voice somewhat lower than before. He turns to look at the glove in his other hand, which has a large hole in it. "But I'm not sure your glove is as salvageable."
"I could sew it, but it would look rather obvious," Kate sighs sadly. "I better toss it."
She goes to reach for the glove, but Anthony pulls it out of her reach. "I'll take care of it."
"Discarding one glove won't make me change my mind about you and Edwina," Kate protests.
"I doubt it would," Anthony says, looking like he's fighting off a smile. "But just the same, I'll take care of it."
Kate wants to argue but sees that this is something even she can't move him on. She nods and continues her way back to their seats.
But, she unwisely spares a glance back at Anthony. He doesn't toss the glove. Instead, he pockets it.
Kate forces her eyes forward, trying not to get carried away in romantic notions that could never apply to her.
When she makes it back to the stands, she finds Edwina waiting for her.
"There you are, what took you so—wait, a different question," Edwina cuts herself off, looking down at Kate's bare hand. "Where is your glove?"
"Oh, I tore it against a nail."
"Where is the glove? Perhaps I can mend it."
Kate waves her off. "No, that's alright."
As Edwina studies her curiously, Kate thinks back to the feeling of Anthony's hand on hers and the weight of his stare.
Kate's previous notion had been correct. Anthony's bare hand in hers did bring forth a storm. It was a storm that was unpredictable and dangerous but alluring all the same.
"I have a feeling that glove is something I can never get back once given," Kate whispers, so quietly that Edwina doesn't hear a single word.
As they leave, Kate sees the clouds darkening and brewing with newfound energy. It tells her the storm isn't over.
Instead, it's just beginning.
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moonlitdrmr · 3 years
ok so this is probably the first post i've posted in years, but i just wanted to say hi to everyone new. my blog was in a stupid little limbo bc i was a stupid college sophomore who randomly decided to 'rebrand' the email of this account to a throwaway one like a one-time use email that i never saved the login info for and forgot the password and essentially locked myself out of logging in, but i was miraculously never logged out of my tumblr app despite changing phones since i changed the email. it wasn't until like this summer that i realized i didn't have a way to gain access to my account; after a week of whack communication w dumblr i was considering moving to a different blog. i would've cried bc at that point i had made some really really amazing moots and i didn't know if they liked me enough to follow me on a different account lol. it wasn't until i tried getting my year in review that i realized i had two-factor auth on w my phone number and i could have my account reset to my email w it and now we're here!
n e ways, now that i can rb things from my archive directly, i'm gonna deep dive into my old hyperfixations, including andrew garfield's spider-man. if you see old ass posts from 2012, i hope you enjoy. hope to interact more w you all soon <3
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