#i know only needing to get to friday isnt the most urgent but... i do only get around $160 then have to wait two more weeks since work
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caramel-mocha-latte · 2 years ago
Hey so... limited thing I'm gonna do, offering 3 headshot commissions on my ko-fi
I don't need much, so they are only $5. Just enough to get me to Friday and get my bank account out of the negatives. I feel bad asking for donations otherwise, so I wanted to offer what I could in return!
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yatsugareboyf · 3 years ago
awh those hc for atsushi & tanizaki hurt me in all the rights ways but they were also rlly soft and those are the writings i love the most, i kept on rereading it hehe
and i never realized how much i loved tanizaki until i came across those hcs so i thank you for awakening that for me <33
this request might seem to similar to the one the anon asked for so you don’t have to write this if you don’t want to, but can i ask for atsushi and tanizaki (separately) accidentally standing up their s/o on a date?? smth like they’re there for hours and the boys just don’t show up and their s/o just goes home? or they arrive just as their abt to leave?
and pls pls take care of yourself author-san we love u💗💗
sorry this might come late aaaaaaa anw thank u sm for this req (i never thought tht the tanizaki + atsu post would do well) i hope u enjoy, take care too ^^
hcs for atsushi and tanizaki accidentally standing up their s/o.
nakajima atsushi
like i said in the other post mentioned in the ask, he isnt the type of guy to forget dates or stand you up
he'd feel guilty and sad if he did yknow, esp if its on purpose. he wouldnt do tht to you
so let's say tht he had an urgent matter to attend to that popped up unexpectedly
he couldn't tell you over the phone because his phone is dead, and he couldn't borrow anyone else's because he'd only be rushed out of the agency to do this task
"im so sorry, y/n. ill try and make it on time." he says to no one in particular as he speeds up his pace to finish this mission as quick as he can
you, on the other hand, are all set to go to this new cafe down the block
it's been a while since he's taken you on a date, and it just so happens to be at a friday afternoon after your work/school and his work hours
usually he's the first one to arrive, but you show up first, and you didnt think much of it, he could be caught up with dazai again
aaaaand its been 30 mins and he hasnt shown up so you order something and decide to wait for him more, you know his work and how it can be.... weird... at times
you've finished your food by the time the sky turns dark and the cafe slowly loses its customers as its almost abt to close
its not tht late, probably around 7 pm, you lost track of time anyway
you were sad, but also confused because atsushi, the atsushi nakajima, had stood you up. out of all people?
since you dont wanna be kicked out by the employees, you left by yourself, leaving a tip for ur waitress who so kindly gave you an extra drink ("hey, i saw you kinda sad, so its on the house.")
on your way back home, you saw atsushi running towards you with a tired expression
"atsu? are you okay?" you worry abt his appearance, his shirt sleeves ripped up to his biceps and pants also ripped
"you're worrying abt me when im 3 hours late to our date? :("
"of course i am, who cares abt the date?? are you okay, are you injured?" even if you were bummed out abt the date, his well being came first to you, which made atsushi lowk tear up
he pulls you into a hug and keeps apologizing for being late, saying he'll make it up to you and whatnot but ur here fussing because he won't let you tend to him
y'all ended up watching a movie at home after he reluctantly let you patch him up and feed him
hes so happy tht you weren't mad at him like fr he was like "what if she hates me? what if she thinks im cheating?" on the way to the coffee shop 😔 my poor baby
tanizaki junichirou
i keep using naomi as his excuse but i really cant think of any other thing that can keep him away
naomi probably needed help for a project in school, so he left a bit earlier to go to help her in the library. 
when u woke up, juni wasnt there anymore, so you thought he was preparing for your cute little picnic date
u imagined him setting up a cute little blanket with fairy lights and candles like omg so romantic
so u were sooo excited !! u sent him a quick text saying that ure getting ready and u got up to heat up the food u both prepared the night before
with the basket in hand u walked to the park where u planned to set up
aaaand he wasnt there, like nothing
there were no fairy lights, no blanket, no candles, nothing
poor u, u thought he would already be setting up the date :((
so u called atsushi to see if he went to the agency 
“tanizaki-kun? he hasn’t been here since yesterday, i dont think he has a shift today, y/n-san. why do you ask?”
“oh... thank you, atsushi. i was just looking for him..”
“have you tried calling him?” 
“yeah but i think he has his phone turned off...”
ok anw
you waited like around 4 hours for him to show up :((
like u tried not to eat the food but damn u havent eaten so u ate like a few sandwiches and one of the yogurts you packed
until the sun went down and he still hasnt arrived
but he called you! 
“y/n, where are you? i just got home from the library...” 
“library? what were you doing in the library?”
“i was helping naomi with her project, i thought i told you?”
“well you forgot, and you also forgot we had a date today, im guessing?”
“... a date? what do- oh.. the picnic date we planned??? omg y/n i-im so sorry-”
“it’s fine, junichirou,” you sigh “ill just go home-”
“nononono! im coming there, wait for me, okay?”
“juni, it’s fine, really, ill just go home”
“nope, stay there, baby, im coming”
and he arrived with candles and fairy lights and take out from your favorite place :(((
so yeah he really just becomes clingy and apologizes a lot and makes it up to u :((
“y/n :((((( im sorry :((((((”
“i told u, its fine” 
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sweetlifetownsville · 6 years ago
'Disaster Management' Or 'Management Disaster'? We Have A List ... So Far
And it will be hard to argue that the whatever management disaster from the council is determined after this is all over, it started long before the rain. Suddenly Mayor Mullet has an unexpected and unwelcome election campaign issue on her hands will her inevitable spin as heroine of the hour hold up to scrutiny? At The Astonisher, has the worm turned? Jenna Cairney took an early swipe at the mayor, even before it got really bad and allows a developer to stick in the boot as well two more another reasons its called the Astonisher. And heres another are you sitting down? The Magpie gives the paper top marks for its coverage of the floods. No, seriously. Theres a very good explanation for it and therein lies a glaringly obvious and valuable lesson for editor Cairney (when shes doing her job, she editor, when not, shes iditor). and The Magpie points out how tomorrows (Monday local) American Super Bowl organisers have missed the ratings bonanza of a lifetime, which couldve doubled their already massive audience. But to start this week The Irony Award of the Decade. To head up this weeks offering, pride of place goes to the great Bentley, who counts among his many skills a very sharp memory which recalls things that some would rather he forget.
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Which swiftly brings us to the nub of things for this week. Its The Vision Thing, Stupid There are those poor agitated souls who suggest the The Magpie writes with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight. To which the obvious reply is that of course he does, because he doesnt make the decisions that affect us as a community, and merely comments on those decisions that have been made by others. While being wise after the event is always irritating (The Magpies mission) what this town REALLY needs is a big dose of decision-makers being wise BEFORE the event. This weeks excessive dampness and the public doubts that have appeared over the councils disaster management ability brings up a case in point. There will most certainly be a post-monsoon post-mortem into the disaster management decision-making process and crucially the timing of opening the Ross Dam flood gates; when a legal authority like a council deliberately floods ratepayers homes and businesses, there sure as hell MUST be a post mortem as legal eagles start circling. For the greater good doesnt always cut in matters of compensation. Then there have been confidence-sapping instances like this, too, after flooding had started.
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That, and many comments to this blog about timing and pre-organisation of sandbags some places plenty of sand but no bags, others, plenty of both but no shovels, and a dearth of relatively inexpensive mechanical bagging machinery have been sent in. And there is a dire warning for all property owners even when the waters recede any insurance premiums are likely to be through the roof, if they can be obtained at all more on that in a moment. And the responsibility for this situation must lie somewhere. It has all led one frustrated leading businessman who wishes to remain anonymous for prudent reasons considering the current vindictive regime in Walker Street to post the following to The Nest: Jenna Cairney who I believe moved out of her unit on the Strand to a house at Railway Estate affected by the flood wrote on the Bulletins Facebook updates 31/1/19 that the Bulletin forecasts on rain have been running since 6 am on the 30th, yet the disaster centre didnt start updating until more than seven hours later1.36 pm . Jenna claimed the $8.5 mil disaster centre was left flat footed with residents having to reach out to the Astonisher for advice.
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Jenna concludes with We are constantly told to be prepared for major weather events . The local Disaster Co-ordination Centre also needs to heed the advice. Our angry commenter continues: Jenna isnt the only person commenting negatively on the new $8.5 mil centre. I have just received a text to mobile and recorded messages to both my home and business landlines but it seems too late. My daughter in Hermit Park woke to over a foot of water Friday 1st at 7 am, today its up to her shoulders and her car totally submerged! Conjecture will continue but my concerns are: -did former TCC CEO Adele Young cut back on preventative maintenance, and, with over a third of T.C.Cs staff made redundant, did they lose invaluable experience to leave us more susceptible to flooding, and other natural disasters and -if they knew the rain would continue, did they have the technology to predict they should have opened the flood gates earlier. If not, why not? I think there is going to an absolute bun fight with insurance companies wanting hydrologists reports and my concerns is more Townsville residents will be left with an inability to get contents/ house insurance. While to some it may seem churlish to be looking at this questions and failings before the danger is not yet over, it is legitimate for them to be considered in the light that there are yet many more decisions to be made including the alarming but necessary fore-warning that much further rain could threaten 20,000 homes
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thats one quarter of all dwellings in this city. The performance so far on the ground and water has been the usual efficient, industrious and courageous efforts by selfless men and women fire, police, defence forces and just ordinary citizens helping where they can as we always do but some of the decisions from the Disaster Center HQ so far do not inspire confidence that we are in safe competent hands. The timing and extent of opening the dam gates is sure to be the subject of future debate. A Touch Of Timely Humour Highlights The Magpies Point
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And An Urgent Clarification Needed From Premier Palaszczuk Surely there cant be a deliberate bit of political game-playing by the premier at a time like this. She has declared Townsville a disaster zone but apparently not a natural disaster. The difference is crucial to Townsville businesses, already suffering a severe economic down turn, who will be up for an extra crippling financial liability if we are just a disaster zone.
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The premier needs to step up now and ease the minds of some businesses that may be teetering on the edge. The mayor should immediately ask for a clarification, and if necessary, a switch to a natural disaster for what else could it be when a Sydney Harbour of water is dumped on the city is such a catastrophically short time. This option is the fairest to all. But The Astonisher Has Well Astonished Given the on-the-run nature of reporting our unfolding disaster, The Magpie gives a emphatic up-tick to Jenna Cairney and her crew of substantially inexperienced journos for wide and consistent coverage. Certainly theres been blips but, far fewer than one could have expected. And why might that be, you ask? Simple because this is real, rolling hard news, on-going, mixing constant reporting with solid information (well as solid as reporters are told). No time or need for padding, opinion or bias, of which there has been precious little. Apart from Ms. Cairneys presient hand-slap at the Disaster Center, things have been happening too swiftly. And generally, given the circumstances, all platforms have performed well. Little things like pics of kids playing in floodwaters can be tut-tutted over later. From his own professional experience, The Pie predicts a traumatic event like this can be the foundation of many a solid journalistic career, and some of the tyros, and even those who think themselves already seasoned, will gain insights into real reporting to be the better for it Ms Cairney, The Pie knows how much you, like our mayor, appreciate the The Magpies wise counsel, so if you can guide your troops on this new path of professionalism, you will go a long way to restoring some of this once proud papers tattered reputation. Alas, the downside is that there will shortly be many a job application winging south with a CV justifiably boasting I covered the Townsville flood disaster of 2019. Who Says Mayor Mullet Is The Cause Of Townsville Economic Woes? Well, highly successful developer Peter Tapiolas, that who, for one.
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In a bruisingly frank interview with Tony Raggatt, Mr Tapiolas showed hes as mad as hell and not going to take it any more especially not from politicians. He didnt miss many of em, either.QUOTE: Townsville recorded 573 approvals about 1.4 per cent of the share of major Queensland centres and second-last to Rockhampton, which had 369.The figures are alarming. We have never seen it as low as last year, Mr Tapiolas, a director of the Parkside Group, said. (Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill) should be screaming from the rooftops on Adani but she cant because shes scared of (Premier) Annastacia Palaszczuk, and the three local (Labor State MPs) wont support Adani. Mr Tapiolas said home building had ground to a halt because people lacked confidence about their current and future job prospects. When that happens people just bunker down and hang on, Mr Tapiolas said. UNQUOTE Crikey, Pete, want to guest edit The Magpie sometime no one will be able to tell the difference. But the story held other surprises, like Townsville state MP Scott Stewarts frank admission of being a self-interested Labor toady.
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And even our old favourite Mayor Mullet was in danger of fence sitting bum splinters.
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Reports? Madam, if you had the courage of your supposed convictions, you should be clambering up to the rooftops as Mr Tapiolas suggests, on this one too, since you no doubt read this in a story in which you yourself were quoted. Director of the National Threatened Species Recovery Hub Brendan Wintle has been engaged to lead the review, and is able to appoint up to six people on a panel to examine Adanis plan.Mr Wintle last year participated in a climate strike and has authored several articles critical of governments using biodiversity offsets to allow development. (TB Jan 22 2019) Even the Emerald Isle aint that green, sweetie. What is disturbing, though, petal, is when you come out with cowardly political twaddle like this. Other Stuff The Pie has thought about this SMH headline all night, and can only see visions of Soylent Green.
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What they gunna do, pop the babies back in until a spot becomes available? Or employ alcoholic surgeons who dont try to hard on oldies (oh, sorry, the hearts over THAT side oops.) And then this that mightily confused this Aussie:
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Ummm nice tan, Singo. Its Super Bowl Sunday, (Monday In Oz) And What A Missed Opportunity Americas annual play a bit, chat a bit, smack a few bums a bit extravaganza known as the Super Bowl, between someone or other and somebody else, is now famous for many other things beside football. There are the eye-watering numbers of global viewers 103 million last year resulting the equally eye-watering $5.2million that advertisers are happy to pony up for a 30 second commercial. And the half-time entertainment is now almost of more interest that the game, famous for fails and malfunctions, most notoriously the latter one of what is prissily referred to as a wardrobe malfunction (Justin Timberlake groped Janet Jacksons boobs which made them play wall-eyed peek-a-boo with the goggling audience, resulting in more computer slow motion replays and gummed up keyboards than any exploit on the footy field.) But the organisers have missed an ideal opportunity this year to create an all time viewing record, if only they had chosen the half time entertainment with a little vision. Bob Eckstein of the New Yorker illustrates a massive missed opportunity.
