#i know most reposter don't mean harm but they are still harming us
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Reminder I don't allow any kind of repost of my work. I am tired of repeating it when it is literally written on my blog and twitter handle.
Sharing art is always a joy but reposters really suck out all the fun. The more I get my art reposted the less I am inclined to share it publicly.
I love being in fandoms where we can share our passion. It is a lot of fun and we can discuss about silly or more serious aspects about the franchise we enjoy. But reposters and haters are really getting my mental down.
My art is my living, any kind of repost has a financial impact to my lifestyle which is already very unstable. I decided to have that kind of life because the community I have around me is kind and giving me hope. I deserve respect no matter what is the subject I draw and share with you all.
Respect artists and creators wishes. It is not that hard. Sharing a link is not that hard either and most platforms have a sharing option. If I don't post my fanarts somewhere specific (like reddit, instagram etc...) it is because I do not believe it belong there. I do not want my art there and it should be respected.
#i am tired#i know most reposter don't mean harm but they are still harming us#but it is still wrong#people first reaction should be sharing the og post not saving our creation so they can share them themselves#i prefer to asked if i could share my art somewhere than having to discover it jas been reposted#ugh...
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Tuesday's House Budget Vote and what you may not have heard about
I'm reposting this from a reblog of a really great post about the work that Representatives Mullin and Pettersen did in voting against the GOP budget on February 25th, because I don't want to detract from that message.
Instead, I want to talk about the larger implications of H. Con. Res. 14 itself, and why the Democrats risked so much (in Mullin's and Pettersen's cases, actual harm) in order to show up for this vote.
The vote in question is starting the first of quite a few votes for the upcoming GOP budget; it's not a done deal by any means, this was just the vote to get it started, so to speak. But it was still a very, very, VERY important vote, because not only would failure be catastrophic, but so would a win that just barely squeaked by.
And this one squeaked like a fucking mouse in Murray's Cheese Shop.
Speaker Johnson has been waffling on putting this to a vote because there were several outspoken GOP members who talked a big game about opposing it. Usually this doesn't matter, since most bills get some bipartisanship, but at present the House is in GOP hands with only a three-member margin of error, with two seats vacant (note: those two vacancies are FL 1 and 6, which are holding their special elections on April 1 — lol — and which are EXTREMELY unlikely to flip but hey miracles happen! Donate or phonebank if you'd like!). And Democratic representatives have been voting in a bloc against...well pretty much everything the GOP's been pushing through since Trump took office. Not only that, but this budget is legit unpopular with a number of Republicans, so much so that Johnson pulled the vote at first on Tuesday because he knew it would fail if the GOP members who'd threatened to vote against it actually went through with it. What he needed was to either convince them all to fall in line, or resort to cheating.
So he did both!
He and Trump strongarmed all but one of the GOP holdouts into voting yes (Congressman Massie is in many ways a turd in a toilet, and his reasons for voting no were bad, but he did stick to his guns, I'll give him that). Reports of Trump actually screaming at one of the (female, naturally) GOP holdouts are...well, unsurprising, but that's how panicked they were about getting this bill started. Usually the Whip does this work, but Tom Emmer's been laughably bad at it and so they had to get Trump to actually do some work. Which is itself sort of astonishing. But even then, they weren't sure they could get it done.
Which leads us to part two of Johnson's plan: blatant cheating. During Pelosi's last session as Speaker, she allowed for proxy voting in light of COVID and, you know, the general state of things, but the second the GOP got back the gavel they nixed it right in the bud. This puts the Dems at a disadvantage right now because at least three of them are out for medical reasons — Mullin and Pettersen, as well as Congressman Raúl Grijalva who's fighting cancer at present. (He was the only Democrat who couldn't get to the floor for this vote, fwiw, and anyone who insists he should've can suck my left tit.)
So Johnson adjourned the House for the evening, sending everyone home, but told the GOP members to stay and then tried to rush through the vote before the Dems realized what was happening. His hope was that enough Dems would be caught flat-footed/not see the recall notice/be asleep watching Taskmaster (whoops that was me) by the time they got the message to get back to the floor. That way he could lose the holdouts but still pass the budget onto the next phase.
However! While Nancy Pelosi no longer rules the Democratic caucus with her iron fist and fabulous coats, my man Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries learned quite a lot from her (and is pretty fucking genius himself). Not only did he and the other House leadership expect this kind of chicanery from Johnson, they had planned on it.
Because here's the thing: Mullin and Pettersen didn't get on a plane at the last minute on Tuesday; they'd gotten to DC on Monday, without telling anyone they were in town. They actually hid from the GOP members all day Tuesday in order to lull Johnson into thinking he had more of a margin than he did; if the GOP holdouts really had voted against the budget, then it would've failed. Which would have been a biiiiiiig problem for Johnson and Trump.
As it is, it's still a biiiiiiig problem for Johnson and Trump, because now they know just how razor-thin their margin is. More importantly, they also now know that the Dems will fuck with them just as much (if not more) as they will fuck with Dems. Congress (and the USA in general) has operated for years on the assumption that Democrats operate in good faith, while taking it for granted that of course the GOP ratfuck as much as humanly possible.
This moment is a chilling one for the GOP; they can't assume anymore that Dems will play fair or fight clean. Which seems like a very small thing in the larger picture right now, I know, and I also know that people would love for their Democratic representatives and senators to be more vocal and angry in public ways. I get that!
But this move on Tuesday night? Is actually going to have far bigger consequences than any meme or viral video or clever soundbite from a politician. Democrats are no longer playing by the rules that the GOP's ignored for years (if not decades); they're playing by the GOP's own rules, and they just might win.
#politics!#us politics#sidenote: remember that thing about no proxy voting? well#Congressman Byron Donalds voted yea with his GOP buds#but...he was on set with Bill Maher at the time of the vote#no of course no explanation has been offered#nor has any news organization sought on as far as I've been able to determine#but still: interesting! isn't it!
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Starting With Wicca: A primer
(This is a repost of a community post I made over on my main blog @wolfgirl coven)
This is a repost from a post I made on TherianGuide as a response to someone inquiring about getting started with Wicca. I have been a witch for 13 years, and really started delving fully into NeoWicca around 2021/2022-ish, and am in the process of crafting my own NeoWiccan tradition which draws influence from Stregheria, Heathenry, Druidry, and American Folkloric Witchcraft's non-oathbound materials.
Wicca tends to come in two forms: Traditional Wicca, and NeoWicca. Traditional Wicca is an initiatory mystery tradition, whereas NeoWicca is built off of the available materials that Traditional Wiccans have made public.
Traditional Wicca: Traditional Wicca has many different traditions, but the most well known are Gardnerian and Alexandrian. Alexandrian being an offshoot of Gardnerian. There's other traditions such as Blue Star, Corellian, Seax-Wica, and so on. (Fun Fact, Seax-Wica is actually self-initiatory, and does not require a coven structure like other traditions do. It's inspired by Anglo-Saxon paganism, but is still strictly Wiccan and not reconstructionist Heathenry.) With Trad Wicca, especially British Traditional Wicca (which I will refer to as BTW from here on), you will most often find that they operate in a coven based structure, and the covens can trace back their lineages to BTW in most cases. These covens will more often than not have an age requirement, as many practice skyclad (aka nude). In all honesty, I'd steer away from any coven that DOESNT have an age requirement.
NeoWicca - NeoWicca is what most people know as Wicca. Unnfortunately NeoWicca gets a bad reputation due to the 90s witch craze and new age boom blending the two, and certainly misinformed witchtokers do not help. True NeoWicca (and not NewAge Fluff repackaged) is heavily influcenced by authors such as Raymond Buckland, Scott Cunningham, Vivianne Crowley, etc. Silver Ravenwolf, as controversial as she is, also is responsible for the growth of solitary neo-wicca. (Unpopular opinion but I do think her books have merit if you read them from a standpoint of acknowledging it as HER tradition and not the end-all/be-all of Wicca, like many do. I'm quite fond of her book Solitary witch, even if I don't personally agree with everything in it. I certainly would NOT start with her though, and not use her work for a path-foundation.)
Core Aspects of Wicca: Both Neo and Traditonal Wicca will have some shared core aspects.
1. Belief in the God and Goddess. The God and Goddess are the gods of Wicca. How one approaches them may vary, but it's common to take the approach of what I like to call Pluriform Duotheism(this is the approach I take myself). This is the belief that the gods and goddesses seen in the many cultures and mythologies around the world are various manifestations of the God and Goddess. All gods are one god, all goddesses are one goddess. This is controversial as many take this to mean you can call whoever you want for whatever you want. I would disagree. Names are energetic calling cards/titles that people have bestowed upon the divine. For example, if you were to worship Diana and Pan as your Goddess and God, you would indeed want to look into how they were worshipped in the cultures that gave them those names. Studying the mythos and cultural beliefs around the forms of the gods you worship can help you deepen your understanding of them. It's also good to study various deific archetypes, such as the Queen of Heaven, Earth Mother, Sky Father, Horned God, Triple Goddess, etc. There is no right or wrong way to worship the gods in Wicca so long as you are worshipping them in good faith.
2. The Wiccan Rede. The Wiccan Rede serves as a code of conduct to live by. The word Rede means advice, not commandment. Many people take the "an it harm none, do what you will" part of the Rede to mean no baneful magick ever. This is ahistorical to traditional Wicca. While it is certainly good to strive to harm none, if someone hurts you, is abusive, etc. it is ok to use magick to strike back and defend yourself. Think of it as not throwing the first punch, or as a firearm used in self-defense. The Rede itself may not be used in all forms of Wicca, ironically enough, but today it is very commonly seen. I think of "An it harm none, do as ye will" as moreso "if it isn't hurting anyone, let em be".
