#i know its gonna suck ass for y'all
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iliterallydecepticanteven · 1 month ago
ALSO real quick shout out and sending good vibes to all service workers in DC and around DC in preparation for tomorrow. Sorry you guys have to deal with all the MAGAts and I know they don't tip or are polite either so it's double fucked. All my servers, cashiers, Uber/Lyft/cab drivers, metro workers, hotel workers, and anyone else I forgot stay safe tomorrow!
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captainreecejames · 8 months ago
fired by a thirst trap || my ex is a footballer LH44 Edition
summary you date footballer kylian mbappe, that is until a lewis hamilton thirst trap hits the timeline
pairing ex!kylian mbappe x reader, lewis hamilton x reader
faceclaim bruna marquezine
warnings mbappe slander
notes first, please pretend that mbappe to real madrid was announced in april of this year, second please pretend that the golden doodle on the yacht is actually roscoe. thank you for the suspension of disbelief (or however the phrase goes).
part 2
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ynusername posted--------
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liked by lewishamilton, mercedesamgf1 and others
ynusername before, during, and after the miami gp
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yourmanager that's right she's hot and she knows it ↳ ynusername 😘😘
mercedesamgf1 loved having you yn, come again soon ↳ ynusername thank you so much for having me!!
yourstylist from Miami to the met gala! ↳ ynusername light work 💪🏼
username12 she's so pretty it makes me want to die og
username13 that post break up glowup really is hitting
username1 how childish to break up with someone over what they wore to a date, yn your a bitch ↳ ynusername *you're 😉 ↳ username2 LOL SUCKS TO SUCK username1
lewishamilton you're gonna kill it on the carpet later ↳ ynusername you + me = slaying the met gala carpet ↳ lewishamilton you 🤝me = killing it on the dancefloor
username14 yn what have you done with my weird ass uncle?? you're making him cool
username15 I'm crying yn is really making lewis enter his active era again ↳ username16 if a woman as beautiful as yn was talking to me you bet your ass I'm refreshing my phone to see if she said something ↳ username15 you 🤝 lewis simping after yn
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ynusername posted ----------
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liked by lewishamilton, roscoelovescoco and others
ynusername but it's the monaco grand prix
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lewishamilton is it? Who's playing? ↳ ynusername no one's playing. its the grand prix, I never miss the Monaco grand prix ↳ lewishamilton 😂😉
roscoelovescoco we loves yous ❤️❤️ ↳ ynusername Roscoe 🫶🏼😭 ↳ username26 not Roscoe using a red heart ↳ username6 next thing we know roscoe's account is locked by merc 😭
username27 forget the red heart yn's got lewis participating in memes. merc admin is screaming crying throwing up rn ↳ username28 mercedes social media team has been begging lewis to do content, meanwhile he's over here giggling kicking his feet with yn
username29 fuck all y'all, who got yn the roses ↳ username30 idk probably the man who's yacht she's on ↳ ynusername 🤐🤐
username35 when her and lewis treat the paddock as their own personal fashion show, you won't catch me complaining ↳ username36 I know the French man is crying right now, she upgraded so fucking hard ↳ username37 she's just a gold digging whore, glad he left her ↳ username36 idk, maybe if he made an effort SHE wouldn't have left him
charles_leclerc was lovely meeting you yn! ↳ ynusername HEY get off your phone and go enjoy your win!!! 😠 ↳ charles_leclerc okay mom ↳ username31 someone update the f1 family tree, yn is now Charles mom via her relationship with lewis ↳ ynusername I'm too young to be a mom, let alone a grandma. 😂😂
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post note: also, in my head this was going all the way past the canadian grand prix and going to feature some of the mercedes social media admin debacles, but it got too long and i really don't want to pile on to them when I think they got fired.
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alchemistc · 4 months ago
Y'all were so insistent that I keep going with the Eddie Fixes It By Making It Worse post breakup fic.
This is officially a three-parter. Sorry. Or you're welcome.
You can read part one here
We have to make out in front of Tommy.
Buck's in the ice cream aisle, reminding himself that he has given himself three more days of moping and ignoring his diet before he gets his ass in gear and starts to live a life again. The Halo Top is mocking him, jeering and heckling as he goes for the Blue Ribbon. Mint chocolate, because Buck always loved it and he can almost forget the mock fight he'd had with Tommy three months in when he told Buck he refused to allow toothpaste flavored treats into his home, and how they'd barely gotten back to his place without a public indecency citation.
He stares at the text until his eyes cross.
What, he sends back, and slowly, cautiously, returns the pint of ice cream to its spot in the cooler. Maybe he should lay off the sugar. He's had enough.
Trust me
It comes in almost immediately and Buck tries to rewind, tries to figure out what any of this means, what the context is, why he's getting an actual Trust Me Bro from his best friend.
You've already met your last and it's not me comes crashing back to the forefront of his mind. He's had a full 36 hours to forget it, and he had been nearly there, nearly ready to chalk it up to Tommy trying to make him angry. Which he's been doing a really fucking excellent job of, lately. Almost like he knows all the buttons to push. Like Buck had given him the owners manual.
Tommy had meant Eddie? How could Eddie have possibly come to that conclusion? What the hell was he doing sending Buck half across town to the market for snacks when -
Buck judges the distance from this market to Eddie's. Then to Tommy's.
"Oh you mother -."
A woman squeaks by with her kid in the cart seat and glares.
Are you at Tommy's right now
No question marks. This is an accusation. Buck's thankful there are no perishables in his cart as he abandons it in the lane and hikes it towards the door. It's a dick move, and Buck feels, a little spitefully, like if anyone remembers him they'll remember him from the times he and Tommy giggled and play-fought down the aisles, so they'll think of Tommy when they think of the cart left behind. Resent him for it, maybe.
Not like Tommy isn't particularly good at just leaving things behind.
Yeah. Join me.
Buck breaks through the doors and feels a little woozy. This might be a panic attack. His chest fucking hurts.
🖕just get my stuff and meet me at yours. tell Tommy we burned all his shit
Eddie is an asshole. I'm not gonna LIE to the man. Also he definitely doesn't have an Evan box ready to go, so take what you will from that
Buck's still in that vicious cycle where he goes from angry to upset to sad in record time, no barriers in between, where every bruise feels like it's healing too fast so he keeps pressing in just to watch the color muddle. He hates this.
It'd be a Buck box, Buck texts back, just to release some of the pressure behind his temples, and he pulls in a few deep breaths before he jogs for the Jeep. He's gonna go home. Throw on the DVD copy of Sleepless In Seattle Tommy left behind and then maybe once that's done he'll throw the damn thing in a blender.
Are you coming or not?
Buck turns the ignition and peels out in a direction that won't lead to his own home, or the things Buck has been too much of a mopey bastard to pack up and return to their owner. At a red light two miles down the road, he shares his location.
Eddie sends back an ominous Hope you brushed your teeth today.
Eddie gets the door and it sucks just as much as if Tommy had. They barely ever spent time at Tommy's, and Buck can see it now for the boundary it was. When they had, though, their time had been split pretty evenly between Buck picking him up for a date, and Eddie wanting to leave the quiet echo of his own house to hang with them - a car on a lift and beers shared between them, Buck watching the pull of muscle beneath Tommy's shorts as he took Eddie down to the mat, Tommy's fingers drifting through the short curls at the back of Bucks head while Eddie yelled about triple-doubles and chatted with Tommy about how impossible coverage was for some guy named Joker.
Buck has never actually figured out who that guy was. Eddie hated the Mavericks and he hated the Lakers but Eddie also complained about the guy so much he definitely wasn't a Clipper.
Eddie gets him by the forearm when Buck shows clear signs of regretting this. Drags him through the front door before Buck can fully execute his spin and stomp back to the Jeep.
Tommy's next door neighbor had waved at him from her yard where she was doing something new with her display of bird sculptures, and Buck hadn't had the heart to do anything but raise his hand back.
It's less than ten seconds before Eddie is steering him down the hall, into the living room. It's cozy in here. Lived in. Mismatched furniture that somehow fits, a blanket thrown over the side of the couch, dark wood tables and light wood flooring and lamps that look like they came from an estate sale up in the Hills. A huge ass TV set above the mantle of a gas fireplace that Buck never even had the opportunity to see working before... Before.
Tommy is a shadow coming out of the kitchen, and Buck can't help but be a little pleased that he looks as crappy as Buck feels.
Eddie claps his hands together before either of them can get a word in. "Okay. Here's the thing. You're both dumbasses and there's a lot of shit that you guys gotta figure out on your own. But apparently you," he points at Tommy with the lip of a beer bottle. Corona. Tommy hates the stuff, and Buck is reminded once again how dearly Eddie loves him, "need empirical evidence that there's no deeply repressed sexual tension between Buck and I. So."
"You're insane," Tommy says, and Buck feels like snapping at him. He's probably right. This is an insane thing to do. Eddie ambushed his ex and then ambushed Buck in the frozen treats aisle and now he wants to kiss Buck to prove a point? What??
Eddie ignores it. Turns to Buck. "How do you wanna do this?"
And now would be the time, actually. Now would be the time to cut the thread, make it clean, break it for good. Only despite his protest, Tommy is staring between them and his expression looks almost... hungry. Frightened, at the same time. Oh. Oh.
He really had thought...?
Eddie's a fucking idiot. Buck doesn't want to kiss him. He's squared with the fact that he definitely had a crush when they first met and he's definitely been attracted to Eddie and just not realized it but he doesn't want Eddie. He doesn't want a life with Eddie, not like that. He doesn't- He isn't -
He loves Eddie more than almost every other person on the planet, but he's not in love with him.
Buck squares his shoulders. Nods. "Yeah, okay," and then he's taking three strides to meet Eddie at the coffee table.
"Oh come on, are you serious?"
