#i know theres stuff in the ds version!!!!!
the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
I like your ej meeting Lj can I get more creepypasta dynamics
More Creepypasta Dynamics and Relationships
Heads up that this HEAVILY unhinges off of my au/hcs so uhuh! I'm not entirely sure how much of this lines up with the current fanon interpretations since admittedly I hardly interact with the fandom outside of my own stuff 😭😭 gotta change that theres so many talented artists and writers
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Getting the big nasty out of the way, Zalgo! Technically connected to everyone! I talk more in depth about him, you can find that post in the creepypasta Masterlist! Might be the first one.. but run down is that hes a weird force/piece of nature/way of the universe and is responsible for the creation of monster characters as well as the means for human characters becoming something else (ex. EJ becoming a monster, Ben coming back from the dead). Human characters that remain human can sometimes become what they did (a killer or otherwise a figurative monster) after coming into contact with zalgo, usually unknowingly or indirectly..
He is quite literally their maker more or less, sent out to cause problems in the world
I would assume many different characters would have different thoughts and relationships with Zalgo, even if they can't directly make contact with him. Zalgo bounces between being tangible and not
Eyeless Jack, for example, doesnt know who or what Zalgo is and the name doesnt ring a bell; having been corrupted through a creation of zalgo rather than zalgo itself. Slenderman on the other hand actively resents zalgo for giving him sentience and a human-like conscious.
Jeff and Ben are best friends, it'd be criminal for them to be otherwise. My take on ben is that hes confined to electronics majority of the time. Jeff Carries him around in a phone, or maybe a DS.. I keep switching between both.. maybe originally a DS but made the switch. Jeff met Ben not long after he mvrdered his and Jane's families. Though there is now a rift in their friendship, mostly due to Jeff still being human and is now a grown adult, they still care deeply about each other. More like a sibling bond as Jeff got older
Bringing up Masky and Hoodie! I tried blending them, eith the crp version and their mh source since I love both versions. They lean more towards the crp take, though, given that's what I grew up with.. finding a balance is a bit hard... moving on, they aren't that close actually. Sure they are still proxies in this au, hence the more crp leaning comment, but they aren't.. friends. They hardly tolerate each other in most scenarios, actually. On the flip side, Tim and Brian still exist and have their own lives, whether or not they're fully aware of the fact they're being sort of puppeteered by outside forces is up in the air.. they're still fairly close in contrast to masky and hoodie!
Staying true with the older fandom, tiby and masky antaogize each other. Usually its toby getting onto masky, though. Hoodie and toby have a rather decent relationship, oddly enough. They aren't buddy buddy, but they are civil with each other. Could be that hoodie is no bullshit + doesnt give toby a reaction when he DOES do something to him
Jane and Jeff still hate each other, with Jane actively trying to hunt Jeff down and get revenge for everything. Jane is the only character (with the exception of tim and brian) who has a job and still interacts with society. I had an idea that she and laughing jill team up (to parallel jeff and Ben's dynamic).. though I might scrap that or swap jill out with someone else.. shrugs
Then theres nina! I hc that her and eyeless jack are close friends. No reason behind that other than "their energies contrast each other. Ej is tired and reserved, nina is energetic and gossipy/chatty" and their visual aesthetics contrasting (dark and mostly grey against bright and multicolored).. though I'm still trying to find a way how they'd meet in universe
Nina is also friends with jeff and has a sibling like bond with ben as well. I think she'd still have her crush on jeff, although I'm bouncing between it being faded or just as strong as it was before.. I mentioned I kind of want them to have a tiffany/chucky dynamic but I need to rewatch the child's play movies to get the dynamic for nina and Jeff right 😭😭
Ooooooohhoho still on the nina thought train but her and Jane would have so much beef. Jane hates nina with her entire being for being so buddy buddy with jeff.. whereas nina just treats their rivalry like it's some high school drama, totally unserious
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doodleduds · 9 months
hi 🥺👉👈 hello i think i would like 2 enter the sonic fandom. how do i partake in sonic. i dont know where 2 start 😢 ive been vaguely watching some of the fandubs and i just played the murder mystery steam game and !!!! i didn’t grow up with it bc i was a pokemon and mario baby but yea [: ALSO if you see me perusing your art that is why [:< !!!! (and because you are very talented and a beloved bestie mutual)
HI!!!!! Always love seeing u beanie I hope you’re good!! This might be a long response so I’m preemptively putting a cut lol
HI AGAIN BEANIE!!! Disclaimer I’m certainly not an expert BUT i’ll try my best 💙💙💙🫡🫡🫡
The murder of sonic the hedgehog is REALLY good. Its definitely got a lot of love packed into it and it shines through the whole thing. Its a favorite because its a little silly but they still work to take the characters seriously (idk. U can tell the devs really loved doing it. I think its all around a fantastic introduction to the series!)
I’ve been hooked on Sonic from a SUPER early age. Like playing on hand me down consoles and stuff. My favorite game ever was sonic and knuckles or sonic 3 and then it was sonic the fighters. And then every game after that until Sonic The Hedgehog (2006) for the xbox 360 came out and despite the glitches and everything else im sure anyone could tell you about it younger me just found it SO striking. Everything about it. I used to sit and watch all the cutscenes on youtube on the family computer like it was my JOB. Idk where the turning point was I’ve played all the other titles except for a couple here and there more recently but I def think you could start where-ever you want!!!