Of course, nowdays Wicca is a bit of a loaded word. You've likely seen a lot of anti-wicca posts in the witchcraft community. This is mostly because people are ill-informed on the religion, and only know Wicca from the 90s-2000s New Ager stuff dubbed "Wicca". So, below, let's play mythbusters and bust some myths:
1. Wicca is Built off of Appropriation - wrong. Wicca, at its conception, is an attempt to reconstruct the Witch-Cult as theorized by Margaret Murray. Though the idea of a pan-european witch cult is basically debunked, at the time of Wicca's founding, it was indeed believed. Wicca also incorporates a lot from various Western Esoteric traditions, which were part of the backbone of the occult movement. There's nothing wrong with practicing wicca, and there is indeed merit in the concepts of the god and goddess of the hunt & fertility being the oldest gods worshipped, as those were essential to the survival of early humans. Cultural appropriation in Wicca comes from the New Age boom of the 90s and 2000s throwing everything non-christian under the wicca label to get money.
2. Wicca is gender essentialist - somewhat true, as it does indeed focus on Male and Female as a creative dual force in the universe. Wiccans today are aware of this, but the idea of Masculine & Feminine being the forces of creation DOESN'T have to exclude queer. It's not mutually exclusive. When we look at the Goddess Inanna, the Queen of Heaven herself, she describes herself as both male and female, and was known to turn men into women, and women into men. Though some Wiccan covens may still hold antiquated ideas of gender and sexuality, most don't. In my personal Wiccan path, I view The God and Goddess as simply being the polar ends of the gender spectrum, and the universe as a whole (which is joining of the god and goddess/the all) as the divine androgyne, existent beyond gender. Anyone who falls betwixt, between, or outside of the spectrum are all equally divine, as the divine is in everything.
3. Gerald Gardner was a creep/homophobe/etc. therefore Wicca is bad - Gerald Gardner was a man born in the 1800s. Obviously, he is going to be a product of the time. Whether you love him, hate him, or don't really care too much about him, we would not have modern paganism and witchcraft if not for him. You cannot believe everything you hear on witchtok, because people will say things that are blatantly untrue. Yes, Gardner was not a good man by today's standards, because no one is perfect. Even Gardnerians will acknowledge this.
Ok with that out of the way, we're onto resources for Wicca. I'll start with books.
WICCA SPECIFIC: Wicca, a guide for the Solitary Practitioner - Scott Cunningham Raymond Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft- Raymond Buckland Wicca for One - Raymond Buckland The Craft - Dorothy Morrison The Witches Bible - Janet and Stewart Farrar Wicca: a comprehensive guide to the old religion in the modern world - Vivianne Crowley The Truth About Witchcraft - Scott Cunningham The Book of Shadows - Gerald Gardner Witchcraft Today - Gerald Gardner
THE GODS OF WICCA: The Witches God & The Witches Goddess - Janet and Stewart Farrar (two separate books, i put em together for the sake of ease) Queen of all Witcheries - Jack Chanek The Horned God of the Witches - Jason Mankey
WICCA-ADJACENT: Italian Witchcraft - Raven Grimassi The Spiral Dance - Starhawk Druidcraft - Phillip Carr Gomm Triumph of the Moon - Ronald Hutton
PROTO-WICCA: (aka Wicca draws a lot from this) Aradia, Gospel of the Witches - Charles Godfrey Leland
There's a LOT more books out there about Witchcraft and Paganism, so this is only a little sample platter lol.
Next up, let's delver further into the gods of Wicca:
When getting into Wicca, you will quickly learn that the names of the God and Goddess used in Traditional Wicca are often Oathbound, as in you cannot know them unless you are initiated into a coven. Different Covens may use different names for the God and Goddess. When talking with a good friend of mine (idk if eir on this site yet but shoutout to em) we have come to a theory as to why the names are oathbound: From a meta standpoint, knowing the oathbound/coven names of the gods marks you as an insider. Like it or not, insider vs outsider type mentality has always been a key part of humanity's survival.
Many people will say that the reason the names are oathbound is because they are the true names of the gods, but i personally disagree. My reasoning for disagreement is as follows: if the gods only had one set of true names, they wouldn't be responding to the prayers of non-initiated wiccans, neowiccans, etc. Worry less about names of the gods, and focus more on building a relationship with them. ALL names are true names, so long as you approach the god and goddess genuinely and with respect. Use the names and imagery of the divine that resonates with your soul. If it's Zeus and Hera, Cernunnos and Aradia, Lucifer and Diana, Ba'al and Astarte, etc. it doesn't matter, use what calls your soul. And be aware that the names you use for the gods may change over time, or you may even use multiple names for them, and that's ok.
I know some of the names listed may be scary, especially to those who were raised christian like me, and that's ok too. The main thing is to unlearn christian teachings and biases. Lucifer is originally a roman personification of the morning star, and an Italian god of the sun & light, akin to Apollo. Ba'al is a title that simply means "Lord" and was used to refer to a good number of near-eastern gods such as Hadad (who can be equated to Zeus and Thor), Hammon (who can be equated to Jupiter-Amun, as well as Saturn), and so forth. This is why studying the names of the gods is important, as it helps you unlearn that which you were taught to fear.
I'll link some videos that go into detail on understanding just who the God and Goddess are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTbnsIcYvc8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bInWOUyMLQI
both of these videos I really enjoy! The first video I absolutely adore as it's simple and straight to the point, (also the altar Icons he uses are just GORGEOUS)
there will also be talk of the Goddess as Maiden-Mother-Crone, as this is one of the primary ways many see the Goddess, though many may not use the triple goddess archetype in their path, and that's ok! I personally experience the triple goddess as Crescent, Full, and Dark moons, as well as Earth, Sea, and Sky, rather than Maiden, Mother, and Crone.
Starting Out:
In all honesty, the best way to start your Wiccan path is to reach out to the Lady and Lord themselves, you don't need to use specific names for them, you can simply call them by any of their titles, or even just God/Goddess, or Lord/Lady, etc. Speak to them, ask them to guide you on your journey, give an offering if you can - even just pouring out some water is good enough. So long as what you offer is done in genuine faith, it will suffice.
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Why the , fuck are you blocking your fans? They just repost artists that are Russians, and it’s not their fault that their Putin attacked you
I didn't want to write something like this on this blog but damn. I wanted to close this topic once and for all. There's quite a lot of text here but I'm just tired of being called guilty for the fact that I'm still alive
Ahem, The most important
Don't talk to me in Russian. Do I understand it? Unfortunately, Yes. But I don't want to see it here in my safe space. There is UKR/ENG in my description for a reason.
Maybe when you come to this blog, you think that I am a friendly creator who treats everything neutrally, but no.
If you repost, draw, promote any content in Russian or Russian projects - go away, I'm not happy for you here.
Imbeciles who have never experienced real thought and learn about the world solely through fandom love to tell you wrong with the certainty of a gnat. They relax in their armchairs, scroll through TikTok, think poverty means not owning a house, maybe an iPad, and maybe check one article a day on Twitter/ X — only if it's about pop culture. Then they slide in a news of someone who survived the bombing, acting like they're the moral police. If you know nothing and your understanding is woefully shallow, at least try to resist the urge to write all kinds of nonsense
"bUt wHy cAn't I tAlK aNd sPrEaD fUnNy rUs mEmEs" or "LANGUAGE CAN'T HARM YOU" of course. but the people who use it have killed my neighbors, my parents friends, my uncle, Friends and EVEN A NIECE WHO WAS NOT EVEN A YEAR OLD and many more than just my family.
destroyed other people's houses and my plans for the future
They wish death on each of us every day and the saddest thing is that I grew up with this I don't remember what it was like to live without war, do you think it was three years? 10 years? No. It was practically always like that
So you know they organized the Holocaust–Or famine , made 'fraternal' wars between Ukrainians, simply KILLED OUR NATION EVERY TIME, but we manage to resurrect ourselves almost every time, And every time they try to break us again. It's not just Putin who comes and kills everyone, it's a whole nation that steals, kills and erases important things from history, it's a nation that comes and steals and abuses and steals our children, or do a crimes to women or men.
The most big thing
I hate when westerns joke about 'soviet'
But what I hate most is when they hypocritically repost pro-Palestinian posts and are completely calm about Russians who post what a good day they are having after bombing another residential area
If you are a western that somehow supports Russians and reposts their work, arts, animation, game's, Creation
you are a bad person for me, I'm disappointed in you, get out of here, And don't you dare come back here.
Because Is it THAT HARD for you to at least try to understand what other people might be feeling? It's so hard to check that the person you follow pays taxes and continues to support the nightmare?
#ukrainian history#ukrainian genocide#fuck russia#russians in a nutshell#russia is a terrorist state#russia is the occupier#don't you dare write me nasty things#just don't funking dare#ukraine#save ukraine#save my mental health#I will block everyone rus fan's and it's not joke#and that's not all#delete later maybe
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EDIT: Sorry for all these textposts tonight. This is a repost of the ealier post to remove mentions of one of the users in the transcript from the comments section. I appreciate everyone who commented on the previous version of the post and will be presenting a couple of different options on how to continue this blog either tomorrow or on Tuesday - Original post:
I've been made aware (in a transcript posted below the readmore) that the whole premise and language used on this blog is harmful and dehumanising to adoptees. This was genuine ignorance on my part, but I don't want to continue running this blog in a way that's harmful to a marginalised group
So because of that, I'm going to be ceasing running this blog as "the tumblr found family adoption agency" and in the coming weeks will remove this language from the blog as much as I can
Now, I do enjoy running this blog and would like to continue it in some form. I had considered simply removing references to adoption agencies, but while the original sentiment is still there, I don't think this small change would be good enough
So, my next idea was to change this blog to:
Finding the Tumblr Quest Party
The idea is that we're all on a quest and choosing members of our party. This way the blog would still function on a similar premise, but remove any references to adoption that would be harmful to real life adoptees. The question would simply be "Should this character join the tumblr quest party?" with the answer being yes or no and the results dialogue being something along the lines of "This character [did/didn't] join the quest party", to remove the upsetting ditching on the roadside aspect
Should I go ahead with this, all current characters on the list would carry over as they are, because I'm sure none of us fancy doing hundreds (possibly even into the thousands?) of polls again. Also, the current queue of characters would continue to run
I'd be happy to hear feedback on what you think of this possible change, especially from other adoptees from across the world (though ofc I wouldn't want you to doxx yourselves in the replies, so only say anything your comfortable with sharing)
user 1: hey op: are you an adoptee and did u talk to adoptees about this? because personally, as an adoptee, i think this is whole thing is really insensitive to us, and the experiences we go through. please stop this, it’s harmful. the private adoption industry should not be used as a joke for blorbos. it is an unregulated industry that costs lives
user 2: it's like insanely harmful and romanticism at every turn. I could write a whole entire ESSAY on how it's fucked up and basic romanticism that leads into silencing adoptees and their trauma.
user 2: honestly the excuse of "I know an adoptee that said it's okay! 1! " is first of most likely lying, second off just because one adoptee says it's okay, doesn't give you the right to Invalidate , romantize and glorify adoption and trauma.