Buck ignores the exclamation from the peanut gallery. Tries to figure out where to put his hands. He's never really noticed the height difference before. It's barely anything - a couple inches at most - but it feels like he's looming, this close. Which is stupid. He's been this close to Eddie a million times.
Eddie bends his knees to set the beer down. Darts his gaze back up to Buck.
Buck's seen him pull this move before, and has to bite down the urge to cackle because those big brown cow eyes have charmed women up and down California and probably plenty of Texas too but the only time Buck's ever seen them look genuine was when he was looking at Shannon.
He's got a good face. Angular in all the right places, expressive in a way a lot of men try to hide. Good eyelashes, clear skin.
Eddie gets a thumb in one of Buck's belt loops and tugs.
It's a good move. It's a move that has inspired Buck to sink to his knees on more than one occasion with the right men. Man. Just the one man.
He desperately bites back a giggle when the front of their thighs brush and Buck feels nothing more than the heat coming off Eddie.
Eddie's flushed, just a little, like he's well aware how ridiculous this all is, but he's got his I'm So Fucking Serious face on and there is a part of Buck, something fucked up and broken and wrong, that wonders how Tommy would feel to see it. To know that Buck is out there in the world kissing people who aren't Tommy. It's not like he'd ended things because he didn't care for Buck, because he wasn't attracted to him. It's gotta sting, right?
Buck gets a hand on Eddie's waist, just above his hip bone. He's never actually paid attention to how much more slim Eddie is, before, how big Buck's hands feel against him.
The night Tommy had first kissed him, Buck had spent an indeterminate length of time replaying every second of the interaction. The lead up, the frank honesty, the way Buck's entire body had followed the flow of Tommy's. Heart racing, body thrumming: when Tommy had ducked his head, when he'd laughed, when he'd opened up his body language and dropped a tiny morsel of his heart, Buck had felt himself drawn in.
The lips that had caught his had set him alight.
Eddie shifts his weight and blinks up at him and for half a second Buck wants this to be a good kiss - earth shattering, life changing. He wants to feel it. Wants it to be better than every kiss he and Tommy ever shared.
The pointer and middle finger he uses to tilt Eddie's chin up are petty as hell.
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ilovechuuy4 · 4 months ago
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Specifically Osamu Dazai x Reader
Warnings; mirror sex, harsh biting / marking, penetration, slightly more aggressive than usual, aggressive sex? degrading words, mentions of the male reproduction organ, warnngs were typed out before I actually wrote the fic so. I'll miss a lot of stuff sorry guys.
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A/n; erm so i've decided for week 3 nd 4 to only do one as ive said, its just so stressing to constantly rush rush rush out a fic for it to just flop so yea. see you guys next week for the last fic of kinktober
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Date night for Osamu was always such a big deal, when the two of you first got together you wouldn't have even imagined this rat.. Would be into such things. Of course he wasn't a rat but he seemed like one when y'all first started dating. But when you fully got to know him he was actually a good boyfriend. Back to the point of tonight, you were looking at yourself up 'nd down in the mirror, making sure nothing had to be tweaked about your outfit, hair or anything else. You let out a huffed as you slouch over the bathroom counter, eyes following the door opening as your lover walked in. His hand quickly finding your back, rubbing soothing circles with his lengthy fingers. "You look fantastic, baby." The brunette said with a grin, but he couldn't help but get turn on at just how amazing you truely looked.
Slowly, he adjusted behind you, his slight erection pressing against your ass, shivers running down your spine. "Hey, 'Samu. What are you doing I thought we were going on a date?" You mutter, electing a quiet groan from the other as he rolled his hips into your ass. "We can go on a date tomorrow or something." Dazai huffed, taking off his pants before helping you with yours. You never understood how he got it up so quick but that was the least of your worries. Osamu's lengthy fingers already found between your legs, strocking your sex slowly, moans escaping your mouth. Once the bandaged man had stripped your from the waist and below, his hands grip under your thighs before picking you up, your legs spread wide as your back pressed firmly into Dazai's chest.
"God, look at you. So fucking gorgeous." He hissed into your ear, voice raspy with lust. His mouth quickly found your neck, biting harshly before sucking on the mark. "Ah..~ Osamu. What even turned you on.?" You gasped out as your boyfriend's digits found your entrance, slick with his saliva before penetrating inside, working you open. "You, you turned me on. You look so damn good. Look at you." He cooed, pulling his fingers out of your tight heat once it felt "good enough." Looking into the mirror, he adjusted himself, the tip of his cock at your entrance, one aggressive thrust and he buryed himself deep within you. You let out a shaky moan as you cover your mouth and squeeze your eyes shut. "Oh? Cmon, babe, open those eyes and look at how much of a pretty slut you are." He teased, that stupid cocky grin on his face as he gripped your chin, jerking your face to look in the mirror.
His hips roll and buck into your tightness at an unforgiving pace as your moans fill the bathroom. "Ahh~! Hold on Osamu! Nggh~." You whimper between your words, your lover's thrusts harsh and unforgettable as he bites down into your neck, leaving messy teeth marks everywhere. He was like a dog marking their territory, messy and aggressive. You allow your head to fall back onto Dazai's shoulder as you moan, your entire being trembling with each thrust and bite. "You're gonna cum for me, yea? Going to cum all over my cock like a good whore?" He teased, biting your shoulder as he continues to pump his length in and out of your tightness, feeling your walls squeeze around him. "Just a second! Ngh~ Please~." You choked out a bit as you swallowed down saliva.
"Just a second? Cmon just cum, cum all over my cock." He urged, bucking his hips harder, deeper within your heat. He let out soft groan as his hand returned it's grip to your chin, forcing your to look at yourself in the mirror. "Watch yourself come undone. Look how much you love my cock, baby. You're basically sucking me in." He hummed with a chuckle, sucking hickeys on your neck as he fucked you faster. Your body jolted as you reached your peak, The brunette's tip constantly hitting that spot that made you see stars as he calmed you down from your orgasm. You pant heavily, body basically limp against your boyfriend's as his movements got sloppy before releasing deep inside you.
"Fuck, there we go, love. You look magnificent." Dazai cooed in your ear, pressing soft kisses to your nape before slowly putting you down. His arms wrapping around your waist to stable you. "You did just as amazing as you look. Let's get you cleaned up now." Dazai told you as he slowly pulled his limp member out of you slowly, arms still wrapped tightly around you.
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theyluvangel · 8 months ago
Biggest Subs in the Groups I Stan - enha, skz, SVT, bts, shinEE, nct, atz, txt, p1h
This is literally which member(s) of these groups I think would be the most submissive in bed!
warnings: probably grammatical and spelling errors, femdom themes, female reader
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biggest pillow prince there is
he just wants you to take over and do with him as you please
he's sensitive so you have to be gentle with him :(
loves praise
loves taking anything up his ass - that being your strap, fingers, a vibrator, or anything else you can think of
some people disagree, but have y'all seen this man???
he wants you to take complete control over him - tell him what to do and he'll do it
he can be really bratty, but he's usually your good boy
likes some light pet play, nothing too extreme
please finger this man, he adores how close he feels to you when you finger his ass
if he's had a particularly rough day, or if he's just in the mood, he'll let you rough him up a bit - hit him, degrade him, ect.
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Stray Kids:
he's a mommy's boy
lets you do anything you want to him
super loud, he has no shame
loves a bit of pain
horny all the damn time, its up to you to figure out how you want to deal with that
definitely has a bratty side, but he tries can be good
so cuddly
the sunshine twins - two big bottoms
he's just so soft and fluffy if you know what I mean
he cry's usually from pleasure all the time, when he gets so overwhelmed he can't not cry
not at all afraid to try new things
slap him around a bit, jerk him off in public, sometimes he just wants to feel like a toy to you
but also please be nice to him, sometimes he also just needs to have some nice lazy cuddle sex
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"wdym this over 6 foot tall extremely buff man is a big sub?" well let me tell you
he is there to do whatever makes you happy, and he can't do that if you're not telling him what to do
sososo whiny
loves being overstimulated
again i'll bring up the clip of woozi saying Mingyu likes to be degraded and embarrassed by his members
loves when you degrade him, but also gets so cute and shy when you praise him
loves seeing the marks you leave on him
I'm not going to specifically write out the rest but I think Dino, Seokmin, Seungkwan, Jun, and Hoshi are all switches that would love to be submissive under you
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jimin gives of switch with a sub-lean vibes
he's a mommy's boy as well
can be really bratty but he can also be really good
loves restraints, impact play, really anything that will leave a mark
loves trying new things
he's just a really kinky guy
also super loud
could suck a titty all day
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anyone who has heard his music knows how submissive he is
he has a lovely song called "Criminal", where one of the lyrics is "destroy me more"
this man is a performer, the energy he presents on stage he'll present to you in the bedroom
loves pain play - hit him, scratch him, bite him, literally beat him and he will thank you for it afterwards
loves when you're able to bring him to tears
big masochist, exhabitionist, and voyuer
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theres several bottoms in this group so the formatting is gonna be a bit different
NCT 127:
Taeyong - mommy's boy
Haechan - brat
Jungwoo - tries to be good
NCT Dream:
Renjun - pillow prince
Jaemin - golden retriever
Ten - brat + hella kinky
winwin - good boy, so soft for you
Xiaojun, Hendery, and Yangyang are all switches in my mind
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holy shit, this man is the brattiest being to ever walk the planet
he loves riling you up so you'll be rough with him
at this point he's just about admitted to having a degrading kink
he's literally such a bratty whore
he NEEDS you to punish him
sometimes he can be good and he'll want you to be gentle with him, but that's rare
literally imagine bending him over your knee and spanking him for being a brat all day (I'm feral for this man)
+ I think both San and Mingi are switches that can be super submissive
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i think he's naturally a shy+nerdy guy, so he's attracted to people that can take control over him
a bit more of a switch lean
i think he'd really be into having you humiliate him, but he also loves praise
I think he's a bit of a perv, he'd steal your underwear and jerk off into your panties
he might be just as bratty as Wooyoung
is always a brat, its hard to get a moment of peace
super kinky and always in to trying new things
He likes to feel so weak underneath you, if you can make him cry and get his legs shaking - you've officially made him want to marry you
he knows he's a brat, so he needs someone to tame him
he'll take anything you give him, even if that means not letting him cum for a week
omg he'd look so pretty with tears running down his face, hair stuck to his forehead, all whilst you edge him until he loses touch with reality
he's such a good boy
i feel like he's kinda inexperienced so he'd naturally fall into a more submissive position
he's really vanilla, all he wants is to cum and be praised
if you're mean to him in the slightest he might cry
he doesn't mind edging and overstimulation, but its a rarer for those to occur
+ I think Yeonjun and Taehyun are both switches, but they aren't the most submissive in the group
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(honestly everyone in p1h gives off some sort of subby vibes)
he's so puppy coded
he's there to serve and please you
he loves when you praise him and call him your "good puppy"
he will act out occasionally, but he feels bad afterwards and always accepts his punishment
he'll absolutely do anything you want him to
he seems to me like a bratty pillow prince
he will talk back
enjoys a healthy amount of both praise and degradation
he kinda acts like a princess in the sense that if he gets too dirty or sweaty, he'll complain until you clean him up
lets out the most beautiful moans
bondage is a must for him
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writing this took me a lil bit but I hope you all enjoy! if you couldn't tell I prefer to write from a dom!reader perspective, but I'll write both dom and sub reader. please send me requests because the writers block is crazy rn!
