#i know theres no speckles on her tail but.....hey....she has speckles.....
sprout-battlecats · 6 days
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yourdeepestfathoms · 6 years
Mean Girls/Heathers Characters as Wings of Fire Dragons (possible AU)
it’s a little rushed at the end but here it is. i love this tbh
Jade Winglet- Damian, Janis, Aaron (and other unnamed dragonets)
Silver Winglet- Regina, Gretchen, Karen, Cady (and other unnamed dragnets)
Gold Winglet- Chandler, McNamara, Duke, Veronica (weirdly doesn’t have any other dragonets)
Copper Winglet- Kurt, Ram, Martha (other unnamed dragonets)
Cady- SandWing. (Bonus dragon name- Lion)
* Scales are weirdly the color of red sand with a charred orange tint that becomes more vibrant in sunlight. The ridges running down her spine are the only natural SandWing color, as they are pale yellow
* Grew up mainly in the dessert with her parents and a few others. She hasn’t been to any other kingdoms, beside the SandWing one. Excited to get to meet other dragons
* She has learned how to position her tail so nobody will accidentally get jabbed with the barb, but her friends occasionally have to jump out of the way when her tail wags
* When angry, her wings flare out and her tail arches over her back menacingly
* Has never actually wounded someone with her stinger
* Would be the one fainting if it happened
* Jokes about how she dislikes water but is dating a SeaWing
Regina- SilkWing. (Bonus dragon name- Glimmer)
* Really fucking big
* Especially her wings, which shimmer like crystals in sunlight
* She’s multicolored, but mainly shades of pink with hues of indigo, emerald, and some spots of gold
* Her wings weren’t grown in when she and Janis were friends, but now they’re here and they’re super big
* No wonder she’s the queen bee, even though she’s not a HiveWings
* Took a liking to Cady because of her strange scale colors
* Probably related to a queen
* Probably an heir
* Met Gretchen and Karen on Pantala; they all flew to Pyrrhia together
* After landing in the rainforest, they met Janis, who gladly let them stay in the jungle with her
Gretchen- HiveWing. (Bonus dragon name- Honeybee)
* Has a very slight rose-gold tint in her orange-yellow and bronze scales that can be seen in sunlight
* Doesn’t really have any pink on her, so she wears gemstones or flowers around her neck
* Her species have multiple different abilities, and she has a few of them. She can create a putrid odor from a special scent gland and her tail can inject a paralyzing nerve toxin, but she doesn’t have poison in her claws or teeth or the special barb in her wrists
* Bonds with Cady over their poisonous tails
Karen- SilkWing. (Bonus dragon name- Fuchsia)
* Mainly a lighter shade of pink with swirls of magenta and rose on her wings. There’s a few other colors, too, like purple and pale yellow
* Has no idea how to use her silk
* It’s a wonder that she even knows how to fly
* “If you’re a SandWing then why are your red??”
* An excellent fruit gatherer; Not a useful skill, but hey, she can do that
Damian- MudWing. (Bonus dragon name- Bear)
* Biggest of his group of friends
* Scales are mainly crimson with a cinnamon color going down his head and to the tip of his tail. Underbelly fades to marigold. There’s a slight orange tint under his wings
* He hatched from a blood egg, so his scales are fire-proof; Nearly gave Janis a heart attack the first time she saw him get hit head-on with fire
* He’s made himself Bigwings of his Winglet (but it’s mainly for Janis)
* He met Janis after she broke away from her old friends. She was depressed and still shaken up from her capture and she flew far from her home just to get away from bad memories. She crash lands in the marsh, much to her dismay, and he helps her out of the mud; A strange immediate kinship is formed between the two
* Has a venom burn on his shoulder
* Learning Aquatic to impress Aaron
Janis- RainWing. (Bonus dragon name- Pastel or Rainbow)
* Her scales can obviously change colors, but she usually keeps them as shades of purple with streaks of yellow and ombré. The underside of her wings are the color of the lesbian flag and she would definitely thrust them open at random moments just to show the colors (Damian is proud)
* Flares her ruff when angered
* Turns dark red and black when mad, light blue if sad, bright yellow when she’s happy, etc.