Easily a "well x said I could say this slur even when I can't reclaim it!!" Like okay doesn't mean you should or you arnt gross
It's also, ignoring all of that, missing the point of found family in thee first place.
user 1: yeah like found family is removing all those labels why is this even a thing. makes no sense. and exactly!! it absolutely is romanticism & op says that they got permission they’re def lying imo 😭😭
user 1: honestly i will take bets they won’t even reply to us, block us, or ask why we aren’t being nicer or are making ‘hurtful assumptions’. but if they cared about adoptees this blog wouldn’t exist. if they know an adoptee and asked that adoptee probably doesn’t trust them enough to be honest. op also definitely doesn’t know the history of adoption agencies either cuz yikes…
user 2: Exactly, if the adoptee community is telling you it's gross (which there Isnt a lot of us due to being forced to be silent about trauma and to be grateful etc) then you should probably realize it's gross. This isn't animal jam pillow room where 8yrs wanting to roleplay family stuff, you are obviously smart enough to realize that it's gross, dehumanizing and romanitzing trauma. can write a whole college thesis on how gross it is.
user 2: people don't care about adoptees bc it apparently doesn't exist or only does for "the people who are adopted from China" or some shit that's their concept of adoption besides pets. It's like adoption itself is a fictional trope.
user 2: "Gotta block them, the minority spoke up and now I'm scarred of the conquences of my actions"
user 1: no literally they treat us like fictional concepts. and even tho this person is from the UK so adoption isn’t for profit like it is in the US, they probably do look at it like we are pets. like “ditch on the side of the road” truly disgusting language
user 2: God exactly.
user 1: it’s so dehumanizing, it really goes to show that people do not care about us. like the ppl reblogging going “this is such a fun idea!” FOR WHO?! some of us actually have lived experience. they MAY have sympathy for the one child rule adoptees but that’s probably bc of racism. it’s truly sickening how we r imaginary to them
user 2: EXACTLY no thoughts
foundfamilyhq: Thank you both for taking the time to bring these concerns to me and I can only apologise for the harm that this blog has caused you both and other adoptees who may have seen it and not been brave enough to speak up. While I can assure you that this blog didn't come from intentional malice, it clearly has come from ignorance and I don't wish that to carry on. (Cont.)
foundfamilyhq: I shall suspend activity on this blog and attempt to remove the uninformed, harmful and dehumanising language from it within the coming weeks. I shall make a post including your messages for transparency's sake. Once again, I am sorry for the harm you have received and appreciate you making me aware of matters I have been ignorant on
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Ashtens Empire, who first gained recognition as a Kim Kardashian look-alike, has passed away from complications with surgery. First reported April 22nd, 2023 at 6:13 PM EST by a user in her thread on theperfectboobs.net and confirmed about an hour later in a tweet from Nicolette Shea. She was 28 years old.
Earlier this month she had given a brief interview about her career and plans for the future:
I didn't follow Ashten as closely as I did Kristyna Martelli but as inevitable as it was I had hoped something like this would never happen again. It takes me back to the incident that happened on Twitter, when I was accused of harming women by encouraging bimbofication. Even though that's not true it's a thought that hasn't left my mind since. I don't feel guilty for enjoying the look of plastic surgery, especially when its not something I'm personally pushing or funding but when considering the risks and results its something difficult to not at least be conflicted with. We don't know for sure it was a cosmetic procedure that killed Ashten, really we know very little about her or what happened, I couldn't even find her real full name for this post. And, cynically, I think some people are okay with that. It seems to come with the territory.
Bimbofication is a fetish that's so difficult to grapple because there's almost inherent ties to objectification and submission. And seemingly that leads to a sort of callousness that may be normal but I find difficult to accept. You could argue for a lot of these women this was their life's work, that they died as they lived, in the throes of self-sexualization but the idea of objectifying someone even in and after death makes me feel sick. I can't help but feel it cruel. A young woman is gone, someone's fiance, daughter, friend. But some time later down the line I'm sure I'll see a video or pictures of her used again as fodder for cheap ejaculate as if she were AI generated and not a real living person that meant something to someone. And that depresses me. It seems so meaningless too because, won't my hypocrisy prevail? I've admitted before that the dehumanization that this fetish requires arouses me but its repulsive too. Repulsive and repugnant.
My blog isn't really geared towards to those interested in becoming bimbos but I see a lot of them in my notes because we're all under the same fetish umbrella, and there's probably more of them left on tumblr than artists and writers. To you all, I just want to emphasize, please be safe. You don't need that much to be a bimbo. Chloe Cherry managed it well with mostly just lip fillers and a change in makeup. Of course, I'm sure most of my followers aren't thin blonde white girls, but one think I begrudgingly have to admit Chrissy Chlapecka and the TikTok teens got right is the idea of bimbo personal expression, which I've been meaning to make a post on. Yes, being bimbo is more than just wearing pink and trying to be "y2kcore", but you actually really don't need huge fake tits so big you'll knock someone over! And you don't need to be super duper skinny with the waspiest waist ever. You don't need to be blonde or have pale skin either, please feel free to still be yourself!
All that being said, I hope Ashten is at peace now. Or in a better place. Wherever she may be, I think its important to remember that she was. It always makes me feel a sort of emptiness when I go to a currently active bimbo page and I see them reposting pictures of people who have long since left the bimbo life behind or their identities have been long since forgotten, their pictures having been subsumed into the internet as a whole. I just think we should value individuals over tits.
#understandingbimbos#bimtheory#bimbo theory#bimbotxt#bimboization#b1mbo#bimboism#bimboification#bimbification#bimboz#bimbo experience#plastic surgery fetishism#bimbo life#plastic surgery#bimbo girl#ashtens_empire#ashten g#kim kardashian#cosmetic surgery#chloe cherry#bimbohood#rest in peace#kristyna martelli
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hello! having a UI hyperfixation rn!!! do ya' have any hcs for them? :0 or any lore or something similar!! i would love to hear it!! (you do not need to respond to this ask if ya' don't wanna!)
i'm gon repost my old headcanons on her
• she really wishes her surrounding circumstances were in some kind of way special but actually she's built at the least unique place with basically nothing neat happening nearby. there are strange giant cherry trees nearby, but that's about it • LOVES lizards. she's the one who made the Cyans and sent some over to Pebbles to fuck him up. thankfully, as we all know, Cyans are kinda stupid and since they launch themselves over edges of cliffs they haven't managed to destroy the local ecosystem • her citizens used to keep lizards as pets. most of the time just for the joy of having 0 braincells creature follow you around while looking pretty, but some had 'em as sort of hunting dogs • was the one who created The Rivulet. she was mumbling to herself and a friend smth about how boys only screw things up while engineering Riv's genome • she BASICALLY packed Riv into a cannon and shot them over right into the middle of a scav toll cuz "come on, it's not that far away. this will make your journey shorter and shit". i don't care how goofy it sounds, this is how it went in my heart • in possession of probably the most durable comms ever made • claims she's purple! she's actually fake out purple which means homegirl is Deceptive Blue. she CONSTANTLY fights over this with Pebbles • despite their squabbles she did care for Pebbles. she was very excited to not be the youngest anymore and getting to baby someone
• her and Nish always start verbal sparring matches, often consisting of threats that more often than not range on impossible to actually commit. they constantly lead their mock wars in #general. Moon's gonna kill 'em one of these days • trusts Moon the most- which is why she outed Pebbles' rot and sent Rivulet with the instructions to extract the rarefaction cell • her city is called Sermo [that means "conversation"] • city's representative instrument was a shamisen. she absolutely knows how to play it and loves to threaten people with the bachi
some additional stuff: • Nish is Innocence's Mentor. just like Suns was Pebbles'. they however have a much healthier relationship than those two • her outfit is supposed to be based off of a Vietnamese folk dress • she's a member of the Phone Operator Guild, which is why her comm. systems are so durable • the friend mentioned up there is that Murder of Crows oc of mine • my Inn is basically Candace Flynn. of course with some things different to fit into this world, Innocence's existence as an Iterator and to still be a different character. Innocence, unlike Candace, for example is more ruthless about the whole busting deal. while Candace doesn't actually want her brothers to be harmed, Innocence leaked the Rot information specifically to punish Pebbles with how much it would hurt him • she's obsessed with seeing and knowing things. so way later in the Iterators' lifespan, one of her structure's legs buckle and she smacks her puppet's face badly enough that it caves in and destroys both of her eyes • because of the Citadel pearl: - Innocence knows how to appreciate simple beauty like dust floating in rays of the sun - she likes feeding her lizards personally. she'd probably attempt becoming a cook if she had the means or reason - "defeating an opponent in a debate contest, and being applauded by fellow team members" is something she deeply desires and it shapes her as a tattletail/talker
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Welcome Stranger
Hi, I'm Yan and this is a blog for posting art/lore for my oc Donnie. Please read the rules before you follow or send an ask. Note that english is not my first language, so there might be some spelling mistakes.
This blog is 18+. Even though it probably won't be often or explicit, some nsfw content will be featured on this blog. By nsfw I mean sexual references and some kink content. So if you’re a minor or uncomfortable with this stuff, block me (respectfully).
No discrimination of any kind. Transphobia, homophobia, racism, ableism and other kinds of hate speech or discrimination are not welcome here.