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joaniscruzing · 9 months ago
fucking sub Hazel in the bathroom before fight club starts
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y'all are geniuses such freaks omg
I wrote it tho 🤭 i feel a lot more confident in this smut than my last time so I hope it's a bit better!
summary: smut. just smut.
contains: fingering, praise, degredation, dom!reader, sub!hazel, semi-public sex?, use of the word mommy, no y/n, some tit play
You and Hazel had an agreement. You would go to fight club, she would let you win when wrestling each other, and you would fuck her before the next practice. You don’t know how this even came into y’all’s consideration, but it did. And neither of you were against it. You loved how needy Hazel would get, how desperate she would be for your touch. You loved how you had such control over her.
Usually, the two of you fucked in her car, but her car was in the shop to get its oil changed, and you were saving up for yours. Hazel, desperate as ever today, said to meet in the bathroom before fight club. The second you entered that bathroom after school, Hazel might as well have attacked you with how quickly she kissed your lips, mumbling about how she had been thinking of you all day.
You quickly pushed her into a stall, not ready to let someone walk in and see what you two were up to.
“Couldn’t say hello even. Didn’t know you were so needy for me today, slut.” you tell her.
“Y-yeah. Please, please touch me, I’m so wet right now.”
“All wet for me?” you say innocently, even though both you and Hazel knew that your intentions were the absolute opposite of that. Today, Hazel wasn’t in her usual oversized bowling shirts, but rather a white tank top with a teal sports bra underneath. You pulled down her tank top and her bra so her tits would be out for you. You pay no attention to them though. Even though Hazel was already desperate for you. You wanted more. You wanted her to beg. When you started unbuttoning her pants, she put a hand over yours.
“You’re not going to touch my tits?”
“Well, I thought you wanted me to fuck you.”
“Please.” she whined, begging. Although you already were going to play with her tits, you give in, doing it earlier. You took one of them in your mouth, attaching your lips to it, swirling your tongue around it. You softly suck on it while you take her other tit in your hand, toying with the nipple with your fingers. You heard her softly whimper, beginning to buck her hips toward your leg.
“Already begging for more?” you mock her, “I’ll get there, I’m not that much of a tease.”
“Please… I need you.”
“Please what, Hazel?” you hold her jaw so she looks you in the eye.
“Please… mommy.”
“Ok, you know what to do.” You sit on the toilet in the stall, and Hazel got on top of you straddling her hips. She gave you enough room to fuck you with your hand though. You unbutton her pants and put your hand down her panties, feeling how soaking wet she was.
“All wet right now, just for me. What a fucking slut,” you tell her as you tease your finger up and down her folds. Her hips chase your fingers, straining for them to get inside you. To make sure she wouldn’t moan too loudly when you started fingering her, you kissed her, and sneakily inserted your middle finger inside her. You started pumping it in and out, the only sounds in the room being her whimpers and the wet noises. You insert your ring finger in as well, curling it inside her to hit her g-spot.
“Think you can take a third finger, honey?” you ask her, still finger-fucking her.
“I-I don’t know.”
“I think you can. You ready?”
“Y-Yes~” You push your pointer finger in with the other two, picking up your pace, and hearing Hazel’s moans get even louder than before.
“Such a good little slut for me, taking my fingers so well.” you praise her, hearing only whimpers in response.
“Harder… please…” is all she can get out, as she’s reaching her climax quicker than you can imagine. You grab her ass, pushing it towards your fingers, hoping to get in deeper. The second you do this, you hear an even louder noise from Hazel.
“I’m gonna cum,” Hazel warns, her voice high.
“You can do it, baby. Come on, cum for me. Just like that.” You don’t stop though. You slow down your fingers, making sure she feels every last bit of pleasure. You feel her go limp, resting her head on your shoulder. You remove your fingers and lick off every last bit of her juices.
“Remind me to eat you out next time, yeah?” All you get is a feeling of her nodding on your shoulder in response. You kiss her a few times before leaving the stall so Hazel can pee, in order to not get a UTI. Later in fight club, Hazel lets you beat her multiple times, keeping up the promise.
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not-goldy · 6 months ago
I'm just sitting here thinking about Jimin popping Jk's nuts when Jk was fighting Jimin for a back hug on the tonight show set. LOL no shame. And Jimin giving in and letting him hold him. Jimin saying you might hit me and Jk saying he will be the one hit, During that bed live Jk did. And there are people taking them serious? Nah, Jikook said leave your leave it to beaver mentality at the door. They hard launching this relationship and showing you its not cookie cutter side hugs. Its damn real. Ups, downs, good, not so good, dirty and raw. They preparing y'all for what's coming. They both have play hit each other. Both have been irritated with each other. Jimin has made JK cry. I'm gonna say Jk has made Jimin cry too probably. Jimin has drawn back at JK. JK has drawn back at Jimin. Not being serious, so piss off with that. Jimin said protect me and Jk nods and he will come after your ass with a frying pan. Ask Suga. Yet when they do actually get physical, JK is gentle with Jimin and everyone knows it. In fact everyone tried claiming Jimin was too rough with Jk in NY. In other words. Look you delicate snowflake crybabies. THEY LIKE IT ROUGH. They like to pull each other's hair, Jimin did it in CT, Jk did it in Jeju, they like to pinch tiddies, pinch thighs, slap tiddies & hands tied up, smacking that ass, bite each others necks, ear sucking, wanna taste blood, wanna eat legs, hit crotches, but also Jimin rubbing Jk's crotch with his foot at the same time. They argue in public, make their hyungs uncomfortable & ask staff why they're being paired with the freaks of the bunch. You wanted to see real Jikook. Well you got it. If its too much to handle, leave. Jikook don't need you, they won't change for you and they won't stop loving each other or stop being themselves. So bye bitch.
Isn't that what I been saying from day one???
They are human they do what humans do
Nothing so crazy about that🥴
People have weaved webs of fantasies around them to the point of dehumanization
The fact their interactions makes them uncomfortable to watch when they aren't rough housing too is insane
Let's talk about that
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unfriendlyamazon · 12 days ago
virgin seto time
i'm still struggling to write but i managed to plod out the beginning of seto's deflowering. a little bj action for y'all out there
“You really never sucked cock before?” Jounouchi asked.
Seto bit down on his bottom lip as he removed his jacket. He’d professed his lack of experience already. Whatever had convinced him to follow his loins this evening was shaking back into its cage of anxiety, but he was determined. He turned sharply, refusing to allow his nerves to show. Jounouchi was still admiring the penthouse sweet, and Seto crossed the room to grab him by the jacket, shoving it off of his shoulders. Jounouchi laughed, shifting it free.
“Didn’t think you’d be so eager,” he said.
Seto undid the button of his pants and dropped the zipper. Red fabric revealed itself, and he saw the dark hair of his happy trail fringing around the waistband of his boxers. His hand hovered over his pants, but Seto’s body locked up tight. Fear hammered in his heart alongside lust. Jounouchi saw his hesitation, and he took Seto by both wrists, guiding him to the couch.
“Come here,” he said and pulled Seto into his lap. “Don’t worry about it just yet.”
“You came here to fuck me,” Seto said.
“Oh, I know. That tight little butt of yours is mine.” Jounouchi gave his ass a squeeze, guiding Seto to sit on top of him. “We got plenty of time.”
Seto made a frustrated sound. “I’m ready.”
“Yeah?” Jounouchi cupped his face and pressed his thumb to Seto’s lips. The pressure of it surprised him, and Seto’s mouth parted. “Show me.”
Seto blinked, mouth drawing open as Jounouchi pressed down harder. Right, yes, this had been the point, hadn’t it? Jounouchi’d offered to let Seto ‘practice’ on him. He was supposed to show Jounouchi he was no blushing virgin quivering at the first sight of cock. But he was forced to admit, as he sucked Jounouchi’s thumb between his lips, that he was grateful for a slower approach. He drew his tongue across the digit, slurping on it. He watched as Jounouchi’s eyes widened, the pupil pressing wide. He moved his hand, presenting two fingers to Seto. He wrapped his mouth around them and began to suck.
