#i know im being harsh esp abt post shining path bc the fujimori regime really did commit atrocities against
0ystercatcher · 2 years
its insane to see actual massive protests happening in chiclayo one day and in puno the other but they still cannot fully organize or even touch lima bc yes lima may as well be a blood sucking leech on the rest of the country. and the Leftists who never bothered to set up any kind of base anywhere outside of big cities can only watch from afar and give vague support bc in the past decades they just sat there and waited for the People Of The Country to come to them. i guarantee this is all bc they were and still are terrified of being called terrorists bc of the shining path issue and they simply never moved the fuck on there wasnt even one pitiful attempt. socialist communist parties got neutered after that and the more moderate ones (guess where!!) were too scared and desperate to not get arbitrarily linked to sendero to help. but its been decades. why no recovery or even a significant attempt at it. guns were much more tightly regulated after that too and now youre seeing people defending themselves with literal rocks against armed military and police shooting killing them w live ammo. bc fighting for gun rights is not fashionable!! so no one did it!! its so fucking pathetic man it really makes me so fucking angry
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