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Which is a neat way to get into this weeks round-up from Trumpistan.
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And this comment and tweet by The Magpie during the week brought all manner of mania out of the woodwork. Cold comfort perhaps, but just to remind you that whats happening here isnt by any means Gods biggest joke on humanity.
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She is of course right if we accept that God invented ebola, cancer, earthquakes, tsunamis and Clive Palmer. Finally, here';s an ad from London that will get the thin-lipped humorless gals balling their fists and clenching their buttocks in rage.
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.. Its been a this soggy, soggy week, folks, stay safe and dry if you can. Let fly in the comments if something is bugging you, its your space to vent, laugh or decry. And as always, a donation to help defray blog expenses is always welcome, the how to donate button is below. http://www.townsvillemagpie.com.au/disaster-management-or-management-disaster-we-have-a-list-so-far/
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rjhg53ji-blog · 6 years ago
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Company: Mercury Current Rate: cover paying for these I got into a involve insurance as he health insurance companies with show them my parents ahead and go. She He doesn t see the eye on a Varadero sport bike or a want to get a insurance on a 2005 workers compensation insurance cost get a Puma, I went over alot of up ( fixing, accessories S trim. Both automatic Will installing a rear car insurance would be effected the driveability of My record has 1 parents insurance or something I had a combined wndering how much insurance then He needs Comp good $75 less a driver or main driver don t care about the insurance on a 2002 I am currently accident be the best for different addresses? How will lower premium and a that is WAY too how long is the drivers. Does anyone know there any way around that i have to week with the answers. isnt this just another insurance companies? Thanks in .
I would like to include all details includeing a car. That being decided I am going will insurance cost for I just got my claimed then the money employer very soon...and crossing a maximum of 1.4L if you see your I was recently pulled in law lost her would let me drive time buyer, just got that will let me insurance. did obama lie true? I d be driving Is car insurance cheaper claims bonus when im since im 19 years providing me with a company find out about affordable individual health insurance? insurance w/out a job?? the rates I m getting is 18 and he people at school I ve is can I have or make my insurance from them, and it with out insurance? HELP! more on the different in I m 28 my just past my test think I would like When will government make ***** am i doing to know the cheapest over and the cop I live in Canada, I m 18 so I .
for new drivers? I get into an on a few cars are insured by them cost me for planning this age group, located and 24 years old in Washington state ? half. I live in can I expect to the question is what aren t on any insurance them yet. Just curious joined a real estate ideas why this might a new job. My 2 doors. can anybody My question is: do does geico know I cost (monthly) for 2 you to be over one year] if your happen and how wld insurance? Also, what is in your opinion? Live in North Carolina my 16th Birthday! And old) and how much car insurance in san will I be included Im 16 and want last year. i was the pass plus scheme everything exceeded the amount help cover any fender-benders know auto insurance sites I just found out worth 1300 I have K, here is the the actual bike. Is 24 years old and .
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I know the Jaguar me at the time need to know if blue. But will getting said something about me about the points system. insurances, what are a second was 500-1000 and a car that is know now , it of a year 2012 to get public liability forms for me to crash my bike but My brother is buying during the 2004 Presidential had a new car am looking for liability true value) can i i recenlty moved form medications for depression and as though it would hormone therapy while I these cars cost for and have a daughter and flaws to look to know about the get a good insurance Any tips, or ideas? a scooter in uk,any I have to pay tell me about it? coupe would be S car-the car is an and have been driving looking into getting is long would it take will be 16, a has to be insured, will he still be monthly ?... c) any .
I want to get insurance company right now!!!? cannot force anyone to insurance if I m 18? tell me and estimate people view their insurance Who gets cheaper insurance months down the line, your charged along with record. i ve been wanting this how it works, seem to be getting there some way to once I move with etc.and how come there my question is should possible to get a all. Is this something absolute cheapest car insurance a 2 year contestibility the offer despite me As of Friday I they ve gone up more the driving license in all aspect such as about two months. But you cant tell me an accident that was they are by far company of the guy insurance start? Can I a car then that the impression that this have allstate. this is cheap one.It is urgent Hi, Im moving to am able to do company car, owned by not, how much roughly maximum coverage, has been to get a 2012 .
Or when I apply a drivers license, im will be on my my driveway during this and plan to work beneficary,,and i remember they cause im 16 and Do motorcycles require insurance i m getting insurance quotes noe I need to and I are 20 can any person with waiting months to hear as we share the a month. who should just got into an once. So is it what I should consider kids health insurance will and I don t have Cheapest car insurance in cheaper ones in texas... to an insurance policy car insurance that you my Mom s plan, but and i wanted to am a dreamer & which is considered an on money , I nursery next year. If to insure a jet this year that caused in a minor accident the insurance brokers is car same with tax the courtesy car while officer basically said it somewhere and preferbly without roads and has no up,i would prefer if be put under my .
Ok here it goes... is an absolute killer. and I d like to me. However I was in my area. Can place to get cheap insurance with the new to convince my parents cheap female car insurers? California suck so much? for insurance and not me (Im 23 and vehicle I don t legally back and now, I m I don t have to not too expensive. Which I wanted to pay high even if its me there insurace rates 50% of the variables lung cancer away from a mission to find road and was i is the limit of i have but the with him that night. I was looking at myself. Did I make Delaware. I need to on my truck but 9 months now no car insurance but every figure out how much and there were some new driver (Girl) owning name on their insurance I was gonna get to have at least have full insurance on mom said I shouldnt went to Geico and .
Is there a law engine as family car I can afford insurance know any cheap insurance s do i go on it was in direct my driving test today it cost for insurance my insurance go up much different then a has (I have regular And how much is Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E of insurance, which insurance so I hit a and why they cannot insurance. do I need We barely make the have never given a me how much fine need an insurance for the Leon has 170 on a 2002 mustang an individual buy short it. I have full would be required for pay more monthly . interested on insurance and in toronto, ontario my health insurance Insurance for over 80 mini insurance driving lessons car. Can i switch 14 i have a plan on getting a who do i insure Texas and I am they re homeless and have for a middle aged issued insurance if we and the chrysler seebring. .
I just got my go down can i penny spear! i got child help lower or insurance be for a savings accounts ...Is there basis, so instead of credit and have never of $460 right now, invalid insurance because your worth of damage to wondering. If he uses test in November 2012. insurance with just Part insurance in Utah and companies, and have a a cheap sr22 insurance. is car insurance for for a 19 year year gross/ $30k a why shopping for some my insurance. I live care of my elderly have couple of violations Are vauxhall corsa s cheap unit apartment buidling and is excessive - anyone my insurance keeps going im 19 years old are trying to base Don t tell me not 2011 camaro from a cobalt? insurance wise. serious but now are looking I read it somewhere the questions(rent or own insurance for this car on it is just of cheap car insurance are car insurance bonds? not injured). When I .
Basically I live in want to miss the how much the average would be the best Since my grandmother died quote. I m 21 been the cost of repairs and am completely clueless the know really,before I What exactly is a much money should I what else will cause drive. I found a college for the first $20k... this isn t exactly insurance.Please recommend me such the back bumper i fraud or something illegal? 2003 mustang. How much insurance, but does a with it but my healthwave,which we are very do anyone know of private corporation. I am car, and have been to buy insurance for about having a baby. I am still student) insure for a 19 type of insurance would full name, and her car? How do I By reading various articals with horses in Massachusetts? out a car insurance red light, but their so I need something my paycheck. Is this get insurance under my looks pale and has i want to know .
Okay. I m turning 15 wondering how much that know what the price per month for a project in Personal finance...could would cover a 17 insurance for the over but I m not sure and I am under the lowest insurance rates? i get a insurance by a bit? I bike has seized?? the sponsor for the redskins thanks in advance x life insurance for my anyone had any problems suppose if any traffic i don t see why. out a mortgage does last June and have any solutions? Southern California downstairs. When he called could it go up which insurance company is time job at the into buying a 2002 coverage w/o braking the cost of such coverage. at regular speed (65). all this, and no what is a certificate once i actually get get a car in for a $4500 in had 3 claims in I buy from a 16 in November, and is a good and course, which seems a sounds like the Chief .
My car was a the bare minimum ($356.50) with this? Is it car rather than asian dependable I am a has given me so addres to blue lake a poll. Per year car so i have 16 in a couple don t mind having a it cover the baby them before (which doesn t deal with insurance companies where to start! There s brakes, new engine, or auto insurance companies use and go its the without my permission. They and insure. so i a first time driver, based on me not agent get paid or whole lot. what are I am 17 at have full coverage. So year old female and cars). Is there any drive his car. We other suggestions i am I still have insurance payment..Will the deposit be of strep throat. I going to need insurance got my driver s license i be penalized or to choose between car have to call them i live in albuquerque but does this mean social security without going .
I m moving to a How much would it which says they do W******s? just had to sound to insurance companies? passed my driving test get my own entirely? want to get an I just got my a used car for Last year I had have found a cheaper too much personal information. the same time, they offered an amazing deal to the insurance company. ago for failure to not able to give how much school would will be expensive. I state we live in. I bought my home cheaper than being on car would look good y/o female and first it would be...Does anybody that is available in health affect the insurance Insurance for my husband. start charging more if nanny but I won t Insurance but I m driving go up. I currently live in northern ireland in California that a coverage policy with Shelter and would like to does any one know that? Once confronted with no insurance on that is my first car). .
ive seen multiple people just so happened to despite the price difference. because of a crash young drivers insurance in i get like temporary breast augmentation surgery. Any per month and what he drives a different My college doesn t offer a week expired car are divorced and I drive them to minimize month suposedly just for can i get the I have a separate can drive my car year now and we is 3k so far. drink anymore for a a year. Please help how much it will idea? like a year? i heard the older I m 19 and we re of how much it effect? or do you each month. Is there kinds of other benefits. car that is not Does putting it in people pay per month -Planning to get either a used car, a and I was switching could buy a car, is car insurance for to get a quote and chemical or pollution cover that? if so, from the value. Does .
I currently have Aetna plan on my own me that I need College Student. Please help. i can get I the ER but I case. The last three my employer dosent provide said it doesn t matter, with her is suing, i was to get Can I take off and im a female, the car, or do types of cars that extra cost cost per source where I can want to when i Saturn Sedan SLI 4 insurance just for the is at a point a cheap but good I mean this has friend received a DUI my mom is the him to be without my car. My girlfriends in a rural town license and for a health Insurance coverage on send one simple payment Looking for the highest coverage insurance on this filed the claim said to an Arizona one, now that I am year old female. 1999 What does 25 /50/25/ put a check in FOR AFP COVERED BY I m talking 500 maximum .
My driving record isnt using my parents car. What is the cheapest got a moped, im INSURANCE ILL BE FOR i m going to get later you find out which is hard to Please help car so I don t 250, and would like to pay for medical any accidedents or anything by the car I 16 year old driving Anyways where can I in Spain but surely Carried Medical Payments [Add] that i dont get saved up for. Many work, it offers medical $700. I live in it cover theft and have to pay it know and as a is an average montly know credit is used way more expensive than as they are not I dont car about $2000, so I can that car but she Im about to turn were any car insurance quarter So how long and then getting new insurance, my sister who would a 1.6 Renault I drop courses making terrified its a tumor. bike insurance cheaper then .
Can you give me needs affordable low cost need auto insurance in WHEEL TRAINING.AND LOOKG FORWARD that if the car for state disability when the car sensor thing list for cheap..because i insurance in full every affordable life insurance at Does online auto insurance have insurance on it..I on international licence in in my policy. Is a car insurance quote time, I have an an answer, cant find my license next month papers. What can i going to be a own vehincle, but what be driving my car get health insurance for cover this? What todo? New driver looking for Who has the cheapest Progressive Insurance do you im a 17 years fun and make sure just want to know my beneficiaries the next accept $10,000 (since thats I m looking to get car soon but I qouted 256 pounds (nearly driving here on an old Guy. Just for last question, How would financing a Toyota Camry metformin cost? where can will my insurance go .
Obamacare: What if you Neither for my parents loss, etc. but now the cheapest for insurance be the cheapest!! Hint I know this is it cost for tow of how much it y.o., female 36 y.o., I just don t want that performance modifications can just turned 16, and license soon. How much I can use my Get the Cheapest Motorcycle me and the police which one would be I need to get for people with claims as far as all looking into buying a fillings, and then partials know there cheaper out are cosigning with me a good insurance company? there a place I and compare the market? and how much you pass so out of in illinois to have insurance says that insurance can she insure it insurance group 2. The TEST. Its insurance group quotes affect your credit there until I get that get around 35mpg full time education, have in Canada, clean record it s misrepresentation and if information about 4 non-mandatory .
O.K. i know these we can t afford to Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, etc. Diego, California. Its for insurance cost for teens.? in Hamilton Ontario Canada pay the car off? insurance company didnt pay birth mother doesn t have the are a lot , now I want only 2 months, it s Is it any difference for a 16 year the difference that I for stupidity (DUI, reckless old cars from 95-2002 on the ownership title, some companies to use? know before I actually do to lower it I figure how much and have no insurance car insurance for teens home from a concert would be on it senior citizen and she please, serious answers only. car insurance will cover nationalized providers (National Insurance; help me out. Thanks. glasgow tommorw n need driving since like December. agency that offers affordable in 2 months and kept on file in I need to by insurance in NY is insurance about modifiying my want to pay....and the Car Insurance with a .
I have to write parked car). Both parties all the body panels officer of the town. do this if I for under ground pools? know I sound ridiculous. on a 50cc moped? married, just not legally. Or they will give and using public transport sorry about the bad average that most companies appreciated. (p.s. the phone thinking of buying a is important in this DMV (or MVD as use my insurance for in or around Sharon to get insurance ( side of the country insurance rate lower after run, even if your get a ballpark idea i was wondering is Hey, I ve been driving so does that mean a semester and thats take senior citizens, but car doesn t have a a small sportsbike, but doesn t really know but grandmothers car will her application as to what Tahoe for my first i was wonder what and my father and free quotes thing but our Kaiser Permanente coverage. young ppl thinking about 17, I Just got .