Jounouchi’s other hand still squeezed his ass, and his grip grew tighter and tighter as Seto worked his tongue over his fingers. Jounouchi started to shift underneath Seto’s weight. His hips rolled with slow, even motion. Seto shivered. He was buried in Jounouchi’s lap, and every movement rubbed his cock against Seto’s backside. He was getting hard. Seto was making him hard. He sucked more forcefully, trying to draw the fingers in further. Jounouchi hooked his fingers and yanked down, dropping Seto’s jaw like a joint come loose. His tongue flopped over his lips as Jounouchi petted it. He sat straddling him, drool pooling at the corners of his open mouth.
“You look fucking hot like this,” Jounouchi said. “You got a fucking pretty mouth. You’re gonna look good sucking my dick.”
Seto felt his skin rile. An urge to take control moved his muscles, and he clamped his mouth down on three fingers, dragging Jounouchi’s entire hand to press against his mouth. He sucked harder almost smiled when he felt Jounouchi’s dick jump underneath him. He slid down between his legs and settled at the edge of the couch. Once again, Jounouchi was presented in front of him, but now his cock pressed hard against the elastic of his underwear. Jounouchi lifted up so he could pull his pants down, and his cock sprang free. Not completely erect, it was still more than Seto had expected. Dark hair curled around its base, and Jounouchi gripped a hand around it to pump himself up. Seto could only stare as the foreskin folded back to show the large head. Veins turned the skin pink, and a singe tear of wetness pooled at its slit.
Intimidation froze him. His mouth parted as he considered how it would feel to suck the head, how difficult it might be to work his mouth over the shaft, how deep he could manage, how tight it would feel if it sat in his throat. If he could do it, if he could prove himself a world class cocksucker in one go, Jounouchi would have no choice but to praise his skills. He’d come down his throat with some ridiculous expression on his face, and everyone would be forced to agree that Seto was the best again.
If he could do it. If, feeling a little further away with each inch of Jounouchi’s cock. Joey thumbed his slit, head leaning back, eyes closed, and then he released a breath and looked down on Seto. He sloped his dick down so the head was level with Seto’s mouth.
“You got a condom or anything?” he said.
Seto blinked as his brain cells caught up. Right, of course, safety first. Except, well, none of Seto’s fantasies involved condoms. It was better to take full advantage of the situation, he decided.
“Are you clean?” Seto said, lifting his head up.
“Oh, uh, yeah?’ Now Jounouchi seemed to catch up to the conversation.
Seto gripped a hand on his thigh. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he said. “I’m on top of my shit.”
“Good.” He settled back onto his knees. “Then I’m not concerned.”
Jounouchi’s eyes widened again. “You sure?”
Seto held his gaze. “I’m ready.”
He leaned down to kiss the tip of his dick, and then Jounouchi thrust inside him. Seto was overwhelmed by the sudden intrusion. Musk filled his nostrils and salt coated his tongue. The sour flavor made his eyes water, but he refused to let go. Saliva flooded his mouth as he sucked on the heady member, trying to push himself to take more and more. He held his breath, and it grew tighter and tighter in his throat until his chest spasmed and he drew back coughing. Spit overflowed from his mouth as his face turned red. Already failing. Shame beat a heavy drum in his chest. He flinched when he felt Jounouchi’s fingers brush through his hair.
“Hey,” he said, “it’s okay. Take a breath through your nose.”
Seto did, letting his lungs expand with air. He breathed out slowly and repeated. He settled back into position, repeating the exercise as he wrapped his fingers around the base of Jounouchi’s cock. Jounouchi’s eyes fluttered, and the fingers in his hair gripped a little tighter. Seto brought his dick to his mouth again, now taking time to lavish him with his tongue. Jounouchi groaned, slipping down on the couch as his whole body relaxed into the sensation.
“You really never had a dick in your mouth?” he said, dark eyes staring down at him. Seto shook his head, and he groaned again. “Can’t believe I get to be the first. Fuck, it’s gonna be hard not to blow my load on your face. I think you’d like that.”
Seto opened his mouth to let him in again, but Jounouchi kept his dick resting on his bottom lip. He grabbed it by the head and dragged it across Seto’s mouth. Precum dripped and smeared over his lips. Seto’s tongue flicked out to invite him in, and he attempted to close over the head, but Jounouchi now wanted to tease him. Make him beg for it, Seto realized. Heat sank down through him, making his head light. His whole face was red, his mouth open and panting, debased already and he hadn’t even undone his tie. Humiliating. Seto Kaiba on his knees, and Jounouchi of all people treating him like some overeager teenager. His mouth managed to close over Jounouchi’s cock, and he sucked him back in, more forcefully this time. He hollowed his cheeks and sucked.
“Fuck,” Jounouchi breathed. The hand gripped in Seto’s hair pulled taut, and Seto forced air out of his lungs. “Fuck, that’s good. You like that?”
Seto’s eyes squeezed shut as he focused on the task at hand. Part of him wanted to make Jounouchi come like this, to prove he was not merely some novice, but the promise of sitting on his cock was too enticing. He was caught in his fantasy, and Jounouchi pulled on his hair so sharply it made him gasp. His jaw swung open, spilling the pooled saliva over his cum stained mouth, and a moan sounded from his chest. He closed his mouth around his dick again, but Jounouchi had found a new lever on his toy. He yanked his hair again, and Seto’s eyes fluttered back.
“Don’t be shy,” Jounouchi said. “It’s just you and me right now. I want to hear you if there’s something you like.”
He pulled him up by the roots, and Seto whined high pitched. He was losing control again. Mouth open, panting, Jounouchi’s dick slipped free again. This time Jounouchi dragged him up and down his length by the hair. Seto’s tongue hung loose like a welcome mat, and he slurped the sensitive skin as Jounouchi’s dick rubbed against his face. The wet sloppy mess of his mouth was now extending up his cheekbones, dripping down his jaw, smearing over his face. Maybe Jounouchi would come all over his face. His dick pulsed with every touch, swollen with precum that Seto eagerly lapped up.
“Not bad,” Jounouchi murmured.
Seto’s heart fluttered with the compliment, and then he squashed the feeling. ‘Not bad’ and ‘not good’ were too closely related for him. Jounouchi dragged him back up to settle in his lap. Jounouchi’s rough hands started pulling at the silk of his tie.
“I think it’s time to get that stick out of your ass,” he said. “Show me the bedroom.”
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Reminder [Tim Rockford x f!reader]
Read on Ao3
Rating: Explicit
Fandom: Merge Mansion ad (can't fucking believe this...)
Pairing: Detective Tim Rockford x you/cishet f!reader
Tags/Warnings: reader wears sexy lingerie but no description of body type, blowjob, deepthroating, workplace sex.
Summary: Tim Rockford works too hard, and too late. You have to remind him of what's waiting for him at home.
Words: 2,165
A/N: Y'all I am adding a new character to my menagerie of Pascal men! Dunno if I get Tim Rockford but I've been thinking about sucking his dick since I first saw him. He just has that vibe about him. Enjoy.
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He is sitting astride a chair in front of a huge notice board filled with photos, notes, clippings, clues pinned to it, connected by red twine. The white shirt is straining to reach across his broad upper body. You remember a time when it had the shape of a V, now it's more of a U before connecting with the still narrow hips and flat ass.
You nod a thanks to the officer who let you in, and when he closes the door behind him, you lock it.
"Detective," you quip teasingly, but there's no response except a neck roll. He sighs deeply as he rubs his neck.
He's been working around the clock on this case. You avoid looking at the notice board, the pictures of bloody crime scenes, as you walk up to the chair.
"Tim," you speak softly, your hand landing on his shoulder. Tim twitches and looks up at you. It takes him a moment to recalibrate his brain to reality.
"What are you doing here? It must be like ten o'clock."
"It's past midnight, actually," you correct him with a wry little smile. He sighs again and takes your hand away from his shoulder, bringing it to his lips for a kiss.
"I'm sorry, my love, I'm gonna pull an all-nighter again."
You grunt. He knows what it means. You've been over this before.
He rises from the chair, moves it away before turning to you. He smells of stress and determination: smells that you know well. He's always like this when he's working a case. You don't like it, but you've grown to accept it.
He pulls you in for a hug, so fast that you almost stumble into him. His broad chest, the soft stomach with the buttons ready to pop. He refuses to go up a size for some reason. The shoulder holster, the gun at his side. Your hand slides away from it, not wanting anything to do with it, only wanting your soft man.
"I'll come home in the morning for a shower," he promises in a low whisper against your hair. "Have breakfast with you."
"No, you won't," you calmly point out. "You'll get terrible coffee and a bagel from the diner around the corner, and your stomach will be a mess by the time this case is solved."
Tim chuckles a little at that before seeking out your lips. He tastes of stale coffee, and sweet and sour pork; the flavors of a murder case unsolved.
"Go home, get some sleep," he tells you gently. "I'll call when I leave."
"Aren't you wondering what I'm doing here, at this hour?"
He blinks, like he's only now realizing what time it is, and that you're actually here.
"Is everything okay?" His hands come to your cheeks, and he searches your face. You cover his hands with yours, lowering them as you smile reassuringly.
"I'm good, Tim, nothing's wrong. But I knew you'd be working all night, and I wanted to bring you something."
His brows draw together when he waits for you to elaborate. You untie the belt around your waist, and button open your trench coat. His nostrils flare and his eyes widen when you reveal yourself to him.
You're only wearing a bra, lace panties, and stockings underneath. It's cheesy, but he likes it.
"I came to make sure you were okay," you purr, smiling at how he swallows hard, his glassy stare.
"Just let me give this to you."
You undo his belt, knuckles brushing against the soft fat of his tummy. Tim exhales in a low sigh when the belt releases its hold of him. With heavy-lidded eyes, he gazes adoringly at you as you unzip his pants. Softly, he trails his hands along your sides, goosebumps rising in the wake of his touch. Your nipples knit, and his gaze drop to the stiff pebbles showing through the lace fabric of the bra.