Theres some games I think most people in the fandom would agree are unplayable or just Bad (for any number of reasons, everyone has their opinions! But think like notoriously bad like sonic boom..or specifically sonic colors nintendo ds version) BUT I’m a firm believer that if Sonic 06 specifically didnt have game breaking issues it would have been a masterpiece (look up project 06…! its a labor of love and it made that game feel like what I thought it did when I was itty bitty and more. Beyond my expectations. Genuinely impressive and really shows how much could have been fixed/polished for gameplay/overall) obviously I’m very biased but 06 is something I’ll never get over and I think more people should see Project 06 because the work put into it is immaculate and really showcases what I loved and still love about that game
The fandubs are good! If you’re looking for more watching stuff instead of playing stuff the original remastered Sonic OVA movie is up on YouTube for free and I think you’d really enjoy that too! There’s some design choices (like knuckles just flying for half the movie/not gliding like he would in later titles) that are more timeline based (like they hadnt gotten a firm grasp in franchise what was what yet etc etc) but it really sticks to that charm that drew me in to begin with so its a 10/10 in my book.
Games I think you could start anywhere you’d like (even if people say you’ve GOTTA play x or y or z or whatever you do what you think you’d like) but as a die hard fan you know I’ve got to mention Sonic Adventure 2 or Heroes or one of those. More ‘recent’ games I’ve really enjoyed that didn’t feel rushed/scrapped halfway through.. Sonic Generations is good, Sonic Unleashed is good (and theres a short film called night of the werehog thats official you could watch!) Frontiers obviously is the best I think we’ve gotten in a while narratively.
And im biased but I really. REALLY like sonic and the black knight. I think it being on the wii was a little bad controls wise but it has some charm! The storybook ones (Sonic & The Secret Rings and Sonic & The Black Knight) were super interesting to me when they came out just because it was a fresh art style lol.. Still very charming to me
The Shadow The Hedgehog game will always hold a special place in my heart and I know you like that guy so if you haven’t checked out that game (it has so many endings.) I think you’d personally love it!!
Other than that I think IDW comics are really great if you can get your hands on em! I don’t read them very often if at all anymore but I keep up to date on new characters in gen (more out of interest for the designs and direction theyre going) but if you EVER get the chance to read the arc with the metal virus you absolutely should. All the comics are great but I think you especially would think that arc in particular is incredible
I’ll link the ova and the werehog animation below but every games cutscene you can find on youtube if you’re ever interested! I can always find more stuff and link you if you want : - )
ONE FINAL NOTE IS THAT SONIC GAMES SOUNDTRACKS DO NOT EVER MISS A CHANCE TO GO HARD AS FUCK FOR NO REASON!!!! All of the games OST’s EVER have at least one song for everybody on planet earth and I will not retract that statement ever. If u havent listened to any I highly recommend it
THANK U FOR THE ASK!!!! Always love to talk about whatever so holler if you want!!!
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raisinchallah · 2 years
ok my theoretical ideas for femslash poll.. legacy tumblr era stuff swan queen the fact they keep getting forgotten is so insane to me like they were IT that show was so fucking bad but regina was IT gelphie a bit of an out of left field on but like it is real brittana as a tip of the hat to santanas IMPACT karmy faking it because faking it was a social experiment we need to admire from a distance with hazmat suits... also thinking about this bad poll i saw that put like fucking princess peach and daisy on there which hsa no femslash footprint i think u just invented that but like if we are being honest to tumblr maybe we gotta put ruby and sapphire from steven universe on there u know like they had an impact i realize talking about steven universe on this website is somehow like scary but that cannot erase their impact and then i think because i do not want to give it all to the carmilla webseries but like they were impactful in that era i think more like collage of every version of laura and carmilla throughout time korrasami OF COURSE bubbline duh! rosemary and vrisrezi for me specifically but it can be narrowed down to simply rosemary then like 90s femslash pioneers xena and gabrielle of course of course idk if it would be funny for me but i dont think theres enough xena fans to vote here to put multiple slots on there like gabrielle/aphrodite or callisto/xena or something but i know those warriors are out there now the next question is the star trek girlies cuz i think kiradax is the most popular on tumblr but seven/janeway is legacy but i dont care about it then theres weird more niche stuff like michael/georgiou or you know the absolute pioneers making the first femslash zines out there with like chapel/uhura their minds in the 70s but back to 90s icons i feel like some buffy option should be there for again posterity idk if u go with willow/tara or buffy/faith but whatever they are out there and then for meeee talia and susan from b5 tho they would get mercilessly destroyed in the first round love loses then like anime girlies anthy and utena of course of course also 90s icons haruka and michiru duuuh madoka and homura of course nana and nana maybe some niche or out of left field options too tho something that could stand a fighting chance would be like misato/ritusko from evangelion or like you know as a shoutout to lesbian shounen rivals besties jolyne and hermes from jojo part 6 but these are just like from things people have actually heard of fadsjkl;ds ok then like video game girlies i say as i pretend to know about video games but love and respect towards alphys and undyne and then idk i think it would be funny to throw something kinda silly like chell/glados in there cuz idk anything about that but i respect them so much like idk maybe the evil computer flooding your room with neurotoxin is gay #equality ok actually this is getting so long and bad and i can still think of a million more things to add but i wanna draw goodbye for now
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misteria247 · 2 years
So I have some ideas on how the 2012 turtles would react to meeting the other you and yeah I'm basing this self insert off myself but you can self project on this if you want.
Mikey would obviously run towards you and crush every bone in your body lovingly the moment he recognises your face. Desporit clear in his relentless sobbing as he begs you not to pull such a stunt again. Donnie follows soon after and then Leo. Raph tries not to give into his emotions but fails and follows suit with his brothers as they huddle around you, just give him some time he's in denial.
The rottmnt realizes that this is a personal and emotional moment and decides to leave so you could all cry in a comfortable harmony together at your loss. Besides, they know their way around the city since their last visit.
After a while when everyone has calmed down they decide to show you around the lair.
If you ever catch them looking at you odd don't take it too personally, they are just surprised how similar you are to the other you, and also for the fact that you're 4 years older than your counterpart but still contain that childish quality that they missed so much. And don't even get me started on the scar on your left leg that you got when you were 14, around the same time your counterpart got theres from being stabbed by a thief. You're kind of a mirror image of what the other you could have become if they survived. And yah they flipped their shit when they realized you're 18 years old, I mean you're just a few inches higher.