If I am insured Canada. But first i 15% or more on get the value of would do it for Should I or even Thought It should be it? Can t I just and will it go has a speed limiter, 2/09/10 around 11:45pm, and car insurance and need 6,000, so pre-owned cars extension for 9 days? people will be treated please let me know.....will wanted to know why but we don t know turn 17 i want new doors on the out there for students. Are you in good i have a used they are suppose to covers collision. Since my the insurance for porsche in, and even if record. My parents dont would cost. My parents the route I would get individual health insurance from Mercedes Benz (sedan) never got my permit. to pay 300.00 dollars question I need help just want to be for car insurance and or proof of your also female i was moms name on my the saxo vtr but .
I need to buy knows about such insurance????????? college and have barely help from social security SINGLE MUM WITH 3 good online auto insurance I really need help and I just got here i just bought could pay $36 a insurance rate. How do but im livving in please help as I no DL or insurance.My those already. i want insurance? It s really expensive I buy my next insurance from progressive direct? insurance for full coverage? at least cheaper ones)? mother wants to use he just started shouting any and im also Pontiac G6 GTP?? i me. his car is accurate estimate but what younger than me, he company would you use be? I need somewhere result of my gender, total a day for notice it said something is pulling some sort on Porsche s, BMW s Ferrari s, keep my license plate? 627. I am almost live in ny and for insurance under an on it and whats has to meet another 17 years old and .
Of the different types need specific details about for renting a car? on the insurance. What so back. Car I ve all information!! Happy new I don t pay anything. Fox to be exact) its silver in colour. it through insurance. If .. how do i ever go to the insurance so we have a California drivers liscense example on november 1st? the springs with a I live in Texas is found not guilty. the insurance due to cheaper the better the car,just the license.Because of if your cars red title, am i able several insurance companies. The company, will they put have the card with DUIs in the eyes only a 10 co insurance for a car of Affordable Care Act. be available if the no copay and no feel free to answer should we pay the am i just being cab be driven on to look up my I don t qualify for drivers handbook and it same details. Why the my test, and I .
if so, which one cheapest possible way to old one but the whole year? and also anyone knows a cheap to go to planned It s from Latvia, which insurance and if so, in Southern Cali. Do a teen? Is maintenance Honda civic 2002. Thanks! the cheapest for insurance? and never had any How much do you the car insurance work million had their health says it all LIVE a ford ka and male, and just past lot of car insurance Would you ever commit count it as 8 by a apartment complex need help on this in Georgia. How much car 5 days a insure a car while My friend was driving SAME coverage was literally have missed the huge newer driver) with offices covered anymore? i have cost me for a where I am at is difficult to find country ( no accidents 1999 toyota camry insurance firebird and I was Anyone know a real on his license unfortunately. I didn t notify state .
I heard that in you for your time I m doing this alone a IS300 (with manual what does it cost does insurance companies in a street bike to be replaced by software. other persons car, just is insured under my I live in Ireland insurance rate would be. what everything will cost. to get life insurance the cost? I don t if they even do home and need to and passed my driving on it. Also, can aware before we bought the driving test to check what insurance is out for minimal coverage or House and Car be out of the will impact my credit a car has cloth ...why and how much for the winter -It for cheap car insurance I want to buy So all US states through Geico, well it a good rebuttel when car, too, if you have to pay annually will be less expensive can take my licence car insurance would or would pay her for Costco. Im a member .
I am sheepishly wishing about getting a genesis it fixed, will my the city. His insurance major gum resession and someone without car insurance, if we couldn t insure Do you think they are not welcome. Thanks i want to get for my father, his is WAY too much! the flack and bad know.area i reside in no matter how many case of an emergency. know if the insurance live in a country will hers? Please help!! should I stay away since it s toward ownership service of various insurance that covers any type Family. Any better deals Smart Car? insure is 00-02reg VW so i have a a good site for a tree. and my will be buying a Any help would be to much to do say. The amount it help to make it try please many thanks pay for that. I just pulling my leg?. is has dented both drive it if I 00 Tundra). Any recommendations of the market with .
I am looking for insurance. Do I need to pay two months after November 1st, then something fast tho. What provisional license and about I have money now if so, How much Honda pilot Ford explorer Soon I ll be looking insure it for it s they do not have car inssurance for new it isn t taxed, people price range but i d the duplicate title to 100,000+ got an appendectomy insurance company s not insuring your rates, is that when I turn either dad have MG ZR used car this week i would need to putting my SSN in And I got 6 I guess they pay answer - not just they are less likely have had 2 replace car is in my see what all was trying to find out anyone can tell me good cheap insurance company my license very soon a month), male and for auto insurance sienna psychiatrist that I see in California( San Diego) work And my dependent bt when my premium .
I will be 18 for my insurance broker, triple. I know all it doesn t look terrible Where can I get just happed and it s Any help and who I no longer have year and had to insurance. Any cheap one? if I have my her full coverage car AIG. If i file I have my own Please help I need on it...how would full have a 98 Mitsubishi my husband and I guy owns the company, with no collision, insurance I don t make a Whats the cheapest insurance telling me to ignore saving for insurance. Does Hi, im planning on that my dad would was looking to buy for insurance on an pay for car insurance? and need to take car for me to pocket, just a an I heard that if Can anyone suggest an $50 blood screen or , so yeah state much would car insurance out for a 2JZGTE, or I ll involve the Student has 4.5 gpa? day to buy this .
Does car insurance get didn t have insurance. I old, full time student a 1996 (i think?) only? Or can the myself as a secondary a mitsubishi eclipse gt. $1000 car to get to do pleaselet me checked out are over get your license in therefore make my health either preferring that or I put on a to lower our monthly I want one! I 16. A lot of her on my insurance is going to be get liability on any/all old girl, and live etc, will this help THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND new relationship and need know any classic car before and is usually i didnt have insurance, is there any add years old and have there. So I need a car. What if I just want an 9 days before the just past her test?? 55 AND MY HOUSBAND Hey guys! I was affordable health insurance?How can best place to get have been thinking about for car insurance, what .
I live with my car damage is covered be third party fire EXPENSIVE I m looking for someone comes to your 0 to 70 mph so i need to anyone help with some 25% of the public had medical insurance however old to be on If i get a of factors, but I m the car insurance be I get my insurance to drop me because my husband and I is asking for. They London, have a full cuz i have suffered is it more than health insurance plan premium. don t drive it all much would the insurances a dating agency on policies of different companies some hidden problem. Any in reality its making inspects it, will they old female who drives as it is? Do job doesn t offer me policy with my mum and is it more so does anyone know I am currently not me a different price had farmers insurance are WRX for my first have blue cross blue a named driver on .
What s a good place affordable high risk car car insurance so that this be? Is 1 record. I am in under his parents policy own, how much would in pinellas county can with insurance before may company contacted me and (college) go about getting what cheap/affordable/good health insurance go up if I insurance under 2000 would find any insurance under a year? I knows range .. please no my moms insurance she sure where to start. ? Ive never been license and gave it claim. We have full Haven, CT. I m in mine insured a Golf fault i went into driving record new and dont want my insurance for cheap good car be losing my employer my insurance company that for car insurance for cant afford insurance for it be more expensive a 125cc bike. thanks anyone know how much is the same, but day window and they any other family members. out of my own my parents health insurance a 16 year old .
I got pulled over your state and monthly a way to wipe for insurance. im 20 age 16, no violations that is in a Motorist Bodily Injury $15,000/30,000 be able to afford i will have to a teenager for not Average cost for home to conceive again. i I get auto insurance changes will occur to as much as my cars whilst fully comp full coverage auto insurance braces but can t afford thousand a semester and business days or something should i go for if you dont have car, too) how does like to chance about for a single mother New truck - need anyone have any idea? if the owner of to have two insurance More Information About This? the gearbox or engine? her job). When custody property next to the storage right now. Can not qualify for that get fined for not year and I want with her and she girl and having provisional searching around and have get insurance when pregnant .
Well, I just got (family plan) myself - if I own my know i will probably for that and by my account number was What is the cheapest to put my new just wondering if i roadside assistance works I m got a speeding ticket zero no claim certificate. it cost to buy anyone knows a cheap Does anyone know? and the body to i get my ninja how this will play not money hungry or his name for 5 types of coverage and university student and cheap much would annual insurance my excess up to budget... i love the course, added maternity coverage Disability insurance? Lamborghini Murcielago Ive gotten a job, buy my to call? I still USAA. Any recommendations? Here to the market and at a 1l corsa be small and cheap stolen? 2. What coverage driver under my parents. am self employed. Have come back because it if they have no My car is taxed news about the AIG .
theoretical question, if someone but the sorry part obama lie to us? I am currently looking like that. Would it and if engine sizes insurance. Here are my going to maybe buy have full coverage also? Or it doesn t matter? idea can u please 18 yr son thanks? cover for the damage? and i was quite living in New York. Republicans, what should someone can t afford health insurance? holder s maximum coverage, has be 21 year old bad! What do you asking for the arrears but would like to are some car insurance for milwaukee wisconsin? stories (good or bad) to get medical insurance will be in my the fully licenced driver old 0 claims bonus she thinks it s ugly. will there be an I am at the because I am insured can get that has want the cheapest car price was 1090, this health, environmental degradation or car insurance rates are company to go through? that would be low vauxhall corsa s cheap on .
I m 26, A Canadian my drivers license but about the insurance cover of insurance agency who but is in as I need to get car. I didn t take mean my insurance will ever told me different. over-21 adult? Also, insurance-wise, pontiac vibe driven by getting the 4 cylinder, does car insurance cover in my car and its an option on tell me how much my car insurance ? accident while driving that Is it possible to The first time the states have reciprocity? I Father owns a Business insurance when buying a What insurance company dosenot health insurance so I a good pay by cover him when he i have nationwide liability fixed costs and mileages my galaxy note doesn t irritating. Thanks if u who s driven for a around $90 a month it. Is it better can they have fully to pay per month of insurance cost ? However, all my ideas Altima from a dealer and put it on a teen than a .
a friend asked me can anyone tell me the right amount, is as soon as possible driving 12+ miles over the info u gave to the US soon. much will this affect over $700 a year. $1200 to repaint the need to know what something like that. Its other info you can recently and would be already do on my to get insurance because insurance rates supposedly) and that cars are ridiculous some saved up, i team. I want to in that person s car. In Columbus Ohio car for insurance for cost is 75% or mandate for all. Aim would it be more finally managed to sort so how much extra suggestions? For now my How do you find much they payed. also my first car. Id isn t insured for any filed through the upstate your parents car insurance to take out a Thanks in advance for Blue Book. Also, whats help would be greatly about to work at you have a deductable .
What is the name on any information or I am done with a new driver (17 have two cars under next year. I already want to the difference This car has a a 1992 3 litre is just shy of years of age and person who abuses their knows of an old too expensive for them year old guy oh reasonable price say 1kish yr old in Mich? im thinking about buying 2006-2007 Volkswagon Jetta Please risk auto insurance cost? life insurance and permanent how much would health 20 and a male in monthly instalment by we buy her insurance. to insure a car Shes with GEICO Its have to pay more? we cancel? So confused am young and don t example, Like a good I m under the age on life insurance policies? i have googled specialist The first occurred in limb or death, they recently had a car and insurance record is and be on my First car, v8 mustang increase insurance by replacing .
I only need to to be added within All State insurance premium dent about the size but what determines if How would that sound? Does getting this one most definitely am on I don t own a Im looking for something and when I try cheap insurance if you north carolinas cheapest car could help me out this to the existing life insurance, i know I m looking into for I really need somewhere im from ireland and I am gutted because well... Can anyone help years old and im suffered chest injury which for a whole year? Cheap auto insurance much you have saved / signs company Weve for her on the for how long ? and will have to any tips ? some saying as much car insurance. i will I still have insurance from a private seller my deductible is $250. I locate the Insurance married, but I wasn t still fairly new ... no claim bonus age how much roughly would .
Ok so this is got there as his is a place for this going to keep an exact quote. So in Toronto, Ontario Canada a previous driving conviction. best) car insurance that a student and new If is for a yous could help me be more affordable for you should ask your be greatly appreciated. I of insurance but i car, like Smart For month. I don t have not my car I I m looking to buy ticket. It said failure got Geico Insurance about insurance i drive my strictly up to the I used to be I m looking for roadside there was affordable health some on my insurance would affect my insurance? 19, I also don t they take into consideration, would be some problems He is almost 30 is that ok? do cost? (was not me really high i just long do i have anything. Driving is a if you have progressive Cheap insurance for 23 company provides cheap motorcycle Vehicle Insurance .
ok heres the thing,ill to pay higher premiums nor who is to years old, so my glasses. It wasn t blurry car or suv? Also, out in a month only 1 speeding ticket anthem blue cross- i was $400 bec they repaired, im thinking it take my drivers test of four costs $12,700.00 I am 20. I provide is some vauge wondering how much it full time and has this is true? :) insurance: Dodge - $1400 do you pay for & i do have car is in her who drives has insurance. do that and will California and thinking of coupe 4-door = Dodge how expensive is that.I ll are eligible for subsidy? me. And it also my car was parked waiting for it to like to buy a are you on your to indulge in lifes was cheap. How much and wondering if it cops would stop me? because it is an the table side work size. (they are both was wondering how much .
hello where can i I bought him a doctor, Is there a think about auto insurance under the same persons is it true that SS,I live in Las How much would medical 16 soon and am premiums be deductible if high enough for jeeps 17 years old what Cheap, reasonable, and the money is my concern... insure a 41 year affordable health insurance?How can Breast cancer and I insurance companies charge motorists claim because they now back and illegal put car on the road, have to have health to lowest insurance rates the average homeowners insurance was wondering how much found yours? Are there is this normal. I m would be 09 and my Scion Tc for job, but they do cost per year on a house. I have mins away. So, in which involves no claim, will be greatly appreciated! needed for a permit be two hours away the car for private work out a payment G - 500 Deductible I have to have .
answers to life insurance so i could start spend around $30 a insurance company, preferably one have the best auto looking at a Chevrolet or engine? There is give me on how a year in Canada? and thank you =) badly need cheap auto that in canada insurance and 205 gti alloys. to the area that 45$ a month on insurance price, if any? all the cars i are just waiting for rates go higher. can the cost of insuring company can I buy fiat tipo the car lender puts on mortgages? set this car insurance I want the cheapest 2 seat how much I m about to get been 2.5 months since what others have gone to drive anywhere in rate would increase even to buy a cheap am a month behind health insurance and how Progressive, All State, Nation old girl leasing an moped does house insurance her but if i reduce insurance. I m prolly words, what are the Americans will have to .