Be respectful towards me and others. Please understand that I am a real person behind the screen and I have other obligations beside this blog. Don’t start fights with me or people in the comment section.
I am a stranger to you. Please understand that I don’t know you personally. Please don’t send me “friendly” rude messages, trauma dumps, vents, rants about how much you hate/love something/someone or ask me for irl advice.
Don’t be too vulgar. Even though slight nsfw is allowed, explicit stuff is crossing the line. I don’t want to see porn of any kind or hear how much you want to impregnate my character. I also don’t like when people swear too much.
Don't send romantic/sexual asks about Donnie's beast form. Base and hybrid are fine but flirting with a dog is a bit too much for me.
This is not an omegaverse blog.
OOC or // means out of character.
Don’t repost my art. Reblogs are totally welcome, but reposting my art without credit, claiming it’s yours, using it for nft/ai, using it to harass others is not allowed.
Put warnings in tags when making fanart. I get uncomfortable too, so if your art includes things that are upsetting for me, please include appropriate tags. If you don’t want your art to be reblogged by me, please put something like ‘Yan/Donnie don’t reblog’ in the tags.
I will update the rules if needed, so check them from time to time.
Things that make me uncomfortable: self harm, suicide, verbal abuse, pregnancy, cannibalism, explicit gore
About the world
The world is inspired by the game series Coffee Talk, you can feel free to ask questions that reference the games. It takes place in a modern day nonspecific European country (I like the aesthetic of romanticized pictures of NYC or LA but I’m European so I don’t know a lot about America).
About Duncan
Donnie Caddel
25, he/they, incubus/werewolf, bisexual, single
He initially was a DnD/Pathfinder character but I much prefer this modern au. I still will post art of him as a fantasy Barbarian.
Personality traits: sad, sweet, soft, playful, kind, affectionate, patient
Donnie lives alone in an apartment that once belonged to his mother. She moved in with her boyfriend and left the place for Donnie to inhabit. His income mainly comes from his work as a barista at a rock bar. He also releases his music on streaming platforms and produces pornography of himself for subscription service. He has a passion for music, especially rock, metal and indie stuff. He has several friends from college with whom he still keeps contact. They sometimes gather together to play ttrpgs or party. However, gatherings like that are seldom, so he feels pretty lonely since he spends most of his time with customers or by himself. When going outside, he likes to dress in a gothic-esque maner. At home, he wears whatever is clean in his closet, and of course, he dresses formally for his barista job. He is fond of cooking and tries to eat healthy. He very rarely consumes meat, but he does eat fish and sea products regularly. Donnie struggles with depression, however he’s getting better since he started his medication. He has a pretty good grip on how to control his transformations, but when he gets overwhelmed by emotions it’s much harder for him to control it. He only transforms into his beast form outside of the town.
In short: lives alone, barista/musician/sex worker, lonely, likes cooking, pescetarian, depressed.
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hello! i'm mari. the writer of this lovely blog. here i will be answering the most reoccurring questions that come to my ask box to better help you all understand not only me and my blog.
Q: how old are you and where are you from?
well, i'm an 03 liner from puerto rico. this means my first language is spanish, so i apologize in advance for any and all grammar mistakes. i'm only human after all.
Q: who do you currently write for and whom have you written for?
i currently write for enhypen & tomorrow x together only.
i used to write for bts, seventeen, exo and a couple one shots for random groups here and there. they are all accessible through my archive. i have retired these groups from my blog and will not be writing for them anymore.
i still stan and enjoy these groups, however as inspiration comes and goes i would prefer to write about my current hyper fixations.
Q: what pronouns should we use for you?
gender is very weird and sometimes hard to understand but i use she/her primarily.
Q: who are your biases and the groups you stan?
i'm sunghoon's gf ... you can ask him he'll confirm. and i'm yeonjun's baby mama but tbh— i'm ot. 7 and ot. 5.
i stan lots of groups like p1h, ateez, skz, theboyz, new jeans, twice, seventeen, (g)idle, kep1er, le sserafim, and of course exo and bts. probably more that i can't think about right now.
Q: do you have a posting schedule?
i do not, i just write as inspo hits and as requests some in.
i will be posting for member's birthdays and anniversaries while in my active periods.
sometimes i go inactive for long periods of time with school and work.. so i apologize in advance for any i consistency.
Q: what is your favorite thing to write?
to be very honest, cheesy slice of life shameless self insert things.. but i also am really into angst. it's the pain that makes a story so much better... ig i just love to suffer.
Q: do you have anons/mutuals?
i used to, however after a year and a half of being inactive i'm not too sure if they're still around. but i'm always open having anons/mutuals or usual requesters or whatever you guys wanna call yourselves.
Q: is there anything you're not comfortable writing?
i don't have any hard triggers. i actually really like stories with harsher more dark topics. like i said earlier i love angst and slice of life fics and life isnt always sunshine and rainbows... and well that's perfectly okay!
sometimes i have requests about things i am not too extremely familiar with... if i do not know much about something i try to research before writing it. if even after research i don't understand it well i will not be writing it.
i will not write smut. this is not a smut account and i will not be making a side blog for smut. i just personally don't think i could write it. plus thats just not what i want this blog to be. there are lots of very good smut writers out there please check them out if thats what you're looking for.
i will also not be writing anything glorifying things like self harm, suicide, eating disorders, and other extremely serious mental health issues or health issues im general.
i will also not write anything i deem to be insensitive, offensive, or creepy.
Q: is there anything you wish to write more about?
i wish to write a lot more for enhypen in this upcoming year. and hopefully dive into some supernatural topics with them especially because of their vampire concept.
i want to write much longer fics, and further improve my fic/drabble/oneshot writing skills so lets see how it plays out!
©flwrkisses ; please do not copy, translate, repost and/or reuse my work without my permission. (2023)
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𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 + 𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐃𝐄 ⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚
back to pinned ⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ about the baker !
not spoilers-free. though i know the basis of lore for fandoms curated toward this blog (l&ds being my most recent interest), i don’t mind being slightly guided or told about certain things! contains sfw and nsfw content— so be aware and pick your treat, i am not responsible for what you consume so please read the warnings !
this is my personal blog as well! so, if you see random thoughts and discussion posts just know this blog isn’t purely just about fics!
as discussed lightly before i am not always aware if i have personally offended someone via the internet — i want my blog to be a comfortable space for anyone and everyone so on the basis that you have been hurt by something i’ve said then please feel free to DM me and let me know ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
basic dni criteria (racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.)
if you participate in spreading hate or do not respect others for their opinions … bc everyone has them they’re like butts but that doesn’t mean you should fight that with more layers of hate!
hate my work/posts/opinions (just block me!)
please be kind and respectful. (treat others the way you wanna be treated!) i am not a fan of being slandered or demeaned we’re both over the internet how does that work…? i don’t appreciate negativity around me (or targeted to my anons).
do not rant or bring discourse/hate here
i wouldn’t mind spam liking personally, however, tumblr will shadowban me so sadly if you spam like i will have to block you, but it would be super nice if you just came into the ask box or repost instead! please don't be shy i’d love to connect with you all!
please no trauma dumping in the ask box i am not a professional but that doesn’t mean you can’t contact me outside my fics! all i ask is we keep it nice!
i am VERY slow at replies this is mostly because i have a life outside this blog you know the whole spill yadda yadda, but also because i just might not be able to see what you all have sent, i dunno whether this is a notification thing but i’m making it a routine where i’ll check my inbox every weekend! however, sadly this might be subjugated to change
i do take requests! please be polite when requesting. i would prefer if you go through my asks. it makes things easier for me to keep track of all the requests
i only write character x reader
i tend to try and write ambiguously for reader unless specifically stated otherwise — regardless don’t be surprised if i cater toward more black reader inserts (given i’m black)
but i typically write in the third person while specifically avoiding the use of ‘y/n’!
please don’t rush me to write. i am a full time college student and i do this blog as a hobby! that doesn't mean i will leave you all in the dark either but I am sadly still an adult with my own personal life that still must be prioritized
i mainly write fluff, angst, comedy, and sometimes smut. i won’t write : child harm, extreme gore/torture, hate sex, period sex, poly, overly dark content (rape, incest, stepcest, non/dubcon, etc), vulgar kinks (vomit, scat, piss, etc)
please do not ask me to write specific traits/attributes at random, this includes in comments in latest fanfics or any post — feel free to request this and i will decide if i want to write it or not!
i do not allow translations or reposts in other platforms such as wattpad or tiktok. UNLESS you were specifically given permission to do so by me
i will not age up characters for smut — personally! i just won’t do it. i’m not comfortable, so please do not ask if that’s something you want you just won’t find it here! do not interact or just block me, do not bring discourse about this to my ask box. i simply just won’t respond and block you
spam liking without reblogging. i love that you’re liking my stuff, but as stated before i will be shadowbanned if it is to an excessive point. please reblog to show your support instead of liking!
leaving hate mail. nothing much to be said about this, but i don’t tolerate disrespect especially if i’ve been nothing but respectful in kind so this will immediately just be dealt with a block
plagiarists/plagiarism. self-explanatory i do not allow any copying, modifying, or translating of my works. if it is brought to my attention i will find you am i am coming for you.
a bigot, problematic individual, or instigating discourses. there’s no reason o just spread hate where you go, and i won’t tolerate it here so you will be blocked if i see you coming for me or any of the people who engage with my content
making me uncomfortable. i value my peace of mind so if i see you on my dashboard posting things that i personally don’t want to involve myself in i will simply just leave for the both of us
whew, well that’s it! thank you so much for reading, i know this is super long but i just want to establish rules and boundaries! obviously, this blog isn’t for you if you do not agree with the rules, so kindly see yourself out and have a pleasant scroll! if you stuck around this far PLEASEEEE send in your requests or if you have any further questions or unsure about certain topics i write, feel free to send me an ask, and stay for a while!! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
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I am not trying to be mean or anything, but she must be really curious and have some free time to always check Insta stories. Celebs don't usually do it... like comments? Sure. But story mentions??? Or posts where you're tagged?/ i look on some fanpages and let me tell u she stalk fanpages a lot now(she start around comic con maybe day or two before), and some seb fans that tag her since comic con, she is on ig i tkink all the time, she view most of her active fanpages stories including this crazy girl(i cant call her differently) who make this one girl harm herself by bullyimg her on ig and aw check this crazy fan stories too. And i think she sit on ig 24/7 now because i had a chance, just good time and good moment, to open her new posy about the movie she just done and i saw a comment that was not so nice to her i think they say she is not a good actress, and when i refresh it it was gone. The number of her comments dont add up to the real comments, and under her other posts she never delate comments even mean one i always thought she let people fight because it gives her more engagement and better visibility to the post(in the past she delate only some comments like this one, the funniest one some really involve fan wrote her a message that they feel bad she was 'stalk' in rome and they working on taking the pap pic down and aw delate this comment really quick🤣) and now she do to(also i dont think reporting a comment would delate it so fast, i know some of her fans reporte comments about pr yet the comments are still up) its like she try to stop any comments that say she is not a good actress so her post look clean with only good feedback, i think she is really focus on that, i guess she have big plans for this movie and whant the best image she can get.
