#i know meditating sounds gross at first. xD but i'm glad i stuck it out.
justajsworkshop · 6 days
i'm realizing how much tapping into the void is just... not difficult. and ig i knew this conceptually, and anytime i've gotten close to or briefly tapped into the void state, it's always "just happened." but this understanding is sinking in on a new level.
the degree to which i've released judgments during my meditations has allowed me to "go deeper" so much faster because i'm not trying to accomplish anything through force, will, or intellect. instead of trying to master my awareness, i'm just being mindful of my awareness and where it's placed, therefore putting the concept of mastery in action.
we think we need a crowbar to pry the doors of consciousness open when we are actually the door itself. it's about a feather light touch, gently tapping your awareness back to where you desire it to be. because the moment you start trying, you're intellectualizing, and as the ancient one said in doctor strange, "your intellect has taken you far in life, but it can take you no further."
consciousness defies all reason because it's beyond all reason. the mind will never be satisfied, so stop trying to satisfy it. as jesus said in the chosen when healing the paralytic at the pool of bethesda, "you only need me." you only need your awareness to continue staying on your desired end. instead of trying harder or looking for another new method or technique, soften your touch and see what happens. be a shepherd to your awareness and gently herd it home.
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