"You're too good to me, baby," he sighs, and then his eyes fall shut as you slide your hand inside his pants. "Oh."
You cup his still soft cock through the underwear, stroke in carefully as you lean in to kiss him. His lips betray a hurry that's he's loath to rein in, but when his tongue tries to pry in between your lips, you pull away with a smile. Tim doesn't smile back, but stares at you with a drunkenness in his eyes, mouth open and begging to be kissed again. You lean back in and nibble at his full lower lip, cup his cheek with your free hand, and stroke your thumb over his mustache. His cock hardens against your other palm, and you encourage it with a firmer touch.
"Tease," he groans, hands landing on your hips, fingers playing with the waistband of your panties. A shiver runs through you.
"Takes one to know one."
You press your lips to his anew, and now your hand slips in under the worn elastic of the waistband. His cock jumps at the direct contact and your feel a patch of wet rub off on your hand. Your fingers close loosely around his cock, thumb smearing out the precum as your tongue plunges into his mouth for a hungry kiss. Tim's strong arms wrap around you, the smell of his sweaty pits hitting your nose but not in a repulsive way, instead you feel the crotch of your panties get wet, and your kiss turns more insistent. You suck his lower lip between your teeth, pull it out, and release it with a pop. Still holding his cock, you step back, pulling him gently but firmly to make him follow you. And Tim follows, hands reaching all over you, eyes burning with desire, lips swollen with kisses. You direct him to his desk and pull down his pants and underwear before giving him a little push to make him sit down. His cock is now as stiff as it can be, and you separate his legs, keeping eye contact as you kneel between his thighs.
"Oh, baby..." he sighs, surrendering to you with a pleading look on his face. "Baby, you're so good to me..."
"You deserve it," you purr as you nuzzle his cock, kissing its length, flicking your tongue at it. "You work so hard, you deserve to relax a little."
He moans again when you hand closes around the thick root of his cock. You trail your tongue up his length, ending with a soft swirl around the head, the glistening precum bringing a sharp taste to your mouth.
A few night shift officers pass by the door, but apart from that you can only hear the drone of the air conditioning, and Tim's heavy breathing which turns into an audible gasp bordering on a moan when you open your mouth and take his cock into your mouth. He breathes your name, looks down on you as you smile up at him, his cock in your mouth, one of your hands wrapped around the root, the other cupping his balls. He draws his fingers through his hair before dropping both hands to your head, petting it softly as you pop his cock out of your mouth and proceed to licking and stroking it. The low lights are casting shadows over Tim's face, but you can see his eyes, half closed and staring down at you in complete surrender. You squeeze the root of his balls firmly and are rewarded with a sharp hiss as Tim draws in breath.
"Sweet baby..."
Your cunt is heavy and warm, and your arousal starts to drip into your panties. The mossy, heavy scent rises to tickle your nose through the musk of your man, and you moan low as you suck the head of his cock before flicking your tongue at the frenulum.
"Fuck, oh God..."
Second that. You enjoy sucking his dick, always have. The different textures, the scent, the way it makes him twitch and curse and finally beg you. The sloppiness of it when you drool, the rush of adrenaline when you manage to take all of him, the tip bumping down your throat, Tim losing it when you massage his balls while letting him fuck your throat.
You draw a deep breath and swallow all of him, balls deep. Your lips shielding your teeth from grazing him, you immediately start to salivate, the pressure against your throat almost too much. You will yourself to calm down, to breathe through your nose as you know you can, and start to fuck him with your mouth. Your eyes fill with tears, and when you look up Tim, he brings a trembling hand to wipe away the first one that falls. You pull back, a string of saliva connecting your lips to his cock, and lean into his palm cupping your cheek.
"Don't hurt yourself, sweetness," he mumbles hoarsely. "You're doing so good."
"I can do it," you promise him.
"I know you can."
You devour him again, tongue pressing flat against the veiny underside of his cock, your eyes falling shut as you focus on the act, on breathing, on controlling your gag reflex. Tim's breaths come in choked groans above you, his fingers tangle into your hair, petting and gently pulling while he showers you with gratitude and praise. The cold linoleum floor is hard on your knees, but you don't let that hold you back as you do your best to blow Tim’s mind. The taste of cum grows stronger, and you press your fingers against his taint while still fondling his balls. That's his undoing: his balls twitch and you feel the length of his cock pulsate as he shoots his cum down your throat. You almost choke, so you pull back, coughing as the last of his cum splatters your chin and chest. He crouches in front of you, wobbles like his legs don't carry him, panting like he just ran a marathon, but still searches your face as you fight to find your breath through the coughing.
"I'm good, I'm good," you wheeze, but Tim doesn't stop his scrutiny of you until you've found your breath.
"Okay," you nod, smiling breathlessly. He smiles back then, and heaves a big sigh.
"Goddammit, woman..."
"What?" You bat your eyelashes innocently.
"Look at the state of you. A pornographic mess."
He wipes his thumb over your slick chin and closes his eye with a deep exhale when you grab his hand and bring the thumb to your mouth, sucking hard.
"You'll be the death of me."
"What a way to go, huh?"
His chestnut eyes are warm when he opens them anew.
"I'd prefer to live for as long as I can, as long as you're in my life."
"I'm here," you reassure him, your hand coming up to his cheek, which has not seen a razor in days. He leans in for a kiss, licks at your lips and into your mouth where you share his taste with him.
He finally helps you up and tuck himself in before grabbing a couple of tissues for you from his desk. You wipe yourself clean, but when you're about to wrap the coat around you again, Tim stops you.
"What about you?" His eyes are like molten chocolate when he slides his hand inside your coat and brings you snug against him.
"What about me?"
"You're so wet I can see it through your trench coat, honey."
You chuckle. You should have known.
"Sweetheart," you tell him, languidly wrapping your arms around his neck. "If you wish to pleasure me, you have to come home."
"Oh, so only you can do dirty things to me in my place of work?" he grins, hands sliding down to your ass cheeks, barely covered by the lace.
"That's right, detective." You kiss the tip of his nose. "Gotta have something to bring you home."
"I do have that," he replies softly, touching his lips to your forehead. "I'll come home in the morning, I promise."
Before you can answer, there is a hard bang on the door, followed by a call:
"Rockford, we brought in your suspect!"
His countenance changes: his eyes turn sharp, his lips austere, his shoulders squared. He is no longer your Tim; now he's Detective Rockford.
"I'm sorry, I gotta go - "
" - and you won't be home for breakfast," you finish his sentence with a practical shrug as you straighten out his tie for him. "I know. Go do your thing."
He dips his face down to kiss you.
"I'll be home," he renews his promise. "And I'll bring bread rolls from that place you like."
You smile against his lips, his warmth spreading through your body, your cunt bottoming out at the thought of a slow morning with him.
"I'll hold you to that, Tim."
He brushes his lips over your cheek, his breath warm when he whispers:
"Keep that underwear on."
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libbytwq · 6 months ago
hey can i be sappy for a moment, i feel like getting a thing off my chest (positive vent)
I love you all in the SMG4 Tumblr community so much. Y'all are absolutely epic and amazing and so creative and just. chill.
I've always been so nervous about joining set fandoms/fandom communities, cuz usually the community is huge and overwhelming, toxic, scary, crazy, and the idea of being in those communities and interacting with people in those communities and being in there not just to post a dingle fanart from it and dip, but to help be a big part of the community and whatnot sounded... overwhelming.
Then I slowly began getting super hyperfixated on SMG4, much more than I usually am, leading me to post more about it. Fanart, things I notice, goofy theories... more than just me saying a couple things i like about it, posting a fanart, then moving onto something else.
I started kinda just exploring the SMG4 tags and gradually, I began recognizing most of the people in this community more and more -- recognizing art styles, etc. I noticed how small a community it was.
And it was a mostly chill community. I wasn't really seeing much drama or questionable things, maybe some criticisms about the show or theories or whatever, but nobody was at each others throats. Plus, the fan OCs were super neat.
I had begun posting more and more SMG4 content, drawing fanart, their OCs, and the fact people were so just... chill and welcoming about it was so nice. It wasn't nearly as scary -- we are all just vibing here. Most of the artists you look up to will probably see your work, and give it attention too.
It feels super strange to be considered an SMG4 Tumblr artist, having people literally enjoying the things I make and making things for me when they make things for SMG4 fanartists... its honestly super surreal. But so so exciting and euphoric.
Cuz yall are so awesome!! Yall make my day so bright. Yall are the best.
I'll be honest, when I first was slowly being a part of the SMG4 community -- sometime right after summer vacation began -- I had been dealing with some petty but difficult irl person issues.
I don't want to get into it too much, but I had basically messed up in a pretty bad way (enough to make me feel bad the moment I did it, but not enough that we couldn't move on and mature from it), and the people involved were hurt worse than I thought they were, and instead of trying to talk it out they resorted lying about being my friends for months before school ended, and over summer break, tried to cancel one of my Scratch account and drag my followers there into drama that they had no business being in, for the simple reason being "you don't deserve all that fame".
Despite their attempt at trying to cancel me not really working out very well, it very much affected me negatively and made me very very scared about using Scratch again. I still post projects there sometimes, but i felt weird when i do it. I felt like those people were watching my every move, waiting to try and drag me down again. It felt so strange and scary to feel like the people I once cared so deeply about are breathing down my neck, waiting for me to make another wrong move and add it to their proof of why I'm an awful person.
It sucks ass.
The SMG4 community here on Tumblr, despite none of you knowing I was going through anything at all, you all helped a lot. Just existing.
Being a welcoming community that I feel safe to be silly and normal in.