But yeah she stalk and in last days she turn this up to 11. But she never interact with any fans, like i dont get it why shippers are so sure she love them, she never repost, never like just watch like a stalker from the distant. Its like she have this strong need to know what people say to control her image without actually care for the people at all because fans are someone she cant build better hw position from thats why she only interact with her famous friends or tag famous people.
Ps. If she really visit tumblr, what look like she does i wonder if she start to comment or repost stories. When deux said her likes under post about seb are a show of true love she make sure to like more post and even comment, so i wonder where this will take us
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Some people with harmful paraphilia will never act on them, and some people without paraphilia will abuse children
paraphilia are not a crime, they’re mental disorders. They’re literally thoughts and feelings, often which the person DOESNT want to have
whereas people who commit crimes are punished for their actions
and “kill all pedos/zoos” does not help destigmatizing paraphilia in general, many will be hesitant to seek help for their problems. Isolation has proven to be THE factor that actually makes mental health conditions WORSE (not just paraphilia but also addiction, depression, etc)
So what this actually means: you don’t care about anyone but yourself, you jumped to a topic no one was talking about, and also came to someone else’s post, looking to argue
you’re a vile pos who has not even a shred of empathy
HEEEELPPPPP the fact you have the audacity to say this shit and not even know anything about my opinions or anything I even said. And this shows because little of what you said I disagree with I can't argue back because I agree with most of it. HOWEVER. The most i disagree with is the fact that isolation may not help the issue but people with paraphillas should absolutely not be given a community on the internet because there are so many bad people that don't seek help and will drag others down with them and validate their illnesses, they should be given a community within therapy where they can heal with others and professionals around them.
And idk where ur ass got "kill all z00s/p3d0s" came from cause that's absurd. I believe people should seek PROFESSIONAL help and support to be able to recover from the issues.
I never went to "start arguments" I was looking for wholesome objectum stuff when I came across that VILE page that was normalizing and validating paraphiles. They where trying to group objectum with z00s and p3d0s, they are activly and proudly a z00, claims to be non-contact and not looking for help, even so it's still incredibly harmful to their mental well-being, they openly support p3d0s calling them "maps" which is just a fancy word for a p3d0, they are activly reposting and using "map flags" and other paraphilla flags, again onto my point of normalizing it, harmful paraphillas do NOT need flags. and last but not least, they reposted a post about some "happy pride month to all the paras" n the post LITERALLY SAID "never stop being weird" that is validating and fueling people. That is NOT wanting them to seek help.
The only thing I was doing was calling out a harmful creator that could help create issues in recovering paras, and who is making everyone uncomfortable with posting about stuff that should be kept in therapy. That person needs serious help and it shows.
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[someone] said I could've sworn that synpath was a term used for "kinning for fun"? That's what I use for "relate kins".
Pulling this out of post notes to say absolutely not. Synpath has nothing to do with alterhumanity and never did. It is incorrect and misleading to redefine someone else's term. [I know you're not dong that but I have to extremely stress it's a dick move to do.] [anonymizing the person because getting a splotlight from a big followers blog can be A Lot].
Synpath was coined 9 years ago by @/stirdrawsandreblaws on this post. https://www.tumblr.com/stirdrawsandreblaws/100682477501/stirdauntsandrehaunts-it-was-brought-to-my
This is a FAQ made by the coiner but I'll repost it here because people are allergic to clicking links. You are able to reblog both posts but PLEASE be polite about it and do not bother or harass the op. I don't think I have to say but, by just in case.
faq link https://stirdrawsandreblaws.tumblr.com/post/114995804896/synpath-faq
Synpath FAQ
What does synpath mean? Synpath is a tidy name for something you identify with on several levels, which could be a concept that resonates really strongly with you, an animal or mythological creature you feel you act like, or a person or character you share a lot of common behaviors with, among other things.
Things that are not synpaths: Kintypes - those are things you feel that you actually are. This definition was made specifically by the otherkin community. No I am not “gatekeeping”. You - unless someone identifies with you and considers you their synpath, you are not a synpath.
Why isn’t it sympath instead of synpath? Because the syn- comes from both sympathy and from synchronization, and the former was obvious so I left the n for the latter. It has had the unexpected benefit of being easily-searchable, as “sympath” gets results for “sympathy” but “synpath” can be found on its own.
Why did you make the word synpath? Simply, because I was asked to. Someone close to me had expressed feelings similar to kin but it wasn’t an identity, and wanted a word to use for that feeling.
Do only otherkin have synpaths? No. The word was actually intended for non-kin, as expressed above, though kin may use it. It’s not a word meant for one community alone.
Isn’t having a synpath the same as being animal/other-hearted? Sort of. I created synpath before I was made aware animal-hearted and other-hearted were terms. As synpath refers to something you resonate with and animal/other-hearted is a personal identity, there is no conflict between them and one or both may be used at the same time if desired.
Further, one can have a synpath without having to id as animal/other-hearted, making it much more versatile. (also prevents identity issues with people who are using kin as coping mechanisms, since they don’t have to fully id with certain things and call themselves both kin and animal/other-hearted)
I’ve seen people saying synpath is a racist term. Why? Because some buttheads thought that having a fickin list and taking all the Japanese anime characters off it and calling them synpaths, then behaving exactly the same as they were when they were claiming to be fickin with them, would somehow let them dodge being called racist. That’s not how it works, and quite frankly they disgust me.
I want to clarify that I think it’s generally okay to have characters of differing ethnicities to your own; after all, most creators of fictional media strive for universally-relatable characters. A connection with them is probably inevitable for many, and you’re still maintaining your own identity apart from theirs.
Also, synpath is not intended to erase any part of a person/character’s identity. It is also not intended to demean, devalue, or harm any race. Therefore, no, it is not a racist term by any current definition or interpretation.
However, as stated before, some people who use the term may, in fact, be racist. There is no single perfect racism litmus test, unfortunately, so I encourage people to just use the best judgment they can.
Why don’t you stop them? Isn’t this your responsibility because you made the word? I am not responsible for racists and creeps using a term I made that’s meant for everyone to use, any more than the people behind Facebook are responsible for internet stalkers or the makers of crowbars are responsible for assholes whacking people with them. That’s not to say I condone their actions; quite the opposite. There’s just not much I can actually do to stop them.
Isn’t a synpath like a weaker version of a kintype? Synpath is not kin-lite, nor was it ever meant to be. It is characterized by a very strong feeling of resonance with whatever the synpath is and there’s nothing lesser about it; it’s just a different feeling.
I’ve been told I shouldn’t use synpath because you’re a pedophile/pedo apologist. You were misinformed. That was a wild case of mistaken identity, and the user concerned has been identified by divinegender in the original post that claimed it was me. I’m actually a csa victim myself and this rumor hurts me deeply, so I’d appreciate not having to deal with it further.
If anything is not covered here, my askbox is always open.
I feel like we need a separate word for people who kin for fun, people who kin for psych reasons, and people who kin spiritually. I know I personally feel weird discussing kin with people who aren't spiritual kin and I miss when it was easier to find similar people
Like, it's all different things. Otherkin and that concept has been spiritual as long as I've been aware and I associate fictionkin with that as well
I don't kin because it's fun. My spiritual beliefs aren't just for fun. I hate getting older I blame that for how I sound like an old man complaining.
Psychological kin.
Spiritual Kin.
Otherkind / fictionkind. These terms were coined to differentiate the more sincere people who consider their identities as long term / permanent rather than 'casual kinnies' or wishkin.
The words are out there and have been coined years ago, op.
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I gotta send it back ( ꒪Д꒪)ノ Mc used to be a god, but even immortals can be killed. They now reincarnated as a human & racing with time to grasp the divine power once belong to them. Merry soon christmas bc my final exams will be performed during western holiday *sob*
Obey Me! + MC who used to be a god
⊹˚.⋆ A/N: so here you go, me just exploring the idea in a little headcanon?? I really don't know what to call this imao. Also merry soon christmas!! and good luck on your exams anon, i'm sure you'll do well <3
⊹˚.⋆ Characters: The brothers x gn!reader

I feel like Lucifer and Diavolo, while choosing people for the exchange program, might have overlooked the fact that MC used to be god and when they arrive at Devildom, Barbatos is the first one to observe a odd air around them. But after MC telling them of their situation,
Lucifer would likely be the most doubtful out of everyone, hesitant to believe MC. But after some heavy background research, Lucifer will come around to the fact that maybe MC isn't lying about themselves.
Mammon is shocked and also very confused. You probably have to explain it to him A LOT. But he is actually impressed, like he already liked you (not that he would admit it) but the fact that you used to be a god? He thinks you're the coolest person ever.
Levi is immediately launching into theories and how he's seen this happen one too many times in anime plot lines. He will bombard you with solutions on how you could get back the power that once belonged to you and who knows maybe one of them will work?