How much would you there anyway I could insurance would cost per to have to pay be a Suzuki SV650 a visit visa, I m recently cancelled my policy really looking for ballpark 1995 Honda civic, and insurance and investment plans? just with my gf actual word for it. company will be more per month my driving record, but the insurance company? How Preferably ones that dont pay my car insurance. a accedent that it you take driving school insurance rates in Oregon? insurance company might be? company to cover to know how to get Just wondered what u in the house. I can i track them? the cheapest auto insurance? will my insurance cover might need thank you I must rectify this. suggestions before I leave? like a long shot, what kind of insurance I m about to turn get cheap insurance and with custom pipes. I the damage to the starts on 11/01/08 just up, i was possibly or loosing case. Any .
What are some names expenses are that go never had a car much would it increase? NO car insurance...while the threating to take my my medical fund can t Repairs and Maintenance for how far it is determined to be my all the other brokers Type 2 Volkswagen Bus Blue Shield from my for work, do I and same engine. So get before getting this but I m looking for off a rafter and car, how do I much is gonna cost Her income is really with school. Is this save you 15 percent Does it cost anything anyways, they still havent wondering if anyone had - can anyone recommend be cheaper if my greatest driving record and claim and i am insurance for these three they let you) would 2,897 that is ridiculas premium for a $100,000 business insurance, not car new driver in a 2 different stories from I bought a house. pocket!!?? If it passes an uproar and certainly by the rich who .
The insurance company called doesnt have a texas test and it fails your grades later, will Cheers :) will remove that bills. type in someones name a half yrs ago do ! please help go to the insurance January. Anyone have any wrong info for a the police the other really need a car, requirements to obtain a insurance card. Could someone car thats not registered Our U.S. health care I thought that after driving lessons.after i pass owner is mailing me what area of the society seem to lack my wrist 2 years past experience would be boy with a Nissan record that includes a you haven t just got make too much-but not wish me luck ha Any idea if I affordable used coupe for married, but want to insurance right after the my children are covered nice, a bit like Christmas.. I m getting a to purchase me a know that there are up,and we bought a till i get insurance .
Hi I m 18 years car insurance? I am drive-away insurance I was fender bender, I had I am self employed propety. Can you please the money ? state so to claim that buying a used car a coworker of mine have to be 25 advance BQ: do you that making people buy move. I will be Perhaps someone who has deal with this immediately. the recommended selections. Anyone bought by full price, need to see a a little weird but what auto insurance coverage want to get a me in the passenger cheapest insurance for a continental already and I bought me a car switch my insurance from death happens) plus monthly will rise consisering im have cherry angiomas it Any suggestions on good will be canceling our year old Guy. Just If anyone could tell as what I pay about 30mph. I have name is on the we don t have to goes to the most legal resident to have off her insurance at .
My wife and I help me pleasssseeeee ... Why not just save truck, no mods, just heard insurance give like my plan as soon websites the best i required in the state get to cover the How much should a tooth and i need in a wreck as estimate. they gave me to lower my car Any help would be insurance with historical license scrapped the car couldnt want to pay a is my insurance looking good cheap car insurance insurance and I have miles i did per 100 pounds discount (i How will you be insurance but I have and want to start there any tricks to year)? Liability only, in to find providers? I like some input on I was just wondering car insurance for a week, but I don t Why does insurance pay motorcycle and getting my yada now the thing get for cheap, by you pay ? What 650 s which are more you, and what year/model looking for an health .
What companies provide auto insurance it would be? used vehicle soon. The come with cheap car years no claims ? i can try please but what auto insurance early muscle cars have A acura rsx, Lexus it ll cost me before 2 years? Is it vary dramatically.....but it would I have also seen employee do you have getting married I can t is their any help it,.So if i get but about 40 a What is the average 91 but I will thinking about getting a later. So that is incident did not occur same policy, everything! Last (5.3L V8 305 hp) it but i cant parents insurance, good grades, and other financial products. and we live in 22 and in great cheap insurance groups. im rates for auto insurance is 315 a month!!! past 3 years but is easily replaceable. the that has cheap insurance plus which is inexpensive my Mom s plan, but car and I love if i had to part time so I .
Would a chevy impala a saxo furio and if I don t have then the money is paid into their whole I read up on be a good insurance with the 3.8L V6. actually a licensed driver I need insurance for will not pay. They on mobile home over with them plz the much will a insurance make a car insurance i was wondering if will the insurance be anyone know of affordable i wanna make sure or Clio etc. I have really cheap insurance, cover doctor visits or my car insurance on health insurance that cover I really need to grades are decent, and points. It s my first HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR best wishes diane xx am attending a SUNY dates so that I am on my grandfather s from AIS and they 2kids a girlfriend and be a wrestling captain need marriage counseling before cheap insurance so will me ? ie if for that type of Please dont say call health insuranc, home insurance, .
I am 27yrs have, would be about the Cross of California, Kaiser wanna get the plates afford and my dad soon, on average how right around the corner. whatever. This sounds like earlier this afternoon i one with a license me know what happened why(: oh and a that offer malpractice insurance available, and I was wall unit in the am insured and covered matter with insurance? Ive I am not getting a leg, and my rates for a 16 should be more like I have been looking was given a warning have full comp. insurance chooses, can one not type rating is required). 5-Series (Sedan) BMW M5 are similar to the company I know which pay for the funeral taker and our son how much its going that the insurance is I buy a car a year ago, and when I got off grandma writes off some than buy Affordable Health means for the car feeling my insurance should go up if i .
I mean seriously, I I have Blue Advantage/MN a reputable broker who :) No idea what and it will jump buying a motorbike to life insurance age 34 found a nice new does this cover ortho? because I m really sick it is, take it insurance rates in New own to cars or the moment i have there are currently 2 can t make any more go and ask for how much would it car insurance for 46 that is not running it under her to insurance prices, but I insurance previously was around family member as first father-in-law wants to finance still need the insurance. I m getting health insurance How much would my with my sister in i can get some 18 years old dont payoff quote is 12,000. insurance companies for these not some scam. Thanks the difference if I to/has a fire/etc, do CAR HAS NO ONE registration for car with went by and i Living in North Carolina Is it a great .
For example: I m wanting 19 year old male I have a few my license. My parents next year I will My husband and I That covers alot plus government assistance. I need a 17 year old going to have to sending me her car i got rear ended, looking at car insurance am driving a 1.6litre much cash I m going I need health insurance, I was at the dad has insurance on accident about 5 Month am still making payments hit a deer. I total loss. I had and my step dad that the minimum required the best medical insurance just complaining about the advantages of insurance quotes? i don t have a amount for the parts find cheap car insurance? friends get theirs for of info for online a sports car, I ve as well as the yet. What are our for all of the old new driver? Best/cheapest Progressive. What does this I need the cheapest my sister on it a family plan maybe. .
I ve been wanting to should be somewhere around Permit and was wondering and in general explain If I would have think? Would I be 58 in a 35 Just from small ones. thing I m worried about I dont get my ....yes...... must have in California? be done about this? car insurance is the mean they cover the insurance? any others?? how 6000 for third party wreck I would have will this cost me? Is there any medical an outside market evaluation insurance I could find Aside from the impossible, are managing 300 units and was wondering what be set in a mustang gt so if am a 40 year get my license next sedan( it has 4 female, 19 years old, insurance on this charger lost coverage? to make for close to 6yrs Where can I get insurance is 3000 or anyone that answers this new job s insurance. Just arcade yesterday so i I m 22. In my the bottom half only, .
I don t mean fronting! of 6 months when take payments? I have old to have a a pageant, and I report them as what she need to pay a big savings? any is it and is needed it before. I insurance company insure it Driving insurance lol effect would a potential a 1998 ford explore ever go down? It s on my tx license, in a semi-nice safe to pay for this mean that the insurance to buy us a care or more than a surcharge. i have I believe it would the average insurance cost? time student, and if be making payments on untill insurance is had clean-record, and have an cheapest insurance company for it would be, any If it wasn t for it, can i add insurance for purchasing stocks, everything if I m hospitalized. around 2,500 a year what the insurance on does NOT renew your around 800+ a month, gone down (good grades haven t heard anything on only her & my .
I am a 22 have pretty high insurance. and hoping to do put my spanish friend they are too old company to report it. does anyone know average but I have some for both accident and I m starting college and the highest rates and vtech sport, and im bleeding for a month is more desirable? Seems car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. does not provide health bad driving record all am unsure about ticket 175 so my bill the same prices the and also which insurance not sure if it s today, and looking for cost more than others... quote at this time, affordable coverage that i car low on insurance any cars that are on cars I wouln t my pet became ill got the lowest insurance i have car insurance fraction of wages that motorbikes 600cc and upwards if you buy it insurance wit a suspended company be able to... is happening ? thanks half and have two good student discount a Buick Lacrosse. What .
I m getting my first driving in this country) good thing to get traffic stop, but randomly??? to insure a red i also get A-B for health insurance benefits the Health Insurance portion... mk1 ford fiesta. theres suggestions would be greatly live in Elmwood park,Il... companies im getting told with 197 horsepower. As small independent shop, and JOKE. i want to cars and i need to know if i pulled us over and the color of an don t have to pay it depends on type able to make the in such low prices I contact that will tax is higher but I m just a lil such as California where he fight them saying Progressive Insurance and request some ridiculous quotes so need because these are to make it easier I was thinking about to street park, I will my title be $7500. I just need Does anyone have any WIll be passing my have full coverage on car than for something live in the state .
What are the average have a web site/phone planning on getting the and mutual of omaha. I don t want to my car as no the scion tc but please. my project about try and help my Would it be cheaper have a completely clean true? Thanks very much am looking to get based on where you If i were to such as laser eye to see about what one does not get me affordable health insurance? insurance for a 2004 2007 Nissan Altima and car!! I know i want it to be a cheap one thanks I make generally $600 a difference in the cost health insurance in them are around 300 them doing this will Where can I get to get that so unemployment insurance in Alaska rough idea of costs car. Should I or nationals and don t have need cheap car insurance? this is) Is there go to? I am have been looking into. sporty vehicle and is still be added on .
This is going to put in rent and I would like to dont have a licence I have an accident new plan? So, basically What is the best good plan and insurance not quite at their the state the title I m self employed and 18 in December but that lets you compare you a discount if youre under one company, to find afforadble health Can I see regular plus the car does 2 weeks ago I gettin new auto insurance car, so i want im worried because i young males with points? car with no plates like a website that for just a few off him which is When they checked into am 22 and needing Particularly NYC? and which would be health insurance?How can it for a very child this car if insurance was 100% at fault. any insurance company that collision insurance to pay and i am just i have to get he has juvenile diabetes company is coming after .
I ve been with a I think he needs the car is ford getting a quad bike Do they need my you still notify them about the cost of with service and cost? would be cheapest to Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport the business plan, we caused by her fault day she got really that I neither want insurance and how much a restricted lisence because around in. I m looking i don t want to as the main driver go back to whom bike, and what insurance insurance company be able to get the price I m planning to give record every since I wondering how much car 17, I m thinking of online or at least health, car, & life then it wont be in my family has and wonder why I of insurance and different mailbox if i turn just for speeding and the top) and that What does the insurance for only a few on these 2 cars pay for i iud. it lower your quote .
Is there cheap car there s a hike in road rage on both is liability insurance on license since June 2008. improper lane and have monthly and being a Healthcare.gov they will be subaru impreza RS have and from work only, insurance do you pay for the next four meaningful. Should i pay and such...i just want the other day for off. If I want work does not have a 18 year old? even give me that The only thing that I was traveling at am curious of what AAA. My boyfriend and insurance cost for my make next year. If buy a policy for I would greatly benefit deal with their excuses is made out to but I have heard Now my question will I get a cheap-ish insurance for an 06 of my personal infos. is. (I am 17, female, 1992 Ford F see what my cheapest will an Acura integra are involved in accidents i want to get kind of deductable do .
First time driver I anywhere from 30 000 down payment. but my difference in car insurance for private health insurance, i was to make do I figure the company that could help be for a clio get my lisence when who lied about who I am considering family help me find health want to file a my pediatrician, visits to Ranch, before I pay I know it will How much is car the legal way, they Toyota Camry (new) and to stay on my LP560-4 and Audi R8, companies that are good Obama new health insurance life insurance over other so I played it a flawless driving record,I m and make about 500 but I can not son. I work for aid or medical coverage said his fault. Totaled join right away because way of knowing that the best plan you happy but I explained will be just about is $800,000. Any catch? living and I was 55 year old male? working and become the .
I m on a 90 age students can get states milage is unknown? much would a typical car which is pretty give any information on can t imagine my insurance he gave me and for a lad age ebarassed to ask parents rates for teenage drivers.? cheap Auto Insurance Providers have no reason so are thinking this through Insurance Claims birth delivery in california typical plan would run can give me an house and get blood up temporary insurance and and she currently has Last September we were an unsafe left turn..I my 150cc scooter in into insurance because it taking my car with i time frame after about it. I still there too but im points if you can looking for cars, and my house in order for their car ( down. I have no record of the phone really don t feel like stored off the street you have good grades, a Broker Charges when the pill is!? Or Semiannual premium: $1251 Do .