I've never been the best at expressing appreciation, but let me just say:
I think of you all so highly and I never want you to change.
Keep making silly art. Or fanfics. Or AUs. Or OCs. Or whatever you like doing in this tiny close-knit fandom.
Keep doing everything you're doing to make this community mean so much to me.
...this sounds like im leaving the community,, IM NOT I just wanted to get it off my chest cuz ive been experiencing the emotions™ yknow, sorry that its not like my regular posts lol, im not gonna post like this much LMAOOO
TL;DR: yall are fuckin awesome please keep being awesome forever and ever ily bye
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justagalwhowrites · 2 years ago
Prompt 89 please
Hi Bestie!!
Thank you for this request! This was a fun one, I decided to do the DBF!Joel and Reader I did a one shot about a few weeks back. You can find that here for context but you can definitely just read this sucker all on its own.
Long Distance
You and Joel have been making long distance work but this week, things hit a bit of a snag.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader (Same couple as DBF!Joel from Homecoming)
Warnings: SMUT! Masturbation (female), Oral (f receiving), unprotected PIV sex (wrap it up y'all!) No use of Y/N. Minors DNI 18+ only
Length: 2.5K
If you were going to make a list of things that sucked, you knew exactly where you’d start. 
It used to be delays on the L making you late for work and the grocery store around the corner from your apartment being sold out of your favorite wine. 
Distance. Long distance. 
Long distance really fucking sucked. 
Especially when you were stuck working with your ex and - not that it was a competition - but you’d totally won the breakup. Joel was so much hotter than your ex it wasn’t even funny. 
Well, it was kind of funny. 
It was also kind of funny how much better he was in bed, even if he had more than a decade on you - and anyone else you’d ever dated, for that matter. 
Not to mention the fact that you were fucking crazy about the guy. Even if he was your dad’s best friend and you were trying to keep the fact that you spent half of your visits home to Austin across the street at Joel’s getting absolutely destroyed a secret. 
“Your daddy’s gonna fuckin’ knock the shit out of me one of these days,” Joel muttered, still panting for breath as he lay next to you on the living room floor on your last visit. “I’ll deserve it, too, all the things I do to you…” 
“All the things I beg you to do to me you mean,” you smirked a little. 
“Fuckin’ dirty girl,” he growled. 
You glanced at him, wicked gleam in your eye. 
“Only for you,” you smirked. 
“Damn right only for me,” he said, and he was on you again. 
Normally, you made it work. You talked every day. The distance had been kind of nice for actually getting to know each other better. You hung out plenty when you visited but there was a limit to just how much you could get away with not being with your parents when visiting your parents. At least not without having an excuse - an excuse that neither you or Joel were ready to give quite yet. And when time was limited and Joel was there, his arms on display in those t-shirts that had to be tailored they fit so goddamn well and his eyes looking at you like he was starving and you were his favorite meal, talking wasn’t always on the top of the list. 
You were kind of surprised at how fast he’d become your best friend considering he lived more than 1,000 miles away. You’d become experts at the watch party function on Amazon Video, the two of you regularly watching a movie or working your way through a TV show while video chatting (frequently needing to rewind a few minutes when you got sidetracked talking) and you now had a usual way to set up your tablet at your breakfast bar so it was like the two of you were having dinner together. 
This week, however, he’d been all but MIA. He was still texting you periodically - always a good morning and good night and a check in part way through the day to see how things were going - but your usual phone dates had been ditched. 
“I’m so sorry, I’m just too slammed tonight,” Joel texted one night, only about 10 minutes before the call was supposed to start. “I have to get this project plan done.” 
“It’s pushing 9,” you texted back, trying to not sound like a total ass about it. 
“I know,” he replied. “Trust me, I ain’t happy about it either.” 
“Have fun with work,” you texted back, grinding your teeth. 
You’d checked the group chat you had with your girlfriends and saw where a few of them were going out that night. You put on a cute dress, did your hair and make-up and went to the bar. You took a selfie with one of your friends and cocktail in your hand - your tits looking particularly good in this dress -  and posted it to Instagram with the caption “Ladies nights are the best nights.” 
Joel texted you 20 minutes later. 
“Low blow, Princess.” 
You smirked and texted back. 
“Don’t know what you mean.” 
He’d canceled every other night that week, too. You got the feeling he was keeping something from you and you didn’t like it. You had a three day weekend that weekend and had mentioned maybe coming down to visit weeks ago but Joel had asked you not to. 
“Not even really worth the trip,” he said. “Don’t want you goin’ through all that trouble…” 
Your boss let you off a few hours early Thursday afternoon and you went home, a little frustrated about the fact that you didn’t have plans for the weekend. You’d been kind of hoping Joel would reach out and see if you wanted to do a movie marathon or something one day but it hadn’t come up. But you’d left the weekend wide open. Like an idiot. 
“So stupid,” you muttered, unzipping your skirt and unbuttoning your silky blouse. But when you caught sight of yourself in your full length mirror, you felt… well, like you looked damn good. Your hair and makeup were surprisingly intact after your commute home, the bra you had on was one of your favorites… 
You left your thigh high stockings on and slipped your feet back into your heels and you struck a pose in front of the mirror, your shirt open to reveal a glimpse of the black lace bra with matching panties. You snapped the photo and texted it to Joel. 
“Hope your day is going well.” 
You took off the shirt and turned around in the mirror, so you could see just how well the black lace thong highlighted the shape of your ass. You took a photo of that, too.
“I got off work early,” you typed, sending that photo along, too. 
You posed carefully, looking up at the camera almost like you would if you were on your knees in front of him to suck him off, aligning things so he had the perfect view of your cleavage. 
“Too bad I don’t have anything to do.” 
You took off the bra then and got one of your more… sizable toys from your nightstand, the one that reminded you most of Joel, and you lay down on the bed. You carefully arranged things and framed up the shot, making it so he could just see the burgundy tint of your lips, the way your necklace fell into the hollow of your throat and the toy set between your breasts. 
“Figured I’d take care of things myself since you’ve got better things to do.” 
You tossed your phone to the corner of the bed and slipped off your panties, fantasizing about everything Joel had done to you the last time you’d come to visit, fucking yourself hard but not feeling particularly satisfied when you were done. 
You sighed and cleaned the toy and put on some leggings and a tank top with a hoodie you’d stolen from Joel and realized that you’d spent the last two hours in your own head with your fingers rubbing your clit and you had no idea what to have for dinner. You retrieved your phone from where it had gotten kicked onto the floor mid-orgasm and realized you had a bunch of missed calls and texts from Joel. 
“Going better now, Princess,” the first text said. “But take it easy on me, heading into a meeting.” 
“Oh shit,” you winced. He was probably somewhere without great signal, everything was showing as sent on your end by the time he started replying. 
It only got worse from there. 
“Baby, you are sexy as hell but now ain’t the time,” the next text said. “Please listen and cool it, I have to present.” 
“What did I just say?” 
You checked your voicemail, putting it on speaker as you winced.
Yeah, you had. That… that was exactly what you’d done. 
“I get that you’re pissed at me right now, Baby, but fuckin’ hell, you can’t just do that shit! Next time I see you, you’re gonna regret that.” 
You tried to call him back and apologize - or at least explain - but it went straight to voicemail. 
“Apparently not that important to you,” you muttered, tapping the phone on your hand and going to find a movie to watch, one that Joel would hate so you’d keep yourself busy and not feel like you were missing out. 
When you started feeling hungry, you went in and ordered enough Indian food on Uber Eats to last you the weekend and went to pick the next movie to watch. But it was only about 15 minutes after you’d ordered that there was a knock on your door. You frowned. 
“That was suspiciously fast,” you muttered, going for the door and not bothering to look through the peep hole. 
But it wasn’t the delivery guy standing there. 
It was Joel. 
“What!” You yelped, launching yourself at him, throwing your arms around his neck. He caught you, his arms going around your waist as you kissed all the parts of his skin you could reach. “What the hell are you doing in Chicago? I thought you were busy this weekend…” 
“Tryin’ to surprise you,” he muttered into your shoulder. “Been tryin’ to cram a week’s worth of work into four days so I could see you…” 
“Joel!” You leaned back from him and he set you back on the ground. “You should have said something!” 
“Now where’s the fun in that?” He asked as you pulled him into your apartment. He set his bag down on the couch and draped his jacket on the back of one of your bar stools. “Now, you really sittin’ up here thinkin’ I was losin’ interest? That why you sent me those photos?” 
“Maybe…” you said, sheepish. 
“How about I go fix that,” he said, tugging you tight to his body and kissing you deeply. 
You pulled him back to your bedroom, pulling at his clothes on the way. He slid the hoodie off of you and frowned. 
“This mine?” He asked. You shrugged, smiling a little. “Been lookin’ for that.” 
“I look better in it,” you replied. 
He laughed. 
“Well that’s the fuckin’ truth.” 
He pushed you back onto the bed and immediately pulled your leggings down your body, tossing them on the chair in the corner before he all but dove between your legs, spreading your thighs wide. 
“Look at this,” he ran a thumb over your wet slit. “My messy girl, takin’ matters into her own hands…” 
You whimpered. 
“Thinkin’ you might have gotten your fill earlier,” he said, brushing your clit with his thumb. “Thinkin’ this should all be for me, now. Since you sent me all those dirty pictures and I haven’t had a chance to take care of a damn thing. Been hard for you for fuckin’ hours…” 
He licked along your seam, from your grasping entrance up to your clit before thrusting his tongue inside you, the move harsh and insistent. 
“Joel!” You gasped, your hand going to his head, fingers digging into his curls. He just moaned against you, his thumb working your clit as he devoured you. 
He knew exactly how to get you off and he did everything to bring you right to the edge before pulling back again and again, your whole body tense and needy. You whimpered and keened as he unzipped his jeans, pulling his dripping length out and rubbing it while kneeling between your thighs. You squirmed, trying to find something - anything - to give you some friction. 