Satan is curious. Curious to know more about your past and help you find a way to grasp the power you had. The way Satan researches about this stuff, it feels like he's more desperate than you are to get your power back. Levi and him definitely team up to bring up theories about this every week.
Asmo is also, like Satan, curious. Maybe not too that extent but he always wants to hear you talk about how your life was like when you were god, eagerly soaking up every detail from your stories.
Beel is just kinda...chill with it?? When you tell him, he just goes "okay cool" and offers you some of the pie he was eating. Truthfully, it doesn't really matter to him what you were, he thought you were cool before and he still thinks that now, nothing's changed.
Belphie is, similarly to Lucifer, doubtful of the truth and given his history with certain gods, he's also cautious. But once he realizes that you do not mean any harm, he relaxes.
Comments and reblogs are appreciated!! Do not repost or claim as yours though, its not cool.
#obey me x reader#obey me x mc#obey me fluff#obey me angst#obey me fics#obey me headcanons#obey me hcs#omswd headcanons#om lucifer x reader#lucifer x reader#mammon x reader#levi x reader#asmo x reader#satan x reader#beel x reader#obey me belphie x reader#om x reader#obey me#obey me diavolo#obey me barbatos#obey me lucifer x reader#obey me mammon x reader#obey me levi x reader#obey me satan x reader#obey me asmo x reader#obey me beel x reader#obey me belphie x mc#obey me headcanon#obey me x gender neutral reader#obey me x gn!reader
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the world underneath your skin — toji fic

pairing: toji fushiguro x fem!reader (uses she/her pronouns)
tags: romance x ANGST x like a SHIT TON OF ANGST x AU (no sorcerer stuff in this au) x action x some smut x f!oral receiving x pussy!drunk toji x titty sucking
warnings: alcoholism x self harm (Y/N self harms, i do NOT mean this in any way implying that the reader (you) do this. and that if you have struggled/or are struggling with self harm, this is a major trigger warning. as someone who personally has struggled with self harm, i know how sensitive the topic is) x death (only characters' death from manga is toji's wife and megumi) x toji is uncomfortable having sex in this chapter
summary: After spending most of his life as an underground hitman for desperate means to support himself financially — Toji Fushiguro gets recruited to work as an assassin for the government due to his his mastered skills. Through his new occupation, Toji struggles with muscle pains and is recommended to see a massage therapist. Toji meets Y/N, who becomes Toji’s massage therapist, and the two realize they both have toxic addictions they hide from daylight; Toji’s alcoholism and Y/N’s self-harm. Along the way, Toji and Y/N can’t seem to stay away from each other despite the darkness that threatens to keep them apart.
Table of Contents // my ao3
taglist: @sakinotfound ; @nanamingojo ; a/n: i just KNOW toji eats pussy like it's his last meal, whoo! i had a lotta fun writing this chapter, please give me feedback as that motivates me to keep writing and helps me get better too! enjoy
Part 3: Pain and Pleasure (wc: 5.2k)
Not even an hour after opening your massage clinic, your desk phone rang, making you run over to behind the desk and use your professional slogan, having a deep, husky voice purr through the line, “Miss L/N, hearing your voice this early in the morning has already made my day.” You hold the phone with both of your hands, still in surprise. Toji follows by saying, “You alright, kitten?”
The pet name being said over the phone still had the full effect on you, “Y-yes, I’m okay!” You stutter, followed by clearing your throat, “How can I help you, Mr. Fushiguro?”
Toji chuckles deeply, “You can call me Toji, Miss L/N. I know I’m calling last minute, I was calling to see if you had any availability today.”
“It’s okay,” You noted, opening up your chart on your monitor, “I can work something out today.” That was a lie, you were completely booked out, but you were willing to stay an extra hour to give Toji a massage. The fact that he called you so early in the morning on Monday made you feel hopeful and much less embarrassed about how you felt back on Friday night.
“I can see you tonight at seven,” You tell Toji and he agrees.
“See you tonight then, Miss L/N,” He chimes, making heat rush to your cheeks. You can’t even fathom a goodbye to him due to feeling like a little girl who was given flowers by their crush. Toji ends the call and you’re left standing there, bringing your hands to your cheeks where you rub them. Your mind is flooded with images from Friday night, the way the tip of his cock felt against your lips. You think back to how defined his arms are, the way his body scars make him alluring…you slightly slap your cheeks with your palms and shake your head ‚— as if the physical movement would help get rid of the way you’re wet between your legs.
“Boss wants to speak with you,” Shiu tells Toji as the two of them drive up to the office skyscraper, “he said something about a special task.”
“He’s always saying that,” Toji grumbles, followed by, “fucking pain in the ass.”
Shiu pulls up to the entrance of the office building where one of the chauffeurs immediately comes up to the door, opening the doors both for Shiu and Toji. Shiu tosses the car keys to the chauffeur and the two of them walk into the building. The two of them part ways, Shiu going to the left and Toji to the right, where he enters the elevator and presses the button for the top floor.
Toji puts his hand into the pockets of his jacket, his fingers playing with the box of cigarettes he has in one and the other pocket holding his apartment keys. Once Toji reaches the floor, he steps out and greets the secretary stationed at the desk with a wink. The secretary sheepishly responds by lowering her gaze and tucking her hair behind her ear. Toji walks past her and heads straight for the large doors where he knocks and doesn’t wait for his boss to allow him to enter.
“Fushiguro!” Naoya greets Toji with open arms, “It’s always nice to see you,” He comes over and gives Toji’s shoulders a rough pat with his hand.
Toji ignores the gesture and takes a seat on Naoya’s leather couches which are always cold and uncomfortable. Toji man spreads by leaning back, one arm over the edge of the couch with his hand in between his legs.
“What do you want me to do?” Toji retorts.
Naoya laughs while shaking his head, “You’re always impatient, aren’t you, Fushiguro?”
Toji hums, “Mmh…”
Naoya takes a seat on the other couch alongside Toji and leans forward, clasping his hands together, “Fushiguro, you’re a man of many occupations which means you’re versatile.” He’s sneering at Toji, but Toji continues to give him a straight, bored expression. “Toji, I need you to tap back into your past career,” He jeers, eyes glistening with mischievousness.
“Be specific,” Toji spits out.
“I need you to sleep with the target’s wife tonight.”
Now it’s Toji’s turn to sneer, “Jesus Christ,” He cocks his head to the side, “do I need to kill her too?” He adds sarcastically.
Naoya leans back, crossing his legs, “Oh no, don’t worry about that.”
Toji feels a knot form in his stomach but he doesn’t let it show in his physical appearance. He narrows his eyes at Naoya, “What the fuck are you trying to do?”
Naoya’s smirk deepens, “You follow the orders that are given, Fushiguro. These were specifically given to me by my dad. He told me to simply pass along the message. Don’t worry about the target for tonight. You’ll do it another night. Besides,” He lets out a deriding chuckle, “we all know it’s not hard for you to go around sleeping with women. You have made yourself to be one of the top performers in that field.”
Toji clenches his jaw, “How much extra pay will I be getting?”
“A total of a hundred thousand.”
Toji stands up and before heading out, says, “I’ll get it done.”
For the rest of the day, Toji’s mind was occupied with the new task of his mission. He replayed it in his mind by breaking it down in simplified terms; sleep with the target’s wife and get out of there as soon as the hour is up. Toji can feel it in his bones, this mission is going to come back to haunt him in some way. But he’s too far down this path to back out, to even retire (despite having the finances to do so). It felt like it was out of his control, he had to keep crawling through this tainted path until it bled him dry. It’s what he deserved for the life he had lived up until his point.
Toji got ready for the occasion by dressing up in a white button-up and black slacks. He hadn’t done this in almost a decade; sleeping with someone for money in return. He left that profession once he got recruited to work as an assassin for higher-ups such as CEOs, mayors, presidents, and so on.
The past crawled its way into his body, tampering with sensations of what his life used to consist of as a sex worker; the blurred nights, hot breaths, moaning, and sound of skin slapping against one another. Toji’s fingers instinctively went to his lip scar, rubbing it as he stared at the ghost in the mirror he was looking at. He was determined to get this done as fast as he could because he couldn’t waste time missing his appointment with you.
Toji headed out of his apartment and drove to the designated hotel where the event would take place. Toji checked into the room, the hotel atmosphere was what could be described as Toji’s tainted lover; he knew it from the inside out. The smell was always the same, with it being fresh laundry detergent and expensive perfume in the lobby. The hotel rooms were always too cold when you walked in them, and the walls always felt rather empty.
It had to be the ghost in him, because the next thing Toji knew, he was facing the hotel door to the assigned room. Toji knocked and a few moments later, the door cracked open with a woman’s face appearing in it, followed by the door closing. Toji heard the woman working at the lock and the door opened again, for Toji to be greeted by a woman who looked around his age. She wore a silk robe that was loosely tied, exposing her bare legs, he spotted the lace lingerie immediately.
“So you’re Toji,” The woman eyes him with her bottom lip between her teeth. She steps to the side, “Come in.”
Toji taps right back into his charisma, by stepping in and closing the door behind him, followed by planting a kiss on the woman’s lips. The woman kisses him back, with her arms going around his neck, her scent invading Toji’s senses. The perfume she wears is too heavy for Toji’s liking mixed with a hint of red wine.
The woman pulls back and whispers, “Call me Jess for tonight.”
Toji leans in to kiss her again, this time, more sloppy where he has to lean his head to the side. His arms wrap around her waist and he pulls her in until their bodies are pressed together. Toji tells Jess to get onto the bed for him, and Jess does so, taking off her robe during the process. The next moments for Toji are a blur that consists of kissing, undressing, and heated breaths. Toji’s trying to focus on Jess – despite the session being part of the mission – Toji always found importance in keeping his focus on all his clients to give them satisfaction. Jess’ hands work at Toji’s pants, unzipping and pulling them down, along with his underwear. She wraps her fingers around his hard length, giving it teasing squeezes. His mind is split with his past, and going through with an escort session after years makes Toji remember just how much his past occupation drained him. For the first time, Toji truly was set on what he felt; he didn’t want to be here. He didn’t want to do this.