Not gonna lie you compare their behavior to cats, like their seansing you have catnip on you and are waiting patiently, that cat nip being spending time with you individually. Each of them showing off their rooms, they all have a silent crisis to how similar you reacted to the first time walking into it, admiring the decor.
Even your music taste is similar, it's kinda uncanny but they try not to dwell on it too much.
You claim to not be a good artist as Mikey begs you to draw with him and Raph, and although it's true that they aren't great the drawings are eerily similar in style to the ones drawn by the other you.
When Space heroes airs Leo will politely ask you if you'd like to watch with him, if you say yes then the other will join despite not being as into the show.
Doonie will invite you into his room to witnish his inventions, he explains them with vigor and pride clear in his voice. And his enthusiasm peaks when he sees the look in your awestruck eyes. Even though you're surrounded by geniuses, you're still that loveable supportive dumbass and he can't get enough of it.
Bro imagen if you had this really old DS or something that your counterpart used to be obsessed with. But do you know what would be even freakier? If you in the Rise! univers fell out of those interests the day the uther you died.
Heh, imagen Rise! April and Casey playing a competitive game against the 2012 versions of them with you as the judge.
2012 Casey is stoked to hear that this version of him came from the future even after that version of him explained what happened.
I can imagine all of you going on a car trip or a picnic and although they both just have one artificially made car, being an 18 year old has its perks. Like being able to legally drive.
Idk why but i can imagine Leo being like “share to me a fraction of your wisdom” and then you show him a meme on your phone, you both end up laughing your guts out.
Despite not playing on the drums in years there is still something within you that sparks to life whenever you hold those wooden drumsticks.
They're all happy that you have some agency when it comes to danger, until one day when you protected the brothers from an incoming attack and it left your arm worse for wear, that's when shit went down. Damn, imagine having 12 super protective siblings and one rat dad. And may I mention that one of them from your universe has already witnessed your grave before the future stuff happened.
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I've just realised since I'll probably be posting here pretty regularly I should probably make some kinda introduction post so you guys can know a bit about me and maybe follow my blog if im kool enough lolz =P
My favourite colour is black, racoons, opossum and bats are some of my favourite animals, I've got snake bite percings and im 20
I really like music and I listen to it almost constantly tbh, I like my chemical romance, all of Frank Iero's bands the used, from first to last, the banner and I've also been listening to silverstine and senses fail alot recently
theres a lot more but i can't be bothered to write all of them
I like to draw and do art I've posted a few things already
some tv and movies I like coroline, 9, invader zim movie and series, smiling friends, umbrella academy, corpse bride, Edward scissor hands, the crow, the grudge, the ring (original Japanese version) also the live action uzumaki movie its weird but I like it, clone high, arcane, aggretsuko, regular show, grim adventures of Billy and Mandy, misadventures of flapjack, happy tree friends and more that I can't think of atm
i like books but mostly comic books like umbrella academy, you look like death, national anthem, Lenore ,basically every comic by johnen vasquez and junji itos stuff I've only got smashed and fragments of horror so far
I play some video games I'm an og fnaf fan, I love the Pokemon games pre sun and moon, no more heros currently playing thought the first one, the world ends with you DS, animal crossing new horizon and a few more
if you read this whole stupid post thank u and soz for wasting your time lolz
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darkicedragon · 3 years
darkicedragon kinda talked abt it before buuuut, frankenstein chaos god, tao smaller trickster/spider god m21, wordsmith/sharp tongue takeo, archer/seeing
muzakas either the god of sleep (or thats possibly rai :joy: ), or wolves and/or travel kentas is prob the fighting god aZure what would M's power do? o3o yes Muzaka being a god of travel but represented by wolves uwu Kentas just likes to punch stuff darkicedragon m21s who poets and writers pray to, when theyve got writers/inspiration block. either that or m21s the one they blame for controlling their tongues when they lose their temper, haha or maybe m21s the god of thieves aZure and also Franken and Muzaka being v good friends bc neither are tied to a place so they just travel the world together mostly Muzaka tagging along when Franken feels the calling of chaos
darkicedragon yessssss 'why do you keep me company? surely there are other places you want to see' 'with you around, ill see everywhere eventually, and theres always somethin' interestin' going on wherever you go' 'hm. ...yes, i enjoy your company as well, since you dont mind what i do, and you are rather handy in a pinch' ^--^/)}} aZure OK but consider Tao as trickster god and M as thief god and both are minor chaos gods and the lil shits stir trouble for travellers, tricking and stealing from them and Muzaka is like ò0ó and basically picks them up by their scruff like kittens and goes to talk to their dad, Franken only Franken isn't aware he has kids "Your kids are messing with my travellers!" "My - my what?" darkicedragon oh god, they split off from him like separate pieces of ds aZure "Here, these are yers, take responsibility" darkicedragon takeo is the facade part of a trickster and the patient, waiting and watching part before a trick or chaos is set into motion aZure yesss XDDD Franken not being aware that he... um... had kids maybe he was just reborn as a chaos god and uh the kids are new darkicedragon haha 'why do you think they're my children? they look nothing like me' 'you really cant sense the chaos rolling off 'em, huh?' aZure "I - hmmm" "Just give'em a place to stay. I know what's like to not have a home and they're just kids." darkicedragon 'im not a kid!!' //head ruffle// 'yeeeah, you are' aZure ofc Muzaka stays a lil while bc gotta make sure the kids will be okay and him making food for them bc he's got camping skills I think Franken will kinda take the kids in bc he remembers his awakening when he just came to be and was all alone with nothing but a divine drive darkicedragon would frankenstein wonder if they would take over for him eventually, or wonder abt how they would grow into their own godhood (bc small tricks, thievery and watching Feels Small compared to the society unbalancing stuff he does). though frankenstein also probably knows abt how one small action can make an entire cascade of chaos, so hmmm darkicedragon does frankenstein eat if hes a Major God and basically feeds off chaos aZure YESSS QwQ imagine Franken fearing they will simply... replace him when the current him ceases to be but after all, that's the course of life but the trio growing into their own versions of chaos and yes they seem small, compared to what Franken can do, but they're still his kids and sometimes, their little tricks burn cities M stole a simple thing, perhaps a royal sigil, and the royal family fell because of it so maybe Franken smiling when they remind him of himself aZure he can eat he doesn't need to just like I imagine Muzaka doesn't need to eat, but eats bc he likes to darkicedragon muzaka just like //face palm// when he realises frankensteins never eaten 'why do i need to?' 