“Havin’ problems there, Princess?” He asked, his mouth shiny with your slick. “Wonder what that’s like, bein’ stuck lookin’ at exactly what you want and not in a position to do a damn thing about it…” 
“I’m sorry,” you moaned. “I didn’t get your texts until after all mine had sent, I swear I wasn’t trying to be THAT mean!” 
“Oh, so just a little mean?” He asked, lowering himself so his cock was brushing against your sex. “That all?” 
“Just…” you panted and rocked your hips, trying to get him to properly fuck you. “Just wanted to make you want me…” 
“Always wantin’ you,” he said, snapping his hips forward and filling you totally in one move. You gasped, your cunt starting to squeeze and pulse around him. He grunted at the feeling of it, one of his hands flying to your clit, working you through your orgasm. “Fuck, that’s right Baby, take it…” 
“Fuck, Joel,” you moaned, almost crying with the force of your orgasm. 
He started to fuck you - really fuck you - before it was over, your body immediately tightening around him again, not even a second of relief from your release. 
“Told you you were gonna regret it,” his voice was harsh, rough. He lifted your legs so your ankles were by his shoulders, running his hands over your calves and thighs, getting even deeper into you with his new angle. “Fuck you feel good, not gonna last long…” 
He drove into you hard and unrelenting, like he was trying to push himself fully into your overwrought body. One of his arms wrapped around your thighs, holding the backs of them to his stomach, while the other had reached between your legs to work your clit and you cried out at the contact, the feeling almost too much, your body almost too tight around him. 
“Gonna cum on those perfect fuckin’ tits,” he panted. “Make sure you know how much I fuckin’ want you, even when I’m not around…” 
You came around him with a pathetic cry and he fucked you through this orgasm, too, before he all but ripped himself from your body and leaned over you, jerking his cock with your slick just twice before spilling himself over your chest. He collapsed beside you, panting for breath. 
“Jesus Christ,” you said once you were able to form words again. 
“Missed you too, Baby,” he said, still a little breathless. 
You smiled a little. 
“So you’re saying that if I want you to come and fuck me senseless, all I have to do is send you nudes when you’re busy?” You asked, turning your head to look at him. He looked back, glaring at you. 
“Swear to God Princess…” he looked like a predator about to pounce and you felt the heat that you’d thought you’d exhausted gather low in your stomach again when there was a knock at your front door. 
You laughed. 
“That would be dinner,” you said. “Would you mind getting that? I’m a bit of a mess…” 
He pulled his pants on and grabbed his shirt. 
“Saved by bell,” he winked. “But I think we’re gonna need to finish this conversation later…” 
You smiled. 
“Looking forward to it.”
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purehoneyblossom · 8 months ago
astrology opinions.
Reminder that these are just subjective opinions just like any other astrology observational post. If it don't apply, bye.
Someone having your sun sign as their moon is really not all that. The moon person tends to be playing pretend in front of the sun person. Very deceptive.
I saw someone describe Taurus placements as "sweet" and "innocent" lmfaooooooo Taurus is a sign that you don't want to fuck with or have them perceive you as being an enemy because they can be nuttier than squirrel shit. They aren't Joe from You. They are Brandy from A Thin Line Between Love and Hate. I feel like I've said this in another observation post but just want to reiterate because don't get it fucked up with these people they will end you. If fuck around and find out was an astrological sign. They are not afraid of being vindictive and conniving over what is "theirs".
Speaking of which, Water sign dominant femmes get waaaay too overrepresented for being the crazy jealous "my man my man my man" type of lovers when earth sign dominant femmes are just like them. Yes they may be slower to open up but once they do? Good luck trying to shake them. An earth sign woman/femme will go to the ends of the earth for their lover and if someone comes along and tries to threaten what they feel they've "built", they turn into eminem in love the way you lie part 2.
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Virgo placements, its okay to be a nerd. Just don't be a loser. There is a difference. (This take is more directed towards the men/masculines w/ virgo placements.)
I have yet to see or witness a Scorpio sun be as mYstEriOus as yall claim they are.... they're usually the loudest hoe in the room.
If you want to know if a guy is interested in dating outside his race? Look for Gemini or Sagittarius placements in his big 6.
Saw a post that said people with venus in 2h/scorpio are usually the "other woman" or involved with people who are involved with others but get "chosen" in the end....
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y'all really get on here and say ANYTHING. As a person with these placements, the most important things to me within a relationship are loyalty, attraction and stability. Can't get that out of a partner who is already in a committed relationship...
Having pretty privilege ≠ being a pick me (this ones for my girlies with prominent libra placements)
Every femme only wants to talk about how "seductive" and "sexy" it is to have prominent Lilith placements. We don't discuss enough how awful it is for your social life esp in relation to other women. In my experience as someone with Lilith in 1H, women either have weird jealous/envious energy towards me or they want me romantically/sexually. It sucks ngl.
Going back to women/femmes with prominent Libra placements/influence in their chart, I'm seeing a lot of bullshit about how they are within romantic relationships and in the dating world. This belief of them being "the other woman" is bullshit. They are not out to get your loser boyfriend. (This is from experience, I've had guys breakup with their gfs just to try to talk to me, ew.)
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I think its a good thing air dominant people are so detached. The jealousy/envy/obsession they attract needs to be studied. Work on protecting yourselves from evil eye.
Stop infantilizing cap moons please. Their biggest enemy are themselves for their unwillingness to be emotional or express emotion. You cannot establish healthy relationships with others and be emotion-phobic at the same time. Esp if you're a grown ass adult, you need to work on your emotional maturity and stop using your upbringing as an excuse to continue emotionally abusive and neglectful cycles.
Speaking of caps, Saturn ruled people (aquarius and capricorn dominant people) need to understand and accept that they are here to do incredible things. The more you try to assimilate to what everyone else is doing, the more you try to blend in the more Saturn is gonna beat your ass. Go big or go home bitch.
I noticed people who have issues with their emotional wellbeing (either too sensitive or emotionally inept) have their moon in a sign that is generally incompatible with their sun sign. (For ex. Aries sun with a Capricorn moon). Gotta work extra hard to learn and understand who you are emotionally.
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Anyways that's all... for now.
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gingerjolover · 1 year ago
happy not birthday - katie gavin (muna) x fem!reader
Synopsis: katie's gf hates her bday but loves katie <3
G's notes: i'm baaaaaaack, also its babygirl's bday everyone say hbd babygirl!!!! (y'all this isn't edited don't come for me ok?)
WC: somewhere around like 1.1k (hehe)
Warnings: RPF, negative bday talk, crying, hot girls cry on their bday, reader is afab, soft!gf coded, kissin', light touchin', no fundamental physical descriptors except hair that fingers can run thru??
It feels like a feather, soft touches moving over your neck and shoulder. Rousing you from your sleep, the touches tickle, and you hear a chuckle against your skin. Suddenly awake, eyes half opened, fingers resting on your forehead to block the sun, you only see the cracked window before turning your head and seeing your girlfriend's jawline. Katie's face in tucked into your neck, pressing small kisses and nibbles along your skin.
"G'mornin'," Katie says softly, her lips pressing to your cheek, turning your head towards her as she backs away and off the bed. From the nightstand, she grabs a chocolate cupcake, with pink and yellow sprinkles covering the mountain of frosting on top. She pulls out a lighter and lights a sparkly candle before starting to sing "happy birthday".
You groan, momentarily forgetting what day it was when she was kissing your neck to wake you up. "Katie..." you mumble, rubbing your face. You can hear them smiling as she sings, crawling onto the bed, and sitting on her knees. You sit up, your girlfriend's excitement enough to indulge her despite your feelings about your birthday. You smile softly as she finishes the song with an over-the-top elongated note. "Okay, okay, enough," you mutter, the smile widening on your face as she presses her knees to your legs.
"Thank you for indulging me, sunshine," she says as you blow out the candle, hands rubbing your eyes gently.
"You gonna take a bite?" "Now?" "Why not?"
"It's...7:30? Kay, why would you wake me up at the ass crack of dawn?" you ask incredulously, taking the cupcake from your girlfriend.
"We have plans today...don't be mad..." Katie says sheepishly, kissing your cheek and standing up from the bed.
"I don't want to do anything, baby, it's just Wednesday-" you start.
"No, it's not just Wednesday; it's your birthday, and I know how you feel about it, but I want to celebrate you. Please let me, just for today?" Katie asks, her voice almost pleading as she rifles through your shared dresser. If you weren't so annoyed by the prospect of plans, you would've commented on how pretty she sounds begging.
"Yes, peach?" she smirks, grabbing some jeans and a shirt and laying them on the bed before crawling over you. She takes her thumb, wiping some of the icing off your bottom lip before sucking the tip of her thumb and then kissing you softly. Your eyes struggle to open as she pulls away from your lips, lost in the taste of her.
"Don't start with that," you groan softly, finally opening your eyes and staring into her own. She chuckles softly, knowing how the nickname gets you riled up.
"I just don't get what the big deal is; it's just a birthday..." you start again, causing Katie to roll her eyes. "Fine, fine, it's not your birthday, it's just- it's just "you day," okay? So I'm gonna celebrate you, that okay with you?" they say softly, rubbing your cheeks cockily.
"Whatever," you mumble, fighting a smile as her lips move down your neck.
An hour later, you're both dressed heading out to breakfast. Katie's hand rests on your thigh as she drives to breakfast, the weather warm and sunny. You listen to the new gayotic episode while stuck in LA traffic that they recorded with Julien, turning to Katie every time you laugh at something your girlfriend or friends say. After parking, you walk into the restaurant hand in hand, your eyes immediately drawn to a large table; your friends and their partners sit, yelling, "surprise."