* Damian has learned which color means what
* Was kidnapped and tortured by NightWings and is very untrusting of them
* That’s what broke off her friendship with Regina, Karen, and Gretchen. She was devastated when she found out they didn’t look for her.
* Threatened to melt their faces off if they didn’t get out of her rainforest
* Ended up being the one to flee the jungle and flew until she couldn’t fly anymore, ending up in the swamp, where she met Damian
* Stays with him there, not returning home, as she felt safer with him
* Definitely has a pet sloth
* Found out she was related to a RainWing named Veronica while doing a sudden venom test when she sprayed her acid in a flash of anger and Damian jumped in front of her unsuspecting victim
* His cries of pain still haunt her
Aaron- SeaWing. (Bonus dragon name- Cyclone)
* Sapphire blue with a slight emerald green and indigo tint
* Only slightly larger than Regina
* Since Damian can hold his breath for an hour, he’s often accompanied on long swims in the underground lake
* When he talks, he often will flash his stripes in Aquatic with whatever he’s saying
* No one else knows Aquatic, with exceptions to Damian, who’s at least trying to learn
Veronica- RainWing. (Bonus dragon name- Drizzle)
* Scales mainly stays mixtures of blue to obey the color coordination code. Almost looks like a SeaWings, except not at bulky and big, as she is actually quite small
* Given a sapphire necklace from Chandler when she joined their Winglet and will forever treasure it
* The most common colors seen on her after meeting JD are pale green (fear) and white (pain)
* Her ruff has drooped down so much it might stay like that permanently.
* Scales start to dull in color over time
* Used her venom on JD, which caused the scales on his face and chest to melt
* Had a pet sloth but JD?? fucking killed it???
* Related to Janis after doing a venom test for an injured MudWing
* Animus
* Scared of what her powers might do to her
* Ends up enchanting an earring, wristband, and a string of rubies to keep Ram, Kurt, and Chandler alive, but they can’t ever be taken off
Chandler- SkyWing. (Bonus dragon name- Phoenix)
* Second biggest in her Winglet
* Mainly a shiny crimson color with a gold underbelly and undersides of her wings
* When angry, smoke comes out from her nostrils
* Wears jewels around her neck and even a chest plate; Instead of a scrunchy, she has a band of rubies around her horns, which ends up being enchanted to keep her alive when JD attempts to poison her
Duke- LeafWing. (Bonus dragon name- Thistle)
* Emerald scales with a few pea green areas here and there
* Definitely reads scrolls in her free time
* Spends a lot of time in the library
* Wants to be a queen
* i need more on her
McNamara- SandWing. (Bonus dragon name- Fennec)
* Tallest in her Winglet
* White-yellow scales with marigold spines running down her back
* Wears gold chains around her neck
* More threatening than you would think, especially because of her scorpion tail
* Has jabbed her fair share of other dragonets
JD- NightWing. (Bonus dragon name- Deathwish)
* Bigger the Heathers and Veronica; Veronica is only half his size
* Scales as black as night. There’s no speckles of silver under his wings
* He doesn’t even go to the academy
* Animus; Uses his powers very often, and it’s obvious that it has taken a toll on his mental state, but that’s not the reason why he’s so abusive and cruel. That’s just the way he is, even if he didn’t have his enchanting powers
* Tried to poison Chandler and released a Dragonbite Viper on Kurt and Ram, almost killing all of them until Veronica stepped in
* Was sprayed in the face by Veronica’s venom, melting half of his snout and parts of his chest when droplets landed there
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fearofaherobrine · 8 years
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Roleplay Log #159
“The Candy Dragon, Steve’s Secret”
[Doc] Is anyone too messed up to walk? I can carry if need be.
[liu] -gets up to follow doc to the castle-
[Smile] Tail wagging carries Grinny out-
[Doc] Is just pacing along. It's a lovely day out, after all.
[TLOT] Hey Liu? Check this out. - He opens his inventory and lets out a couple of colorful flitters that orbit then lazily
[liu] butterflies?
[Doc] Sort of. TLOT makes them from bits of flower petals.
[TLOT] Grins
[liu] they are very pretty.
[Steve] Show-off. You're not the only one that can do that you know. - He knocks on his helm and a couple of touchies crawl out of the eye and nostril holes on his skull helm and follow him.