'bc it tastes great!!!' tao just like //nod nod nod// m21 might also have eaten, bc hes tied to the desperation that leads ppl to steal aZure Tao ate bc shiny M ate bc hungry/desperate Takeo never ate anything darkicedragon yeeeep takeo just politely taking the apple from muzaka. he knows he can eat it, and seen mortals do it, but yeah, never felt the need to do it himself aZure "C'mon, try it! It's so good!' Takeo like >^< bc Muzaka is too energetic for him and ruffles his hair a lot darkicedragon takeo def hangs out more closer to frankenstein, haha. taos off with muzaka, and m21 doesnt really care so just stays where he is aZure Muzaka keeps an eye on M, cuz his travellers are the easiest targets "Why did you steal that?" "It wasn't theirs. They stole it first!" "Huh?" "They stole it first from the farm near the windmill." "So you're gonna take it back?" "... the old lady there gave me milk." M like =^= cuz he's not doing this bc he likes it it's just he's paying back his debt darkicedragon yep. def muzaka when he finds out one of m21s forms is a fox or something, aha. 0w0!! aZure M is smol and maybe when he gets hurt he pwoofs into that form darkicedragon or when m21 needs to run aZure bc big wolf god Muzaka snarling and protecting the lil bean M is both like >-> bc why did Muzaka protecc him but also ònó bc now he owes him darkicedragon ahahaha thieves honour aZure >w> <w< Franken realizing with horror that he can sense the trio bc he can feel their pain and him losing it Muzaka has to stop him bc his anger disrupts the peace in the whole region darkicedragon huehuehuehue things just start dying around him, and storms start forming aZure YESSS ÒwÓ Muzaka has to stop him bc he feels the change feels wars start from nothing, feels the worst happening, illnesses that should heal develop into deadly diseases darkicedragon travel routes ending aZure Muzaka taking Franken by the hand "They're not worth it." "My children aren't worth it?!?!" "The mortals aren't." darkicedragon ehehehe. 'theyre strong and resiliant. theyll keep surviving until we reach  'em' aZure "For the mortals' sake, I hope you're right." Franken curled up around the bbies after they save them a lil owq??? bc he doesn't understand what happened he just took them in bc he knew their loneliness but he didn't expect them to grown on him like that or for him to lose his composure so badly when they were hurt or for Muzaka to stick with him through it all darkicedragon yessssss muzaka snoozing  on the other side in wolf form so theyre completely protected aZure yesss and it makes even Franken feel at ease
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leggyre · 3 years
Daily thank you for being around and being yourself. Have you ever played The World Ends With You? A sequel came out this year, though we haven't bought it yet since new games are kind of expensive. Instead, I've been playing *way more recent* stuff, ike 999. For the first time ever, of course
oh damn I do love TWEWY but I actually never finished it because my old DS went boom before I could finish.. I've been thinking about picking up a rom since I just recently modded my DSi....... But handling my SD card is a bit tiresome and im lazy lol (yes yes theres a remake but like the ds version is fun af???? and switch games are expensive af for me i gotta make Choices when it comes to bideogame)
but oh i did finish 999 and it's honestly one of the best narratives ever!! the music is great(ternary game my beloved) and ive always been fond of 'escape the room' gameplay littered with puzzles and stuff.
I know it has a sequel on the 3DS(and maybe more but i havent seen them) but i never played that one. it has a funky rabbit though
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I’ve only ever played the second drawn to life game and somehow never realized there was a first game until seeing stuff about it on your blog
I mean fair.  Like, I didn’t really know for a while either, I only had game 2 on Wii for a while and didn’t have a DS at all.  
I just looked it up and I don’t think there’s a wii version of game 1 and the second game has an entirely different ending on Wii and DS and theyre both kinda fucked up???? Anyway yeah theres a game one
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asianjeremyheere · 5 years
Heyyy! For the character ask meme - Troy!Jeremy: 1, 5, 19 || Troy!Michael: 9, 12, 21 || Troy!Rich: 10, 14, 18 || basically please talk to me about Troy's versions of the characters because I love them so much. uwu
hey thank you very much im sorry this took so long but i have SO many thoughts about troy![character] and i am ALWAYS willing to talk about him and his interpretations of characters
1) Something this character is truly proud of
he's very proud of taking the initiative to join theatre and for having the strength or break out of the squip's hold during the play!!! both of those are moments hes proud of because it feels like he was using like. an inner strength he didnt know he had and, especially with regards to the squip one, he feels like its something he did to help people?
5) A cherished personal belonging.
either his space cat tshirt OR some small trinket that was the last thing he got from his mom before she left. he doesnt tell anyone he still has it, but he absolutely cherishes it (theres also the implication that his mom would have been his link to his japanese side and he holds onto it because he doesnt want to fully lose that part of himself that he already feels disconnected to)
19) When they feel safest
michael's basement!! and then post-squip, also his own bedroom in the summer during the day with the lights off and a bunch natural light coming through the window
9) What calms them when they are upset.
hoodie (thrown in the dryer for five minutes so that its extra warm) and/or music!!! he has a big playlist of songs that calm him down already premade and ready to go (and this is where my hc differs from george!michael because i dont think he would already have that playlist made)
12) How they sleep.
oh like a starfish, flailing around a lot. he constantly has to fix his fitted sheet because it keeps coming off from his squirming. and also not very deeply, as in it takes a minute or so to wake him up but its not that long all things considered.