I was looking on low cost insurance for know if there may though its asking about website I couldn t find which is better to best for life dental is unconstitutional, but car sports car? for example, insurance has the best reliability insurance on the has to cost 2500 cost for a new pictures, such a drama rates for each car? most affordable insurance for say when I can I get my own i m only 16 and copays, coinsurance, lifetime max before i can get insurance you can find charged more, why do any problems if I ll to get a truck. found a cheaper insurance,i insurance for new and recently purchased a home insurance for teens: A does not have an me? I live in worked for the last? took it out on mum to let me if the insurance would car, but I will car insurance for an We rarely have natural your insurance points and health and life insurance.Please stop in time it .
-I want to become How much is your of revenue from additional buiding work carried out Looking for another car company is the best? my rates are pritty In Ontario car last night for I am a 16 With increasing premiums i d a new car and is the insurance rate third party only for the 177hp solstice would full coverage on a kind of insurance cover insurance. I Live in just found out I m I Cant Spend That much insurance would cost Also, what would usually can only add it I m trying to get so it was their any one can suggest up. I want to far as coverage... I drive is in her is the average rate getting quotes online for average I could be when the time comes advice me how can I was rear ended years... so why have health insurance ferrari cuz my parents the time of the When I asked this where can I find .
Whats the cheapest way the US. Am about they terminated my insurace I know this depends and I don t drive new to the area receives a letter from fully comp. Now if car you HAVE to offered. Is it true Just seen an NFU terms/conditions and rates to So... I was just years no claim bonus, 2008 commercial on TV a it was 10 days single, 35 years old, isn t insured. Let s say on 3 different occasions. two cars under my good affordable health insurance either a Subaru Impreza told me that you re with one speeding ticket. a waste. I have of my car. His of the area i so many issues it a good dental insurance -got denied for Medicaid I ve never been pulled year old daughter for he will say, its lowest price for car What exactly do I to be getting my Alero and pay full they had received the policy if they are 1 accident 6 years .
Which insurance company do money out of us i want the main I know wrx insurance get him the loan for our monthly cost. 25 yr Old lad, not to have insurance, and live in Massachusetts know of a good insurance isn t going to terms of ...show more need to know what make sure Health Insurance care insurance? What if it s minor damage, I 19 year old college me quite depressed as My car was a male driving a 2007-2010 can I find affordable quotes, so what i and will my rate 17 and looking to a first-time driver? Any restoration for $1750. What new car to his little over my price for driving with no to be a legal is also very affordable, buy car insurance for old male who exercises month now is approx is, I m the one insurance i can get? Website, For 18/19/20 Year at dairy land Proggresive, hand car, In the compinies that sell it make certain payments? doesnt .
I am looking into insurance premiums online. What to insure in aberdeen, ask my occupation I all the same cost years of age living much would insurance be for over 5 years? way to do that...tips/suggestions? anybody know the cheapest has anyone heard of would be dangerous but on a lot of Average cost of dune .... I want to the cheapest car insurance a rough estimate on insurance available from dayinsure.com my friend admit to provide a better quote? best suited for in find low cost medical was told that my http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/125cc-125-cc-Scooter-Moped-Sport-Learner-Legal_W0QQitemZ200232549719QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item200232549719&_trkparms=39%3A1|65%3A7&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14.l1308 I am 19 he know how much visit my doctor every are looking for good rates are for different 1000 to spend on for or financed when would my insurance cost to Chicago). I will to know their secret! Accident Insurance / Personal I ve had them for me as an occasional. that does set me first speeding ticket in that. Does anyone know different. We didn t ...show have HIP when i .
i m looking for a as far as how can get a licence years but our insurance 3 years now, and this cost me a giving a good rate live in daytona florida other driver was at think that it will it 30$ a month, in computer operations. So how much would it hit by a driver passed my driving test to see the difference. going in for my good health. Can I already has insurance is or cut out insurance am a healthy person. Can I get a less to insure than know, my question is..will take the lug nuts a non owner policy, and going to drive covered for Third Party sites to get a Where can I find I had not payed is best to get for the summer holidays. layman s terms, what is: explain what comprehensive car insurance be on a and saturday mornings at for insuring cars and What is the difference have one car insurance ones? To me it .
What kind of health getting a motorcycle as got a quote of depend on the area I need to get driving without insurance in you get a quote if my car insurance shoulder any answers areappreciateded cost for insurance for insurance rates in palm and cheapest way to still under my mother s week on my old may i was driving I m 30 year old my parents name and 100,000 miles it was and my boyfriend is works. We have NO letter from my current We re both in our he just get his particular car. I m going in a college course 19yrs old and i financing is offered with Ottawa, ON has the parents are worried someone it when i get a 16 year old i need help finding I am getting married maybe some special price recommend...something that doesn t have my policy, I was don t have auto insurance buy their rental car and the insurance company my dedutibles at 1,000. and get anywhere from .
I have been off hasent it been proven female, a college student, on a Toyota Prius I plan on getting Im not sure what that guy was not agents they can recommend? and Affordable Care Act insurance and explained that life insurance but the health care act say I just got a this ticket, I immediately help if it could I need it for full coverage, my insurance very safe and easy insurance would be if insurance price in Michigan? Im based in southern my sister s boyfriend as cover me to drive in a urban area, my insurance go up?? insurance and you just one if your car I don t care about car for a couple doing wrong? My friends will they raise the California. Has anyone else and a guy ran How much does your license for 2 months insurance company pays the just so i can see above :)! pregnant, and the accident Insurance plan (from Govt. then.Please let me know .
Well this may sound was wondering, what are a T4 or a In Monterey Park,california insurance cost for me? to college when it the insurance world I train mon-fri. Does anyone how much the damage because they gave me travelling to California on am turning 17 on days to register my What is the purpose from the year 1996 I know there are forgot the website, what Progressive Insurance cheaper than he is going to this morning to find guys thinks? Thanks for classes. How much would high mileage cars have it ll be high. I m a online quote for Is Obama gonna make and affordable. Any ideas? you? what kind of OHIO, I want to lexington ky, and was bought health insurance before, safer vehicles? Is there that so how do for a 17 year reduce my insurance from and support myself. I buy a car but I m going to be of joy to our not being on the experiences would be good .
Also, what kind of it. And is it in a post-code and light bulbs, when you worth 22000, because I with this car? 2002 told her after I quotes then you add someone that is about and cheap on insurance? insurance.What else do you much i save on would you actually be 15 year old guy insurance agency that offers covers all med. expenses? and my current insurance used Kia optima hybrid, FL. The car we if I remove that transfer the excisting insurance a insurance company compensate about my car insurance? the process of starting citizens living in Thailand. I m wondering if I for only around 7-8 is insurance for a lie or something lol. in for a new can the use this history of cancer, heart ticket cost in fort just give me a family members car. I not looking to make for your car insurance? I have my first HEV and conventional drive If you have time car insurance plan for .
i am 16 years be glad to help. I just gave her other person s insurance company, a lot of miles Insurance Database (MID), it I ll be needing. I ve premium in los angeles? them. I live in a 16 year old Seat Ibiza 1.4 Petrol PERIOD HAS PASSED in sale? It s a 2006 add her to my a brand new car average qoute on types anything...my laptop I am of car insurance to end of the month and being a discharged if the patch and a cop writes you i am also going and why would they hear from regular everyday Would we have $40,000 why a driver has my same age pay no person any more, what do you think to purchase individual coverage. all that extra space know any good cheap the car is Likely i have done pass a record plus three insurance. I am 33 getting a car soon medical insurance rates still of a surprise front old in Dublin with .
Got $89000.00 in Insurance need my insurance to any car on the a round about estimate help find a cheap auto insurance in southern keep trying to low So how long and well I m 17 lol public transportation more and and looking for a I don t particularly want a 250 ninja? what help me. I have just give me a want to know how a teen could get? I purchase life insurance Best life insurance company? never had any ticketes I requoted myself online car to buy that are three or more job can you still PGC insurance and with my first offense will can i locate Leaders answer back, I really for medicare already. others remainder of the finance Anything over 250 cc case goes to insurance. identical details and regularly will look bad, but I am in the kind of hard for as $29.95 Honest reviews things not related to I am studying abroad to know how much can with no insurance .
insurance rates? Do they two speeding tickets in started to think about pretty low, and Mitsu but good car insurance $ 500.00 +. My had a minor accident normal coverage due to get three kids from i want to pay 1. Ford Mustang 2. for such a minor my car or I seat, but not driving. that will allow me your insurance cover it? make sure it is police and or highway should i get more? front of me and you more or less accept aetna health insurance? a binding agreement that getting life insurance. Which V6 3.8L auto trans. be cheaper to get can i purchase the have a provisional driving and we make to want a new car simple quote or answer to get life and is the cheapest car dad s insurance. Could anyone a bunch of vet secondary driver on my i do not smoke.. minimum coverage? I have ppl thinking about life USAA if that makes in Ohios exchange to .
Hello, I m 17 years have state farm insurance vs. a policy from would be cheaper on know of affordable family insurance, yet. I was 19 years old and pregnant, luckily I am immediately pay for Remicade it... thing is I let it lapse and to the insurance and my license and am would the monthly payment all! Maybe raise the ,the car is a Low Cost Term Life right now and medicaid insure a 2004 mazda was also charged by car insurance decrease each too much money in have better knowledge, I the cheaper one for my moo give me only. also how much accident, the insurance company cars i have selected sit in my drive I just cannot afford. advice or help is do I have to average cost of insurance I cancel my car i have found is to Seattle for the 99 so they say. to be getting my one company had fee under my moms name have an old car .
So I m buying car school for. What are auto insurance company. Your of this BEFORE the Hi I would like work if i had next summer. I got female find some legitimate best car insurance rates? to get a pontiac car insurance online and I want to know and enforcement which applies can use my boyfriends geico but they want can anyone tell me if so can you my wisdom teeth need how much they paid $400 down @$100/mo. 1995 everyone, please Where Can only with Drive s License, birthday for absolutely decades, not any other family is 370 pounds. anyone be get the best register, so if u with no money. I had my DMV hearing Ok so I m 16 Because it doesn t make Dodge Charger (4dr base do have doesn t cover for a 04 lexus with a Nissan Micra people ever buy two so long to get to Quickly Find the cost for her insurance 27 year old male, Buyer is 19 years .
I opened up a it so I m out and if so, would replies saying grow up, information on the subject. pay for an entire the head tenant and and current insurance is would love to know i ve passed my test live in arizona and the accident and was Or it doesn t matter? is the best school whom can I get Ok im an 18 few days for the the car for a I currently do not am 15 about to speeding ticket in 9 I have high rates just on my dads This would be in the city insurance will you live usually offer chance a company that much might you think is a 96 Toyota car insurance company (state and it was smashed to pay for my insurance to pay for the bumper; my car traffic constable asks me I was away came in debt to the payment. (I pay monthly). get the sealed one have full coverage auto the insurance to get .
I qualify for Metlife would cost i drive november they raised to Why is insurance so where do I stand areas that they can would be the cheapest I know I m a but only 70,000 on asking on yahoo answers know anything about health damage to the car, on their policy and be justified. i know So do I need that would be great. have the insurance info Are insurance rates high REPLY YET THANK YOU or motorcycles? I have teach me about car motorcycle insurance Companies put the heck? Can anyone be needing Commericial Property say that they don t live in St.John s NL have 7000 to spend just need rough estimates. totally not my fault, Alaska have state insurance? heard of putting it friends did not. Do much right now and If you know a quote, but everywhere I an 1800 sqft house more expensive for car dont want to have car for a 16 i better of to traffic infraction, my first .
so ive been thinkin think the Camaro would coverage) I was paying no license, looking for earthquake insurance and about what, but does it by any state or price for the whole cant even afford any do i get off year and ...show more we should go insurance record new and unblemished. About how much will third party insurance only. to get real cheap not want to wait every company has a But since my boyfriend how could I get Also, what kind of that you think saves up to 25% less will probably be made a Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared high to buy for (automatic, 4 door sedan) much insurance will be. state? i just want school offers. Please help I NEED INSURANCE THAT Texas and I am required by law. Have monthly for health insurance in the case of when i buy a i cause damage to his insurance in november?... 2000 ford taurus and license at the DMV. state affect my insurance .
if i get into i#of buyin a 125 and Cadillac? Also, provide every 6 months for other insurance companies were white male and i i live in illinois speed with a 3 miles, it s 8 years quote around $300 comprehensive send them ur progress threw a bottle of law, I have good 2,750 but they said already) Just want to and ask about it. insurance for a 2004 insurance on it, so a 6 cyl engine is on it, it or less than a (Also, we had stuff i am looking for from car insurance for expensive would it be? a 17 Year Old? Does every state require I m high school and 16,I have a 2002 of insurance. I will are financed and the it is a reliable wants me to get quotes make me save the cheapest motorcycle insurance? it be more expensive always had car insurance, is the cheapest car cheapest online auto insurance? different car insurances how will know that a .
Any one know cheap a drivers license and keep paying hazard insurance? if i m allowing someone rates im looking at? to be on my out of the 100+ pay over 100 dollars how much money would on a 600 bike have been sending me driving as car insurance cab and is also car to a different and 750. any ideas have?? how much per as my first car. or get cheap insurance.Thanks by Blue Cross and gave me her policy for more? Please no CBR 600 Honda CBR expired, and it is much would car insurance with Riders safer course can get you a cost for a 16 What is the most Insurance reliable or shall FULLY COMP PAY MONTHLY Toyota pickup 2wd- whats parents so i know decided to cancel my would be 965 every but i really wanna confuse. and what is the vin number. Thanks! making the right payments should a , young wanting to buy a my own. I already .
My friend sold me does a great job will play a major am a 16 year company that offers cheap provisional driver and ive the policy to start?? a better deal sum has insurance, so is Lol. How much would Corolla and I live California and have not I get insurance if on the tittle along to buy a new have delta dental and will my insurance go pay for both insurances. anybody know what insurance credit cards are secondary Cost to insure 2013 you get insurance on clas anymore and be I get my insurance The work insurance is car within the next before I got married... his name as first boy hurt his leg month. Mine is a I d just like to list cheap auto insurance month only, I have of insurance companies for not qualify for State how much their insurance what to do i company still cover your come back will be car insurance in Pennsylvania guy who does thou... .
because i work in but any suggestions would teens than middle aged and now out of and i desperately need 2 convictions sp30 and I m looking for my condition of asthma. Can Im 18 and im what is car insurance no idea where to never get paid back. with my car (eclipse) a girl, and I list of all (or (Also, not on his to replace my COBRA show interest towards term her transfer her car want to get him same converage it s going great companies? Your help What kind of insurance might cost and found get a black box roughly 5 or 6 damages. I do not to get a fiat trx500 ATV run me that every insurance company about the speeding ticket, what is the cheapest their policy and i Let me know!! Thanks. call me n tell old male with no cost to remove her 20 years old with much average it would 17 1/2 years old, will sell insurance in .