Jess breaks the kiss, “You okay…?” She asks with raised eyebrows, his gaze flickering down to his waist. It’s then that Toji realizes he had lost his erection. Before Toji can object, Jess is scooting down the bed so she’s leveled with his dick, her fingers beginning to pump him again. Toji stings with discomfort, throwing his head back against the bedrest and closing his eyes.
He feels Jess’ tongue against his head, “Just let go for tonight, daddy.”
Toji internally flinches, and on the outside, his fingers lace through Jess’ hair. She inserts his hard length into her mouth, sucking, gagging, and spitting on it. Toji closes his eyes, trying to keep his focus on the way her mouth feels around his penis. But he doesn’t want to be here, he wants to continue what you two had started together at the club. Toji recalls the way your eyes shined with eagerness as you begged for his cock. The way the cat ear headband gave you a promiscuous vibe, how you knew exactly how to kiss, how your breasts had to be sculpted by the goddess of love.
As Toji is inside of Jess, going in and out at an erratic speed, he pictures no one else but you. He thinks about how he wants to give you what you deserve — despite not knowing really anything about you. There are just some things you know, and Toji knows you’ve been a good girl who deserves to get her brains fucked out.
You were restless. You went back and forth between your small lobby and client room, triple-checking that everything was in its place and ready for Toji’s arrival. You couldn’t help but feel like you were meeting him for the first time. To pass time, you organized your calendar and in between did breathing practices that your therapist had taught you.
The sound of the bell ringing indicates your infatuation has arrived. You perk up, straightening out your shirt and smoothing down your hair (despite having checked your physical appearance numerous times in your bathroom mirror). Toji enters the lobby with a white button down, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and buttons were undone where you see his defined chest. He gives you a boyish smirk, followed by raising his hand where something else jingles; he holds your cat ear headband.
“Good evening, Miss L/N,” He greets you.
“Hi,” You breathe out, feeling immediate embarrassment for your casual remark. You take the cat ear headband from him but he doesn’t let go, making you budge.
Toji leans his elbow onto the front desk surface, he smells like expensive cologne that makes your head flood with erotic images of you two. It’s then that you realize that his black raven hair is slightly wet, he must have taken a shower before arriving here.
“Well, do you?”
“Huh?” You blurt out.
Toji chuckles, “Do you want this back?” He nods his head at the hand that both of you hold onto.
“Yes,” You answer, and he lets go, holding the headband to your chest. You don’t look at him as you say in a whisper, “Thank you.”
“You can thank me by giving my back some relief,” Toji says as he walks into the client's room. You set the headband underneath the table and go into the room. Toji is already sitting on the bed, his fingers working at the rest of his buttons. You take out the lotions and oils, your back facing Toji. When you turn to face Toji, he is taking off his shirt, the whole time, holding eye contact with you. You notice the scar on his lip twitch as he smirks, and as if you had imagined it, his shirt is off, back muscles flex as he lays himself on the table face down.
“Would you like the lights dimmed down?” You ask, quickly adding, “Some clients like it darker, it helps them relax.”
“Yes please,” Toji responds.
You dim down the lights and begin working your hands on Toji’s body. At first, you two are silent, and it’s surprisingly not uncomfortable. You find your hands moving smoothly and skillfully across Toji’s broad shoulders, you hear him let out a sigh of relief. It takes you some time until you notice something running down Toji’s shoulders, reaching down to the middle of his back. You blame the dim lights for not spotting it earlier. You cock your head to get a better look; scratch marks. They look fresh, too. Your hand tense up, a fiery pit being lit up in the depth of your stomach, igniting your entire body.
You break the silence, “You’re quiet today.”
Toji chortles, “I could say the same for you.”
“What have you been up to today?” Your hands move to his arms but your eyes remain on his back.
“The usual, work. How about you?”
“Same here,” You reply curtly, “did you do anything after work?”
“I thought about our little date at the club.”
You let out a snort, “Really? How romantic,” you roll your eyes, not realizing the way that at this point, you’ve lost your rhythm in your hands, you’re squeezing his arms aimlessly.
“You don’t sound so happy,” Toji points out the obvious, “do you…” he shifts, and puts both of his hands underneath his cheek so his head is to the side. He makes eye contact with you, “Do you regret it?”
You were expecting teasing in his tone or expression, but instead, it’s the complete opposite. Nothing is teasing in the way he’s looking at you, the way his dark hair falls over his eyes makes you feel flustered.
You look away from him and focus on his body instead, but that doesn’t help either. You can’t escape his question or him at the moment, “No,” You say quietly, “I’m sorry for walking off like that…” You bite your bottom lip in anticipation to hear his response.
“If you want, we can continue where we left off.”
Your hands stop, and the world stops along with it. Again, you have to look at him to see if there’s any mockery behind his expression since you didn’t hear it in his voice, and you’re met with the same, intense look.
You let out a laugh, continuing massaging his body, “I’m assuming that’s why you made an appointment,” You’re even more bitter than before, purposely pressing down hard against Toji’s shoulder blade, making his body stiffen and hiss through clenched teeth.
Toji looks at you between strands of his dark hair, your hand still holding down the pressure, “I wanted to see you,” He expresses. You want to keep pushing him, so you apply more pressure, making him flinch and eyes close tightly, “Good for you,” He strains, a lop-sided grin at his lips, “I don’t mind pain.”
“There we go,” Your hand slides over his shoulder blade, a satisfied smile planted on your lips, “there was a pretty bad muscle knot.”
“You’re charming,” Toji hisses.
“You need to stop flirting with me,” You want to sound stern, but instead, you can’t stop smiling.
“But I like you,” Toji returns smoothly, “don’t you like me?”
Your fingers work for circles around his spine, and you decide to keep edging him on, “I think so.”
“Right there,” Toji perks up when your hands get to his lower back, “it’s really bad there.”
“Here?” You press your thumbs right above the hem of his pants, you can feel the tightness.
Toji hums, “Right there,” He says in a low tone.
“So,” You rub circles with your thumbs, “about your offer…” your voice trails off, heat adorning your cheeks.
You can hear the smile in his voice, “What about it, kitten?”
“Well,” You dabble on, “if you want to, we can continue where we left off.” Toji pushes himself up, making you draw your hands back, “I’m not done yet—”
Toji sits up, getting off the table, “Has anyone ever given you a massage, Miss L/N?”
You don’t know what it is about this man that makes you feel as if you’re standing before your judgment in your afterlife; yet, at the same time, you feel the right thing to do is to simply submit. Toji is close to you now, his hand on your face, his thumb and pointer finger holding your chin. His green eyes scan your face, lingering on your lips.
He leans in close until your noses bump, his breath smells like he had been chewing cinnamon gum. “Have you?” He inquires again.
Your eyelids flutter, and answer truthfully, “No, I haven’t.”
Toji leans in closer so that his lips brush against yours but he doesn’t kiss you just yet, “Well, you certainly deserve one, L/N.”
You nod your head dumbly, “Okay,” You can only manage to say.
“Get on the bed,” Toji instructs you, and you nod your head again, following his orders. You go sit on the bed, and Toji follows after you where he kneels on the floor before you, his hands on your knees. He looks up at you, your hand instinctively going to his hair, like this is your guys’ hundredth time doing this, like you two have been together for years.
“Be a good kitty for daddy, hmm?” Toji conceits before he’s running his hands up your thighs, making your body shiver. His fingers come up to the waistband of your leggings but that’s where you stop him.
“Wait,” Your voice trembles, not being able to make eye contact with him, “just letting you know that…my legs…”
“Not a problem for me, princess,” You hear Toji reassure you, “look at me,” his tone shifted from softness to sternness. You look at him, “Don’t look away,” and he pushes down your pants. You hold in your breath in anticipation to see his reaction to your bare legs, your grip on his hair tightening. But Toji doesn’t seem bothered at all, instead, he pulls your leggings completely off, throwing them to the side. He places the flat of his tongue onto your knee and glides it up, over your old scars from razors.
It feels stupid, but tears sting the corner of your eyes. When he reaches your underwear, he presses his thumb against the fabric that is already soaked with your excitement. The sensation makes you hiss, back arching as Toji presses harder with his thumb against your swollen clit.
“What do you want, baby?” Toji poses with his eyes shimmering up at you. He looks like he’s at the gates of God’s throne, ready to put his life on the line to do whatever it takes to please you.
“Eat me out,” You tell him in a whisper, like a lover confessing their feelings to someone after holding them back for years. You add with a plea, “Please.”
Toji plants a kiss on your clothed pussy, but he doesn’t stop there, he licks stripes with his tongue against it while looking up at you the whole time. Your breath hitches in your throat, and for the first time in your life, you have witnessed what a man looks like when he’s starving. His hot breath fans against your clothed pussy, his hands squeezing your thighs.
He plants a chaste kiss on your pussy and then moves up, scattering kisses to your lower abdomen, his hands raising your work shirt. His kisses are erratic and euphoric, his fingers pulling at your shirt so the buttons pop open and your chest is exposed to him. You’re wearing a sports bra, and Toji’s fingers pull it down, your bare breasts on display for him. His hands under cup your breasts, eyes hooded with lust. Your chest is rising up and down with your hasty heartbeat.
“I’ve missed them,” Toji squeezes your breasts, “been thinking of sucking these beauties all weekend,” and he delves in, mouth latching to your nipple while his other hand works your free nipple. Your arch into him, your hand cupping the back of his head as he swirls his tongue around your hardened nipple. His other hand squeezes your breast and his skilled fingers pinch the nipple.
He lets go of your breast with a ‘pop’ sound of his mouth and looks up at you, “Perfect,” He whispers up at you and then leans up to kiss you on the mouth. The kiss is eager, both of your guys’ arms wrapping around one another; your arms around his neck and his around your waist. Your bodies collide, ragged breaths weaving together, tongues meeting one another. You tug at his hair, he squeezes your hips, and you can feel his hard cock between your legs. You both turn your heads to the side to give one another more access, his hands move up to your face, angling it upwards so his tongue goes in even further, feeling it in the back of your mouth. You let out a muffled moan against him, your legs wrapping around his waist. You want this man inside you, you want him to fuck you until you’ve reached God.