[Lie] - There are a few honesty ones too
[CP] - Little flying fuckers
[TLOT] Thank you Liu. If I make them out of Lie's flowers they can do magick just like the flowers they came from too.
[Lie] - CP be nice
[Doc] You could make a sobering flitter to hang around Gk...
[Steve] Okay, even I think that's not nice.
[Lie] - I'm not even sure how that would work.  Sobering flowers have to be eaten to work...
[TLOT] Yeah, don't eat my flitters. Just in general...
[Steve] I pity anyone who would try to eat a touchie.
[Flux] - They are full of their own magic...
[Doc] musing-  I wonder how Lj is faring.
[Steve] At Flux- Well... they also can pinch. They'd do some nasty damage the minute you closed your mouth and any other members of the swarm would also attack.
[Flux] - Yes but they are capable of creating
[TLOT] Oh yes. I love their syrup and wine, they're one of my favorite creations.
[TLOT] You can't deny it tastes good Cp!
[Notch] The syrups good on pancakes too.
[Lie] Just sighs at her husbands actions-
[Shuppet] is close to the back of Cp's head right now and looking quite satisfied.
[Doc] Freezes as there's some odd rocking inside hir inventory, with a gasp they pull the green speckled egg out.
[TLOT] excited- Is it ready? Yours took forever to hatch!
[Doc] I think so. -The egg is rocking and clicking and xe sits down on the ground and puts the egg in front of hir on the grass.
-A bit of shell falls off and there's no accompanying spurt of fluid.-
[TLOT] This one is dry! We have to help! - He and Steve and Doc begin frantically pulling bits of shell away until the dragon practically explodes out of the egg like a spring snake from a fake peanut can.
[Doc] Whoah! This one is big!
-The dragons body is almost as thick as Doc's arm and several times longer. They coil in the grass and pant, looking around and blinking in confusion.
[Doc] Hey little buddy, welcome to life. Sorry this world isn't as candy- filled as the one you came from. But I'll make up for it.
[liu] it looks like it is made of candy that's to cool.
[CP] Glances back- I think Endrea is in the library if you want to feed it
[Doc] Guess I'm not going home just yet... - turns back down the road.
[CP] Keeps heading for his own home-
[Notch] is a little torn but chooses to go with Cp and Stevie.
[Stevie] - Bye bye little funny dragon!
[liu] i'll follow you doc.
[Doc] Cradles the baby- thank you
[Endrea] Is watching Willow and Oak while Ashe reads-
[Lie] - I'll head home as well Doc, good luck with the new baby
[willow and oak] -are trying to gum on books-
[Endrea] Gently pulls them away from the books- That's enough, you know better
[TLOT and Steve] Opens the double doors for Doc and the others - Endrea? You know that instant bonding thing? I think I get it now.
[Endrea] Tilts her head curiously- What do you mean?
[willow and oak] -go over to tlot-
[Steve] excited - the one from the candy modded seed finally hatched!
[Endrea] - It has?  How wonderful
[willow and oak] -are sniffing tlots pants-
-The candy dragon huffs a little in Doc's arms-
[Doc] Shhh little sugar, it's okay. These are our dragon friends.
[Endrea] Leans over to sniff the baby-
[TLOT] Leans down to scratch chins and heads on the little dragons.
[Endrea] - Xe certainly has a unique smell...
[Doc] I'm kinda not used to strong smells period, but it reminds me of the candies Lj gave me to experiment with.
[Endrea] Opens her mouth to give a bit of void energy-
-The baby dragon spazzes and struggles to get away-
[Doc] Whoah! It's okay! Maybe Xe thinks you're trying to eat hir?
[Steve] void energy smells weird too.
[Endrea] - I don't know...
[liu] the poor thing.
[Doc] They're all a little different. This one came from a very heavily modded seed after all.
[Endrea] - Then theres is a chance that it doesn't feed on void energy
[Doc] I wonder if offering hir candy would be right? Or weird considering they seem to be made out of the stuff already.
[Endrea] - I cannot say
-The baby tries climbing out of Doc's arms again-
[Doc] snuggles the baby dragon- oh no, you stay with me. You can play with... With your... Cousins when you're bigger!
[Endrea] Chuckles a little while Ashe finally looks up from his book-
[Doc] Hey Ashe, wanna see the servers newest member?