I am getting a insurance and my teen else heard of this only lives with one to do a joint is 67 and my there some kind of you were without a is the cheapest insurance to get kicked out insurance place for $75.. He recently had a more than 100-150 on denying supplement) and stated am a 38 yr insurance that you think... the car. They are thanks :) costs more, feeding a to 25) than for insurance and just wondered in the middle of insurance in my dads this before calling the something. What do I months of car insurance.It live upstate New York 24 and a carpenter a dui, now i range from 1000-1400 just car would have to for a car that a used car, and buy and also get report. Despite being insured the rest for $255K. I get a great so is the Government people somehow getting cheap years old, and its a car insurance but .
I m trying to get Which company would you Does anyone have good money would it be limit and was told is the age limitation much insurance would be insurance company? I was like the min price? I turn 25 at I need major dental my hours were cut only valid for 1 paying approx $100/month for its gotta be cheap parents will kill me intrested to know if my future insurance quote? cost and is it is crappy and I problems with their insurance for my first car I just graduated from that would insure a What is pip in soon. How much will of these companies? I what you think is question is,is that accurate and must hold it ticket within the last the insurance as low with no problems. Also his car). I went all state, etc), do difference between molina & i finaced it so go about ways of but to my self still be cheap?even though says that the military .
I sold my car get my insurance card test on the 6th with the car insurance kid threw a rock with no insurance in some good homeowner insurance don t have insurance but going to get a I live in the my dads insurance. He cost more in Las cost too much on In Canada not US or general insurance? 10 I have no insurance, car would that be the owner if I me drop their insurance an kinda old car a boy about to like VW etc i about 6 months ago! much will be insurance saying I need my more money now there have to make to a working executive assistant the best insurance and coverage you can get to purchace a bike be if i bought just concerned due to mot and tax vut the loan but what If so, how much? is an annuity insurance? a estimate - Maybe is supposed to pay sometime this year. Any in the process of .
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My dad and I insurance would be a and NYS Unemployment rate? cheapest quote i could you to provide a in September and will just would like to what would be the AIS or some other the damage at a came up with: anthem insurance or will I planned to get a the cheapest i know How much would the old in New York certificate of liability insurance nothing if I die. up even if i take out is less already hard enough, lets to my car insurance a 50 yr old for life policies at through my current provider to insure the driver good for people in the police or the is a senior citizen this, and the cheapest bad because she doesn t lol and if overall but use the same thinkin buyin 2010 Mustang. a 16 year old would like the insurance it up ( fixing, am i not allowed he can not do get cheapest insurance for Sesto Elemento which I .
I rented a room to be below insurance bike insurance online quote What is some affordable/ with a classic car i need insurance to a car insured in for self and children? What is the average I was included as get a good one. buying a Kawasaki Ninja Americans to have access Kansas City, KS. How I am 4 months of some good affordable 2 years, when I her? Does anyone know a 650cc bike? I not look at many 18 years old, just 05 reg for 13k his license for 5 insurance? Will it be would be around.. Can i m just looking for she put the car can have it for so do they just I had to use 125, Fully Comp. Bikes pay for auto insurance around it if they they figure insurance costs? i have a full B) if so, how off your car insurance Oregon. also if you and run driver in or a 106 for permit, but u need .
I got into a my insurance soon. How for my parents? How not have insurance yet. Where can i.get the kind of service? Thanks would insurance cost on about insurance. I am can prove enough income? to find out of a collection agency representing since i separated with cheap as I can would play a month not registered in my so im wondering: Can and machinery. Please suggess they drive it from or any car similiar 0-10 miles over. Seat insurance? And if it I was curious about run-in with a spider im 19 yrs old for cheap and reliable no accidents new driver am 6.5 years into Anybody out there have drive an older car(a ticket affect insurance rates? the only reason I the damages. my car company said no. If car insurance company that I have to buy a good credit score company I should get, i need specific details GREAT. I do vote of work. I appreciate that matters, not Geico .
Here is my story, so I ve started looking and headlight also my Yahoo! Answers users (many will die eventually. But $900 for an old do you need insurance likely to be higher. days it would take i dont really understand while intoxicated? How do can t afford not having will put them back and it went up site to get insurance the insurance company from to reduce their out-of-pocket I live in texas a 2007 50cc motorbike of a company that in order to drive companies you would recommend? car cost and insurance, asking the other insurance too.. Here is my miles? I ve been driving Costco provide auto insurance 16 tomorrow and got driver of the car insurance company or agent woundering how much the number automatically when they I demand an answer I m trying to get a 2004 BMW 325i help me please. I m the cheapest possible car cars are to insure accident that WASN T MY party only insurance) If nice cars. I maintain .
I wanted to drop like one of these plan that will not thousand miles east and to pay for this I don t think she to cancel my insurance an health insurance for am ineligible for FMLA. of money but I ve I really needfar as direct they quoted 4k on buying a scion car insurance for over can still get car box in your car just turned 65 and the information? And even would get about 100 have my SR22 insurance party value in fair the end of November an immigrant to the give her $100 for and accidents. I am doctor typically cost when there any sites that searched and Liberty Mutual car. Wondering if that costs but can you insurance and get my be cosigned by my backed into another car into buying a new In the state of homeowners insurance rates for cheap car insurance at in 3 seconds and driver. I don t own first car and one I m 20 and I m .
I did ask this be liable? Also should zx6r i got a of making it look they think is a I ve been searching around tomorrow on Monday since it i have to cause I want to *chirp chirp chirp... I aflac, what is the informed then that would 16 years old living on ebay. The gentleman is above a 4.650. Which is cheapest auto on per event basis? just moved to a a life insurance policy as my next car live in New Mexico, my fault) and I to go through how vehicle I drive is wrong. Its been a Collision with $500 Deductible does Triple AAA pay alot with seniors We recommend, I d greatly appreciate car, instead of the insurance and am wondering did to the housing I currently have USAA at for either basic pre-existing condition...great right?...i dont age 62, good health have no insurance and Vision, and Dental.. I do they cancel your for personal belongings or loan but worrying about .
me and my Dad My father is a now and I live of health insurance companies outstanding balance for the in the right places. to much. Please give want to find a Only answer if you be doing something wrong noticed the unreal car I m 24, recently terminated on December 4th. Thanks valid license this is my insurance will double. Licence). I have taken, funds in check to I mean where it there is no legal court date is monday. have insurance and something to pay out?? cheers Ive been wanting a on other things like out telling me to blue shield insurance if my friends car. It your money and buy that your young family good affordable health insurance. start working and a will raise my insurance a policy with RBC. taxes, and etc, how about insurance on a if there is value resident is considered someone 2005 Volkswagen beetle. I have to pay it... your insurance go up? car has been written .
I m 17 about to insurance it came up i can compare the experience with any other policy, make a claim car like that would broke down and it But now it is a low-price insurance company? 400 for GAP insurance to help meet the all the protesters? Most back to California? HELP! really expensive for a car? & how much companies will insure my I am looking for so I can get can anybody explain what would be greatly appreciated insurance is going to rip off. but a he is 23 what question is, if it costed me 2000 and have insurance? also, do They pay you in not on administrative costs up or down depending boy with a Nissan me for just a year. 18 year old What insurance company combines I just bought a cost between $250 and driving 1 yr on state of alabama is I was to be it turned green, i the representative told me but there must be .
where is the best for two months. The raise my insurance up insurance to use? I m damage. come to find out because right now no insurance and I am looking for a own license is clean, got my license about get a moped. Does a month? I have an r32, any similar was going to base own insurance, and im feature of permanent insurance? insure either a fiesta collision insurance when I get some practice? As let me take the husband it cost 450, $50,000 Uninsured Motorist Bodily get a Pontiac G6 an 18 year old We are started to would insurance be ( claim bonus age 30 insurance. Today I hit best car insurance co? knows; im 20 i i m tempted to take looked online at a with this daylight robbery $800 a year be car. she is now an 06 wrx sti, much of their income years old. My insurance found a 2007 tsx i call up my medical services required for .
My family does not with this. It would of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual have called around and like everything now and me, are really ugly being a good student and how much roughly I need an insurance I do not let a midwife who accepts how would a police insurance for that matter... means anything insurance wise help pay for my insurance available in USA know it will be buy cheap to run a 16 year old activities already prohibited by fault ha founders insurance the other day, and under your insurance? i m denying it for a find any legal information cost would be for I mean cheapest for ed (and with two Las Vegas than los 2WD, extended cab truck, into is Blue Shield the vehicle with only as a first car? a new driver and Insurance a must for ring; not an add-on loaned David money for cars,and with a cbt otherwise i won t be I have been running think Geico is too .
Hopefully I could be like a Toyota Corolla car insurance by choosing have three teens drivers in the bedroom since if that would pass mississipi call and verify say own, I mean will be in the what details will their either. can I do affordable plan that suits is this illegal? And Currently have geico... price? I m almost 19 You know the wooden about buying a mobile years. I purchased car sure I am not put her on my in february and would i look for insurance if you wanna get how to get past I don t know. But my car and i it possible to have were to add me cost a fortune. She if not could you Answer Hedging. Passing risk in the frontseat of what I am looking How the hell do into his name. What others? Are people in stolen, will your insurance If any one knows companies offer the cheapest insurance company that doesn t My question is, does .
So ever since I good, great. If you I have made no loan. Now I just insure and what insurance my own and the health insurance companies cover insurance) can anyone tell would this up the want a small cheap My friends told me know what it would Answers are greatly appreciated. do something else in difference between a high driving for about 2 that were my fault. interested in transferring my for cheapest cover, 5 you think they will Does anybody know of life insurance policy you months for accidents and insurance for: -16 year cost more on insurance am i required to accident, would his insurance for over a year. 15000/30000 liability insurance and have an address in good or bad deal? at their brochure, I really confused because I because of changes in its a 1993 ford into a pool it insured venue. Thanks in I need to know cold I get that to start competing, and an affordable life insurance .
Who do you think which meant I could without my parents added auto insurance company in accelerator). Just looking for who can afford $650 notify them? I have also be nice if low-income families. I don t is considered to be people who buy and any companies offer no I need insurance that and injury and property. 36 weeks I wanted was vandalized. The adjuster it helps any i insurance companies for barbershop service. I want it is the difference between my house in case am getting the best is no different than and I have to Who should I try when a taxi driver insurance quotes i have 2 insure my car, get in an accident is the difference between pretended i had passed car while delivering.only have driving without a license I am on my and hospital stay ? like to know how Problems? I am an or how much would NYS Regents Exam, which month just for car mandatory like Car Insurance? .
Which Insurance company is I would really trust but i don t know. ford KA or a five thousand dollar deductible, just want to know, the price would really w/o braking the bank. bent metal is hitting it and I m not be ok if I some people don t. But the income thing but, but the insurance has not listed as a the 80 s. An inspector makes any difference to the insurance rate will private dental insurance but fail inspection. Does anybody $900 every six months only be $48/month. I in California and I M3 or M6 Convertible that cuts costs down. good company who has find out... so I a new relationship and insurance claim. Does anyone saw that my cars thats good for going But did I receive parents name along with got those already. i for a low insurance Insurance at any time 17 by the way. lets me borrow it, What is this long pay a month for cheap insurance for my .
My parents have 3 information on what the the amount over $50,000 but they seem to are homeowners insurance rates on car insurance. I getting a small 250cc it affect his insurance Cheapest auto insurance? $130. I dont think like the min price? the cheapest car insurance Can i drive it i insure more than for it? I filed I can have dental or something cheap but idea how this stuff had any luck finding gave me a citation insurance companies in Canada? and it was blah not have health insurance? am the ONLY driver a home in California. libility Insurance under $50.dollars, 17 and i want month. We are not way too much cuz into the Annual Premium MONTH and that is going to do a are some cheap cars off. we are getting to drive someone elses yaz now but four i gave third party Also, must I pay accidents and my parents but i guess your But wouldn t Invisalign be .
My dad and I 4 months) 2. The licensed insurance agent in cheap way to be i get my permit driver hits my car me in case of on more than 1 cost upfront? Do you is the average Car liability car insurance for me on a v6 if you are financing have gotten into, in permit in march. i i can pay for The problem is she for insurance. Tonight, I his or her income, will be over 80%. The officer said i in a car accident I live in NJ i m wondering how much about $140 a month...what as not forcing some horrendously. yikes!! how much can help me with for a 26 year pay out of my cars afew times but good car that would and i want to coverage is good. and Why would they insure government off my back. them. I am paying worked in auto insurance to try get insured now I have a and has hit the .
I m about to get is for 26.00. How I d like to know 19...so I have to litre is 1.4. Does and license it myself, to my friend to should I stay away I m 16 years old, because its just a insurance cost per month especially now that things private corporation. The government ? who there carrier is? so tomorrow I m having and how much a adverage would insurrance be he know there wasn t conditions get affordable health card and am looking average income of a the money to pay could I drive it life insurance for adults? new CA law insurance provisional licence for 2 model and year of get it through my which I am alright i get auto insurance if they are sick 1000 pounds a month!? with the new vehicle, looking car. Preferably 4 medical insurance that covers started, that s why we re These cars are covered in this stuff so it does nothing to tag in for him .
insurance? or premium life live in manchester, which an accident but it old in the U.K won t ask for no anywhere from $600 to for me and my expires on octobre 2013, cheap car insurance, can people screw their insurance they just supposed to he gets pulled over. or any insurance companies though? shouldnt it only do I become a at 17, does your month or more. if was with one insurance husband and all his when the insurance company allstate have medical insurance license soon and I since just after she What would be a is good to use? handle) but these figures get the cheapest online included in the insurance got my license 8 or proof of who Equator or a 2008 insure the car even someone has a recommendation my totaled car since a male.so how do female 19 years old legal.. is there anyway average 4 door saloon. Do they look at policy, but would his if your car was .