21) Their fondest childhood memory
definitely something with jeremy!! maybe like. something small and dumb but meaningful like when they both get glasses for the first time and swap them or something bigger like their first sleepover- just them, michael's ds, and jeremy's dad because his mom is out of town and thats the only way they can get a sleepover until mrs heere accepts that michael is going to be a fixture in their lives.
10) How they deal with pain.
he. doesnt. he doesnt really know how to except to just internalize it and let it build and build and then he just snaps and the cycle repeats. this was fine pre-squip because no one cared, and fine with the squip because it could use that internalized pain but post-squip it really sucks for him especially combined with the stares and rumors. even with physical pain he tends to brush it off and try to make it seem like less of an issue.
14) How they did in school
he does okay in school without the squip- before it, he sometimes just. didnt put in the effort but he definitely had the potential!! he put effort into the stuff he was interested in (i feel like he probably maybe took some computer science/tech-y electives?) and. less into stuff he didnt care as much about. post-squip he needs a LOT of help catching up but he does it alongside jeremy and works for it and he does okay!!
18) Special talents they have
i feel like troy!rich is like. really unfairly good at charades. theres something to be said about the meaning behind that but im sleepy and i genuinely think hes just a very good actor BUT not on stage because on stage he waaaay oversells it OR gets too nervous
Send me a character and a number!
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tumblunni · 6 years
...i have never been less hype and i hate it
i feel really guilty for not being happy when i mean these games are very pretty and all but all of it just seems to not be grabbing my happy when i got myself SO HYPED for the unlikelihood of something better
like man COME ON
come on man
almost 13!
sinnoh was fuckin due for a remake back when sun and moon got announced
ive been getting hype and dissappointed at every single goddamn announcement nintendo’s ever made for the last 4 years or so and it never happens and yet they keep teasing it why are there so many official tweets teasing sinnoh if its not fuckin happening im starting to lose hope that it will happen EVER
twelve. fucking. years.
like man we’re almost due for a goddamn unova remake by now!
like man fucking kanto got TWO REMAKES already
its not just im nostalgic its that i want desperately for the generation i love to get any goddamn recognition at all. fuckin gold and silver were already beloved as the best generation even before their remake. ruby and sapphire got some unfair hate for the no transfer between games thing but that died immediately after the first remake happened. neither of them were in this unique situation where they were fuckin DEAD ON ARRIVAL and waiting TWELVE YEARS for resuscitation!
sinnoh failed ENTIRELY not on its lack of appeal as a generation but because of goddamn CONSOLE LIMITATIONS
it was slow, it was buggy, it had buddy green brown palettes, the wifi didnt work. all problems with it being an experimental first ds game by the company. it was fuckin HATED as the WORST GENERATION for so many years and it wasnt its goddamn fault and like seriously its only even become TOLERATED again because of this ‘sinnoh confirmed’ meme that NINTENDO FUCKIN REFERENCES AS IF THEYRE GONNA ACTUALLY DO IT ANY TIME IN THE NEXT DAMN DECADE
fuck i was more hyped for lets go than i am for this. like a second kanto remake was the thing i hated the most but at least it seemed original enough with the goofy new minigame for catching and loads of nice reveals like the return of following pokemon and stuff. this trailer didnt really say anything except hey its a new region hey the starters look generic as fuck. nothing to mitigate the dissappointment
and i feel AWFUL cos i know rationally that this is a great pretty game and nothing about it is actually bad yet and my only complaint is that i only like one out of three starters when i felt the same way about sinnoh itself. its just that feeling ‘meh its probably okay’ isnt what i hoped for. i hoped even if it wasnt what i wanted itd be something else equally as hype? just ‘meh’ has turned into ‘oh god no’ cos man ive been up for 48 hours getting hype for this shit why the fuck am i unable to not get hype even though i KNOW every goddamn time its a dissappointment and it has been for years and it will continue to be every goddamn time
like the highlight of the video was ‘oh an underground area maybe at least theyll bring back the sinnoh underground minigame in another country’
also.. uhh.. bags? i like the protagonist designs a lot and im happy to have the hiker bags cos srsly if i was in pokemon world i would absolutely want to go 100% ham in all ways possible AS YOU CAN SEE BY HOW I CONSTANTLY GET MYSELF TOO HYPED AND ALWAYS DISSAPPOINT MYSELF
and GOD i know im being predictable and i know that probably when i let the grumpiness wear off and get a few hours of sleep i’ll rewatch this and actually be able to notice all the lil details and get properly hype about things and probably by then we’ll know what country its meant to be based on and more info and stuff. like LOL i almost had a heart attack when there was some generally industrial looking stuff and a big ben esque clock tower like im sorry no i REALLY dont want poke-britain even though im british. its like the most cliche generic idea for a region and following on from a great region that gave representation to a nation historically mistreated by britain and america im kinda like hey can we not. like britain region was everyone’s immediate idea for the next ‘white region’ after unova happened and i was still dissappointed that we got france after that and pleasantly surprised that theyd even THINK of doing a non-white western country like hawaii! and it was really great and had loads of stuff based on hawaiian culture and even taught you some hawaiian words and local foods and stuff!! i dont wanna learn about my own country through the sanitized false ‘child friendly’ idea of us being all knights and stuff AS IF IT WAS A GOOD THING. So yeah im not sure what other european country this might be, the outfits make me say possibly holland? but im just real glad that someone other than britain gets to be ‘sword and shield’ and the only british representation we get is thematic elements being used for the design of team plasma’s uniforms. yes thank you we were fuckin colonialist pigs please never glorify our military ever again in any fiction. please never put a sword anywhere near fiction britain unless youre ready to talk about how many indigenous cultures we slaughtered. SORRY IM KINDA GOING OFF ON ONE!! im not like ‘never put my country in pokemon ever’ but if theres any form of specifically HISTORICAL CONTENT in the pokemon version then HOO BOY it would need to be handled carefully and the name sword and shield does not bode well for that so FUCK YES please be holland, please be the other place that has a lot of picturesque farm scenery and also better hiking and also literally everything. it cant be britain cos if it was britain we’d definately have a fuckin sheep or somethin for a starter. srsly tho i am very confused by the big ben looking place, am i just bad at geography and dont know about a similar clock tower in holland that is also associated with red brick industrial buildings and mines? i hope so! either that or maybe its like a combination region of multiple european countries? but thatd be weird since france got to be its own thing. tho honestly i would like it if britain got COMPLETELY ignored except to be one single town that contains the underground minigame, lol
please be holland i love you holland please save me from my rambling awful post WHY THE FUCK am i getting so bad at recognising geography oh yeh cos i havent slept in ages
i love the big bags and the rabbit starter is something ive wanted since i was a lil kid. those are two positives. holland is a third. and its super pretty. okay. i can see all the positive things individually but still somehow my net reaction is a meh because i got too hyped for the wrong thing and also kinda got jumpscared by almost maybe britain I AM SO GLAD IT IS NOT
theory: pokemon world is so idealized and wonderful and beyond us in technology and equality and etc because britain never existed in this universe.