Both of you pull back to catch a breath, foreheads against one another as you two cling onto one another. Have you two made love in some past lifetime? Possibly. His fingers go on either side of your cheeks, squeezing them so that your lips are puckered at him.
“I’m not really in the mood to punish you tonight,” He rasps, looking down at you, “so just be a good girl and watch as I eat you out, yeah?”
You nod your head and Toji kneels between your legs, his hands spreading your legs even further apart. His fingers pull down your underwear, the cool air hitting your pussy making goosebumps form on your thighs. One of your hands is palmed against the table while the other goes back to Toji’s hair. This time, he doesn’t waste time, he indulges in your pussy, his mouth latching around your already swollen bud that makes a sharp gasp erupt from your lips.
“Oh my God!” You can’t help but exclaim as he suctions his lips around your clit, sucking and using his tongue at times to run it over up and down. His arms wrap underneath your thighs so that they’re placed over his shoulders, his hands over on top of them. He shakes his head to the side, tongue flat against you, making your toes curl and head get thrown back from the pleasure. Toji pulls back to catch his breath, and a smirk is at his lips, his nose, lips, and chin glistening with your wetness. He rests his cheek against the inside of your thigh, while two of his fingers press against the opening of your lips.
“Oh!” You cry out from the surprising and pleasurable sensation, “Toji!”
Toji breathes out a chuckle, his fingers sliding in with ease, “Yes, princess?” He presses an innocent kiss to your thigh.
Your bottom lip quivers as his two fingers rub up against your plush wall, “So good,” Your voice trembles, “keep going…”
Toji plunges in again, smearing his tongue from the top of your clit and going down to your entrance, replacing his fingers with his tongue, and inserting it inside you. He uses his fingers against your clit as his tongue swirls inside you. You lean your cheek against your shoulder, watching as Toji’s eyes are heavily lidded with the intoxication of your pussy in his mouth. He looks beautiful like this; completely drunk on your essence. Toji pulls back, his fingers pinching your clit, watching your expression. You hiss, your fingers pulling at Toji’s hair.
He smiles, his tongue running over his bottom lip, praising you, “You taste so fucking good. Perfect pussy, you know that? You taste like heaven.”
You practically whine, tugging at his hair, “I want you to fuck me, too.”
Toji coos, “Oh, you’re needy, huh?”
“Please,” You implore with a pout, “Toji, inside…please.”
“Why’s that?” He goads at you, his fingers pinching your clit even harder.
“Because!” You cry out, “Because I know you’ll fuck me so good!”
Toji’s fingers work at your clit, rubbing tight circles at your clit while he turns his head to the side to lightly bite the skin at your thigh, laughing at the way it tickles.
“First, you need to cum in my mouth like a good girl,” Toji’s demeanor is suddenly different, his tone gravely and demanding, “can you do that for me?”
“Yes! Yes!” You mewl, “I will, I promise!”
Toji puts his tongue against your clit once more, his fingers gripping your thighs so hard that you see his knuckles turning white. He shows you no mercy, his tongue lapping at your clit, swirling his tongue, making sure to get every part of your clit covered by his saliva. You push your pussy further and harder against Toji’s face, even grinding against his mouth. His nose is against your pelvic bone, his growling sending vibrations against your body. The orgasm takes over you like nectar being poured over your head; your body shakes, eyes flutter close and your body lunges even further towards Toji’s face. He allows you to ride your high, grinding your hips against his mouth until your body feels limp from coming down. Toji pulls his mouth off with a ‘pop,’ a dazed look on his face as well. Both of you are practically gasping for air, still holding onto one another for dear life.
Toji gets up on his feet and he kisses you on the mouth, you taste yourself embedded on his lips and tongue. Between kisses, he asks you, “You still want my cock inside you, kitten?”
You pull him in even closer, arms around his neck, “Yes,” You say against his lips, “I want you inside, daddy.”
You hear Toji undoing the buckle of his belt, followed by the zipper. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a condom. Just as he’s about to tear it open, you hear knocking at the front of your clinic. Both of you freeze, racking your head for who it could be at the front door.
“Stay here,” You whisper to him, “I’m going to check who it is.”
“Do you have another client for tonight?”
You scramble your surroundings, trying to locate your underwear and with a smirk, Toji holds them up for you; the underwear dangling from his fingers. You take them sheepishly and slip them on. “No,” You finally tell him, “you were my last scheduled client.”
You put your finger up to your lips at Toji after getting dressed. You put your hair up into a ponytail as well, hoping that hides the fact that you just had your brains fucked out by Toji’s mouth. You close the door behind you and spot your dad. You rush over to the door, open it and you immediately smell the alcohol on him.
“Dad, what are you—”
Your dad cuts you off by a loud slap coming across your face, making your head turn to the side sharply. Your hands go over your cheek, tears brimming your eyes, and a broken gasp falls from your lips.
“Why didn’t you show up?!” Your dad bellows, taking a chug out from the bottle in his hand. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, “You never showed up that day!”
You choke out, “Dad, you’re drunk. Please go home.”
“Is there an issue out here, L/N?” Both you and your dad turn toward the voice that comes from the client's room. Toji stands at the doorway, his fingers finishing buttoning his shirt up.
“Who is this?” Your dad breathes hard through his nostrils, “Y/N, WHO IS THIS?!” He screams into your face.
“One of my clients,” You say weakly, “I was just finishing up with my last appointment, dad.”
Toji walks over to your side “I can call you a cab, sir,” He suggests.
Your dad stumbles backwards, “I can handle myself!” He exclaims.
You can’t even look at Toji out of embarrassment, “I’m so sorry about this.”
Toji doesn’t look bothered in the slightest, “Miss L/N, there’s no need to apologize.”
“Dad, I’ll take you home,” You propose, remaining in your place, “please, dad, let me take you home.”
Your dad wanders around in the parking lot and Toji suggests this time to you, “I can take him home.”
You shake your head, “I’ve got it…” You look at your dad, who now sits on the curbside, shoulders slumped and the bottle placed between his legs. “I appreciate it, though.”
Toji brings his knuckles to your cheek, surprising you, the same cheek your dad had just slapped you on moments ago. Considering your dad’s drunken state, you know he wouldn’t notice the two of you in your world. Toji leans in, his lips brushing against your earlobe as he whispers, “Do you have availability next week for an appointment?”
You blush, “I do…can you do the same time and day next week?”
Toji presses a chaste kiss underneath your jaw, making you shiver, “Of course. You’ve got my card on file, you can charge the same one.”
“Sounds good,” You tell him with a sheepish smile.
Toji’s knuckles linger on your cheek, “Take care of yourself until then,” His voice is soft and genuine, and it almost makes you gasp. “And don’t forget to bring the kitty headband, yeah?”
You say breathlessly, “Yeah…see you then.”
You watch as Toji goes to his car and you’re left standing there, dumbfounded that you had your pussy eaten out for the first time in your life and it was the best orgasm you had experienced so far.
#gojosoath<3#toji fushiguro#toji#fushiguro#toji x y/n#toji smut#toji fanfic#jujustu kaisen au#jujutsu kaisen fanfic#jjk#jjk fanfic#toji angst#toji fluff#toji fic#jjk fic
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hi! of course genuine questions posed in a respectful manner are always welcome.
if you see art on pinterest, there is a chance that it is linked to the account of the creator. this happens a lot with japanese artists that post on twitter. however, there are also fanarts that are linked to a random twitter link because the person who pinned it saw it on the recommended, which is personalized for each user, so if you click on the link, it won't take you to that fanart in particular. also, there are times that people just repost fanart without linking it to anything. what to do in these cases?
first: see if you can find the artist's signature on the drawing! a lot of them will sign with their social media handle. you can try to write it on twitter, insta, maybe even pixiv (if there are a bunch of random numbers, it's probably a pixiv account).
second: if you can't find it this way, or if you don't see a signature, try reverse searching! what does this mean? in google, you can drag a picture and it will search any link containing that picture. if you use google chrome, there is even the option to right click on it and choose "search this picture with google" (not sure if that's the exact title bc i use my browser in spanish). there's also google lens which is very useful if you're with your phone. if you have android it will probably come already installed but if not, you can always download it from the app store.
third: if you can't find it with google, there are also other seach engines that have this function! these are the ones that i've seen recommended:
this add-on for mozilla firefox
even if you don't have a specific social media where the art has been posted, most of them will let you see the posts without an account.
if, after all of this, you still can't find it, or you suspect that it's on a website that you can't access, you can try asking a friend! even if they're not your friends, maybe other people in the fandom could help you. you could send them the pic in private and they could try to search it themselves, or maybe they recognize the style of the artist and don't even need to search. but in these cases you wouldn't be sharing it publicly and thus contributing to the uncredited spread.
i would say, in cases where you do know the source, if you're going to send it to a friend or, most importantly, a group chat, you should send it with a link, so you can avoid someone else posting it uncredited!
and last but not least: if you can't find it, your friends can't find it, and no one in the fandom can find it... maybe just don't share it!!! you're not going to die i promise!!! i know sometimes the art is soo good and we want to show it to everybody but it would harm the artist! and if you like that art, you probably want the artist to create more art, right? you can still save it to your phone and admire it privately.
so, this is my advice! i hope it helped somehow and if anyone else wants to add anything, it's welcome!
@ twst fandom:
i've been seeing a few blogs here reposting art without credits, possibly from japanese artists. and they have a bunch of notes too. so, when reblogging please make sure that the art is from the person running the blog (for example, if they have many drawings with different styles, it's possibly not theirs, or if they write a caption similar to "who did this"). and as for people who are running those blogs, if you see this, please know that it's not okay to do that, you're harming the artist community. there are a lot of very talented artists here in tumblr already so make sure to reblog those and not repost art from other sites. if you want to show art that hasn't been posted here, you can always share the link so people go to the artist's page.
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