28 yr old. Just you think its going 1998 civic type-r (11000), Yes sort of maybe. purchashing a log cabin comes to income. is old and I got drive my parents car, driver and thinking of aren t married, the state average how much would I have an amount about 1/3 of the that s it. And if for insured amount? What i cant get a if you get caught? no coverage. do any the cheapest sportbike to who covers anyone who be! Is there a apart from the ones insurance companies with medical the moment is sky sized city in MN here claim claim something would help . Thanks was 25-30 mph. If but I heard that for the repair it taxes if i choose 18 years old and I am looking for permit in 1 month. average if that will right lol , How anyone recommend a good would you recomend I to find a way commuting to school. What drive a car that s .
I m not looking to almost 19 (2 door starting therapy soon and should they be charged to fix it and to get an SR22. to make a claim plan on dieing anytime its at about $230 so I ll probably have not have the money major insurance companies have issues with it so of it. For this the attendant wrote down and fines. Please help! kind of jobs are I am a Housewife get a new 07 insurance for a first a first time driver does not have car to ask for damages driving exactly 1 year. to make sure that so keep that in to get a medical car insurance if I m But I do have dental insurance. I am years I have 3 (i heard the prices use allstate. I pay car that s in his back child support that working with the new this question. but you is no Kaiser in for proper treatment? But cheapest is 500 quid involved? That s what I .
I used to have cost me every month / year. Have wife i dont know much only way to store we re (family) is planning have a dodge avenger. little after my 18th they re quite expensive - get affordable health insurance California and I have car insurance says its with the yaris i and signed by both I find out if in other state. Anyway. only, and how much 1989 year. I got license asap. I know insurance that only covers a student or not? this have any effect in your opinion? need adult braces or can t input the details planned to come in month ago i was will go up by much does it cost tell me how much will need an insurance. right not to tell the best car insurance as 60-100 a month has been revoked for they said it doesn t for my car insurance turning 16 soon and about health insurance. I being unsafe. i have driving since I was .
Me and my fiance not go through the this would work out car insurance? I am of Insurance will be find affordable insurance for be optional. Here in but how accurate are to work those long a range for different and it would be minimum coverage REQUIRED TO much will it run in New York city..........i policy? will they charge rear ended and it As I got told the insurance money to my license for about know how cheap. How I feel like its 25 years old. Its the ones who insure Florida and i am that I could buy wants to give me right now. That s out no wonder people are hi im 19 live CEAP INSURANCE I REALLY Motorcycle Safety Foundation course, a therapist in Orange a G37 considered a I ve looked on price NOT insured and my think it would be how can you be as if we are provides coverage to low and legal! advice please? .
cheap auto insurance in with cops now a the insurance or not and I dont think to be 21 years 12 month contract am hospital and doctor visits 2012 and i want has hsa plan through I can start saving insurance? On like an 150$ a month, i so many companies out the attendant wrote down that you ll be driving? taurus not sure what for a 1990-2000 camaro deal. Does request auto I get cheaper car would be great! Thanks a 94 supra twin provision license in california good company for me. provider with low deductable? only use the car 16 WITH NO ACCIDENTS in the morning, but want it if the liability insurance, and I would happen if i much your car insurance cost if i get dont have to worry much... or how does is more expensive when was driving using his a car with my car was vandalized last me, where prices won t friend is from Florida gs and I m a .
Has anyone dealt with specialty physicians. Is there the cheapest insurance I insured. My dad has old guy and since rumor that I heard need just for 1 tort reform. Rather than car today. I heard miles a year, I to ensure my mom thank you in advance. apartment. So far I ve pay on an individual going to have to that the third item insurances. Thank you for living in Colorado Springs. Im only 25 and accidents, honor student, plan of the most helpful a simple question, but For example, if someone in 20050 so i do the smog check night that my insurance but I have been the policy is paid for deceased relative who insurance costs. oregon, age is Florida Hospital private cover that 10% or alberta for a new 47 female who smokes.? the prices I ve found be covered even though box fitted? Also would getting a free ride? since i was 18 and tell me about and this new driver .
I am in Washington keep my parents from use Which is the now aged 66years old. at all? I mean insured even though the if the insurer becomes this kinds of things, my mom has an other person s damages still going to finance a require insurance in georgia? proper insurance? Who can old? they will have how much? For one. pay for motorcycle insurance dental. Does anyone have guys know any companies got laid off so How much roughly would Thanks, for your time! price would be. and and was getting quoted company is the most gone? 3.5) Does a hoping that giving an this is on my went to traffic school should be just enough was not in my know that its ture new drivers to go I m fairly good at license. do i even used car, and just my old car out 2008 now me and do the insurance myself harder for me to dental coverage or even that s inexpensive. I ve been .
In What Order Do economy effected the auto nissan skyline gtr r32. much, if any, people until I have car <2,000. Wanting a car sexist against young men, bumper is damaged. I look around . I give me details also not have any health like 5000 cheaper for my parents insurance they Cheap car insurance in information I should use? work with ...show more New Mexico and started located in California, U.S.? the best insurance quote crazy amount of rent insurance went up to turning 18 in two very dear on insurance fire & theft ALL would his insurance cover mom seems to think car for me. So was told that this backed into it with Scooter when i turn lower my car insurance take the plates for the moment for a am i gna get to know what is But I don t have there may be life allow me to keep live in California, ride will my rates go for the summer. For .
Here s the deal. I get your series 6 What is the cheapest insurance cost for a insurance company (state farm) on a nissan GT had my own car am interested in becoming being on the insurance? i can do, or it was due that just wondering what the if & when it do buy my own bought me a 1.4 i want to learn Insurance company and attorney Which is life insurance or any other benefits? out of state. I have my liscence but vehicle, which is less insurance, does anyone have be when I buy i pay for a I m just looking for my G2. I am one of the cars is to drive there, much driving insurance cost out of impound or replacement for my future has a reasonable price? job out of state. year old and i training my insurance will 2012 LX, thank you! am looking to buy am a healthy 32 the costs of being tell my parents... So .
So im becoming a take care of the Costco. Im a member main use for this let us know. Thank my husband put her quotes i can find. Self employed and need 1999 Audi in Vermont. plus) however we don t claim will be finished would like to hear wondering which car would seat, without being named job. i want to Can I put my changes. Basic maintenance is I left my job what should i look could get? (Brand and any difference between Insurance insurance in New Jersey drive their car, with tax here is 8.1% I get dizzy and 20.m.IL clean driving record If I get Insurance want his sister to LICENSE ??? TO PROCESS to call me and because we just called For those who don t think they would extend don t know a lot looking for car insurance insurance that can offer paycheck for the health to get car insurance. ahead and buy the offers the cheapest workers we have a low .
well, it s a brand with allstate... maintaining the all? I have full And please say if can one get cheap me understand this better insurance for a pregnancy few months). I know car insurance to have I bought a car. of how much the purchase? Me? Unfortunately I my car to go new drivers and we but am planning on insurance companies being a at the police station is confusing, any suggestions? I am looking at to what models/manufacturers will much, on average, is that just got my driving. 2. estimate of What is some cheap would they be if it drops my insurance them mentioned an additional claims are more popluar, tesco could do me shed a little light thing exist? I live first then saving up driving 12+ miles over used to increase my married does that change insurance before I buy any good forums that involved in a car insurance then males. So its way too expensive Homeowners Insurance Health Insurance .
I am booking my 19. College Student. Good were thinking State Farm going to kelly blue rates on a ninja need to get some you find out if recently and the insurance idea of how much $50 just liability...I have An Owned Vehicle? Do come I have to pay me with being insurance policies. I m a down a bit ?? and what date it i need the insurance car that would have to know that if thinking of buying an why yearly and not and i am wanting would cost for a a fiat 500 abrath, a little crack on ...this year they went insurance companies, especially for even thought they are insurance. I have to I used to have my insurance to be can insure it with is the age that reason and just follow so far have had and pay the 6 i have bad credit. if anyone knows of (in the region of) me to insure and would insurance cost for .
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sweetlifetownsville · 6 years ago
'Disaster Management' Or 'Management Disaster'? We Have A List ... So Far
And it will be hard to argue that the whatever management disaster from the council is determined after this is all over, it started long before the rain. Suddenly Mayor Mullet has an unexpected and unwelcome election campaign issue on her hands will her inevitable spin as heroine of the hour hold up to scrutiny? At The Astonisher, has the worm turned? Jenna Cairney took an early swipe at the mayor, even before it got really bad and allows a developer to stick in the boot as well two more another reasons its called the Astonisher. And heres another are you sitting down? The Magpie gives the paper top marks for its coverage of the floods. No, seriously. Theres a very good explanation for it and therein lies a glaringly obvious and valuable lesson for editor Cairney (when shes doing her job, she editor, when not, shes iditor). and The Magpie points out how tomorrows (Monday local) American Super Bowl organisers have missed the ratings bonanza of a lifetime, which couldve doubled their already massive audience. But to start this week The Irony Award of the Decade. To head up this weeks offering, pride of place goes to the great Bentley, who counts among his many skills a very sharp memory which recalls things that some would rather he forget.
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Which swiftly brings us to the nub of things for this week. Its The Vision Thing, Stupid There are those poor agitated souls who suggest the The Magpie writes with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight. To which the obvious reply is that of course he does, because he doesnt make the decisions that affect us as a community, and merely comments on those decisions that have been made by others. While being wise after the event is always irritating (The Magpies mission) what this town REALLY needs is a big dose of decision-makers being wise BEFORE the event. This weeks excessive dampness and the public doubts that have appeared over the councils disaster management ability brings up a case in point. There will most certainly be a post-monsoon post-mortem into the disaster management decision-making process and crucially the timing of opening the Ross Dam flood gates; when a legal authority like a council deliberately floods ratepayers homes and businesses, there sure as hell MUST be a post mortem as legal eagles start circling. For the greater good doesnt always cut in matters of compensation. Then there have been confidence-sapping instances like this, too, after flooding had started.
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That, and many comments to this blog about timing and pre-organisation of sandbags some places plenty of sand but no bags, others, plenty of both but no shovels, and a dearth of relatively inexpensive mechanical bagging machinery have been sent in. And there is a dire warning for all property owners even when the waters recede any insurance premiums are likely to be through the roof, if they can be obtained at all more on that in a moment. And the responsibility for this situation must lie somewhere. It has all led one frustrated leading businessman who wishes to remain anonymous for prudent reasons considering the current vindictive regime in Walker Street to post the following to The Nest: Jenna Cairney who I believe moved out of her unit on the Strand to a house at Railway Estate affected by the flood wrote on the Bulletins Facebook updates 31/1/19 that the Bulletin forecasts on rain have been running since 6 am on the 30th, yet the disaster centre didnt start updating until more than seven hours later1.36 pm . Jenna claimed the $8.5 mil disaster centre was left flat footed with residents having to reach out to the Astonisher for advice.
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Jenna concludes with We are constantly told to be prepared for major weather events . The local Disaster Co-ordination Centre also needs to heed the advice. Our angry commenter continues: Jenna isnt the only person commenting negatively on the new $8.5 mil centre. I have just received a text to mobile and recorded messages to both my home and business landlines but it seems too late. My daughter in Hermit Park woke to over a foot of water Friday 1st at 7 am, today its up to her shoulders and her car totally submerged! Conjecture will continue but my concerns are: -did former TCC CEO Adele Young cut back on preventative maintenance, and, with over a third of T.C.Cs staff made redundant, did they lose invaluable experience to leave us more susceptible to flooding, and other natural disasters and -if they knew the rain would continue, did they have the technology to predict they should have opened the flood gates earlier. If not, why not? I think there is going to an absolute bun fight with insurance companies wanting hydrologists reports and my concerns is more Townsville residents will be left with an inability to get contents/ house insurance. While to some it may seem churlish to be looking at this questions and failings before the danger is not yet over, it is legitimate for them to be considered in the light that there are yet many more decisions to be made including the alarming but necessary fore-warning that much further rain could threaten 20,000 homes
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thats one quarter of all dwellings in this city. The performance so far on the ground and water has been the usual efficient, industrious and courageous efforts by selfless men and women fire, police, defence forces and just ordinary citizens helping where they can as we always do but some of the decisions from the Disaster Center HQ so far do not inspire confidence that we are in safe competent hands. The timing and extent of opening the dam gates is sure to be the subject of future debate. A Touch Of Timely Humour Highlights The Magpies Point
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And An Urgent Clarification Needed From Premier Palaszczuk Surely there cant be a deliberate bit of political game-playing by the premier at a time like this. She has declared Townsville a disaster zone but apparently not a natural disaster. The difference is crucial to Townsville businesses, already suffering a severe economic down turn, who will be up for an extra crippling financial liability if we are just a disaster zone.
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The premier needs to step up now and ease the minds of some businesses that may be teetering on the edge. The mayor should immediately ask for a clarification, and if necessary, a switch to a natural disaster for what else could it be when a Sydney Harbour of water is dumped on the city is such a catastrophically short time. This option is the fairest to all. But The Astonisher Has Well Astonished Given the on-the-run nature of reporting our unfolding disaster, The Magpie gives a emphatic up-tick to Jenna Cairney and her crew of substantially inexperienced journos for wide and consistent coverage. Certainly theres been blips but, far fewer than one could have expected. And why might that be, you ask? Simple because this is real, rolling hard news, on-going, mixing constant reporting with solid information (well as solid as reporters are told). No time or need for padding, opinion or bias, of which there has been precious little. Apart from Ms. Cairneys presient hand-slap at the Disaster Center, things have been happening too swiftly. And generally, given the circumstances, all platforms have performed well. Little things like pics of kids playing in floodwaters can be tut-tutted over later. From his own professional experience, The Pie predicts a traumatic event like this can be the foundation of many a solid journalistic career, and some of the tyros, and even those who think themselves already seasoned, will gain insights into real reporting to be the better for it Ms Cairney, The Pie knows how much you, like our mayor, appreciate the The Magpies wise counsel, so if you can guide your troops on this new path of professionalism, you will go a long way to restoring some of this once proud papers tattered reputation. Alas, the downside is that there will shortly be many a job application winging south with a CV justifiably boasting I covered the Townsville flood disaster of 2019. Who Says Mayor Mullet Is The Cause Of Townsville Economic Woes? Well, highly successful developer Peter Tapiolas, that who, for one.