[Ashe] - Okay- He carefully puts his book down and walks over
[Doc] The last egg I was walking finally hatched!
[willow and oak] -are trying to climb doc to see the new dragon better but aren't getting higher then hir knees-
[Ashe] Moves closer to investigate-
[Doc] moves so Willow and Oak can see but not reach. - be careful, little sugar here is a newborn.
[Endrea] - Is that going to be it's name?
[Doc] No, just a pet name for the moment. I didn't have anything thought out because I had no idea what they'd look like and I was starting to fear that egg might be a dud
-The baby wants to get closer to the other babies-
[Doc] Okay! Okay! But I'm supervising. You guys play nice. - Xe sits on the floor
[willow and oak] -sniff the new dragon-
-The new baby sniffs back-
[Steve] is just watching Doc and beaming, he turns to Deerheart and whispers- I haven't seen Doc make that face in a very long time
[Deer] - I don't think I've ever seen it
[Steve] I've seen a similar face when they thought you or the server was in danger, right before the rage snapped down like a mask. Understand that while Doc did have children, they were made with a lot already in place. They came into the world nearly teenagers.
[Deer] - I see, so this time they're starting from the beginning...
[Steve] Yes, and everything that was tarnished with pain and loss is suddenly shiny and new again.
[Deer] Giggles a little-
[willow and oak] -nuzzle the new dragon-
-The new dragon squeaks and jumps around a little-
[TLOT] is happily watching the babies play. He meets Steves eyes and the rough miner blushes sweetly.
[Doc] whispers - so glad you're a healthy baby, now I just have to figure out what you need next...
[Endrea] Hears Doc- I think they need at least a name next
[Doc] Deerheart, come socialize a bit. They should know you as well as me.
[Deer] Kneels down amongst the babies-
[TLOT] Notices something- they don't have any wings at all..
[willow and oak]- climb on deer a little-
[Deer] Pets the babies- Hello little ones-
[Doc] I saw... I'll think of something. But for now they'll be riding on me anyway so it's alright.
[willow and oak] -makes happy noise at the pets-
-The baby dragon rolls around, rubbing it's body against the wood floor of the library-
[Endrea] - I know GK will look forwards to babysitting more babies
[TLOT] I may call dibs on part of the babysitting duites.
[Doc] I think... I'll keep this one close to me...
[Endrea] Hums in understanding- If you need any help, let me know
[Doc] Sneaks a hand closer to Deerheart and clasps her fingers lightly.  - Perhaps Yuanfen would be right for this one. Something to bring my love and I even closer.
[Deer] - That sounds beautiful
[Yaunfen] Squeaks and tilts it's head as it looks at Doc in interest-
[liu] -pets the candy dragon's head softly-
[Doc] Do you like that little one? My sweet little Yaunfen? Ah...
[Yaunfen] Is surprised and falls over from the pet-
[Doc] Looks at Liu. - I know you're unhappy because of your brother, but are you at least glad I brought you here?
[liu] yea it's nice and peaceful and lots of great people
[Doc] Good. I'm glad. Thanks for watching over Smile especially. I know he likes you. I think it might make it easier for me to get through to Grinny eventually.
[liu] he doesn't seem to like me either
[Endrea] Gathers Willow close and starts cleaning her-
[willow] -squeaks-
[TLOT] He has good reason to mistrust humans.
[Steve] Leans over a bit - what'cha reading Ashe?
[Ashe] - A book about pirates!
[Steve] Reads over his shoulder a bit. - I.. should, really do more reading myself...
[TLOT] Seconded. Mining isn't everything, you know?
[Steve] It's still important!
[Endrea] Flips Willow over-
[Yaunfen] Whines a little and looks at Steve-
[Steve] jokingly-  See! They agree with me!
[Yaunfen] Toddles closer to Steve-
[Steve] Aww, you want a hug? - Leans over to pet the little dragon.
[Doc] Is watching very closely.
[Yaunfen] Starts gumming on the armor-
[Steve] Just stares- Honestly... WHY?
[Ashe] - Oh yeah!  The red thing in your boot!
[Steve] Goes very pale - Whaaa.. no! It's nothing!
[TLOT] ...
