#i know realistically muramatsu would def collaborate w hara
AH hi zaina hope im not too late but for the writing prompts: “Don’t cross the street yet, idiot!” with terasaka, yoshida + muramatsu if thats all cool? immediately thought of those three when reading it lmfao
LEE!!!! Yes omg ofc!!! also we have the exact same brain bc I thought of them too for this prompt 😭😂
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Terasaka, Yoshida, Muramatsu + “Don’t cross the street yet, idiot!”
“Goddamn, I need some sunglasses out here,” Terasaka grumbled, shielding his face from the bright glare of the sun. "Why is it so bright?!"
He felt sweat droplets forming on the back of his neck from the day's warmth as he shuffled along the sidewalk, slinging his bag over his shoulder while one hand continued to try and block the UV rays.
"Well, global warming is here now," Muramatsu pointed out from besides him. He was smart and adorned a black cap over his ruffled hair, although Terasaka doubted its effectiveness. The blonde's ears were turning slightly red from the heat.
"It has something to do with greenhouse gasses and the ozone layer," Muramatsu continued. "I can't remember all that crap, but Takebayashi was talking about it on Monday."
Terasaka considered it. "True. I heard about the ice caps melting and whatnot. Guess that's why it's boiling hot now when just yesterday, I had to wear a sweater."
A few steps behind them, Yoshida yawned. Obnoxiously loudly.
The other two stopped and turned to him with a glare. "Really dude?" Terasaka groaned.
"I already have to hear my dad yawning like that every morning," Muramatsu complained.
The biker shrugged and pulled his water bottle out. "Sorry, but it's way too early to be talking about melting ice caps and global warning and all that science shit." He took a swig from the bottle.
"Global warming, you dumbass," Terasaka sighed, although it was evident he was amused.
Yoshida capped his bottle and shoved it back into his bag. "Let's talk about that actually." He pointed in front of them.
Both boys followed in the direction of his finger, only to see a poster taped to a street lamp ahead. Terasaka walked over to read it better, while Muramatsu moved more slowly.
"Cooking contest on Saturday, June 14th," Terasaka read aloud. "2pm at Sakura Park. Bring your finest dish, ready for your skills to be evaluated by our judges. The winner receives a gourmet cookbook from the finest ramen chef in the region, Suzuhara Junpei."
He turned back to the others, an incredulous look on his face. "Well, damn. Finally, a great opportunity for the culinary arts around here."
Yoshida clasped Muramatsu's shoulder with an excited grin. "You're signing up for that. No arguments."
Terasaka ruffled his hair affectionately. "Yeah, you would so win this. Your cooking is the fucking best when you're making stuff outside your dad's menu."
Muramatsu just smiled sheepishly. "Thanks, guys. I actually, uh, already signed up for this."
"Wait, really?"
Yoshida whipped around to face the poster again, leaning in to see the bottom portion, which he just realized was the sign-up sheet. And sure enough, Muramatsu's name was listed besides the number seven.
Terasaka grinned at him, impressed. "Well, shit dude, when were you gonna tell us?"
Muramatsu laughed. "Today, actually." He pulled off his bag and reached into it, pulling out two Tupperware containers.
"I decided I should make a curry for the contest, so I tried out two different recipes last night." He handed a container to each of them.
"Ooooh." Yoshida was almost salivating at the sight inside.
"One is a Trinidadian goat curry, and the other is a Pakistani dish called Chicken Karahi," Muramatsu continued. "Karma helped me get some spices and ingredients for both."
"So, he is capable of being nice," Terasaka murmured in surprise.
Muramatsu snickered. "It didn't come free. I had to make him a serving and promise to share my cookbook with him if I win."
"When you win," Yoshida corrected him. "Dude, this looks amazing as hell."
"For real," Terasaka agreed, already impatient for lunch. The container in his hands smelled delectable, and the taste would definitely match it.
"Aww, thanks, fellas." Muramatsu smiled. "Just try both curries at lunch and let me know which one you prefer, so I know which recipe to stick with for the contest."
He gestured to his bag, which Terasaka only just realized appeared heavier and more stuffed than normal. "I made servings for Hazama, Itona, and Hara too, to get their opinions."
"Alright, but I wouldn't take Itona's reviews too seriously," Yoshida smirked. "I swear, he's shitting with all of us."
"Are you kidding?" Muramatsu laughed as they began walking again. "I take his the most seriously. You guys enjoy everything but he's got refined tastebuds. I have no fucking clue how, though."
"No, but there's no way he can actually tell the difference between the taste of table salt vs sea salt," Yoshida protested.
"Nah, that one's obvious. Maybe you're just a dumbass," Muramatsu sniggered.
"Ok, alone, yeah. But when it's already mixed in food? No fucking way."
"They technically carry the same exact nutritional value. But table salt is really fine grains, while sea salt has the bigger crystals."
Yoshida kept up his argument. "But besides the appearances, there can't be any discernible differences."
"HEY!" They both jumped in place at the sound of Terasaka's bark. "DON'T CROSS THE STREET YET, IDIOTS!"
Both of their toes were right on the very edge of the curb as cars rushed dangerously by in front of them. The crossing sign light flashed red on the other side.
"Oh shit," Yoshida breathed, feeling his heart fall down to a normal rate. "That scared the shit out of me."
Muramatsu hadn't even realized how ahead they'd gotten during their heated discussion.
Terasaka finally caught up to them, a scowl on his face. "Watch where you're going! Two sets of eyes and you both didn't look at the road?"
Muramatsu tried to conceal his mirth. Terasaka's "mama-bear" energy was coming out. "We were-"
He waved them off. "Yeah, yeah, you fools were too focused on arguing about salt, of all things."
Yoshida shoved Muramatsu's arm, jokingly. "I know I'm right, by the way."
He scowled at him. "No way."
"Light's green," Terasaka cut in dryly, gesturing at them to start crossing the road.
They walked quickly down the crosswalk, as time was starting to cut short to get to the mountain. The sun was still beaming brightly in the sky, which was completely clear of any clouds.
"What would you two do without me?" Terasaka grumbled.
"Probably get arrested already for something, honestly," Yoshida answered.
"Oh, yeah totally," Muramatsu agreed. "Maybe breaking and entering?"
"No, I've got it!" Muramatsu snapped his fingers. "Motor vehicle theft!"
Terasaka slapped his forehead. "You fools..."
"Man, don't act like you wouldn't be the one to bail us out," Yoshida grinned.
He sighed, knowing they were completely correct. "You're goddamn right I would."
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