#i know that devil in the governors chair is enacting his reign of terror on us now
mimiatmidnight · 1 year
Can I just say I am deeply uncomfortable with the squaddies (mainly on twitter) celebrating this Disney thing. Disney hasn't become any less evil just because they 'stick it to DeSantis' in order to protect their corporate greed.
The Sussexes should really distance themselves from this. And the squaddies need to understand when people are using the Sussexes for their own gain.
Agreed. But in fairness to the stans, they are far from the only ones. Pretty much all of Lib twt is following this saga and cheering along Disney "putting DeSantis in his place" lol. And like, I get it, people are just rallying against the more visibly, overtly evil entity at the current moment. But people online, especially within political discourse, tend to fall way, WAY too easily into the mentality of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." When most often the depressing truth of the matter is, no, we just have two enemies :/
Although yes, the squad is particularly susceptible to latching onto even the most vaguely positive public acknowledgment. But this specific case doesn't even fall into that category lol. It wasn't even about the Sussexes in particular, it's just a legal loophole for Disney to avoid the rule against perpetuaties by choosing a very visible legal class (current living descendants of the king) to set the expiration date for their contract. The only reason legal commentators even mentioned Lili is because she is the youngest of that class and thus expected to be the deciding factor of the timeline. But it could realistically be any of the five grandkids that'll be the last survivor.
Anyways, it doesn't really matter. I honestly don't think most of the twitter stans even really read the story, I think they just saw the mention and the "Lili is now a Disney princess" jokes and everyone had a chuckle. A random story for the day. I definitely don't think this is anything H&M need to comment on at all.
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