[Ashe] - But it's really bright...
[Steve] It's just my shoes, they can't possibly see into my boot from that angle!
[Ashe] - But I saw it...
[Steve] Makes a whining noise.
[TLOT] It's okay my lamb, baby dragons just like to gum things.
[Yaunfen] Wraps around Steve's leg as they gum-
[Steve] Meeeeh
[Flux] Having silently followed- I can feel something off about your one foot...
[TLOT] It's nothing....honestly....
[Flux] - But there is something wrong, correct?
[TLOT] Is obviously uncomfortable. - We don't like to....
[Steve] Please don't...
[Deer] Is looking in confusion as she holds Oak-
[Flux] - But perhaps there is a chance I could fix it
[Doc] What is it TLOT... you know you can tell me anything.
[Steve] Please.... I don't think that's a good idea...
[TLOT] Looks down in shame.
[Flux] - What is there to be ashamed of?
[TLOT] small voice- Because it was my fault.
[Deer] - Whatever it is, it can't be so horrible.  We know you'd never do anything bad to Steve on purpose
[Steve] It was an accident. I....
[TLOT] My lamb-
[Steve] I'm also glitched.
[Doc] Steve! Why didn't you tell me?
[Deer] - How badly?
[Steve] I can... walk in lava. It kinda hurts, but I won't die.
[Doc] But you don't have the eyes.
[TLOT] Is startled-
[Ashe] - Even Mama can't do that!
[Steve] I have a small color error. It's why you guys never see me without my armored boots unless I'm barefoot.
[Ashe] - Is that the red thing?
[Doc] So you didn't want it fixed because it gives you some protection?
[Steve] ...yes.
[Doc] Come on Steve, let me see.
[Ashe] - I wanna see it!
[Endrea] - Ashe that's enough
[TLOT] Only if you want to my lamb.
[Steve] I might as well, we're already in the best protected server in the multiverse. - sits down and pulls on his boot. Under the diamond gleam is one incredibly red shoe.
[TLOT] No matter how many times I fix it, it always turns red again.
[Flux] Looks at it curiously-
[TLOT] Even replacing it with a different color shoe doesn't work.
[Endrea] - I see no reason to be ashamed of something so minor.  It simply makes you an even more unique Steve
[Steve] ....
[TLOT] We're worried about him becoming a target because he's glitched. Apart from being resistant to fire, he doesn't have any special powers like a brine does to defend himself with.
[Endrea] - But as he said earlier, this is the safest place you know, so why fear that here?
[TLOT] Because it's my shame to bear Endrea! I dragged him halfway across our seed on the word of Jeb to look for something that turned out to be a trap and nearly got us both killed. Is that a thing you'd like to have well known?
[Endrea] - It would only have mattered if you had failed to survive
[Steve] Especially now that we know Jeb isn't as divine as he made us believe, he isn't even a nice person.
[TLOT] Thumbs at Doc- I think they're the only reason we did survive! I couldn't seed hop, I didn't even know other seeds existed! Doc pulled us out of there... Hid us away... For that I'm eternally grateful.
[Doc] Thank you, to both of you. The first friends I ever had.
[Flux] - This glitch of yours Steve, it's full of your mates power.  You marked him, and this is how he marked you
[Steve] And that is my shame... He's lucky I didn't bite his hand completely off...
[Endrea] - I don't think you could have
[Steve] I was out of my head with so much pain at the time...
[Doc] I would have made him a new one.
[Endrea] - I repeat, I don't think you could have.  Even with your mind filled with pain and rage, you could not have harmed him.  I saw the same thing when my brine was fueled by anger and the only thing nearby was his future mate.  He hurt her so badly, but never to the point of permanent damage
[TLOT] We actually don't know what the full mental limits are on humans vs brines, we've never actually met another bonded pair of our type. Cp and Lie weren't married until after Lie was made a brine, and Deerheart isn't technically human.
[Flux] - I believe Endrea is right, you two were bonded from the start, even if you didn't realize it.  I don't believe he could have caused you more harm
[Steve] I am part of him after all, my hearts came from his chest.
[Endrea] Hums in approval before finishing up with Willow and reaching over to grab Oak for his bath-
[Ashe] - I like your red shoe
[Doc] it's a literal hot foot
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