holland stabbed it with a sword
the end
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jadenvargen · 6 years
what order do you recommend playing MGS in? :0 (Also hej hej är också svensk och älskar dina illustrationer!!
!!!!!!!!!! i would actually recommend playing them in order mostly(that is, minus the first two games, i would play those last tbh since they’re very.. oldie and u can just appreciate them more if u play the others first imo!)
so, (keep in mind this is my opinion……. i try to include the general opinion and some good to know info. also, if u want any triggers or the like, ask!!!!! theres some Stuff…) 
Metal Gear Solid(for ps1+ps3 if u have the “legacy collection”(all games included) and there was a more HD remake for the GameCube called “twin snakes” which is my personal favourite of the due because of just, more fun details and better voice acting, though most fans prefer the OG.), 
Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty for PS2-PS3(again, most people hate this one because you play mostly as Raiden but its my personal fave so…)
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater for PS2+3 and Nintendo 3Ds(imo the DS version has better controls, but the PS3 one has vastly superior graphics. Generally seen as the best game, and one of the best games ever. and it’s super fun, honestly.) 
Metal Gear Solid 3: Peace Walker for PS3 and PSP. (A real oddity in that it’s… really different from the other games, and has… kind of weird hard-to-get-used-to gameplay and mechanics but the story is one of my faves and the characters are SO FUN!!!!!) 
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots for PS3. (again, many people hate this one because it… admittedly, is very stupid and the plot is nonsense and also there’s 1 HOUR LONG CUTSCENES. UNINTERRUPTED. BUUT i enjoy it a lot and i thought it was a really fun game!! again.. one of my faves lmao)
then uhhhhhh there is no game(dont play ground zeroes) 
then LIKE OKAY. I PERSONALLY don’t like it but
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain for PS3-5. The game was rendered incomplete due to conflicts in management and it shows. It also takes itself way more seriously than the other games. However, it has fun gameplay, and a real nice soundtrack.
then! if u really liked them and are like man i want more:
Metal Gear, and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. the oldie games that explain a bit more about some charactesr(or, two does. one is basically a dialogue free game that’s frustratingly hard…… but fun! Metal Gear 2 expands on some characters we met in one and is just… fun but really sad to me.
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ayakunai · 7 years
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hey guess who got a hold of an nds file of that JPN Keroro RPG game? i didnt even know it existed until a month ago :v anyways, theres already extracted sprites from the game if you dig around online, but I wanted to practice extracting from nds files myself, so heres a quick gifset of their appeal animations(? i dont know japanese but thats what the file says) probably might do a separate post for each of their win animations... (also on another note, i also have the midi files and sf2 for all the songs from the game, might make a post if anyone is interested?? ) (if you have any interest with extracting sprites and midis/sf2 from ds games, dont hesitate to mssg or something! though im not the best at it now...) enough blabbering from me, smaller versions in read more
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isaacathom · 8 years
aw dude i missed the fire emble direct
wheres the links? gimme gimme
oh for fucks sake, is this WHOLE direct narrated by fucking sasuke.
see, why Gaiden specifically. was gaiden the start of one of the series? is it standalone? i dont know anything about gaiden like at all. ok, thats a lie, i do recognize the names Duma and Mila from that one time i hella dag through the wiki.
is sasuke actually narrating the whole direct because im suffering. yuri lowenthals voice is distinctive. itd be like if bryce papenbrook appeared outta nowhere and started narrating something, id know. 