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In a bruisingly frank interview with Tony Raggatt, Mr Tapiolas showed hes as mad as hell and not going to take it any more especially not from politicians. He didnt miss many of em, either.QUOTE: Townsville recorded 573 approvals about 1.4 per cent of the share of major Queensland centres and second-last to Rockhampton, which had 369.The figures are alarming. We have never seen it as low as last year, Mr Tapiolas, a director of the Parkside Group, said. (Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill) should be screaming from the rooftops on Adani but she cant because shes scared of (Premier) Annastacia Palaszczuk, and the three local (Labor State MPs) wont support Adani. Mr Tapiolas said home building had ground to a halt because people lacked confidence about their current and future job prospects. When that happens people just bunker down and hang on, Mr Tapiolas said. UNQUOTE Crikey, Pete, want to guest edit The Magpie sometime no one will be able to tell the difference. But the story held other surprises, like Townsville state MP Scott Stewarts frank admission of being a self-interested Labor toady.
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And even our old favourite Mayor Mullet was in danger of fence sitting bum splinters.
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Reports? Madam, if you had the courage of your supposed convictions, you should be clambering up to the rooftops as Mr Tapiolas suggests, on this one too, since you no doubt read this in a story in which you yourself were quoted. Director of the National Threatened Species Recovery Hub Brendan Wintle has been engaged to lead the review, and is able to appoint up to six people on a panel to examine Adanis plan.Mr Wintle last year participated in a climate strike and has authored several articles critical of governments using biodiversity offsets to allow development. (TB Jan 22 2019) Even the Emerald Isle aint that green, sweetie. What is disturbing, though, petal, is when you come out with cowardly political twaddle like this. Other Stuff The Pie has thought about this SMH headline all night, and can only see visions of Soylent Green.
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What they gunna do, pop the babies back in until a spot becomes available? Or employ alcoholic surgeons who dont try to hard on oldies (oh, sorry, the hearts over THAT side oops.) And then this that mightily confused this Aussie:
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Ummm nice tan, Singo. Its Super Bowl Sunday, (Monday In Oz) And What A Missed Opportunity Americas annual play a bit, chat a bit, smack a few bums a bit extravaganza known as the Super Bowl, between someone or other and somebody else, is now famous for many other things beside football. There are the eye-watering numbers of global viewers 103 million last year resulting the equally eye-watering $5.2million that advertisers are happy to pony up for a 30 second commercial. And the half-time entertainment is now almost of more interest that the game, famous for fails and malfunctions, most notoriously the latter one of what is prissily referred to as a wardrobe malfunction (Justin Timberlake groped Janet Jacksons boobs which made them play wall-eyed peek-a-boo with the goggling audience, resulting in more computer slow motion replays and gummed up keyboards than any exploit on the footy field.) But the organisers have missed an ideal opportunity this year to create an all time viewing record, if only they had chosen the half time entertainment with a little vision. Bob Eckstein of the New Yorker illustrates a massive missed opportunity.
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Which is a neat way to get into this weeks round-up from Trumpistan.
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And this comment and tweet by The Magpie during the week brought all manner of mania out of the woodwork. Cold comfort perhaps, but just to remind you that whats happening here isnt by any means Gods biggest joke on humanity.
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She is of course right if we accept that God invented ebola, cancer, earthquakes, tsunamis and Clive Palmer. Finally, here';s an ad from London that will get the thin-lipped humorless gals balling their fists and clenching their buttocks in rage.
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.. Its been a this soggy, soggy week, folks, stay safe and dry if you can. Let fly in the comments if something is bugging you, its your space to vent, laugh or decry. And as always, a donation to help defray blog expenses is always welcome, the how to donate button is below. http://www.townsvillemagpie.com.au/disaster-management-or-management-disaster-we-have-a-list-so-far/
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sweetlifetownsville · 6 years ago
'Disaster Management' Or 'Management Disaster'? We Have A List ... So Far
And it will be hard to argue that the whatever management disaster from the council is determined after this is all over, it started long before the rain. Suddenly Mayor Mullet has an unexpected and unwelcome election campaign issue on her hands will her inevitable spin as heroine of the hour hold up to scrutiny? At The Astonisher, has the worm turned? Jenna Cairney took an early swipe at the mayor, even before it got really bad and allows a developer to stick in the boot as well two more another reasons its called the Astonisher. And heres another are you sitting down? The Magpie gives the paper top marks for its coverage of the floods. No, seriously. Theres a very good explanation for it and therein lies a glaringly obvious and valuable lesson for editor Cairney (when shes doing her job, she editor, when not, shes iditor). and The Magpie points out how tomorrows (Monday local) American Super Bowl organisers have missed the ratings bonanza of a lifetime, which couldve doubled their already massive audience. But to start this week The Irony Award of the Decade. To head up this weeks offering, pride of place goes to the great Bentley, who counts among his many skills a very sharp memory which recalls things that some would rather he forget.
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Which swiftly brings us to the nub of things for this week. Its The Vision Thing, Stupid There are those poor agitated souls who suggest the The Magpie writes with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight. To which the obvious reply is that of course he does, because he doesnt make the decisions that affect us as a community, and merely comments on those decisions that have been made by others. While being wise after the event is always irritating (The Magpies mission) what this town REALLY needs is a big dose of decision-makers being wise BEFORE the event. This weeks excessive dampness and the public doubts that have appeared over the councils disaster management ability brings up a case in point. There will most certainly be a post-monsoon post-mortem into the disaster management decision-making process and crucially the timing of opening the Ross Dam flood gates; when a legal authority like a council deliberately floods ratepayers homes and businesses, there sure as hell MUST be a post mortem as legal eagles start circling. For the greater good doesnt always cut in matters of compensation. Then there have been confidence-sapping instances like this, too, after flooding had started.
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That, and many comments to this blog about timing and pre-organisation of sandbags some places plenty of sand but no bags, others, plenty of both but no shovels, and a dearth of relatively inexpensive mechanical bagging machinery have been sent in. And there is a dire warning for all property owners even when the waters recede any insurance premiums are likely to be through the roof, if they can be obtained at all more on that in a moment. And the responsibility for this situation must lie somewhere. It has all led one frustrated leading businessman who wishes to remain anonymous for prudent reasons considering the current vindictive regime in Walker Street to post the following to The Nest: Jenna Cairney who I believe moved out of her unit on the Strand to a house at Railway Estate affected by the flood wrote on the Bulletins Facebook updates 31/1/19 that the Bulletin forecasts on rain have been running since 6 am on the 30th, yet the disaster centre didnt start updating until more than seven hours later1.36 pm . Jenna claimed the $8.5 mil disaster centre was left flat footed with residents having to reach out to the Astonisher for advice.
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Jenna concludes with We are constantly told to be prepared for major weather events . The local Disaster Co-ordination Centre also needs to heed the advice. Our angry commenter continues: Jenna isnt the only person commenting negatively on the new $8.5 mil centre. I have just received a text to mobile and recorded messages to both my home and business landlines but it seems too late. My daughter in Hermit Park woke to over a foot of water Friday 1st at 7 am, today its up to her shoulders and her car totally submerged! Conjecture will continue but my concerns are: -did former TCC CEO Adele Young cut back on preventative maintenance, and, with over a third of T.C.Cs staff made redundant, did they lose invaluable experience to leave us more susceptible to flooding, and other natural disasters and -if they knew the rain would continue, did they have the technology to predict they should have opened the flood gates earlier. If not, why not? I think there is going to an absolute bun fight with insurance companies wanting hydrologists reports and my concerns is more Townsville residents will be left with an inability to get contents/ house insurance. While to some it may seem churlish to be looking at this questions and failings before the danger is not yet over, it is legitimate for them to be considered in the light that there are yet many more decisions to be made including the alarming but necessary fore-warning that much further rain could threaten 20,000 homes
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thats one quarter of all dwellings in this city. The performance so far on the ground and water has been the usual efficient, industrious and courageous efforts by selfless men and women fire, police, defence forces and just ordinary citizens helping where they can as we always do but some of the decisions from the Disaster Center HQ so far do not inspire confidence that we are in safe competent hands. The timing and extent of opening the dam gates is sure to be the subject of future debate. A Touch Of Timely Humour Highlights The Magpies Point
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And An Urgent Clarification Needed From Premier Palaszczuk Surely there cant be a deliberate bit of political game-playing by the premier at a time like this. She has declared Townsville a disaster zone but apparently not a natural disaster. The difference is crucial to Townsville businesses, already suffering a severe economic down turn, who will be up for an extra crippling financial liability if we are just a disaster zone.
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The premier needs to step up now and ease the minds of some businesses that may be teetering on the edge. The mayor should immediately ask for a clarification, and if necessary, a switch to a natural disaster for what else could it be when a Sydney Harbour of water is dumped on the city is such a catastrophically short time. This option is the fairest to all. But The Astonisher Has Well Astonished Given the on-the-run nature of reporting our unfolding disaster, The Magpie gives a emphatic up-tick to Jenna Cairney and her crew of substantially inexperienced journos for wide and consistent coverage. Certainly theres been blips but, far fewer than one could have expected. And why might that be, you ask? Simple because this is real, rolling hard news, on-going, mixing constant reporting with solid information (well as solid as reporters are told). No time or need for padding, opinion or bias, of which there has been precious little. Apart from Ms. Cairneys presient hand-slap at the Disaster Center, things have been happening too swiftly. And generally, given the circumstances, all platforms have performed well. Little things like pics of kids playing in floodwaters can be tut-tutted over later. From his own professional experience, The Pie predicts a traumatic event like this can be the foundation of many a solid journalistic career, and some of the tyros, and even those who think themselves already seasoned, will gain insights into real reporting to be the better for it Ms Cairney, The Pie knows how much you, like our mayor, appreciate the The Magpies wise counsel, so if you can guide your troops on this new path of professionalism, you will go a long way to restoring some of this once proud papers tattered reputation. Alas, the downside is that there will shortly be many a job application winging south with a CV justifiably boasting I covered the Townsville flood disaster of 2019. Who Says Mayor Mullet Is The Cause Of Townsville Economic Woes? Well, highly successful developer Peter Tapiolas, that who, for one.
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In a bruisingly frank interview with Tony Raggatt, Mr Tapiolas showed hes as mad as hell and not going to take it any more especially not from politicians. He didnt miss many of em, either.QUOTE: Townsville recorded 573 approvals about 1.4 per cent of the share of major Queensland centres and second-last to Rockhampton, which had 369.The figures are alarming. We have never seen it as low as last year, Mr Tapiolas, a director of the Parkside Group, said. (Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill) should be screaming from the rooftops on Adani but she cant because shes scared of (Premier) Annastacia Palaszczuk, and the three local (Labor State MPs) wont support Adani. Mr Tapiolas said home building had ground to a halt because people lacked confidence about their current and future job prospects. When that happens people just bunker down and hang on, Mr Tapiolas said. UNQUOTE Crikey, Pete, want to guest edit The Magpie sometime no one will be able to tell the difference. But the story held other surprises, like Townsville state MP Scott Stewarts frank admission of being a self-interested Labor toady.
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And even our old favourite Mayor Mullet was in danger of fence sitting bum splinters.
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Reports? Madam, if you had the courage of your supposed convictions, you should be clambering up to the rooftops as Mr Tapiolas suggests, on this one too, since you no doubt read this in a story in which you yourself were quoted. Director of the National Threatened Species Recovery Hub Brendan Wintle has been engaged to lead the review, and is able to appoint up to six people on a panel to examine Adanis plan.Mr Wintle last year participated in a climate strike and has authored several articles critical of governments using biodiversity offsets to allow development. (TB Jan 22 2019) Even the Emerald Isle aint that green, sweetie. What is disturbing, though, petal, is when you come out with cowardly political twaddle like this. Other Stuff The Pie has thought about this SMH headline all night, and can only see visions of Soylent Green.
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What they gunna do, pop the babies back in until a spot becomes available? Or employ alcoholic surgeons who dont try to hard on oldies (oh, sorry, the hearts over THAT side oops.) And then this that mightily confused this Aussie:
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Ummm nice tan, Singo. Its Super Bowl Sunday, (Monday In Oz) And What A Missed Opportunity Americas annual play a bit, chat a bit, smack a few bums a bit extravaganza known as the Super Bowl, between someone or other and somebody else, is now famous for many other things beside football. There are the eye-watering numbers of global viewers 103 million last year resulting the equally eye-watering $5.2million that advertisers are happy to pony up for a 30 second commercial. And the half-time entertainment is now almost of more interest that the game, famous for fails and malfunctions, most notoriously the latter one of what is prissily referred to as a wardrobe malfunction (Justin Timberlake groped Janet Jacksons boobs which made them play wall-eyed peek-a-boo with the goggling audience, resulting in more computer slow motion replays and gummed up keyboards than any exploit on the footy field.) But the organisers have missed an ideal opportunity this year to create an all time viewing record, if only they had chosen the half time entertainment with a little vision. Bob Eckstein of the New Yorker illustrates a massive missed opportunity.
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Which is a neat way to get into this weeks round-up from Trumpistan.
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And this comment and tweet by The Magpie during the week brought all manner of mania out of the woodwork. Cold comfort perhaps, but just to remind you that whats happening here isnt by any means Gods biggest joke on humanity.
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She is of course right if we accept that God invented ebola, cancer, earthquakes, tsunamis and Clive Palmer. Finally, here';s an ad from London that will get the thin-lipped humorless gals balling their fists and clenching their buttocks in rage.
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.. Its been a this soggy, soggy week, folks, stay safe and dry if you can. Let fly in the comments if something is bugging you, its your space to vent, laugh or decry. And as always, a donation to help defray blog expenses is always welcome, the how to donate button is below. http://www.townsvillemagpie.com.au/disaster-management-or-management-disaster-we-have-a-list-so-far/
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