Your jaw drops, Kelli the first to greet you with a sneaky smile, holding a sash and a birthday headband. "Don't be mad at meeeee," she whispers before putting them on you and squeezing you tightly. Katie smiles at you, eyes shining with gratefulness as she greets Phoebe, before pulling your chair out for you. You sit across from Naomi and Lucy, Julien to the right of Lucy. You're squished between Kelli and Katie, Jo next to her girlfriend, Phoebe next to Katie, as your other friends and their partners are sitting sporadically in no real order. You fight back tears, overwhelmed but grateful. Ally squeezes your shoulders gently, kissing your cheek sweetly before putting a bag of cards and small gifts on your chair. "Happy not birthday," she says cheesily before returning to her seat next to Naomi.
After breakfast and many pictures, you and Katie head to the beach. Taking the long way, she holds your hand as she takes you the scenic route, letting you lean against the window, the breeze and sunlight hitting your face. You moved in with her several months ago and she'd been meaning to take you on a drive but with tour and the podcast, she's thankful she got you out on your birthday.
Katie sets out a blanket, leaning back against her tote bag, your head laying in her lap as you rest your eyes, her hands running through your hair gently, fingertips tracing the curves of your face. She lets you nap for a while before you both grab dinner and then head home.
You lay on the couch, your cat napping in your neck while Katie plates up your takeout. You think over today, how resistant you were to Katies eagerness to spoil you and celebrate you. The waterworks come before you can stop them. The anxiousness creeps in, getting older, the pressure of a perfect day, and unwavering attention are all things that overwhelm you. Or maybe its the opposite, it's knowing you oppose your birthday so you can't be let down. If your expectations are low enough, when people inevitably forget or plans change you can't be disappointed...right?
"Hey, hey," Katie says, crouching down next to the couch. You hadn't even noticed that she entered the room, the tears falling fast and heavy. "What's wrong, angel?" Katie asked, instantly nervous. You seemed to have a good day. They're mulling over everything they've said, thinking about where she went wrong with the minimal activities, the ones she knew you'd enjoy.
"I'm fine," you try to reassure, wiping your eyes quickly, brushing your cat's wet fur as you stare at her, giggling softly to try and wipe the concerned look off her face. "Really Katie, I'm- I'm good," you say, trying to sit up.
"Baby, don't lie. Was today too much?" Katie asks, sitting on the edge of the couch.
"No, no, I swear it was perfect I just- I'm overwhelmed, I had the best birthday that I've ever had I just don't know why I'm crying," you laugh, wiping more tears away.
Katie smiles sadly, giggling with you as she rubs your cheeks. "I'd like to make every birthday like today if you'd let me, darling,'' they say sweetly.
"For sure, if you'd let me," she says, her hand sliding down to interlock with yours.
"I'd like that... can we- do the beach again next year?" you ask softly,
"Yeah, baby, we can do it every year if you want," she laughs gently. "Now scooch, wanna eat and then hold you, that okay?"
G's notes (again): guys im rusty lol
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wolfertinger · 16 days ago
"Keep anon, I'm just... frustrated and need to share my opinion. Actually seeing Salem and Wis not even being half the weight of the characters they draw solidified it as a fetish for me. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.
Which fucking sucks. Because when you're a fat bitch you start learning to soak up any and all appreciation and love you get cause that's the only scraps youre gonna get until you get skinny. Yeah it doesn't matter if that love is coming from someone who only sees you as a walking sex object, or someone who wants you to get fatter til you die. It's love. And you'll do anything, anything, to keep that.
Idk. Being a fat person really does feel like irl, no one respects you. And online, no one respects you, but at least they fetishize you. Furry spaces are anathema to me because any time I draw my sona fat I panic thinking someone is gonna get the wrong idea again, that someone will see my neutral, sfw depiction of my own body and assume it to be jackoff material.
Cause yeah nothing says "I love fat people" like rbing the normal ass fat furry just standing there, then when i check your blog its full of talking about the "smell" and "sweat" of obese furs, as well as rbing normal sfw fat furries along side characters so fat they literally fill up a whole room. I can't tell you how fucking demeaning that is. How much it hurts when I just want to exist and I can't even do that without losers like Salem who have never understood what it's like to be anything beyond chubby seeing people that look like me and immediately thinking about "making out with her belly". Like??? how about making out with HER? You know there's a person attached to the fat right? But it's just about the fat to Salem.
If he cared about fat PEOPLE he would do something beyond untagged fetish art and cultivating a fatfur audience, while every so often spitting out some vague fat positivity post.
If he can't even pretend to be involved in fat activism then that solidifies it for me. FETISHIZATION IS NOT ACTIVISM. He's a fetishist y'all. No ifs ands or buts anymore."
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jjvr4yxc · 2 years ago
part 2 of
If you still don't know, they're in a variety show, every man will have time with you.
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They won't notice. Part 2
Warnings: choking,name calling/pet names kind of ‘princess,slut,whore’, almost? Obvious sex?, unprotected sex. The reader and Wook barely know each other!
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He kissed you.
The one and only Lee Dong-Wook kissed you.
Then he pulled away, making you look at him. Titling your head in confusion, “we need to cook first, honey.” he smirked.
(time skip)
Here you are now, awkwardly eating the bibimbap Wook made. You didn't even dare to look at anyone's eyes and continue on eating, not until Beom talked, asking you if you're enjoying the food, making you glance up at him, nodding “yes, it's good” you smile making him grin.
Your sweet time got cut off when the rest of the boys coughed, “oh..” Beom said smirking.
“why are you so stiff? Loosen up!” Song Kang let out, making you look at him, “oh! I'm just nervous, haha...” you laughed awkwardly.
“whys that?” the familiar voice said, making you look at the one and only Wook.
“i don't know at all..” you said, not until you looked up to him, he's changing his posture... Then suddenly you felt a foot, running to your thighs.
“oh! Dong-Wook, did you turn off the cameras? You're the one who handles them right now.” Soohyun finally talked, making Wook look at him. Still not removing his foot on your folds.
Then he slowly rubs it.
Making you choke up your food.
“are you okay?” Beom asked making them turn their attention to you. You just nodded, making them smile.
(time skip)
You and the man were playing earlier.
“im going to sleep now, good night everyone.” you said, making them do the same.
“good night (name), sweet dreams!” Beom said, making you look at him, you smiled replying a quick 'you too' and quickly ran off the stairs. Unaware of a man watching the interaction, and then got after you.
“you think you can just do that?” Wook said, making you flinch, looking at him.
“what are you doing here?!”you almost scream out of shock.
“what do you mean what I'm doing here? We're gonna continue of course.” he stated the obvious.
Then he started to come closer, “uhmm-- mph!” then he kisses you, roughly putting his tongue inside your mouth, your brain wants to stop itself from kissing back, but your body moves on its own and starts moving in sync with him.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, he starts to choke you lightly, making you look into his eyes.
“ah, princess, you're so good for me..” he kissed your neck, down to your jaw, then at your cleavage.
Then suddenly you two are naked.
“why don't you suck me off?” he asked, making you look at him. Then you slowly nodded.
Getting on your knees, you looked up to him, slowly kissing his shaft, his tip. Then fully sucking him off.
Bobbing your head up and down you felt him groan, grabbing a fistful of your hair he started to face fuck you. Making you choke. (Actually don't know where the fuck this is going, I don't even know how to write a fucking smut.)
“ahh! Such a slut.. slut for me..” you heard him say sweet things about you, making you more motivated to make him cum.
Then he came, making you look up to him, spitting his come on his cock and starts to lick him. Making his eyes go wide.
Suddenly, you are flipped on your back, then without a warning he puts it in, making you moan, then getting choked.
“you know damn well there are other people here, stay quiet whore.” he spank your ass.
Then his movements became rough and faster, making it harder to not moan, and be loud.
“t-too much!” you cried out, making him go slow and movements become sloppy. (Is that ok?)
“cum in me.. inside or out?” he asked.
“inside please! I'm taking pills!” you cried out.
“good girl..” he breathes out.
You both came.
Y'all shut the fuck up, it's me literally experiencing mental breakdowns with my grammar 😡😡
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dazed--xx · 6 months ago
Having someone complement your work and wanting to see more from you about a certain scenario and then replying saying that it's a "tired ass scenario" is crazy to me. I'm genuinely not trying to be mean, but... damn I'd never ask you to write anything if that's how you're gonna respond.
Not that you probably give a fuck, but this is the kind of thing that makes people talk about you in the various stay group chats. It's not that hard to just take a compliment and move on without trying to downgrade others' request... Fucking hell.
Well not to be rude or anything at all legit saying this with a neutral stance right now. I never downgraded it and I also don't particularly care that people talk crap about me I'm fine with that im an adult and not everyone is gonna like me 🤷‍♀️ (also I don't feel like I'm important enough in anyones life nor the stay group chats to be a topic of discussion y'all got WAY more important things to talk about than my dumb ass 🙄)
What I did say is that from what I've read in manga/manhwa i don't like the scenario but ill give it a shot. I just don't like the awkwardness of the female lead putting herself through so much pain just to be considered a ‘good’ friend. I also just posted not too long ago saying that I was wrong for not liking it because the challenge its giving me as a writer is improving my writing so I've even acknowledged that I was wrong.
Also this is the first time I've said “yeah I don't really like this prompt so I wasn't gonna do it at first but I decided to challenge myself” so I don't really know what you're talking about like I do that often? I'm usually rambling about my fics and where my perspective came from when I get compliments on them and say thank you?
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I'm just saying… I'm like rude but in a joking way I'm not being serious at all and you probably just don't get that cause its through like texting type stuff so it could come off that way Ugh I just wish I knew who you were cause like if you'd have a conversation with me you'd know I'm actually not a mean person and I try to make all my readers happy 😔 this fucking sucks man
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