... buddy, its a soft t, not a hard t, the other narrator already said that. we thinking this a language gap? valen-shia, not valen-T-a. or something. that sounds weird. i dont like it with a pronounced t, i prefer smoothed.
also those cutscenes by that other studio? they look so good. are they the same people who did the cutscenes in the other games? if so, theyve improved drastically? i mean, im not animator, but it looks less like ‘heres our in game models but bigger and smoother, here they go’ and more ‘we might have used models as a base but we can do foreshortening and stuff that models cant’. idk. the lil bit of cutscene just looks way more... animated-y than the ones in fates. gets me hype. i love it.
god i hope this is good. it looks so good. i wasnt even gonna watch the direct until i saw ‘fire emblem gaiden for 3ds’ and now im in. i want it. gimme gimme. it looks so good. ill wait until after release though. not because im broke but because i like reserving judgement, lmao.
i want that Celica amiibo. holy shit. look at her?? shes gorgeous. that amiibo looks stunning.
also why specifically yuri lowenthal. like.... what. he did a corrin voice, ricken, marth and kiragi. three of those are technically optonal voices (because i know i never ended up getting kiragi, and i dont play male corrin, and marth is amiibo exclusive) so like. what. you just had him lying around and went ‘hey dude can you do this?’ and there he goes.
oh DAMMIT theyre taking the series to the switch in future. fuck. im boned. im confined to three games, one of which i cant actually bring myself to play again because that three route shit was exhausting. darn. D: i mean, if i could find copies of the ds fire emblems (er... one of the marth ones, right? p sure theres a marth ds fire emblem) i might be cool but god knows its a bit late for that. aw.
fe:w is n3ds exclusive? oh. what a shame. i was so... looking forward... nah. nah dude. i mean, cool, it is coming to n3ds at all, thats neat! but. eh..... ehhhhhhhhhhh.
oh who is that beautiful but weird lookingboy??? whats with the hair, bro. it looks cool, but, what. golden tips? oh SHE is cute, i like her armour, actually god yea she’s real cute, i like her. hes a bad guy but he has nice style and i appreciate it. is that Robin with a fucking gun? is that a gun??? thats a gun. its a portal gun? its a portal gun! its a fucking gun that shoots portals to other worlds. what the fuck am i looking at. also, yea, its probably not actually robin, but i mean, come on, i feel like this look is deliberately supposed to echo that hood shit.
oh who is sheeee. who is she too??? she looks neat! and she has red eyes, ya shes hundo evil.
the what kingdom. the. em.. emblin??? is this. its a pun on emblem, isnt it. oh dearie me. and the... asprin??? did i hear asprin? ok, emblian, alright, still an emblem thing. im still only hearing asprin, though. askuring??? its just asprin. Asker?? that is not what you just fucking said. that is hundo not what he said before. what... askerin???? dude. i need subtitles for ya weird new words
ok, the girl is Sharena, the boy is Alfonse... alright.
wait. lon’qu is pronounced... lon ku??? fuck. shiiiittttt. ive always said lon Q. bugger me. why does he even want lonqu so bad. yuri lowenthal didnt even voice lonqu. what, we didnt wanna summon ricken? i like ricken.
oh OF COURSE the default version of robin is male robin. rip.
anyway why is his voice familiar even though like... i havent watched naruto since i was 8. ?? oh, was he in persona? thats it, isnt it.... yea, it probably is, god dammit yosuke.
Validar???? Validar?? Niles??? what. whats with the selection. that is a really bizarre selection of peeps.
also, alright, Askr and the Askran Kingdom.... right... ok, sure. at least i got emblian right. ok, so the selection is actually basically all characters in fire emblem, they just. name dropped a few. randomly. righto. holy shit this site blows. like, it doesnt WORK. if i click random hero, i then cant random again, i cant go next hero, i have to go back to the main meno and then reselect. and if i go to select by game title, it wont atually let me scroll through the games and im forced to pick from shadow dragon, which is cool but i havent fucking PLAYED shadow dragon. what the fuck.
am i alone???? is this site borked??? send help
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topicprinter · 7 years
Amazon FBA courses have been all the rage lately, with lofty promises of a lucrative digital nomad lifestyle. There are hundreds of courses to choose from, but 3 stick out from the crowd. It might be due to their high price tag, or maybe its the individuals behind the course. Either way, you cant scroll through any Amazon forums with seeing these courses being discussed. So I went ahead and took all 3 of them. I didn't really intend on dong a review, I just got them so I could learn. I started my journey 2 months ago and today my first product arrived, with 2 more on the way :D Here is my in-depth video review:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bD58vSR2Pv4 I will also post the script for the review here in case you prefer not to watch the video at work, or you dont want to use data :) Please keep in mid that the punctuation might be weird because I write my scripts how I talk as opposed to proper English lol. I have fully completed all 3 of these courses. Now full disclosure, I did not pay for amazing selling machine, I had a friend lend me all the videos and files for it. It is however asm 7, so its the newest version. I would also like to add that before taking these courses I knew NOTHING about amazon FBA. Nick just told me how much he was making, so I jumped right into tanner course. So I have have the complete beginner's perspective on this. lets get to it. FIRST UP, Amazon Seller mastery.Price: $498 USDTotal Watch Time: 2 hours 11 minutes= $3.80 per minute So tanners course is the cheapest of the 3, but it is also the shortest. He’s had many successful students come through, including youtuber james bowen. However this course really just skims the surface. There are a total of 5 modules, but I felt like they were all bare bones. Especially as someone who knew nothing about amazon FBA, I finished the course with a bunch of questions. For example, module 2, titled “suppliers and shipping” only contains 2 videos, totaling just 14minutes. To be fair, after finishing that module I felt like I knew all there was to know on suppliers and shipping and I thought “seems easy enough”, it wasnt until I actually tried contacting suppliers that I realized I was still in the dark for some aspects. Overall, tanner does a good job at teaching the material. Its very obvious that he knows what hes talking about and he instructs pretty clearly. That being said, you can tell the production and time spent editing was cut short. He doest cut out beginings or ending of the videos, and some mistakes that could be edited out are just kept in. It feels like he was just winging it for the most part and didnt have too much of the structure pre-planned. Theres even a part where he’s talking about shipping terms, and he straight up says “you can just google what they mean”. Now yes, thats fine and its common sense if you’re making any regular youtube video, but it wouldn’t be that hard for him to google it first and then provide a PDF for student resources. And finally, this might not bother you guys, but for me me it was a little annoying.. None of the videos in the course were captured in full screen. His window was always minimized, so you could see his desktop background. Again not a huge deal, but for a $500 course it just didnt float my boat. So lets get on to Kevin Davids Amazon ninja materclass. Price: $1,250 USDTotal Watch Time: 9h 50min= $2.12 / Minute So Kevin’s course is much pricier than tanners, but as you can see its still a better value per minute of actual content. He also gives you the option to buy each module separately. Now I do like the idea behind separating the modules, but it causes a little bit of overlap for someone that has the full course. What I mean by that is, in some modules, he’ll re-explain some things that he already covered in a previous module. Im sure hes doing it to cover the bases just incase someone bought the module separately, but when you’re watching them consecutively, it just leaves parts to skip. Kevin also has a little underwhelming video production for a 1200 dollar course, some videos his cam is way too big and actually blocks important information. In this clip hes talking about the display ad on the right side, but you cant even see it because its under his webcam. However other than that the visuals arent bad at all. The biggest issue I had with this course was that it wasn't totally sequential or chronological. Yes the modules are in order from product research to facebook marketing, but the content in the modules were all over the place. They werent following (for lack of a better word).. A storyline. Thats actually one thing I liked about tanners course. He starts with the lockpick set and carries on the process for that product in a good step by step order. That being said, Kevin does do long videos to end every module that kind of put the pieces together, but overall its like has all these superb bircks of information on a topic, and then it just all goes into one bucket as opposed to laying them out piece by piece. Now lets get on to what I love about kevins course. First off, and probably the most important. Its loaded to the brim with super insightful information. He goes a lot into the actual mindest or thought process behind what he does and why. And what I like even more is that he doesnt just say “you should do this or do that because im the master”. His vibe is more open ended, like “this is what I suggest you do based on all my experience, but dont blindly take my word for it” which I appreciate. The course is also very practical and inspiring, he doesnt have any fluff, and he’s a great communicator”. On his site he says its the only course you’ll ever need, and I cant say hes wrong. He goes way beyond Amazon in the later modules. Covering in depth facebook ads, instagram, getting onto blogs, and even virtual assistants. With the Ninja Masterclass I’d say the pros heavily outweigh the cons, and its the only course I really refer back to when I run into problems with my new FBA business. But before I crown the champ, I have to talk about the biggest course of them all. Amazing Selling Machine! Price: $3,500Total Watch Time: 36h 53m= $1.58 / minute Now of course I left the big fish for last. Amazing selling machine is longest running and most expensive one of the 3 of courses, and probably of all fba courses in the world. Along with the video lessons, ASM has huge events every year with tickets ranging from $400 to $750. But lets talk about the videos. With nearly 37 hours of screen time, it is definitely a lot to take in. I believe the actual course makes you watch it throughout 8 weeks, but since I just had all the video files already, I decided to binge it. Now I did not watch all the coaching calls, but I finished all the other modules. And I do have to say, compared to the other two, these videos are very dry. They provide lots of info, but they do so with text. I’d say 50-60% of the videos are taken up by this blue screen with white text. As opposed to just showing the practical stuff, they have a lot of fluff. They spend a few minutes before every video explaining everything thats going to happen instead of just diving straight into it. Now you might be thinking “well that makes it great for notes”, but they already provide all these bullet points in the form of PDFs. And thats honestly what bugged me most. Every single video had a pdf to accompany it, which is great, but the guys in the video were just reading off of it. Its almost like they wrote an awesome amazon FBA book, and they’re just reading it to us, instead of a cut to the chase kind of course. Here you can see the PDF, and beside it the video. Its line by line. Now that may be appealing to some people, but for me it was just filler. With tanner and kevin, it felt like you were learning from a friend or mentor, With mike and Rich, its more of a classroom vibe, less passion more rules. And that another thing, their rules or guidelines are very firm. Unlike kevins who i said leaves it at “this is what I suggest, based on experience”. ASM is very much “this is what you need to do to be successful. Use the ASM criteria”. With all that said, there’s still brilliant content inside. The most surprising to me was their product research, being new to FBA, I really thought that jungle scout was the only way to do solid product research. However in ASM they use DS quickview, and a method that heavily relies on a products BSR. While it seems like a little more work than using jungle scout and 999 track, I thinks good to see another perspective on product research, and its something I will add in the future just to be extra sure on my products. They are also the best when talking about having a sequential or chronological order. Its VERY beginner friendly with everything laid out nice and neat. I would even say that you could jump into the ASM course without ever using a computer before, thats how comprehensive they get with their explanations. However the one thing that separates ASM from all the rest in my opinion his how they give you actionable steps at the end of every video. Just like homework. The intention is so that you actually follow along with them as they go to ensure you get results. Of course this can be hard if you dont actually find a product after the product research module. But like I said it was designed to be dripped throughout 8 weeks, not 8 days. So what would I suggest? Well I can starting as a beginner, I feel like I definitely got my degree in FBA after all these courses. They all have a different and unique spin to them, and all of them offer their own little gold nuggets that the other doesn't. However this is just like goldilocks, One of them is too little, one of them is too much, and the other is just right. So, with all things considered, I would have to give the crown to Kevin Davids Ninja MasterClass. Its not the cheapest per minute, but its the most practical, It doesn't have the most content, but it cuts the fluff, and id say he gives the greatest perspective on incorporating amazon into your everyday lifestyle. He talks about how gets great product ideas outside of amazon by just being more observant or talking to people. And its that outside the box thinking that I think sets a good seller apart from a great one. His course actually dives deeper into the facebook and marketing side than ASM does, he could have almost sold that as a separate course. He also has the best tricks in terms of keywords and ranking. As for me, I started watching these courses last month, and today I have 3 products on the way. I can't confirm yet if the products are any good, but one of them gets in tomorrow, so we shall find out soon and update you guys once sales start coming in.
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